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Oracle Demantra Demand Management User Guide
Release 7.3
Part Number E05179-08
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Demand Management Levels and Series

Demand Management Levels

The following is a list of the available levels in the Demand Management application:

Available EBS Levels

For Item dimensions:

For Location dimensions:

Available EnterpriseOne Levels

For Item dimensions:

For Location dimensions:

Available Configure to Order Levels

Level Level Type Parent Level Data Table Population Attribute Description
CTO General Level   T_EP_CTO t_ep_cto Contains information for each link in the BOM tree.
Parent Item General Level   T_EP_CTO_PARENT_ITEM Synonym to T_EP_ITEM - Alias level to Item, contains the parent items in the BOM tree.
Base Model -   T_EP_CTO_BASE_MODEL - Contains the Base Model items in the BOM tree.
Demand Type -   T_EP_CTO_DEMAND_TYPE - Identifies whether a link is a Base Model or an Option.

Available Service Parts Forecasting Levels

For information about SPF Item levels, refer to the Available EBS Levels.

SPF Location levels:

SPF General Levels

The table below provides information about general SPF levels.

Level Level Type Parent Level Data Table Population Attribute Description
SPF General Level SPF Base Model T_EP_SPF t_ep_spf Contains information about each item in the service BOM tree.
SPF Base Model General Level - T_EP_SPF_BASE_MODEL - Contains information about the Base Model (root item) of the service BOM.
SPF Child General Level - T_EP_SPF_CHILD_ID - Internal level used to map BOM structure.
SPF Demand Type General Level - T_EP_SPF_DEMAND_TYPE - Level indicating whether selected member stores dependant or independent demand.
SPF Latest Revision General Level - T_EP_SPF_LATEST_REV - Level that groups different spares in the same supersession. Level can be used for forecasting items serving the same role for a base model together.
SPF Parent General Level - T_EP_SPF_PARENT - Internal level used to map BOM structure.
SPF Parent Item General Level - T_EP_SPF_PARENT_ITEM - Internal level used to map BOM structure.

Demand Management Series

The following is a list of series used by the Demand Management application:

Series Description
% Change to Base Factor Override on Sales Forecast
1 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 1 Week ago.
10 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 10 Weeks ago.
11 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 11 Weeks ago
12 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 12 Weeks ago
13 Week Lag Absolute Dev Absolute Deviation of 13 Week Lagged Forecast
(abs(13 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History))
13 Week Lag Absolute Pct Err Absolute Pct Error of 13 Week Lagged Forecast
(abs(13 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History)/ Adjusted History)
13 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 13 Weeks ago
13 Week Lag Pct Err Pct Error of 13 Week Lagged Forecast
((13 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History)/Adjusted History)
2 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 2 Weeks ago
3 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 3 Weeks ago
4 Week Lag Absolute Dev Absolute Deviation of 4 Week Lagged Forecast
(abs(4 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History))
4 Week Lag Absolute Pct Err Absolute Pct Error of 4 Week Lagged Forecast
(abs(4 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History)/ Adjusted History)
4 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 4 Weeks ago
4 Week Lag Pct Err Pct Error of 4 Week Lagged Forecast
((4 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History)/Adjusted History)
5 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 5 Weeks ago
6 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 6 Weeks ago
7 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 7 Weeks ago
8 Week Lag Absolute Dev Absolute Deviation of 8 Week Lagged Forecast
(abs(8 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History))
8 Week Lag Absolute Pct Err Absolute Pct Error of 8 Week Lagged Forecast
(abs(8 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History)/ Adjusted History)
8 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 8 Weeks ago
8 Week Lag Pct Err Pct Error of 8 Week Lagged Forecast
((8 Week Lag Forecast - Adjusted History)/Adjusted History)
9 Week Lag Forecast Forecast as of 9 Weeks ago
Abs % Error Absolute % Error for Fit Forecast
Abs Deviation Absolute Deviation for Fit Forecast
Adjusted History Final History data including adjustments
Base Override Manual Override on Sales Forecast
Baseline Forecast Analytical Sales Forecast Including User Simulations
Booking - Req Qty - Req Date Booking History - Requested Quantity - Requested Date
Booking - Book Qty - Book Date Booking History - Booked Quantity - Booked Date
Booking - Book Qty - Req Date Booking History - Booked Quantity - Requested Date
Booking - Req Qty - Book Date Booking History - Requested Quantity - Booked Date
Demand Class Destination Key Demand Class Destination Key
Demand Priority Demand Priority
Final Approval Final Approved if Checked
Final Approved By User who finally approved the forecast
Final Forecast Final Forecast
History Historical Actual Sales/Shipment
History Override Historical Manual Override on Sales
Item Destination Key Item Destination Key
Mean Absolute Pct Err Mean Absolute Pct Err
Organization Destination Key Organization Destination Key
Pct Bias Pct Bias
Relative Err Relative Err
Return History Returns History
Return History Site Source Key Returns History Site Source Key
Root Mean Squared Err Root Mean Squared Err
Sales Channel Destination Key Sales Channel Destination Key
Shipping - Req Qty - Req Date Shipping History - Requested Quantity - Requested Date
Shipping - Ship Qty - Req Date Shipping History - Shipped Quantity - Requested Date
Shipping - Ship Qty- Ship Date Shipping History - Shipped Quantity - Shipped Date
Simulation Analytical Re-Forecast Triggered by a User Simulation
Site Destination Key Site Destination Key

