4 User and Role Management

You can add users to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center from the local authentication subsystem of the Enterprise Controller's operating system. Each user can be given a different role which grants or denies access to the different functions of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can view the existing Users from the Users tab of the Administration section.

You can view the Roles of existing users from the Roles tab of the Administration section.

About User and Role Management

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center can import any user known to the Enterprise Controller. These users can log in and launch jobs separately. Each user can be granted different roles, giving them a tailored set of abilities.

Adding and Removing Users

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center can have any number of users. If a user is known to the Enterprise Controller system, either as a local user or through a network information service, that user can be added to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. They can then log in to Ops Center.

Existing users can also be deleted by any user with the Enterprise Controller Admin role.

Roles and Authorizations

You can give each user a set of roles, which determine what tasks the user can and cannot take. This gives administrators fine-grained control over the actions that users can take.

A user with the Enterprise Controller Admin role is an Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center superuser. They can take any action within Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center, including updating the product and modifying or removing other users and roles.

A user with the All Assets Admin role can perform any action, such as discovery, OS provisioning, or firmware provisioning, on any asset. However, they cannot modify or remove users, update the product, or take other actions that directly affect the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center infrastructure.

The Admin, Provision, Update, Update Simulate, and Manage roles can be granted for each group. Each one lets the user take certain actions on any asset in the group.

Notification Profiles

Assets managed by Ops Center can be set to generate notifications when specified criteria are met. For example, a server could be set to generate a notification if its temperature climbs too high.

Notification profiles let you specify how these notifications should be sent to each user and under what circumstances. Notifications can be sent through the UI, by email, or by pager. Different degrees of notifications, or notifications for different assets, can be sent through different methods. For example, you could create a notification profile that would send low-priority notifications to your email, and high-priority notifications to your pager.

Adding a User

Users with admin privileges can add other users to the list of users recognized by Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. New user information, such as the passwords for new users, will be pulled from the local authentication subsystem.

To Add a User

  1. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Users tab. The Users page is displayed.

  3. Click the Add User icon. The Add User window is displayed.

  4. Enter the user name.

  5. Click Add User. The new user is created.

Deleting a User

A user with admin rights can delete other users, removing the user and their role from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

To Delete a User

  1. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Users tab. The Users page is displayed.

  3. Select the user that you want to delete.

  4. Click the Delete User icon. The Delete User window is displayed.

  5. Click Confirm. The user is deleted.

Roles and Authorizations

Roles grant users the ability to use the different functions of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. By giving a role to a user, an Enterprise Controller Administrator can control what functions are available to that user on specific assets and groups.

Each role grants a user a specific set of authorizations. To perform a job, you must have the correct role for the assets or group targeted by the job. Enterprise Controller Administrators can grant roles to a user that cover the following assets or groups:

  • Enterprise Controller

  • All Assets group

  • User-created groups

  • System-defined groups

  • Deployment plans

  • Profiles

  • OS Update profiles


Subgroups inherit the roles assigned to the parent group.

Enterprise Controller Admin Role

The Enterprise Controller Admin role grants root access to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. A user with the Enterprise Controller Admin role can perform asset discovery, perform administration actions on Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center, add new users, edit roles, and create new profiles, policies, and plans.

When Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center is configured, the privileged user is automatically given this role. At least one user must have this role.

All Assets Admin Role

A user with the All Assets Admin role can perform any action, including provisioning, updating, and managing, on any asset or group.

When Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center is configured, the privileged user is automatically given this role.

Group Roles

An Enterprise Controller Admin can grant one or more of these roles to any user for any group:

Group Admin

A user with the Admin role for a group has unlimited access to assets within that group. They can take any action on the assets in the group, including installing Agents, updating or provisioning operating systems, provisioning firmware, and managing and monitoring assets. However, they cannot edit or add assets to the group.

Group Provision

A user with the Provision role for a group can provision operating systems and firmware onto assets in the group. You can use existing profiles, policies, and plans to perform provisioning, but you cannot edit them or create new ones. Deployment plans that include update components can be used by a user with this role.

Group Update

A user with the Update role for a group can update operating systems in the group and run update reports. You can use existing profiles, policies, and plans to perform the update, but you cannot edit them or create new ones. Deployment plans, including those with update components, require the Group Provision role.

