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Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13433-07
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Wave Planning

Overview of Wave Planning

Warehouse managers use warehouse planning to group and plan the work in a warehouse. Warehouse planning tasks include:

Warehouse planning includes wave planning which enables you to group orders and lines for better visibility and control during order fulfillment. Wave planning provides real-time monitoring and exception reporting and flexibility during the order fulfillment process. Using wave planning, you can:

The wave planning process consists of the following steps:

  1. Creating a Wave

    When you create a wave, you select the criteria that determines the orders to include in the wave. For example, you can create a wave that enables you to pick all orders with a dock appointment within the next x number of hours, all UPS orders, or all high priority orders.

  2. Planning a Wave

    Planning the wave involves determining the item availability and labor requirements for the wave. You can select the default actions to occur when unexpected events happen, for example, when stock is not available to fulfill orders. You can also add and remove lines from a wave during the planning phase if the fill rate or labor requirements do not match your expectation or for any other reason. Optionally, you can re-plan it later. A warehouse manager can plan a wave multiple times. Multiple people can plan waves, and orders can be included in multiple waves during the planning process.

  3. Releasing a Wave

    When you release the wave, the pick release process is initiated and material is allocated to orders.

  4. Monitoring a Wave

    You view a wave (and related wave activity) before and after it is released:

Related Topics

Planning a Wave

Creating a Wave

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Dashboard

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Workbench

Setting Up Task Release Options

Using Concurrent Requests with Wave Planning

Creating a Wave

Creating a wave involves selecting the criteria that determines the orders to include in the wave. You can select simple criteria to create waves based on order, customer, carrier, item, trip and delivery information. For example, you could create a wave that picks all orders with dock appointments within the next x number of hours, all UPS orders, or all high priority orders.

If desired, you can also select advanced criteria for releasing waves. For example, you can select criteria to pick all single line orders or pick orders when a total tare weight or dollar value is greater than a specific threshold.

You can create one or more waves, compare them, and then after you run the planning process, decide which wave(s) to release. You can also automate the process.

To create a wave

  1. Navigate to the Create Wave window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the Wave Template field, you can query an existing wave template, or create and save a new template to be reused. For more information, see To create a wave template.

  3. Estimated Start Date: This date is used during labor planning to plan resources and tasks and to determine a target completion date. When the wave is created, the system uses the current system date as the default value for the Estimated Start Time. However, you should enter a date later than the current system date because to plan the wave, the estimated start time must be later than the current system date.

  4. In the Simple and Advanced Criteria tabs, enter the criteria to create the wave:

    Note: The system creates waves for order fulfillment across all booked sales orders.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Click the Wave Options tab.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. On the Wave Options tab, you can select the criteria to define the planning criteria for the wave, determine the pick slip grouping rule, and the release sequence rule to use when creating the wave. You can also choose to auto create deliveries for the wave. For example, if the orders are going to the same customer, you can choose to auto create a delivery across orders.

  7. To create the wave, choose one of the following options:

  8. After you have created the wave, you can review it in the Wave Workbench window, select wave planning criteria in the Plan Wave window, and then release the wave. You can also create or update planning criteria in the Wave Workbench window and then re-plan the wave (before releasing the wave).

    Note: If the Plan Wave box is selected, then the wave will already be planned. If desired, you can replan the wave.

To create a wave template that can be reused

  1. Enter a name and description for the wave template.

  2. Enter your criteria for creating the wave.

  3. Click Save as Wave Template to save the template.

Related Topics

Overview of Wave Planning

Planning a Wave

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Dashboard

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Workbench

Setting Up Task Release Options

Using Concurrent Requests with Wave Planning

Planning a Wave

After the wave is created, you can plan it using the Plan Wave window. Planning a wave involves selecting the criteria that further defines the fulfillment process. For example, you can set default actions to occur when stock is unavailable, or reserve material so it is not allocated or promised to other orders.

Note: You reserve material and then allocate it. The material is allocated only after the wave is released.