This is a list of the series for Configure to Order

Series Description
Archived Consensus Total Demand Consensus Total Demand for each of the most recent 13 historical weeks.
BOM Eff End Date Effective end date of the option
Sourced from Oracle e-Business Suite.
BOM Eff Start Date Effective start date of the option.
Sourced from Oracle e-Business Suite.
Consensus Forecast Weighted combination of the Final Forecast, Sales Forecast, and Marketing Forecast . Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning series, available to Oracle Demantra Demand Management.
Consensus Forecast Amount Monetary value of Consensus Forecast
Calculated: Consensus Forecast * Item price
Consensus Total Demand Demand represented by the sum of Final Forecast Dependent Demand and Consensus Forecast of an item.
Calculated: Final Forecast Dependent Demand + Consensus Forecast
Consensus Total Demand Amount Monetary value of Consensus Total Demand
Calculated: Forecast Dependent Demand Amount + Consensus Forecast Amount
Constrained Forecast Indicates how much of the consensus demand can be filled given supply chain constraints. Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning series, imported from Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning or Oracle Strategic Network Optimization, available to Oracle Demantra Demand Management.
Dep Demand – Existing Dependent demand calculated based on series Plng Pct– Existing.
Calculated: Plng Pct-Existing of item* If Parent = BaseModel, Consensus Forecast of Parent. Otherwise, series Final Forecast Dependent Demand of Parent.
Dep Demand – History Dependent demand calculation based on Plng Pct– History.
Calculated: Plng Pct-History of item* (If Parent = BaseModel, Consensus Forecast of Parent). Otherwise, series Final Forecast Dependent Demand of Parent.
Final Forecast Amount Monetary value of Final Forecast
Calculated: Final Forecast * Item price
Final Forecast Dependent Demand Based on the override and Forecast Dependent Demand
Calculated: Use Forecast Dependent .Demand.Override; if it is null, use Forecast Dependent Demand
Final Forecast Dependent Demand Amount Monetary value of Final Forecast Dependent Demand
Calculated: Final Forecast Dependent Demand * Item price
Final Plng Pct Final planning percentage based on series Plng Pct Choice. Value can be overriden by series Plng Pct Override.
Use Plng Pct Override; if it is null, use Plng Pct Choice
Final Plng Pct – Aggregated Final Plng Pct at levels higher than Item/Org
Calculated: Server expression
Forecast Dependent Demand Based on series Final Plng Pct.
Calculated: Final Plng Pct * If Parent = BaseModel, Consensus Forecast of Parent. Otherwise, series Final Forecast Dependent Demand of Parent.
Forecast Dependent Demand Override Override of the item's Forecast Dependent Demand
Manual entry
Dependent History Historical dependent demand for the default History series
Default is Shipping History, requested items, shipped date
Loaded at levels PRD for Item, TIM: for Day, ORG for Organization, GEO for Site, CHN for Sales Channel, and DCS: Demand Class
History series (seeded) Historical dependent demand for the series
- Dependent Booking - booked items – booked date
- Dependent Booking – requested items – booked date
- Dependent Booking – booked items – requested date
- Dependent Booking – requested items - requested date
- Dependent Shipping - requested items – shipped date (default)
- Dependent Shipping – shipped items – requested date
- Dependent Shipping – requested items - requested date
Loaded at levels PRD for Item, TIM: for Day, ORG for Organization, GEO for Site, CHN for Sales Channel, and DCS: Demand Class
For each seeded history series, there is a corresponding dependent demand series. For example, seeded history series Booking - booked items – booked date corresponds to dependent demand series Dependent Booking - booked items – booked date.
Marketing Forecast Forecast from Marketing Department. Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning series, available to Oracle Demantra Demand Management.
MAPE CTO Mean Absolute Percentage Error used for Forecast Accuracy Statistic
Calculated: Results of the MAPE CTO procedure that calculates the accuracy statistics for Consensus Total Demand.
Calculatedsum(abs(Total History – Archived Forecast))/sum(History)
Plng Pct– Existing Planning percentage from the source
Sourced from Oracle e-Business Suite
Plng Pct– History Planning Percentage calculated based on the sales history of items and their parents.
Calculated: Averaged over the number of periods in parameter CTO_HISTORY_PERIODS, default is 52.
Total(History Dependent Demand over CTO_History_Periods) / If Item's Parent = BaseModel, Total(History of Parent over CTO_History_Periods). Otherwise, Total(History Dependent Demand of Parent overCTO_History_Periods)
Plng Pct Choice Planning percentage used to calculate Forecast, Dependent Demand, and Final Forecast Dependent Demand.
Select from dropdown list, stored in paraeater CTO_PLANNING_PERCENTAGE. Valid values
  • Pln Pct-Existing

