Integration Repository Annotation Standards

General Guidelines

The Oracle Integration Repository is a centralized repository that contains numerous integration interface endpoints exposed by applications throughout the entire Oracle E-Business Suite. The Integration Repository is populated by the parsing of annotated source code files. Source code files are the "source of truth" for Integration Repository metadata, and it is vitally important that they are annotated in a prescribed and standardized fashion.

This section describes what you should know in general about Integration Repository annotations, regardless of the source code file type that you are working with.

Annotation Syntax

Annotations are modifiers that contain an annotation type and zero or more member-value pairs. Each member-value pair associates a value with a different member of the annotation type.

The annotation syntax is similar to Javadoc syntax:

@NameSpace:TypeName keyString

@NameSpace:TypeName freeString

@NameSpace:TypeName keyString keyString keyString

@NameSpace:TypeName keyString freeString

@NameSpace:TypeName {inline annotation} {inline annotation}

Element Definitions

NameSpace identifies the group of annotations that you are using. It is case sensitive. The annotations currently in use are in the rep namespace. Future annotations may be introduced in different namespaces.

TypeName identifies the name of the annotation type. It is case sensitive. For consistency across product teams, always use lowercase typenames.

keyString is the first word that follows the annotation. It is a whole string that excludes spaces.

freeString is a string that follows the keystring. It may have spaces or inline annotations. It is terminated at the beginning of the next annotation or at the end of the documentation comment.

Format Requirement

In your source code file, repository annotations will appear as a Javadoc-style block of comments.

Use the following general procedure. (If you are working in Java and your file already has robust Javadoc comments, then in many cases you'll only need to add the appropriate "@rep:" tags.)

Refer to the following example. Note that the first line could alternatively be slash-star-pound (/*#) if the source file was PL/SQL or another non-Java technology.

 * This is the first sentence of a description of a sample
 * interface. This description can span multiple lines.
 * Be careful for public interfaces, where the description is
 * displayed externally in the Integration Repository UI.
 * It should be reviewed for content as well as spelling and
 * grammar errors. Additionally, the first sentence of
 * the description should be a concise summary of the
 * interface or method, as the repository UI will display
 * the first sentence by itself.
 * @param <param name> <parameter description> 
 @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype <typeName>} {@rep:precision <value>} {@rep:required}
 * @rep:scope <public | internal | private>
 * @rep:product <product short code>
 * @rep:displayname Sample Interface

Annotation Syntax Checker and iLDT Generator

A syntax checker is available at the following directory: $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $FND_TOP/bin/

Details about the checker can be found by using the -h flag.

Class Level vs. Method Level

For the purpose of classifying annotation requirements, we are using loose definitions of the terms "class" and "method". In the context of interface annotations, PL/SQL packages are thought of as classes, and PL/SQL functions or procedures are thought of as methods. For some technologies there are different annotation requirements at the class level and the method level. See the "Required" and "Optional" annotation lists below for details.

Concurrent Program Considerations

In cases where a Concurrent Program (CP) is implemented with an underlying technology that is also an interface type (such as a PL/SQL or Java CP) there may be some confusion as to what needs to be annotated.

Assuming that you intend to have the Concurrent Program exposed by the repository, you should annotate the Concurrent Program. Do not annotate the underlying implementation (such as PL/SQL file) unless you intend to expose it separately from the concurrent program in the repository.

The annotation standards for the following integration interfaces are discussed in this chapter:

Java Annotations

Users will place their annotations in Javadoc comments, immediately before the declaration of the class or method.

Required Class-level Annotations

Optional Class-level Annotations

Required Method-level Annotations

Optional Method-level Annotations

Annotations for Java Bean Services

Not all Java APIs registered in the Integration Repository can be exposed as REST services. Only Java API parameters that are either serializable Java Beans or simple data types such as String, Int, and so forth can be exposed as Java Bean Services.

In addition to existing Java specific annotations, add the following optional annotations in a .Java file to annotate Java APIs as REST services:

Annotations for Application Module Services

Similar to Java Bean Services, a system integration developer needs to add the following optional annotations to annotate Application Module Implementation java class which is a .java file for Application Module Services:

Once the system integration developer completes the annotation for the Application Module Services, the annotated interface definition needs to be validated through the Integration Repository Parser (IREP Parser). If no error occurs during the validation, an Integration Repository loader file (iLDT ) can be generated. An integration repository administrator can then upload the iLDT file to the Integration Repository using FNDLOAD.


You can use the following template when annotating Application Module Services:

Interface Template:

  * < Interface description
  *   ...
  * >
  * @rep:scope <public>
  * @rep:product <product code>
  * @rep:displayname <Interface display name>
  * @rep:lifecycle <active|deprecated|obsolete|planned>
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <business_entity_code> <sequenceNumber>

Methods Template:

  * < Method description
  *   ...
  * >
  * @param <paramName> < Parameter description 
  *                      ... >
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype <typeName>} {@rep:precision <value>} {@rep:required} {@rep:key_param}
  * @return < Parameter description 
  *           ... >
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype <typeName>} {@rep:precision <value>} {@rep:required}
  * @rep:scope <public|private|internal>
  * @rep:displayname <Interface display name>
  * @rep:httpverb <GET|POST|GET,POST> 
  * @rep:lifecycle <active|deprecated|obsolete|planned>
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <business_entity_code> <sequenceNumber>

You can use the following template when annotating Java Bean Services:

Interface Template:

  * < Interface description
  *   ...
  * >
  * @rep:scope <public>
  * @rep:displayname <Interface display name>
  * @rep:product <product code>
  * @rep:lifecycle <active|deprecated|obsolete|planned>
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <business_entity_code> <sequenceNumber>

Methods Template:

  * < Method description
  *   ...
  * >
  * @param <paramName> < Parameter description 
  *                      ... >
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype <typeName>} {@rep:precision <value>} {@rep:required} {@rep:key_param}
  * @return < Parameter description 
  *           ... >
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype <typeName>} {@rep:precision <value>} {@rep:required}
  * @rep:scope <public|private|internal>
  * @rep:displayname <Interface display name>
  * @rep:httpverb <GET|POST|GET,POST> 
  * @rep:lifecycle <active|deprecated|obsolete|planned>
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <business_entity_code> <sequenceNumber>
  * @rep:businessevent <businessEventName>

You can use the following template when annotating Business Service Objects:

Interface Template:

  * < Interface description
  *   ...
  * >
  * @rep:scope <public|private|internal>
  * @rep:displayname <Interface display name>
  * @rep:lifecycle <active|deprecated|obsolete|planned>
  * @rep:product <product code>
  * @rep:compatibility <S|N>
  * @rep:implementation <full implementation class name>
  * @rep:category <lookupType> <lookupCode> <sequenceNumber>

Methods Template:

  * < Method description
  *   ...
  * >
  * @param <paramName> < Parameter description 
  *                      ... >
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype <typeName>} {@rep:precision <value>} {@rep:required}
  * @return < Parameter description 
  *           ... >
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype <typeName>} {@rep:precision <value>} {@rep:required}
  * @rep:scope <public|private|internal>
  * @rep:displayname <Interface display name>
  * @rep:lifecycle <active|deprecated|obsolete|planned>
  * @rep:compatibility <S|N>
  * @rep:category <lookupType> <lookupCode> <sequenceNumber>
  * @rep:businessevent <businessEventName>


Here is an example of an annotated Workflow Worklist Application Module Service:

Class level:

  * This is a Workflow Worklist Application Module Implementation class
  * which provides APIs to set preferred lists, get user worklist,
  * get lists and search the worklist based on certain filter criteria
  * like viewId, status, block size and block sequence.
  * @rep:scope public
  * @rep:product FND
  * @rep:displayname Workflow Worklist

public class WFWorklistServiceAMImpl extends OAApplicationModuleImpl {

Method level:

       * This is the method for getting worklist summary for a user
       * @param blockSize Block Size specifies the number of records to be fetched, cannot be null
    * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
       * @param blockSequence Block Sequence, cannot be null, value >=1
    * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
       * @return Array of notifications
       * @rep:displayname Get HomePage Worklist
       * @rep:httpverb  get, post
       * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY WF_WORKLIST
      public Output[] getHomePGWorklist(String blockSize, String blockSequence) throws Exception {

Note: The annotations for parameters @param and @paraminfo should be in the same sequence as defined in the method or procedure signature.

Here is an example of an annotated Employee Information service:

package oracle.apps.per.sample.service;


 * A sample class to demonstrate how Java API can use the ISG REST framework. This class provides
 * methods to retrieve list of direct reports, all reports of a person. It also has methods to
 * retrieve personal details and accrual balance of a person.
 * @rep:scope public
 * @rep:product PER
 * @rep:displayname Employee Information
public class EmployeeInfo {

  public EmployeeInfo() {

     * This method returns a list of direct reports of the requesting user.
     * @return List of person records who are direct reports
     * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype oracle.apps.per.sample.beans.PersonBean}
     * @rep:scope public
     * @rep:displayname Get Direct Reports
     * @rep:httpverb get
     * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY sample
  // Demonstration of list return type
 public List<PersonBean> getDirectReports() throws PerServiceException {

     * This method returns an array of all reports of the requesting user.
     * @return Array of person records who are reporting into the requesting user's organization hierarchy
     * @rep:scope public
     * @rep:displayname Get All Reports
     * @rep:httpverb get
     * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY sample
  // Demonstration of array return type
 public PersonBean[] getAllReports() throws PerServiceException {


   * This method returns the person details for a specific person id. Throws error if the person
   * is not in requesting user's org hierarchy.
   * @return Details of a person in the logged on user's org hierarchy.
   * @param personId Person Identifier
   * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required} {@rep:key_param}
   * @rep:scope public
   * @rep:displayname Get Person Details
   * @rep:httpverb get
   * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY sample
  // Demonstration of simple navigation using path param
  public PersonBean getPersonInfo(int personId) throws PerServiceException {


Here is an example of an annotated Purchase Order service:

package oracle.apps.po.tutorial;

import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;

import oracle.svc.msg.MessageService;

import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;

 * The Purchase Order service lets you to view, update, acknowledge and 
 * approve purchase orders. It also lets you receive items, and obtain 
 * pricing by line item.
 * @see oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderSDO
 * @see oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementsSDO
 * @see oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderReceiptsSDO
 * @rep:scope public
 * @rep:displayname Purchase Order Service
 * @rep:implementation oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.server.PurchaseOrderSAMImpl
 * @rep:product PO
 * @rep:service 
public interface PurchaseOrder extends DataService, MessageService
  public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";
  public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
        VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial");

  * Approves a purchase order.
  * @param purchaseOrder purchase order unique identifier
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
  * @rep:scope public
  * @rep:displayname Approve Purchase Orders
  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.po.approve
  public void approvePurchaseOrder(Number poNumber);

  * Acknowledges purchase orders, including whether the terms have
  * been accepted or not.  You can also provide updated line
  * item pricing and shipment promise dates with the acknowledgement.
  * @param purchaseOrders list of purchase order objects 
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementsSDO} {@required}
  * @rep:scope public 
  * @rep:displayname Receive Purchase Order Items 
  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.po.acknowledge
  public void acknowledgePurchaseOrders(DataList purchaseOrders);

  * Receives purchase order items. For each given purchase order
  * shipment, indicate the quantity to be received and, optionally,
  * the receipt date if today's date is not an acceptable receipt date.
  * @param purchaseOrders list of purchase order objects
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderReceiptsSDO} {@required}
  * @rep:scope public
  * @rep:displayname Receive Purchase Order Items   
  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.po.receive_item
  public void receiveItems(DataList purchaseOrders);

   * Gets the price for a purchase order line item.
   * @param poNumber purchase order unique identifier
   * @rep:paraminfo {@required}
   * @param lineNumber purchase order line unique identifier
   * @rep:paraminfo {@required}
   * @return the item price for the given purchase order line
   * @rep:scope public
   * @rep:displayname Get Purchase Order Line Item Price
  public Number getItemPrice(Number poNumber, 
                             Number lineNumber);

Here is an example of an annotated Purchase Order SDO data object:

 |      Copyright (c) 2004 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA       |
 |                         All rights reserved.                              |
 |  HISTORY                                                                  |
package oracle.apps.po.tutorial;

import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;


 * The Purchase Order Data Object holds the purchase order data including 
 * nested data objects such as lines and shipments.
 * @see oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderLineSDO
 * @rep:scope public
 * @rep:displayname Purchase Order Data Object
 * @rep:product PO
 * @rep:servicedoc 
public class PurchaseOrderSDO extends DataObjectImpl
  public PurchaseOrderSDO ()

   * Returns the purchase order header id.
   * @return purchase order header id.
  public Number getHeaderId()
    return (Number)getAttribute("HeaderId");

   * Sets the purchase order header id.
   * @param value purchase order header id.
   * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:precision 5} {@rep:required}
  public void setHeaderId(Number value)
    setAttribute("HeaderId", value);

   * Returns the purchase order name.
   * @return purchase order name.
   * @rep:paraminfo {rep:precision 80}
  public String getName()
    return (String)getAttribute("Name");
   * Sets the purchase order header name.
   * @param value purchase order header name.
   * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:precision 80}
  public void setName(String value)
    setAttribute("Name", value);

   * Returns the purchase order description.
   * @return purchase order description.
   * @rep:paraminfo {rep:precision 120}
  public String getDescription()
    return (String)getAttribute("Description");

   * Sets the purchase order header description.
   * @param value purchase order header description.
   * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:precision 80}
  public void setDescription(String value)
    setAttribute("Description", value);

   * @return the purchase order lines DataList.
   * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderLineSDO}
  public DataList getLines()
    return (DataList)getAttribute("Lines");

   * @param list the putrchase order lines DataList.
   * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderLineSDO}
  public void setLines(DataList list)
    setAttribute("Lines", list);


PL/SQL Annotations

You can annotate *.pls and *.pkh files.

For PL/SQL packages, only the package spec should be annotated. Do not annotate the body.

Before annotating, make sure that no comments beginning with /*# are present. The "slash-star-pound" characters are used to set off repository annotations, and will result in either an error or undesirable behavior if used with normal comments.

To annotate, use a text editor (such as emacs or vi.) to edit the file. For each package, begin your annotations at the second line immediately after the CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE <package_name> AS line. (The first line after CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE <package_name> AS should be the /* $Header: $ */ line.)

Required Class-level Annotations

Optional Class-level Annotations

Required Method-level Annotations

Optional Method-level Annotations


You can use the following template when annotating PL/SQL files:

/* $Header: $ */
  * <Put your long package description here
  * it can span multiple lines>
  * @rep:scope <scope>
  * @rep:product <product or pseudoproduct short code>
  * @rep:lifecycle <lifecycle>
  * @rep:displayname <display name>
  * @rep:compatibility <compatibility code>
  * @rep:businessevent <Business event name>
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <entity name>


 * <Put your long procedure description here
 * it can span multiple lines>
 * @param <param name 1> <param description 1>
 * @param <param name 2> <param description 2> 
 * @rep:scope <scope>
 * @rep:product <product or pseudoproduct short code>
 * @rep:lifecycle <lifecycle>
 * @rep:displayname <display name>
 * @rep:compatibility <compatibility code>
 * @rep:businessevent <Business event name>
PROCEDURE <procedure name> ( . . .);


 * <Put your long function description here
 * it can span multiple lines>
 * @param <param name 1> <param description 1>
 * @param <param name 2> <param description 2>
 * @return <return description>
 * @rep:scope <scope>
 * @rep:product <product or pseudoproduct short code>
 * @rep:lifecycle <lifecycle>
 * @rep:displayname <display name>
 * @rep:compatibility <compatibility code>
 * @rep:businessevent <Business event name>
FUNCTION <function name> ( . . .);


END <package name>;



For reference, here is an example of an annotated PL/SQL file:

set verify off
whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback;
whenever oserror exit failure rollback;

create or replace package WF_ENGINE as

 * This is the public interface for the Workflow engine.  It allows 
 * execution of various WF engine functions.
 * @rep:scope public
 * @rep:product WF
 * @rep:displayname Workflow Engine
 * @rep:lifecycle active
 * @rep:compatibility S

g_nid number;          -- current notification id
g_text varchar2(2000); -- text information

-- AddItemAttr (PUBLIC)
--   Add a new unvalidated run-time item attribute.
-- IN:
--   itemtype - item type
--   itemkey - item key
--   aname - attribute name
--   text_value   - add text value to it if provided.
--   number_value - add number value to it if provided.
--   date_value   - add date value to it if provided.
-- NOTE:
--   The new attribute has no type associated.  Get/set usages of the
--   attribute must insure type consistency.
 * Adds Item Attribute
 * @param itemtype item type
 * @param itemkey item key
 * @param aname attribute name
 * @param text_value add text value to it if provided.
 * @param number_value add number value to it if provided.
 * @param date_value add date value to it if provided.
 * @rep:scope public
 * @rep:lifecycle active
 * @rep:displayname Add Item Attribute
procedure AddItemAttr(itemtype in varchar2,
                      itemkey in varchar2,
                      aname in varchar2,
                      text_value   in varchar2 default null,
                      number_value in number   default null,
                      date_value   in date     default null);

-- AddItemAttrTextArray (PUBLIC)
--   Add an array of new unvalidated run-time item attributes of type text.
-- IN:
--   itemtype - item type
--   itemkey - item key
--   aname - Array of Names
--   avalue - Array of New values for attribute
-- NOTE:
--   The new attributes have no type associated.  Get/set usages of these
--   attributes must insure type consistency.



