Text Descriptions


This appendix includes text descriptions of some of the most complex diagrams in Oracle Payables User's Guide. Some users may find these descriptions helpful in understanding the related diagrams.

Text Description of the Payment Workbench Graphic

The Payment Workbench Graphic is a graphical representation of the windows in the Payment Workbench and their relationships to each other. The following table describes these relationships:

From the Payment Workbench window... You can navigate to the following windows...
Find Payment Batch Sets Payment Batch Sets
Payment Batch Sets Submit Batch Set, Payment Batches
Find Payment Batches Payment Batches
Payment Batches Payment Batch Actions, Copy To
Payment Batch Actions Modify Payment Batch, Confirm Payment Batch
Modify Payment Batch Invoice Overview
Find Payments Payments
Payments Payment Actions, Select Invoices, Invoices
Select Invoices Invoice Overview

The Payment Overview window isn't in the Payment Workbench. However, for additional information, we show the windows you can navigate to from it: Payments, Banks, Suppliers, Payments. We also show the Invoices window. From the Invoices window you can navigate to the Invoice Overview window.

Text Description of the Using Sequential Numbering Graphic

The graphic shows how the system works depending on how you set up your sequential numbering options.

If the Sequential Numbering Profile Option is set to Not Used then system works in the following way: The system does not enforce sequential numbering. It does ensure that any numbers entered are unique, but it does not require the next available number. You cannot enable the Allow Document Override Payables Option. You cannot enter a document category or sequence name.

If the Sequential Numbering Profile Option is set to Partially Used or Always Used, and you use any document category, and you use an Automatic numbering sequence then system works in the following way: Payables automatically assigns the next available voucher number from the sequence. The user cannot enter a voucher number. Payables validates the voucher number for uniqueness and requires the next available number in the sequence.

If the Sequential Numbering Profile Option is set to Partially Used or Always Used, and you use a manual category, and you use a manual numbering sequence then system works in the following way: The user must enter a voucher number from the sequence if a sequence is assigned to the category. A voucher number is required. Payables validates the voucher number for uniqueness but does not require the next available number.

Text Description of the Payables Open Interface Import Graphic

This graphic shows a summary of the sources of invoice data that are imported by Payables Open Interface Import and the database tables that store the data before and after the import process.

You can load invoice data into the Payables Open Interface Tables from the following five sources:

  1. Inbound Invoice data file (810/INVOIC) in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway

  2. Quick Invoices

  3. Invoice data from external system

  4. Invoice data from credit card transactions. This data is originally stored in the Procurement Card Transactions Tables, AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS

  5. Invoice data for lease payments from Oracle Assets and Property Manager

The two Payables Open Interface Tables are: AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE and AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE. Data stored in this table is invoice records with invoice header and line information.

The Payables Open Interface Import Process imports the invoice records into the Invoice Tables. The two primary invoice tables are AP_INVOICES_ALL and AP_INVOICE DISTIRBUTIONS_ALL. The import process creates invoices with distributions and scheduled payments.

Text Description of the Quick Invoices Graphic

This graphic shows that invoice records you enter in the Quick Invoices window are stored in interface tables until Payables Open Interface Import creates invoices in the regular Payables invoice tables.

The two Payables Open Interface Tables are: AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE and AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE. Data stored in these tables is invoice records with invoice header and line information.

The Payables Open Interface Import Process imports the invoice records into the Invoice Tables. The two primary invoice tables are AP_INVOICES_ALL and AP_INVOICE DISTIRBUTIONS_ALL. The import process creates invoices with distributions and scheduled payments.

Text Description of the Payables Open Interface Workflow Graphic

The first node of this workflow is the Start node. This is a standard function activity that simply marks the beginning of the process.

The next node is: Custom Validation on Imported Invoice. This is a customizable node. If the workflow fails validation, it proceeds to the Inform System Administrator of Custom Failure node. When the system administrator fixes the problem that validation identified, the workflow returns to the Custom Validation on Imported Invoice Node, which performs custom validation again. If the workflow passes validation, it continues to the End node, which marks the end of the process.

Text Description of the Interest Formula

The following symbols are used in the interest formula equation:

P = Principal net amount payable to the supplier before adding on interest.

i = interest rate expressed in decimal form.

superscript n = number of full periods, for example, the number of days divided by 30.

z = number of residual days, for example, the number of days less than a 30 day period divided by 360.

Interest is determined by using the following formula: Interest = [P times (1 + i divided by 12) to the n power minus P] plus [P + [P times (1 + i divided by 12) to the n power minus P] times i times z].