  • Plng Pct-History

  • Multiple: Displays at higher levels when items in lower levels have different choices.

Plng Pct Override Override of planning percentage value from series Plng Pct – Existing, Plng Pct – History, or Plng Pct - Forecast.
Manually entered.
Quantity Per Parent Number of this item used for one parent.
Sourced from Oracle e-Business Suite.
Sales Forecast Forecast from Sales Department. Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning series, available to Oracle Demantra Demand Management.

Service Parts Forecasting Series

The following table displays the series used by Service Parts Forecasting.

Series Name Definition
SPF Analytical Forecast Archive 1 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 1 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Analytical Forecast Archive2 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 2 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Analytical Forecast Archive3 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 3 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Analytical Forecast BIAS % Accuracy measure that indicates whether the forecast is above or below demand. Calculated by comparing shipments to SPF Analytical Forecast.
SPF Analytical Forecast Bias % 1 Month lag Bias of the analytical forecast one month into the future.
SPF Analytical Forecast MAPE 1 Month lag Accuracy of the analytical forecast one month into the future.
SPF Analytical Models Series displaying which analytical models were used to generate the Spares forecast.
SPF Analytical Models Min For Internal Use. Displays whether different models were used to forecast different combinations under the level displayed in worksheet.
SPF Analytics Forecast MAPE Accuracy measure that indicates how accurately the forecast matches demand. Calculated by comparing shipments to SPF Analytics Forecast.
SPF Average Demand Indicates the average historical demand for a spare/org. Calculated by the proport mechanism.
SPF Baseline Forecast Latest forecast generated by the analytical engine.
SPF Best Forecast Series displays whether calculated or analytical forecast is more accurate.
SPF Calculated Forecast Latest forecast generated by multiplying install base under contract and final failure rate %. This series' values will automatically be updated when SPF Install Base Final and SPF Failure Rate % Final are modified.
SPF Calculated Forecast Archive1 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 1 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Calculated Forecast Archive2 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 2 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Calculated Forecast Archive3 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 3 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Calculated Forecast BIAS % Accuracy measure that indicates whether the forecast is above or below demand. Calculated by comparing shipments to SPF Calculated Forecast.
SPF Calculated Forecast Bias % 1 Month lag Bias of the calculated forecast one month into the future.
SPF Calculated Forecast MAPE Accuracy measure that indicates how accurately the forecast matches demand. Calculated by comparing shipments to SPF Calculated Forecast.
SPF Calculated Forecast MAPE 1 Month lag Accuracy of the calculated forecast one month into the future.
SPF Child Spares For Internal Use. Contains child information for Spares BOM.
SPF Consensus Forecast The consensus forecast values imported into Demantra. Based on the forecast made at Base Model/All Orgs.
SPF Demand Type For Internal Use. Contains demand type information for Spares BOM.
SPF Depth For Internal Use. Contains Spares BOM information regarding depth in BOM.
SPF Engineering Estimated Failure Rate % A manual estimate of the Failure Rate for a new part.