You can create and plan multiple waves until you achieve the optimum labor and fulfillment conditions.

Note: You can also re-plan the fulfillment and labor planning criteria on the Wave Workbench window.

Additional Considerations

The following table describes how setups in the Create Wave window can affect wave and release planning:

If this option is selected in the Create Wave window: Then the following conditions apply in the Wave Workbench window:
The Release Wave check box is selected. When you click either the Release Online or Release Concurrently button, the wave will be released.
Plan Wave option is selected. The wave will be planned automatically; otherwise, you can plan the wave.

To plan a wave

  1. Navigate to the Wave Dashboard window.

  2. Search for the wave that you want to plan. Enter a number in the Wave Number field to search by wave number, then click Find.

  3. From the navigation tree, click the plus sign next to the Waves item, then select the desired wave number.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. On the Wave Attributes tab, you can review information about the wave such as the number of orders in the wave, total number of lines, and the release information used to create the wave.

  5. Click the Orders tab to review the status of the order, for example, Ready to Release.

  6. Click the Plan Wave button to display the Plan Wave window.

To enter fulfillment planning criteria in the Plan Wave window

  1. Select the planning criteria, or query an existing template that contains the desired planning criteria. Alternatively, you can enter new planning criteria and save it as a template. For more information, see To create a planning criteria template.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the Picking Subinventory such as Storage Subinventory.

  3. Select a planning method:

  4. (Optional step.) Select the Enable Labor Planning check box to enable the Labor Planning tab where you can define labor planning requirements.

  5. In the Planning Action for Lines with Insufficient Stock in Inventory region, select the planning actions to occur when there is insufficient stock in inventory. When stock is unavailable, you can select a default action such as back ordering the line, or removing it from the wave.

  6. In the Planning Action for Lines with Sufficient Stock in Inventory region, select the default planning action(s) when there is sufficient stock in inventory:

  7. Select crossdock options on the Planning Criteria for Crossdocked Lines region:

    Note: If availability check is selected as the planning method, it will not plan the labor for the wave but it will consider the following: a) only the high level material available for the wave 2) inbound cross-docked material at an organization level.

    For more information on crossdocking, see Oracle Warehouse Management Crossdocking.

  8. Select the Remove Lines with Credit Hold check box to remove any order lines from the wave if a credit hold exists on the customer.

To enter labor planning criteria

  1. Click the Labor Planning tab.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Warehouse managers can use labor planning to estimate the labor required to fulfill picking tasks before the tasks are released to the warehouse. For example, if there are not enough operators available, the warehouse manager can change the wave to match labor availability:

  2. Select the Bulk Labor Planning check box to plan the orders in bulk for the wave. Bulk Planning is available for both availability check and rules-based planning. This plans for bulking of items during the wave fulfillment process.

  3. In the Department field, select a department such as Picking.

    Note: Labor resources, and picking departments must be set up before they can be selected from this window. For labor planning to work, you must specify the shift (if you are not operating on a 24-hour shift) or the instance (if you are operating in a 24-hour environment). You need to set up resource, shift, and capacity information. For more information on setting up shifts, see the Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide, Using the Workday Calendar.

  4. Select the staging subinventory.

  5. Select the time unit-of-measure (UOM) that defines how time is measured for picking such as in minutes or seconds. For more information, see the Oracle Inventory User's Guide, Defining Units of Measure.

    Important: The Pick UOM may differ depending on the planning method that you have selected:

  6. Select the labor setup mode to plan based on either subinventory or zone. Planning based on zones provides more detailed control over the picking process:

  7. In the Labor Planning region, select your planning options:

    Example of Planning Setup Values in the Labor Planning tab

    The following example shows what values could be selected for a typical labor planning setup:

    In the Labor Planning region (Labor Planning tab), you could select the following values to define labor planning criteria (Source Type: Inventory; Operation Plan: not entered):

    Item Category Source Destination Pick Uom Resource Transaction Time Travel Time Processing Overhead Duration
  8. Click the Fulfillment Planning tab to choose one of the following options:

    After the wave planning has completed successfully, you can preview the wave to review the expected fill rate and labor criteria. Then you can release the wave which releases the orders for picking and pull replenishment (pull replenishment is one of many replenishment types).

