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Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca Integration and System Administration Guide
Release 12.1 V5
Part Number E37993-08
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Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca

This chapter covers the following topics:


You can use Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca to search and filter asset, work requests, work orders, and item information. Using the eAM Endeca dashboard pages, you can review and analyze data using key Performance Indicators (KPIs), performance evaluation metrics, charts, graphs, and tables.

You can search using eAM pages and Endeca Information Discovery (EID) design tools. These pages are hosted in an EID environment, and called from new container pages in EBS. In eAM, the following region and pages enable search functions using Endeca Information Discovery integration:

This chapter provides product-specific details required to integrate Endeca Information Discovery (EID) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 V5 for the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca application. This supplements the information provided in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1). You must read this document and make note of the requirements before you begin your installation.

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca User Interfaces

Endeca Region in the eAM Home Page

An Overview region in the eAM Home page displays Endeca content for Oracle Enterprise Asset Management. You can search for work orders and assets, and view work order and asset metrics, work order charts, and a work order results table. The following is a display of the Endeca region in the eAM Home page.

From the Maintenance Super User responsibility, navigate to the eAM Home page:

(N) Maintenance Super User > Home

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Endeca regions on the eAM Home page, you can track work order and asset activity. You can analyze data and review work order and assets metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca eAM Home page regions and components:

Region Components
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Department

  • Work Order

  • Asset

  • Activity

  • Operation

  • Resource

  • Failure

  • Flexfield

  • Dates

Work Order (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Green: Good

- Gray: Normal

  • Work Order Count

    Number of distinct work orders.

  • Total Cost

    Sum of total actual cost in all the work orders.

  • Schedule Compliance

    (Number of completed work orders (on time) divided by number of scheduled work orders) x 100

  • Failure Count

    Number of Work Orders which have failure data.

Asset (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Green: Good

- Gray: Normal

  • Capital Asset Count

    Number of distinct Capital Assets .

  • Rebuildable Count

    Number of distinct Rebuildable Assets.

  • Asset Group Count

    Number of distinct Asset Groups.

  • Asset Org Count

    Number of Asset Organizations to which different Assets are assigned.

Asset Activity (tag cloud) Top Ten Asset Activities Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Asset Activity tag cloud component displays the top ten asset activities by frequency of occurrence.

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Work Orders (tab)
Work Order Count by Start Date (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Start Date (days from today)

    • Start Date (days from today) by Work Order Count

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Start Date (days from today)

    • Month

    • Quarter

    • Year

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • (none)

    • Status

    • Priority

    • Type

Work Order Count by Resource (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Resource

    • Resource By Work Order Count

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • (none)

    • Status

    • Priority

    • Type

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Work Order Count by Operation Department (tab)
Work Order Count by Operation Department (cross tab)
Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Work Order Count by Resource (tab)
Work Order Count by Resource (cross tab)
Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Work Order Count by Employee or Equipment (tab)
Work Order Count by Employee or Equipment (cross tab)
Work Orders (results table) Work Orders (tab) (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Work Order

    • Dates

    • Asset

    • Activity

    • Cost

    • Failure

    • Attachment

    • Flexfield

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Print Work Order Report

    • Export Work Order Schedule

    • Map All

Operations (tab) (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Operation

    • Work Order

    • Asset

    • Activity

    • Dates

    • Department

    • Resource

    • Cost

    • Failure

    • Attachment

    • Flexfield

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Print Work Order Report

    • Export Work Order Schedule

    • Map All

Assets Page

The eAM Assets page lets you search for and view asset information and activity. You can view asset metrics, asset charts, and an assets results table. The following is a display of the eAM Assets page.

From the Maintenance Super User responsibility, navigate to the eAM Assets page:

(N) Maintenance Super User > Home > Assets (tab)

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Overview region on the eAM Assets page, you can track assets and asset group activity. You can analyze data and review assets and activity, asset metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca eAM Assets page regions and components:

Region Components
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Department

  • Work Order

  • Asset

  • Activity

  • Operation

  • Resource

  • Failure

  • Flexfield

  • Dates

Asset (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Green: Good

- Gray: Normal

  • Capital Asset Count

    Number of distinct capital assets.

