Oracle Payables Holds

Summary of Invoice Hold Names

The following tables provide summary information about each hold name that Payables provides and why the hold is used. You can review these hold names in the Invoice Hold and Release Names window. The last column of each table describes one or more methods you can use to resolve the hold. You manually release holds using the Invoice Holds tab or the Invoice Actions window.

Related Topics

Invoice Validation

Releasing Holds

Invoice Hold and Release Names , Oracle Payables Implementation Guide

Account Holds

The following table lists all the predefined Hold names with the Account Hold Reason type. Payables uses holds with this type to identify invoices with invalid or incorrect accounts. An invalid account prevents payment of an invoice and prevents Payables from creating accounting entries for an invoice or payment.

Hold Name Hold Reason Hold Placement Accounting Allowed Manual Release Allowed Hold Removal
Dist Acct Invalid Invoice distribution distributed to invalid account Invoice Validation No No Correct account and resubmit Invoice Validation
ERV Acct Invalid Payables created invalid Exchange Rate Variance account for invoice distribution. Used only if you enable Automatic Offsets Invoice Validation No No Correct account and resubmit Invoice Validation

Funds Holds

The following table lists all the predefined Hold names with the Funds Hold Reason type. Payables applies these holds only if you use budgetary control and if either there are insufficient funds for an invoice distribution or Payables cannot perform funds checking.

Hold Name Hold Reason Hold Placement Accounting Allowed Manual Release Allowed Hold Removal
Funds Check No budget exists for the account in the accounting period on the invoice
Invoice account is not equal to the purchase order account
Detail account not assigned to a parent account
Invoice Validation No No Create a budget in General Ledger and resubmit Invoice Validation
Enter different account for invoice distribution and resubmit Invoice Validation
Assign detail account to parent account and resubmit Invoice Validation
Insufficient Funds Invoice distribution amount is more than the funds available Invoice Validation No Yes Enter different account for invoice distribution and resubmit Invoice Validation
Transfer funds to account budget and resubmit Invoice Validation
In General Ledger, enable a user to override funds control and user resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab

Invoice Holds

The following table lists all the predefined Hold names with the Invoice Hold Reason type. Payables applies holds with this type to invoices. You can manually apply as many of these holds to an invoice as you require when you enter or adjust the invoice.

Hold Name Hold Reason Hold Placement Accounting Allowed Manual Release Allowed Hold Removal
Amount Invoice amount is more than the invoice amount limit you specify for a supplier site Invoice Validation Yes Yes Adjust invoice amount and resubmit Invoice Validation
Change Invoice Amount Limit option for supplier site and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Invalid PO You apply this hold when a supplier does not provide a valid purchase order number for matching Manual No Yes Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab. (Note: you can submit the Invalid PO Supplier Notice to request a valid PO from the supplier).
Natural Account Tax You assigned a tax code to an expense or asset account in the Tax Options window, and you enabled the Enforce Tax From Account Payables option. The tax code on the invoice does not match the tax code assigned to the account. Invoice Validation No Yes Change the tax code on the invoice to match the tax code assigned to the account.
Disable the Enforce Tax From Account Payables option
In the Tax Options window in General Ledger, change the tax code association, or manually release the hold in the Invoice Holds tab.
Pay When Paid Subcontractor cannot be paid until the customer pays. Invoice Validation Yes Yes Release in the Invoice Holds tab
Pay When Paid Subcontractor cannot be paid until the customer pays. Invoice Validation Yes Yes Release in the Invoice Holds tab
PO Deliverable PO deliverables are not submitted by the subcontractor. Invoice Validation Yes Yes Release in the Invoice Holds tab
Supplier You enabled the Hold Unvalidated Invoices option for a supplier site in the Suppliers Sites window Invoice Validation Yes Yes Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
(To prevent future Supplier holds, disable the Hold Unvalidated Invoices supplier site option)
Withholding Tax Payables cannot perform automatic withholding of tax Invoice Validation No No Correct error that caused automatic withholding of tax to fail. For example, you may need to set up a period in the withholding tax special calendar.

Matching Holds

The following table lists all the predefined Hold names with the Matching Hold Reason type. Payables applies holds with this type to an invoice if the invoice violates predefined matching criteria.

