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Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) User Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13418-03
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Standing Charges Procedures


The Standing Charges procedures, also called periodic invoices, are used to define and maintain details of standing charge agreements that Receivables AutoInvoice functionality uses to periodically generate invoices.


The following Standing Charges features are available:

Use the Standing Charge Items window to define periodic items for goods and services and to access the Price History window for a specific item.

Use the Standing Charge window to maintain details of a customer's standing charge agreements. Details can be set up that are consistent with the batch source. These are used for the automatic generation of periodic invoices for services that are charged on a regular basis, for example, weekly or monthly. Users can select the standing charge items predefined with the flexibility to override the charge item defaults.

The Standing Charges window provides access to the Price History window, which displays each standing charge detail line, and the Invoice History window, which displays the invoices generated to date for each standing charge.

The Price History window displays information about item price changes and also provides access to the standing charges summary window which displays information about standing charges that use the item.

If a price update record selected in the Price History window is created by the global price update process, then all affected standing charges that use the charge item updated by the price update can be viewed.

The Invoice History window displays information about invoices generated for a standing charge agreement.

Use the Global Price Update window to specify the global price update criteria and view all the charge items and the standing charge lines affected by the update criteria. When specifying the global update criteria, the user can preview the results and optionally deselect any of the selected charge items before the final update is confirmed.

Note: Only one price break can be in effect during the current or future periods.

Use the Payment Instrument window to define payment details for the standing charge agreement. The fields here are the same as in the Oracle Receivables Workbench. This allows uniformity in representing payment details across modules. This window allows you to add security codes and voice authorization details; the information is stored in an encrypted form, enhancing security for the application.


Defining Standing Charge Items

the picture is described in the document text

To define a standing charge item:

  1. Navigate to the Standing Charge Items window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Standing Charges - Maintain Items

  2. Enter the operating unit to which the items must be assigned in the Standing Charge Items window.

  3. Enter data in each field of the Standing Charge Items window as described in the Standing Charge Items Window Description.

  4. Save your work.

Standing Charge Items Window Description

The following table describes the fields in the Standing Charge Items window.

Standing Charge Items Window Description
Field name Description
Operating Unit operating unit to which the standing items must be assigned to
Item Code item identifier
Enabled indicates if charge item can be selected for a standing charge

Note: Charge items can only be selected for a standing charge when enabled.

Description item description
Effective From first date charge item is active

Note: Charge items can only be selected for a standing charge if active for start date of standing charge.

To last date charge item is active
Period Name period name
Tax Code tax code
Revenue Account default revenue account
Current Price item’s current price
Effective From date current price effective
Revised Price item’s revised price
Effective From date revised price effective

Note: Date required only if revised price is defined. A revised price earlier than the current price effective date cannot be entered.

Revenue Account Description default revenue account description
Item Price History opens Item Price History window

Viewing Charge Item Price History

the picture is described in the document text

To view the price update history of a charge item:

  1. Navigate to the Standing Charge Items window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Standing Charges - Maintain Items

  2. Click Item Price History.

    The Item Price History window appears.

  3. View data in the Item Price History window as described in the Item Price History Window Description.

  4. Close the window.

Item Price History Window Description

Item Price History Window Description
Field Name Description
Item Name charge item identifier
Current Price item's current price
Current Eff. Date date current price effective
Revised Price item's revised price
Revised Eff. Date date revised price effective
Update Date date price updated
Standing Charges opens Standing Charges window

Viewing Standing Charges

the picture is described in the document text

To view standing charges that use the allocated charge item:

  1. Navigate to the Standing Charge Items window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Standing Charges - Maintain Items

  2. Click Item Price History.

    The Item Price History window appears.

  3. Click Standing Charges.

    The Standing Charges window appears.

  4. View data in the Standing Charges window as described in the Standing Charges Window Description .

Note: The Standing Charges window shows data only if changes to the price are made globally. If the standing charge line details override the price details, then the line details are displayed and audited separately.

Standing Charges Window Description

Standing Charges Window Description
Field Name Description
Item Name charge item name
Standing Charge Reference standing charge reference that uses charge item
Current Price item's price on standing charge
Current Eff. Date date current price effective
Revised Price item's price on standing charge
Revised Eff. Date date revised price effective
Update Date date standing charge item updated

Creating a Standing Charge Agreement

the picture is described in the document text

To set up a standing charge agreement:

  1. Navigate to the Standing Charge window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Standing Charges - Maintain Standing Charges

  2. Enter data in each field of the Standing Charge window as described in the Standing Charges Window Description, Main Tab, the Standing Charges Window Description, Details Tab, and the Standing Charges Window Description, Notes Tab.

  3. Save your work.

Standing Charge Window Description

The following tables describe the fields in the Standing Charge window.

