Monitoring and Managing SOAP Messages Using SOA Monitor

This chapter covers the following topics:

SOA Monitor Overview

SOA Monitor is a centralized, light-weight service execution monitoring and management tool. It not only monitors all the web service activities that SOA Provider and Web Service Provider process, but also provides auditing records for the service execution details if the auditing feature is enabled.

Note: Only SOAP services are monitored and audited through SOA Monitor. Runtime REST service monitoring and auditing features are not supported in this release.

For the monitoring purpose, SOA Monitor stores basic information about a service execution for all the services such as instance ID, integration interface details, SOAP header, start date, end date, status and so on. Please note that it does not store SOAP request and response payloads unless the auditing feature is turned on.

When the auditing feature is enabled, SOA Monitor then saves SOAP request and response payloads, fault messages, and attachments if they are available for an instance. This auditing feature provides additional audit trails for integration repository administrators to quickly retrieve service execution details as well as identify errors or exceptions if occur.

Important: To enable the SOA Monitor auditing feature, you must set the profile option "SOA: Web Service Audit".

In this release, SOA Monitor is a permanent monitor tool and it is enabled at all times to monitor all web services.

Accessing SOA Monitor

To access SOA Monitor, log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Repository Administrator role.

Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility from the navigation menu and then select SOA Monitor link from the Administration section. This opens the SOA Monitor Search page under the Administration tab.

Note: Only users who have the Integration Repository Administrator role can find the Administration section available after logging on to Oracle E-Business Suite with the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility. All administrative tasks performed outside the Integration Repository user interface are now grouped under the Administration section and displayed in the Administration tab. These tasks include managing log setups in the Log subtab and managing SOAP requests in the SOA Monitor subtab.

Monitor Search Page

the picture is described in the document text

Integration repository administrators can perform the following activities through SOA Monitor:

Searching SOAP Requests

In the Search region, you can perform searches on SOAP requests processed through SOA Provider based on the criteria you specified.

SOA Monitor allows you to search SOAP requests by instance ID, interaction architecture, request status, web service name, operation name, and request received time.

The Request Received time can be selected from the list of values. Its value can be 'Any Time', 'Last 2 Weeks', 'Last 30 Days', 'Last 60 Days', 'Last 90 Days', 'This Week', and 'Today'.

Note: All the list of value selections from the Request Received field will include the requests received day of Today except 'Any Time'. For example, 'This Week' means the last 7 days inclusive of today the requests have been received, and 'Last 30 Days' means the last 30 days inclusive of today the requests have been received.

'Any Time' means a blind search of requests received regardless of the Request Received date. If this field is left blank, then 'This Week' is the default value for the Request Received time.

You can optionally enter more search criteria including username, IP address, and a selected time frame for your search if clicking the Show More Search Options link in the Search region.

When the search is executed, all entries that match your search criteria will be retrieved and displayed in a tabular format. This information includes the instance ID, web service name, operation name, date and time the request was received and responded, username, IP address, and request and response statuses.

If log messages are available for an instance, the Log icon is enabled in the result table allowing you to view the log messages.

From the search result page, you can perform the following tasks:

To perform a search:

  1. Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Repository Administrator role. Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility. From the navigation menu, select the SOA Monitor link from the Administration section to open the Monitor Search page.

  2. In the Search region, enter appropriate search criteria including instance ID, interaction architecture, request status, web service name, operation name, and request received time for your search. Click Go to execute your search.

  3. Optionally, enter more search criteria by clicking the Show More Search Options link to enter the following information:

    • From: Enter an appropriate search start date.

    • To: Enter an appropriate search end date.

    • Username: Search and select an appropriate username.

    • IP Address: Select an appropriate value from the list of values.

    Click Go to execute your search.

  4. All SOAP requests that match your search criteria appear.

  5. Click the Details icon for a given instance ID to view the Request and Response details.

  6. Click the Log icon if logs are available for a given instance ID to view log details.

  7. Click Purge to purge SOAP requests and responses, audits, as well as log messages collected for certain period of time.

Viewing SOAP Request and Response Details

After executing a search, all SOAP messages that match your criteria will be retrieved. You can view the SOAP request and response details by clicking the Details icon for a given instance ID listed in the search result table. The Request and Response Details page appears.

SOAP Request and Response Details Page

the picture is described in the document text

General SOAP request heading is displayed at the top of the page. This header information includes Web service name, operation name, interaction architecture, host IP address, username, responsibility, NLS language, security group name, execution time, and whether the request is audited or not.

By clicking the Web Service Name link launches the interface details page for the service in Integration Repository. This lets you view the integration interface and service in details if you want.

In addition to the general header, the following regions are displayed in the details page:

To view SOAP request and response details:

  1. Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Repository Administrator role. Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility.

    From the navigation menu, select the SOA Monitor link from the Administration section to open the Monitor Search page.

  2. Perform a search to display search results. See: Searching SOAP Requests.

  3. Click the Details icon for a given request to view SOAP request and response details. The Request and Response Details page appears allowing you to view the request and response details.

  4. Click the SOAP Request or Response View link if available to view the actual XML file for the SOAP request or response message.

