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Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) User Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13418-03
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Exchange Protocol Procedures


Exchange Protocol manages the circulation of accounting documents such as invoices and credit memos between authorizers by means of user-definable approval hierarchy workflows. Workflow ensures that accounting transactions pass the required levels of approval before they are paid.

In Exchange Protocol, the process of managing expenses involves creating, viewing, and modifying dialog and transmission units, which are collections of financial transactions.


Dialog Units

In Exchange Protocol, Payables or Receivables transactions are grouped into dialog units. A dialog unit is a set of financial transactions that can be approved or rejected in one step without handling each transaction individually. Each dialog unit within a transmission unit can be processed individually.

Each dialog unit belongs to a dialog unit type. The dialog unit type defines transaction types, which govern the type of financial transactions a dialog unit contains.

For information on dialog unit and transaction types, see Defining Dialog Unit Types, Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Implementation Guide.

Transmission Units

Several dialog units can be grouped into a transmission unit, which is used to transfer dialog units through the approval process using Oracle Workflow.

Each transmission unit belongs to a transmission unit type. The transmission unit type define the dialog unit types, which govern the type of dialog units contained in a transmission unit.

Approval Profiles and Workflow

Approval profiles identify legal and final approver positions in Human Resources position hierarchies to be used for exchange protocol approval. These profiles are set up using the exchange protocol setup procedures.

When setup is complete and exchange protocol transactions are created, the user places transmission units into the approval workflow, which routes them through the appropriate approval process and notifies authorizers of dialog units that require their approval.

For information on setting up Exchange Protocol, see Exchange Protocol Setup Checklist, Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Implementation Guide.

Working with Dialog and Transmission Units

Dialog units can be created, viewed, and modified with the following windows:

Note: The New Dialog Unit and Review Dialog Unit windows are identical except for the title.

The diagram below illustrates the process flow for creating and modifying dialog units.

Process Flow for Creating and Modifying Dialog Units

the picture is described in the document text

Transmission units can be created, viewed, modified, and submitted to approval workflow with the following windows:

Note: The New Transmission Unit and Review Transmission Unit windows are identical except for the title.

The diagram below illustrates the process flow for creating and modifying dialog units.

Process Flow for Creating and Modifying Transmission Units

the picture is described in the document text

A transmission unit can also be generated for a single dialog unit from the New Dialog Unit window.

Numbering Dialog and Transmission Units

Unique order numbers are automatically assigned to dialog units and transmission units when they are created. Order numbers can have prefixes and suffixes to aid identification. These are identified during the Exchange Protocol setup process.

In addition, legal numbers are automatically assigned to dialog units and transmission units on approval by a user at the legal numbering position identified by the approval profile. Legal numbers are only assigned when the Exchange Protocol: Legal Numbering Required profile option is set to Yes.

At the start of a new financial year, the order and legal numbering sequences are reset.

For information on setting up exchange protocol numbering, see Exchange Protocol Numbering, Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Implementation Guide.

Exchange Protocol Processes

Using notifications, Workflow informs users of transmission units or dialog units that have pending actions. The Exchange Protocol Process for Transmission Unit Creator diagram and the Exchange Protocol Process for Authorizing User Dagram illustrate the Exchange Protocol process for the transmission unit creator and the hierarchy of authorizing users.

Exchange Protocol Process for Transmission Unit Creator Diagram

the picture is described in the document text

Exchange Protocol Process for Authorizing User Diagram

the picture is described in the document text


Oracle recommends the following:


Creating Dialog Units Procedure

Find Dialog Units Window

the picture is described in the document text

To create dialog units using the New Dialog Unit window:

  1. Navigate to the New Dialog Unit window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Exchange Protocol - Dialog Units

    The Find Dialog Units window appears.

  2. Click New.

    The New Dialog Unit window appears.

    New Dialog Unit Window

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit from the list of values.

  4. In the Dialog Unit Type field, select a dialog unit type from the list of values.

  5. In the Currency field, select a currency code from the list of values.

  6. In the Third Party field, if enabled, select a third party name from the list of values.

  7. In the Site field, if enabled, select a third party site from the list of values.

  8. In the Dialog Unit Date field, enter a date for the dialog unit.

  9. To add transactions to the dialog unit, click Add Transactions.

    The Find Transactions window appears.

    Find Transactions Window

    the picture is described in the document text

    For information on the Find Transactions window, see the Find Transactions Window Description.

  10. Enter appropriate search criteria as described in the Find Transactions Window Description table.

  11. Click Find.

    The Include in Dialog Unit window appears.

    Include In Dialog Unit Window

    the picture is described in the document text

  12. Select any transactions that are required in the dialog unit using the check boxes.

    Note: All transactions are deselected by default.

  13. Click Include Transactions.

    The Include in Dialog Unit window closes.

  14. Save your work.

Find Dialog Units Window Description

The following table describes the fields in the Find Dialog Units Window.

Find Dialog Units Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit operating unit of the dialog unit
From start of dialog unit order number range to search
To end of dialog unit order number range to search
From start of dialog unit legal number range to search
To end of dialog unit legal number range to search
Status dialog unit status
Currency dialog unit transaction currency
Dialog Unit type dialog unit type
Fiscal Year dialog unit fiscal year
Third Party Site third party site; only active when third party name selected
From start of dialog unit creation date range
To end of dialog unit creation date range
From start of transmission unit order number range
To end of transmission unit order number range
From start of transmission unit legal number range
To end of transmission unit legal number range
Clear clears all fields
New opens New Dialog Unit window to create a new dialog unit
Find starts search

New Dialog Unit Window Description

The following table describes the fields in the New Dialog Unit window.

Note: This window description also applies to the Review Dialog Unit window.

New Dialog Unit Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit operating unit of the dialog unit
Order Number automatically generated unique number for dialog unit when saved
Legal Number automatically generated unique number for dialog number when approved by user at legal numbering position in approval hierarchy
Status dialog unit status in exchange protocol process or Workflow; valid values: Available, In a Transmission Unit, Transmitted, Approved and Transmitted, Rejected, On Hold, Returned, Deleted, Approved
Next Approver user name of next approver in Workflow
Amount sum of amounts appearing in Transactions region
Prepayment Amount sum of prepayments attached to transactions in Transactions region
Dialog Unit Type dialog unit type; defined by user in exchange protocol setup.
Currency dialog unit transaction currency
Third Party third party name; required when selected dialog unit type is defined for a single third party
Site third party site; required when selected dialog unit type is defined for a single third party site
Dialog Unit Date date dialog unit created
Fiscal Year fiscal year for dialog unit
Description dialog unit description; maximum30 alphanumeric characters
Generate Transmission Unit generates a transmission unit for this dialog unit; available if there is at least one transaction in Transactions Region of dialog unit
View Transmission Unit opens Review Transmission Unit window; only available when dialog unit included in transmission unit
Order Number order number for transmission unit containing this dialog unit
Legal Number legal number for transmission unit containing this dialog unit
Application indicates which application transaction is part of; valid values are Payables or Receivables
Transaction Type transaction type
Transaction Num transaction number
Description transaction description
GL Date Transaction accounting date
Third Party third party name
Site third party site
Amount transaction amount
Add Transactions add new transaction to dialog unit

Find Transactions Window Description

The following table describes the fields in the Find Transactions window.

Find Transactions Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit displays the transactions for the selected operating unit.
Application indicates which application transaction is part of; valid values are: Payables or Receivables; filtered based on dialog unit type definition
Transaction Type transaction type; filtered based on dialog unit type definition
Third Party third party name
Third Party Site third party site
Clear clears all fields
Find starts search
From start of transaction number range to search
To end of transaction number range to search
From start of transaction amount range to search
To end of transaction amount range to search
From start of General Ledger date range
To end of General Ledger date range

Include In Dialog Unit Window Description

The following table describes the fields in the Include In Dialog Unit window.

Include In Dialog Unit Window Description
Field Name Description
Include includes the transaction in the dialog unit, if selected.
Application indicates which application transaction is part of; valid values are: Payables or Receivables
Transaction Type transaction type
Transaction Num Transaction Num
Description transaction description
GL Date transaction accounting date
Third Party third party name
Site third party site
Amount transaction amount
View Transaction drills down to selected transaction details
Include Transaction adds selected transactions to dialog unit

Reviewing Dialog Units Procedure

Dialog Units Window

the picture is described in the document text

To review dialog units using the Review Dialog Unit window:

  1. Navigate to the Review Dialog Unit window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Exchange Protocol - Dialog Units

    The Find Dialog Units window appears.

  2. Enter appropriate search criteria as described in the Find Dialog Units Window Description table.

  3. Click Find.

    The Dialog Units window appears.

  4. To view details of a dialog unit, select the dialog unit and click Review.

  5. Close the window.

Dialog Units Window Description

The following table describes the fields in the Dialog Units window.

Dialog Units Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit operating unit of the dialog unit
Order Number dialog unit order number
Legal Number dialog unit legal number
Dialog Unit Type dialog unit type
Status shows current status; valid values are: Available, In a Transmission Unit, Transmitted, Approved and Transmitted, Rejected, On Hold, Returned, Deleted, Approved
Currency currency used in dialog unit transactions
Amount total amount of dialog unit in selected currency
Prepayment total prepayments attached to transactions in dialog units
Third Party third party name
Site third party site
Transmission Unit Order Number transmission unit order number
Transmission Unit Legal Number transmission unit legal number
Fiscal Year dialog unit fiscal year
Dialog Unit Date dialog unit creation date
Prepared By username of dialog unit originator
New opens New Dialog Unit window to create a new dialog unit
Review opens Review Dialog Unit window to review selected dialog unit

Generating Transmission Units From Dialog Units Procedure

To generate a transmission unit from a dialog unit using the New Dialog Unit or Review Dialog Unit window:

  1. Navigate to the Find Dialog Units window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Exchange Protocol - Dialog Units

    The Find Dialog Units window appears.

  2. Perform one of the following:

    Create a new dialog unit as described in the Creating Dialog Units Procedure.

    Review a dialog unit as described in the Reviewing Dialog Units Procedure.

  3. Click Generate Transmission Unit.

  4. To see the generated transmission unit, click View Transmission Unit.

  5. Close the window.

Creating Transmission Units Procedure

Find Transmission Units Window

the picture is described in the document text

To create transmission units using the New Transmission Unit window:

  1. Navigate to the New Transmission Unit window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Exchange Protocol - Transmission Units

    The Find Transmission Units window appears.

  2. Click New.

    The New Transmission Unit window appears.

    New Transmission Unit Window

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit from the list of values.

  4. Optionally, in the Description field, enter a transmission unit description.

  5. In the Date field, enter a date for the transmission unit.

  6. In the Type field, select a transmission unit type from the list of values.

  7. In the Approval Profile field, select an approval profile from the list of values.

    Note: The Approval Profile field contains a default value based on the selected transmission unit type, and is only enabled if the transmission unit type allows override of the default.

  8. In the Fiscal Year field, select a year from the list of values.

  9. Click Add Dialog Unit.

    The Find Dialog Units for Transmission Unit window appears.

    Find Dialog Units for Transmission Unit Window

    the picture is described in the document text

  10. Enter appropriate search criteria as described in the Find Dialog Units Window Description table.

  11. Click Find.

    The Dialog Units Available window appears.

    Dialog Units Available Window

    the picture is described in the document text

  12. Select the dialog units that are required in the transmission unit using the check boxes.

    All dialog units are deselected by default.

  13. Click Add.

    The Dialog Units Available window closes.

  14. Save your work.

Find Transmission Units Window Description

The following table describes fields in the Find Transmission Units window.

Find Transmission Units Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit Operating unit of the transmission type
Transmission Unit type transmission unit type
Prepared By name of transmission unit creator
Status transmission unit status
Fiscal Year transmission unit fiscal year
Currency transmission unit currency
Clear clears all fields
New opens New Transmission Unit window to create a new transmission unit
Find starts search
From start of transmission unit order number range to search
To end of transmission unit order number eange to search
From start of transmission unit legal number range to search
To end of transmission unit legal number range to search
From start of transmission unit creation date range
To end of transmission unit creation date range

New Transmission Unit Window Description

The following table describes fields in the New Transmission Unit window.

Note: This window description also applies to the Review Transmission Unit window.

New Transmission Unit Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit operating unit for the transmission unit
Description transmission unit description
Date transmission unit date
Type transmission unit type
Approval Profile approval profile for transmission unit type; only available when transmission unit type selected; defaults to approval profile associated with transmission unit type
Fiscal Year transmission unit fiscal year
Order Number automatically generated unique number for transmission unit when saved
Legal Number automatically generated unique number for transmission unit when approved
Status current status; valid values: Approved and Transmitted, Available, Complete, Deleted, Transmitted
Amount dialog unit transaction total in selected currency for selected dialog units only
Next Approver user name of next transmission unit approver
Currency transmission unit currency
Application application dialog unit is part of; valid values are Payables or Receivables
Order Number dialog unit order number
Legal Number dialog unit legal number
Description text description
Currency currency used in dialog unit transactions
Status shows current status; valid values are: Available, In a Transmission Unit, Transmitted, Approved and Transmitted, Rejected, On Hold, Returned, Deleted, Approved
Dialog Unit Type dialog unit type
Third Party third party name
Third Party Site third party site
Dialog Unit Date dialog unit creation date
Amount total amount of dialog unit in selected currency
Prepayment total prepayments attached to transactions in dialog units
Fiscal Year dialog unit fiscal year
Prepared By name of dialog unit originator
Transmit submits transmission unit for approval
Add Dialog Unit adds dialog units to transmission unit

Find Dialog Units for Transmission Unit Window Description

The following table describes fields in the Find Dialog Units for Transmission Unit window.

Find Dialog Units for Transmission Unit Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit operating unit for the dialog unit
From start of dialog unit order number range to search
To end of dialog unit order number eange to search
From start of dialog unit legal number range to search
To end of dialog unit legal number range to search
Status dialog unit status
Third Party third party name
Third Party Site third party site; only active when third party name selected
Prepared By name of dialog unit creator
From start of dialog unit creation date range
To end of dialog unit creation date range
Application indicates which application dialog unit is part of; valid values are: Payables or Receivables; filtered based on dialog unit type definition
Prepared By user name of dialog unit creator
Fiscal Year dialog unit fiscal year
Currency dialog unit transaction currency
Clear clears all fields
Find starts search

Dialog Units Available Window Description

The following table describes fields in the Dialog Units Available window.

Dialog Units Available Window Description
Field Name Description
Include when selected, marks dialog unit to be included in transmission unit; deselected by default
Application application dialog unit is part of; valid values are: Payables or Receivables
Order Number dialog unit order number
Legal Number dialog unit legal number
Description text description
Currency currency used in dialog unit transactions
Status shows current status; valid values are: Available, In a Transmission Unit, Transmitted, Approved and Transmitted, Rejected, On Hold, Returned, Deleted, Approved
Dialog Unit Type dialog unit type
Third Party third party name
Third Party Site third party site
Dialog Unit Date dialog unit date
Amount total amount of dialog unit in selected currency
Prepayment total prepayment amounts attached to transactions in dialog unit
Fiscal Year dialog unit fiscal year
Prepared By name of dialog unit originator
Add adds selected dialog units to transmission unit

Reviewing Transmission Units Procedure

Find Transmission Units Window

the picture is described in the document text

To review transmission units using the Review Transmission Unit window:

  1. Navigate to the Review Transmission Unit window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Exchange Protocol - Transmission Units

    The Find Transmission Units window appears.

  2. Enter appropriate search criteria as described in the Find Transmission Units Window Description table.

  3. Click Find.

    The Transmission Units window appears.

  4. To view details of a transmission unit, select the transmission unit and click Review.

    The Review Transmission Unit window appears.

Transmission Units Window Description

The following table describes fields in the Transmission Units window.

Transmission Units Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit operating unit of the transmission unit
Order Number transmission unit order number
Legal Number transmission unit legal number
Description description for transmission unit
Transmission Unit Type transmission unit type
Amount dialog unit transaction total in selected currency for dialog units within transmission unit
Currency transmission unit currency
Fiscal Year transmission unit fiscal year
Status shows current status; valid values are: Approved and Transmitted, Available, Complete, Deleted, Transmitted
Transmission Unit Date transmission unit date
Prepared By user name of transmission unit originator
Transmit submits selected transmission unit for approval
New opens New Transmission Unit window to create a new transmission unit
Review opens Review Transmission Unit window to review the selected transmission unit

Transmitting Transmission Units Procedure

To place a transmission unit into approval workflow using the New Transmission Unit or Review Transmission Unit window:

  1. Navigate to the Find Transmission Units window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Exchange Protocol - Transmission Units

    The Find Transmission Units window appears.

  2. Either:

    Create a new transmission unit as described in the Creating Transmission Units Procedure.

    Review a transmission unit as described in the Reviewing Transmission Units Procedure.

  3. Click Transmit.

Dialog Unit Validation Procedure for Authorizing Users

To validate dialog units, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Worklist window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Exchange Protocol - Workflow Monitor - Worklist

    A new browser is launched, displaying the worklist.

  2. Click on a Subject to display the Notification Details window.

  3. In the References region, click Enter Transmission Unit.

    For information on the New Transmission Unit window, see New Transmission Unit Window Description.

  4. To accept all dialog units, click Approve All.

  5. To reject all dialog units, click Reject All.

  6. To place all dialog units on hold, click Hold All.

  7. To work by exception and change the status of a dialog unit to approved, rejected, or on hold, place the cursor in the Status field and select the appropriate value from the list of values.

  8. Save your work.

  9. Return to the Notification Details window.

  10. Click Finish.

If approved, the notification is sent to the next approver in the hierarchy.

If rejected, the transactions in the dialog unit may be reused at a later date.