Concurrent Program Annotations

To annotate a concurrent program, select the System Administration responsibility and click OA Framework based Define Concurrent Program page. Query the concurrent program and go to the Annotations field. Enter your annotations there and commit to save your work.

After annotating the concurrent program and committing the change, you will need to use FNDLOAD to re-create the LDTs for your concurrent programs.

$FND_TOP/bin/FNDLOAD <db_connect> 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct <ldt_file_name>.ldt PROGRAM APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="<application_short_name>" CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME="<cp_short_name>"

Required Class-level Annotations

Note: There is no required method-level annotations for concurrent programs.

Optional Class-level Annotations

Note: There is no optional method-level annotations for concurrent programs.


You can use the following template when annotating Concurrent Programs:

 * <Put your long description here
 * it can span multiple lines>
 * @rep:scope <scope>
 * @rep:product <product or pseudoproduct short code>
 * @rep:lifecycle <lifecycle>
 * @rep:category OPEN_INTERFACE <open interface name> <sequence_num>
 * @rep:usestable <table or view name> <sequence_num> <direction>
 * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <BO type>
 * @rep:category  <other category> <other value>
 * @rep:businessevent <name of business event>


For reference, here is an example of an annotated Concurrent Program:

 * Executes the Open Interface for Accounts Payable Invoices.  It uses the
 * @rep:scope public
 * @rep:product AP
 * @rep:lifecycle active
 * @rep:usestable AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE 2 IN

XML Gateway Annotations

Use the following procedure to annotate an XML Gateway map for transaction information:

  1. Check out an existing map from source code and open it in Message Designer.

    Message Designer Window: Element Mapping Tab

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Find out which Internal Transaction Type, Subtype, Standard, and Direction this particular map is associated with. Note that this entry must exist in XML Gateway to be loaded into the Integration Repository.

    Click Message Designer File.... > Properties and select the Map tab. Annotate the map using the Map Description field after your existing description. Be sure to enter the @rep:interface annotation with <Internal Transaction Type>:<Subtype>, @rep:standard, and @rep:direction accordingly.

    Properties Dialog: Map Tab

    the picture is described in the document text

    (Optional) If this map is designed to fully support a given standard such as OAG, then set @rep:standard to the standard, version and spec name. However, if the map is designed with the intention of supporting standards through additional custom transformations (such as, it is "ready" for the standard), then use the rep:category_STANDARD_READY annotation to denote this.

    • A given Internal Transaction Type and Subtype should have only one map seeded by product teams for a given Standard and Direction (regardless of Party Type). Additional maps containing the same types in the annotations would be rejected and treated as errors. Note that there may exist different maps based on the External Transaction Type and Subtype, but as these are meant to be Trading Partner-specific, we do not enter them in the repository. In future releases, we will enforce these rules natively within XML Gateway.

    • If a single map is reused in more than one Internal Transaction Type and Subtype, then you may enter multiple annotations, each within its own comment block (i.e. between /*# ... */). The parser will create entries in the Integration Repository for each annotation set. Although this capability is supported, you are encouraged to use two different maps to accommodate potentially changing interfaces. See the following example of map reuse:

      Int T Int ST D Ext T Ext ST STD Party Type
      AR Invoice O Invoice Process OAG C
      AR Credit O Invoice Process OAG C
      AR Debit O Invoice Process OAG C

      In this scenario, since the external representation does not change, the same map can be reused. However, the internal processing and authorization considerations may differ based on the Internal Transaction Type and Subtype. In this case, the map can have three annotation blocks, one for each Internal Transaction Type and Subtype; such as. AR-Invoice, AR-Credit, and AR-Debit.

    • Parameters are typically used in outbound maps for specifying keys used in queries to produce outbound data. Inbound maps do not have parameters.

  3. Save the annotated map, check it into source control, and release as a patch as usual. The annotations are updated as part of the Integration Repository loaders.

Required Class-level Annotations

Note: There is no required method-level annotations for XML Gateway.

Optional Class-level Annotations

Note: There is no optional method-level annotations for XML Gateway.


You can use the following template when annotating XML Gateway:

Sample Inbound Map Annotation

  * Sample map annotation public description.
  * @rep:interface <transaction_type:sub_type>
  * @rep:standard <OAG|cXML> <7.2|7.3> <specname>
  * @rep:direction IN
  * @rep:scope <public|private|internal>
  * @rep:displayname <Interface display name>
  * @rep:lifecycle <active|deprecated|obsolete|planned>
  * @rep:product <product code>
  * @rep:compatibility <S|N>
  * @rep:category <lookupType> <lookupCode> <sequenceNumber>
  * @rep:category STANDARD_READY <standard:version:specification>
  * @rep:businessevent <businessEventName>

Sample Outbound Map Annotation

  * Sample map annotation public description.
  * @param <paramName> <Parameter description>
  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
  * @rep:interface <transaction_type:sub_type>
  * @rep:standard <OAG|cXML> <7.2|7.3> <specname>
  * @rep:direction OUT
  * @rep:scope <public|private|internal>
  * @rep:displayname <Interface display name>
  * @rep:lifecycle <active|deprecated|obsolete|planned>
  * @rep:product <product code>
  * @rep:compatibility <S|N>
  * @rep:category <lookupType> <lookupCode> <sequenceNumber>
  * @rep:category STANDARD_READY <standard:version:specification>
  * @rep:businessevent <businessEventName>

Important Note

A given map should be unique to a given Internal Transaction Type / Subtype, Standard and Direction. This is because the External Transaction Type / Subtype are meant for Trading Partner specific values to be specified in the Trading Partner Details form and the entries in the Integration Repository are NOT Trading Partner specific. Moreover, there should not be a need to change maps on a per Trading Partner basis, and if it does, then those maps should not be part of the Integration Repository entries.
Given the current data model however, it is possible that a given map could differ by External Transaction Type / Subtype and even by Trading Partner. Going forward, this would not be allowed for seeded maps and the Integration Repository parser would return an error if it finds multiple maps which point to the same Internal Transaction Type / Subtype. 
Additional Notes

    * Parameters are typically used in outbound maps for specifying keys used in queries to produce outbound data


For reference, here is an example of an annotated XML Gateway interface:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- $Header: 115.12 2009/06/13 21:17:58 mtai noship $ -->
<!-- WARNING: This file should only be edited using Message Designer -->
<?xGateway mapType="MAP" ?>
<?xGatewayVersion designerVersion="" ?>
<MAP_CODE>Create Purchase Order</MAP_CODE>
<DESCRIPTION>This is a sample map to demonstrate annotations in the Interface Repository.
  * Sample map annotation public description.
  * @rep:interface PO:POC
  * @rep:standard OAG 7.2 Process_PO_001
  * @rep:direction IN
  * @rep:scope public
  * @rep:displayname Create Purchase Order
  * @rep:lifecycle active
  * @rep:product PO
  * @rep:compatibility S
  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.po.received
  * Sample map annotation public description for reused transaction
  * @rep:interface PO:POU
  * @rep:standard OAG 7.2 Process_PO_001
  * @rep:direction IN
  * @rep:scope public
  * @rep:displayname Update Purchase Order
  * @rep:lifecycle active
  * @rep:product PO
  * @rep:compatibility S
  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.po.received
























<SCRIPT  SRC="/oracle_smp_chronos/oracle_smp_chronos.js"></SCRIPT>

Business Event Annotations

This section describes what you should know about Integration Repository annotations for business events, and includes the following topics:

Annotating Business Events

Annotations for Business Events - Syntax

The annotations for business events are:

* This event is raised after the Purchase Order has been pushed 
* to Oracle Order management open interface tables. This event 
* will start the workflow OEOI/R_OEOI_ORDER_IMPORT to import the 
* order.
* @rep:scope public
* @rep:displayname OM Generic Inbound Event
* @rep:product ONT

Refer to General Guidelines for Annotations for details of element definitions.

Required Annotations

Follow the links below to view syntax and usage of each annotation.

Optional Annotations


You can use this template when annotating .wfx files.


      <NAME>event name</NAME>
      <OWNER_NAME> ... </OWNER_NAME>
      <DESCRIPTION> Description for business event </DESCRIPTION>
  * Put your long package description here; it can span multiple lines.
  * @rep:scope <scope>
  * @rep:displayname <display name>
  * @rep:product <product or pseudoproduct short code>
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <entity name>


      <NAME>event name</NAME>
      <OWNER_NAME> ... </OWNER_NAME>
      <DESCRIPTION> Description for business event </DESCRIPTION>
  * Put your long package description here; it can span multiple lines.
  * @rep:scope <scope>
  * @rep:displayname <display name>
  * @rep:product <product or pseudoproduct short code>
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <entity name>



For reference, here is an example of an annotated .wfx file:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
- <!--  $Header: oeevtname.wfx 120.0 2005/06/01 23:11:59 appldev noship $ --> 
- <!--  dbdrv: exec java oracle/apps/fnd/wf WFXLoad.class java &phase=daa+38 \ --> 
- <!--  dbdrv: checkfile(115.2=120.0):~PROD:~PATH:~FILE \ --> 
- <!--  dbdrv: -u &un_apps &pw_apps &jdbc_db_addr &jdbc_protocol US \ --> 
- <!--  dbdrv: &fullpath_~PROD_~PATH_~FILE --> 
- <>
- <ExternalElement>
- <OraTranslatibility>
- <XlatElement Name="WF_EVENTS">
- <XlatID>
  <XlatElement Name="DISPLAY_NAME" MaxLen="80" Expansion="50" /> 
- <XlatID>
  <XlatElement Name="DESCRIPTION" MaxLen="2000" Expansion="50" /> 
- <XlatID>
  <OWNER_NAME>Oracle Order Management</OWNER_NAME> 
  <DISPLAY_NAME>Event for 3A4 Outbound Acknowledgment</DISPLAY_NAME> 
  <DESCRIPTION>Event for 3A4 Outbound Acknowledgment</DESCRIPTION> 
  <IREP_ANNOTATION>/*# * This event confirms the buyer of the results of order import. This event will start the workflow OEOA/R_OEOA_SEND_ACKNOWLEDGMENT. * * @rep:scope public * @rep:displayname Event for 3A4 Outbound Acknowledgment * @rep:product ONT * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY ONT_SALES_ORDER */</IREP_ANNOTATION> 
  <OWNER_NAME>Oracle Order Management</OWNER_NAME> 
  <DISPLAY_NAME>OM Generic Inbound Event</DISPLAY_NAME> 
  <DESCRIPTION>OM Generic Inbound Event</DESCRIPTION> 
  <IREP_ANNOTATION>/*# * This event is raised after the Purchase Order has been pushed to Oracle Order management open interface tables. This event will start the workflow OEOI/R_OEOI_ORDER_IMPORT to import the order. * * @rep:direction OUT * @rep:scope public * @rep:displayname OM Generic Inbound Event * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:product ONT * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY ONT_SALES_ORDER */</IREP_ANNOTATION> 

Business Entity Annotation Guidelines

Business entities are things that either perform business activities or have business activities performed on them. Account numbers, employees, purchase orders, customers, and receipts are all examples of business entities.

What Is the Importance of Business Entities?

Business entities are highly desired search criteria in the context of the Integration Repository. The design of the Integration Repository UI includes "browse by business entity" functionality.

Where Do Business Entities Appear in Repository Annotations?

The rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY annotation is where you associate a given interface with a business entity. For a general description of the rep:category annotation, see rep:category.

Note: In certain cases where the entity's display name itself is sufficiently self-descriptive, it can serve as the description as well.

Existing Business Entities

Custom integration interfaces can use only seeded or existing business entities.

Note: Integration Repository currently does not support the creation of custom Product Family and custom Business Entity.

The following table lists the existing business entities:

