Sun Adapter for SNA LU62 API
Class SNAInterface

  extended by

public class SNAInterface
extends java.lang.Object

Field Summary
static java.lang.String version
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 boolean acceptConversation()
          It is a native function call.
 boolean changeState(java.lang.String state, boolean confirm)
          It is a native function call.
 boolean cmaccp()
          It is a native function call.
 boolean cmallc()
          It is a native function call.
 boolean cmcanc()
          It is a native function call (Cancel_Conversation).
 boolean cmcfm()
          It is a native function call (Confirm).
 boolean cmcfmd()
          It is a native function call (Confirmed).
 boolean cmdeal()
          It is a native function call (Deallocate).
 boolean cmecs()
          It is a native function call (Extract_Conversation_State).
 boolean cmecsu()
          It is a native function call (Extract_Conversation_Security_User_ID).
 boolean cmect()
          It is a native function call (Extract_Conversation_Type).
 boolean cmemn()
          It is a native function call (Extract_Mode_Name).
 boolean cmepln()
          It is a native function call (Extract_Partner_LU_Name).
 boolean cmesl()
          It is a native function call (Extract_Sync_Level).
 boolean cmetpn()
          It is a native function call (Extract_TP_Name).
 boolean cmflus()
          It is a native function call (Flush).
 boolean cminit()
          It is a native function call (Initialize_Conversation).
 boolean cmptr()
          It is a native function call (Prepare_To_Receive).
 boolean cmrcv()
          It is a native function call (Receive).
 boolean cmrts()
          It is a native function call (Request_To_Send).
 boolean cmscsp()
          It is a native function call (Set_Conversation_Security_Password).
 boolean cmscst()
          It is a native function call (Set_Conversation_Security_Type).
 boolean cmscsu()
          It is a native function call (Set_Conversation_Security_User_ID).
 boolean cmsct()
          It is a native function call (Set_Conversation_Type).
 boolean cmsdt()
          It is a native function call (Set_Deallocate_Type).
 boolean cmsed()
          It is a native function call (Set_Error_Direction).
 boolean cmsend()
          It is a native function call (Send_Data).
 boolean cmserr()
          It is a native function call (Send_Error).
 boolean cmsf()
          It is a native function call (Set_Fill).
 boolean cmsld()
          It is a native function call (Set_Log_Data).
 boolean cmsltp()
          It is a native function call (Specify_Local_TP_Name).
 boolean cmsmn()
          It is a native function call (Set_Mode_Name).
 boolean cmspln()
          It is a native function call (Set_Partner_LU_Name).
 boolean cmspm()
          It is a native function call (Set_Processing_Mode).
 boolean cmsptr()
          It is a native function call (Set_Prepare_To_Receive_Type).
 boolean cmsrc()
          It is a native function call (Set_Return_Control ).
 boolean cmsrt()
          It is a native function call (Set_Receive_Type).
 boolean cmssl()
          It is a native function call (Set_Sync_Level ).
 boolean cmsst()
          It is a native function call (Set_Send_Type).
 boolean cmstpn()
          It is a native function call (Set_TP_Name).
 boolean cmtrts()
          It is a native function call (Test_Request_To_Send_Received).
 boolean cmwait()
          It is a native function call (Wait_For_Conversation).
 boolean confirm()
          It is a native function call.
 boolean confirmed()
          It is a native function call.
 boolean connect(boolean confirm)
          It is a native function call.
 boolean disconnect()
          It is a native function call.
 byte[] getConversationID()
          Gets SNA Conversation ID which gets set by the JNI code when a conversation is established.
 int getConvReturnCode()
          Gets the SNA conversation return code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call (cmwait) which generated a conversation return code.
 int getConvType()
          Gets the SNA conversation type which is used for setting the SNA conversation type by the JNI code or for retrieving the conversation type by the JNI code when the conversation type is retrieved.
 byte[] getDataIn()
          Gets data which gets set by the JNI code when data is received from the partner in the SNA conversation.
 byte[] getDataOut()
          Gets data which is passed to the JNI code for sending data to the partner in the SNA conversation.
 int getDataReceivedType()
          Gets the SNA data receive type set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a data receive type.
 int getDeallocTypeJ()
          Gets the SNA dealloc type which is used for setting the SNA dealloc type by the JNI code.
 int getErrorDirection()
