
Exception Summary
DuplicateChildKeyException The DuplicateChildKeyException class represents an exception thrown when duplicate unique keys are found in child objects of the same type (for example, when two home addresses are entered in one enterprise object).
EmptyLocalIDException The EmptyLocalIDException class represents an exception thrown when the local ID field is empty.
EmptyObjectException The EmptyObjectException class represents an exception thrown when an object is empty.
EmptySystemCodeException The EmptySystemCodeException class represents an exception thrown when the system field is empty.
InvalidFieldNameException The InvalidFieldNameException class represents an exception thrown when the given field name is invalid.
InvalidFieldValueException The InvalidFieldValueException class represents an exception thrown when an invalid value is entered into a field.
InvalidKeyObjectException The InvalidKeyObjectException class represents an exception thrown when the given key does not match the key definition for the object.
InvalidKeyTypeException Each field in an object node has control flags represented by a number.
NotNullableFieldException The NotNullableFieldException class represents an exception thrown when a null value is entered into a field that cannot be null.
ObjectException The ObjectException class is the parent exception class for all exceptions that occur when processing ObjectNode objects.
PotentialDupMissingFieldException The PotentialDupMissingFieldException class represents an exception thrown when an error occurs while constructing a potential duplicate object or changing its values (for example, if the date is null, this exception might be thrown when attempting to set the date).
UnfoundKeyNameException The UnfoundKeyNameException class represents an exception thrown when a field name is not recognized as a defined key field name.

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