Sun Adapter for SAP BAPI API


Interface Summary
Connector An interface to define the methods required by a SAP BAPI and IDOC connectors inbound and outbound transaction from and to SAP, respectively.
TIDManager An interface to define the methods required by a SAP tRFC TID manager for inbound and outbound transaction from and to SAP, respectively.

Class Summary
BapiClient A class that encapsulates all the necessary objects essential to executing (t)RFC-enabled ABAP/4 Functions on SAP (client mode)
BapiServer A class that encapsulates all the necessary objects essential to executing (t)RFC-enabled ABAP/4 Functions on SAP (client mode) and emulating (t)RFC-enabled ABAP/4 Functions (server mode) in a Multi-mode e*Way.
ConnectorClient An interface to define the methods required by a SAP BAPI and IDOC connectors for outbound transactions from SAP
ConnectorServer An interface to define the methods required by a SAP BAPI and IDOC connectors for inbound transactions from SAP
FileTIDManagerImpl A File-based implementation of a SAP Transactional ID (TID) Manager.
FileTIDManagerImpl.TestFileTIDmanagerImpl A standalone tester helper
PrintfFormat PrintfFormat allows the formatting of an array of objects embedded within a string.
SAPConnector an interface to define the methods required by a bapi and idoc connectors for inbound and outbound transaction from and to SAP, respectively.
SAPServer An abstract class to define the common methods required by a SAP BAPI and IDOC servers for inbound transactions from SAP
TIDManagerFactory A factory class to create SAP Transactional ID Managers.

Exception Summary
SAPException The class wraps up the Exception happening whie executing the BAPI and throws it back to the Collaboration.

Sun Adapter for SAP BAPI API