Group Update Sim

A user with the Update Sim role for a group can perform simulated Update jobs on operating systems and run update reports.

Group Manage

A user with the Manage role for a group can monitor assets, gain console access, and launch reports.

Plan and Profile Roles

A user can be granted the Admin role for a Deployment Plan, Operational Plan, or Profile. A user with the Admin role can edit, copy, or delete the plan or profile. However, a user can run the plan or profile on an asset without having the Admin role.

Assigning a Role

Roles grant users the ability to use the different functions of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. By giving a role to a user, an administrator can control what functions are available to that user for specific groups. See Roles and Authorizations for a list of the available roles and their functions.

An Enterprise Controller Admin can grant users different roles for the Enterprise Controller, the All Assets group, and any user-defined groups. A user who is assigned a role for a group will receive the same role for all subgroups.

To Assign a Role to a User


You must have the Enterprise Controller Admin role to assign roles to other users.
  1. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Roles tab. The Roles page is displayed.

  3. Select a user from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select Enterprise Controller, All Assets, or a user-defined group.

  5. Click Edit Roles. The Edit Roles window is displayed.

  6. Select the checkbox for the role or roles you want to assign to the user. You can remove a role by un-checking the checkbox.

  7. Click Update Role Capabilities. The user's roles are updated.

Configuring a Notification Profile

Notification Profiles determine how notifications are sent to a user and what levels of notifications are sent. By configuring separate notification profiles, different users can receive specific levels of notifications through the UI, through email, or through a pager.

There are four levels of notification that can be sent to a specific destination (the UI, an email address, or a pager).

  • None – No notifications will be sent to the destination.

  • Low and Higher – Low, medium, and high severity notifications will be sent to the destination.

  • Medium and Higher – Medium and high severity notifications will be sent to the destination.

  • High – High severity notifications will be sent to the destination.

Different levels of notifications can be sent for specific Virtualization Pools, Groups, or top-level Smart Groups.

If a user has no notification profile, all notifications (Low and Higher) for all assets will be sent to the UI, and no notifications will be sent to other destinations.

To Configure a Notification Profile

You can configure a new notification profile for a user or edit an existing profile.

  1. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  2. Select the Enterprise Controller.

  3. Click the Users tab. The Users page is displayed.

  4. Select the user for whom you want to configure notifications.

  5. Click the Configure Notification Profile icon. The Configure Notification Profile window appears. If a Notification Profile has already been configured for the user, the existing profile is displayed.

  6. Select either Subscribe to All Notifications or Subscribe to Custom Filtered Notifications.

    • If you select Subscribe to All Notifications, you will receive notifications for all assets.

      Use the Application drop-down list to select the severity of messages to be received through the BUI.

      Use the Email drop-down list to select the severity of messages to be received through email.

      Use the Pager drop-down list to select the severity of messages to be received through a pager.

    • If you select Subscribe to Custom Filtered Notifications, you will receive the specified priority of notifications for each Virtualization Pool and Group.

      For each Virtualization Pool, select the severity of messages to be received through the BUI, email, and pager.

      For each Smart Group, select the severity of messages to be received through the BUI, email, and pager.

      For each Group, select the severity of messages to be received through the BUI, email, and pager.

  7. If you chose to receive notifications by email, enter an email address and mail host. The mail host specifies an external mail host through which messages are sent.

  8. If you chose to receive notifications by pager, enter a pager address and mail host. The mail host specifies an external mail host through which messages are sent.

  9. (Optional) Click More Options to view additional options.

    • Enter a Mail User and Mail Password to specify credentials for the mail host.

  10. Click Update Notification Profile.

Deleting a Notification Profile

Notification Profiles determine what events generate notifications for a user and how those notifications are sent to the user. If a user's notification profile is deleted, notifications of all severity levels to be sent to the UI.

To Delete a Notification Profile

  1. Select Administration in the Navigation pane.

  2. Select the Enterprise Controller.

  3. Click the Users tab. The Users page is displayed.

  4. Select the user whose Notification Profile you want to delete.

  5. Click the Delete Notification Profile icon. The Delete User Notification Profile confirmation window is displayed.

  6. Click Delete. The User's Notification Profile is deleted.