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Oracle® Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E16102-05
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Oracle ACFS Command-Line Utilities for Multiple Environments

Table 13-71 contains a summary of the Oracle ACFS command utilities for multiple environments.

When the options are entered with commands on a Windows platform, use / instead of - with the option. For example, to display help for acfsutil on a Linux platform, use acfsutil -h. On a Windows platform, use acfsutil /h.

Note that a mount point on a Windows operating system can be a drive letter or a directory including the drive letter.

You can use acfsutil help on all platforms to display help text. You run acfsutil version on all platforms to display the Oracle ACFS version.

Table 13-71 Summary of Oracle ACFS command utilities for multiple environments

Command Description


Debugs an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil info file

Displays information for a file in an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil info fs

Displays detailed Oracle ACFS file system information.

acfsutil info id

Displays Oracle ACFS file system information for a given identifier and mount point.

acfsutil registry

Registers an Oracle ACFS file system with the Oracle ACFS mount registry.

acfsutil rmfs

Removes an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil size

Resizes an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil snap create

Creates a read-only snapshot of an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil snap delete

Deletes a read-only snapshot of an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil tune

Modifies or displays Oracle ACFS tunable parameters.

advmutil canonical

Displays the canonical name of an Oracle ADVM volume.

advmutil tune

Modifies or displays Oracle ADVM parameters.

advmutil volinfo

Displays information about Oracle ADVM volumes.



Debugs an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsdbg -h
acfsdbg [-r] [-l] volume_device

Table 13-72 contains the options available with the acfsdbg command.

Table 13-72 Options for the acfsdbg command

Option Description


Prints out the usage message which displays the various options that are available when invoking the acfsdbg command, then exits.


Operates in read-only mode. No data is modified on the file system and all write commands are disabled. If the device is mounted anywhere, acfsdbg may not display the latest data because some of it is cached by the file system mounts.


Processes kernel log files. The default is to not process the log files.


Specifies the device name of the volume.

acfsdbg is an extension to fsck and acfschkdsk, and is an interactive program that views and modifies on disk structures of the file system. This command is intended for experienced development and support engineers to examine on disk structures to diagnose problems. Use with caution.

When acfsdbg is started, it displays a command prompt. At the command prompt, you can enter the subcommands listed in Table 13-73.

You can also use acfsdbg for scripts by echoing acfsdbg subcommands with a shell pipe to the acfsdbg binary.

By default the file system is not modified when running the tool. If the -l option is used, the file system metadata in the transaction logs is applied before the interactive disk block dump session. The volume device must specify a volume with a dismounted Oracle ACFS file system. If the volume device has a mounted Oracle ACFS file system, acfsdbg displays an error message and exits.

You must be the administrator or a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group to run acfsdbg.


Table 13-73 lists the subcommands of acfsdbg.

Table 13-73 Subcommands for acfsdbg

Option Description Syntax


Calculates simple arithmetic expressions

Valid operators: + - * / % & | ^ ~ << >>

White space starts a new expression

0-1 represents a negative 1

calculate [-v] expr […]

-v Verbose mode
expr Simple 2+2 expression


Generates and replaces checksum in header

Header offset can be an expression as used by the calculate subcommand

White space starts a new header offset

Command is disabled in read-only mode

cksum [-C | -CE] header_offset […]

-C Regenerate for normal structure checksum
-CE Re-generate for Extent structure checksum
header_offset Offset of the on disk structure header. The value can be an expression as used by the calculate subcommand


Closes the open handle to the device



Echoes text on command line to stdout



Displays the specified File Entry TAble (FETA) entry

fenum [-f | -e | -d] FETA_entry_number

-f Displays all on disk structures related to this structure
-e Displays all on disk extent information related to this structure
-d Casts the structure as a directory and displays its contents
FETA_entry_number The File Entry Table number used to identify a file on the file system


Displays help message



Displays structure at disk offset

offset [-c cast] [-f | -d] disk_offset

-f Displays all on disk structures related to this structure
-d Casts the structure as a directory and displays its contents
disk_offset Disk offset to display. The value can be an expression as used by the calculate subcommand


Opens a handle to a device. The default is the volume device name entered on the command line

open [volume_device]


Sets the context of commands to the primary file system



Sets the prompt to the specified string

prompt "prompt_string"


