Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration Release 12.1 Part Number E12893-04 | ![]() Contents | ![]() Previous | ![]() Next |
A document sequence uniquely numbers documents generated by an Oracle E-Business Suite product. Using Oracle E-Business Suite, you initiate a transaction by entering data through a form and generating a document, for example, an invoice. A document sequence generates an audit trail that identifies the application that created the transaction, for example, Oracle Receivables, and the original document that was generated, for example, invoice number 1234.
Document sequences can provide proof of completeness. For example, document sequences can be used to account for every transaction, even transactions that fail.
Document sequences can also provide an audit trail. For example, a document sequence can provide an audit trail from the general ledger into the subsidiary ledger, and to the document that originally affected the account balance.
Document sequences generate audit data, so even if documents are deleted, their audit records remain.
Related Topics
Document Numbering vs. Document Entry
To define a sequence, you select a sequence name and an application to “own" the sequence.
A sequence can number documents stored in database tables belonging to its owning application.
Audit records for a sequence are stored in the application's audit table, titled Application Short Name_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT. For example, the audit table for a sequence owned by Oracle Payables is AP_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT.
Important: Your database administrator must grant access to an application's audit table for all ORACLE usernames associated with responsibilities that will use the sequence (responsibilities that access forms using the sequence).
You can set start and end dates for when the sequence is available. The start date defaults to the current date. By default, there is no end date, so the sequence definition does not expire.
You can choose whether a sequence numbers documents automatically, or accepts numbers manually entered by a user.
Automatic numbering assigns a unique number to each document as it is generated. Automatic numbering is sequential by date and time of creation.
Gapless numbering also automatically generates a unique number for each document, but ensures that the document was successfully generated before assigning the number. With Gapless numbering, no sequence numbers are lost due to incomplete or failed document creation.
Important: We recommend that you choose this type only when gapless numbering is essential, as it may affect the performance of your system.
Manual numbering requires a user to assign a unique number to each document before it is generated. With manual numbering, numerical ordering and completeness is not enforced. Users can skip or omit numbers when entering the sequence value.
If you define a sequence to automatically number documents, you can:
Enter an initial value for your sequence. The default is "1".
Choose whether you want to display a message when a document is generated, telling the user the name of the sequence, and the sequence value (document number).
Two examples of sequence definitions, one with automatic numbering and the other with manual numbering, are represented in the table below.
Field in Document Sequences form | EXAMPLE 1 Sequence with Automatic Numbering | EXAMPLE 2 Sequence with Manual Numbering |
(Owning) APPLICATION | ORACLE PAYABLES - Sequence can number documents stored in an Oracle Payables database table. | ORACLE RECEIVABLES - Sequence can number documents stored in an Oracle Receivables database table. |
EFFECTIVE DATE - START | CURRENT DATE & TIME (Default value) | OCT-01-94 User defines sequence “Adjustments" not to be available until Oct 1, 1994. |
EFFECTIVE DATE - END | Field left blank. Sequence does not expire. | DEC-31-94 User defines sequence “Adjustments" to no longer be available after Dec 31, 1994. |
(Numbering) TYPE | AUTOMATIC - Unique numbers are automatically generated in sequence. GAPLESS No omissions or gaps in numbers are possible, due to a rollback if the document creation is unsuccessful. | MANUAL - User must enter a unique number before transaction can be completed, and document is generated. User may skip or omit numbers. |
INITIAL VALUE | 1 (Default value) User could enter their own initial value, for example, 5700. | Not Available when numbering type is Manual. |
MESSAGE | YES - When a document that is automatically numbered is created, a message displays the sequence name and the sequence value (document number). | Not Available when numbering type is Manual. |
Related Topics
Document categories organize documents into logical groups.
A document category (also called a document type) is one of the rules you use to define which documents a sequence assigns numbers to.
You can separately number each document category by assigning a different sequence to each category.
A document category identifies the database table that stores documents resulting from transactions your users enter.
When you assign a sequence to a category, the sequence numbers the documents that are stored in a particular table.
Use categories to more precisely classify your documents. For example, you can categorize accounts receivable invoices into several different categories, such as:
Debit Memos
Credit Memos
Sales Invoices
Customer Service Invoices
Similarly, you can categorize accounts payable or purchase invoices into several different categories, such as:
Expense Report
Credit Memo
Debit Memo
Related Topics
Before you can assign a sequence to number documents, you must define which documents are to be numbered.
Defining a sequence is different from assigning a sequence to a series of documents.
