Mounting the Share in the File System of the vServer

Perform the following steps to mount the share you created in the file system of the vServer:

  1. Log in to the ZFS Storage Appliance as root.
  2. Select the Shares tab, and locate the share you created.
  3. Click the edit entry icon.

    The details of the share are displayed.

  4. Click the Protocols tab.
  5. Click the plus (+) button next to NFS Exceptions, and specify the following:
    • Type: Network

    • Entity: ip_address_of_vserver/32 (in CIDR format)

    • Access mode: Read/write

    • Charset: default

    • Root Access: Selected

  6. Click the Apply button near the upper right corner.
  7. SSH to any compute node on the Exalogic machine.
  8. SSH to the vServer by using the IP address that you noted in the Identifying the IP Address of the vServer section.
  9. Create a directory that will serve as the mount point for the ZFS share:
    mkdir mount_point_directory


    mkdir /root/test1
  10. Mount the share on the vServer:
    # mount ipmp4_address_of_storage_appliance:/share_directory mount_point_directory


    # mount /root/test1