Exits the acfsdbg debugger command



Reads value from offset

The default size to read in is 8 bytes

The default count to read is 1

read [-1 | -2 | -4 | -8 | -s] [count] offset

-1 Read byte value
-2 Read 2 byte (short) value
-4 Read 4 byte (int) value
-8 Read 8 byte (long) value
-s Read null- terminated string
count Number of values to read. If not specified, the default is 1
offset Disk offset to read. The value can be an expression as used by the calculate subcommand


Sets the context of commands to the specified snapshot

snapshot snapshot_name


Writes hexadecimal, octal, or decimal values at the disk offset, estimating how many bytes to write based on value size or number of digits in leading 0 hexadecimal values

The disk offset can be an expression used by the calculate subcommand

Numeric values can also be an expression as used by the calculate subcommand

This command is disabled in read-only mode

write [-1 | -2 | -4 | -8 | -c | -s] [-C | -CE] offset value

-1 Write byte value
-2 Write 2 byte (short) value
-4 Write 4 byte (int) value
-8 Write 8 byte (long) value
-c Write text (no null termination). Enclose string in single-quotes (')
-s Write null-terminated string. Enclose string in quotes (")
-C Regenerate normal structure checksum
-CE Regenerate extent structure checksum
offset Disk offset to write. The value can be an expression used by the calculate subcommand
value The value to write. If numeric, the value can be an expression as used by the calculate subcommand


These examples show the use of the acfsdbg subcommands.

Example 13-64 Using the acfsdbg command

$ /sbin/acfsdbg /dev/asm/voume1-123
acfsdbg: version                   =
Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) On-Disk Structure Version: 38.0
The ACFS volume was created at  Mon Aug  2 14:57:45 2009

acfsbdg> calculate 60*1024

acfsdbg> prompt "acfsdbg test>"
acfsdbg test>

echo "offset 64*1024" | acfsdbg /dev/asm/volume1-123

acfsutil info file


Displays information for a file in an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil info file -h
acfsutil info file path

acfsutil info file -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-74 contains the options available with the acfsutil info file command.

Table 13-74 Options for the acfsutil info file command

Option Description


Specifies the full path name of a file.

The acfsutil info file command displays information about a file in an Oracle ACFS file system. The information includes the extent map which details the locations of the blocks comprising the file and the used versus allocated storage for a file. Additional details displayed for a file include security, replication, and tagging information.

You must have read access to the specified file to run acfsutil info file.


The following is an example of acfsutil info file.

Example 13-65 Using the acfsutil info file command

$ /sbin/acfsutil info file /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs/myfile

acfsutil info fs


Displays detailed Oracle ACFS file system information.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil info fs -h
acfsutil info fs [{-o item|-s interval}] mount_point

acfsutil info fs -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-75 contains the options available with the acfsutil info fs command.

Table 13-75 Options for the acfsutil info fs command

Option Description


Displays the specific file system item from the following list:

  • freespace - Amount of free space available in the file system

  • totalspace - Size of the file system

  • mountpoints - Mount points associated with file systems

  • volumes - Number of volumes associated with the file system

  • primaryvolume - Path name of the device associated with file system

  • available - Length of time the file system has been available

  • ismountpoint - 1 if path is the mount point, 0 if path is not a mount point

  • isavailable - 1 if the file system is available, 0 if file system is not available

  • iscorrupt - 1 if the file system is corrupt, 0 if file system is not corrupt

  • diskgroup - Name of the disk group associated with path

  • redundancy - Type of redundancy used by the Oracle ADVM volume

  • resizeincrement - Allocation unit size in bytes of the Oracle ADVM volume used by path

  • stripewidth - Stripe width for the Oracle ADVM volume used by path

  • stripecolumns - Stripe set columns for the Oracle ADVM volume used by path

-s interval

Display file system statistics. If a time interval (seconds) is specified, then statistics continuously display for that interval until you break out of the command with Ctrl+c.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

acfsutil info fs displays information and statistics about Oracle ACFS file systems.

The -o item option displays file system information for the item specified.

The -s option displays the amount and rate of change currently on a file system for the node that the command is run on.

With no option specified, the command displays file system information that includes the volume device name, the size of the file system, the amount of space available on the volume device, the file system mount time on this node, the state of the file system, the user specified block size, the number of ACFS snapshots, the space consumed by snapshots in the file system, and the optional name or volume label associated with the file system. The possible file system states are displayed in the flags line. These states include:

  • Offline indicates that the underlying devices are not accessible, possibly due to an Oracle ASM instance failure, disk group forced dismount, or an irrecoverable I/O error. The file system on this node can only be dismounted. All other attempts at access result in errors.