List of Business Entities
AHL_DOCUMENT Document Electronic Document or Document Reference
AHL_ITEM_COMPOSITION Tracked Item Composition It is the list of item groups or non-tracked items that a tracked item is composed of.
AHL_ITEM_GROUP Alternate Item Group A group of similar items where one can be interchanged for another while performing maintenance.
AHL_MAINT_OPERATION Maintenance Operation It defines resource and material requirements. It is basic definition of work.
AHL_MAINT_REQUIREMENT Maintenance Requirement It is maintenance requirement definition. It defines routes, applicability on item or unit instances. It also defines frequency based on time and counters.
AHL_MAINT_ROUTE Maintenance Route It contains set of operations, and defines dispositions, resource and material requirements.
AHL_MAINT_VISIT Maintenance Visit It connects an unit or item instance with a block of tasks. It is an organization and department where the maintenance work takes place, and when the work is to be accomplished.
AHL_MAINT_WORKORDER Maintenance Workorder Maintenance Workorder with a schedule
AHL_MASTER_CONFIG Master Configuration A Master Configuration models the structure of an electromechanical system assembly.
AHL_OSP_ORDER Outside Service Order An order that contains the information required to service parts by a third party organization.
AHL_PROD_CLASS Product Classification It is the categorization of units or items pertaining to maintenance and usage.
AHL_UNIT_CONFIG Unit Configuration An Unit Configuration describes the structure of an assembled electromechanical system.
AHL_UNIT_EFFECTIVITY Unit Maintenance Plan Schedule Unit Maintenance Plan with a due date
AHL_UNIT_SCHEDULES Unit Usage Event Event describes usage of a configured unit for a specific time period, such as an airplane flight.
AME_ACTION Approval Action Approval Action specifies an action to be performed, if the conditions of an approval rule is satisfied. For example, 'Require approvals up to the first three superiors'.
AME_APPROVAL Approval Approval
AME_APPROVER_GROUP Approvals Management Approver Group A predefined group of approvers who will be assigned to approve actions of specific business processes/transactions.
AME_APPROVER_TYPE Approver Type Classification of approvers who can be used in Approvals Management. For example, all HR employees are classified as the approver type as PER in Approvals Management.
AME_ATTRIBUTE Approvals Management Attribute Object to capture business attributes for a transaction which requires approval. For example, INVOICE_AMOUNT can be an attribute which captures the total amount of an invoice.
AME_CONDITION Approval Rule Condition Condition based on the Approvals Management attribute that evaluates the approval rules. An example of condition on the attribute INVOICE_AMOUNT can be "INVOICE_AMOUNT > 10,000 USD".
AME_CONFIG_VAR Approval Configuration Variable A set of approval configurations which controls certain behavior within Approvals Management.
AME_ITEM_CLASS Approvals Management Item Class It is the classification of certain Approval Management objects into different classes like Header, Line Item, Cost Center.
AME_RULE Approvals Business Rule Approval Business rule consisting of a set of conditions, when satisfied, will dictate some actions to happen (which will result in a list of approvers).
AME_TRANSACTION_TYPE Approval Transaction Type A set of approval attributes, conditions, and rules making up a approval policy.
AMS_BUDGETS Marketing Budget It is the budget for Marketing Campaigns, Events, and other marketing activities.
AMS_CAMPAIGN Marketing Campaign Marketing Campaign
AMS_EVENT Marketing Event Marketing Event
AMS_LEAD Sales Lead Sales Lead
AMS_LIST Marketing List Marketing List
AMS_METRIC Marketing Metric It is a measurement of marketing operations, such as, number of responses generated by a campaign.
AP_INVOICE Payables Invoice Payables Invoice
AP_PAYMENT Supplier Payment Supplier Payment
AP_PAYMENT_ADVICE Payment Advice Payment Advice
AP_SUPPLIER Supplier Supplier
AP_SUPPLIER_CONTACT Supplier Contact Supplier Contact
AP_SUPPLIER_SITE Supplier Site Supplier Site
AR_ADJUSTMENT Receivables Invoice Adjustment Receivables Invoice Adjustment
AR_BILLS_RECEIVABLE Bills Receivable Bills Receivable
AR_CHARGEBACK Chargeback Chargeback
AR_CREDIT_MEMO Credit Memo Credit Memo
AR_CREDIT_REQUEST Credit Request Credit Request
AR_DEBIT_MEMO Debit Memo Debit Memo
AR_DEPOSIT Deposit Deposit
AR_INVOICE Receivables Invoice Receivables Invoice
AR_PREPAYMENT Prepayment Prepayment
AR_RECEIPT Receivables Receipt Receivables Receipt
AR_REMITTANCE Remittance Remittance
AR_REVENUE Revenue Revenue
AR_SALES_CREDIT Sales Credit Sales Credit
AR_SALES_TAX_RATE Sales Tax Rate Sales Tax Rate
ASN_OPPORTUNITY Sales Opportunity Sales Opportunity
ASN_SALES_TEAM Sales Team Sales Team on an Opportunity or an Account, or a Lead
ASO_QUOTE Sales Quote(1) A sales quote is a business object that contains detailed information on the products, prices, terms, etc. in the solution proposed to potential customers(1).
AS_OPPORTUNITY Sales Opportunity(1) Sales Opportunity(1)
BEN_CWB_3RD_PARTY_STOCK_OPTS Third Party Stock Option Third Party Stock Options
BEN_CWB_AUDIT Compensation Workbench Audit It records every change event within a Compensation Workbench user session. This covers all compensation elements.
BEN_CWB_AWARD Compensation Workbench Award It is an employee monetary award. For example, salary raise, salary bonus, or shares.
BEN_CWB_BUDGET Compensation Workbench Budget it is the budget of money or shares available for a manager to distribute including base salaries and bonuses.
BEN_CWB_PERSON Compensation Workbench Person Snapshot of a HR person on a specific date, for Compensation Workbench processing.
BEN_CWB_PLAN Compensation Workbench Plan It is a Compensation Plan, such as Salary Raise Plan, Bonus Plan or Stock Option Plan.
BEN_CWB_TASK Compensation Workbench Task It is the task performed in managing a Compensation Workbench Plan. For example, budgeting, allocation of amounts, submitting work and approval.
BOM_BILL_OF_MATERIAL Bill of Material This interface adds, changes, and deletes Bill of Material of any type.
BOM_MFG_ROUTING Product Manufacturing Routing A routing defines the step-by-step operations required to produce an assembly in accordance with its Bill of Material.
BOM_PRODUCT_FAMILY Product Family Product Family for Planning Purposes
CAC_APPOINTMENT Appointment Appointment or Meeting for a given date and time period
CAC_BUSINESS_OBJECT_META_DATA Business Object Meta Data Definition Metadata definition for a Business Entity. It is used to dynamically link to external business entities. Also it is used for querying entity details, building dynamic LOVs and search pages.
CAC_CAL_TASK Calendar Task Task that will appear on User's Calendar as a time Blocking Task or a Todo.
CAC_NOTE Note Notes or Comments associated to different Business Objects
CAC_RS_TIME_BOOKING Resource Time Booking Time Booking for Person and non Person (e.g. Conference room) Resources
CAC_SCHEDULE Schedule Schedule
CAC_SCHEDULE_TEMPLATE Schedule Template Schedule Template
CAC_SYNC_SERVER Calendar Synchronization Server Calendar server to synchronize calendar entities like Task, Appointments, Contacts etc. to external calendars.
CAC_TASK_TEMPLATE Calendar Task Template Calendar Task Template
CCT_ADVANCED_TELEPHONY_SDK Advanced Telephony SDK This SDK allows telephony integration with Oracle E-Business Suite using server side integration.
CCT_BASIC_TELEPHONY_SDK Basic Telephony SDK This SDK allows telephony integration with Oracle E-Business Suite using client side integration.
CE_BANK_STATEMENT Bank Statement Bank Statement
CE_RECONCILIATION_ITEM Reconciliation Item Reconciliation Item
CHV_PLANNING_SCHEDULE Buyer Forecast Buyer Forecast
CHV_SHIPPING_SCHEDULE Buyer Shipment Request Buyer Shipment Request
CLN_TRADING_PARTNER_COLL Collaboration Trading Partner Trading Partner
CLN_TRADING_PARTNER_COLL_EVENT Trading Partner Collaboration Event Trading Partner Collaboration Event
CN_COMP_PLANS Incentive Compensation Plan Incentive Compensation Plan
CN_INCENTIVES Incentive Compensation Variable compensation or rebates that can be monetary or non-monetary rewards for sales people, partners or customers.
CSD_REPAIR_ESTIMATE Repair Estimate Repair Estimate shows the total cost for the repair execution, which can include material, labor and expense charge lines.
CSD_REPAIR_LOGISTICS Repair Logistics Repair Logistics track the receiving and shipping of the customer item being repaired and also the items being loaned.
CSD_REPAIR_ORDER Repair Order(1) Repair Order(1)
CSF_TASK_DEBRIEF Service Task Debrief Service task debrief of material, labor and expense
CSI_COUNTER Counters It provides a mechanism to define and maintain different types of Matrixes. These can be attached to objects in the Oracle E-Business Suite like Installed Base Instances, or Service Contract Lines.
CSI_ITEM_INSTANCE Item Instance Install Base Item Instance
CST_DEPARTMENT_OVERHEAD Manufacturing Department Overhead Rate Manufacturing Department Overhead Rate
CST_ITEM_COST Inventory Item Cost Inventory Item Cost
CST_RESOURCE_COST Manufacturing Resource Unit Cost Manufacturing Resource Unit Cost
CS_SERVICE_CHARGE Service Charge Service Charge
CS_SERVICE_REQUEST Service Request Service Request
CZ_CONFIG Configuration Configuration
CZ_CONFIG_MODEL Configuration Model Configuration Model
CZ_MODEL_PUB Configuration Model Publication Configuration Model Publication
CZ_RP_FOLDER Configurator Repository Folder Configurator Repository Folder
CZ_USER_INTERFACE Configuration Model User Interface Configuration Model User Interface
DPP_EXECUTION_REQUEST Execution Integration Request It is an entity for integration of DPP with other Applications. It is used by event invoked from DPP UI and concurrent programs for integration with external applications like AR, AP, etc.
DPP_TRANSACTION_APPROVAL Transaction Approval Notification This entity is defined for the AME Approval for DPP transaction. It is referenced in UI on clicking of the Request Approval button in a New DPP transaction.
DPP_XMLG_OUTBOUND Outbound pre-approval process It is an entity used by events to trigger preapproval process through Oracle XML Gateway for Price Protection.
EAM_ASSET_ACTIVITY_ASSOCIATION Maintenance Asset Activity Association Maintenance Asset Activity Association
EAM_ASSET_ACTIVITY_SUPPRESSION Asset activity suppression relations It indicates that an asset preventive maintenance activity is suppressed due to the performance of another activity.
EAM_ASSET_AREA Maintenance Asset Area Maintenance Asset Area
EAM_ASSET_ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS Maintenance Asset Attribute Group Maintenance Asset Attribute Group
EAM_ASSET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE Maintenance Asset Attribute Value Maintenance Asset Attribute Value
EAM_ASSET_METER Maintenance Asset Meter Association Maintenance Asset Meter Association
EAM_ASSET_NUMBER Maintenance Asset Number Maintenance Asset Number
EAM_ASSET_ROUTE Maintenance Asset Route Maintenance Asset Route
EAM_COMPLETE_WO_OPERATION Maintenance Work Completion Maintenance Work Completion
EAM_DEPARTMENT_APPROVER Maintenance Department Approver Maintenance Department Approver - User or responsibility
EAM_METER Meter Meter
EAM_METER_READING Meter Reading Meter Reading
EAM_PARAMETER Maintenance Setup Maintenance Setup
EAM_PM_SCHEDULE Preventive Maintenance Schedule Preventive Maintenance Schedule
EAM_SET_NAME Maintenance Set Maintenance Set
EAM_WORK_ORDER Asset Maintenance Work Order Asset Maintenance Work Order
EAM_WORK_REQUEST Maintenance Work Request Maintenance Work Request
ECX_CONFIRM_BOD XML Gateway Confirmation Message XML Gateway Confirmation Message
ECX_MESSAGE_DELIVERY XML Gateway Message Delivery It is used by both Oracle and non Oracle messaging systems to report delivery status. Status information is written to XML Gateway log tables to track and report transaction delivery data.
ECX_TRADING_PARTNER XML Gateway Trading Partner It represents a business partner at a particular address with whom you exchange business messages. It could be a customer, supplier, bank branch, or an internal location.
ECX_TRANSFORMATION XML Gateway Transformation This interface is used to apply a style sheet to an XML message and return the transformed XML message for further processing by the calling environment.
EC_CODE_CONVERSION Code Conversion It converts Oracle's Internal Codes to External System Codes and vice-versa, such as Currency Code, Unit Of Measure.
EC_EDI_TRANSACTION_LAYOUT EDI Transaction Layout Definition Report EDI Transaction Layout Definition Report
EC_INBOUND Inbound EDI Message It is an EDI message sent to the system from a trading partner.
EC_OUTBOUND Outbound EDI Message It is an EDI message sent from the system to a trading partner.
EC_TP_MERGE Trading Partner Merge It indicates a merge of Trading Partners as a result of an account merge in the Trading Community Architecture (TCA).
EDR_EVIDENCE_STORE E-Records Evidence Store E-Records Evidence Store
EDR_ISIGN_FILE_UPLOAD File Upload Approval Request File Upload Approval Request
EGO_ITEM Catalog Item An item that is listed in the Item Catalog.
EGO_USER_DEFINED_ATTR_GROUP PLM User Defined Attributes This interface adds, changes, deletes, and queries User-defined attributes for any entity.
ENG_CHANGE_ORDER Product Change Order Product or Engineering Change
FA_ASSET Asset The interface for adding assets to Oracle Assets.
FA_CAPITAL_BUDGET Capital Budget The interface for uploading capital budgets to Oracle Assets.
FA_LEASE_PAYMENT Lease Payment The interface for sending lease payment lines to Oracle Payables.
FEM_ACCOUNT_FACT Analytic Account Information Detail level financial account data
FEM_BALANCES_FACT Analytic Balances It includes Ledger input and Ledger Profitability processing results.
FEM_FACT_REPOSITORY Enterprise Analytical Fact Repository It contains numeric facts (often called measurements) that can be categorized by multiple dimensions. It contains either detail-level facts or facts that have been aggregated.
FEM_STATISTICAL_FACT Analytic Statistical Information It contains dimensional numerical measures. These measures are actual statistical values, both derived and empirically obtained.
FEM_TRANSACTION_FACT Analytic Transaction Information The information represents counts of events and interactions for financial accounts.
FEM_XDIM_ACTIVITY Analytic Activity It describes repeatable tasks in relation to other dimensions. It is defined by an action and acted upon item. Business processes and actions of individuals can be categorized as activities.
FEM_XDIM_AUXILIARY Auxiliary Analytic Dimensions It indicates the "non-foundation" dimensions for the Enterprise Performance Foundation. Unlike Foundation dimensions, they are not employed by calculation engines for value-added processing.
FEM_XDIM_BUDGET Analytic Budget It identifies budgets and forecasts.
FEM_XDIM_CAL_PERIOD Analytic Calendar Period Analytic Calendar Period
FEM_XDIM_CCTR_ORG Analytic Organization It indicates Standard Analytic Organization dimension made up of Company and Cost Center.
FEM_XDIM_CHANNEL Analytic Channel It identifies distribution and sales channels.
FEM_XDIM_COMPANY Company Dimension Standard Analytic Company dimension
FEM_XDIM_COST_CENTER Cost Center Dimension Standard Analytic Cost Center dimension
FEM_XDIM_COST_OBJECT Analytic Cost Object A Cost Object is a multidimensional entity that describes a cost.
FEM_XDIM_CUSTOMER Analytic Customer It identifies groups or individuals with a business relationship to analytic data.
FEM_XDIM_DATASET Analytic Dataset It identifies generic containers for analytic data.
FEM_XDIM_ENTITY Analytic Consolidation Entity It identifies Consolidation, Elimination and Operating Entities for Global Consolidation System Users.
FEM_XDIM_FINANCIAL_ELEM Analytic Financial Element It identifies categories of amount types for balances, statistics and rates.
FEM_XDIM_GENERIC_FACT_DATA Analytic User Defined Fact Data Tables available for storing fact data of user defined dimensionality
FEM_XDIM_GEOGRAPHY Analytic Geography It identifies geographic locations.
FEM_XDIM_HIERARCHY Analytic Dimension Hierarchy It is organized parent-child relationships of dimension members.
FEM_XDIM_LEDGER Analytic Ledger It identifies books of account. It is analogous to a Set of Books.
FEM_XDIM_LEVEL Analytic Dimension Level It identifies categories for dimension members.
FEM_XDIM_LINE_ITEM Analytic Line Item It identifies general ledger accounts, typically as an extension to Natural Accounts.
FEM_XDIM_NATURAL_ACCOUNT Analytic Natural Account It identifies an account within an organization where balances are posted for the five different balance types of revenue, expense, owners equity, asset and liability.
FEM_XDIM_PRODUCT Analytic Product It identifies commodities or services offered for sale.
FEM_XDIM_PROJECT Analytic Project It identifies plans and endeavors.
FEM_XDIM_SIC Analytic Standard Industrial Classification It identifies official codes of the Standard Industrial Classification system.
FEM_XDIM_SIMPLE Analytic List of Values only Dimension Grouping of all Analytic dimensions that have no attributes and serve only as lists of values.
FEM_XDIM_SOURCE_SYSTEM Analytic Source System It identifies the point of origin for fact and dimension data.
FEM_XDIM_TASK Analytic Task It identifies individual operations and pieces of work.
FEM_XDIM_USER_DIMENSION Analytic User Defined Dimension It is the grouping of all customizable analytic attributed dimensions.
FF_FORMULA_FUNCTION Fast Formula Function It represents an external procedural call providing arbitrary extensions to core Fast Formula functionality.
FLM_FLOW_SCHEDULE Flow Schedule Flow Schedule
FND_APPS_CTX Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Security Context Applications context representing current user session
FND_CP_PROGRAM Concurrent Program Discrete unit of work that can be run in the concurrent processing system. Typically, a concurrent program is a long-running, data-intensive task, such as generating a report.
FND_CP_REQUEST Concurrent Request It is the request to the concurrent processing system to run a program with a given set of parameter values, an optional schedule to repeat, and optional postprocessing actions.
FND_CP_REQUEST_SET Concurrent Request Set A convenient way to run several concurrent programs with predefined print options and parameter values. Request sets group requests into stages that are submitted by the set.
FND_EBS_MOBILE Mobile Optimized API Mobile optimized APIs are light-weight APIs designed and built for Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app development.
FND_FLEX_KFF Key Flexfield Customizable multi-segment fields
FND_FORM Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Form A form is a special class of function that you may navigate to them using the Navigator window.
FND_FUNCTION Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Function A function is a part of an application functionality that is registered under an unique name for the purpose of providing function security.
FND_FUNC_SECURITY Function Security Function security restricts application functionality to authorized users.
FND_GFM Oracle E-Business Suite Applications File Generic file manager provides ways to upload/download files and manipulate the file attributes.
FND_LDAP_OPERATIONS LDAP Directory Enable Oracle E-Business Suite to performs operations against the integrated OID.
FND_MBL_SAMPLE Sample Mobile Interfaces Sample interfaces used by Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation's sample mobile app. These interfaces are not designed for production use, but used only for demonstration purposes.
FND_MENU Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Menu A hierarchical arrangement of functions and menus of functions that appears in the Navigator.
FND_MESSAGE Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Message Dictionary It contains catalog / repository of messages for the entire Oracle E-Business Suite. Message Dictionary facility is used to display and logging from application.
FND_NAVIGATION Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Navigation Standard ways of navigating from one page to another within applications
FND_OBJECT_CLASSIFICATION OATM Object-Tablespace Classification This entity stores seeded, explicit OATM object-tablespace classifications, which can be further customized.