To create a planning criteria template

  1. In the Planning Criteria field, enter a name for the template.

  2. Define your planning criteria in the Fulfillment Planning tab, and optionally, labor requirements in the Labor Planning tab.

  3. Click Save as Planning Criteria to save the planning criteria.

Related Topics

Overview of Wave Planning

Creating a Wave

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Dashboard

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Workbench

Setting Up Task Release Options

Using Concurrent Requests with Wave Planning

Oracle Inventory User's Guide, On-hand and Availability and Item Reservations

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Dashboard

Use the Wave Dashboard window to view an overall summary of waves and wave activity for created, planned, or released waves. You can find any wave, or view multiple waves based on search criteria such as completion dates or wave status. For example, you can view released waves that have a target completion of today's date.

You can also view all picking activity in the warehouse, view a specific wave, or review waves for a given time period. On the Requests tab, you can view recurring requests or automatic concurrent requests such as requests that have been run overnight.

To view waves using the wave dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Wave Dashboard window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. On the Find Wave tab, enter your search criteria to find individual or multiple waves. For example, you can choose to view all released waves for a customer SmartBuy that are being shipped by the carrier DHL.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. In the Find Waves Using field , select one of the following options:

  4. In the Within field, select the time period defined in hours, days, weeks, month, or null (no time selected). The field is disabled if you select Actual Completion in the Find Waves Using field.

    If you select Target Completion in the Find Waves Using field and select a time period, then all waves scheduled to complete within that range appear. For example, if you select 1 Day in the Within field, the Wave Dashboard displays all waves that will complete in the 24 hours after the query criteria is selected.

  5. In the From/To fields, select a date range to filter the results of the waves shown in the Wave Dashboard.

    Note: The field is enabled when the null option is selected in Within field.

  6. Click Find to display the search results in the Dashboard tab.

  7. Click the Requests tab to view automatic and recurring requests.

    the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Overview of Wave Planning

Planning a Wave

Creating a Wave

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Workbench

Setting Up Task Release Options

Using Concurrent Requests with Wave Planning

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Workbench

After you create and plan a wave, you can preview it in the Wave Workbench window. Multiple planners can create and plan waves, or you can create and plan multiple waves to compare which is the most feasible to release to the warehouse. Viewing the wave enables you to preview the work to perform, and provides an estimate of the labor required to perform the work. You can also add or delete lines from the wave if necessary.

After you release a wave, you can use the Wave Workbench window to view the order and order line status, track the progress of operators as they pick tasks, or remove lines from the wave.

Before releasing the wave, use the Wave Workbench window to complete the following tasks:

After you plan the wave, you can firm the wave which ties the orders to that wave for release. Order(s) associated with the firmed wave can no longer be part of any other wave. You can choose to firm a wave prior to release, or at release. When you release the wave, it is automatically firmed.

To view a wave (before releasing the wave)

  1. Navigate to the Wave Workbench window.

  2. From the navigation tree, click the plus sign next to the Waves item to display the available waves, then select the wave.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. On the Wave Attributes tab, you can review or update criteria for the wave:

    Note: After the wave is released, you cannot select these options.

  4. To plan the wave (after you have reviewed the remaining tabs in the Wave Workbench window), click the Plan Wave button. If you already selected the Plan Wave check box in the Create Wave window then you do not need to re-plan the wave. For more information, see Planning a Wave.

Orders tab

  1. Click the Orders tab to view information about individual orders for the wave. The graph shows the fill rate summary for all of the orders within the wave.

    the picture is described in the document text

Lines tab

  1. Click the Lines tab.

    the picture is described in the document text

    On the Lines tab, you can complete the following actions:

Tasks tab

  1. Click the Tasks tab to view a real-time monitoring of waves and the status of the tasks in the picking process.

    Note: To refresh the Tasks tab, you need to navigate to a different tab and return to the Tasks tab.

    the picture is described in the document text

    When a wave is unreleased, tasks may or may be created depending on the wave. Most of the time, tasks to do not exist because the material has not been allocated to fulfill the orders. If the material has already been allocated to fulfill the orders, then a pending or an unreleased task may exist for the wave prior to release.