SPF Engineering Estimated Failure Rate % MAPE MAPE measure of last three months, comparing calculated forecast based on SPF Engineering Estimated Failure Rate %.
SPF Failure Rate % Calculated Result of the failure rate calculation.
SPF Failure Rate % Calculated MAPE MAPE measure of last three months, comparing calculated forecast based on SPF Failure Rate % Calculated.
SPF Failure Rate % Final Failure rate value used for propagation and calculation. Based on Override, Calculated, and Engineering Estimates. When the value of this series change, the change propagates to the SPF Calculated Forecast series.
SPF Failure Rate % Generation Method Indicates whether the calculated or the statistical forecast will be used in the SPF Final Forecast series.
SPF Failure Rate % Override Manual override of failure rate calculation, displayed as a percentage.
SPF Final Forecast Forecast series that will be exported to other systems. Generated by taking into account user overrides and selected forecasting method. User overrides are applied if available; otherwise selected method is used.
SPF Final Forecast Archive1 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 1 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Final Forecast Archive2 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 2 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Final Forecast Archive3 Analytical forecast generated and archived for 3 forecasting cycles prior to the current cycle.
SPF Final Forecast Bias % 1 Month lag Bias of the final forecast one month into the future.
SPF Final Forecast MAPE 1 Month lag Accuracy of the final forecast one month into the future.
SPF Forecast MAPE (In Sample) In Sample accuracy measure, generated by the analytical engine.
SPF Forecast MAPE (Out of Sample) Accuracy measure that indicates how accurately the forecast matches demand. Calculated by comparing shipments to SPF Final Forecast.
SPF Forecast Method Indicates whether to use either the analytical or the calculated forecast to drive final forecast. Default is Analytical.
SPF Forecast Method Min For Internal Use. Displays whether different forecast methods are configured for different combinations under the level displayed in worksheet.
SPF Forecast Override Override value that serves as the final forecast.
SPF Forecast Volatility Forecast volatility metric.
SPF Install Base Final Value used to drive calculated forecast. In history will display historical values while in the future will display the forecast for install base. Install base overrides will supersede historical and forecasted values.
SPF Install Base Forecast Displays future forecast associated with install base under contract. When the value of this series changes, the change will be propagated to the SPF Calculated Forecast series.
SPF Install Base Override Allow user override of install base information.
SPF Install Base Simulation Displays values associated with simulated install base under forecast.
SPF Install Base Under Contract Amount of Base Model units being supported for a specific Organization.
SPF Item Shipment Final Displays the final shipments. Displays user override if available, otherwise shows imported shipments.
SPF Item Shipment Override User override of shipments imported into Demantra.
SPF Item Shipments Stores the item shipments imported into Demantra.
SPF Item Usage Stores the item usage imported into Demantra.
SPF Item Usage Final Final usage value. Displays user override if available, otherwise shows loaded shipments.
SPF Item Usage Override User override of item usage imported into Demantra.
SPF Latest Rev Displays the latest revision information in worksheets using Spares BOM.
SPF Parent Install Base For Internal Use. Propagates Install Base information to Spares BOM child nodes.
SPF Parent Spares For Internal Use. Contains parent node Install Base information in Spares BOM. Used in data propagation.
SPF Simulation Latest forecast generated running a simulation.