Hold Name Hold Reason Hold Placement Accounting Allowed Manual Release Allowed Hold Removal
AMT ORD Amount Billed is greater than Amount Ordered * (1 + % Ordered tolerance). Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation; Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation; or Manually release in the Holds tab.
AMT REC Amount Billed is greater than Amount Received * (1 + % Received tolerance). Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation; Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation; or Manually release in the Holds tab.
MAX AMT ORD Amount Billed is greater than the sum of Amount Ordered and Maximum Amount Ordered Tolerance Amount. Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation; Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation; or Manually release in the Holds tab.
MAX AMT REC Amount Billed is greater than the sum of Amount Received and Maximum Amount Received Tolerance Amount Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation; Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation; or Manually release in the Holds tab.
MILESTONE Quantity or Amount Billed is not equal to the total Quantity or Amount Ordered. Invoice Validation Yes Yes System hold - Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation
Can't Close PO Online receipt accrual enabled in Purchasing and Purchase order quantity delivered is not equal to the quantity received Invoice Validation Yes Yes Resolve purchase order delivery information in Purchasing and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Can't Try Final Close Invoice (final matched to purchase order) placed on hold during Invoice Validation Invoice Validation No No Release hold that caused invoice to be placed on hold and resubmit Invoice Validation
Final Matching Invoice is matched to a purchase order that was final matched by another invoice Invoice Validation No No Reverse the distribution and resubmit Invoice Validation to remove the Final Matching hold
Matching Required You have enabled the Hold Unmatched Invoices option in the Supplier Sites window, and the invoice is not matched to purchase order or receipt Invoice Validation Yes Yes Match invoice to purchase order or receipt and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Max Qty Ord Quantity billed more than the sum of (quantity ordered plus the tolerance amount) Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Max Qty Rec Quantity billed is more than the sum of (quantity received plus the tolerance amount) Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct invoice or receipt and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Max Rate Amount Exchange rate variance exceeds amount tolerance limit Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Max Ship Amount Variance between invoice and shipment amount exceeds amount tolerance limit Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Max Total Amount Sum of exchange rate variance and maximum shipment amount variance exceeds amount tolerance. Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Price Weighted average price of all distributions on the matched invoice and all price corrections related to the invoice is more than [purchase order unit price (1 plus % tolerance)] Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO, invoice, or price corrections and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Qty Ord Quantity billed is more than [quantity ordered (1 plus % tolerance)] Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Qty Rec Quantity billed is more than [quantity received (1 plus % tolerance)] Invoice Validation Yes Yes Enter receipt in Purchasing and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Quality Quantity billed is more than quantity accepted Invoice Validation Yes Yes Enter acceptance in Purchasing and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Rec Exception Purchase order receipt indicates exception Manually in Purchasing Yes Yes Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Tax Difference Invoice tax code value is not equal to the purchase order tax code
Invoice tax code value = purchase order tax code value, but taxable flag set to No for PO shipments
Invoice Validation Yes Yes Correct PO or invoice and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab

Variance Holds

The following table lists the three predefined Hold names with the Variance Hold Reason type. Payables applies holds with this type as follows. Payables applies the Dist Variance hold to an invoice if the total of the invoice distributions does not equal the invoice amount. Payables applies the Tax Variance and Tax Amount Range holds by verifying that the invoice's distribution tax amount matches the calculated tax for the Tax Code within the amount tolerance or percentage tolerance or both that you define. If the variance exceeds a percentage tolerance, Payables applies the Tax Variance hold. If the variance exceeds an amount tolerance, Payables applies the Tax Amount Range hold.

Hold Name Hold Reason Hold Placement Accounting Allowed Manual Release Allowed Hold Removal
Dist Variance Invoice amount is not equal to the sum of invoice distribution amounts Invoice Validation No No Adjust invoice distributions or invoice amount and resubmit Invoice Validation
Prepaid Amount The prepaid amount including tax exceeds the invoice amount Invoice Validation Yes No Unapply the prepayment and apply a lower amount
Tax Amount Range Tax amount is less than [(tax rate taxable dist line total) - tolerance amount]
Tax amount is more than [(tax rate taxable dist line total) + tolerance amount]
Invoice Validation Yes Yes Adjust tax rate for tax code and resubmit Invoice Validation
Change tax code or tax group on invoice distributions and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tax tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab
Tax Variance Tax amount is less than [(tax rate taxable dist line total) (1 - % tolerance)]
Tax amount is more than [(tax rate taxable dist line total) (1 + % tolerance)]
Invoice Validation Yes Yes Adjust tax rate for tax code and resubmit Invoice Validation
Change tax code values on invoice distributions and resubmit Invoice Validation
Adjust tax tolerance and resubmit Invoice Validation
Manually release in the Invoice Holds tab

Miscellaneous Holds

The following table lists miscellaneous predefined Hold names that Payables uses to apply holds to invoices.

Hold Name Hold Reason Hold Placement Accounting Allowed Manual Release Allowed Hold Removal
No Rate No exchange rate for foreign currency invoice Invoice Validation No No Enter exchange rate and resubmit Invoice Validation
Submit AutoRate and resubmit Invoice Validation
[All Payments] You enabled the Hold All Payments option for the invoice's supplier site No hold placed on invoice, but the enabled option prevents payment of a supplier site's invoices Yes N/A Disable the Hold All Payments option in the Supplier Sites window and Payables allows you to select the supplier site's invoices for payment if they are validated (and approved, if the invoice requires invoice approval)
Create a manual payment for any of the held invoices
Supplier Hold all unvalidated invoices for a supplier Invoice Validation Yes Yes Remove the hold in the Invoice Holds tab, or use the Actions button.
To disable completely, disable the Hold Unvalidated Invoices option at the supplier site.