    Note: Tasks can have the status of pending and unreleased.

  2. Click Manage Tasks to change the priority, assignment, and status of tasks. For more information on managing tasks, see To manage tasks.

Exceptions tab/Labor Statistics tab

  1. Click the Exceptions tab to display exceptions (for released waves only).

  2. Click the Labor Statistics tab to preview the labor planning information set up during wave planning such as planned wave load, net and available capacity, and workloads for various resources.

    the picture is described in the document text

To add priority orders to a wave (released and unreleased waves)

When action on a priority sales order is required, a warehouse manager must be able to manually add a priority order to a wave so that it can be dispatched to a user who can pick and stage it for immediate delivery. Warehouse management enables you to add a priority order (and lines) to a wave. The wave can be either in unreleased or released status.

Note: If replenishment has completed, backordered lines may also be added back into the wave using the Add Lines button. If you add the line after the wave has been planned, but before the wave is released, then you can re-plan the wave, and the system will consider the newly-added lines. If you add the line after the wave is released, then the system does not consider the line in planning calculations.

  1. Navigate to the Lines tab of the Wave Workbench window.

  2. Click Add Lines.

  3. On the Create Wave window, enter the criteria to determine which lines or orders you want to add to the wave.

    Note: After you add lines or orders to the system, the system recalculates the following values based on the new number of tasks: total lines, total cubic volume, total weight, total value, actual fill rate, and total number of orders.

To release the wave

  1. Select the wave to be released.

  2. On the Wave Attributes tab, choose one of the following options:

    Note: If you add orders or lines to a released wave, you will be able to release the wave again. In this case the lines or orders are added to the wave.

To view a wave (after releasing the wave)

After you release a wave, you can view the order and order line status, and track the progress of operators as they pick tasks. You an also remove lines from the wave.

  1. Navigate to the Wave Workbench window.

  2. From the navigation tree, click the plus sign next to the Waves item to display the available waves, then select a wave.

    You can view detailed information about the selected wave on the following tabs:

Wave Attributes tab

  1. Click the Wave Attributes tab to review the criteria used to release the wave.

  2. If you add orders or lines to a released wave, you will be able to release the wave again. In this case the lines or orders are added to the wave.

Orders tab

  1. Click the Orders tab to view lines that have been released within the wave.

    The graph on the Orders tab shows the fill rate summary for all of the orders within the wave. The table below the graph displays information about individual orders.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. On the Orders tab, you can also complete the following actions:

Lines tab

  1. Click the Lines tab to view the order lines within a wave, the overall progress of a wave, and information about individual order lines such as item, line status, and delivery information.

    Note: The system updates the fill rate summary when new lines are added to the wave. When you release the new lines for picking then the new lines will be considered as well. The system differentiates between cross docked tasks and inventory tasks.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Complete your entries as required:

Tasks tab

  1. Click the Tasks tab to monitor tasks that have been released to the warehouse and the progression of tasks through the picking process. For example, as an operator progresses through picking tasks, the warehouse manager can monitor the task progress in the Tasks tab.

    In addition, you can run the Launch Task Release concurrent process to release tasks to users over time. You can release tasks only after a location has been replenished based on reverse trip sequence, release all tasks for a consolidation locator, or tasks that will be cartonized together. Finally, you can manage tasks by changing their priority, assignment, and status.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Note: To refresh the Tasks tab, you need to navigate to a different tab and return to the Tasks tab.

    When a wave is unreleased, tasks may or may be created depending on the wave. Most of the time, tasks to do not exist because the material has not been allocated to fulfill the orders. If the material has already been allocated to fulfill the orders, then a pending or an unreleased task may exist for the wave prior to release.

