4 Installing Oracle Software

This chapter describes the software installation required for the enterprise deployment reference topology.

This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Installing Oracle WebLogic Software and Creating the Middleware Home

You must complete the following steps:

4.1.1 Downloading the Oracle WebLogic Software Installer

The Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.4) Installer includes the following components:

  • Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.4)

  • Oracle Coherence

  • Oracle JRockit JVM 28.1.0 (Oracle Linux)

  • Sun JDK 1.6.0_23 (Oracle Solaris)

You must download the Oracle WebLogic Linux (64-bit JVM) or Oracle WebLogic Solaris (64-bit JVM) installer as follows:

  1. Download the ZIP file from the Oracle E-Delivery Web site at:

  2. Copy the wls1034_linux64 or wls1034_solaris64 to a local directory on /u01/common/general.

  3. Extract the contents of the zip file to a local directory on /u01/common/general.


You can download the Oracle WebLogic 10.3.4 software from http://edelivery.oracle.com. Select Oracle Fusion Middleware as the Product Pack, Linux x86-64 or Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit) as the Platform, and Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Media Pack for Exalogic as the Media Pack.

4.1.2 Installing JDKs on Oracle Solaris

You must install the JDKs on Oracle Solaris as follows:

  1. Download Oracle JDK 6 Update 25 for Oracle Solaris on x86 (32-bit) and Oracle JDK 6 Update 25 for Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit) included in the Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software 11g Media Pack available at:

  2. Install Oracle JDK 6 Update 25 for Oracle Solaris on x86 (32-bit), as described in http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/install-solaris-139361.html#install.

  3. Install Oracle JDK 6 Update 25 for Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit), as described in http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/install-solaris-64-138849.html.

4.1.3 Installing Oracle WebLogic Server and Creating Middleware Home on Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance

As described in Section 3.4, "Shared Storage and Recommended Project and Share Structure," you install the Oracle WebLogic product binaries on one of the shares in the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance. Note that the share, which is a shared file system, must be accessible by all compute nodes.

You must run the Oracle WebLogic installer on ComputeNode1 as follows:

  1. Open a Linux or Solaris terminal window.


    Ensure that you do not run the Oracle WebLogic installer as the root user for Linux. You can log in as user weblogic with write privileges to the appropriate shares mounted on the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance. For more information, see Section, "Creating Groups and Users and Controlling Access to Mounted Shares".

  2. Use the cd command to move from your present working directory to the directory where you extracted the contents of the zip file to.

  3. At the command prompt, run the following command to start the installer.

    Oracle Linux:


    Oracle Solaris:

    $JAVA_HOME/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java -d64 -jar wls1034_generic.jar

    The Welcome screen is displayed.

  4. In the Welcome screen, click Next.

    The Choose Middleware Home Directory screen is displayed.

  5. In the Choose Middleware Home Directory screen, do the following:

    • Select Create a New Middleware Home.

    • Click Browse, and specify the shared file system on the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance. For example, /u01/app/FMW_Product1/Oracle/Middleware.


      This shared file system must be accessible by all compute nodes in the Oracle Exalogic machine.

    Click Next.

    The Register for Security Updates screen is displayed.

  6. In the Register for Security Updates screen, enter your contact information, so that you can be notified of security updates, and click Next.

    The Choose Install Type screen is displayed.

  7. In the Choose Install Type screen, select Custom, and click Next.

    The Choose Products and Components screen is displayed.

  8. In the Choose Products and Components screen, leave the default values, but ensure that the following components are not selected:

    • Server Examples under WebLogic Server

    • Coherence Examples under Oracle Coherance

    Click Next.

    The JDK Selection screen is displayed.

  9. In the JDK Selection screen, select Oracle JRockit 1.6.0_20 SDK or Sun JDK 1.6.0_23 (Oracle Solaris), and click Next.

    The Choose Product Installation Directories screen is displayed.

  10. In the Choose Product Installation Directories screen, ensure that the path to the shared file system where you want to copy the installation files is specified, and click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen is displayed.

  11. In the Installation Summary screen, click Next.

    The Installation Complete screen is displayed.

  12. In the Installation Complete screen, de-select Run QuickStart, and click Done to exit the installer.

For more information about Oracle WebLogic Installation types, log files, silent installation, and troubleshooting, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

4.1.4 Backing Up Installation

You must back up the Oracle Fusion Middleware Home created on the shared file system on the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance:

ComputeNode1> tar -cvzf /u01/app/Dept_1/backup/fmwhomeback.tgz /u01/app/FMW_Product1/Oracle/Middleware

This command creates a backup of the installation files for Oracle WebLogic.

4.2 Setting Up Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control

This step is optional, but recommended.

Oracle recommends that you set up and use Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor software components, including Oracle WebLogic domains, application deployments, Coherence Clusters, and hosts.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control requires an Oracle Enterprise Management Agent and the Oracle Management Service (OMS). Oracle Management Service is outside of Oracle Exalogic environment. A single Oracle Enterprise Management Agent, required as Master Agent, is installed on the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance. This master agent, which is on the shared storage is used by all compute nodes in the Oracle Exalogic machine.

You must install Oracle Management NFS agents on each of the local storage of the compute nodes.

Setting up Oracle Enterprise Manager in the Oracle Exalogic environment involves the following steps:

  1. Patching the Oracle Management Service 11g repository, installed outside of the Exalogic environment. This patch includes Exalogic-specific features and enhancements. For information about patch requirements, see the Knowledge Base article (Title: Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 11g R1 - Known Issues Doc ID: 1268557.1) located at My Oracle Support.

  2. Installing Enterprise Manager System on a shared file system on the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance. For more information, see "Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide".

  3. Installing Oracle Management Agent on a shared file system on the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance. This single agent will be used as the Master Agent by all Exalogic compute nodes.

    For information, see "Installing Oracle Management Agent Using Shared Oracle Home" in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.

  4. Patching the Oracle Enterprise Management Agent (Master Agent) installed on the shared file system on the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance. This patch includes Exalogic-specific features and enhancements. For information about patch requirements, see the Knowledge Base article (Title: Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 11g R1 - Known Issues Doc ID: 1268557.1) located at My Oracle Support.

  5. Installing Oracle Management NFS Agents on Exalogic compute nodes. For more information, see "Installing Oracle Management Agent Using Shared Oracle Home Using nfsagentinstall Script" in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.

4.3 Installing Oracle HTTP Server

In the enterprise deployment reference topology described in this guide, Oracle HTTP Server is used as follows:

  • Mandatorily in the web tier in the DMZ public zone to route requests from Oracle HTTP Server to WebLogic Server in the application tier - this installation of Oracle HTTP Server is external to the Exalogic machine.


    For information about installing Oracle HTTP Server 11g Release1 ( outside of the Exalogic environment, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Web Tier.

    You must configure Oracle HTTP Server, as described in <link>

    In the configuration example used in this guide, WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2 are used as the Web server instances supporting the WebLogic servers in the Exalogic environment. These instances route requests from Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server.

  • Optionally inside the Exalogic box to load balance traffic on Exalogic's BOND0/IPMP0 (IPoIB) network - this installation of Oracle HTTP Server resides on the shared storage appliance (Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance), and the instances run on Exalogic compute nodes.

    As described in Section 3.4, "Shared Storage and Recommended Project and Share Structure," you install the Oracle HTTP Server product binaries on one of the shares in the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance. Note that the share, which is a shared file system, must be accessible by all compute nodes.

    Installing Oracle HTTP Server on Exalogic

    You must download the following Oracle HTTP Server 11g Release 1 installers to the /u01/el01cn01/general location:

    • Oracle HTTP Server 11g Release 1 ( Installer

    • Oracle HTTP Server 11g Release 1 ( Patch Set Installer

    See "Obtain the Oracle Fusion Middleware Software" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide for information on where to obtain the software.Select one of the download locations and download Oracle Web Tier and to the /u01/el01cn01/general location. These installers will be saved as .zip archive files.After you download the archive files, unpack the archive files into /u01/el01cn01/general on ComputeNode1.

    To install Oracle HTTP Server 11g Release 1 ( on the Sun ZFS Storage 7320 appliance, complete the following steps:

    1. Start the installer, go to the directory where you unpacked the archive file and switch to the Disk1 directory.

    2. Run the following command to start the Oracle HTTP Server 11g Release 1 ( installation program on ComputeNode1:


      The Welcome screen of the Oracle Web Tier installation wizard is displayed.

    3. On the Welcome screen, click Next. The Select Installation Type screen is displayed.

    4. Select the Install Software - Do Not Configure option. Click Next to continue. The Prerequisite Checks screen is displayed.

    5. When the prerequisite check is complete, click Next to continue. The Specify Installation screen is displayed.

    6. Specify the Middleware Home (/u01/FMW_Product1/Oracle/Middleware) and Oracle Web Tier home (/u01/FMW_Product1/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_WT1) directories. The Web Tier Oracle home and Oracle common home directories will be created inside the Middleware Home directory. Click Next to continue. The Specify Security Updates screen is displayed.

    7. If you choose to register for security updates, provide your email address to be informed of the latest product issues. Click Next to continue. The Installation Summary screen is displayed.

    8. Review the summary, and click Install to begin the installation. The Installation Progress screen is displayed. Click Next to continue. When the installation is complete, the Installation Complete screen is displayed.

    9. Click Finish to dismiss the installer. The Web Tier software, which includes Oracle HTTP Server, is installed.

    10. Start the Oracle Web Tier Patch Set installer, go to the directory where you unpacked the archive file, and switch to the Disk1 directory.

    11. Run the following command to start the Oracle HTTP Server 11g Release 1 ( installation program on ComputeNode1:


      The Welcome screen of the Oracle Web Tier patch set installation wizard is displayed.

    12. Click Next to continue. The Specify Installation Location screen is displayed.

    13. Specify your existing Middleware Home and Oracle Web Tier home directories. Click Next to continue. The Specify Security Updates screen is displayed.

    14. Enter your E-mail address if you want to receive the latest product information and security updates. If you have a My Oracle account and wish to receive updates via this mechanism, select I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support, then enter your account password. If you do not wish to register for security updates, leave all fields on this screen blank. Click Next to continue. The Installation Summary screen is displayed.

    15. Review the installation summary, and click Install to continue. The Installation Progress screen is displayed. Click Next to continue. When the installation is complete, the Installation Complete screen is displayed.

    16. Click Finish to dismiss the installer. Your Oracle Web Tier installation is now updated to Oracle Web Tier


      After installing Oracle HTTP Server, you must configure Oracle HTTP Server, as described in Section 6.4, "Optional: Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for Load Balancing on the Private InfiniBand Network".

Installing a Mandatory Patch for Oracle HTTP Server Installed on Exalogic

If you have installed Oracle HTTP Server to optionally load balance traffic on the private InfiniBand network in the Exalogic machine, you must install a mandatory patch before configuring Oracle HTTP Server instances to run on Exalogic compute nodes.

To install the patch, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to My Oracle Support at http://support.oracle.com, click on the Patches & Updates tab, and search for the following patch number:

    For Oracle Linux and Oracle Solaris: 12530765

  2. Download the associated patch and install it by following the instructions in the README file included with the patch.