          Gets the SNA error direction used by the JNI code for setting the SNA error direction.
 int getFillType()
          Gets the SNA fill type which is used for setting the SNA fill type by the JNI code.
 boolean getHaveConversation()
          Gets if a conversation is established with the SNA partner, this flag will be set to true otherwise it is set to false by the JNI code.
 java.lang.String getHostName()
 boolean getIsInbound()
 int getLastError()
 int getLastState()
          Gets the SNA state set by the JNI code.
 int getLastStatus()
          Gets the SNA status code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated an SNA status code.
 java.lang.String getLocalLUName()
          Gets the Local Logical Unit Name of the SNA partner which is accepting conversations from the initiating SNA partner.
 java.lang.String getLocalTPName()
          Gets the Local TP (Transaction Program) Name
 byte[] getLogData()
          Gets the SNA log data which is used by the JNI code for sending the log data.
 java.lang.String getModeName()
          Get the SNA mode name which is used for setting the SNA mode name by the JNI code or for retrieving the mode name by the JNI code when the mode name is retrieved.
 int getPacketSize()
          Gets the size of the data packets used by the JNI code when receiving data from the partner in the SNA conversation.
 java.lang.String getPartnerLUName()
          Gets the partner LU (Logical Unit) name.
 int getPrepareToReceiveType()
          Gets the SNA prepare to receive type which is used for setting the SNA prepare to receive type by the JNI code.
 int getProcessingMode()
          Gets the SNA processing mode which is used for setting the SNA processing mode by the JNI code.
 int getReceiveType()
          Gets the SNA receive type which is used for setting the SNA receive type by the JNI code.
 int getReq2SendReceived()
          Gets the SNA request to send received code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a request to send received code.
 int getReturnCode()
          Gets return code which gets set by the JNI code and is the return code returned by the last major CPIC function call.
 int getReturnControl()
          Gets the SNA return control which is used for setting the SNA return control by the JNI code.
 int getSecurityType()
          Gets the SNA conversation security type which is used for setting the SNA conversation security type by the JNI code or for retrieving the security type by the JNI code when the conversation security type is retrieved.
 java.lang.String getSecurityUserID()
          Gets the SNA conversation security ID which is used for setting the SNA conversation security ID by the JNI code or for retrieving the security ID by the JNI code when the conversation security ID is retrieved.
 int getSendType()
          Gets the SNA send type which is used for setting the SNA send type by the JNI code.
 int getStatusReceived()
          Gets the SNA status received set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a status received.
 java.lang.String getSymDestName()
          Gets the Symbolic Destination Name of the SNA partner to which the initiating SNA partner will establish an SNA conversation.
 int getSyncLevel()
          Gets the SNA synch level which is used for setting the SNA synch level by the JNI code or for retrieving the mode name by the JNI code when the synch level is retrieved.
 int getTimeout()
          Gets timeout in milliseconds used by the JNI code when waiting to accept a conversation or when receiving data through eWay's helper function recv().
static void initCPIC()
          It is a native function call.
 boolean isConnected()
          It is a native function call.
 boolean receive(boolean confirm)
          It is a native function call.
 boolean send(boolean confirm)
          It is a native function call.
 void setConversationID(byte[] conversationId)
          Sets SNA Conversation ID which gets set by the JNI code when a conversation is established.
 void setConvReturnCode(int convReturnCode)
          Sets the SNA conversation return code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call (cmwait) which generated a conversation return code.
 void setConvType(int convType)
          Sets the SNA conversation type which is used for setting the SNA conversation type by the JNI code or for retrieving the conversation type by the JNI code when the conversation type is retrieved.
 void setDataIn(byte[] data)
          Sets data which gets set by the JNI code when data is received from the partner in the SNA conversation.
 void setDataOut(byte[] data)
          Sets data which is passed to the JNI code for sending data to the partner in the SNA conversation.
 void setDataReceivedType(int dataReceivedType)
          Sets the SNA data receive type set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a data receive type.