    Note: Tasks can have the status of pending and unreleased.

To manage tasks in the Manage Tasks window

Tasks are created when a wave is released. Occasionally, warehouse managers may need to cancel tasks but still associate the task to the sales order; for example, during work stoppages in the warehouse.

  1. Click Manage Tasks to update the priority, assignment, and status of tasks, or to cancel tasks.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the Task Summary field, select the category whose tasks you want to update or cancel: Picks, Replenishments, or Putaway.

  3. Complete the following steps to update or cancel the associated tasks.

To update tasks

  1. In the Action field, select Update.

  2. Select the update criteria:

To cancel tasks

  1. In the Action field, select Cancel.

    Note: Tasks with the following statuses can be cancelled: unreleased, queued, pending, and dispatched.

    When you cancel a task, the system backorders the task quantity and, if necessary, splits the sales order line. The system automatically recalculates the following measures based on the new number of tasks:

Exceptions tab

  1. Click the Exceptions tab:

    the picture is described in the document text

    To view wave exceptions in the Exceptions tab, run the Wave Planning - Catch Exceptions concurrent request. Review the wave exceptions and the severity level associated with the wave, and if required, you can take actions on the exceptions. As with other concurrent requests, you can schedule this request to run on a periodic basis. The system bases exceptions on a hierarchical order using dock door appointments, scheduled ship date, and expected ship date.

    Exceptions can be logged for waves, trips, deliveries, orders, and order lines as described in the following examples:

  2. Click the Take Action button to take corrective actions such as incrementing the task priority, or dispatching tasks directly to a user to speed up the picking process. For example, if you take an action such as incrementing the task priority, the task with the increased priority will now take precedence over other tasks in the queue (after you refresh the view).

    You can also perform actions on the exceptions detected by the concurrent request. You can perform automatic corrective actions when you run the concurrent request, or take action on the exceptions in the Wave Workbench window. You can release backordered lines, release planned tasks, change the priority of a task, place a hold on pending task, and view existing tasks.

Related Topics

Overview of Wave Planning

Planning a Wave

Creating a Wave

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Dashboard

Setting Up Task Release Options

Using Concurrent Requests with Wave Planning

Setting Up Task Release Options

In the Task Release Setup window, you can create one or more templates that define default options for releasing tasks; for example, you could define a template to release tasks when:

For each option, you can also specify a release tolerance percentage by entering a value from 0 to 100. For example, a tolerance of 20 percent enables tasks to be released within a margin of 20 percent above or below the actual release value.

To run the task release process, select the desired template in the Launch Task Release concurrent request window, then run the request. When the request runs, the tasks are released according to the conditions defined in the selected template.

Note: The Launch Task Release concurrent request can cartonize the tasks across pick release batches based on the default cartonization options selected in the Organization Parameters window (Warehouse tab). Cartonization eliminates suboptimal packing configurations by suggesting the best cartons to use based on grouping rules, carton weight capacity, carton volume, and the dimensions of the items to be packed in comparison to the carton's dimensions. For more information, see the Oracle Warehouse Management Implementation Guide, Warehouse Organization Setup.

To set up task release options

  1. Navigate to the Task Release Setup window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Enter a name and description to create a new task release template.

  3. In the Release Tasks if region, select the default option(s) for releasing tasks. A task can be released when it meets the set criteria.

  4. For each selected option, you can enter a release tolerance percentage to define acceptable release tolerance margins for that task.

  5. Alternatively, if you select Custom conditions are satisfied, you can enter a release tolerance percentage; however, the Default Options will be grayed out.

  6. Save your work.

  7. After you create the template, use the Launch Task Release concurrent request to select the appropriate task release template, then run the concurrent request.

Related Topics

Launch Task Release Concurrent Request

Using Concurrent Requests with Wave Planning

Overview of Wave Planning

Planning a Wave

Creating a Wave

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Dashboard

Viewing Waves Using the Wave Workbench