  • Available indicates that the file system is on line and operational

  • Corrupt indicates that fsck or acfschkdsk should be run on the file system at the earliest possible convenience to correct a detected inconsistency

Any user can run acfsutil info fs.


The following are examples of the use of acfsutil info fs.

Example 13-66 displays information about the specified file system in a Linux environment.

Example 13-66 Using the acfsutil info fs command on Linux

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
    ACFS Version:
    flags:        MountPoint,Available
    mount time:   Tue Jun 29 10:18:27 2009
    volumes:      1
    total size:   268435456
    total free:   163360768
    primary volume: /dev/asm/volume1-228
        flags:                 Primary,Available,ADVM
        on-disk version:       39.0
        allocation unit:       4096
        major, minor:          252, 116737
        size:                  268435456
        free:                  163360768
        ADVM diskgroup         DATA
        ADVM resize increment: 268435456
        ADVM redundancy:       mirror
        ADVM stripe columns:   4
        ADVM stripe width:     131072
    number of snapshots:  3
    snapshot space usage: 106496

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs -o iscorrupt /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

Example 13-67 illustrates the use of acfsutil info fs in a Windows environment.

Example 13-67 Using the acfsutil info fs command on Windows

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o freespace c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o totalspace c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o volume c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o primaryvolume c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o diskgroup c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o redundancy c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

Example 13-68 illustrates the use of acfsutil info fs with -s option to display the current amount and rate of change on a file system.

Example 13-68 Using the acfsutil info fs command with the -s option

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs -s /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
    amount of change since mount:       359.22 MB
    average rate of change since mount: 3 KB

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs -s 60 /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
    amount of change since mount:       359.22 MB
    average rate of change since mount: 3 KB/s

    amount of change: 15.02 MB   rate of change: 256 KB/s
    amount of change: 9.46 MB   rate of change: 161 KB/s
    amount of change: 7.32 MB   rate of change: 125 KB/s
    amount of change: 6.89 MB   rate of change: 117 KB/s

acfsutil info id


Displays Oracle ACFS file system information for a given identifier and mount point.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil info id -h
acfsutil info id num mount_point

acfsutil info id -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-76 contains the options available with the acfsutil info id command.

Table 13-76 Options for the acfsutil info id command

Option Description


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Specifies the Oracle ACFS file identifier number reported by the Oracle ACFS driver. The number should be specified in decimal format.

acfsutil info id is used to translate an internal numeric Oracle ACFS file identifier to a path name in the file system. This is useful when the Oracle ACFS driver reports I/O errors to the system event logger associated with a particular file in an Oracle ACFS and identifies it by its internal identifier. You must have administrator privileges or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group to run acfsutil info id.


The following is an example of acfsutil info id.

Example 13-69 Using the acfsutil info id command

$ /sbin/acfsutil info id /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil registry


Registers an Oracle ACFS file system with the Oracle ACFS mount registry.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil registry [-h]
acfsutil registry
acfsutil registry -a [-f] [-n { nodes|all } ]
         [-o moptions] device mount_point
acfsutil registry -d {device | mount_point}
acfsutil registry -l [device | mount_point]
acfsutil registry -m device

acfsutil registry -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-77 contains the options available with the acfsutil registry command.

Table 13-77 Options for the acfsutil registry command

Option Description


Specifies to add the device, mount point, and associated moptions to the Oracle ACFS mount registry. The Oracle ASM volume device specified must exist on the local node to add the information to the mount registry.

The arguments represent all the information needed to mount the file system. At Oracle ACFS startup time these file systems are automatically mounted. On Windows the volume mount points on the specified directories are created if they do not exist.

Duplicate device entries are not allowed. Duplicate mount points are allowed but must be include the -n option for disjoint node-specific mounts.


Deletes the device or mount point from the Oracle ACFS mount registry. If a mount point is specified and it is not unique in the Oracle ACFS mount registry, the command fails and you must run the command again specifying the device as an argument.


This is used in combination with -a when the specified device might exist in the registry and the administrator wants to replace the registration.


This is used in combination with -a and specifies an optional comma-delimited list of nodes, or the all keyword. This specifies which nodes should attempt to mount this device on the specified mount point. Host names should be specified. The all keyword is functionally equivalent to not specifying a list of nodes and indicates that the device should be mounted on all nodes. Mounting on all nodes is the default behavior.

