Resource Management

This chapter covers the following topics:

Purging Records

To optimize your database storage, you can delete Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Supplier Scheduling records that you no longer need to access online. You can also purge invoices, purchase orders, suppliers, and related records such as invoice payments, supplier schedules, and purchase receipts.

Once a record is purged, you cannot query or view it in the system. However, the system maintains summary information of deleted records to prevent you from entering duplicate invoices or purchase orders.

Note: You should create a special responsibility for purging information from Oracle Payables and Oracle Purchasing and assign this responsibility only to the person responsible for purging information from your database.

Related Topics

Criteria for Purging Records

Submitting Purges

Purge Reports

Criteria for Purging Records

In addition to meeting the Record Category and Last Activity Date criteria that you select, records must meet other system criteria before the Purge program will delete them. This ensures that you do not inadvertently purge active records or records you need to keep for other reasons.

Invoice Purge Criteria

Payment Purge Criteria

Supplier Purge Criteria

Requisition Purge Criteria

Purchase Order Purge Criteria

Supplier Schedule Purge Criteria

CUM Period Purge Criteria

Invoice Purge Criteria

If you are purging invoices, the Purge program purges related invoice batches and invoice distributions, and related invoice validations, invoice validation history records, accounting entries, and payments. You can purge invoices that meet the following criteria:

Payment Purge Criteria

When you are purging invoices, the Purge program deletes both related payments and the accounting entries associated with those payments. You can purge payments that meet the following criteria:

Supplier Purge Criteria

If you are purging suppliers that have bank account assignments, only the link to the bank account is deleted. The bank account is not deleted. You can purge suppliers that meet the following criteria:

Requisition Purge Criteria

You can purge requisitions that meet the following criteria:

Purchase Order Purge Criteria

If you are purging purchase orders, the Purge program deletes related purchase requisitions, and receipts.

Note that once you purge receiving transactions and the associated accounting information, that you can no longer recost those accounting entries.

You can purge purchase orders that meet the following criteria:

Supplier Schedules Criteria

If Oracle Supplier Scheduling is installed, you can purge supplier schedules that meet the following criteria:

CUM Period Criteria

If Oracle Supplier Scheduling is installed, you can purge CUM Periods that meet the following criteria:

Submitting Purges

Use the Submit Purge window to delete records you no longer need to access online.

Suggestions for Purging Efficiently


To complete the purge process:

  1. In the Submit Purge Window, enter your purge parameters:

    Name. Unique name for the purge.

    Category. The category of documents you want to delete.

    • Invoices and POs. Simple invoices, invoices matched to purchase orders, and purchase orders.

    • Schedules by CUM Period. CUM Periods and associated planning and shipping schedules.

    • Schedules by Organization. Planning and shipping schedules for the specified organization.

    • Simple Invoices. Invoices that are not matched to purchase orders.

    • Simple Purchase Orders. Purchase orders that are not matched to invoices.

    • Simple Requisitions. Cancelled purchase requisitions.

    • Suppliers. Suppliers that are inactive and have no active records associated with them.

    Last Activity Date. The purge program will delete records that have not been updated since the Last Activity Date you enter.

    Organization Code. For document categories Schedules by CUM Period and Schedules by Organization, you must select the organization.

  2. Choose Initiate. The purge program identifies and lists all purge candidates. Purge candidates are all records that match your submission criteria of Category, Last Activity Date, and Organization Code. Note that each purge candidate will then need to meet the other system criteria for the category before the record is purged.

  3. Review the Preliminary Purged Listings report and identify any purge candidates that you do not want to purge.

    For each purge candidate you do not want to purge, slightly modify the record so it no longer meets the submission criteria. For example, if you add a period at the end of an Invoice Description in the Invoices window, then when you save the record you will update the record's Last Update Date to today's date, thereby disqualifying it from the purge candidate list.

  4. Confirm the Purge by querying the purge in the Submit Purge window and choosing Confirm. The Purge program then reevaluates each record in the system to see if it meets the submission criteria (Category, Last Activity Date, and Organization Code). These purge candidates must then meet the submission criteria for the category. The Purge program then purges each purge candidate and its related records if it meets both the submission criteria and the purge criteria for the category.

