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Oracle BPEL Process Manager Client Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (

Interface IInstanceHandle

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public interface IInstanceHandle
extends IInstanceConstants

The IInstanceHandle interface allows the user to perform operations on an active instance. An instance in the process domain represents a long-running, multi-step business transaction that may involve orchestration (or conversations) between multiple performers or service components (represented as activities).

Instances, once started by the process domain, may be administered (for example, an instance may be suspended, resumed or aborted) via this interface. In addition, this interface allows developers to access run-time attributes of the instance (for instance, the current title value of the instance, or even a data field value).


Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface


Method Summary
 void abort()
          Aborts the instance.
 void cancel()
          Cancels the instance.
 void delete()
          Delete the instance from the process domain.
 java.lang.String getAuditDetails(int detailId)
          Returns the details for a single audit trail entry.
 java.lang.String getAuditTrail()
          Returns the XML representation of the audit trail of this instance.
 java.lang.String getConversationId()
          Returns the converationId of this instance.
 java.util.Date getCreationDate()
          Retrieves the creation date of this instance.
 java.lang.String getCreator()
          Retrieves the creator of this instance.
 java.lang.String getDebugTrace()
          Returns an XML dump of the instance.
 java.lang.Object getField(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the value of a data field from within this process instance.
 java.lang.String getIndex(int i)
          Returns the specified index value for this instance.
 java.lang.String getInstanceTrace()
          Returns an XML dump of the instance.
 java.lang.String getMetadata()
          Returns the user specified metadata of this instance.
 java.util.Date getModifyDate()
          Retrieves the date this instance was last modified on.
 java.lang.String getParentId()
          Returns the parent identifier of this instance.
 int getPriority()
          Retrieves the current priority of this instance.
 IBPELProcessHandle getProcess()
          Returns a handle to the BPEL process that this instance belongs to.
 ReferenceId getReferenceId()
          Retrieves the reference identifier of this instance.
 java.lang.Object getResult()
          Retrieves the return value of the instance.
 java.lang.String getRootId()
          Returns the root identifier of this instance.
 java.lang.String getStage()
          Retrieves the current stage of this instance.
 int getState()
          Retrieves the current state of this instance.
 java.lang.String getStatus()
          Retrieves the current status of this instance.
 ITestCaseInfo getTestCaseInfo()
          Returns the test case information.
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          Retrieves the current title of this instance.
 boolean isCancelled()
          Returns true if this instance has been cancelled.
 boolean isClosed()
          Returns true if the state of this instance is either one of: closed.pending.cancel closed.completed closed.faulted closed.cancelled closed.aborted closed.stale
 boolean isComplete()
          Returns true if this instance is complete.
 boolean isFaulted()
          Returns true if this instance has completed abnormally (that is, due to a fault/exception).
 boolean isOpen()
          Returns true if the state of this instance is either one of: open.running open.suspended open.faulted
 boolean isStale()
          Returns true if this instance has been marked as stale.
 boolean isTestCase()
          Indicates if this instance is a test case.
 IActivityHandle[] listActivities()
          Returns the handles for all the activities that belong to this instance.


Method Detail


ReferenceId getReferenceId()
Retrieves the reference identifier of this instance. The reference identifier is the key which can uniquely identify the instance within the process domain.
the reference identifier of this instance.


java.util.Date getCreationDate()
                               throws ServerException
Retrieves the creation date of this instance.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getCreator()
                            throws ServerException
Retrieves the creator of this instance.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.util.Date getModifyDate()
                             throws ServerException
Retrieves the date this instance was last modified on.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


int getState()
             throws ServerException
Retrieves the current state of this instance.
the current state of this instance as an int
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.
See Also:


boolean isOpen()
               throws ServerException
Returns true if the state of this instance is either one of:
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.
See Also:


boolean isClosed()
                 throws ServerException
Returns true if the state of this instance is either one of:
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.
See Also:


boolean isComplete()
                   throws ServerException
Returns true if this instance is complete. An instance is complete if it does not contain any active activities.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.
See Also:


boolean isFaulted()
                  throws ServerException
Returns true if this instance has completed abnormally (that is, due to a fault/exception).
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.
See Also:


boolean isCancelled()
                    throws ServerException
Returns true if this instance has been cancelled. Instances that terminate due to a fault condition while executing are considered faulted. Instances that are cancelled have had administrative action taken upon them.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.
See Also:


boolean isStale()
                throws ServerException
Returns true if this instance has been marked as stale. When a BPEL process is deployed on top of an existing (that is, deployed) BPEL process with the same process identifier and revision tag, all instances created from the old BPEL process are marked as stale and cannot be acted upon any longer.

Instances belonging to undeployed processes are also marked as stale.

ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.
See Also:


int getPriority()
                throws ServerException
Retrieves the current priority of this instance. The priority for the instance can be set via the setPriority() method from a BPELX java exec tag.

The semantics attached to the priority value are the sole domain and responsibility of the developer.

ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getTitle()
                          throws ServerException
Retrieves the current title of this instance. The title for the instance can be set via the setTitle() method from a BPELX java exec tag.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getStatus()
                           throws ServerException
Retrieves the current status of this instance. The status for the instance can be set via the setStatus() method from a BPELX java exec tag.

The semantics attached to the status value are the sole domain and responsibility of the developer.

ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getStage()
                          throws ServerException
Retrieves the current stage of this instance. The stage for the instance can be set via the setStage() method from a BPELX java exec tag.

The semantics attached to the stage value are the sole domain and responsibility of the developer.

ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getConversationId()
                                   throws ServerException
Returns the converationId of this instance. When an instance is created the user may pass the process domain a user-specified key; this key has no system-specific meaning and is only available as a means for linking a Collaxa process instance with an external system.

The semantics attached to the value of the key are the sole domain and responsibility of the developer.

ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getParentId()
                             throws ServerException
Returns the parent identifier of this instance. When an instance is calling another instance, a system specified id is passed. This id is identified by the instance being called as the parentId. This id can be used to locate the caller of an instance.

The semantics attached to the status value are the sole domain and responsibility of the user.



java.lang.String getRootId()
                           throws ServerException
Returns the root identifier of this instance. When an instance is created the user may pass the process domain a user-specified key. This key will then be passed as part of the requests to other processes being called. This key has no system-specific meaning and is only available as a means for identifying a set of related instances.

The semantics attached to the status value are the sole domain and responsibility of the user.



java.lang.String getMetadata()
                             throws ServerException
Returns the user specified metadata of this instance. When an instance is created the user may pass the process domain a user-specified metadata string.

The semantics attached to the value of the key are the sole domain and responsibility of the developer.

ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getIndex(int i)
                          throws ServerException
Returns the specified index value for this instance. Instances may be created with index values; these indexes can be used to search for an instance later via a database query. There are six indexes available for use.
i - the index number, starting from 1.
ServerException - if there is a problem fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.Object getField(java.lang.String name)
                          throws ServerException
Retrieves the value of a data field from within this process instance.
name - the name of the data field.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain or if a data member called name has not been declared in the instance.


java.lang.Object getResult()
                           throws ServerException
Retrieves the return value of the instance. If the asynchronous instance has not completed yet an exception is thrown.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain or if the instance is not complete yet.


java.lang.String getInstanceTrace()
                                  throws ServerException
Returns an XML dump of the instance. The XML content returned will contain:
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getDebugTrace()
                               throws ServerException
Returns an XML dump of the instance. The XML content returned will contain:
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getAuditTrail()
                               throws ServerException
Returns the XML representation of the audit trail of this instance.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


java.lang.String getAuditDetails(int detailId)
                                 throws ServerException
Returns the details for a single audit trail entry.

Large audit trail documents stored in the details field of any entry are persisted to a separate table than the rest of the audit trail. By doing this, the overall size of the audit trail is kept small and as a result, faster to load.

The id for a detail entry is found as an attribute on the details tag.

If no details entry can be found with the specified identifier, an empty string will be returned.

detailId - the identifier for the details entry
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the meta data of this instance from the process domain.


IActivityHandle[] listActivities()
                                 throws ServerException
Returns the handles for all the activities that belong to this instance.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the activities for this instance.


IBPELProcessHandle getProcess()
                              throws ServerException
Returns a handle to the BPEL process that this instance belongs to.
ServerException - if there is a problem in fetching the process for this instance.


void cancel()
            throws ServerException
Cancels the instance. All active activities that belong to this instance will also be cancelled.

When an activity is cancelled, the performer of the activity is notified of the cancellation and is given an opportunity to rollback or cancel any work that has already been done on behalf of the activity. Since this clean-up procedure can take an indeterminate amount of time, cancelling an instance may not be instaneous and could result in new activities being activated.

ServerException - if there is a problem in locating the instance in the process domain or if the requested action is not permitted (the instance this handle is referring to may have been changed in the meantime).


void abort()
           throws ServerException
Aborts the instance. Aborting an instance differs from cancelling one; the latter informs the performers of any active activities that the activity is being cancelled and allows the performer to clean-up or rollback the any changes made. Aborting an instance will simply mark the activities as having been aborted without the chance for clean-up. This method is included for administrative purposes only.
ServerException - if there is a problem in locating the instance in the process domain or if the requested action is not permitted (the instance this handle is referring to may have been changed in the meantime).


void delete()
            throws ServerException
Delete the instance from the process domain. After this method is invoked all the data associated with this instance in the datastore will be removed. This action cannot be undone.
ServerException - if there is a problem in locating the instance in the process domain or if there is a problem deleting the instance from the domain.


boolean isTestCase()
                   throws ServerException
Indicates if this instance is a test case. If this instance was run by the test framework, this method returns true
true if this instance is a test case.
ServerException - if there is a problem fetching the information.


ITestCaseInfo getTestCaseInfo()
                              throws ServerException
Returns the test case information. If this instance was run by the test framework, this method will return information about the test case. Note that this method should only be called after the instance has completed.
the test case information. null if the instance is not a test case.
ServerException - if there is a problem locating the test information.

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Oracle BPEL Process Manager Client Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (


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