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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2: Simple Performance Optimization Tool (SPOT) User's Guide
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1.  The Simple Performance Optimization Tool (SPOT)

2.  Running SPOT on Your Application

Running SPOT

Command Line Options

Data Collection Option

Attach to Running Process Options

Output Options

Other Options

3.  Understanding SPOT Reports


Command Line Options

You can use the following options with the spot command.

Data Collection Option

Request extended statistics. If you run SPOT with root privileges, SPOT will collect system wide bandwidth consumption data and system wide trap statistics. Use a dedicated system when collecting this data. On some processors, SPOT will also collect hardware counter profiles of the application using the performance counters identified by ripc as large contributors to the overall stall time. To do, it will run the application up to four additional times.

Attach to Running Process Options

-P process_id
Attach SPOT to the running process process_id.
-T seconds
Set seconds as the duration of attachment of each of the five probes to the process. The default is 60 seconds per probe, for a total of 300 seconds.

Output Options

You can specify the following options to determine the location and content of the SPOT report. The -d and -o options work together to determine the location and the name of the subdirectory that contains the report.

-d directory
Write the SPOT report to a subdirectory of directory. By default, SPOT writes the report to a subdirectory of the current directory.
-o subdirectory
Write the SPOT report to subdirectory. By default, the subdirectory is named spot_runn, where n is a unique number.
-D n
Set the verbosity level of debug information to be reported. The value of n can be:

0: No debug output

1: Normal level of debug information (default)

2: Full debug information

The debug information is written to the debug.log file in the SPOT report.

Do not write SPOT output to stdout (same as -D 0).
Write the current version and detailed debugging information to stdout (same as -D 2).

Other Options

-c path
Specify a path for the Oracle Solaris Studio components used by SPOT. This option is useful if you want to override the default compiler and use a compiler installed in a different location.
Print SPOT version information and exit.
Print help information.