  • Rebuildable Count

    Number of distinct rebuildable assets.

  • Asset Group Count

    Number of distinct asset groups.

  • Asset Org Count

    Number of distinct asset organizations.

Asset Group (tag cloud) Top Ten Asset Groups Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Asset Groups tag cloud component displays the top ten asset groups by frequency of occurrence.

Assets (results table) Assets (results table)
  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Map All

Assets (tabbed component container)
Asset Count (tab)
Assets (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Asset Organization

    • Asset Organization by Asset Count

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Asset Organization

    • Category

    • Asset Group

    • Area

    • Asset Owning Department

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • (none)

    • Asset Type

    • Maintainable

Assets (tabbed component container)
Work Order Count by Asset (tab)
Work Orders (results table)
  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Assets (tabbed component container)
Asset Maintenance Cost (tab)
Assets (results table)
  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Assets (tabbed component container)
Asset Maintenance Cost by Year (tab)
Maintenance Cost for Assets by Year (cross tab)
  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Print

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Work Orders (tab)
(results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Work Order

    • Dates

    • Asset

    • Activity

    • Cost

    • Failure

    • Attachment

    • Flexfield

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Print Work Order Report

    • Export Work Order Schedule

    • Map All

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Operations (tab)
(results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Operation

    • Work Order

    • Asset

    • Activity

    • Cost

    • Resource

    • Dates

    • Department

    • Failure

    • Flexfield

    • Attachment

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Print Work Order Report

    • Export Work Order Schedule

    • Map All

Work Requests Page

The Work Requests page under the Work Request tab lets you search for work requests, types, and work request activity . You can view work request metrics, work request charts, and a work request results table. The following is a display of the eAM Work Requests page.

From the Maintenance Super User responsibility, navigate to the eAM Work Requests page:

(N) Maintenance Super User > Home > Work Requests (tab)

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Work Requests page, you can track work requests and activity. You can analyze data and review work requests, metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca eAM Work Requests page regions and components:

Region Components
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Work Request

  • Work Order

  • Asset

  • Flexfield

  • Work Request Dates

Work Request (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Green: Good

  • Work Request Count

    Total number of Work Requests.

  • Open WR Count

    Number of Open Work Requests (Statuses: Open and Additional Information)

  • WR Awaiting WO Count

    Number of Work Requests awaiting Work Orders.

Work Request Type (tag cloud) Top Ten Work Request Type Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Work Request Type tag cloud component displays the top ten work request types by frequency of occurrence.

Work Requests (results table) Work Requests (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Work Request

    • Work Request Dates

    • Asset

    • Work Order

    • Flex Field

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Work Requests (tabbed component container)
Work Requests (tab)
Work Requests (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Asset Number

    • Asset Number by Work Request Count

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Asset Number

    • Asset Category

    • Asset Group

    • Asset Area

    • Organization

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Asset Criticality

    • Asset Type

    • Department

    • Priority

    • Request Type

Work Request Count by Asset (results table)
  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Work Orders Page

The Work Orders page under the Work Order tab lets you search for work orders, work order types, and work order activity. You can view work order metrics, work order charts, and a work orders results table. The following is a display of the eAM Work Orders page.

From the Maintenance Super User responsibility, navigate to the eAM Work Orders page:

(N) Maintenance Super User > Home > Work Orders (tab)

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Work Orders page, you can track work orders and work order activity. You can analyze data and review work order orders, metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Endeca eAM Work Orders page regions and components:

Region Components
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Department

  • Work Order

  • Asset

  • Activity

  • Operation

  • Resource

  • Failure

  • Flexfield

  • Dates

Work Order (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Green: Good

- Gray: Normal

  • Work Order Count

    Number of distinct work orders.

  • Open Work Order Count

    Number of distinct Open work orders.