FND_PROFILE User Profile It is a set of changeable options that affects the way the application behaves run time.
FND_RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility A responsibility defines the menu structure for a product in Oracle E-Business Suite.
FND_SSO_MANAGER Single Sign On Manager Single Sign On and Central Login related APIs
FND_TABLESPACE Tablespace Model Tablespace It classifies all storage-related objects. Logical Tablespaces have a 1:1 relation with physical tablespaces.
FND_USER User It represents a user of Oracle E-Business Suite.
FUN_ARAP_NETTING Payables and Receivables Netting Payables and Receivables for Netting
FUN_IC_TRANSACTION IC Manual Transaction Intercompany transaction will be between one initiator and single/multiple recipients.
FUN_INTERCOMPANY_BATCH Intercompany Transaction Set It is intercompany batch containing transactions between legal entities.
FV_BUDGETARY_DISCOUNT Federal Budgetary Discount It creates Budgetary Discount Transactions.
FV_BUDGET_JOURNAL Federal Budget Execution Document It contains federal budget records imported into federal budgetary tables.
FV_FINANCE_CHARGE Federal Finance Charge Federal Finance Charge
FV_IPAC_DISBURSEMENT IPAC Disbursement IPAC Disbursement
FV_PRIOR_YEAR_ADJUSTMENT Prior Year Adjustment Prior Year Adjustment
FV_TREASURY_DISBURSEMENT Treasury Disbursement Treasury Confirmation, Backout and Void Disbursement Transactions
FV_YEAR_END_CLOSE Federal Year End Closing Information Federal Year End Closing
GHR_DUTY_STATION US Federal Workplace Duty Station US Federal Workplace Duty Station
GHR_EEO_COMPLAINT US Federal EEO Complaint US Federal EEO Complaint
GHR_POSITION_DESCRIPTION Position Description Position Description
GHR_REQ_FOR_PERSONNEL_ACTION Request for Personnel Action Request for Personnel Action
GL_ACCOUNTING_SETUP_MANAGER Accounting Setup Manager This represents the Accounting Setup of Ledgers and Legal Entities in General Ledger.
GL_ACCOUNT_COMBINATION General Ledger Code Combination This represents General Ledger Account Combinations Defined Under Chart of Accounts.
GL_BC_PACKETS Budgetary Fund Control Transaction Packet Budgetary Fund Control Transaction Packet
GL_BUDGET_DATA General Ledger Budget Data General Ledger Budget Data
GL_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts (COA)
GL_DAILY_RATE Daily Currency Conversion Rate Daily Currency Conversion Rate
GL_INTERCOMPANY_TRANSACTION Intercompany Transaction Intercompany Transaction
GL_JOURNAL Journal Entry Journal Entry
GL_PERIOD General Ledger Accounting Period This represents the Accounting Period defined in Accounting Calendar.
GMD_ACTIVITIES_PUB Product Development Activity It creates, modifies, or deletes activity information.
GMD_FORMULA Process Manufacturing Formula Process Manufacturing Formula
GMD_OPERATION Process Manufacturing Operation Process Manufacturing Operation
GMD_OUTBOUND_APIS_PUB Process Manufacturing Quality Outbound Transaction It is public level Process Manufacturing Quality package containing APIs to export information to third party products.
GMD_QC_SAMPLES Process Manufacturing Quality Sample Process Manufacturing Quality Sample
GMD_QC_SPEC Process Manufacturing Quality Specification Process Manufacturing Quality Specification
GMD_QC_SPEC_VR Process Manufacturing Specification Usage Rule Process Manufacturing Specification Usage Rule
GMD_QC_TESTS_PUB Process Manufacturing Quality Test Process Manufacturing Quality Test
GMD_RECIPE Process Manufacturing Recipe Process Manufacturing Recipe
GMD_RECIPE_VALIDITY_RULE Process Manufacturing Recipe Usage Rule Process Manufacturing Recipe Usage Rule
GMD_RESULTS_PUB Process Manufacturing Quality Test Result Process Manufacturing Quality Test Result
GMD_ROUTING Process Manufacturing Routing Process Manufacturing Routing
GMD_STATUS_PUB Process Manufacturing Product Development Status It modifies the status for routings, operations, receipts, and validity rules.
GME_BATCH Process Manufacturing Batch Process Manufacturing Batch
GME_BATCH_STEP Process Manufacturing Batch Step Process Manufacturing Batch Step
GMF_ALLOCATION_DEFINITION Process Manufacturing Expense Allocation Definition It is the setup data for allocating indirect expenses (indirect overheads) to items.
GMF_BURDEN_DETAIL Process Manufacturing Financials Overhead Detail It indicates overhead costs assigned to items that have been manufactured or purchased.
GMF_ITEM_COST Process Manufacturing Financials Item Cost Process Manufacturing Financials Item Cost
GMF_RESOURCE_COST Process Manufacturing Financials Resource Cost Process Manufacturing Financials Resource Cost
GMI_ADJUSTMENTS Process Manufacturing Inventory Adjustment Process Manufacturing Inventory Adjustment
GMI_API Process Manufacturing Inventory Setup It is the Process Manufacturing Inventory transaction to create, modify, delete items, lots, lot conversions.
GMI_ITEM Process Manufacturing Item Process Manufacturing Item
GMI_ITEM_LOT_UOM_CONV Process Manufacturing Item Lot UOM Conversion Process Manufacturing Item Lot UOM Conversion
GMI_LOT Process Manufacturing Lot Process Manufacturing Lot
GMI_OM_ALLOC_API_PUB Process Manufacturing Sales Order Inventory Allocation The Allocate OPM Orders API is a business object that can create, modify, or delete OPM reservation (allocation) information for Order Management.
GMI_PICK_CONFIRM_PUB Process Manufacturing Sales Order Inventory Pick Confirmation The Pick Confirm API is a business object that pick confirms, or stages the inventory for a Process Move Order Line or a Delivery Detail line.
GMP_CALENDAR_API Process Planning Shop Calendar It modifies the Shop Calendar.
GMP_GENERIC_RESOURCE Generic Process Manufacturing Resource Manufacturing resource in Process Manufacturing
GMP_PLANT_RESOURCE Process Manufacturing Plant Resource Plant specific manufacturing resource in Process Manufacturing
GMP_RSRC_AVL_PKG Process Planning Resource Availability It modifies resource availability.
GMS_AWARD Project Award Budget Project Award Budget
HR_AUTHORIA_INTEGRATION_MAP Authoria Integration Map Authoria Integration Map
HR_BUDGET HR Budget HR Budget
HR_BUSINESS_GROUP Business Group Business Group
HR_CALENDAR_EVENT HR Calendar Event HR Calendar Event
HR_COST_CENTER Cost Center Cost Center
HR_EVENT HR Bookable Event HR Bookable Event
HR_HELP_DESK HR Help Desk Integration Peoplesoft Help Desk Integration points with the Oracle E-Business Suite HRMS
HR_KI_MAP Knowledge Integration Map Knowledge Integration Map
HR_KI_SYSTEM Knowledge Integration System Knowledge Integration System
HR_LEGAL_ENTITY Legal Entity Legal Entity
HR_LIABILITY_PREMIUM Liability Premium Liability Premium
HR_LOCATION Location Location
HR_MESSAGE_LINE HRMS Message Line HRMS Message Line
HR_OPERATING_UNIT Operating Unit Operating Unit
HR_ORGANIZATION HRMS Organization HRMS Organization
HR_ORGANIZATION_LINK Organization Link Organization Link
HR_PAY_SCALE Pay Scale Pay Scale
HR_PERSON HR Person(1) HR Person(1)
HR_PERSONAL_DELIVERY_METHOD Personal Delivery Method Personal Delivery Method
HR_SALARY_BASIS Salary Basis Salary Basis
HR_SELF_SERVICE_TRANSACTION HR Self Service Transaction Self Service Transaction
HR_SOC_INS_CONTRIBUTIONS Social Insurance Contribution Social Insurance Contribution
HR_SUPER_CONTRIBUTION Superannuation Contribution It indicates payment to a fund providing for a person's retirement.
HXC_TIMECARD Timecard Timecard
HXC_TIMECARD_RECURRING_PERIOD Timecard Recurring Period Timecard Recurring Period
HXC_TIME_INPUT_SOURCE Time Input Source It indicates how Timecard data was input.
HXC_TIME_RECIPIENT Time Recipient Application An application that receives and processes Time and Labor Data.
HZ_ACCOUNT_CONTACT Customer Account Contact A person who is the contact for a customer account.
HZ_ADDRESS Trading Community Address It is an address of a trading community member, for example, a customer's or partner's address.
HZ_CLASSIFICATION Trading Community Classification It is a categorization of parties, using user-defined or external standards such as the NAICS, NACE, or SIC.
HZ_CONTACT Trading Community Contact A person who is a contact for an organization or another person.
HZ_CONTACT_POINT Contact Point It is a means of contact, for example, phone or e-mail.
HZ_CONTACT_PREFERENCE Contact Preference It is the information about when and how parties prefer to be contacted.
HZ_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT Customer Account A person or organization that the deploying company has a selling relationship with.
HZ_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE Trading Community External Reference Management of operational mappings between the trading community database and external source systems.
HZ_GROUP Trading Community Group Trading Community Group
HZ_ORGANIZATION Trading Community Organization It is a party of type Organization and related information, including financial and credit reports.
HZ_PARTY Party A trading community entity, either person or organization, that can enter into business relationships.
HZ_PERSON Trading Community Person It is a party of type Person and related information, such as employment and education.
HZ_RELATIONSHIP Trading Community Relationship A representation of how two parties are related, based on the role that each party plays with respect to the other.
HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE Trading Community Relationship Type A categorization of roles that parties can play in relationships.
IBC_CONTENT_DELIVERY_MANAGER Content Delivery Manager Content Delivery Manager class provides APIs for applications to retrieve content items stored in the OCM Content Repository.
IBE_CATALOG_PUNCHOUT Web Store Catalog Punchout It is a process of enabling procurement users to choose items available in iStore catalog. The login/logout of procurement users in iStore is transparent to them.
IBE_CONTENT Web Store Content Web Store Page Content
IBE_ITEM Web Store Item Web Store Product Item
IBE_SALES_ORDER Web Store Sales Order Web Store Sales Order
IBE_SECTION Web Store Section Navigational Hierarchy for Web content and product
IBE_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES Web Store Session Attributes Session Attributes of Users visiting the Web Store
IBE_SHOPPING_CART Web Store Shopping Cart Web Store Shopping Cart
IBE_SHOPPING_LIST Web Store Shopping List Web Store Shopping List
IBE_SITE Web Store Site Web Store Site
IBE_TEMPLATE Web Store Template Web Store Page Template
IBE_USER Web Store User Users, Contacts, Customers
IBW_PAGE_ACCESS_TRACKING Web Analytics Page Access Tracking It captures visit and page access data required for Web analytics reporting.
IBY_BANKACCOUNT External Bank Account Supplier or Customer Bank Account
IBY_CREDITCARD Credit Card Credit Card Payment Instrument
IBY_EXCEPTION IBY Exception It is an exception generated by IBY code when an error is encountered.
IBY_FUNDSCAPTURE_ORDER Funds Capture Order It is a single funds capture request delivered to a payment system by the request payee.
IBY_PAYMENT IBY Payment It indicates payment made through IBY to the supplier.
IEO_AGENT Interaction Center Agent A person that interacts with a customer during an interaction event.
IEX_COLLECTION_CASE Collection Case Collection Case
IEX_COLLECTION_DISPUTE Collection Dispute A dispute creates a credit memo request in Oracle Receivables to resolve all or part of an invoice that a customer contends is not owed.
IEX_COLLECTION_PROMISE Collection Promise Collection Promise
IEX_COLLECTION_SCORE Collection Score Collection Score
IEX_COLLECTION_STRATEGY Collection Strategy Collection Strategy
IEX_PROMISES Collection Payment Promise A promise to pay is a non-binding agreement from the customer to make a payment at a certain date.
IEX_STRATEGY Receivables Collection Strategy Strategies are a pre-configured sequence of work items that automate the process of collecting open receivables and support complex collections management activities.
IGC_CONTRACT_COMMITMENT Contract Commitment Contract Commitment
IGC_ENCUMBRANCE_JOURNAL Encumbrance Journal Encumbrance Journal
IGF_AWARD Financial Aid Student Award Financial Aid Student Award
IGF_BASE_RECORD Financial Aid Student Base Record Financial Aid Student Base Record
IGF_COA Student Attendance Cost Student Attendance Cost
IGF_DL Financial Aid Direct Loan Financial Aid Direct Loan
IGF_FFELP Financial Aid FFELP Loan Financial Aid FFELP Loan
IGF_FWS Financial Aid Work Study Financial Aid Work Study
IGF_ISIR Institutional Student Information Record Institutional Student Information Record
IGF_PELL Financial Aid Pell Grant Financial Aid Pell Grant
IGF_PROFILE Student Profile Application Student Profile Application
IGF_TODO Financial Aid Student Todo Item(1) Financial Aid Student Todo Item(1)
IGF_VERFN Financial Aid Verification Item Financial Aid Verification Item
IGS_ADM_APPLICATION Admission Application Admission Application
IGS_ADM_FEE Admission Fee Admission Application Fee
IGS_ADV_STAND Advanced Standing Advanced Standing
IGS_DA_REQUEST Degree Audit Request Degree Audit Request
IGS_INQ_APPLICATION Prospective Applicant Inquiry Prospective Applicant Inquiry
IGS_INSTITUTION Institution Institution Party
IGS_PARTY_CHARGE Higher Education Party Charge Higher Education Party Account Charge Transactions
IGS_PARTY_CREDIT Higher Education Party Credit Higher Education Party Account Credit Transactions
IGS_PARTY_REFUND Higher Education Party Refund Higher Education Party Account Refund Transactions
IGS_PERSON_ALTERNATE_ID Alternate Person Identifier Person Alternate Identifier e.g. SSN, Driver Licence etc
IGS_PERSON_CONTACT Person Contact Information Person Contact Information
IGS_PREV_EDUCATION Previous Education Previous Education
IGS_PROGRAM Higher Education Program Higher Education Program
IGS_SPONSORSHIP Student Sponsor Relationship Student Sponsor Relationship
IGS_STUDENT_CONCENTRATION Student Concentration Student Concentration
IGS_STUDENT_PROGRAM Student Program Attempt Student Program Attempt
IGS_STUDENT_UNIT Student Unit Attempt Student Unit Attempt
IGS_TODO Financial Aid Student Todo Item Financial Aid Student Todo Item
IGS_UNIT Higher Education Unit Higher Education Unit
IGW_PROPOSAL Grants Proposal Grants Proposal
IGW_PROPOSAL_BUDGET Grants Proposal Budget Grants Proposal Budget
INV_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD Inventory Accounting Period Status of an inventory accounting period
INV_ALLOCATION Material Allocation Inventory Material Allocation
INV_CONSIGNED_DIAGNOSTICS Consigned Inventory Diagnostics Set of utilities that identify and communicate inaccuracies in setup data of Consigned Inventory from Supplier feature.
INV_COUNT Material Count Material Count
INV_IC_TRANSACTION_FLOW Inventory Intercompany Invoicing Transaction Flow It is an execution of the transactions that generate intercompany invoices in Inventory.
INV_IC_TRANSACTION_FLOW_SETUP Intercompany Inventory Transaction Flow Setup Intercompany Inventory Transaction Flow Setup
INV_LOT Inventory Lot Inventory Lot
INV_MATERIAL_TRANSACTION Material Transaction Inventory Material Transaction
INV_MOVEMENT_STATISTICS Movement Statistics Statistics that are associated with the movement of material across the border of two countries.
INV_MOVE_ORDER Material Move Order Physical movement of inventory from one location to another within a warehouse or other facility. It does not involve a transfer of the inventory between organizations.
INV_ONHAND Inventory On Hand Balance Inventory On Hand Balance
INV_ORGANIZATION_SETUP Inventory Organization Setup Inventory Organization Setup
INV_PICK_RELEASE_PUB Inventory Pick Release Inventory allocation in support of pick release
INV_POSITION Inventory Position It indicates on-hand balance of an Inventory Organization Hierarchy for a particular time bucket including quantity received, quantity issued and ending balance.
INV_REPLENISHMENT Inventory Replenishment Inventory Material Replenishment
INV_RESERVATION Material Reservation Inventory Material Reservation
INV_SALES_ORDERS Inventory Sales Order It indicates inventory sales order tracking with references to the order in Oracle Order Management or a third party order management system.
INV_SERIAL_NUMBER Inventory Serial Number Inventory Serial Number
INV_SUPPLIER_CONSIGNED_INV Supplier Consigned Inventory Goods that physically reside in an inventory organization but are owned by a supplier.
INV_UNIT_OF_MEASURE Unit Of Measure Inventory Unit Of Measure
IPM_DOCUMENT Imaging Document Electronic documentation to facilitate the entry and completion of transactions in the Oracle E-Business Suite.
IRC_AGENCY Recruiting Agency Third party agency authorized to recruit for a Vacancy.
IRC_CANDIDATE_NOTIFY_PREFS Candidate Recruitment Notification Preferences Candidate Recruitment Notification Preferences
IRC_CANDIDATE_SAVED_SEARCH Candidate Recruitment Saved Search Candidate Recruitment Saved Search
IRC_CANDIDATE_WORK_PREFERENCES Candidate Recruitment Work Preferences Candidate Recruitment Work Preferences
IRC_DEFAULT_JOB_POSTING Default Job Posting Default Job Posting
IRC_JOB_BASKET Job Basket Job Basket
IRC_JOB_OFFER Job Offer It contains details of a job to be offered to a Recruitment Candidate.
IRC_JOB_OFFER_LETTER_TEMPLATE Job Offer Letter Template It is a template for a Job Offer letter.
IRC_JOB_OFFER_NOTES Job Offer Note Notes for a Job Offer
IRC_JOB_POSTING Job Posting Job Posting
IRC_JOB_SEARCH_LOCATION Job Search Location It contains locations for the Candidate Recruitment Saved Search or for the Candidate Recruitment Work Preferences.
IRC_JOB_SEARCH_PROF_AREA Job Search Professional Area It contains Professional Areas for the Candidate Recruitment Saved Search or for the Candidate Recruitment Work Preferences.
IRC_NOTIFICATION iRecruitment Notification Notifications that are sent to recruiter, interviewer and candidate.
IRC_RECRUITING_3RD_PARTY_SITE Recruiting Third Party Site Recruiting Third Party Site
IRC_RECRUITING_DOCUMENT Recruiting Document Recruiting Document
IRC_RECRUITING_SITE Recruiting Site Recruiting Site
IRC_RECRUITING_TEAM Recruiting Team Recruiting Team
IRC_RECRUITMENT_CANDIDATE Recruitment Candidate Recruitment Candidate
IRC_VACANCY_CONSIDERATION Vacancy Consideration Vacancy Consideration
JE_ES_WHT Spanish Withholding Tax Transaction Spanish Withholding Tax Transaction stores withholding tax transactions from Payables and other external sources.
JL_BR_AP_BANK_COLLECTION_DOC Brazilian Payables Bank Collection Document Brazilian Payables Bank Collection Document
JL_BR_AR_BANK_RETURN_DOC Brazilian Receivables Bank Return Document Brazilian Receivables Bank Return Document
JTA_BUSINESS_RULE Business Rule Business Rule for Escalation or Auto Notifications
JTA_ESCALATION Customer Escalation Management It manages customer's escalation of some key business entities like Service Requests, Tasks, etc.
JTF_RS_ DYNAMIC_GROUP Resource Group (Dynamic) Dynamic Resource Group (defined using dynamic SQL statements)
JTF_RS_DYNAMIC_GROUP Resource Dynamic Group Dynamic Resource Group (defined using dynamic SQL statements)
JTF_RS_GROUP Resource Group Grouping of Individual Resources
JTF_RS_GROUP_MEMBER Resource Group Member Members within a Group
JTF_RS_GROUP_MEMBER_ROLE Resource Group Member Role Roles assigned to members in a group
JTF_RS_GROUP_RELATION Resource Group Hierarchy Resource Group Hierarchy Element
JTF_RS_GROUP_USAGE Resource Group Usage Functional use of Resource Groups in different applications
JTF_RS_RESOURCE Individual Resource Individual Resource
JTF_RS_RESOURCE_AVAILABILITY Resource Availability Whether an individual resource is available (Yes/No) for work assignments at present time.
JTF_RS_RESOURCE_LOV Resource Person and non-person resources
JTF_RS_RESOURCE_SKILL Resource Skill Resource Skillsets for work assignment
JTF_RS_RESOURCE_SKILL_LEVEL Resource Skill Level Skill Levels indicating Novice, Expert, Intermediate for different skills
JTF_RS_ROLE Person Resource Role Roles assigned to an individual resource
JTF_RS_ROLE_RELATION Person Resource Role Hierarchy Hierarchy of Roles associated with individual resources, groups, and group members.
JTF_RS_SALESREP Sales Representative Individual Resources that represent Enterprise Sales Force.
JTF_RS_SALES_GROUP_HIERARCHY Sales Group Hierarchy Sales Group Hierarchy
JTF_RS_SRP_TERRITORY Sales Representative Territory Territories that are assigned to Sales people.

