G.2 Prepare the Compute Nodes for Yum Updates

  1. On a host outside the Exalogic machine, set up a local yum repository as described in the "Server Setup" section of the following document:


    While doing this, select only the ol5_x86_64_latest channel.

  2. On each compute node on the Exalogic machine, do the following:

    1. Log in as the root user.

    2. Set up the compute node as a yum client of the repository you set up in step 1, by performing the steps in the "Client Setup" section of the following document:


    3. To ensure that essential RPMs are not modified during yum updates, append the following exclude directive, to the /etc/yum.conf file.


      The entire directive must be on one line.

      exclude=kernel* compat-dapl* dapl* ib-bonding* ibacm* ibutils* ibsim* 
      infiniband-diags* libibcm* libibmad* libibumad* libibverbs* libmlx4* 
      librdmacm* libsdp* mpi-selector* mpitests_openmpi_gcc* mstflint* mvapich* 
      ofa* ofed* openmpi_gcc* opensm* perftest* qperf* rds-tools* sdpnetstat* 
      srptools* exalogic* infinibus*

      This exclusion list includes all of the RPMs listed in RPMs That Must Not Be Modified or Removed.