Component Specific Issues

This section describes specific issues for components that Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder can introspect. The list of issues for each component presents the most severe or frequently encountered issues first, followed by lower priority issues.

This section describes the following topics:

Oracle Virtual Machine

This section describes issues for Oracle VM. It includes these items:

Intermittent Errors When Using Oracle VM

Intermittent errors have been reported when using Oracle VM. If you receive an error that includes, check the Oracle VM logs to ensure you understand the root cause of the problem. In some cases, simply reattempting the task will solve the problem, but consulting the logs is the best approach.

Limit Virtual Machine Names to 100 Characters or Less

Oracle Virtual Machine limits virtual machine names to 100 characters or less. If your names are too long, you will receive the error: OVM-4008

Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder Deployer determines virtual machine names based on the following format:


In order to have virtual machine name length in the defined 100 character limit, the assembly name (and all subassembly names) and appliance names combined must be short enough that, when combined, are less than 100 characters.

Limit Virtual Machine Passwords to 50 Characters or Less

Oracle Virtual Machine limits virtual machine passwords to 50 characters or less; your virtual machine password must be less than 50 characters long. If your password is too long, you will receive the error: OVM-5101 The template{0} cannot be found

Limitation on Number of Virtual Disks

Oracle VM supports handling an appliance with up to 26 virtual disks. If you attempt to perform operations to create a larger number of virtual disks, you will experience a failure and an error message indicating that a 'disk image declared in the OVF does not exist in the OVA.'

VNC Access Only Available through Oracle VM Manager

Although you must supply a VNC password when creating templates, and can override this password in a deployment plan, neither of these values will actually take effect. You must access virtual machine VNC consoles through the Oracle VM Manager console, using the appropriate credentials as defined by Oracle VM Manager.

Oracle WebLogic Server Issues

This section describes issues for Oracle WebLogic Server. It includes these items:

Forward Slashes in Server Service Names Cause Oracle WebLogic Server Deployment Failures

You can create a WebLogic Server service (such as a JMS server definition or a data source definition) with a name that contains a forward slash ( '/' ). Services with forward slashes in their names will cause WebLogic Server deployments to fail. To work around this, ensure that your WebLogic Server services do not have the '/' character in their names.

Applications with JDBC Remap May Need to be Manually Restarted

An error has been reported in which an application using JDBC data source mapping configured at the application scope fails to start. The failure occurs only for deployments on Oracle WebLogic Server AdminServer, and only immediately after the AdminServer itself is deployed.

To correct this problem, manually start the AdminServer.

Applications Accessing Web Services Not Updated at Deployment

An application that accesses a Web service that is also hosted on the Oracle WebLogic Server reference system will not be updated to point to the new web service location upon deployment. You must update the application to access the web service WSDL on the new Oracle VM host, and then redeploy the application through Oracle WebLogic Server administration tools, such as Admin Console or wlst, to the Oracle VM Oracle WebLogic Server environment.

Limitation with Oracle WLS Domains Upgraded from 10.3.1

Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder uses a pack/unpack utility when moving Oracle WebLogic Server domains. An issue with the utility causes the unpack operation to fail when using the utility to move a domain that was originally a 10.3.1 domain, but which was upgraded to 10.3.2 during installation of 10.3.2.

Admin URL Required to be Specified When Managed Server is No Longer Running

This issue applies to an uncommon scenario in which Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder has deployed and started the required instances in the assembly, including the Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Servers, and later the Managed Server (but not the guest OS) has either crashed or been explicitly shutdown through an external tool.

If you want to perform manual starts from the context of the guest OS, you must manually modify the script to provide the correct Admin Server URL (Admin Server hostname). This is required because the default admin URL has the wrong value (the machine name of the Admin Server is not known at the time of template creation).

You can still start or stop the server through the node manager in Admin Console.

WLS Plug-in Does Not Support Changing Ownership of File Sets

The Oracle WebLogic Server plug-in does not support changing the ownership of file sets. The default 'oracle' user must be used or unexpected results, including possible deployment failure, could result.