Note: These are not to be confused with Territory Manager.

JTF_RS_TEAM Resource Team Teams represent collection of people, and groups.
JTF_RS_TEAM_MEMBER Resource Team Member Members of a team that includes individuals, as well as groups.
JTF_RS_TEAM_USAGE Resource Team Usage It represents functional use of Resource Teams in different applications.
JTF_RS_UPDATABLE_ATTRIBUTE Updatable Attributes for Resources Individual resource information that is allowed to be modified.
JTF_RS_WF_EVENT Resource Business Event Actions in Resource Manager that raise Workflow Business Events.
JTF_RS_WF_ROLE Resource Workflow Role It is the Workflow Role representing Individual, Group, and Team resources.
JTF_RS_WF_USER_ROLE Resource Workflow User Role It is the Workflow User Role representing resource roles, group members, or team members.
JTH_INTERACTION Customer Interaction It is the communication or attempted communication with a customer party.
JTH_INTERACTION_ACTIVITY Customer Interaction Activity A business event that occurs during an interaction with a customer party.
JTH_INTERACTION_MEDIA Customer Interaction Media It contains the details of the communication used in an interaction. Call, E-mail, Web, etc.
JTY_TERRITORY Territory Territories for sales representatives, service engineers and collections agents
LSH_APPLICATIONAREA Application Area A collection of objects that define a business application. Objects can be Business Area, Data Mart, Loadset, Program, Report Set, Table, Workflow etc.
LSH_BUSINESSAREA Business Area A Business Area acts as an interface with an External Visualization System (EVS). For example, a Discoverer Business Area is an interface with the Oracle Discoverer Visualisation tool.
LSH_DATAMART Data Mart A Data Mart stores data exported from the Transactional System and is usually used for Analytical purposes.
LSH_DOMAIN Life Sciences Data Hub Domain The top level container that owns Application Areas and is used to store object definitions in the Library. The definitions can be Business Area, Data Mart, Loadset, Program, etc.
LSH_EXECUTIONSETUP Life Sciences Data Hub Execution Setup Information It is a defined object that is a component of each LSH executable object instance (Programs, RS, Load Sets, Workflows etc.) whose purpose is to control the execution of the executable object.
LSH_EXECUTION_FWK Life Sciences Data Hub Execution Job An entity that provides the surround and the set the rules for the execution of an object. Examples are Job Submission API, Job Log API, etc
LSH_GENERIC_OBJECT Life Science Data Hub Generic Object Life Science Data Hub Generic Object
LSH_LOADSET External Data Load Run A Load Set is an executable object that is used to define the structure and behavior of a Program-like structure that is used for loading data from an outside system.
LSH_MAPPING Life Science Data Hub Column Mapping A mapping defines a column level mapping between a Table like object and a View like object.
LSH_OBJ_CLASSIFICATION Object Classification An entity that provides the categories and rules for classifying an object.
LSH_OBJ_SECURITY Life Sciences Data Hub Object Security Policy An entity that provides a set of rules to define and implement data security on objects.
LSH_OUTPUT Life Sciences Data Hub Output This is the actual Output that is generated on execution of an executable object, such as a Report Set output, a Data Mart output, a Program Output.
LSH_PARAMETER API Parameter A defined object that acts as a simple scalar variable and is based on a variable, such as an input/output Parameter of a Program, Report Set, etc.
LSH_PARAMETERSET Parameter Set A collection of interrelated Parameters
LSH_PLANNEDOUTPUT Life Science Data Hub Planned Output A Planned Output is an expected output when an LSH object is executed. It is defined with the executable object.
LSH_PROGRAM Life Sciences Data Hub Program A Program is a metadata object that is used to define the structure and behavior of a Program-like structure that is used for processing and/or reporting on set of data.
LSH_REPORTSET Report Set A Report Set is a group of reports used to define the structure and behavior of a hierarchical structure that is intended for simultaneously reporting on sets of data.
LSH_SOURCECODE Software Source Code A Source Code is the actual program code which is executed when a Program is run.
LSH_TABLE Metadata Registered Data Object It is a metadata description of a table-like object (for example a Oracle view or a SAS dataset).
LSH_UTILITY Life Sciences Data Hub Setup Utility It is a set of tools and utilities.
LSH_VALIDATION Life Sciences Data Hub Validation An entity that provides the rules for validating an object in the application.
LSH_VARIABLE Life Science Data Hub Variable A LSH defined object equivalent to a SAS variable or Oracle table column that serves as a source definition for LSH Parameters and Table Columns.
LSH_WORKAREA Application Work Area A container within an Application Area that provides the definer a place to prepare related LSH Definitional objects for release and installation to a LSH schema.
MES_COMPLETION_TRANSACTION Assembly Completion in MES Business Entity for Assembly Completion in MES
MES_MATERIAL_TRANSACTION MES Material Transaction Business Entity for Material Transaction in MES
MES_MOVE_TRANSACTION MES Move Transaction Business Entity for Move Transaction in MES
MES_TIME_ENTRY Time Entry in MES Import Time Entry Record in Discrete Manufacturing Execution system
MSC_ATP_ENQUIRY ATP Enquiry This interface checks the availability for the item(s) and returns their availability picture.
MSC_FORECAST Supply Chain Forecast This interface creates a forecast for supply chain planning.
MSC_NOTIFY_PLAN_OUTPUT Supply Chain Planned Order Supply chain planned order
MSC_ON_HAND Supply Chain Plan On Hand Inventory This interface creates on hand supply records for supply chain planning.
MSC_PLANNING_SUPPLY_DEMAND Collaborative Planning Supply / Demand This interface is used to create any supply / demand records in Collaborative Planning.
MSC_PURCHASE_ORDER Supply Chain Plan Purchase Order This interface creates a purchase order supply for supply chain planning.
MSC_REQUISITION Supply Chain Plan Requisition A Purchase Requisition for Supply Chain Planning
MSC_SALES_ORDER Supply Chain Plan Sales Order This interface creates a sales order demand for supply chain planning.
MSC_SHIPMENT_NOTICE Supply Chain Plan Advanced Shipment Notice This interface creates an inbound intransit supply for supply chain planning.
MSC_WORK_ORDER Supply Chain Plan Work Order This interface creates a work order supply for supply chain planning.
NETTING_BATCH Netting Batch Netting batch is a set of payables and receivables transactions.
OCM_GET_DATA_POINTS Credit Review Data Point It is a list of Data Points (Criterion items against which the credit standing of a organization is reviewed) for a given credit classification, review type, data point category, or subcategory.
OCM_GET_EXTRL_DECSN_PUB Imported Credit Score and Recommendation Import score and recommendations from external source
OCM_GUARANTOR_CREDIT_REQUEST Guarantor Credit Request It allows user to create Guarantor credit request.
OCM_RECOMMENDATIONS Credit Recommendation It is the recommendation/decision made by reviewer of the credit request. For example, a standard recommendation is "Approve/Reject".
OCM_WITHDRAW_CREDIT_REQUEST Credit Request Withdrawal It allows user to withdraw a credit request.
OIE_CREDIT_CARD_TRXN Credit Card Transaction Credit Card Transaction
OIE_PCARD_TRXN Procurement Card Transaction Procurement Card Transaction
OIR_REGISTRATION Self Registration of user Self Registration of external user of the application
OKC_DELIVERABLE Contract Deliverable Contract Deliverable
OKC_LIBRARY_ARTICLE Contract Library Article Contract Library Article
OKC_LIBRARY_CLAUSE Contract Library Clause Contract library clause
OKC_REPOSITORY_CONTRACT Repository Contract A contract that handles outside the normal purchasing or sales flows, such as a non-disclosure agreement or a partnership agreement. These contracts are stored in the Contract Repository.
OKC_REP_CONTRACT Repository Contract(1) A contract that handles outside the normal purchasing or sales flows, such as a non-disclosure agreement or partnership agreement. These contracts are stored in the Contract Repository(1).
OKE_CONTRACT Project Contract Project Contract
OKL_ACCOUNT_DISTRIBUTION Lease Account Distribution Lease Account Distribution
OKL_ACCOUNT_ID Lease Account Lease Account
OKL_AGREEMENT Lease Agreement Lease Agreement
OKL_ASSET_MANAGEMENT Asset Management Manage portfolios and asset returns
OKL_COLLECTION Collection Bill, collect cash and manage collections from customers
OKL_COLLECTION_CASE Lease Collection Case Lease Collection Case
OKL_CONTRACT Lease Contract Lease Contract
OKL_CONTRACT_LIFECYCLE Contract Management Lifecycle It manages revisions, termination and renewals of contracts.
OKL_CONTRACT_PARTY Lease Contract Party Lease Contract Party
OKL_CONTRACT_PAYMENT Lease Contract Payment Lease Contract Payment
OKL_CONTRACT_TERM Lease Contract Term Lease Contract Term
OKL_DISBURSEMENT Disbursement Process manually initiated or automated disbursements
OKL_EXECUTE_FORMULA Lease Formula Lease Formula
OKL_FINANCIAL_PRODUCT Lease Contract Financial Product Financial Product specified in lease contract
OKL_INSURANCE Lease Insurance Lease Insurance
OKL_INTEREST Lease Interest Lease Interest
OKL_INVESTMENT_PROGRAM Manage Investment Program It manages investor accounts and investment agreements.
OKL_LATE_POLICY Lease Late Payment Policy Lease Late Payment Policy
OKL_LEASE_RATE Lease Rate Set Lease Rate Set
OKL_MARKETING_PROGRAM Marketing Program It manages internal and partner pricing programs.
OKL_ORIGINATION Origination It manages primary agreements, author lease and loan contracts.
OKL_REMARKETING Remarketing It manages sale of assets to vendors and third parties.
OKL_RESIDUAL_VALUE Lease Residual Value Lease Residual Value
OKL_RISK_MANAGEMENT Risk Management It manages credit, pricing, approval and insurance policies.
OKL_SALES Sales Qualify, quote and manage deal opportunities
OKL_STREAM Lease Stream Lease Stream
OKL_TERMINATION_QUOTE Lease Termination Quote Lease Termination Quote
OKL_THIRD_PARTY_BILLING Lease Third Party Billing Lease Third Party Billing
OKL_UNDERWRITING Manage Underwriting It manages credit applications and lines.
OKL_VENDOR_RELATIONSHIP Manage Vendor Relationship It manages vendor accounts and agreements.
OKS_AVAILABLE_SERVICE Service Availability APIs for retrieving customer service information, specifically, duration of a service, availability of service for a customer and list of services which can be ordered for a customer.
OKS_CONTRACT Service Contract Service Contract
OKS_COVERAGE Service Contract Coverage Service contract coverage service terms
OKS_ENTITLEMENT Service Contract Entitlement Service contract customer entitled services
OKS_IMPORT Service Contracts Import Service contract import is a process of importing the historical or ongoing contracts data from an external or a legacy system into the Oracle service contract tables.
ONT_SALES_AGREEMENT Sales Agreement This is a business document that outlines the agreement between a Customer and Supplier committing to order and deliver a specified amount or quantity over an agreed period of time.
ONT_SALES_ORDER Sales Order Sales Order is a business document containing customer sales order information. This entity is used by several Oracle E-Business Suite applications.
OTA_CATALOG_CATEGORY Learning Catalog Category Learning Catalog Category
OTA_CERTIFICATION Learning Certification Catalog object that offers learners the opportunity to subscribe to and complete one time and renewable certifications.
OTA_CHAT Learning Chat Scheduled live discussion that enables learners and instructors to exchange messages online.
OTA_CONFERENCE_SERVER Conference Server Conference server integrates OLM with Oracle Web Conferencing (OWC) to deliver online synchronous classes.
OTA_COURSE_PREREQUISITE Course Prerequisite A course or competency that a learner must or should complete before enrolling in a given class.
OTA_ENROLLMENT_JUSTIFICATION Learning Enrollment Justification Each enrollment justification and its associated priority level can determine the order by which enrollees are automatically placed in a class.
OTA_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_TYPE Learning Enrollment Status Type It indicates predefined enrollment statuses (Requested, Placed, Attended, Waitlisted, Cancelled).
OTA_FINANCE_HEADER Learning Finance Header It is a record of a monetary amount against a class, a learner enrollment, or a resource booking.
OTA_FINANCE_LINE Learning Finance Line It is an individual financial transaction within a finance header.
OTA_FORUM Learning Forum It represents message board that learners and instructors use to post general learning topics for discussion.
OTA_LEARNER_ENROLLMENT Learner Enrollment Learner Enrollment
OTA_LEARNING_ANNOUNCEMENT Learning Announcement Learning Announcement
OTA_LEARNING_CATALOG_CAT_USE Learning Catalog Category Usage Learning Catalog Category Usage
OTA_LEARNING_CLASS Learning Class Learning Class
OTA_LEARNING_COURSE Learning Course Learning Course
OTA_LEARNING_CROSS_CHARGE Learning Cross Charge Setup Learning Cross Charge Setup
OTA_LEARNING_EXTERNAL Learning External Record A class or course that a person has attended, not scheduled in the internal learning catalog.
OTA_LEARNING_OFFERING Learning Offering Learning Offering
OTA_LEARNING_OFFER_RES_CHKLST Learning Offering Resource Checklist Learning Offering Resource Checklist
OTA_LEARNING_PATH Learning Path Learning Path
OTA_LEARNING_PATH_CATEGORY Learning Path Category Learning Path Category
OTA_LEARNING_PATH_COMPONENT Learning Path Component Learning Path Component
OTA_LP_SUBSCRIPTION Learning Path Subscription It contains subscriptions for all Learning Paths and Components. For Example, Subscriptions to Catalog Learning Paths and Learning Paths created by Managers from Appraisals, Suitability Matching etc.
OTA_RESOURCE Learning Resource It is a person or an object needed to deliver a class, such as a named instructor or a specific classroom.
OTA_RESOURCE_BOOKING Learning Resource Booking Learning Resource Booking
OTA_TRAINING_PLAN Training Plan Training Plan
OZF_ACCOUNT_PLAN Trade Account Plan Account Plan for Trade Planning and Promotion activities
OZF_BUDGET Sales and Marketing Budget It is the budget for Promotional Offer, Marketing Campaigns, Events, and other marketing activities.
OZF_CLAIM Trade Claim Claims that customers could be seeking money against, such as Promotional claims, breakages, transportation errors etc.
OZF_EXTRACT Accounting Extract Accounting extract for a third party General Ledger. It includes details on account, amount, customer, product for accrual and adjustment, as well as promotional claim settlements.
OZF_INDIRECT_SALES Indirect Sales Point of Sales Data, chargebacks etc,
OZF_OFFERS Promotional Offer Promotional Offers or Discounts that are given to Customers from a Vendors Sales or Marketing Organization.
OZF_QUOTA Trade Planning Quota Quota and Targets for Trade Planning and Promotional Activities
OZF_SOFT_FUND Partner Fund Partner Fund Requests
OZF_SPECIAL_PRICING Special Pricing Special Pricing Requests
OZF_SSD_BATCH Supplier Ship and Debit Batch Supplier ship and debit batch is essentially a claim that the distributor submits to the supplier for approval and payment. The batch contains accruals for which the supplier is expected to make payment for.
OZF_SSD_REQUEST Supplier Ship and Debit Request An agreement that allows distributor to request a special price from supplier. The ship and debit request will allow specifications with respect to the quantity limits associated to the price reduction, product and period.
PAY_BALANCE Payroll Balance Payroll Balance
PAY_BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT Payroll Balance Adjustment Payroll Balance Adjustment
PAY_BATCH_ELEMENT_ENTRY HRMS Batch Element Entry HRMS Batch Element Entry
PAY_CONTRIBUTION_USAGE Payroll Contribution Usage Payroll Contribution Usage
PAY_COST_ALLOCATION Payroll Cost Allocation Payroll Cost Allocation
PAY_DEFINED_BALANCE Payroll Defined Balance Payroll Defined Balance
PAY_ELEMENT_CLASSIFICATION HRMS Element Classification It describes categories of HRMS Elements such as Earnings, Deductions and Information. These influence subsequent processing.
PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY HRMS Element Entry HRMS Element Entry
PAY_ELEMENT_LINK HRMS Element Eligibility Criteria HRMS Element Eligibility Criteria
PAY_EMP_TAX_INFO Employee Tax Information Employee Tax Information
PAY_FORMULA_RESULT Payroll Processing Result Rule It indicates how the Formula is to be processed and how its result is to be used by the Payroll processes.
PAY_ITERATIVE_RULE Payroll Iterative Rule Payroll Iterative Rule
PAY_LEAVE_LIABILITY Leave Liability It describes leave type and associated definitions utilized by the Leave Liability process.
PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHOD Organization Payment Method It is a Payroll Payment Method used by the Organization for employee compensation.