A sequence's definition determines whether a document's number is automatically generated or manually entered by the user.
A sequence's assignment, that is, the documents a sequence is assigned to, is defined in the Sequence Assignments form.
You specify a combination of four rules that define any given document for assignment to a specific sequence name.
You can then assign a different (numbering) sequence to each document definition.
The four rules, that when combined, define what documents a selected sequence assigns numbers to are:
Variable | Description |
Application | You select the application that generates the documents you wish to number. For example, to number sales invoices, you select Oracle Receivables. |
Category | You select a document category to identify a logical subset of documents. For example, if you do not want to number all invoices in Oracle Receivables, you can choose to number only the category of sales invoices. A category identifies a table that stores transactions entered (documents generated) using an Oracle E-Business Suite application. The Category values you can choose from to define a document are dependent upon the application you select. |
Set of Books | You select the chart of accounts for your business that is affected by the documents you wish to number. You may optionally enable this rule through the Document Flexfield. |
Method | You select the method that your documents are entered, automatic or manual. You may optionally enable this rule through the Document Flexfield. Automatic is when a concurrent process, such as an external program, is set up to enter transaction data into an Oracle E-Business Suite product. Manual is when a document is manually entered using a form in an application. |
For each unique document definition there can only be one active sequence assignment. A document definition consists of the Application, Category, and the optional Document Flexfield segments Set of Books and Method
Important: When assigning sequences to a document definition, each active sequence can be assigned to only one unique combination of application and category (i.e., application table).
An active sequence assignment does not have a post dated end date. That is, the assignment's end date is not before the current date.
An active sequence assignment either has no end date, or an end date that is not before the current date.
A sequence assignment and its dates of effectivity are defined on the Sequence Assignments form.
A sequence definition must be active as well. That is, the sequence definition's end date (as opposed to its assignment's end date) must not be before the current date.
A sequence definition and its dates of effectivity are defined on the Document Sequences form.
When you define a document sequence, you give the sequence a name, and define how the sequence numbers each document by:
Choosing whether numbers are automatically generated in sequence, or entered manually by the user.
Entering the initial value or first number in the sequence.
Related Topics
Document Numbering vs. Document Entry
Do not confuse the type of document numbering a sequence employs, which can be automatic or manual, with the method of entering documents, which is also defined as either automatic or manual.
Name a new document sequence and define how the sequence numbers each document.
A document sequence uniquely numbers documents generated by an Oracle E-Business Suite product (for example, invoices generated by Oracle Receivables). Using the Sequence Assignments window, you assign your sequence to number only those documents that satisfy rules you define.
A document sequence numbers documents generated by an Oracle application, for example, journal entries generated by Oracle General Ledger.
Document sequences ensure that every document your users create can be accounted for. See: Sequences Assignments.
Define the name, type of numbering scheme, effective dates, and initial value for your document sequence.
Once entered, sequence names cannot be changed.
Once selected, the application associated with your sequence cannot be changed.
Audit records for your sequence are stored in the application's audit table, titled Application Short Name_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT. For example, the audit table for a sequence owned by Oracle Payables is AP_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT.
Enter the dates on which your document sequence takes effect/is no longer enabled. The Start on field automatically defaults to the current date, and once a sequence is defined, the start date cannot be changed. If you leave the End on field blank, your document sequence does not expire; and if you enter an end date and define your sequence, the end date cannot be modified later. If there is no end date defined and there are no active assignments for a sequence, you can disable the sequence by entering the current date as the end date. Once disabled, a sequence cannot be reactivated.
Once defined, you cannot change the type of document numbering sequence.
Variable | Description |
Automatic | Sequentially assigns, by date and time of creation, a unique number to each document as it is generated. |
Manual | Manual numbering requires a user to assign a number to each document before it is generated. You must enter unique values. However, please note that numerical ordering and completeness is not enforced. |
Important: The Automatic-By-User type is currently not supported, and is reserved for future use.
Warning: The Gapless Numbering type is valid only in the context of certain localizations. We recommend that you choose this type only after consulting with Worldwide Support, as it may affect the performance of your system.
Check the Message check box if you want each document to display a message (in the message line near the bottom of the screen) informing the user of the sequence name and value (number).
This check box only applies to sequences with the automatic type of numbering. Messages appear only on form displays, and are not written to a request's log file.
Once a sequence is defined, the message choice cannot be changed.
Enter a value for the first document in your sequence. This field only applies to sequences with automatic or gapless numbering type. Sequence numbers should not be greater than eight (8) digits.