  • Schedule Compliance

    (Number of Work Orders completed on time divided by total number of Work Orders) x 100. Work Orders are completed on time if Actual Start Date of a Work Order is less than or equal to Scheduled Start Date.

  • Total Cost

    Sum of total actual cost in all work orders.

  • Estimated Cost

    Sum of total estimated cost in all work orders.

Work Order Type (tag cloud) Top Ten Work Order Type Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Work Order Type tag cloud component displays the top ten work order types by frequency of occurrence.

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Work Orders (tab)
Work Orders (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Asset Number

    • Asset Number by Work Order Count

  • Metric (value axis)

    • Work Order Count

    • Actual Cost

    • Estimated Cost

    • Labor Cost

    • Material Cost

    • Equipment Cost

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Asset Number

    • Asset Group

    • Asset Category

    • Organization

    • Work Order Owning Department

    • Activity Source

    • Activity Cause

    • Activity Type

    • PM Schedule

    • Project Name

    • Task Name

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Status

    • Work Order Type

    • Priority

    • Asset Type

    • Asset Criticality

    • Cause Code

    • Failure Code

    • Resolution Code

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Operation Count by Resource (tab)
Operations Assigned to Employee or Equipment (results table)
  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Operations Assigned to Resource (results table)
  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Operation Count by Department and Resource (tab)
Operation Count by Operation Department and Resource (cross tab)
  • Actions

    • Export to Microsoft Excel

    • Print

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Work Orders (tab)
Results Table
  • Column Sets

    • Work Order

    • Dates

    • Asset

    • Activity

    • Cost

    • Failure

    • Attachment

    • Flexfield

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Print Work Order Report

    • Export Work Order Schedule

    • Map All

Work Orders (tabbed component container)
Operations (tab)
Results Table
  • Column Sets

    • Work Order

    • Asset

    • Activity

    • Cost

    • Resource

    • Dates

    • Department

    • Failure

    • Flexfield

    • Attachment

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Print Work Order Report

    • Export Work Order Schedule

    • Map All

    • Export

Materials Page

The Materials page under the Stores tab lets you search for items, item details, and activity. You can view item metrics. subinventories, and an item results table. The following is a display of the eAM Materials page.

From the Maintenance Super User responsibility, navigate to the eAM Materials page:

(N) Maintenance Super User > Home > Stores (Tab)

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Materials page, you can track item, inventory, and sub-inventory information and activity. You can view item and inventory, metrics, and an Item results table. The following describes the Endeca eAM Materials page regions and components:

Region Components
Guided Navigation You can use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Inventory Organization

  • Subinventory

  • Item

  • Item Description

  • Asset Group/Activity (BOM)

  • Item Type

  • Cross Reference Type

  • Cross Reference

  • Cross Reference Description

  • Manufacturer

  • Manufacturer Part Number

  • UOM

Item (metrics bar)

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Green: Good

- Gray: Normal

  • Item Count

    Total Items

  • Subinventory Count

    Total subinventory items.

Subinventories (tag cloud) Top Ten Subinventories Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Subinventories tag cloud component displays the top ten subinventories by frequency of occurrence.

Items (results table) Items (results table)
  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca Product Configuration

Setting Up Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca

The Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) application configuration and setup must be completed after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1).

Setup and Configuration Steps

To set up Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Extensions for Oracle Endeca, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Set Access Control by assigning UMX roles and updating access grants.

  2. Load eAM data to the Endeca Data Store by running graphs provided by eAM.

  3. Schedule Setup for Full Endeca Refresh.

  4. Set Profile Options.

Access Control: Hide and Show EID Dashboards (User Interfaces) for Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM)

As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite-EID integration for the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) application, the following UMX Role is provided:

UMX Role Internal Code Name

You must add the new UMX role 'EAM Endeca Access Role' (Internal Code Name: UMX|EAM_ENDECA_ ACCESS_ROLE) to enable Endeca menus for the Maintenance Super User responsibility (or any other custom responsibility which is using the same menu). You must assign this UMX role to the responsibility. When this UMX role is assigned to the eAM Information Portal, the Information Discovery tab appears.