 boolean setDeallocType(int dealloctype)
          It is a native function call.
 void setDeallocTypeJ(int deallocType)
          Sets the SNA dealloc type which is used for setting the SNA dealloc type by the JNI code.
 void setErrorDirection(int errorDirection)
          Sets the SNA error direction used by the JNI code for setting the SNA error direction.
 void setFillType(int fillType)
          Sets the SNA fill type which is used for setting the SNA fill type by the JNI code.
 void setHaveConversation(boolean haveConversation)
          Sets if a conversation is established with the SNA partner, this flag will be set to true otherwise it is set to false by the JNI code.
 void setHostName(java.lang.String hostName)
 void setIsInbound(boolean isInbound)
 void setLastError(int lastError)
 void setLastState(int lastState)
          Sets the SNA state set by the JNI code.
 void setLastStatus(int lastStatus)
          Sets the SNA status code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated an SNA status code.
 void setLocalLUName(java.lang.String localLUName)
          Sets the Local Logical Unit Name of the SNA partner which is accepting conversations from the initiating SNA partner.
 void setLocalTPName(java.lang.String localTPName)
          Sets the Local TP (Transaction Program) Name
 void setLogData(byte[] logData)
          Sets the SNA log data which is used by the JNI code for sending the log data.
 void setModeName(java.lang.String modeName)
          Sets the SNA mode name which is used for setting the SNA mode name by the JNI code or for retrieving the mode name by the JNI code when the mode name is retrieved.
 void setPacketSize(int packetSize)
          Sets the size of the data packets used by the JNI code when receiving data from the partner in the SNA conversation.
 void setPartnerLUName(java.lang.String partnerLUName)
          Sets the partner LU (Logical Unit) name.
 void setPrepareToReceiveType(int prepareToReceiveType)
          Sets the SNA prepare to receive type which is used for setting the SNA prepare to receive type by the JNI code.
 void setProcessingMode(int processingMode)
          Sets the SNA processing mode which is used for setting the SNA processing mode by the JNI code.
 void setReceiveType(int receiveType)
          Sets the SNA receive type which is used for setting the SNA receive type by the JNI code.
 void setReq2SendReceived(int req2SendReceivedType)
          Sets the SNA request to send received code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a request to send received code.
 void setReturnCode(int returnCode)
          Sets return code which gets set by the JNI code and is the return code returned by the last major CPIC function call.
 void setReturnControl(int returnControl)
          Sets the SNA return control which is used for setting the SNA return control by the JNI code.
 void setSecurityPassword(java.lang.String securityPassword)
          Sets the SNA conversation security password which is used for setting the conversation security password by the JNI code.
 void setSecurityType(int securityType)
          Sets the SNA conversation security type which is used for setting the SNA conversation security type by the JNI code or for retrieving the security type by the JNI code when the conversation security type is retrieved.
 void setSecurityUserID(java.lang.String securityUserID)
          Sets the SNA conversation security ID which is used for setting the SNA conversation security ID by the JNI code or for retrieving the security ID by the JNI code when the conversation security ID is retrieved.
 void setSendType(int sendType)
          Sets the SNA send type which is used for setting the SNA send type by the JNI code.
 void setStatusReceived(int statusReceived)
          Sets the SNA status received set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a status received.
 void setSymDestName(java.lang.String symDestName)
          Sets the Symbolic Destination Name of the SNA partner to which the initiating SNA partner will establish an SNA conversation.
 void setSyncLevel(int syncLevel)
          Sets the SNA synch level which is used for setting the SNA synch level by the JNI code or for retrieving the mode name by the JNI code when the synch level is retrieved.
 void setTimeout(int timeout)
          Sets timeout in milliseconds used by the JNI code when waiting to accept a conversation or when receiving data through eWay's helper function.
 boolean waitForConversation()
          It is a native function call.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String version
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SNAInterface()
Default constructor. Initializes attributes which are used by the Java code and the native code.

