
Class Summary
ExecuteMatchLogics The ExecuteMatchLogics class provides methods that allow you to customize how the matching process is performed by any of the "execute match" methods of the MasterController class.
MatchResult The MatchResult class contains the return values for a call to any of the "executeMatch" methods (that is, executeMatch, executeMatchUpdate, executeMatchDupRecalc, executeMatchUpdateDupRecalc, or executeMatchGui).
MergeResult The MergeResult class contains the return values for a call to the merge-related functions of the MasterController class.
SystemDefinition The SystemDefinition class represents the information about the external systems sharing data with the master index application.

Exception Summary
CustomizationException The CustomizationException class is used for errors that occur while processing the customizable logic for the executeMatch method.
EViewException The EViewException class is the base exception class for all eView exceptions.
ProcessingException The ProcessingException class is the base exception class for all system-related exceptions.
UserException The UserException class is the base exception class for all user-related exceptions, such as entering incorrect parameters.

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