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Oracle BPEL Process Manager
Workflow Services API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
Class DynamicAssignmentUtils


public class DynamicAssignmentUtils
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides a number of static utility methods that are useful to anyone writing implementations of IDynamicAssignmentFunctions. Methods are provided for getting users who are currently available for assignment (not on vacation), for querying the Workflow persistency store, and for interacting with the identity service.


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
static void endTransaction(boolean startedTransaction)
          Handles transaction cleanip after querying from the workflow database tables.
static java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery(java.lang.String query, boolean startedTransaction)
          Executes the specified query against the workflow persistency schema.
static java.util.List getAvailableUsersFromGroup(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String realm)
          Method returns a list of users belonging to the specified group that are available for assignment.
static java.util.List getAvailableUsersFromList(java.util.List usernames, java.lang.String realm)
          Method returns a list of users from the specified list that are available.
static java.util.List getGroupsFromGroup(java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String realm, boolean directsOnly)
          Method uses the specified group name to lookup the sub-groups belonging to that group using the identity service.
static java.lang.String getIDServiceDefaultRealm()
          Gets the default realm for the identity service.
static java.lang.String getSQLCommaSeperatedList(java.util.List list)
          Converts a list of objects into a comma seperated list of Strings suitable for use in SQL query
static java.util.List getUsersFromGroup(java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String realm)
          Method uses the specified group name to lookup the users belonging to that group using the identity service.
static boolean isUserAvailable(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String realm)
          Method determine if the specified user is available for assignment.
static boolean startTransaction()
          Ensures a transaction is open prior to querying from the workflow database tables.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public DynamicAssignmentUtils()

Method Detail


public static java.util.List getUsersFromGroup(java.lang.String groupName,
                                               java.lang.String realm)
                                        throws DynamicAssignmentException
Method uses the specified group name to lookup the users belonging to that group using the identity service.
groupName - String name of group to lookup
realm - to lookup group in - if null, then use identity service default realm
List of String usernames of user
DynamicAssignmentException - if group could not be found


public static java.util.List getGroupsFromGroup(java.lang.String groupName,
                                                java.lang.String realm,
                                                boolean directsOnly)
                                         throws DynamicAssignmentException
Method uses the specified group name to lookup the sub-groups belonging to that group using the identity service.
groupName - name of group to lookup
realm - to lookup group in - if null, then use identity service default realm
directsOnly - if true return only the direct sub-groups of this group. If false, return all groups belonging to this group.
List of String names of groups
DynamicAssignmentException - if group could not be found


public static java.lang.String getIDServiceDefaultRealm()
                                                 throws DynamicAssignmentException
Gets the default realm for the identity service.
String realm name
DynamicAssignmentException - if error occurs accessing the IdentityService


public static boolean startTransaction()
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Ensures a transaction is open prior to querying from the workflow database tables. If there is no transaction currently open, a new transaction is opened, and the method returns true, if there is a transaction already open, the method does nothing, and returns false. This method should be called before calling the executeQuery method in this class.
true if new trasnaction was started, false if a transaction was already open.
java.lang.Exception - if error occurs starting transaction


public static void endTransaction(boolean startedTransaction)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Handles transaction cleanip after querying from the workflow database tables. This method should be called after calling startTransaction() then executeQuery(). The value returned by the call to startTransaction() should be passed as the parameter to this transaction.
startedTransaction - if true, close the current transaction, if false, do nothing.
java.lang.Exception - if error occurs closing transaction


public static java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery(java.lang.String query,
                                              boolean startedTransaction)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Executes the specified query against the workflow persistency schema. Results are returned in the form of a java.sql.ResultSet. The method startTransaction() in this class should always be called prior to calling this method. The value returned by the call to startTransaction should be passed to the startedTransaction parameter of this method. The method endTransaction() in this class should always be called after calling this method.
query - String SQL Query to be executed
startedTransaction - this should be the value returned from call to startTransaction()
ResultSet result of query
java.lang.Exception - if error occurs


public static boolean isUserAvailable(java.lang.String username,
                                      java.lang.String realm)
                               throws DynamicAssignmentException
Method determine if the specified user is available for assignment.
username - String name of user
realm - String name of Identity Service realm user belongs to. If realm is null, then metho will use the default realm.
true if user is available, false if they are on vacation
DynamicAssignmentException - if error occured querying user availability.


public static java.util.List getAvailableUsersFromGroup(java.lang.String group,
                                                        java.lang.String realm)
                                                 throws DynamicAssignmentException
Method returns a list of users belonging to the specified group that are available for assignment.
group - - name of group to lookup users for
realm - - Identity Service realm the group belongs to. If realm is null, method will use the default realm.
List of String usernames of available users
DynamicAssignmentException - if error encountered looking up group, or checking users.


public static java.util.List getAvailableUsersFromList(java.util.List usernames,
                                                       java.lang.String realm)
                                                throws DynamicAssignmentException
Method returns a list of users from the specified list that are available.
usernames - - List of String usernames to check
realm - - realm that the users belong to. If realm is null, method will use the default realm.
List of String usernames of available users
DynamicAssignmentException - if error encountered looking up group, or checking users.


public static java.lang.String getSQLCommaSeperatedList(java.util.List list)
Converts a list of objects into a comma seperated list of Strings suitable for use in SQL query
list - List of Objects (usually Strings)
List of the form 'listItem0','listItem1'...,'listItemN'

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Oracle BPEL Process Manager
Workflow Services API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)

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