-o moptions

Specifies the mount options for use when mounting the file system. For Linux only. All options are available except the all option. See "mount".


Lists all the mount points currently in the registry on a single line, with fields separated by a colon (:).


Lists the registered mount point, if one exists, associated with the specified device. The mount point is only returned if the Oracle ACFS file system has been registered or has been previously mounted.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Specifies an Oracle ACFS device file that has been formatted.

acfsutil registry adds or deletes a file system from the Oracle ACFS persistent mount registry. The mount registry is a global registry that is used at Oracle ACFS startup on each node to mount all file systems specified in it. root or asmadmin privileges are required to modify the registry. For information about operating system group privileges, see "About Privileges for Oracle ASM".

Any user is allowed to display the contents of the registry. To mount all the file systems in the Oracle ACFS mount registry, use the platform specific mount command with the all option. This is done automatically at Oracle ACFS startup on each node.

If no options are specified, the command displays all of the Oracle ACFS mounts in the registry.


Do not register an Oracle ACFS file system that has had an individual file system Cluster Ready Services (CRS) resource added. For example, do not register a file system with acfsutil registry if the Oracle ACFS file system has been registered using srvctl add filesystem.

See "About the Oracle ACFS Mount Registry".


The following examples show the use of acfsutil registry. The first example shows how to add the volume device file and file system mount point to the registry. The second example shows how to list the registered mount point associated with the specified volume device file. The third example shows how to delete the specified volume device file from the registry.

Example 13-70 Using the acfsutil registry command

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -a /dev/asm/volume1-123 /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -m /dev/asm/volume1-123

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -d /dev/asm/volume1-123

acfsutil rmfs


Removes an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil [-h]
acfsutil rmfs device

acfsutil rmfs -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-78 contains the options available with the acfsutil rmfs command.

Table 13-78 Options for the acfsutil rmfs command

Option Description


Specifies an Oracle ACFS device file that has been formatted.

acfsutil rmfs is used to remove an Oracle ACFS that is dismounted. When the command is run, the superblock of the file system is disabled. root or asmadmin privileges are required to run this command. For information about operating system group privileges, see "About Privileges for Oracle ASM".

After acfsutil rmfs runs successfully, the MOUNTPATH and USAGE columns in the V$ASM_VOLUME view are cleared for the device. The removed Oracle ACFS can be restored using fsck or acfschkdsk. The device can be reformatted with a new Oracle ACFS using the mkfs or acfsformat commands.


The following example shows the use of acfsutil rmfs to remove the specified volume device file and associated file system.

Example 13-71 Using the acfsutil rmfs command

$ /sbin/acfsutil rmfs /dev/asm/volume1-123

acfsutil size


Resizes an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil size [-h]
acfsutil size [+|-]n[K|M|G|T|P ] [device] mount_point

acfsutil size -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-79 contains the options available with the acfsutil size command.

Table 13-79 Options for the acfsutil size command

Option Description


Specifies the new size for the Oracle ACFS file system where n is a valid positive whole number greater than zero. The number can be preceded by a + or - to indicate the amount to add or decrease. If no operand exists, the new size is the absolute size.


Specifies that the integer supplied for size is in the units of K (Kilobytes), M (Megabytes), G (Gigabytes), T (Terabytes), or P (Petabytes). If the unit indicator is specified, then it must be appended to the integer. If omitted, the default unit is bytes.


Specifies the optional volume device file.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted

acfsutil size grows or shrinks the mounted Oracle ACFS and its underlying Oracle ADVM storage to match the new size specified. This operation also resizes the underlying Oracle ASM Volume file to match the new length that is specified. The disk group must have enough free storage to accommodate any requested increase to the file system size.

Reducing a file system size returns unused storage space located at the end of the file system to the disk group. Shrinking in this release is intended for accidents when the wrong initial size or resize increment was specified, and before the storage was actually used. After storage has been used for user data or file system metadata, it may not be possible to shrink the file system, even if the files using that storage have been deleted.


Defragmenting a file system is not supported in this release; only unused storage can be deallocated from the end of the file system.

The size value is rounded up based on the block size of the file system and the allocation unit of the Oracle ASM volume device file. To determine the Oracle ASM volume device resize increment, examine the RESIZE_UNIT_MB field in the V$ASM_VOLUME view, or look for Resize Unit in the output of asmcmd volinfo.