PAY_PAYMENT_ARCHIVE Payroll Payment Archive Payroll Payment Archive
PAY_PAYROLL_DEFINITION Payroll Definition Payroll Definition
PAY_PAYROLL_EVENT_GROUP Payroll Event Interpretation Group Payroll Event Interpretation Group
PAY_PAYROLL_TABLE_REC_EVENT Payroll Table Recordable Event Payroll Table Recordable Event
PAY_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD Personal Payment Method Personal Payment Method
PAY_PROVINCIAL_MEDICAL Provincial Medical Account Provincial Medical Account
PAY_RUN_TYPE Payroll Run Type Payroll Run Type
PAY_TIME_DEFINITION Payroll Time This holds information about period of time and its usage.
PAY_USER_DEFINED_TABLE HRMS User Defined Table HRMS User Defined Table
PAY_WORKERS_COMPENSATION Workers Compensation Workers Compensation
PA_AGREEMENT Project Customer Agreement Project Customer Agreement
PA_BILLING_EVENT Project Billing Event Project Billing Event
PA_BUDGET Project Budget Project Budget
PA_BURDEN_COST Project Burden Cost Project Burden Cost
PA_CAPITAL_ASSET Project Capital Asset Project Capital Asset
PA_CUSTOMER_INVOICE Project Customer Invoice Project Customer Invoice
PA_EXPENDITURE Project Expenditure Project Expenditure
PA_EXPENSE_RPT_COST Project Expense Report Cost Project Expense Report Cost
PA_FINANCIAL_TASK Project Financial Task Project Financial Task
PA_FORECAST Project Forecast Project Forecast
PA_IC_TRANSACTION Project Cross Charge Project Cross Charge
PA_INTERCOMPANY_INVOICE Project Intercompany Invoice Project Intercompany Invoice
PA_INTERPROJECT_INVOICE Project Interproject Invoice Project Interproject Invoice
PA_INVENTORY_COST Project Inventory Cost Project Inventory Cost
PA_INVOICE Project Invoice Project Invoice
PA_LABOR_COST Project Labor Cost Project Labor Cost
PA_MISCELLANEOUS_COST Project Miscellaneous Cost Project Miscellaneous Cost
PA_PAYABLE_INV_COST Project Supplier Cost Project Supplier Cost
PA_PERF_REPORTING Project Reporting Project Reporting
PA_PROJECT Project Project
PA_PROJ_COST Project Cost Project Cost
PA_PROJ_DELIVERABLE Project Deliverable Project Deliverable
PA_PROJ_FUNDING Project Funding Project Funding
PA_PROJ_PLANNING_RESOURCE Project Planning Resource Project Planning Resource
PA_PROJ_RESOURCE Project Resource Project Resource
PA_RES_BRK_DWN_STRUCT Project Resource Breakdown Structure Project Resource Breakdown Structure
PA_REVENUE Project Revenue Project Revenue
PA_TASK Project Task Project Task
PA_TASK_RESOURCE Project Task Resource Project Task Resource
PA_TOT_BURDENED_COST Project Total Burdened Cost Project Total Burdened Cost
PA_USAGE_COST Project Asset Usage Cost Project Asset Usage Cost
PA_WIP_COST Project Work in Process Cost Project Work in Process Cost
PA_WORKPLAN_TASK Project Workplan Task Project Workplan Task
PER_APPLICANT Applicant Applicant
PER_APPLICANT_ASG Applicant Assignment Applicant Assignment
PER_APPRAISAL Worker Appraisal Worker Appraisal
PER_APPRAISAL_PERIOD Appraisal Period It defines appraisal period information to be used within a performance plan.
PER_ASSESSMENT Worker Assessment Worker Assessment
PER_BF_BALANCE Third Party Payroll Balance Third Party Payroll Balance
PER_BF_PAYROLL_RESULTS Third Party Payroll Results Third Party Payroll Results
PER_CHECKLIST Person Task Checklist It is a checklist containing tasks which can be copied and the copy assigned to an Employee, Contingent Worker or Applicant, e.g. 'New Hire Checklist'.
PER_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT Collective Agreement Collective Agreement
PER_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_ITEM Collective Agreement Item Collective Agreement Item
PER_COMPETENCE Competence Competence
PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENT Competence Element Competence Element
PER_COMPETENCE_RATING_SCALE Competence Rating Scale Competence Rating Scale
PER_CONFIG_WORKBENCH HCM Configuration Workbench It manages enterprise structure configuration workbench wizard for setting up entities such as Locations, Business Groups, Jobs and Positions.
PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP Contact Relationship Contact Relationship
PER_CWK Contingent Worker Contingent Worker
PER_CWK_ASG Contingent Worker Assignment Contingent Worker Assignment
PER_CWK_RATE Contingent Worker Assignment Rate Contingent Worker Assignment Rate
PER_DISABILITY Disability Disability
PER_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD Documents of Record Documents of Record for an Employee, Contingent Worker, Applicant or Contact
PER_EMPLOYEE Employee Employee
PER_EMPLOYEE_ABSENCE Employee Absence Employee Absence
PER_EMPLOYEE_ASG Employee Assignment Employee Assignment
PER_EMPLOYMENT_CONTRACT Employment Contract Employment Contract
PER_ESTAB_ATTENDANCES Schools and Colleges Attended Schools and Colleges Attended
PER_EX-EMPLOYEE Ex-Employee Ex-Employee
PER_GENERIC_HIERARCHY Generic Hierarchy Generic Hierarchy
PER_GRADE Employee Grade Employee Grade
PER_JOB_GROUP Job Group Job Group
PER_MEDICAL_ASSESSMENT Medical Assessment Medical Assessment
PER_OBJECTIVE_LIBRARY Objectives Library A repository of reusable objectives that can be either created individually or imported from an external source.
PER_ORGANIZATION_HIERARCHY Organization Hierarchy Organization Hierarchy
PER_PERFORMANCE_REVIEW Employee Performance Review Employee Performance Review
PER_PERF_MGMT_PLAN Performance Management Plan It indicates the parameters of the performance management process, including the performance period, population and appraisal periods.
PER_PERSON HR Person HR Person
PER_PERSONAL_CONTACT Personal Contact Personal Contact
PER_PERSONAL_SCORECARD Person Scorecard One worker's objectives for a performance management plan, which provides a goal setting, performance review and scoring basis.
PER_PERSON_ADDRESS Person Address Person Address
PER_PHONE Phone Phone
PER_POSITION Position Position
PER_POSITION_HIERARCHY Position Hierarchy Position Hierarchy
PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYMENT Previous Employment Previous Employment
PER_QUALIFICATION Person Qualification Person Qualification
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY Recruitment Activity Recruitment Activity
PER_SALARY_PROPOSAL Salary Proposal Salary Proposal
PER_SALARY_SURVEY Salary Survey Salary Survey
PER_SCORECARD_SHARING Scorecard Access It holds the list of persons and access permissions for a scorecard for which the owner of the scorecard has granted access.
PER_SECURITY_PROFILE Security Profile Security Profile
PER_SUPPLEMENTARY_ROLE HR Supplementary Role HR Supplementary Role
PER_VACANCY Vacancy Vacancy
PER_VACANCY_REQUISITION Vacancy Requisition Vacancy Requisition
PER_WORK_COUNCIL_ELECTION Work Council Election Work Council Election
PER_WORK_INCIDENT Work Incident Work Incident
PN_CUSTOMER_SPACE_ASSIGNMENT Customer Space Assignment Customer Space Assignment
PN_EMPLOYEE_SPACE_ASSGNMENT Employee Space Assignment Employee Space Assignment
PN_PROPERTY Space A property or component of property, such as a building, land parcel, floor, or office.
PN_RECOVERABLE_EXPENSE Property Recoverable Expense Property Recoverable Expense
PN_VOLUME_HISTORY Variable Rent Volume History Variable Rent Volume History
PJM_INVENTORY Project Manufacturing Inventory Inventory tracked by project, when dealing with permanent and temporary transfers from one project to another, or from common inventory to project inventory.
PO_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Purchase Order Acknowledgement Purchase Order Acknowledgement
PO_ADVANCED_SHIP_NOTFN Advanced Shipment Notification Advanced Shipment Notification
PO_APPROVAL Purchase Order Approval Purchase Order Approval
PO_APPROVAL_HIERARCHY Purchase Order Approval Hierarchy Purchase Order Approval Hierarchy
PO_APPROVED_SUPPLIER_LIST Approved Supplier List Approved Supplier List
PO_ATTACHMENTS Procurement Attachments Procurement Attachments
PO_AUCTION Auction Auction
PO_AWARD Award Award
PO_BIDDING_ATTRIBUTES Bidding Attributes Bidding Attributes
PO_BLANKET_PURCHASE_AGREEMENT Blanket Purchase Agreement Blanket Purchase Agreement
PO_BLANKET_RELEASE Purchasing Blanket Release A blanket release is issued against a blanket purchase agreement to place the actual order.
PO_CLM_AWARD CLM Award A Contract Lifecycle Management Award document outlines the agreement between the government and a supplier to provide goods and services.
PO_CLM_IDV CLM Indefinite Delivery Vehicle A Contract Lifecycle Management Indefinite Delivery Vehicle identifies any undefined strategic requirement for goods and services over a specified period of time.
PO_CATALOG Purchasing Catalog Purchasing Catalog
PO_CATALOG_CATEGORY Purchasing Catalog Category Purchasing Catalog Category
PO_CHANGE Purchase Order Change Purchase Order Change
PO_CONSUMPTION_ADVICE Consigned Inventory Consumption Advice Release or Standard PO for Consigned Consumption
PO_CONTRACT Purchasing Contract Purchasing Contract
PO_CONTRACT_PURCHASE_AGREEMENT Contract Purchase Agreement Contract Purchase Agreement
PO_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE Purchasing Contract Template Purchasing Contract Template
PO_CONTRACT_TERM Purchasing Contract Term Purchasing Contract Term (Articles, Deliverables and Contract Documents)
PO_DOCUMENT_APPROVER Purchasing Document Approver Purchasing Document Approver
PO_EXPENSE_RECEIPT Expense Receipt Expense Receipt
PO_GLOBAL_BLANKET_AGREEMENT Global Blanket Purchase Agreement Global Blanket Purchase Agreement
PO_GLOBAL_CONTRACT_AGREEMENT Global Contract Purchase Agreement Global Contract Purchase Agreement
PO_GOODS_RECEIPT Goods Receipt Goods Receipt
PO_GOODS_RETURN Goods Return Goods Return
PO_INTERNAL_REQUISITION Internal Requisition Internal Requisition
PO_NEGOTIATION Sourcing Negotiation Sourcing Negotiation
PO_PLANNED_PURCHASE_ORDER Planned Purchase Order Planned Purchase Order
PO_PLANNED_RELEASE Planned PO Release Planned PO Release
PO_PRICE_BREAKS Sourcing Price Break Sourcing Price Break
PO_PRICE_DIFFERENTIAL Purchasing Price Differential Purchasing Price Differential holds the price differentials for the rate based lines for requisition lines, PO lines or Blanket pricebreaks based on the entity type.
PO_PRICE_ELEMENTS Sourcing Price Element Sourcing Price Element
PO_PURCHASE_REQUISITION Purchase Requisition Purchase Requisition
PO_QUOTE Sourcing Quote Sourcing Quote
PO_RECEIPT_CORRECTION Receipt Correction Receipt Correction
PO_RECEIPT_TRAVELER Receipt Traveler Receipt Traveler
PO_REQUISITION_APPROVAL Requisition Approval Requisition Approval
PO_REQ_APPROVAL_HIERARCHY Requisition Approval Hierarchy Requisition Approval Hierarchy
PO_RFI Request for Information Request for Information
PO_RFQ Request for Quotation Request for Quotation
PO_SERVICES_RECEIPTS Services Receipt Services Receipt
PO_SHIPMENT_AND_BILLING_NOTICE Shipment / Billing Notice Shipment / Billing Notice
PO_SOURCING_BID Sourcing Bid Sourcing Bid
PO_SOURCING_RULES Sourcing Rule Sourcing Rule
PO_SOURCING_RULE_ASSIGNMENTS Sourcing Rule Assignment Sourcing Rule Assignment
PO_STANDARD_PURCHASE_ORDER Standard Purchase Order Standard Purchase Order
PO_SUPPLIER_BANK_ACCOUNT Supplier Bank Account Supplier Bank Account
PQH_ADDITIONAL_SECOND_PENSION Additional Second Pension Additional Second Pension
PQH_DEFAULT_HR_BUDGET_SET Default HR Budget Set Default HR Budget Set
PQH_EMEA_SENIORITY_SITUATION European Seniority Situation European Seniority Situation
PQH_EMPLOYEE_ACCOMMODATION Employee Accommodation Employee Accommodation
PQH_EMPLOYER_ACCOMMODATION Employer Provided Accommodation Employer Provided Accommodation
PQH_FR_SERVICES_VALIDATION French Services Validation French Services Validation
PQH_FR_STATUTORY_SITUATION French Statutory Situation French Statutory Situation
PQH_GLOBAL_PAY_SCALE Global Pay Scale Global Pay Scale
PQH_POS_CTRL_BUSINESS_RULE Position Control Business Rule Position Control Business Rule
PQH_POS_CTRL_ROUTING Position Control Routing Position Control Routing
PQH_POS_CTRL_TRANS_TEMPLATE Position Control Transaction Template Position Control Transaction Template
PQH_RBC_RATE_MATRIX Person Eligibility Criteria Rates Matrix Rate Matrix stores different criteria value combinations and the rate a person is eligible for if the person's value matches the criteria values.
PQH_REMUNERATION_REGULATION Remuneration Regulation Remuneration Regulation
PQH_WORKPLACE_VALIDATION Workplace Validation Process Workplace Validation
PQP_PENSION_AND_SAVING_TYPE Pension and Saving Type Pension and Saving Type
PQP_VEHICLE_ALLOCATION Vehicle Allocation Vehicle Allocation
PQP_VEHICLE_REPOSITORY Vehicle Repository Vehicle Repository
PRP_PROPOSAL Sales Proposal Sales Proposal
PSP_EFF_REPORT_DETAILS Employee Effort Report It summarizes employee's labor distributions over a period of time. It is used to ensure accurate disbursement of labor charges to comply with Office of Management and Budget Guidelines.
PV_OPPORTUNITY Partner Opportunity Assignment It supports the assignment of indirect opportunities to partners.
PV_PARTNER_PROFILE Partner Profiling It is the extensible attribute model used to capture additional information about a partner and their contacts.
PV_PROGRAM Partner Program Management It represents the partner program management framework which includes the creation/maintenance of partner programs and the associated partner enrollments/memberships into those programs.
PV_REFERRAL Partner Business Referral Partner creates referrals to refer business to vendor. If referral results in a sale, the partner gets compensated. Partner register deals with vendor for non-competition purposes.
QA_PLAN Quality Collection Plan Quality Collection Plan
QA_RESULT Quality Result It indicates collection plan result data collected directly, through transactions or collection import.
QA_SPEC Quality Specification A requirement for a characteristic for an item or item category specific to a customer or supplier.
QOT_QUOTE Sales Quote Sales Quote
QP_PRICE_FORMULA Price Formula Price Formula
QP_PRICE_LIST Price List Price List
QP_PRICE_MODIFIER Price Modifier Price Modifier
QP_PRICE_QUALIFIER Price Qualifier Price Qualifier
REPAIR_ORDER Repair Order Repair Order
RLM_CUM Supplier Shipment Accumulation It is used to track the total shipments made by the supplier for a particular customer item, based on CUM management setup.
RLM_SCHEDULE Customer Demand Schedule It refers to customers production material release.
RRS_SITE Site It indicates the spatial location of an actual or planned structure or set of structures (as a building, business park, communication tower, highway or monument).
SOA_DIAGNOSTICS Diagnostics for Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Diagnostics for Oracle E-Business Suite integrated SOA Gateway
UMX_ACCT_REG_REQUESTS User Account Request It represents requests made for user accounts, needed to gain system access.
UMX_ROLE Security Role It represents a set of permissions in the security system. Roles are assigned to users and can be defined in role inheritance hierarchies. A Responsibility is a special type of role.
UMX_ROLE_REG_REQUESTS Security Role Request It represents requests made for roles (as defined in the security system) to gain access to a secured part of the system.
WF_APPROVALS_SERVICES Approvals Data Services It provides services that can be invoked by a client application to retrieve Oracle Workflow approvals summary details and perform approval actions.
WF_ENGINE Workflow Item It indicates a workflow Item including processes, functions, notifications and event activities.
WF_EVENT Business Event Business Event
WF_NOTIFICATION Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
WF_USER Workflow Directory User Workflow Directory User
WF_WORKLIST Workflow Worklist Content Approve workflow entities (Expense Reports, PO Request, HR Offer, HR Vacancy)
WIP_ACCOUNTING_CLASS WIP Accounting Class WIP Accounting Class
WIP_COMPLETION_TRANSACTION WIP Assembly Completion Business Entity for Assembly Completion in WIP
WIP_EMPLOYEE_LABOR_RATE WIP Employee Labor Rate WIP Employee Labor Rate
WIP_MATERIAL_TRANSACTION WIP Material Transaction Business Entity for Material Transaction in WIP
WIP_MOVE_TRANSACTION WIP Shopfloor Move WIP Shopfloor Move
WIP_PARAMETER Work in Process Setup Work in Process Setup
WIP_PRODUCTION_LINE Production Line Production Line
WIP_REPETITIVE_SCHEDULE Repetitive Schedule Repetitive Schedule
WIP_RESOURCE_TRANSACTION WIP Resource Process Flow WIP Resource Transaction
WIP_SCHEDULE_GROUP WIP Schedule Group WIP Schedule Group
WIP_SHOPFLOOR_STATUS Shopfloor Status Shopfloor Status
WIP_WORK_ORDER Work Order Job/Work Order
WMS_CONTAINER Warehouse Management License Plate Warehouse Container and License Plate Management
WMS_DEVICE_CONFIRMATION_PUB Dispatch Task It contains status update for dispatch task. For example, an ASRS task, a Carousel task, a Pick to Light system task.
WMS_DEVICE_INTEGRATION Warehouse Device Warehouse Device
WMS_EPC_PUB Electronic Product Code It stores Electronic Product Codes such as GTIN, GID, SSCC, etc.
WMS_INSTALL Warehouse Management System Installation Check This API has two purposes:
  • This API checks if WMS product is installed in the system, without which some flags are hidden on forms.

