14.4 Start the Subnet Manager in Multirack Configuration Scenarios

The Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36, which is referred to as the spine switch, is connected and configured in multirack configuration scenarios. You  must start the Subnet Manager manually on the switch as follows:

  1. On the CLI of the spine switch, run the following command:

    # enablesm

  2. On the CLI of the spine switch, set the Subnet Manager priority within the command-line interface (CLI) as follows:

    # setsmpriority priority


    For information about the switches on which the SM should run in various rack configurations and the SM priorities for the switches, see Subnet Manager Operation in Different Rack Configurations

    For example, to set the Subnet Manager on the spine switch to priority 8, run the following command on the CLI of the spine switch:

    # setsmpriority 8

    The following output is displayed:

    OpenSM 3.2.6_20090717
      Reading Cached Option File: /etc/opensm/opensm.conf
      Loading Cached Option:routing_engine = ftree
      Loading Cached Option:sminfo_polling_timeout = 1000
      Loading Cached Option:polling_retry_number = 3
    Command Line Arguments:
      Priority = 8
      Creating config file template '/tmp/osm.conf'.
      Log File: /var/log/opensm.log

    For the changes to take effect, restart the Subnet Manager as follows:

    # disablesm

    # enablesm

  3. After assigning the SM priority on the spine switch correctly, on the CLI of the gateway switches (Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switches referred to as leaf switches in this guide), run the following command to disable Subnet Manager individually on the gateway switches:

    # disablesm