If you leave this field blank, the first document is automatically assigned a value of "1".
Once a sequence is defined, this initial value cannot be changed.
Related Topics
Define categories for your documents in order to divide your documents into logical groups, which you can number separately by assigning different sequences.
A document sequence uniquely numbers each document the sequence is assigned to.
Using the Sequence Assignments form, you assign your sequence to number only documents that satisfy rules you define.
Document category, or type, as it may be titled on some forms, is one of the rules that define which documents a sequence assigns numbers to.
Each category identifies a table that stores documents resulting from transactions your users generate.
When you assign a sequence to a category, the sequence numbers the documents that are stored in the table.
Name a document category and associate a table with the category.
When you enter this block, Oracle automatically queries for any existing document categories.
Once a category is defined, you cannot change the choice of application. Only tables belonging to the selected application can be assigned to a category.
Category code must be unique within an application. Once a category is defined, you cannot update its code.
You can update the name, if you wish. For example, if the category name is predefined, you can change the name to a more familiar value.
You can update the description, if you wish. For example, if the category description is predefined, you can change the description to a more familiar value.
Select the name of the table that stores the documents you want to identify by your category.
When the sequential numbering feature checks for completeness or generates a report, it locates the category's documents in the table.
Only tables belonging to the application associated with the category can be chosen.
Once a category is defined, you cannot change the choice of table.
Related Topics
Define which documents a document sequence can number, and then assign the document sequence to your definition.
A document sequence numbers documents generated by an Oracle E-Business Suite product (for example, invoices generated by Oracle Receivables).
Documents can be defined by the application that generates them and their category (the table in which they are stored). Additional fields appear when the optional rules for defining documents (Set of Books and Method of document entry) are enabled.
Besides entering a document definition and assigning a sequence to it, you can, if you wish, enter effective dates for the assignment.
Define the document sequence using the Document Sequences window. See: Document Sequences.
Specify documents by the application that generates them and the category of the document (table where the documents are stored). You can also include in your document definition the set of books they affect, and the method by which the document is entered.
Once a document definition is entered, you select a sequence to assign it to, and if you wish, enter effective dates for the assignment.
There can only be one active sequence assigned to each unique combination of Application, Category, Set of Books, and Method. The last two criterion are optional, and are set in the Document Flexfield.
However, the same sequence, the same numbering scheme, and initial value can be assigned to more than one combination of Application, Category, Set of Books, and Method as long as the Application and Category remain the same.
Variable | Description |
Application | Select the application that generates the documents you wish to number. For example, to number sales invoices, you select Oracle Receivables. |
Category | Select a document category to identify a logical subset of documents. For example, if you do not want to number all invoices in Oracle Receivables, you can choose to number only the category of sales invoices. |
Since the effective dates for an assignment must fall within the sequence's start and end dates, the list of available sequences depends on the start and end dates specified for the assignment.
Enter the dates on which the sequence assignment to your document definition takes effect/is no longer enabled. The Start Date field automatically defaults to the current date, and once a sequence assignment is defined, the start date cannot be changed.
If you leave the End Date field blank, your sequence assignment does not expire; and if you enter an end date and define your sequence assignment, the end date cannot be modified later.
If there is no end date defined and there are no active assignments for a sequence, you can disable the sequence assignment by entering the current date as the end date. Once disabled, a sequence assignment cannot be reactivated.
Select a sequence to assign to your document definition. The sequence's application and the document's application must be the same.
Once you define a sequence assignment, the sequence name cannot be updated later.
If you want to disable the sequence assignment and assign a new sequence to the document definition (Document Flexfield combination), you must first, enter an End Date to disable the current sequence assignment, then, second, create a new record (row) for the new assignment.
The Document Flexfield may consist of none, one or two segments.
Variable | Description |
Set of Books | Select the chart of accounts for your business that is affected by the documents you wish to number. |
Method | Select the method that your documents are entered, automatic or manual. Automatic is when a concurrent process (e.g., an external program) enters transaction data into an Oracle E-Business Suite product, which generates documents. Manual is when a document is manually entered using a form in an application. |
Once defined, a Document Flexfield definition cannot be updated. You may not define additional segments for the Document Flexfield.
Important: To enable this descriptive flexfield, use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. Select the application Application Object Library, and the title "Document Flexfield". Be sure to unfreeze the flexfield; then, navigate to the Segments window and enable the segments. Freeze your flexfield after you set it up, and save and compile the new definition.
Related Topics
Descriptive Flexfields Concepts, Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide
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