  • The API also returns if an organization is wms enabled.

WMS_LABEL Label Printing It holds information to support the printing of shipping, package, container, item and serial labels.
WMS_LICENSE_PLATE License Plate It is an identifier of a container instance used by shipping, warehouse management and shop floor management.
WMS_RFID_DEVICE Warehouse Management Radio Frequency Identification Warehouse Management Radio Frequency Identification Integration
WMS_SHIPPING_TRANSACTION Warehouse Management Shipping Transaction Warehouse Management truck loading and shipping
WSH_CONTAINER_PUB Container Vessel in which goods and material are packed for shipment.
WSH_DELIVERY Delivery Group of Shipment Lines
WSH_DELIVERY_LINE Delivery Line Shipment Line
WSH_EXCEPTIONS_PUB Shipping Exception Exceptions automatically logged for Shipping Entities such as Change Quantity, Cancel Shipment in OM, etc. Exception behavior defined as "Error", "Warning" or "Information Only".
WSH_FREIGHT_COSTS_PUB Freight Costs The cost of transportation services for the Shipper. For example, amount Shipper will pay carrier for transportation services.
WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PUB Pick Release The process of releasing delivery lines to warehouse for allocation and picking.
WSH_TRIP Trip It describes a planned or historical departure of shipment from a location.
WSH_TRIP_STOPS_PUB Trip Stop The physical location through which a Trip will pass where goods are either dropped off or picked up.
WSM_INV_LOT_TXN Inventory Lot Transaction Lot based Inventory Transactions
WSM_LOT_BASED_JOB Lot Based Job Lot Based Job / WIP Lot
WSM_LOT_MOVE_TXN Lot Move Transaction Lot based jobs shopfloor move transactions
WSM_WIP_LOT_TXN WIP Lot Transaction Lot based WIP transactions
XDP_SERVICE_ORDER Service Fulfillment Order An order for one or more services, which need to be provisioned by Service Fulfillment Manager. The provisioning of these services often involve systems outside Oracle E-Business Suite.
XLA_JOURNAL_ENTRY Subledger Accounting Journal Entry Subledger Accounting Journal Entry comprising of a Header, Line and Distribution
XNB_ADD_BILLSUMMARY Bill Summary Processing This is used for inserting, creating, or populating new Bill Summary records into Oracle E-Business Suite from external Billing systems.
XNB_ADD_GROUPSALESORDER Billing System Sales Order Lines Group All the Sales order lines information is generated as one XML Message and published to third party billing application.
XNB_ADD_SALESORDER Billing System Sales Order Addition Sales order information is generated as XML Message and published to third party billing application.
XNB_SYNC_ACCOUNT Billing System Customer Account Synchronization An account information is generated as XML Message and published to third party billing application.
XNB_SYNC_ITEM Billing System Inventory Item Synchronization Catalog information is generated as XML Message and published to third party billing application.
XTR_BANK_BALANCE Bank Account Balance Bank Account Balance
XTR_DEAL_DATA Treasury Deal Treasury Deal
XTR_MARKET_DATA Market Rate Financial Market Rates Data
XTR_PAYMENT XTR Payment Treasury Payment represents the payments that are being made.
ZX_DATA_UPLOAD Imported Tax Content This entity code is used in all the programs of Oracle E-Business Suite Tax Content Upload Request Set.

Example: Create Customer

_*This interface creates a customer. It calls the
_*customer hub API that creates a 'party' to create a
_*party of type 'customer'.
_*@rep:scope public
_*@rep:product OM
_*@rep:displayname Create Customer
_*@rep:lifecycle active
_*@rep:compatibility S

Composite Service - BPEL Annotation Guidelines

This section describes what you should know about Integration Repository annotations for Composite Services - BPEL.

Annotating Composite Services - BPEL

Annotations for Composite Services - BPEL - Syntax

The annotations for composite services - BPEL are:

          * This is a bpel file for creating invoice.
          * @rep:scope public
          * @rep:displayname Create Invoice
          * @rep:lifecycle active
          * @rep:product inv
          * @rep:compatibility S
          * @rep:interface oracle.apps.inv.CreateInvoice
          * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY INVOICE_CREATION

Refer to General Guidelines for Annotations in Integration Repository for details of element definitions.

Required Annotations

Follow the links below to view syntax and usage of each annotation.

Optional Annotations


You can use the following template when annotating composite - BPEL files:

  * <Put your long bpel process description here
  * it can span multiple lines>
  * @rep:scope <scope>
  * @rep:displayname <display name>
  * @rep:lifecycle <lifecycle>
  * @rep:product <product or pseudoproduct short code>
  * @rep:compatibility <compatibility code>
  * @rep:interface <oracle.apps.[product_code].[bpel_process_name]>
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY <entity name>


Here is an example of an annotated composite - BPEL file:

Oracle JDeveloper BPEL Designer 
  Created: Tue Oct 30 17:10:13 IST 2007
  Author:  <username>
  Purpose: Synchronous BPEL Process
  * This is a bpel file for creating invoice.
  * @rep:scope public
  * @rep:displayname Create Invoice
  * @rep:lifecycle active
  * @rep:product PO 
  * @rep:compatibility S
  * @rep:interface oracle.apps.po.CreateInvoice
  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY INVOICE 

<process name="CreateInvoice">

      List of services participating in this BPEL process  
                The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is 
      used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
      with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
    <partnerLink name="client" partnerLinkType="client:CreateInvoice"
    <partnerLink name="CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895"
    <parnterLink name="ReadPayload" partnerRole="SynchRead_role"
      List of messages and XML documents used within this BPEL process  
<!--Reference to the message passed as input during initiation-->
         <variable name="inputVariable"
<!--Reference to the message that will be returned to the requester-->
    <variable name="outputVariable"
    <variable name="Invoke_1_CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895_InputVariable"
    <variable name="Invoke_1_CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895_OutputVariable"
    <variable name="Invoke_2_SynchRead_InputVariable"
    <variable name="Invoke_2_SynchRead_OutputVariable"
ORCHESTRATION LOGIC                                               
     Set of activities coordinating the flow of messages across the    
     services integrated within this business process 
<sequence name="main">
    <!--Receive input from requestor. (Note: This maps to operation defined in CreateInvoice.wsdl)-->
         <receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client"
             portType="client:CreateInvoice" operation="process"
             variable="inputVariable" createInstance="yes"/>
    <!--Generate reply to synchronous request-->
    <assign name="SetHeader">
        <from expression="''operations'">
        <to variable="Invoke_1_CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895_InputVariable"
        <from expression="''Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)'">
        <to variable="Invoke_1_CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895_InputVariable"
        <from expression="''204'">
        <to variable="Invoke_1_CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895_InputVariable"
        <from expression="''Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)'">
        <to variable="Invoke_1_CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895_InputVariable"
   <invoke name="InvokeReadPayload" partnerLink="ReadPayload"
            portType="ns4:SynchRead_ptt" operation="SynchRead"
   <assign name="SetPayload">
        <from variable="Invoke_2_SynchRead_OutputVariable"
              part="InputParameters" query="/ns3:InputParameters"/>
        part="body" query="/ns1:SOARequest/ns3:InputParameters"/>
   <assign name="SetDate">
        <from expression="xp20:current-date()">
        <to to variable="Invoke_1_CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895_InputVariable"
   <invoke name="Invoke_1" partnerLink="CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895"
   <assign name="AssignResult">
        <from variable="Invoke_1_CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_1037895_OutputVariable"
        <to variable="outputVariable" part="payload"
   <reply name="replyOutput" partnerLink="client"
           portType="client:CreateInvoice" operation="process"

Glossary of Annotations

This section includes a list of currently supported annotation types and details about their recommended use.

The following table describes the annotation information for <description sentence(s)>:

<description sentence(s)>
Annotation Type <description sentence(s)>
Syntax Does not require a tag.
Usage Defines a user-friendly description of what the interface or method does.
Start the description with a summary sentence that begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. Do not use all capitals) and do not capitalize words that are not proper nouns.
An example of a good beginning sentence could be as follows:
"The Purchase Order Data Object holds the purchase order data including nested data objects such as lines and shipments."
In general, a good description has multiple sentences and would be easily understood by a potential customer. An exception to the multiple sentence rule is cases where the package-level description provides detailed context information and the associated method-level descriptions can therefore be more brief (to avoid repetitiveness).
A bad example would be: "Create an order."
This description is barely usable. A better one would be:
"Use this package to create a customer order, specifying header and line information."
You can use the <br> tag for forcing a new line in description. The following is an example on how to force a new line in the description:
The following is an example on how to force a new line in the description:
FEM_BUDGETS_ATTR_T is an interface table for loading and updating Budget attribute assignments using the Dimension Member Loader. <br> These attribute assignments are properties that further describe each Budget. <br> When loading Budgets using the Dimension Member Loader, identify each new member in the FEM_BUDGETS_B_T table while providing an assignment row for each required attribute in the FEM_BUDGETS_ATTR_T table.
 * This is a sample description. Use 
 * standard English capitalization and 
 * punctuation. Write descriptions
 * carefully.
Required Required for all interfaces that have @rep:scope public.
Default If not set, the value is defaulted from the Javadoc or PL/SQL Doc of the interface or method.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per each program element (class or method).
Comments Optionally, you can use the following HTML tags in your descriptions:

<pre> for multiple code samples (should be enclosed by <code> tags)

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:scope:

Annotation Type @rep:scope
Syntax @rep:scope public | private | internal
Usage Indicates where to publish the interface, if at all.
Example @rep:scope public means publish everywhere.

