Invoice, Payment, and Account Default Charts

Invoice and Invoice Batch Default Hierarchy Chart

If you use invoice batches or recurring invoices, values default to invoices from the Invoice Batches window and the Recurring Invoices window, respectively. Invoice GL Date and Tax Code default to invoice distributions. Invoice Payment Method and Payment Priority default to scheduled payments. You can override default values in most fields. See also Invoice Adjustment Chart.

To see how to navigate to any window, see: Payables Navigator Paths, Oracle Payables Reference Guide.

You can use the following table to see how values default to invoices. If the value is defined in a window, you can see in which window it is defined. You can then see the windows that the value defaults through. For example, you define a Distribution Set in the Distribution Sets window. If you assign a Distribution Set to a supplier, that value defaults to the supplier sites, and the value from the supplier site defaults to the invoice.

Invoice Field Name Invoice Value is Defined in the Following window: Invoice Value Defaults to the Invoice Through these Windows in the Following Order:
Invoice Curr Currencies Choose Ledger window (Functional Currency)
Suppliers Window (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
Date Invoice/Goods Received N/A Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region: Terms Date Basis)
Discountable Amount N/A Suppliers (Payment region: Exclude Freight From Discount option and Always Take Discount option)
Supplier Sites (Payment region: Exclude Freight From Discount option and Always Take Discount option)
Distribution Set Distribution Sets Suppliers (Accounting region)
Supplier Sites (Accounting region)
Document Category Name System Administrator Document Categories N/A
Document Sequence System Administrator Sequence Assignments
System Administrator Document Sequences
Exchange Rate General Ledger Daily Rates (if rate type is corporate OR spot or user-defined. Otherwise, user enters rate). N/A
GL Date Payables Options (Invoice region: GL Date Basis) N/A
Income Tax Region N/A Payables Options (Supplier region: Income Tax region)
Supplier Sites (Tax region: Income Tax Reporting Site)
Liability Account/ Description N/A Financials Options (Accounting region)
Suppliers (Accounting region)
Supplier Sites (Accounting region)
Pay Alone N/A Payable System Setup
Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
Pay Group Oracle Purchasing Lookups Payables Options (Supplier region)
Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
Payment Curr N/A Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
Payment Method N/A Payable System Setup
Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
Prepayment Account N/A Financials Options (Accounting region)
Suppliers (Accounting region)
Supplier Sites (Accounting region)
Settlement Date N/A System date. For employees: Payables Options (Settlement Days + system date)
Terms Payment Terms Payable System Setup
Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
For PO Default and QuickMatch invoices, the payment terms default from the purchase order document.
(Note that prepayments get default terms from the Prepayment Payment Terms Payables option only, even if the prepayments are purchase order matched.)
Terms Date N/A Payables Options (Supplier region: Terms Date Basis)
Suppliers (Payment region: Terms Date Basis)
Supplier Sites (Payment region: Terms Date Basis)
Voucher Number System Administrator Document Categories (or user enters Voucher Number) N/A
Withholding Tax Group Withholding Tax Groups Payables Options (Withholding Tax region)
Suppliers (Withholding Tax region)
Supplier Sites (Withholding Tax region)

The controls and options that affect invoices are presented in the following table.

Option that Affects Invoice Entry Window Value is Defined in: Value Defaults To the Invoice Through These Windows in The Following Order:
Always Take Discount N/A Payable System Setup
Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
Automatic Interest N/A Payables Options (Interest region)
Discount Taken Account N/A Financials Options (Accounting region)
Functional Currency Currencies Choose Ledger
Hold All Payments N/A Suppliers (Control region)
Supplier Sites (Control region)
Hold Unvalidated Invoices N/A Suppliers (Control region)
Supplier Sites (Control region)
Hold Unmatched Invoices N/A Payable System Setup
Suppliers (Control region)
Supplier Sites (Control region)
Invoice Amount Limit N/A Suppliers (Control region)
Supplier Sites (Control region)
Tax Code Tax Codes and Tax Groups Payables Options (Tax Defaults and Rules region)

Payment and Payment Batch Default Hierarchy Chart

If you use payment batches, values default from the Payment Batches window to payments. You can override default values in most fields. To locate a window, see: Payables Navigator Paths, Oracle Payables Reference Guide.

You can use the following table to see how values default to payments and payment batches. If the value is defined in a window, you can see in which window it is defined. You can then see the windows that the value defaults through. For example, you define disbursement bank accounts in the Bank Accounts window. If you assign a bank account in the Payables Options window, then that is the default value for all new suppliers. The supplier value defaults to each of the supplier's new supplier sites, and the supplier site value is the default bank account for the payment.