Standing Charge Window Description, Main Tab
Field Name Description
Reference standing charge unique identifier
Status standing charge status; valid values: INCOMPLETE, ACTIVE, or CLOSED; INCOMPLETE indicates standing charge details not completed or agreed to; ACTIVE indicates standing charge active, invoices periodically generated; CLOSED indicates standing charge closed, invoices not generated

Note: When entering a new standing charge, the status defaults to INCOMPLETE. Invoices are only generated from a standing charge when the status is set to ACTIVE. When invoices are generated from a standing charge, the status can never be returned to INCOMPLETE, but can be set to CLOSED to indicate that the standing charge is no longer active. The status can be changed from CLOSED to ACTIVE or ACTIVE to CLOSED at any time.

Batch Source import batch source used to group generated invoices; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge

Note: The Batch Source list of values includes the operating unit associated with each batch source name. After selecting a batch source, the Standing Charge window displays the associated operating unit.

Legal Entity defaults to the legal entity that is attached to a batch source; can override the default legal entity.
Start Date date standing charge agreement starts; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Type transaction type used for invoices to be generated from a standing charge; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge

Note: Standing charges only allows selection of transaction types of the Class of Invoice.

End Date date standing charge agreement ends; no standing charge invoices generated for periods after this date; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Name ship-to customer name; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge but only if the Name field is blank
Number ship-to customer number; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge but only if the Name field is blank
Address ship-to customer address; details can be entered if Ship To field is blank; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge
Contact contact name at ship-to address; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge; if the Address field is updated, the Contact field is automatically cleared, enabling users to choose a new contact related to the new address
Salesperson salesperson; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge
Name bill-to customer name; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge
Number bill-to customer number; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge
Address bill-to customer address; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge
Contact contact name at bill-to address; can be modified following generation of invoices from standing charge; if the Address field is updated, the Contact field is automatically cleared, enabling users to choose a new contact related to the new address
Standing Charge Window Description, Details Tab
Field Name Description
Invoicing Rule cannot be modified after standing charge saved
Next Due Date date first standing charge invoice due; date updated by Standing Charges: Synchronize Standing Charges program; date that next invoice due always displayed; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Next GL Date next invoice General Ledger date created by standing charges; updated by Standing Charges: Synchronize Standing Charges concurrent program
Review Date date standing charge to be reviewed; displayed in the Standing Charges: Listing Report as reminder that standing charge due for review; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Frequency billing period, interval at which standing charge invoices generated; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Reminder Days number of days before end date when standing charge reported as nearing its end date; displayed in Standing Charges: Listing Report as reminder that standing charge is about to end; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Print Invoices indicates if standing charge invoices to be printed; can be modified
Currency displays functional currency
Payment Terms payment term for invoices created by standing charges
Payment Method invoice payment method; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge

Note: Only the payment method that is defined for the bill-to address of the customer can be chosen. Only payment methods that are valid for the Next Due Date are available.

Bank Name bill-to customer's bank name
Branch bill-to customer's bank branch
Account bill-to customer's bank account number
Standing Charge Window Description, Notes Tab
Field Name Description
Description standing charge description; appears on generated standing charge invoices with date range invoiced; can be modified
Comments standing charge comments; do not appear on generated standing charge invoices and can be used to record confidential information unavailable to the customer
Invoice History opens Invoice History window
Charge Lines opens Charge Details window

Setting Up Charge Lines

the picture is described in the document text

To set up information for the goods or services in a standing charge agreement:

  1. Navigate to the Standing Charge window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Standing Charges - Maintain Standing Charges

  2. Enter data in each field of the Standing Charge window as described in the Standing Charge Window Description, Main Tab, the Standing Charge Window Description, Details Tab, and the Standing Charge Window Description, Notes Tab.

  3. Save your work.

  4. Click Charge Lines.

    The Charge Details window appears.

  5. Enter data in each field of the Charge Details window as described in the Charge Details Window Description, Main Tab, the Charge Details Window Description, Price Tab, the Charge Details Window Description, Accounting Tab and the Charge Details Window Description, Tax Tab.

  6. Save your work.

Charge Details Window Description, Main Tab

Charge Details Window Description, Main Tab
Field Name Description
Seq. unique sequential item number in standing charge agreement; duplicate number for same standing charge not allowed; can enter multiple charge lines against one standing charge; cannot be modified after saving standing charge
Item item name; items restricted to those that are active for standing charge next due date; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge

Note: When a charge item is selected, the charge period, current and revised price, effective dates, description, and revenue account are set to the default values defined in the Charge Items window. These defaults can be overridden.

Description charge item description; appears on generated standing charge invoices; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Quantity number of charge items in standing charge agreement; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Charge Period charge item’s charge period; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Price History opens Price History window

Charge Details Window Description, Price Tab

Charge Details Window Description, Price Tab
Field Name Description
Current Price charge item's current price
Effective From date current price effective; must be on or before the standing charge date; current price automatically updated using information defined for new price
New Price charge item's revised price; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Effective From date revised price effective; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge
Previous Price charge item's previous price
Price History opens Price History window

Charge Details Window Description, Accounting Tab

Charge Details Window Description, Accounting Tab
Field Name Description
Revenue Account charge item’s revenue account; defaults based on charge item if account set up for charge item; generated for invoices by AutoAccounting if no account entered; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge

Note: This is required if a receivables account is entered.

Receivables Account charge item’s receivable account; defaults based on transaction type if account set up for transaction type; generated for invoices by AutoAccounting if no account entered; can be modified after invoices generated from standing charge

Note: This is required if a revenue account is entered.

Accounting Rule accounting rule applied to invoices created by standing charges

Note: This is required if an invoicing rule is used for the standing charge.

Start Date first date invoice created by standing charges

Note: This is required if an invoicing rule is used for the standing charge.

Duration duration of invoice created by standing charges
Price History opens Price History window

Charge Details Window Description, Tax Tab

Charge Details Window Description, Tax Tab
Field Name Description
Tax Code charge item's tax code; cannot be modified after invoices generated from standing charge

Note: Tax code must be entered if standing charge requires tax to be calculated based on tax code. The tax rate related to this tax code is displayed.

Tax Rate charge item's tax rate
Price History opens Price History window

Reviewing Invoice History

the picture is described in the document text

To review the invoice history of a standing charge:

  1. Navigate to the Standing Charge window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Standing Charges - Maintain Standing Charges

  2. Query a standing charge to review the invoice history.

  3. View the data in the Standing Charge window as described in the Standing Charge Window Description.

  4. Click Invoice History.

    The Invoice History window appears.

  5. View data in the Invoice History window as described in the Invoice History Window Description.

Invoice History Window Description

Invoice History Window Description
Field Name Description
Charge Reference standing charge unique identifier
Invoice Date invoice date
Invoice Number invoice number
Amount invoice amount
Comments billing period included as part of invoice description
Currency invoice currency code

Viewing Price Update History

the picture is described in the document text

To view the price update history of a standing charge line item:

  1. Navigate to the Standing Charge window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Standing Charges - Maintain Standing Charges

  2. Enter data in each field of the Standing Charge window as described in the Standing Charge Window Description.

  3. Save your work.

  4. Click Charge Lines.

    The Charge Details window appears.

  5. Enter data in each field of the Charge Details window as described in the Charge Details Window Description.

  6. Click Price History.

    The Price History window appears.

  7. View the price updates as described in the Price History Window Description

Price History Window Description

Price History Window Description
Field Name Description
Charge Reference standing charge unique identifier
Description item description
Item Code item identifier
Current Price charge item’s current price
Current Eff. Date date current price effective
Revised Price charge item’s revised price
Revised Eff. Date date revised price effective
Update Date date update occurred

Updating Global Price

the picture is described in the document text

To update an item's price throughout the system:

  1. Navigate to the Global Price Update window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Standing Charges - Global Price Update

  2. Enter data in each field of the Global Price Update window as described in the Global Price Update Window Description.

  3. Save your work.

  4. To run the global price update program, select the Run check box.

  5. Click Standing Charges.

    The Run ID window appears.

  6. View data in the Run ID window as described in the Run ID Window Description.

Global Price Update Window Description

Global Price Update Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit The items of the operating unit that need to be updated.
Item Code From first item code included in global price update
Item Code To last item code included in global price update
Run ID run identifier for global price update
Effective Date date price update effective; must be later than or same as current system date
Change Amount amount to change price of charge item
Change Percentage percentage to change price of charge item
Option indicates if standing charge line items that fall within update criteria are updated: All, price update affects charge item and all standing charge lines having that item; Default, price update affects charge item and standing charge lines that have the current price of the charge item; None, price update affects charge item only and not standing charge lines
Status displays status of global price update; valid values: Completed, Error, New, Run
Run indicates if global price update should run; only available if Status is Error or New
Item Code item code selected for global price update
Current Price item’s current price
Current Eff. Date date current price effective
Revised Price item’s revised price
Revised Eff. Date date revised price effective
Update Price item’s new price
Update indicates if item included in final global price update
Standing Charges opens Run ID window

Run ID Window Description

Run ID Window Description
Field Name Description
Item Code global price update item code
Charge Reference standing charge using item code selected for global price update
Current Price standing charge line item's current price
Current Eff. Date date current price effective
Revised Price standing charge line item's revised price
Revised Eff. Date date revised price effective
Update Price standing charge line item's new price
Update indicates if standing charge line item included in final global price update