
This chapter describes worksheets, outlines the primary configuration options, and summarizes the available tools.

This chapter covers the following topics:


Within Demantra, users work almost entirely within worksheets. A worksheet is a customized working environment where users can view and edit data. When users save changes back to the database, they become available to other users and to downstream operations.

A worksheet consists of one or more views, usually displayed as tabs within the worksheet. Each view retrieves a set of data that is aggregated in a specific way and that may also be filtered. The following shows an example:

the picture is described in the document text

Views in this worksheet

Use this tree to select data at some aggregation level

The view aggregates series data to the specified level

You can also display views as child windows of the worksheet.

Main Worksheet Options

This section provides a quick overview of the main worksheet options:

Levels in a Worksheet

A worksheet usually includes aggregation levels. Based on the levels included in a worksheet, Demantra automatically determines which item-location combinations the worksheet should include. Depending on which combination you select, the worksheet displays series data associated with that combination. For example, if you select one location level (city) and one item level (SKU), the worksheet will contain series data associated with each city-SKU combination. On the other hand, if you select one location level (city) and you do not specify an item level, the worksheet aggregates data for all items. That is, the worksheet will contain series data associated with each city, aggregated for all products.

Advanced Selection Options

By default, if a worksheet includes a promotion level, the worksheet includes all the following types of combinations:

The worksheet displays placeholders for combinations that do not have promotions. For example:

the picture is described in the document text

You can exclude some of these combinations. For example, you might want the worksheet to include only the combinations that have both sales and promotions, as follows:

the picture is described in the document text

Series in a Worksheet

Every worksheet must include at least one series. You can display series in the worksheet table, the graph, both, or neither. (It can be useful to add series to a worksheet but leave them undisplayed, so that the series are available for any client expressions that depend on them.)

Note: If you use a settlement level in a worksheet, all series in the worksheet must refer to tables used by the settlement hierarchy.

Time Criteria

Each worksheet selects data for a specified span of time and optionally aggregates it in time using a time unit.

You can specify the span of time as a fixed range of dates, a time range relative to today, or a time range relative to the last sales date in the loaded data.

To aggregate data in time, you can also include a time aggregation in the worksheet.


Within Demantra, you generally apply filters by specifying a level and the members of that level to include. For example, the following filter includes only the Rainbow brand.

the picture is described in the document text

You can apply multiple filters at the same time. For example, for the preceding worksheet, you could also filter by account.

In contrast to an exception filter (“Exception Filters”), this type of filter is static and behaves the same no matter how the data changes.

Exception Filters

See Applying Exception Filters in Oracle Demantra User's Guide.

View Layout

A worksheet contains one or more views, which the user can display either as tabs or as sub windows. For each view, you specify the following options:

The following sections provide more details on view layout.

Elements of a Worksheet View

For each worksheet view, you can control which of the following elements are included in that view:

Level Layout in a View

When you include levels in a worksheet, that means you can see data associated with each member of those level. In each view of a worksheet, you can use any of those levels in any of the following ways:

Crosstab Layouts

In a crosstab layout, you include a level on an axis. The table (also known as a pivot table) provides a cross tabulation of all the members.

The following figure shows a worksheet table in crosstab layout, with a row for each SKU member within each time bucket:

the picture is described in the document text

Notice that the Members Browser does not include the SKU level, because all SKUs are displayed at the same time.

For another example, the worksheet could instead display the SKU members across the top of the table rather than down the side, as in the following example:

the picture is described in the document text

Other variations are possible.

Hidden Levels

Hidden Levels allow users to exclude worksheet selected levels from specific worksheet views. This allows flexibility of what individual worksheet tabs can show without having to use embedded worksheet functionality. When used, one or more levels are removed from a worksheet view this causes data to aggregate across the level. In order to support this aggregation the worksheet data will not be editable

To hide a level:

To show a hidden level:

Editing Data

Advanced Analytics

Information Retrieval

Open With

Filtering per View

In some cases, you create multiple views so that you can show different series in each view. In other cases, you might need to show different combinations in each view. You can separately filter each worksheet view. In this case, you filter a view by choosing a subset of the members of the levels included in the worksheet.

DSM uses this feature to segregate settlements with different statuses. Settlements of each status are on a different worksheet tab.

Level and Worksheet Association: Embedded Worksheets

It is useful to be able to examine a level member more closely, to launch a worksheet from that member that is filtered to show only that member. But typically, a Demantra application includes a large number of worksheets, and most of those worksheets would not be useful in this way. So Demantra provides an option for associating each level with any number of worksheets. Demantra uses this association in two ways:

If you open a worksheet as an embedded worksheet:

If you open a worksheet as an embedded worksheet using Open With, Oracle Demantra retrieves and updates using both the worksheet filters and the parent worksheet filters.

Worksheet and Layout Ownership

In general, any worksheet is available as follows:

In any case, Demantra automatically prevents any user from seeing data for which he or she does not have permissions.

Worksheet Definition, Layout, and Local Adjustments

As users work with a Demantra worksheet, they often sort columns, hide or display features, and make various other changes. It is useful to understand how these settings are saved.

