12 Deployment Plans

Enterprise Manager Ops Center provides life cycle management services for all the deployment plans. After creating a plan, you can maintain its version, view, edit, copy and delete a plan.

About Deployment Plans

A deployment plan defines the sequence of operations or steps that must be carried out on an asset to deploy it together with the specification or profile that each step should apply and the resources that will be required to apply it such as network addresses, host names and so on.

A deployment template is an unbound deployment plan which defines the steps of execution but not the profiles and assets. Deployment templates are patterns from which deployment plans can be created. The software provides a comprehensive set of templates for all assets, including the virtualization platforms and virtual machines.

The deployment framework provides the user with necessary mechanism to create, configure, manage and execute customized deployment plans which enables the hardware, firmware and software provisioning activities in a repeatable fashion. You can create deployment plans from templates. For each plan loaded from the template, identify the profiles to satisfy each step. Each step can be associated with a profile or a plan but not both. Bind the profile or plan with each step. If you do not want to include a particular step, skip that step in the plan. You cannot arbitrarily add any steps to a plan. You can use only those steps that are defined in the template from which the plan is derived.

The settings and values in the profiles bound to each step are defaults and can be modified when the plan is actually applied. The profile settings and values can actually be further constrained by the target systems to which the plan is applied.

You have the following deployment templates:

  • Configure M-Series Hardware, Create and Install Domain – Use this plan to configure a M-Series server, create dynamic system domains, provision OS on the domains and update the domains.

  • Configure RAID – Use this plan to configure the RAID controller on your server.

  • Configure Server Hardware and Install OS – Use this plan to configure a service processor or a chassis, provision OS and update the OS.

  • Configure Service Processor – Use this plan to configure the service processor or your chassis.

  • Configure and Install Dynamic System Domain – Use this plan to create dynamic system domains, provision and update OS on the domains.

  • Configure and Install Logical Domains – Use this plan to create logical domains and provision OS on the logical domains.

  • Create Dynamic System Domain – Use this plan to create only dynamic system domains.

  • Create Logical Domains – Use this plan to create only logical domains.

  • Install Server – Use this plan to provision and update the OS.

  • Provision OS – Use this plan to provision OS.

  • Software Deployment/Update – Use this plan to apply script based update profiles.

  • Update Firmware – Use this plan to update the firmwares.

Apart from the deployment plans, you have Operational Plans that encapsulates monitoring profiles, operational profiles and problems knowledge base.

An operational plan uses a single operational profile, that contains and defines a shell script. An operational plan can run as a stand-alone plan, or as a step within a deployment plan. You can use operational plans to operate specific tasks in your environment, such as creating an alternate boot environment, or to run scripts to assist in problem management. See About Operational Profiles and Plans for more information about using operational plans.

The thresholds and monitoring configuration are derived as monitoring rules and monitoring profiles are created out of it. You can use the operational plans and monitoring profiles in the multi-step deployment plans for configuring your systems.

See Roles and Authorizations for information about permissions required to create and manage deployment plans.

Creating a Deployment Plan

You can create deployment plans from deployment templates and configure the plans using profiles. You can also use other plans leading to nested plans and complex plan management. See Complex Plan Management for detailed procedures about creating nested plans.

To Create a Deployment Plan

  1. Select Plan Management section in the Navigation pane.

  2. Select the appropriate plan in the Deployment Plan tree.

  3. Select Create Plan from Template in the Actions pane. Create a Deployment Plan window is displayed.

  4. Enter a name and description for the plan.

  5. Select the type of failure policy. Failure Policy defines the course of action to be taken when there is a failure in the steps of plan execution.

  6. In the Deployment Steps, select the profile or plan that needs to be applied for the step. The Associated Profile/Plan drop-down lists only the applicable profiles or plans for each step in the plan.

  7. (Optional) Click the Create Profile icon if you want to create a profile for the plan. This option will take you to the corresponding profile creation wizard.

  8. Provide any additional parameter required, if any. For Create Logical Domains plan, you can enter the number of logical domains to be created on applying the profile.

  9. Click Save to save the plan.

Apply the plan to execute the steps on the system for the desired configuration.

Editing a Deployment Plan

You can edit the deployment plan details, alter the plan configuration by skipping steps in the plan, change the profile or plan bound to each step, or save the plan under a different name to create a new plan.


When you edit a deployment plan that is referred to by another plan, for example, in a nested plan, the referring plan is not automatically updated to refer to the edited plan's version. You must manually modify the referring plan if you want it to use the modified version.

To Edit a Deployment Plan

  1. Select Plan Management from the Navigation pane.

  2. You can use either of the way to select Edit Deployment Plan option:

    • Method 1 – Select the deployment type from the tree and select a plan from the list. The Edit Deployment Plan icon is enabled. Click the Edit Deployment Plan icon.

    • Method 2 – Expand the selected deployment type and select a plan from the list. The plan details are displayed. Select Edit Deployment Plan from the Actions pane. The Edit Deployment Plan window is displayed.

  3. Edit the following details of the plan:

    • Plan Name – When you can modify the name of the plan, a new plan is created. Edit the name to create a new plan.

    • Description – Provide a description of the plan.

    • Failure Policy – Select whether you want the plan execution to stop at failure or complete as much as possible.

  4. You can configure a step of the plan by setting or changing the associated profile, or by creating a new profile.

  5. You can edit the plan by replicating the steps and associate targets depending on the type of plan selected, if any.

  6. Click Save to save any changes made to the plan. If you have changed the name, a new plan will be saved with the version v1.

Copying a Deployment Plan

You can copy an existing deployment plan, rename it, and create a new plan.

To Copy a Deployment Plan

  1. Select Plan Management from the Navigation pane.

  2. You can use either of the way to select Copy Deployment Plan:

    • Method 1 – Select the deployment type from the tree and select a plan from the list. The Copy Deployment Plan icon is enabled. Click the Copy Deployment Plan icon.

    • Method 2 – Expand the selected deployment type and select a plan from the list. The plan details are displayed. Select Copy Deployment Plan from the Actions pane. The Create a Deployment Plan window is displayed.

  3. Edit the following details of the plan:

    • Description – Provide a description of the plan.

    • Plan Name – By default, the plan name is Copy of <<plan name>>. If required, you can modify the name.

    • Failure Policy – Select whether you want the plan execution to stop at failure or complete as much as possible.

  4. You can configure a step of the plan by setting or changing the associated profile, or by creating a new profile.

  5. You can edit the plan by replicating the steps and associate targets depending on the type of plan selected, if any.

  6. Click Save the new plan. A new plan will be saved with the version v1.

Deleting a Deployment Plan

You can delete a deployment plan or only a version of the plan. If the selected deployment plan is not referenced by any other plans, then you can confirm deleting the plan or its version. If the plan is used in other plans, then the Delete Deployment Plan option will not be enabled.

To Delete a Deployment Plan

  1. Select Plan Management from the Navigation pane.

  2. You can use either of the way to select Delete Deployment Plan option:

    • Method 1 – Select the deployment type from the tree. The plans of that type are listed in the center pane. Select a plan from the list. The Delete Deployment Plan and Delete Version icon is enabled. Click Delete Deployment Plan or Delete Version icon accordingly.

    • Method 2 – Expand the selected deployment type and select a plan from the list. The plan details are displayed. Select Delete Deployment Plan or Delete Version from the Actions pane. The Delete Plan window is displayed.

  3. Click Delete to confirm the delete action.