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Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) User Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13418-03
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Budget History Inquiry Procedures


Budget history inquiries procedures are performed to make inquiries on the history of an account.

For information on the standard Account Inquiry windows, see Performing an Account Inquiry, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

Budget History Inquiries

The Budget History Inquiry window displays or prints accounting flexfields according to specified balance and amount types by accounting period.

The History Entries window automatically displays the date on which transactions were posted with transaction type, current and next year budget amounts, and recurring effect.

The History Periods window displays period-to-date and year-to-date figures of current and next year budget amounts by accounting flexfield.

Public Sector Variance Inquiries

The Variance window is accessed from the Extended Account Inquiry window. It displays the variance of each accounting flexfield by period. This information shows the difference between selected balance types and amount types vary between periods. The variance formula is as follows:

Variance = Option 1 - Option 2

Actual, budget, encumbrance, and variance are displayed for accounting flexfields for each period in the period range for the following:

If the Budgeting: Average Non-Balanced Enforced Account Values profile option is set to Yes, year-to-date figures are shown as a period average amount, calculated by taking the ordinary year-to-date figure and dividing it by the period number.


The prerequisites for budget history inquiry procedures are the same as those for Create Budget Journal Procedures.

Budget History Inquiry Procedures

the picture is described in the document text

For online inquiries and for actual budget, encumbrance, and variance balances for summary or detail accounts for any accounting flexfield in ledgers, perform one of the following procedures:

For information on standard features of the Account Inquiry window, the Variance window, and Drill-Down Inquiry windows, see Performing an Account Inquiry, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

Performing an Inquiry Using the Budget History Inquiry Window

To perform a budget history inquiry using the Budget History Inquiry window, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Budget History Inquiry window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Budgeting Extensions - Inquiry - History

  2. In the Selection Criteria region, enter criteria or select values from the list of values as follows:

  3. Enter or select accounting flexfields for one or more accounts.

  4. Click OK.

    Account details appear.

  5. To print a report for an account, select the Print Record check box for that account.

    If Balanced is selected in the Type field, the Budgeting Extensions: Balanced Budget History Report is generated.

    If Unbalanced is selected in the Type field, the Budgeting Extensions: Unbalanced Budget History Report is generated.

  6. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

    A concurrent request is automatically submitted for each account where the check box is selected.

  7. Navigate to other inquiry windows by clicking the buttons listed in the table below.

    Budget History Inquiry Navigation
    Window Name Button Name Window Displayed
    Budget History Inquiry History Periods History Periods window
    Budget History Inquiry History Entries History Entries window
    History Entries Budget History Inquiry Budget History Inquiry window
    History Entries History Periods History Periods window
    History Periods Budget History Inquiry Budget History Inquiry window
    History Periods History Entries History Entries window
    Extended Account Inquiry Show Variance Variance window
    Extended Account Inquiry Show Balances Detail Balances window
    Extended Account Inquiry Show Journal Details Journals window

Performing a Variance Inquiry Using the Extended Account Inquiry Window

the picture is described in the document text

To perform a variance inquiry using the Extended Account Inquiry window, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Extended Account Inquiry window as follows:

  2. In the Name field, select the ledger.

    The ledger name list is unique and displays the ledgers within the responsibility's Data Access Set that have Full Ledger read or write access with no restrictions on balancing segment values or management segment values.

  3. In the From and To fields in the Accounting Periods region, select the range of dates from the list of values.

  4. In the Currency region, select the Single Currency or All Currencies radio button.

  5. Select another currency if the default currency is not required.

  6. In the Currency Type region, select the Entered, Total, or Statistical.

  7. Select the Primary Balance Type tab or the Secondary Balance Type tab.

  8. Select a balance type from the following:

  9. In the Budget field, if Budget is selected as a balance type, enter or select a budget name from the list of values.

  10. In the Encumbrance Type field, if Encumbrance is selected as a balance type, enter or select an encumbrance type from the list of values.

  11. In the Factor region, select a display and precision factor for rounding balances.

  12. To select a summary template, click the list of values in the Summary Template field.

  13. Select a template.

  14. Click OK.

  15. To navigate to the Variance window, click Show Variance.

    For information on the Variance window, see theVariance Window Description table.

  16. Navigate back to the Budget History Inquiry window as follows:

    Tools - Budget History

  17. To select an account, click on an accounts line in the Accounts region.

  18. To perform a drill-down inquiry, click the drill-down button.

Budget History Inquiry Window Description

Budget History Inquiry Window Description
Field Name Description
Budget budget name
Fiscal Year fiscal year
Currency currency
Type balance type for balanced or unbalanced budget accounting flexfield combinations
Accounting Flexfield accounting flexfield
Current Year Budget current year budget
Next Year Budget next year budget
Print Record when selected and selection criteria saved, request automatically submitted to concurrent manager
Description accounting flexfield description
History Entries opens History Entries window
History Periods opens History Periods window

History Entries Window Description

History Entries Window Description
Field Name Description
Posted Date posted date
Trx Type transaction type
Current Year Budget current year budget total
Recurring Entry recurring entry; valid values: yes for recurring entries, no for single entries
Effect full year or part year
Next Year Budget next year budget amount
Profile Code budget profile code
Start Period start period
Reference Information journal entry line reference
Reason Code reason code
History Periods opens History Periods window
Budget History Inquiry opens Budget History Inquiry window

History Periods Window Description

History Periods Window Description
Field Name Description
Period Name period name
PTD period-to-date; current year budget period-to-date amounts
YTD year-to-date; current year budget year-to-date amounts
PTD period-to-date; next year budget period-to-date amounts
YTD year-to-date; next year budget year-to-date amounts
History Entries opens History Entries window
Budget History Inquiry opens Budget History Inquiry window

Extended Account Inquiry Window Description

Extended Account Inquiry Window Description
Field Name Description
From accounting period start date
To accounting period end date
<currency> select single currency or all currencies
Currency default currency displayed; change as required
<currency type> Entered, Total, or Statistical currency type
<factor> select precision and rounding factor; valid values: Units, Thousands, Millions, or Billions
Summary Template if summary template name entered, search restricted to summary accounts associated with that template
Accounts account numbers
Description account description
Show Balances reviews balance for current account based on inquiry criteria
Show Journal Details shows journal entry activity for current account based on inquiry criteria; not available if inquiring on translated balances
Show Variance shows variance calculation between primary and secondary balance types; not available if inquiring on all currencies

The following table describes the fields in the Primary and Secondary Balance Types tabs of the Extended Account Inquiry window.

Extended Account Inquiry Window Description, Primary Balance Type Tab
Field Name Description
<balance type> select primary balance type; valid values: Actual, Budget, or Encumbrance
Budget enter budget name if Budget balance type selected
Encumbrance Type enter encumbrance type if Encumbrance balance type selected

Variance Window Description

The following table describes the fields present in the Period to Date, Quarter to Date, Year to Date and Project to Date tabs of the Variance Window.

Variance Window Description
Field Name Description
Balance Type balance type; valid values: actual, budget, or encumbrance
Currency Type currency type; valid values: Entered or Translated; must be Entered to enable journal detail drill-down
Factor display and precision rounding factor
Period range of accounting periods entered as selection criteria
<primary balance type> actual value, value of named budget, or value of encumbrance type, depending on selection criteria
<secondary balance type> actual value, value of named budget, or value of encumbrance type, depending on selection criteria
Variance difference between primary and secondary balance types
<primary balance> button label assigned dynamically depending on primary and secondary balance types selected
<secondary balance> button label assigned dynamically depending on primary and secondary balance types selected