    The Purge program then automatically submits a concurrent request to print the following reports:

    • Final Purged Listings Report. Lists all purged records.

    • Rejected Purged Listings Report. Lists any records that were listed as purge candidates on the Preliminary Purge Report, but that were not purged. For example, records you updated.

    • Final Purge Statistics Report. Lists summary statistics on the number of records you purge from each table in Oracle Payables and Oracle Purchasing.

  5. Give your database administrator the Purge Statistics Report, and ask your database administrator to export and import the database tables and indexes from which you purged data. See: Recreating Database Objects From Which You Purge.

Related Topics

Criteria for Purging Records

Purging Records

Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings

Purge Reports

Viewing the Status of a Purge

The Purge program uses a set of purge concurrent requests that run in a predefined order to complete a purge.

To view the status of a purge:

Query the purge in the Submit Purge window by using the Purge Name or other identifying information. The Submit Purge window displays one of the following purge statuses:

Variable Description
Initiate Purge process is about to begin
Initiating Purge candidate selection is in process
Initiated Purge candidate selection completed
Printed Preliminary Purge Report printed
Revalidating Revalidation of candidate purge eligibility
Confirmed Revalidation complete
Printing Running Final Purged Listings Report
Printed Confirmed Final Purged Listings Report printed
Printing Rejected Running Rejected Purged Listings Report
Printed Rejected Rejected Purged Listings Report printed
Summarizing Summarizing purge candidates
Summarized Summarization process complete
Deleting Deleting records
Completed-Purged Purge successfully completed and confirmed
Aborting User-initiated abort in progress
Completed-Aborted Purge aborted

Aborting a Purge

You can abort a purge after you initiate the purge and before the Purge program begins deleting records. If the Purge has one of the following statuses, you cannot abort until the phase is completed: Initiating, Revalidating, Summarizing.

To abort a purge:

Restarting a Purge

If your computer system fails or the purge process ends in an error, you can restart the last active action of the purge process.

To restart a purge:

  1. In the Submit Purge window, query the purge.

  2. Choose Restart. The Purge program will restart the last action you chose: Initiate, Confirm, or Abort.

Recreating Database Objects From Which You Purge

After you purge records from your database, ask your database administrator to export and import the tables and indexes from which you purged data by performing the following steps. By recreating these objects, you reduce the memory each object occupies in the tablespace thus increasing system performance.

Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support Services for further details.

To recreate database objects from which you purged:

  1. Prevent users from accessing the database.

  2. Analyze the size required for each table and index that should be recreated. Refer to the following:

    • Purge Statistics Report. Provides summary information on which tables you purged from and how many records you purged from each table

    • Oracle Payables Applications Technical Reference Manual. Provides information on which indexes Payables requires for each database table

  3. Export the unpurged data from the tables you are going to drop and recreate.

  4. Drop the indexes and tables from the database.

  5. Recreate each table and index. Ideally, the initial extent of each object will provide enough space to store all data in that object, and the next extent should be somewhat smaller. Do not use a percentage increase for next extents. Depending on your database configuration, you may want to create certain objects on different tablespaces to maximize the input/output efficiency of your storage devices. For example, you may want to separate large, heavily-used tables and indexes into separate tablespaces.

  6. Import the unpurged data back into the database and verify the results.

  7. Bring users back online.

Related Topics

Purge Reports

Reports (Oracle Payables Applications Technical Reference Manual)

Purge Reports

When you purge records, Payables automatically prints the following reports. You cannot submit any purge report from the Submit Request window.

Preliminary Purged Listings

Use the Preliminary Purged Listings to review the items (invoices, payments, purchase orders, receipts, requisitions, and suppliers) that Payables selects as candidates to purge based on the criteria you specify when you submit the Payables Purge Program (Category, Last Activity Date, and Organization Code). Each selected item, or purge candidate, will then need to meet the system purge criteria listed in the previous section before it can be purged.

Payables divides the report into eight sections (one section for each type of item it purges):

If Payables does not select any items to purge for a certain type, Payables does not print the section.

Report Submission

Payables automatically prints this report when you initiate a purge. See: Submitting Purges.

Selected Report Headings for Purge Reports

The Preliminary, Final, and Rejected Purged Listings reports use the same format, column structure, and report headings.