There is a limit of 5 extents for the file system's internal storage bitmap. This causes any attempts to increase the file system to fail after it has been increased four or more times. However, if after increasing the file system four times or more times the file system size is decreased, then you may be able to increase the file system size again if the size of the increase is less than the size of the decrease.

When the limit on a file system expansion has been reached, running fsck or acfschkdsk with the -a option may consolidate the internal storage bitmap, allowing future file system expansion.

root or users who are members of the asmadmin group can run this command. For information about operating system group privileges, see "About Privileges for Oracle ASM".


The following example shows the use of acfsutil size. This example increases the primary device file of /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs file system by 500 MB.

Example 13-72 Using the acfsutil size command

$ /sbin/acfsutil size +500M /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil snap create


Creates a read-only snapshot of an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil snap create [-h]
acfsutil snap create snapshot mount_point

acfsutil snap create -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-80 contains the options available with the acfsutil snap create command.

Table 13-80 Options for the acfsutil snap create command

Option Description


Specifies a name for the snapshot. The.ACFS/snaps directory itself cannot be snapped.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

acfsutil snap create creates a read-only snapshot of the Oracle ACFS mounted on mount_point. Snapshots are not separate file systems. The snapshot appears in.ACFS/snaps/snapshot and is a complete replica of the file system at the time the snapshot command was given. Snapshots usually use very little storage initially as they share file system blocks with the original file system until a file changes.

Tools such as du report the total disk space usage of the snapshotted files, which includes the storage shared with the original versions of the files. To determine the total space used for the snapshots, use the acfsutil info fs command. See "acfsutil info file".

Oracle ACFS snapshots are immediately available for use after they are created. They are always online under the.ACFS/snaps directory when the original file system is mounted. No separate command is needed to mount them.The last modification time of .ACFS/snaps/snapshot is set to the time the snapshot was created, not the last modification time of the root directory of the file system at the time of the snapshot creation. You can use an ls -l or similar command in the.ACFS/snaps directory to determine the age of each snapshot.

Administrator privileges are required to use this command or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group.

For more information about Oracle ACFS snapshots, see "About Oracle ACFS Snapshots".


The following examples show the use of acfsutil snap create. The first and second examples create snapshots of the Oracle ACFS file system mounted on /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs. The third example lists the contents of the .ACFS/snaps directory.

Example 13-73 Using the acfsutil snap create command

$ /sbin/acfsutil snap create mysnapshot_0900609b /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

$ /sbin/acfsutil snap create mysnapshot_0900609c /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

$ ls /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs/.ACFS/snaps
mysnapshot_0900609a  mysnapshot_0900609b  mysnapshot_0900609c

acfsutil snap delete


Deletes a read-only snapshot of an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil snap delete [-h]
acfsutil snap delete snapshot mount_point

acfsutil snap delete -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-81 contains the options available with the acfsutil snap delete command.

Table 13-81 Options for the acfsutil snap delete command

Option Description


Specifies a name for the snapshot.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

acfsutil snap delete deletes the snapshot named snapshot in the Oracle ACFS mounted on mount_point. After successful completion of the command, the representation of the snapshot in the.ACFS/snaps directory is removed. The command fails if any file within the snapshot is open on any cluster node.

Administrator privileges are required to use this command or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group.


The following example deletes a snapshot of the file system mounted on /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs.

Example 13-74 Using the acfsutil snap delete command

$ /sbin/acfsutil snap delete mysnapshot_0900609b /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil tune


The acfsutil tune command displays the value of a specific tunable parameter or all Oracle ACFS tunable parameters, or sets the value of a tunable parameter in a persistent manner on a particular node.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil [-h]
acfsutil tune [tunable_name]
acfsutil tune tunable_name=value

acfsutil tune -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-82 contains the options available with the acfsutil tune command.

Table 13-82 Options for the acfsutil tune command

Option Description


Specifies the name of the tunable parameter.


Specifies the value for a tunable parameter.

The only Oracle ACFS tunable parameter is the Windows specific AcfsMaxOpenFiles, which limits the number of open Oracle ACFS files on Windows. Normally you do not have to change the value of this tunable parameter.

Changing a tunable parameter has an immediate effect and persists across restarts. You must be a root user or the Windows Administrator to change the value of a tunable parameter.


The first example prints Oracle ACFS tunable parameters. The second example changes the value of a tunable parameter.

Example 13-75 Using the acfsutil tune command

$ /sbin/acfsutil tune

$ acfsutil tune AcfsMaxOpenFiles=50000

advmutil canonical


advmutil canonical displays the canonical name of the specified Oracle ADVM device name.

