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Oracle Demantra Demand Management User Guide
Release 7.3
Part Number E05179-08
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Running Simulations

Overview of Forecasting

The process of forecasting depends on the following implementation-specific factors:

However, the general process is roughly as follows:

  1. Periodically, after the engine has run, open worksheets that contain the forecast series and any related series

  2. View the demand and forecast series that were created for your implementation. Make adjustments as needed.

Viewing Forecast Details

When the Analytical Engine is run, Oracle Demantra records information about the engine run.

To view forecast details

  1. Click Data > Forecast Detail.

    Oracle Demantra Demand Management displays a popup window that contains details about the most recent times it generated the forecast. The upper part of the window lists the recent runs of the Analytical Engine.

    the picture is described in the document text

    This table includes the following information:

  2. Click a row in the upper part of the window.

    The lower part of the window displays further details about the selected forecast.

Performing Advanced Analytics (Nodal Tuning)

Typically during the implementation process, Oracle Demantra consultants tune the Analytical Engine to get the best possible results for your data. In some cases, however, you might want to adjust those settings for specific combinations.

Note: Advanced Analytics is only available to customers who have purchased the Advanced Forecasting and Demand Modeling license.

Caution: Only advanced users should make these changes.

To view analytics details for a specific combination

  1. Open a worksheet that includes the item-location combination.

  2. Click File > Open Analytics. Or click the Open Analytics button.

    Except for the case when your worksheet is completely aggregated, the upper part of this new view includes the Combination selection area.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Oracle Demantra Demand Management displays a new worksheet view, which has the same name as the original, with “-Analytics” appended to it.

  3. Use these dropdown lists to specify which item-location combination you want to look at. You can see any of the combinations that are in the worksheet. Do either of the following:

    This rest of the view is updated with information for the selected combination.

To select the forecasting models to use

The Models Choose area lists all the mathematical models that the engine uses.

the picture is described in the document text

The check boxes indicate the models that the Analytical Engine used for this combination during the last engine run.

To specify the analytical configuration

The All Parameters area lists parameters that apply to all engine models. These parameters are grouped onto different tabs according to their general purpose.

the picture is described in the document text

Each tab includes the following information for each parameter:

Value Current Value
Default Value Default value as specified by Oracle Demantra installer
System Value Default as specified by your implementors

Also note the parameter description in the bottom part of the screen.

  1. Optionally edit these parameters. For information, see the Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide.

  2. To reset the parameters to their default values, click the Revert To Defaults button.

  3. When you are done, close this view as usual.

Running Simulations

You can run simulations to get an approximate forecast based only on the current worksheet. (In contrast, when the Analytical Engine runs, it considers all the data in the system.)

To run a simulation

  1. Make sure the engine process (in Simulation mode) is running on the server. Also note that an error will occur if the Analytical Engine has not been run previously.

  2. Run a worksheet.

  3. Optionally make a change that could affect the forecast.

  4. Click Data > Run Simulation. Or click the Simulation button.

    The Select Simulation Type page appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Note: Select one of the following simulation types:

  5. Select one of the following simulation types:

    Option Generates a simulation for... Notes
    Selected Page Item Combination that you have currently selected in the Members Browser or selector lists. If a level is on a worksheet axis, these two options are different. Otherwise they are the same.
    Selected Combination Combination that you have currently selected within the worksheet table. If a level is on a worksheet axis, these two options are different. Otherwise they are the same.
    Whole Worksheet All combinations in the worksheet. This option takes longer to run.
  6. Select the engine profile that includes the engine settings to use during this simulation run. For details on the engine profiles in your system, contact your Oracle implementor.

  7. Do one of the following

  8. When the simulation is complete, Oracle Demantra Demand Management displays a message.

  9. Do one of the following:

Checking the Simulation Queue

When you start a simulation, Oracle Demantra Demand Management adds it to an internal queue, which processes all simulations in the order they are submitted. You can view this queue and you can cancel a simulation that you submitted.

To check the simulation queue

  1. Click Data > Simulation Queue.

    Oracle Demantra Demand Management displays the Simulation Queue dialog box.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Status field indicates the status of each simulation request. The status can be one of the following:

    Requested A user has submitted this simulation request, which has not yet started running.
    Running Oracle Demantra is preforming this simulation.
    Completed Oracle Demantra has completed this simulation successfully.
    Stopping A user asked to cancel this simulation request, which Oracle Demantra has not yet fully canceled.
    Stopped A user has canceled this simulation request and Oracle Demantra has fully canceled it.
    Failed Oracle tried to run this simulation, but an error occurred.

Canceling a Simulation

To cancel a simulation

  1. Click Data > Simulation Queue.

  2. Click simulation and then click Cancel Simulation.