Note: Public interfaces are displayed on the customer-facing UI.

@rep:scope private means that this interface is published to the Integration Repository but restricted for use by the owning team.
@rep:scope internal means publish within the company.
Required Required for all interfaces.
Default None.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per each program element (class or method).

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:product:

Annotation Type @rep:product
Syntax @rep:product StringShortCode
Usage Specifies the product shortname of the interface.
Example @rep:product PO
Required Required for all interfaces.
Default None.
Level Interface (class) only.
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per interface.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:implementation:

Annotation Type @rep:implementation
Syntax @rep:implementation StringClassName
Usage Specifies the implementation class name of the interface.
Example @rep:implementation oracle.apps.po.server.PurchaseOrdersAmImpl
Required Required for Java only.
Default None.
Level Interface (class).
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per interface.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:displayname:

Annotation Type @rep:displayname
Syntax @rep:displayname StringName
Usage Defines a user-friendly name for the interface.
Example @rep:displayname Purchase Order Summary
Required Required for all interfaces that have @rep:scope public.
Default None.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per each program element (class or method).
Comments Display Name Guidelines
These guidelines apply to display names for all technologies (interfaces, classes, methods, parameters, XMLG maps, and so on).
Display names must meet the following criteria:
  • Be mixed case. Do not use all capitals or all lower case.

  • Be singular rather than plural. For example, use "Customer" instead of "Customers".

  • Be fully qualified and representative of your business area.

  • Not have underscores (_).

  • Not end with a period (.).

  • Not be the same as the internal name.

  • Not begin with a product code or product name.

  • Not contain obvious redundancies such as "Package", "API", or "APIs". As you write your display names, do consider the UI where the display name will be seen.

For example, use 'Promise Activity' as the display name, instead of IEX_PROMISES_PUB. The reason is that IEX_PROMISES_PUB contains underscores and is the same as the internal name.
Use 'Process Activity' as the display name, instead of 'Workflow Process Activity APIs'. This is because it begins with a product name and ends with "APIs".

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:lifecycle:

Annotation Type @rep:lifecycle
Syntax @rep:lifecycle active | deprecated | obsolete | planned
Usage Indicates the lifecycle phase of the interface.
Example @rep:lifecycle active means the interface is active.
@rep:lifecycle deprecated means the interface has been deprecated.
@rep:lifecycle obsolete means the interface is obsolete and must not be used.
@rep:lifecycle planned means the interface is planned for a future release. This is used for prototypes and mockups.
Required Optional.
Default The default value is active.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per each program element (class or method).
Comments The parsers will validate that this annotation is in sync with the "@deprecated" Javadoc annotation.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:compatibility:

Annotation Type @rep:compatibility
Syntax @rep:compatibility S | N
Usage S indicates the lifecycle phase of the interface.
N indicates that backward compatibility is not assured.
Example @rep:compatibility S
Required Optional.
Default Conditional. The value is defaulted to S for @rep:scope public. Otherwise, the value is defaulted to N.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per each program element (class or method).

The following table describes the annotation information for @link:

Annotation Type @link

Note: This is supported only for a destination of Java.

Syntax {@link package.class#member label}
Usage Provides a link to another interface or method.
Example {@link #setAmounts(int,int,int,int) Set Amounts}
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed Yes.
Comments This is the standard Javadoc "@link" annotation, where the linked items are embedded as hyperlinks in the description that displays in the UI.
Take note of the following rules: Public APIs must not link to private or internal APIs. @link annotations must not link to documents that are not accessible by the Integration Repository viewer.

The following table describes the annotation information for @see:

Annotation Type @see
Syntax @see StringLocator
Usage Provides a link to another interface or method.
Example @see #setAmounts(int,int,int,int)
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed Yes.
Comments This is the standard Javadoc "@see" annotation.
The linked items will display on the UI under a "See Also" heading.
Usage in PL/SQL Code: @see package#procedure

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:ihelp:

Annotation Type @rep:ihelp
Syntax When used as a separate child annotation on a single line:
@rep:ihelp <product_shortname>/@<help_target>#<help_target> <link_text>
When used as an inline annotation, add curly braces:
{@rep:ihelp <product_shortname>/@<help_target>#<help_target> <link_text>}
Usage Provides a link to an existing HTML online help page.
product_shortname is the product short name.
help_target is the help target that was manually embedded in the file by the technical writer, such as, "jtfaccsum_jsp," "aolpo," "overview," "ast_aboutcollateral".
For more information on how to customize Oracle E-Business Suite help, see Setting Up Oracle E-Business Suite Help, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.
Example @rep:ihelp #setAmounts(int,int,int,int)
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed Yes.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:metalink:

Annotation Type @rep:metalink
Syntax When used as a separate child annotation on a single line:
@rep:metalink <bulletin_number> <link_text>
When used as an inline annotation, add curly braces:
{@rep:metalink <bulletin_number> <link_text>}
Usage Provides a link to an existing My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) Knowledge Document.
Example @rep:metalink 123456.1 See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 123456.1
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Interface (class) and API (method).
Multiple Allowed Yes.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:category:

Annotation Type @rep:category



  • Specifies the business category of the interface.

  • Indicates a Java API as a serviceable interface.

  • Indicates an Application Module class as a serviceable interface.


    PO_PLANNED_PURCHASE_ORDER is your business entity code and your display name for example could be "Planned Purchase Order".


    "Java Bean Services" can be displayed as a subtype of a Java API.


    "Application Module Services" can be displayed as a subtype of a Java API.

See Business Entity Annotation Guidelines for additional details.
  • BUSINESS_ENTITY is mandatory for all interfaces. If the methods belonging to a class ALL have the same business entity, you only need to annotate the class. However, if the methods belonging to a class have heterogeneous business entities, then you have to annotate each of the methods appropriately.

  • IREP_CLASS_SUBTYPE JAVA_BEAN_SERVICES annotation is mandatory for a Java interface that needs to be identified as a serviceable Java API.

  • IREP_CLASS_SUBTYPE AM_SERVICES annotation is mandatory for an Application Module that needs to be identified as a serviceable API.

Default None
Level BUSINESS_ENTITY is applicable for both class level and method level. However, JAVA_BEAN_SERVICES and AM_SERVICES are applicable only for class level.
Multiple Allowed Yes.
Comments You are encouraged to use the rep:category annotation liberally in your code.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:usestable:

Annotation Type @rep:usestable
Syntax @rep:usestable <table or view name> <sequence> <direction flag>
Usage Used when annotating concurrent programs to identify associated open interface tables or open interface views.
<table or view name> is the name of the table or view.
<sequence> is an integer used to tell the UI the display order of the different pieces. By convention, in the rep:category OPEN_INTERFACE annotation, you will have used 1 for the concurrent program. Here in the rep:usestable annotations, order the input tables: list primary (header) tables before detail (lines) tables. Finally, put any output views or tables at the end of the sequence.
<direction flag> is optional and specifies one of the following: IN (default), OUT, or BOTH.
Example @rep:usestable SampleTable 3 IN
Required Only if the concurrent program is part of an open interface.
Default None.
Level Interface.
Multiple Allowed Yes.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:standard:

Annotation Type @rep:standard
Syntax @rep:standard StringType StringVersionNumber StringSpecName
In the following example @rep:standard OAG 7.2 Process_PO_001 StringType is OAG, StringVersionNumber is 7.2 and StringSpecName is Process_PO_001
See Annotation Syntax for details about this annotation's syntax.
Usage Specifies the business standard name. This annotation is reserved for where Oracle is compliant with industry standards.
Example In the example @rep:standard RosettaNet 02.02.00 'Pip3B12-Shipping Order Confirmation, the StringSpecName is enclosed in Single Quotes because the spec name has empty spaces. It is not necessary to have these quotes if the StringSpecName does not have any empty spaces like the following example @rep:standard RosettaNet 02.02.00 Pip3B12-PurchaseOrderConfirmation.
Required Optional.
Default Methods default to the value set on the class.
Level Documents and data rows.
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per each program element (class or method).

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:httpverb:

Annotation Type @rep:httpverb
Syntax @rep:httpverb <HTTP_Method_Types>
Use a comma separated list of the HTTP verbs (GET and POST) at the method level.

Note: GET and POST are the supported HTTP methods for Java Bean Services and Application Module Services in this release.

Usage Use this annotation to indicate the HTTP Verbs suitable for the current method or operation.
If a method is not annotated with POST httpverb, the POST check box is still active by default in the selected interface details page. This allows an integration administrator to select the POST verb for that method if needed before service deployment. However, unlike the POST HTTP verb, if a method is not annotated with GET httpverb, then the GET check box becomes inactive or disabled for that method. This means that method will not be exposed as REST service with GET operation.
This annotation is available for Java files only.
Example The comma separate list can be used in the following ways:
@rep:httpverb get
@rep:httpverb post
@rep:httpverb get, post
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Method level
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per method.
Comments Use this annotation to optimize the HTTP method such as GET and POST.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:interface:

Annotation Type @rep:interface
Syntax @rep:interface StringClassName where the StringClassName syntax is transactiontype:subtype. Refer to the example below.
Usage Specifies the interface name for technologies where parsing tools can't easily introspect the interface name.
Example The StringClassName is always transactiontype:subtype
@rep:interface PO:POC
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Interface only.
Multiple Allowed No. Use only one per interface.
Comments Used in technologies where there isn't a strong native definition of the interface, such as XML Gateway and e-Commerce Gateway

The following table describes the annotation information for @param:

Annotation Type @param
Syntax @param paramName paramDescription
Ensure that all parameters have descriptions and the parameter names must not contain spaces.
Usage Specifies the name and description of a method, procedure, or function parameter (IN, OUT, or both).
Example @param PONumber The purchase order number.
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Methods, procedures and functions.
Multiple Allowed Yes.
Comments For convenience, Java annotations are also supported.

The following table describes the annotation information for @return:

Annotation Type @return
Syntax @return StringDescription
Usage Specifies the description of a method or function return parameter.
Example @return The purchase order status.
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Methods, procedures and functions.
Multiple Allowed Yes.
Comments For convenience, Java annotations are also supported.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:paraminfo:

Annotation Type @rep:paraminfo
Syntax @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype typeName} {@rep:precision value} {@rep:required} {@rep:key_param}
Usage rep:paraminfo
The rep:paraminfo annotation must come immediately in the line following the parameter's @param or @return annotation it is describing.
Optional inline annotation to describe the inner type of generic objects such as collections.
Optional inline annotation to specify the parameter precision. Used for Strings and numbers.
Optional inline annotation to indicate that a not null must be supplied. This is only needed for non-PL/SQL technologies.
Optional inline annotation to define a parameter as a key parameter or path variable for REST services. It is applicable for Java or Application Module methods. If this annotation is used, then rep:required must be present. Additionally, this annotation is not applicable to rep:paraminfo after @return annotation.
 * Gets the price for a purchase order line item.
 * @param poNumber purchase order unique identifier
 * @paraminfo {@rep:precision 10} {@rep:required} {@rep:key_param}
 * @param lineNumber purchase order line unique identifier
 * @paraminfo {@rep:precision 10} {@rep:required}
 * @return the item price for the given purchase order line
 * @paraminfo {@rep:precision 10}
 * @rep:scope public
 * @rep:displayname Get Purchase Order Line Item Price
public Number getItemPrice(Number poNumber, Number lineNumber); 
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Methods only.
Multiple Allowed Yes. Multiple values can be assigned for different parameters.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:businessevent:

Annotation Type @rep:businessevent
Syntax @rep:businessevent BusinessEvent
Usage Indicates the name of the business event raised by this method.
Example @rep:businessevent
Required Optional.
Default Defaulted in file types where the business event can be derived.
Level Methods only.
Multiple Allowed Yes.
Comments Make sure to use this annotation at every instance where you raise a business event. Note that business events themselves do not require an annotation.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:direction:

Annotation Type @rep:direction
Syntax @rep:direction <OUT | IN>
Usage Indicates whether the interface is outbound or inbound.
Example @rep:direction OUT
Required Required for EDI and XML Gateway annotations only.
Default None.
Level Interface.
Multiple Allowed No.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:service:

Annotation Type @rep:service
Syntax @rep:service
Usage Indicates that a Java file is a business service object (BSO).
Use this tag as it is in your Java file. Refer to the Example section below. It takes no parameters.
* The Purchase Order service lets you to view, update, acknowledge and
* approve purchase orders. It also lets you receive items, and obtain
* pricing by line item.
* @see oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderSDO
* @see oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementsSDO
* @see oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderReceiptsSDO
* @rep:scope public
* @rep:displayname Purchase Order Service
* @rep:implementation oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.server.PurchaseOrderSAMImpl
* @rep:product PO
* @rep:service 
Required Required for Business Service Objects.
Default None.
Level Class.
Multiple Allowed No.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:servicedoc:

Annotation Type @rep:servicedoc
Syntax @rep:servicedoc
Usage Indicates that a Java file is an SDO (as opposed to a normal Java API). Use this tag as is in your java file. Refer to the example section below. It takes no parameters.
* The Purchase Order Data Object holds the purchase order data including
* nested data objects such as lines and shipments.
* @see oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.PurchaseOrderLineSDO
* @rep:scope public
* @rep:displayname Purchase Order Data Object
* @rep:product PO
* @rep:servicedoc
Required Required for Service Data Objects.
Default None.
Level Class.
Multiple Allowed No.
Comments Developers do not need to enter this annotation because it is automatically generated.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:synchronicity:

Annotation Type @rep:synchronicity
Syntax @rep:synchronicity <SYNCH or ASYNCH>
Usage Specifies synchronous or asynchronous behavior.
Example @rep:synchronicity SYNCH
Required Optional.
Default Is defaulted based on module type. For example, ASYNCH for XML Gateway and SYNCH for Business Service Object.
Level Class or method.
Multiple Allowed No.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:appscontext:

Annotation Type @rep:appscontext
Syntax @rep:appscontext <NONE, APPL, RESP, USER, NLS, or ORG>
Usage Specifies the context required to execute the method.
Example @rep:appscontext USER
Required Optional.
Default NONE
Level Method.
Multiple Allowed No, only one allowed per method.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:comment:

Annotation Type @rep:comment
Syntax @rep:comment <comment>
Usage This annotation is skipped by the parsers. It is for use by product teams when a non-published comment is desired.
Example @rep:comment This is a sample comment.
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Any.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:primaryinstance:

Annotation Type @rep:primaryinstance
Syntax @rep:primaryinstance
Usage To indicate the primary instance of an overloaded method or procedure.
Required Required for all overloaded methods and procedures.
Default None.
Level Method or procedure.
Multiple Allowed No.
Comments The primary instance's display name and description will be used in the browser UI when a list of methods is displayed. The non-primary instances (such as, the overloads) should have descriptions that emphasize how they differ from the primary (such as, "This variant allows specification of the org_id."). The non-primary display names and descriptions will only be displayed when viewing the details of the overloaded interface.

The following table describes the annotation information for @rep:usesmap:

Annotation Type @rep:usesmap
Syntax @rep:usesmap <map_name> <sequence_number>
Usage To indicate the E-Commerce Gateway maps that are associated with a concurrent program.
<map_name> where map_name is the default map name.
<sequence_number> is an integer used to tell the UI the display order of the different pieces.
Example @rep:usesemap SampleMap 2
Required Optional.
Default None.
Level Any.
Multiple Allowed Yes.
Comments The default map name has the following naming convention “EC_XXXX_FF” where XXXX is the 4-letter acronym for your transaction.