Syntax and Description

advmutil [-h ]
advmutil canonical volume_device

advmutil canonical -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-83 contains the options available with the advmutil canonical command.

Table 13-83 Options for the advmutil canonical command

Option Description


Specifies a string identifying a Oracle ADVM volume device.

There are several different formats that can identify an Oracle ADVM volume device, but a normalized, unambiguous (canonical) name should be used when the volume device name is used with other commands such as SRVCTL.

For example, on the Windows operating system you can use the following prefixes with a volume device name: \\.\, \??\, \\?\

The advmutil canonical command would return the canonical name that another utility would recognize without having to strip off extra characters. The command would most likely be used in a script.


The following examples show the use of advmutil canonical on a Windows operating system. For each example, the command returns the canonical name of the volume device.

Example 13-76 Using advmutil canonical

[C:\]advmutil canonical asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \\.\asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \\?\asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \??\asm-volume1-274

advmutil tune


advmutil tune displays the value of a specific Oracle ADVM parameter or sets the value of a specific Oracle ADVM parameter.

Syntax and Description

advmutil [-h ]
advmutil tune parameter [= value]

advmutil tune -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-84 contains the options available with the advmutil tune command.

Table 13-84 Options for the advmutil tune command

Option Description


Specifies the parameter for which you want to set or display the value.


Optional value provided to set the value of the specified parameter.

If a value is not provided, the advmutil tune command displays the value that is currently assigned to the specified parameter.

The parameters that can be specified with advmutil tune are the maximum kernel memory (max_memory) or the maximum time in minutes for the deadlock timer (deadlock_timer).

The maximum kernel memory (max_memory) specifies the maximum operating system (OS) kernel memory in megabytes that can be consumed by the Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager driver to cache Oracle ASM extent maps.


The deadlock_timer parameter should only be set by Oracle Support Services.


The first example sets the maximum kernel memory. The second example queries the current setting for the maximum kernel memory to be consumed by the Oracle ADVM. The third example changes the maximum time in minutes for the deadlock timer. The fourth example queries the current setting of a parameter.

Example 13-77 Using advmutil tune

$ /sbin/advmutil tune max_memory = 40

$ /sbin/advmutil tune max_memory
  max_memory = 40 (0x28)

$ /sbin/advmutil tune deadlock_timer = 20

$ /sbin/advmutil tune deadlock_timer
  deadlock_timer = 20 (0x14)

advmutil volinfo


advmutil volinfo displays information about Oracle ADVM volume devices.

Syntax and Description

advmutil volinfo [-h]
advmutil volinfo [-l][-L] volume_device

advmutil volinfo -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-85 contains the options available with the advmutil volinfo command.

Table 13-85 Options for the advmutil volinfo command

Option Description


Specifies the volume device name.


Separates the Oracle ADVM volume device information by field descriptions and colons on one line.


Separates the Oracle ADVM volume device information by spaces on one line.

advmutil volinfo displays information about the specified Oracle ADVM volume device in a list format by default. The -l option on Linux (/l on Windows) formats the display into a colon-separated string with field descriptions. The -L option on Linux (/L on Windows) formats the display into a space-separated string in a format suitable for scripting.


The first example displays information about an Oracle ADVM volume device, using the advmutil volinfo command with the volume device name. The second example displays information about the volume device using the -l option. The third example displays information about the volume device using the -L option.

Example 13-78 Using advmutil volinfo

$ /sbin/advmutil volinfo /dev/asm/volume1-123
Device : /dev/asm/volume1-228
Interface Version: 1
Size (MB): 256
Resize Increment (MB): 256
Redundancy: mirror
Stripe Columns: 4
Stripe Width (KB): 128
Disk Group: DATA
Volume: VOLUME1
Compatible.advm :

$ /sbin/advmutil volinfo -l /dev/asm/volume1-228
Device : /dev/asm/volume1-228 : Interface Version : 1 : Size (MB) : 256 : 
Resize Increment (MB) : 256 : Redundancy : mirror : Stripe Columns : 4 : 
Stripe Width (KB) : 128 : Disk Group : DATA : Volume : VOLUME1 : 
Compatible.advm :

$ /sbin/advmutil volinfo -L /dev/asm/volume1-228
/dev/asm/volume1-228  1  256 256  mirror  4  128  DATA  VOLUME1