If you want to use the Endeca-related role with more than one responsibility, then you must have an additional grant with a security context corresponding to each responsibility. You can add grants for a given role as a separate process instead of while you are adding the role to the responsibility.

Complete the following steps to enable Endeca Menus in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS):

  1. Assign a UMX Role to the Responsibility.


For assigning UMX Roles and Grants, refer to Appendix C in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1).

Loading eAM Data into the Endeca Data Store

Clover ETL within Endeca queries eAM Views and does a full data load to the eAM data store in Endeca. After the first data load, full data load or incremental data load can be performed periodically. Incremental data load will update all the records in Endeca eAM data store which were updated in EBS after the last load. After the data has been loaded in the eAM data store, it can be queried and shown in the eAM pages.

eAM Data Sources in eAM Data Store

Three data sources are defined in the eAM data store in Endeca and are used to query data for different pages in eAM. These data sources include:

Setting Up the Scheduler for Endeca Full Refresh

The initial data upload for Endeca Search is complete when the Full graph is run as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release 12.1 V5 (Doc ID: 1683053.1). Full refresh deletes all data from Endeca and repopulates it with a full data extract from the E-Business Suite system. For incremental refresh, you should determine how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from E-Business Suite depending on your organizational requirements.

To schedule ETL on the Integrator Server

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select the graph for schedule to run. I.e. Full.grf/incremental.grf.

  13. Click Create to set the scheduler.

ETL Parameters for Enterprise Asset Management (eAM)

You can load data to the eAM data store by running graphs provided by eAM.

To load data to the eAM data store

  1. Using the URL for the EID Integrator Server, navigate to the Sandboxes page and expand the graph node under eAM.

  2. Graphs to load data include:

Profile Options for Enterprise Asset Management (eAM)

You must set the following profile options if you do not want to load all historical data. Oracle recommends that you load data for all years. If you do not set the following profile options, then all Work Order, Asset, and Work Request data will be loaded.

Profile Option Name Description
EAM : Endeca Work Order Data Load Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Loads all Work Orders created on and after the specified date to the Endeca Data Store.
EAM : Endeca Work Request Data Load Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Loads all Work Requests created on and after the specified date to the Endeca Data Store.
FND: Endeca Portal URL This profile acts as the gateway between EBS and Endeca to bring the Endeca pages from the Endeca Studio Portal Server.

Views and Joins for Enterprise Asset Management (eAM)

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Endeca to load eAM data to the Endeca data store:

View Name Purpose
EAM_EID_WORK_ORDERS_V Loads work order and asset data
EAM_EID_WORK_REQUESTS_V Loads work request data
EAM_EID_MATERIALS_V Loads material data

The following temporary views are used as part of parallel processing for use with flexfields and attachments.

View Name Purpose
EAM_EID_WO_PROCESS_TEMP Loads flexfield and attachments of work orders and assets.
EAM_EID_WR_PROCESS_TEMP Loads work request flexfield and attachment details.
EAM_EID_MAT_PROCESS_TEMP Loads flexfield and attachment details for materials in the Store (Materials) page.

Menus for Endeca Enterprise Asset Management (eAM)

Endeca Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) integration includes nine new user menu functions as follows:

User Function Name Function Name
EAM Endeca Home Page Destination EAM_ENDECA_HOME_DEST
EAM Endeca Assets Page Destination EAM_ENDECA_ASSET_DEST
EAM Endeca Work Order Landing Page EAM_ENDECA_WO_LANDING_PAGE
EAM Endeca Work Order Page Destination EAM_ENDECA_WO_DEST
EAM Endeca Work Request Landing Page EAM_ENDECA_WR_LANDING_PAGE
EAM Endeca Work Request Page Destination EAM_ENDECA_WR_DEST
EAM Endeca Stores Page Destination EAM_ENDECA_MAT_DEST