Payment Batch or Payment Field Name Value is Defined in the Following Window: Value Defaults to Payment or Payment Batch Through these Windows in the Following Order:
Account Currency Currencies Choose Ledger (Functional Currency)
Bank Accounts (Bank Accounts region)
Address N/A Supplier Sites
Allow Zero Payments N/A Bank Accounts (Payables Options region)
Bank Account Bank Accounts Payables Options (Payment region)
Suppliers (Bank region: Account Name)
Supplier Sites (Bank region: Account Name)
Document Category System Administrator Document Categories N/A
Document Name Payment Documents N/A
Document Number Payment Documents (Additional Information region: Last Used +1) N/A
Exchange Rate Date (single payments) System date N/A
Exchange Rate Type N/A Payables Options (Currency region)
First Document (payment batches) Payment Documents (Additional Information region: Last Available) N/A
Last Document (payment batches) Payment Documents (Additional Information region: Last Available) N/A
Maximum Outlay N/A Bank Accounts (Payables Options region)
Maximum/Minimum Payment N/A Bank Accounts (Payables Options region)
Pay Through Date N/A Payables Options (Payment region: Additional Pay Through Days + system date)
Payment Currency N/A Payment Documents (currency determined by Payment Format)
Payment Date System Date N/A
Payment Method N/A Payment Documents (Document Information region)
Payment Rate N/A General Ledger Daily Rates (if rate type is corporate or spot)
Currencies (if rate is EMU Fixed)
Reference N/A Bank's statement (only with Oracle Cash Management)
Remit-to Account Bank Accounts (Supplier Assignments region) Supplier (Bank Accounts region)
Supplier Sites (Bank Accounts region)
Scheduled Payment
Sequence Name System Administrator Sequence Assignments
System Administrator Document Sequences
Statement Number/ Line Number N/A Bank's statement (only with Oracle Cash Management)
Voucher Number Payment Documents (Additional Information region: Document Category) N/A

The controls and options that affect payments are presented in the following table.

Option that Affects Payment Window Value is Defined in Value Defaults Through These Windows in The Following
Pay Alone N/A If you use Multiple Organization Support, the following default path applies:
Financials Options (Supplier - Payables region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
If you do not use Multiple Organization Support, the following default path applies:
Financials Options (Supplier - Payables region)
Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)
Pay Date Basis N/A Payables Options (Supplier region)
Suppliers (Payment region)
Supplier Sites (Payment region)

Account Default Hierarchy Chart

Define accounts for your Payables accounting entries during system setup. The following table shows the windows in which you can define your accounts, and the last window in which you can override the value that the system uses. You can override a default account at any time, and its new value will be used for any future transactions.

Account Last Window in Which You Can Override Default You Define the Account in the Following Windows, and it Defaults Through these Windows in the Following Order:
Bank Charges Payment Documents (GL Accounts region) Bank Accounts (GL Accounts region)
Bank Errors Payment Documents (GL Accounts region) Bank Accounts (GL Accounts region)
Cash (affected by Automatic Offsets) Bank Accounts (GL Accounts region) n/a
Cash Clearing Payment Documents (GL Accounts region) Bank Accounts (GL Accounts region)
Discount Taken (affected by Automatic Offsets) Payables Options (Payment region, Discount Distribution Method) Financials Options (Accounting region)
Freight Distributions Payables Options (Invoice region)
Future Dated Payment (Payables option specifies default from payment document or supplier site) Payment Documents (Future Date Payments region) or Supplier Sites (Accounting region) Financials Options (Accounting region)
Suppliers (Accounting region)
Interest Invoice Expense Distributions Payables Options (Interest region)
(Note that the Prorate Across Overdue Invoice Payables option controls whether Payables builds the account or if it uses the Interest Invoice account.)
Interest Invoice Liability Invoices Payables Options (Interest region)
Liability (affected by Automatic Offsets) Invoices, or Recurring Invoices (Template region) Financials Options (Accounting region)
Suppliers (Accounting region)
Supplier Sites (Accounting region)
Prepayment Supplier Sites (Accounting region) Financials Options (Accounting region)
Suppliers (Accounting region)
(Note that the Build Prepayment Accounts When Matching Payables option controls whether Payables builds the accounts for purchase order matched prepayments, or if it just uses the supplier site's prepayment account.)
Rate Variance Gain/Loss Financials Options (Accounting region) N/A
Realized Gain/Loss (affected by Automatic Offsets) Bank Accounts (Payables Options region) Payables Options (Currency region)
Rounding Payables Options (Currency region) N/A
Tax (includes Withholding Tax and recoverable tax) Distributions Tax Codes

For information on expense and liability accounts on Interest Invoices, see: Accounting for Interest Invoices.

The default hierarchy for account values defined in Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Inventory are presented in the following table:

Product Account Last Window in which you can Override Default
Oracle Purchasing Expense Accounts Payable Accrual Account Purchasing Options (Accounting region)
Oracle Inventory Inventory Accounts Payable Accrual Account Organization Parameters
Oracle Inventory Invoice Price Variance Account Organization Parameters

Related Topics

Payables Navigator Paths, Oracle Payables Reference Guide.

Automatic Interest

Automatic Offsets

Banks, Oracle Cash Management User Guide

Financials Options, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide

Payables Options, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide

Entering Supplier Information, Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide

Taxes on Invoices

Defining Accrual Options, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Defining Organization Parameters, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Build Prepayment Accounts When Matching, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide