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Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) User Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13418-03
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Inflation Accounting for Assets Procedures


Inflation Accounting for Assets provides functionality to support the revaluation of fixed assets and the associated accounting entries. This is part of the UK government’s initiative on resource accounting and budgeting.


UK Government departments are required to provide financial statements which measure the resources consumed in achieving their objectives. All costs are included in this requirement, including the cost of using capital assets. These costs must be stated in current price terms to make them comparable across departments and properly reflect the resources consumed. Inflation accounting is used in particular for fixed assets, for example, buildings. The cost of all assets and their accumulated depreciation must be revalued to current day terms by reference to published price indexes and professional valuations.

The following types of occasional revaluation are available:

The following windows are available in Inflation Accounting for Assets:

Indexed-Professional Revaluation Window

The Indexed - Professional Revaluation window enables users to enter the parameters for a revaluation run. The user can also perform indexed, professional, or both types of revaluations in one revaluation run.

Revaluation Window

The Revaluation window enables users to view individual assets for the category selected on the Indexed - Professional Revaluation window.

Indexed-Professional Revaluation Window

The Indexed - Professional Revaluation window enables users to enter the parameters for a revaluation run. The user can also perform indexed, professional, or both types of revaluations in one revaluation run.

Results - Revaluation Window

The Results - Revaluation window enables users to view the proposed effect of a professional revaluation.

Exceptions Window

The Exceptions window lists any assets that will not be included in the revaluation process, and provides explanations for the exclusions.

Inflation Accounting - Projection Window

The Inflation Accounting - Projection window enables users to run projections reports. The Projections report is a variable format report and projects depreciation charges into the future based on current assets and indexes. Revaluations are based on the revalued costs as at the last closed period and are revalued in each of the selected revaluation periods within the report range of periods. All active assets are available for projection, including non-depreciating assets but excluding fully retired assets. This report enables users to review future charges related to budgets and can be used in cash flow projections as a non-cash adjustment from a profit forecast.

Variable Format Reports

The Projections report is available as a variable format report, which means users can view and manipulate the report data in a number of desktop applications. For example, the information can be downloaded into Microsoft Excel to be sorted and analyzed using familiar spreadsheet features. The report can also be formatted as an HTML file and placed on a Web server.

To create a variable format report, an attribute set that contains formatting instructions is applied to the Projections report. In Oracle Applications, attribute sets are defined using the RXi Reports Administration Tool. A default attribute set is available for the Projections report, alternatively a user-defined attribute set can also be applied to the report. The report can be published using one of the following options: CSV, HTML, TEXT, or TAB.

For information on the RXi Reports Administration Tool, see Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide.

Inflation Accounting Inquiry Window

The Inflation Accounting Inquiry window is accessed from the Oracle Assets View Financial Information window. The View Financial Information window enables users to view historic values for an asset, and the Inflation Accounting Inquiry window displays the impact of inflation accounting on the values.

Revaluation History Window

The Revaluation History window is accessed from the Inflation Accounting Inquiry window and enables users to view the full history of cost revaluations affecting a particular asset. Cost revaluations resulting from occasional revaluation, reclassifications, prior period additions, cost adjustments, and the implementation toolkit are all displayed in the Revaluation History window. All revaluations identify whether the revaluation type is indexed, professional, or as a result of the implementation toolkit.


Performing Indexed-Professional Revaluation Procedure

Entering Parameters and Running Revaluations Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To enter revaluation parameters and run a revaluation, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Indexed - Professional Revaluation window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Inflation Accounting - Revaluation

  2. In the Book field, select a book from the list of values.

    The Status, Revaluation ID, and Revaluation Date fields are automatically populated. All available categories for the book are listed in the Categories region.

  3. In the Categories region, identify the asset categories to be revalued by selecting the check boxes next to the Category ID field.

  4. For an indexed revaluation where there are no changes to the default indices for the selected categories, proceed to the Submitting the Revaluation Request in Preview Mode Procedure to submit a revaluation preview. For a professional revaluation, proceed to step 5 to create the revaluation candidates.

  5. To create asset revaluation records, click Create.

    A concurrent process is run which creates the records.

  6. When the process is complete, requery the form as follows:

    View - Query by Example - Enter

  7. Enter search criteria as required.

  8. Run the query as follows:

    View - Query by Example - Run

Selecting Assets for Revaluation Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

  1. To view individual assets for the currently selected category, click Assets.

    All assets are selected for revaluation by default.

  2. To reduce the list of selected assets, proceed to step 3. To use all assets in the revaluation, proceed to step 7.

  3. Navigate to the Find Assets window as follows:

    View - Find

  4. Enter search criteria as defined in the Find Assets Window Description.

  5. Click Find.

  6. To remove an asset from the revaluation process, deselect the Select check box next to the asset details.

  7. To perform an indexed revaluation on an asset, select the Indexed radio button and proceed to step 11.

    Note: If both a professional and an indexed revaluation of an asset are performed in the same month, the professional revaluation may override the indexed revaluation. However, a professional revaluation cannot be overridden by an indexed revaluation.

  8. To perform a professional revaluation, select the Professional radio button.

    The New Cost field is enabled and the Select for Calculation check box is automatically selected.

  9. In the New Cost field, enter the new asset cost.

    Once the new cost is entered, the Reval Rate (%) field displays the cost change as a percentage.

  10. To view the accounting effect of a revaluation on the assets, click Calculate.

    For information on the results displayed, see Results - Revaluation Window Description.

  11. To close the Results - Revaluation window and return to the Revaluation window, click Done.

  12. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

  13. When the revaluation parameters for the assets are complete, close the Revaluation window and return to the Indexed - Professional Revaluation window, by clicking Done.

Submitting the Revaluation Request in Preview Mode Procedure

  1. To submit the revaluation as a preview, click Preview.

  2. View Inflation Accounting: Asset Revaluation Preview report generated by the request as follows:

    View - Requests

    Note: If asset exceptions exist when a revaluation preview has completed, those exceptions are visible in the Revaluation window. The assets with exceptions are not included in the Revaluation Preview report.

  3. To save the revaluation changes, return to the Indexed-Professional Revaluation window and proceed to the Viewing Exceptions Procedure.

Viewing Exceptions Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Following Preview mode, any assets which Inflation Accounting for Assets cannot revalue are listed as exceptions. To view these assets, click Exceptions.

    The table below lists the exception messages generated by the revaluation program.

    Exceptions Generated by Revaluation Program
    Number Exception
    1 Period entered is not the last closed period.
    2 The Asset has cost adjustments against it.
    3 The Asset has pending retirement or reinstatement transactions.
    4 New transactions have been processed prior to running revaluation. You can run revaluation in the next period only.
    5 You cannot perform multiple indexed revaluations in one period for this asset or you cannot perform an indexed revaluation on an asset professionally revalued in the same period.
  2. To close the window, click Done.

Submitting the Revaluation Request in Run Mode Procedure

  1. To submit the revaluation, click Run.

    The concurrent request is submitted.

  2. View the request as follows:

    View - Requests

Find Revaluations Window Description

Find Revaluations Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Book optional list of values book name
Revaluation ID optional list of values revaluation identification number
Clear   button clears field currently selected
New   button opens Indexed - Professional Revaluation window
Find   button searches for revaluations based on information entered in Book and Revaluation ID fields; opens Indexed - Professional Revaluation window and displays search results

Indexed - Professional Revaluation Window Description

Indexed - Professional Revaluation Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Status display only   revaluation process status as follows: New, when revaluation criteria saved; In Process, while preview process running; Previewed, when preview process complete; Error, if preview process fails; Complete, when revaluation process successfully completed; field updated when revaluation requeried
Create Request display only   automatically generated ID; created when user clicks Create or Preview button
Revaluation ID display only   unique ID generated for revaluation record
Revaluation Date display only   last date of current depreciation period for book
Revaluation Request display only   automatically generated ID; created when user clicks Preview or Run button
Obsolete Revaluation optional check box if selected, revaluation preview is obsoleted and cannot be viewed; if deselected revaluation preview can be viewed; action is irreversible once selected and confirmed.
[check box] optional check box if selected, category selected for revaluation; if deselected, category not included in revaluation
Category ID display only   category identification
Description display only   category description
Deselect   button deselects all currently selected categories and enables user to select individual categories as required; when categories deselected, button changes to Select All and toggles between Select All and Deselect All to enable user to select or deselect all categories
Assets   button opens Revaluation window
Preview   button submits revaluation request in preview mode
Exceptions   button opens Exceptions window

Revaluation Window Description

Revaluation Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Select for Calculation conditionally required check box if selected, indicates that effect of revaluation on asset can be viewed immediately by clicking Calculate; check box enabled only if Professional radio button selected
Allow Prof Update   check box if selected, indicates that professional revaluation update allowed
Cancel   button closes Revaluation window without saving changes and returns to Indexed - Professional Revaluation window
Deselect   button deselects all currently selected categories and enables user to select individual categories as required; when categories deselected, button changes to Select All and toggles between Select All and Deselect All to enable user to select or deselect all categories

Find Assets Window Description

Find Assets Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Asset Number required list of values asset number range to be included in search
Clear   button erases data from all fields
Find   button searches for assets based on search criteria entered

Results - Revaluation Window Description

Results - Revaluation Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Asset display only   asset number
Old Cost display only   asset cost before revaluation
New Cost display only   asset cost after revaluation
Old Depreciation Amount display only   accumulated depreciation before revaluation
New Depreciation Amount display only   accumulated depreciation after revaluation
Old Depreciation Reserve display only   depreciation reserve before revaluation
New Depreciation Reserve display only   depreciation reserve after revaluation
Old Backlog display only   backlog reserve before revaluation
New Backlog display only   backlog reserve after revaluation
Old General Fund display only   general fund before revaluation
New General Fund display only   general fund after revaluation
Old Revaluation Reserve display only   revaluation reserve amount before revaluation
New Revaluation Reserve display only   revaluation reserve amount after revaluation
Old Operating Account display only   operating account before revaluation
New Operating Account display only   operating account after revaluation

Exceptions Window Description

Exceptions Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Category display only   asset category
Asset display only   asset number
Exception display only   exception message, as listed in the Exceptions Generated by Revaluation Program table

Running Projections Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To run a projections report, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Inflation Accounting - Projection window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Inflation Accounting - Projection

  2. In the Book field, select a book type code from the list of values.

  3. Optionally, in the Category field, select a category from the list of values.

  4. In the Major Category field, select a major asset category from the list of values.

  5. In the Minor Category field, select a subsidiary asset category from the list of values.

  6. To select all categories, click Cancel.

  7. To close the Category Flexfield window, click OK.

  8. In the Revaluation Period field, select a revaluation period number from the list of values.

  9. In the End Period field, select a projection end period from the list of values.

  10. In the RXi Attribute Set field, select the Projections attribute set to be applied to the report.

  11. Click Run.

    The projections report is submitted as a concurrent request.

  12. To re-run the completed projections report, click View.

  13. View the request as follows:

    View - Requests

Inflation Accounting - Projection Window Description

Inflation Accounting - Projection Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Projection ID display only   projection ID code; generated automatically when the Run button is clicked
Start Period display only   current open depreciation period; automatically inserted when book name selected
Output Format optional list of values default value is TEXT which prints the report in A4 landscape format; alternatively, select the required output format as follows: CSV for comma-separated values, HTML, or TAB for tab-delimited format

Projection Report Column Descriptions for Projections Attribute Set

Projection Report Column Descriptions for Projections Attribute Set
Column Heading Description
Company Balancing segment value from Chart of Accounts definitions.
Cost Center Cost center qualifier segment from Chart of Accounts definitions.
Major Category Asset Major Category qualifier segment from the Asset Category Flexfield definition.
Minor Category Asset Minor Category qualifier segment from the Asset Category Flexfield definition.
Asset Number Asset number as defined in Oracle Assets.
Asset Desc Asset description as defined in Oracle Assets.
Period Standard format period, for example, JAN:02-03; runs from start period to end period as selected in the report input parameters.
Period Index Index for specified period.
Reval Cost Index Index for period in which asset cost was last revalued.
Cost Revalued cost of asset. In the projections period prior to the first projection report for cost revaluation, this value will be as per the last user indexed or professional revaluation.
Period Deprn Based on last closed period revalued depreciation and updated by revaluations in the selected revaluation periods.
YTD Deprn Accumulated depreciation figure for the year. If the selected periods run over a year-end, the YTD figure in the column will start again from zero.
Comments Reports if a defined condition is encountered during report processing, for example, if an asset becomes fully reserved or this is a cost revaluation period.

Note: The following columns are available in the default RXi attribute set in addition to those shown in the Projections attribute set in the Projection Report Column Descriptions for Projections Attribute Set table:

Viewing Asset Revaluation Cost History Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To use the Inflation Accounting for Assets zoom from Oracle Assets to show the effect of inflation accounting on the record displayed, perform the following steps.

  1. In Oracle Assets, navigate to the Assets window as follows:

    Inquiry - Financial Information

  2. Enter search information relevant to the assets required.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select the asset to be viewed.

  5. Click Books.

    For information on the View Financial Information window, see Viewing Assets, Oracle Assets User's Guide.

  6. Navigate to the Inflation Accounting Inquiry window as follows:

    View - Zoom

    Note: The Zoom menu option is only available if the current record belongs to an Inflation Accounting for Assets book in the Oracle Assets View Financial Information window.

  7. View data in the Inflation Accounting Inquiry window as described in the Inflation Accounting Inquiry Window Description table.

  8. To view the revaluation history of the asset, click Revaluation History.

    the picture is described in the document text

  9. View data in the Revaluation History window as described in the Revaluation History Window Description table.

    Note: The impact of retirements, partial retirements, and transfers is not reflected in the Revaluation History window.

Inflation Accounting Inquiry Window Description

Inflation Accounting Inquiry Window Description, Header Region and Accumulated Balance Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Asset Number display only   selected asset number
Date Placed in Service display only   date asset placed in service
Years display only   number of years in asset life, in addition to number of months displayed in Months field
Months display only   number of months in asset life, in addition to number of years displayed in Years field
Latest Cost Revaluation display only   latest cost revaluation for total accumulated balance of asset
Historic Cost display only   historic cost of asset
Surplus/Deficit display only   surplus or deficit amount; calculated by subtracting historic cost from latest cost revaluation
Backlog Depreciation display only   backlog depreciation amount
Transfer to General Fund display only   amount transferred to General Fund
Net display only   net revaluation reserve balance; calculated by subtracting backlog depreciation and amount transferred to General Fund from surplus/deficit amount
Latest Cost Revaluation display only   latest cost revaluation for total accumulated balance of asset; values appear in the Operating Account fields if the asset has a revaluation below the depreciated historic cost; in a period where a revaluation crosses the depreciated historic cost, values appear in both the Revaluation Reserve and Operating Account fields
Historic Cost display only   historic cost of asset
Surplus/Deficit display only   surplus or deficit amount; calculated by subtracting historic cost from latest cost revaluation
Backlog Depreciation display only   backlog depreciation amount
Net display only   net revaluation reserve balance; calculated by subtracting backlog depreciation amount from surplus/deficit amount
Historic display only   historic depreciation for accumulated balance of asset
Expensed Revaluation display only   expensed revaluation amount
Backlog display only   backlog depreciation provision
Total Depreciation display only   total depreciation for total accumulated balance, calculated by adding historic depreciation, expensed revaluation, and backlog depreciation
Net Book Value display only   net book value, calculated by subtracting total depreciation from latest cost revaluation
Current Open Period display only   open period for the asset
OK   button closes Inflation Accounting Inquiry window and displays View Financial Information window
Inflation Accounting Inquiry Window Description, Year-to-date Balances Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Latest Cost Revaluation display only   latest cost revaluation for year-to-date balance of asset
Previous Cost Revaluation display only   previous cost revaluation for asset
Surplus/Deficit display only   surplus or deficit amount; calculated by subtracting previous cost from latest cost revaluation
Backlog Depreciation display only   backlog depreciation amount
Transfer to General Fund display only   amount transferred to General Fund
Net display only   net revaluation reserve balance; calculated by subtracting backlog depreciation and amount transferred to General Fund from surplus/deficit amount
Latest Cost Revaluation display only   latest cost revaluation for year-to-date balance of asset; values appear in the Operating Account fields if the asset has a revaluation below the depreciated historic cost; in a period where a revaluation crosses the depreciated historic cost, values appear in both the Revaluation Reserve and Operating Account fields
Previous Cost Revaluation display only   previous cost revaluation for asset
Surplus/Deficit display only   surplus or deficit amount; calculated by subtracting previous cost from latest cost revaluation
Backlog Depreciation display only   backlog depreciation amount
Net display only   net revaluation reserve balance; calculated by subtracting backlog depreciation amount from surplus/deficit amount
Historic display only   historic depreciation for year-to-date balance of asset
Expensed Revaluation display only   expensed revaluation amount
Backlog display only   backlog depreciation provision
Total Depreciation display only   total depreciation for year-to-date balance, calculated by adding historic depreciation, expensed revaluation, and backlog depreciation
Current Open Period display only   current open period for the asset
Inflation Accounting Inquiry Window Description, Period Balances Tab
Field Name Type Features Description
Latest Cost Revaluation display only   latest cost revaluation for current period balance of asset
Previous Cost Revaluation display only   previous cost revaluation for asset
Surplus/Deficit display only   surplus or deficit amount; calculated by subtracting previous cost from latest cost revaluation
Backlog Depreciation display only   backlog depreciation amount
Transfer to General Fund display only   amount transferred to General Fund
Net display only   net revaluation reserve balance; calculated by subtracting backlog depreciation and amount transferred to General Fund from surplus/deficit amount
Latest Cost Revaluation display only   latest cost revaluation for current period balance of asset; values appear in the Operating Account fields if the asset has a revaluation below the depreciated historic cost; in a period where a revaluation crosses the depreciated historic cost, values appear in both the Revaluation Reserve and Operating Account fields
Previous Cost Revaluation display only   previous cost revaluation for asset
Surplus/Deficit display only   surplus or deficit amount; calculated by subtracting previous cost from latest cost revaluation
Backlog Depreciation display only   backlog depreciation amount
Net display only   net revaluation reserve balance; calculated by subtracting backlog depreciation amount from surplus/deficit amount
Historic display only   historic depreciation for the period balance of the asset
Expensed Revaluation display only   expensed revaluation amount
Backlog display only   backlog depreciation provision
Total Depreciation display only   total depreciation for period balance, calculated by adding historic depreciation, expensed revaluation, and backlog depreciation
Latest Closed Period display only   most recently closed period for the asset

Revaluation History Window Description

Revaluation History Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Number display only   asset number
Description display only   asset description
Revaluation Type display only   type of revaluation performed on asset: occasional, reclassification, cost adjustment, prior period addition, or implementation
Revaluation Method display only   type of revaluation method used: indexed, professional, or implementation
Effective Period display only   period during which catch-up routine took place on a reclassification or prior period addition
Period Entered display only   period during which transaction was performed
Previous display only   revalued cost before transaction took place
New display only   current revalued cost
OK   button closes Revaluation History window and displays Inflation Account Inquiry window