Method Detail


public boolean connect(boolean confirm)
It is a native function call. Initializes an SNA conversation with a responding SNA partner LU.

CPIC functions called:


General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     call cminit() to initialize the conversation
     call cmspm() to set blocking mode to CM_BLOCKING
     if confirm == true
           call cmssl() to set synch level to CM_CONFIRM
     call cmallc() to allocate conversation with partner LU
     call cmflus() to cmflus conversation

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


confirm - boolean Determines whether the established conversation is in confirm mode or non confirm mode.
boolean true if no error had occurred false otherwise.


public boolean disconnect()
It is a native function call. Deallocates an SNA conversation from an SNA partner LU.

CPIC functions called:

    cmrltp (NOTE: Unix platforms only)

General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

    if previous CPIC function call resulted in CM_OPERATION_INCOMPLETE
          call cmcanc()
    call cmdeal() to deallocate the conversation
    On Unix platforms, the logic then follows:
    call cmrltp() to recover the Local TP Name

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


boolean true if no error had occurred false otherwise.


public boolean acceptConversation()
It is a native function call. Accepts an SNA conversation with an initiating SNA partner LU.

CPIC functions called:

    cmaccp (NOTE: Windows platform only)
    cminic (NOTE: Unix platforms only)
    cmspm  (NOTE: Unix platforms only)
    cmacci (NOTE: Unix platforms only)

General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     call cmsltp() to set the local TP name
    On Windows platforms, the logic then follows:
     call cmaccp() to accept a conversation
    On Unix platforms, the logic then follows:
     call cminic() to intialize
     call cmspm() to set the processing mode to CM_BLOCKING
     call cmacci() to accept a conversation
     since the cmacci is blocking mode, this call will block

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


boolean true if no error had occurred false otherwise.


public boolean waitForConversation()
It is a native function call. Waits for an incoming conversation request from an SNA partner LU.

CPIC functions called:

    cmacci (NOTE: Unix platforms only)

General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

    On Windows platforms, the logic follows:
     call cmwait() to wait for an incoming conversation request
    On Unix platforms, the logic follows:
     if _HaveConversation == true
           call cmwait() to wait for an incoming conversation request
        call cmacci() to accept a conversation

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


boolean true if no error had occurred false otherwise.


public boolean isConnected()
It is a native function call. Determines whether the intializing SNA partner LU has established a conversation with a responding SNA partner LU.

CPIC functions called:


General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     call cmecs() to get the state of the conversation

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


boolean true if conversation is established, false otherwise


public boolean changeState(java.lang.String state,
                           boolean confirm)
It is a native function call. Changes the state of the SNA conversation from SEND to RECEIVE or vice versa.

CPIC functions called:


General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     if state is SEND
           call cmrts() to change from receive to send
           call cmflus() to force change state to send
           while return code != CM_CONFIRM_SEND_RECEIVED and return code != CM_SEND_RECEIVED
              then call cmrcv()
           if confrim == true
                 call cmcfmd() to confirmed (acknowledge) the CM_CONFIRM_SEND_RECEIVED
     else if state is RECEIVE
           call cmptr() to change from send to receive
           call cmflus() to force change state to receive

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


state - String The state to change to - valid values are SEND or RECEIVE
confirm - boolean Determines whether to acknowledge the partner LU when executing a state change.
boolean true if state was change successfully, false otherwise


public boolean confirm()
It is a native function call. Sends the contents of the local LU's send buffer and a confirmation request to the partner program and waits for confirmation.

CPIC functions called:


General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     call cmcfm() to request a confirmation from a receiving SNA partner LU
     if the return code != CM_OK and return code != CM_OPERATION_INCOMPLETE
           initialize loop control variable cTries to 0
           while cTries less than 30
                 call cmecs() to get the state and return code
                 if return code == CM_PROGRAM_STATE_CHECK
                       increment cTries by 1
                       wait 200 ms (in JNI code select is called with NULL file descriptors with 200 ms for timeout)
                    break from while loop

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


boolean true if confirm request was sent successfully, false otherwise


public boolean confirmed()
It is a native function call. Replies to a confirmation request from the partner program.

CPIC functions called:


General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     call cmcfmd() to acknowledge the confirmation request from the sending SNA partner LU

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


boolean true if confirm request was sent successfully, false otherwise


public boolean send(boolean confirm)
It is a native function call. Puts data in the local LU's send buffer for transmission to the partner program and sends it to the partner LU.