Relocating Node Manager Home Not Supported

You observe an error where servers in an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster cannot start through Node Manager. This error can occur if you have relocated your Node Manager home, which is not supported. Specifically, the node manager configuration at introspection time only occurs when the file resides in the <weblogic_home>/common/nodemanager directory.

User-specific Changes to are Not Preserved

If you set any user-specific parameters (such as JAVA_OPTS, PRE_CLASSPATH, or POST_CLASSPATH) in these settings are lost during the reconfiguration of the domain to Oracle VM.

Oracle Web Cache Issues

This section describes issues for Oracle Web Cache. It includes these items:

Protocol Mismatch Error

If Oracle WebCache has been registered with Enterprise Manager and is introspected, the resulting Enterprise Manager registration output cannot be connected to the Oracle WebLogic Server Admin server input due to a protocol mismatch.

The workaround is to manually edit the appliance.xml file for Oracle Web Cache. Under $AB_INSTANCE/catalog/metadata find the appliance.xml file for the Oracle Web Cache component. Edit it and search for the 'EMRegistration' output. Change the protocol from 'HTTP' to 'http'. You should now be able to connect the output to the Oracle WebLogic Server Admin server input.

Oracle Web Cache Administration Port Not a Privileged Port

Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder does not support the deployment of an Oracle Web Cache appliance with a privileged port (a port number less than 1024) as its administration port.

Oracle Web Cache Scaling Issues

Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder does not automatically update the webcache.xml file for each instance after you perform scaling. Even when the scaling operation completes without errors, you must still update the webcache.xml file for each instance so that the instance recognizes all the members in the cluster.

Update Virtual Host Map Properties When Making Port Changes

In Oracle Web Cache, there is not necessarily a correlation between the ports in the virtual host map (VHM) elements and those in the listen elements of the Oracle Web Cache configuration. Whenever you make a port change, you must update your VHM ports by manually updating the properties associated with the VHMs.

Oracle Database Issues

This section describes issues for Oracle Database. It includes these items:

Deployment Error Due to Database Vault

If the database vault has been configured in your reference system's database home, you may experience failures during some Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder operations.

In order to avoid any problems, complete these steps:

  1. Before introspection, execute the following command on your system to temporarily disable Database Vault in the database home:

    $ make -f $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ dv_off ioracle
  2. Re-start the database on your reference system and then shut it down.

  3. After capturing the file sets, execute the following command on your reference system to re-enable Database Vault in the database home:

    $ make -f $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ dv_on ioracle
  4. Re-start the database on your reference system.

  5. After deployment, execute the following command on the new virtual machine to enable Database Vault in the database home:

    $ make -f $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ dv_on ioracle
  6. Re-start the database on the new virtual machine.

Use default name LISTENER on Reference Systems

During Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder operations, the listener on newly-created virtual machines starts using the default name LISTENER. If you used a different name for the listener on your reference system, you will receive an error. To avoid this error, ensure that you use the default name (LISTENER).

If you must use a different listener name, start your listener manually with the correct name:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start <listener name>


To view the correct listener name, see: $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora.

Limited Database Configuration Support

The database introspector expects the listeners (the listener.ora configuration) to be configured as follows:



The protocol, host, and port are all required, and must appear in the order above.

Upgraded 10g Oracle Homes Cannot be Introspected

You cannot introspect a single-instance database Oracle Home if that Oracle Home has been upgraded from Release 10g.

Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports Issues

This section describes issues for Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports. It includes these items:

Change nm* Files Ownership

After deploying an assembly, in Oracle HTTP Server, Oracle Forms and/or Oracle Reports deployed virtual machines, change the ownership of the following files to the "root" user:

  • $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmo

  • $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmb

  • $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmhs

Alternatively, you can run $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ as the root user which sets the right ownership on these files.

Not having the ownership set to "root" for these files impacts the Oracle EM Agent's ability to collect performance metrics.