Invoice Listing

Last Paid Date. Payables prints the last paid date of each invoice purge candidate. Payables does not purge any invoice unless you fully pay the invoice or update the amount remaining for payment to 0.

Payment Listing

Void. If a payment is void, Payables prints Yes.

Requisitions Listing

Requisition Number/Type. Number/type for each requisition purge candidate.

Preparer. Name of the person who prepared each requisition purge candidate.

Creation Date. Date a requisition was created.

Purchase Orders Listing

Release. Release number.

Printed Date. Date the purchase order was printed.

Receipts Listing

Line. Line number of the purchase order for which the receipt was recorded.

Receipt Date/Receiver. Date a receipt was recorded for a purchase order and the name of the person who recorded the purchase order receipt.

Suppliers Listing

Inactive Date. Payables prints the inactive date of a supplier. You cannot select a supplier to purge unless it is inactive.

Supplier Schedules Listing

Organization. The organization for which the schedule was issued.

CUM Periods Listing

Organization. The organization for which CUM Period information is being purged.

Final Purged Listings

Use the Final Purged Listings to review the items (invoices, payments, requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, suppliers, supplier schedules, and CUM Periods) that Payables purges from your database. You can review the Final Purge Statistics report for summary information on the number of records Payables purges from each table in your database.

Payables divides the report into eight sections (one section for each type of item it purges):

If Payables does not purge any items for a certain type, Payables does not print the section.

Report Submission

Payables automatically prints this report when you confirm a purge. See: Submitting Purges.

Report Headings

The Final Purged Listings Report uses the same format, column structure, and headings as the Preliminary Purge Listings. See: Selected Report Headings for Purge Reports.

Rejected Purged Listings

Use the Rejected Purge Listings to review the invoice and payment records which Payables originally selects to purge, but does not purge because you update the record between initiating and confirming the purge.

Payables divides the report into eight sections (one section for each type of item it rejects for purge): Invoice, Payment, Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Receipts, Suppliers, Supplier Schedules, and CUM Periods.

If Payables does not select reject any items to purge for a certain type, Payables does not print the section.

Report Submission

Payables automatically prints this report when you initiate a purge. See: Submitting Purges.

Report Headings

The Rejected Purged Listings uses the same format, column structure, and headings as the Preliminary Purge Listings. See: Selected Report Headings for Purge Reports.

Final Purge Statistics Report

Use the Final Purge Statistics Report to review the number of records Payables deletes during a purge from each table in your database.

Report Submission

Payables automatically prints this report when you confirm a purge. See: Submitting Purges.

Selected Report Headings

Table Name. Payables prints the name of each table in your database from which it deletes records.

Rows Deleted. Payables prints the number of records that it deleted from each table in your database. Payables calculates this number by taking the difference in the number of records in each table before and after it deletes from the database. If you update the database during the purge process, these numbers can differ from the records Payables actually purges because of records you add or delete outside the purge process.

Tables Purged by the Payables Purge Process

Oracle Payables and Oracle Purchasing let you purge documents and related records from your database. You can easily purge all purchase orders, requisitions, invoices, receipts, and suppliers that match your purge criteria, but only if you can purge all corresponding documents. When you purge information from the database, Oracle Payables or Oracle Purchasing deletes inactive documents, inactive suppliers, and all references in other tables to documents and suppliers that you purge. Oracle Payables and Oracle Purchasing store basic information about the suppliers and documents that you purge in separate tables.

Below is a list of the tables that contain the summary information of the suppliers and documents that you successfully purged. You can also review the tables that the Purge routines affect when you purge a supplier or a particular type of document. For complete details on all the tables that Oracle Payables or Oracle Purchasing uses for purging, please consult your technical reference manuals.

Tables Affected By Purging a Purchase Order

Tables Affected By Purging a Requisition

Tables Affected By Purging an Invoice

Tables Affected By Purging a Supplier

Tables Affected By Purging a Supplier Schedule

Tables Affected By Purging a CUM period

Related Topics

Submitting Purges

Table Definitions (Oracle Purchasing Applications Technical Reference Manual)

Table Definitions (Oracle Payables Applications Technical Reference Manual)