CPIC functions called:


General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     call cmsend() to send the data (_DataOut) to the SNA partner LU
     call cmflus() to force sending of the data
     if confirm == true
           call cmcfm() to send a confirmation request from the receiving SNA partner LU

Before executing this method, the following attributes needs to be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


confirm - boolean Determines whether or not to send a confirmation request
boolean true if the data was sent successfully, false otherwise


public boolean receive(boolean confirm)
It is a native function call. Receives data from a sending SNA partner LU.

CPIC functions called:


General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     start timer for timeout
     call cmsrt() to set the receive type to CM_RECEIVE_IMMEDIATE
     while true
           call cmrcv() to receive _PacketSize packet of data
           if return code == CM_OPERATION_INCOMPLETE
                 On Windows platforms, the logic then follows:
                 call cmwait() to wait for a conversation from an SNA partner LU
                 On Unix platforms, the logic follows:
                 if _HaveConversation == true
                       call cmwait() to wait for an incoming conversation request
                       call cmacci() to accept a conversation
           else if return code != CM_OK and return code != CM_DEALLOCATED_NORMAL
                 if return code == CM_UNSUCCESSFUL
                       wait for 10 ms (in JNI code sleep is called with 10 ms)
                       go back to the top of the while loop and continue
                    exit while loop
           else if status received == CM_CONFIRM_DEALLOC_RECEIVED and confirm == true
                 call cmcfmd() to acknowledge the confirmation request from the sending SNA partner LU
                 exit while loop
           else if status received == CM_DEALLOCATED_NORMAL or return code == CM_DEALLOCATED_NORMAL
                 copy data packet as complete data received

           if received length > 0
                 append data packet to data already received
           if data received == CM_COMPLETE_DATA_RECEIVED || data received == CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED
                 if status received == CM_CONFIRM_RECEIVED || status received == CM_CONFIRM_SEND_RECEIVED
                       if confirm == true
                          then call cmecs() to get the state and return code
                          if return code == CM_OK
                                call cmcfmd() to acknowledge the confirmation request from the sending SNA partner LU
                                if return code == CM_OPERATION_INCOMPLETE
                                      call cmwait() to wait for cmcfmd to complete
           if data received == CM_COMPLETE_DATA_RECEIVED or received length > 0
                 exit while loop - completely received data from sending SNA partner LU
           calculate time
           if timeout (delta time > _Timeout)
                 exit while loop
     #end while loop


Before executing this method, the following attributes needs to be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


confirm - boolean Determines whether or not to acknowledge a confirmation request
boolean true if the data was received successfully, false otherwise


public boolean setDeallocType(int dealloctype)
It is a native function call. Sets the deallocation type for the SNA conversation.

CPIC functions called:


General Logic Flow (no account for error conditions):

     call cmsdt() to set the deallocation type for the SNA conversation

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


Upon returning, the following attributes may be set:


dealloctype - int The deallocation type to set for the conversation
boolean true if deallocation type was set successfully, false otherwise


public static void initCPIC()
It is a native function call. Initializes thirdparty CPIC library.


public boolean cmaccp()
It is a native function call. Accept an SNA conversation.

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmallc()
It is a native function call. Allocates an SNA conversation.

Upon returning, the following attributes will be set:


boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmcanc()
It is a native function call (Cancel_Conversation).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmcfm()
It is a native function call (Confirm).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmcfmd()
It is a native function call (Confirmed).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmdeal()
It is a native function call (Deallocate).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmecs()
It is a native function call (Extract_Conversation_State).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmect()
It is a native function call (Extract_Conversation_Type).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmemn()
It is a native function call (Extract_Mode_Name).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmepln()
It is a native function call (Extract_Partner_LU_Name).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmesl()
It is a native function call (Extract_Sync_Level).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmetpn()
It is a native function call (Extract_TP_Name).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmflus()
It is a native function call (Flush).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cminit()
It is a native function call (Initialize_Conversation).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmptr()
It is a native function call (Prepare_To_Receive).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmrcv()
It is a native function call (Receive).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmrts()
It is a native function call (Request_To_Send).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsend()
It is a native function call (Send_Data).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmserr()
It is a native function call (Send_Error).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsct()
It is a native function call (Set_Conversation_Type).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsdt()
It is a native function call (Set_Deallocate_Type).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsed()
It is a native function call (Set_Error_Direction).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsf()
It is a native function call (Set_Fill).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsld()
It is a native function call (Set_Log_Data).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsltp()
It is a native function call (Specify_Local_TP_Name).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmspm()
It is a native function call (Set_Processing_Mode).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsmn()
It is a native function call (Set_Mode_Name).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmspln()
It is a native function call (Set_Partner_LU_Name).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsptr()
It is a native function call (Set_Prepare_To_Receive_Type).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsrt()
It is a native function call (Set_Receive_Type).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsrc()
It is a native function call (Set_Return_Control ).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmsst()
It is a native function call (Set_Send_Type).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmssl()
It is a native function call (Set_Sync_Level ).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmstpn()
It is a native function call (Set_TP_Name).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmtrts()
It is a native function call (Test_Request_To_Send_Received).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmwait()
It is a native function call (Wait_For_Conversation).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmecsu()
It is a native function call (Extract_Conversation_Security_User_ID).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmscsu()
It is a native function call (Set_Conversation_Security_User_ID).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmscsp()
It is a native function call (Set_Conversation_Security_Password).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public boolean cmscst()
It is a native function call (Set_Conversation_Security_Type).

boolean true if no error had occurred, false otherwise


public void setConversationID(byte[] conversationId)
Sets SNA Conversation ID which gets set by the JNI code when a conversation is established.

conversationId - The ConversationID to be set


public byte[] getConversationID()
Gets SNA Conversation ID which gets set by the JNI code when a conversation is established.

ConversationID as a byte array


public void setDataIn(byte[] data)
Sets data which gets set by the JNI code when data is received from the partner in the SNA conversation.

data - The DataIn to be set


public byte[] getDataIn()
Gets data which gets set by the JNI code when data is received from the partner in the SNA conversation.

DataIn as a byte array


public void setDataOut(byte[] data)
Sets data which is passed to the JNI code for sending data to the partner in the SNA conversation.

data - The DataOut to be set


public byte[] getDataOut()
Gets data which is passed to the JNI code for sending data to the partner in the SNA conversation.

DataOut as a byte array


public void setReturnCode(int returnCode)
Sets return code which gets set by the JNI code and is the return code returned by the last major CPIC function call.

returnCode - The ReturnCode to be set


public int getReturnCode()
Gets return code which gets set by the JNI code and is the return code returned by the last major CPIC function call.

ReturnCode as an int


public void setPacketSize(int packetSize)
Sets the size of the data packets used by the JNI code when receiving data from the partner in the SNA conversation.

packetSize - The PacketSize to be set


public int getPacketSize()
Gets the size of the data packets used by the JNI code when receiving data from the partner in the SNA conversation.

PacketSize as an int


public void setTimeout(int timeout)
Sets timeout in milliseconds used by the JNI code when waiting to accept a conversation or when receiving data through eWay's helper function.

timeout - The Timeout to be set


public int getTimeout()
Gets timeout in milliseconds used by the JNI code when waiting to accept a conversation or when receiving data through eWay's helper function recv().

Timeout as an int


public void setIsInbound(boolean isInbound)

Sets IsInbound.

isInbound - The IsInbound to be set


public boolean getIsInbound()

Gets IsInbound.

IsInbound as boolean


public void setHaveConversation(boolean haveConversation)
Sets if a conversation is established with the SNA partner, this flag will be set to true otherwise it is set to false by the JNI code. Subsequently, it will be used by the JNI code to ensure that the conversation is established prior to invoking any CPIC calls.

haveConversation - The HaveConversation to be set


public boolean getHaveConversation()
Gets if a conversation is established with the SNA partner, this flag will be set to true otherwise it is set to false by the JNI code. Subsequently, it will be used by the JNI code to ensure that the conversation is established prior to invoking any CPIC calls.

HaveConversation as boolean


public void setSymDestName(java.lang.String symDestName)
Sets the Symbolic Destination Name of the SNA partner to which the initiating SNA partner will establish an SNA conversation.

symDestName - The SymDestName to be set


public java.lang.String getSymDestName()
Gets the Symbolic Destination Name of the SNA partner to which the initiating SNA partner will establish an SNA conversation.