  5. If there is any attachment associated with it, you can find attachment information listed in the Attachment region.

  6. If this request status is 'Failed', then you will find the error details in the Error Information region.

Viewing Service Processing Logs

To effectively monitor SOAP messages at run time during the invocation of Oracle E-Business Suite services by web service clients, log messages can be captured in SOA Monitor against that instance for the services or operations if logging is enabled regardless of the configuration set at the user or site level.

When a SOAP request is received, SOA Provider generates a unique numeric instance ID based on a database sequence and passes it to SOA Monitor. Therefore, each SOAP request in SOA Monitor appears with instance ID and the Log icon letting you retrieve the log details.

By clicking the Log icon in the search result table if a log is available for a given instance, you can view log messages in the Log Details page.

Log Details Page

the picture is described in the document text

The Log Details page contains all the log messages recorded for the selected service in a given instance. These log messages are compiled and listed in the table format including log sequence, log timestamp, module, severity level, and actual message.

Deleting and Exporting Logs Listed in the Log Details Page for a Specific Instance

After viewing log messages retrieved for a request in the Log Details page for a given instance, you can delete them if needed by clicking Delete All. A warning message appears alerting you that this will permanently delete all the logs retrieved in the page. Click Yes to confirm the action. An empty log table appears in the page after logs are successfully deleted.

Before deleting the logs, you can save a backup copy by clicking Export. This allows you to export the records listed in the Log Details page to Microsoft Excel and save them to a designated directory and use it later.

For information on log severity level and how to configure logs, see Adding a New Logging Configuration.

For information on how to view logs recorded during service generation and deployment at design time, see Viewing Generate and Deploy Time Logs.

To view log messages in SOA Monitor:

  1. Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Repository Administrator role. Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility.

    From the navigation menu, select the SOA Monitor link from the Administration section to open the Monitor Search page.

  2. Perform a search to display search results. See: Searching SOAP messages.

  3. In the search result table, click the Log icon for a desired instance. The Log Details page is displayed allowing you to view the log details.

  4. Click Delete All to delete all the logs listed in the table for a given instance if needed. Click Yes to confirm the action. Click No to return back to the Log Details page.

    Click Export to export log list table to Microsoft Excel and save the records.

Purging SOAP Messages, Audits, and Logs

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway allows you to purge SOAP messages, logs, and audit records that have been collected through SOA Monitor for a period of time. Click Purge in the SOA Monitor Search page to launch a concurrent program Purge Obsolete SOA Monitor Data (FNDSOA_PURGE).

You will need to enter relevant purge parameters in the following Schedule Request windows including start and end dates before submitting the purge.

Once you submit the purge request, a concurrent request number is automatically assigned. Your request will be executed based on your selected schedule to purge all SOAP requests during your specified date range.

The monitored SOAP requests and responses stored in the following tables will be purged in the following order of sequence:

  1. Purging FND_SOA_REQUEST

    This deletes all SOAP requests for the specified date range.


    This deletes the SOAP body pieces including payload corresponding to those SOAP requests that have been purged (for the specified date range).


    This deletes all attachments associated with the SOAP requests and responses for the specified date range.


    This deletes only the logs for which the service is completed with a status of 'SUCCESS'. This does not delete the logs for the service with 'FAILURE' status.

    The purge is based on the Completion Date of the service for the specified date range.

To purge SOAP requests and responses:

  1. Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Repository Administrator role. Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility.

    From the navigation menu, select the SOA Monitor link from the Administration section to open the Monitor Search page.

  2. Click Purge to launch a concurrent program.

  3. Enter the following information in the Schedule Request window:

    1. The concurrent program name SOA Purge Audit Data is displayed in the Program Name field. You can specify the request name for your purge request.

      Click Next.

    2. Enter the Start Date and End Date fields to specify the time range for your purge. Click Next.

    3. Enter appropriate information for the Schedule window. Click Next.

    4. Specify notification information by selecting employee names and the circumstances when the notifications will be sent. Click Next.

    5. Leave the default printing information unchanged if you do not want it to be printed. Click Next

    6. Preview your purge request selection.

  4. Click Submit to submit your purge request.

    A request number will be automatically assigned to you for your purge request indicating your request has been submitted for processing.

Enabling and Disabling Web Service Auditing

In addition to monitoring and providing runtime status of all service execution activities, SOA Monitor provides auditing feature allowing you to track SOAP message details such as requests, responses, faults, and so on.

If this auditing feature is enabled, then all incoming SOAP requests and corresponding responses that SOA Provider receives as well as the associated payloads and fault messages can be saved in SOA Monitor for auditing needs.

In addition to setting the profile option, integration repository administrators can enable or disable the feature directly in the SOA Monitor UI. By clicking Turn On Audit or Turn Off Audit in the Monitor Search page will override the 'SOA: Web Service Audit' profile value to enable or disable the feature.

The Web Service Audit is ON or OFF information appears indicating the feature is enabled or disabled.

Monitor Search Page with Web Service Auditing Information

the picture is described in the document text

To enable or disable the Web Service Auditing feature:

  1. Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Repository Administrator role. Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility.

    From the navigation menu, select the SOA Monitor link from the Administration section to open the Monitor Search page.

  2. Click Turn On Audit or Turn Off Audit in the Monitor Search page to enable or disable the feature.

  3. The Web Service Audit is ON or OFF information appears indicating the feature is enabled or disabled.