Base Demantra configuration
These settings affect all users and all worksheets.
  • Display format for each series

  • Initial display width of series and levels

  • Colors and graph style for each series

  • Other display colors (generally dependent on a condition)

Worksheet definition
These settings are saved through the File > Save Worksheet menu option. Only the worksheet owner can make these changes.
  • Initial number of views within the worksheet and their initial names

  • Initial elements (Members Browser, table, graph, and so on) in worksheet view

  • View synchronization setting

  • Aggregation levels used in worksheet and initial level layout; advanced selection options

  • Series used in worksheet and initial series layout

  • Time aggregation; time span; time formatting

  • Filtering and exception filtering

  • Unit of measure used in worksheet; overall scale used in worksheet, if any; index or exchange rate, if any

Layout changes
These settings are saved separately for each user if the user clicks File > Save Worksheet. Any user can save these changes, not just the worksheet owner.
  • Additional views in the worksheet

  • New names of worksheet views

  • Level layout: order of levels; placement on axes in each view; whether level is hidden in each view

  • Series layout: order of series; where each series is displayed (table, graph, both)

  • Hide/show time axis

Local adjustments
These settings are saved automatically separately for each worksheet and each user.
  • Use of windows or tabs for views within a worksheet

  • Size and position of the Members Browser, table, graph, and so on in each view

  • Sorting in the worksheet table

  • Graph type; legend; grid lines

  • Hide/show empty rows setting

  • Activity synchronization setting (Options menu)

Not saved
  • Changes to column widths in the worksheet table

  • Initial view focus; focus in each worksheet view

  • Expansion state in the Members Browser and Activity Browser

  • Focus and scroll in all areas

  • Zoom setting in Gantt

The auto run option (Options menu) is saved separately for each user, but applies to all worksheets that the user sees.

Worksheet Caching

This describes:

Enabling Worksheet Caching

Perform the following to enable worksheet caching:

  1. Verify that the System Parameter EnableWorkSheetCaching is set to True (Business Modeler > Parameters > System Parameters).

  2. For each Worksheet that you want to cache, open Worksheet Designer (Display section) and then select Cache Worksheet Data.

  3. Set Refresh Type to either Manual or Automatic:

    • Manual: Users must manually refresh the cache.

    • Automatic: Changes to source data will be detected when the worksheet is opened and the cache will automatically be refreshed as needed

The Open Worksheet dialog displays an icon next to all worksheets that are cached.

the picture is described in the document text

Default Worksheet Caching Behavior

By default, all users can create cached Worksheets. However, a system administrator can revoke this privilege for specific users. To do this, the administrator must modify the CAN_CREATE_CW column on the USER_ID table (this table contains one row for each User). This setting is not visible in Business Modeler; therefore it must be updated directly in the database.

Set the CAN_CREATE_CW column to:

See also Creating a Workflow to Build Worksheet Caches Automatically.

Creating a Workflow to Build Worksheet Caches Automatically

You can create a workflow that automatically creates caches for worksheets that can be opened via the Open With method from another worksheet. This workflow creates worksheet caches in a batch process thereby eliminating the need to build the cache the first time the user opens the worksheets.

Note: This procedure supports building caches only for worksheets that are opened using Open With and where the Open With Context for the worksheet is set to Selected Member.

Create the workflow as follows:

  1. Stored Procedure Step: This step runs the APPPROC_REBUILD_CONTEXT_CACHES procedure, passes the ID of the worksheet, the Open With Level, the User Group to be cached, and Run Mode equal to 1. For details about this stored procedure, see APPPROC_REBUILD_CONTEXT_CACHES.

  2. Worksheet Cache Step: Specify the following settings:

    • Worksheet Name: The Worksheet to be cached (must match Worksheet ID from Step 1).

    • User/Group: The User Group to cache for the selected Worksheet (must match User Group Id from Step 1).

    • Cache Type: Open With Context.

    For details about this step, see Worksheet Cache Step.

  3. Stored Procedure Step: This step runs the APPPROC_REBUILD_CONTEXT_CACHES procedure passing the same values as Step 1 for the ID of the worksheet, the Open With Level, and the User Group to be cached, but with a Run Mode equal to 2.

    The Worksheet, Open With Level, and User Group must be the same for each of the steps listed above. Only one Worksheet/Open With Level/User Group combination can be processed in each group of these steps. Multiple combinations can be processed by repeating these steps in a single workflow or by creating separate workflows.

Configuration Notes

This section contains configuration notes related to worksheets.


Before you can create worksheets, you will need to load some sample data, create any needed levels, and create any needed series.

Design Considerations

Known issue regarding evaluating client side exceptions

For series that contain both client and server expressions, filtering of exceptions occurs first on the server expression, causing it to take precedence over the client expression. Therefore, if the critical value is coming from the client side, you must configure the exception series with '0' as the server expression (thereby removing it).


Demantra provides the following tools for configuring worksheets and related objects:

Tool Purpose/Notes See
Worksheet wizard in the Web client (Demand Planner Web, Promotion Effectiveness, and Settlement Management) Define worksheets and Collaborator Workbench content panes. Oracle Demantra Demand Management User's Guide or other user guide
Content wizard in Collaborator Workbench Define worksheets and Collaborator Workbench content panes. Oracle Demantra Demand Management User's Guide or other user guide
Components > Open/Create Component option in the Business Modeler Creates components. Among other things, a component defines the associations between levels and worksheets. “Creating or Modifying a Component”