SymDestName as a String


public void setLocalTPName(java.lang.String localTPName)
Sets the Local TP (Transaction Program) Name

localTPName - The LocalTPName to be set


public java.lang.String getLocalTPName()
Gets the Local TP (Transaction Program) Name

LocalTPName as a String


public void setLocalLUName(java.lang.String localLUName)
Sets the Local Logical Unit Name of the SNA partner which is accepting conversations from the initiating SNA partner.

localLUName - The LocalLUName to be set


public java.lang.String getLocalLUName()
Gets the Local Logical Unit Name of the SNA partner which is accepting conversations from the initiating SNA partner.

LocalLUName as a String


public void setHostName(java.lang.String hostName)


public java.lang.String getHostName()


public void setLastError(int lastError)

Sets the SNA return code set by the JNI code as a result of an error occurring from the last CPIC function call. This only gets set when an error had occurred.

lastError - The LastError to be set


public int getLastError()

Gets the SNA return code set by the JNI code as a result of an error occurring from the last CPIC function call. This only gets set when an error had occurred.

LastError as an int


public void setLastStatus(int lastStatus)
Sets the SNA status code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated an SNA status code. Check the documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a status code is returned

lastStatus - The LastStatus to be set


public int getLastStatus()
Gets the SNA status code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated an SNA status code. Check the documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a status code is returned

LastStatus as an int


public void setLastState(int lastState)
Sets the SNA state set by the JNI code. This is the state of the conversation in which the SNA partner is in.

lastState - The LastState to be set


public int getLastState()
Gets the SNA state set by the JNI code. This is the state of the conversation in which the SNA partner is in.

LastState as an int


public java.lang.String getModeName()
Get the SNA mode name which is used for setting the SNA mode name by the JNI code or for retrieving the mode name by the JNI code when the mode name is retrieved.

ModeName as a String


public void setModeName(java.lang.String modeName)
Sets the SNA mode name which is used for setting the SNA mode name by the JNI code or for retrieving the mode name by the JNI code when the mode name is retrieved.

modeName - The ModeName to be set


public byte[] getLogData()
Gets the SNA log data which is used by the JNI code for sending the log data.

LogData as a byte array


public void setLogData(byte[] logData)
Sets the SNA log data which is used by the JNI code for sending the log data.

logData - The LogData to be set


public int getSendType()
Gets the SNA send type which is used for setting the SNA send type by the JNI code.

SendType as an int


public void setSendType(int sendType)
Sets the SNA send type which is used for setting the SNA send type by the JNI code.

sendType - The SendType to be set


public int getReceiveType()
Gets the SNA receive type which is used for setting the SNA receive type by the JNI code.

ReceiveType as an int


public void setReceiveType(int receiveType)
Sets the SNA receive type which is used for setting the SNA receive type by the JNI code.

receiveType - The ReceiveType to be set


public int getReturnControl()
Gets the SNA return control which is used for setting the SNA return control by the JNI code.

ReturnControl as an int


public void setReturnControl(int returnControl)
Sets the SNA return control which is used for setting the SNA return control by the JNI code.

returnControl - The ReturnControl to be set


public int getPrepareToReceiveType()
Gets the SNA prepare to receive type which is used for setting the SNA prepare to receive type by the JNI code.

PrepareToReceiveType as an int


public void setPrepareToReceiveType(int prepareToReceiveType)
Sets the SNA prepare to receive type which is used for setting the SNA prepare to receive type by the JNI code.

prepareToReceiveType - The PrepareToReceiveType to be set


public int getProcessingMode()
Gets the SNA processing mode which is used for setting the SNA processing mode by the JNI code.

ProcessingMode as an int


public void setProcessingMode(int processingMode)
Sets the SNA processing mode which is used for setting the SNA processing mode by the JNI code.

processingMode - ProcessingMode as an int


public int getFillType()
Gets the SNA fill type which is used for setting the SNA fill type by the JNI code.

FillType as an int


public void setFillType(int fillType)
Sets the SNA fill type which is used for setting the SNA fill type by the JNI code.

fillType - The FillType to be set


public int getSyncLevel()
Gets the SNA synch level which is used for setting the SNA synch level by the JNI code or for retrieving the mode name by the JNI code when the synch level is retrieved.

SyncLevel as an int


public void setSyncLevel(int syncLevel)
Sets the SNA synch level which is used for setting the SNA synch level by the JNI code or for retrieving the mode name by the JNI code when the synch level is retrieved.

syncLevel - The SyncLevel to be set


public int getErrorDirection()
Gets the SNA error direction used by the JNI code for setting the SNA error direction.

ErrorDirection as an int


public void setErrorDirection(int errorDirection)
Sets the SNA error direction used by the JNI code for setting the SNA error direction.

errorDirection - The ErrorDirection to be set


public int getConvType()
Gets the SNA conversation type which is used for setting the SNA conversation type by the JNI code or for retrieving the conversation type by the JNI code when the conversation type is retrieved.

ConvType as an int


public void setConvType(int convType)
Sets the SNA conversation type which is used for setting the SNA conversation type by the JNI code or for retrieving the conversation type by the JNI code when the conversation type is retrieved.

convType - The ConvType to be set


public java.lang.String getPartnerLUName()
Gets the partner LU (Logical Unit) name.

PartnerLUName as a String


public void setPartnerLUName(java.lang.String partnerLUName)
Sets the partner LU (Logical Unit) name.

partnerLUName - The PartnerLUName to be set


public int getConvReturnCode()
Gets the SNA conversation return code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call (cmwait) which generated a conversation return code. Check the CPIC documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a conversation return code is returned.

ConvReturnCode as an int


public void setConvReturnCode(int convReturnCode)
Sets the SNA conversation return code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call (cmwait) which generated a conversation return code. Check the CPIC documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a conversation return code is returned.

convReturnCode - The ConvReturnCode to be set


public int getDeallocTypeJ()
Gets the SNA dealloc type which is used for setting the SNA dealloc type by the JNI code.

DeallocTypeJ as an int


public void setDeallocTypeJ(int deallocType)
Sets the SNA dealloc type which is used for setting the SNA dealloc type by the JNI code.

deallocType - The DeallocTypeJ to be set


public int getReq2SendReceived()
Gets the SNA request to send received code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a request to send received code. Check the CPIC documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a request to send received code is returned.

Req2SendReceived as an int


public void setReq2SendReceived(int req2SendReceivedType)
Sets the SNA request to send received code set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a request to send received code. Check the CPIC documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a request to send received code is returned.

req2SendReceivedType - The Req2SendReceived to be set


public int getDataReceivedType()
Gets the SNA data receive type set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a data receive type. Check the CPIC documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a data received type is returned.

DataReceivedType as an int


public void setDataReceivedType(int dataReceivedType)
Sets the SNA data receive type set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a data receive type. Check the CPIC documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a data received type is returned.

dataReceivedType - The DataReceivedType to be set


public int getStatusReceived()
Gets the SNA status received set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a status received. Check the CPIC documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a status received is returned.

StatusReceived as an int


public void setStatusReceived(int statusReceived)
Sets the SNA status received set by the JNI code as a result of the last CPIC function call which generated a status received. Check the CPIC documentation for the last CPIC function that got called to determine whether a status received is returned.

statusReceived - The StatusReceived to be set


public java.lang.String getSecurityUserID()
Gets the SNA conversation security ID which is used for setting the SNA conversation security ID by the JNI code or for retrieving the security ID by the JNI code when the conversation security ID is retrieved.

SecurityUserID as a String


public int getSecurityType()
Gets the SNA conversation security type which is used for setting the SNA conversation security type by the JNI code or for retrieving the security type by the JNI code when the conversation security type is retrieved.

SecurityType as a String


public void setSecurityUserID(java.lang.String securityUserID)
Sets the SNA conversation security ID which is used for setting the SNA conversation security ID by the JNI code or for retrieving the security ID by the JNI code when the conversation security ID is retrieved.

securityUserID - The SecurityUserID to be set


public void setSecurityPassword(java.lang.String securityPassword)
Sets the SNA conversation security password which is used for setting the conversation security password by the JNI code.

securityPassword - The SecurityPassword to be set


public void setSecurityType(int securityType)
Sets the SNA conversation security type which is used for setting the SNA conversation security type by the JNI code or for retrieving the security type by the JNI code when the conversation security type is retrieved.

securityType - The SecurityType to be set

Sun Adapter for SNA LU62 API

Copyright © 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.