Text Description of the Invoices on Price Hold Alert

This graphic shows the text contained in a sample notice. The notice contains the following information: To: Kesavan Subramanian; From: Oracle Alert; Subject: Invoices on Price Hold; Notice Information: The following invoices are on Price hold. You are the purchasing agent responsible for these items. Please examine the purchase orders, invoices, and receipts to resolve these issues. If the supplier has overbilled us, please contact the supplier and the accounts payable department.

Additional notice information is shown in the following table:

Supplier Name Invoice Number Purchase Order Number/Line/Shipment Item Description Price TPO/Invoice
Schaeff F8994 9011/1/Rome Tab 74.00/96.00
Schaeff F9002 9024/1/Paris Bookcase 86.00/99.50

Text Description of the Invoices on Quantity Received Hold Alert

This graphic shows the text contained in a sample notice. The notice contains the following information: To: Kesavan Subramanian; From: Oracle Alert; Subject: Invoices on Quantity Received Hold; Notice Information: The following invoices are on Quantity Received hold. You are the purchasing agent responsible for these items. Please examine the purchase orders, invoices, and receipts to resolve these holds. If we have not received an item, please contact the supplier for prompt delivery.

Additional notice information is shown in the following table:

Supplier Name Invoice Number Purchase Order Number/Line/Shipment Item Description Quantity Ordered/ Received/Billed
Schaeff F8994 9011/1/Rome Table 2/1/3
Schaeff F9002 9024/1/Paris Bookcase 1/0/2

Text Description of the Invoices on Quantity Ordered Hold Alert

This graphic shows the text contained in a sample notice. The notice contains the following information: To: Kesavan Subramanian; From: Oracle Alert; Subject: Invoices on Quantity Ordered Hold; Notice Information: The following invoices are on Quantity Ordered hold. You are the purchasing agent responsible for these items. Please examine the purchase orders, invoices, and receipts to resolve these holds. If the supplier has overbilled us, please contact the supplier and the accounts payable department.

Supplier Name Invoice Number Purchase Order Number/Line/Shipment Item Description Quantity Ordered/ Received/Billed
Schaeff F8994 9011/1/Rome Table 2/1/3
Schaeff F9002 9024/1/Paris Bookcase 1/0/2

Text Description of the Receipt Holds Alert

This graphic shows the text contained in a sample notice. The notice contains the following information: To: Lynne Snider; From: Oracle Alert; Subject: Receipt Verification; Notice Information: You recently ordered goods or services detailed below. The supplier has invoiced us, but we cannot pay the invoice until you acknowledge receipt of the item. Please forward this message to ACLARK, and either specify the quantity of goods or services you have received but not yet acknowledged, or state that you have not received the goods or services.

The following information is also provided: Purchasing Agent: Alan Clark; Supplier Name: Megabyte Memory Corporation; PO Number/Line: 3056/2; Requisition Number: 9421; Invoice Number: 7-988; Invoice Description: Inventory Order; Invoice Line Amount: $6,425.30; Unit of Measure: Each; Quantity Ordered: 3; Quantity Billed: 3; Quantity Received-to-Date: 1; Quantity NOT Acknowledged: 2.

Text Description of the Account Overlay Table

This table shows how the Account Overlay feature creates an Invoice Account during the Payables Open Interface Import process. It illustrates the text that preceded it with an example. It this example, an invoice has values for an account, overlay GL account, account segment, cost center segment, and balancing segment. The resulting invoice account is based on the consecutive overlaying of these values for the different account segments:

Account Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6
Invoice Account in Interface 00. 000. 000. 2210. 000. 0000
Overlay GL Account 01. . . . 110. 8000
Account Segment       7710    
Cost Center Segment     120      
Balancing Segment 02          
Final Invoice Account 02. 000. 120. 7710. 110. 8000

Text Description of the Invoice Header Table

The INVHEADER table describes how DTD data elements in Invoice Header map to open interface tables. The invoice header element (%AMOUNT.DOCUMENT.T;) contains the elements VALUE, NUMOFDEC, SIGN, and DRCR that map to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.INVOICE_AMOUNT and also contains the element CURRENCY that maps to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE. The invoice header element (%DATETIME.DOCUMENT) contains the elements YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, SUBSECOND, and TIMEZONE that map to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.INVOICE_DATE. The invoice header element DOCUMENTID maps to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.INVOICE_NUM. The invoice header element DESCRIPTN maps to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.DESCRIPTION. The invoice header element DOCTYPE maps to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE. The invoice header element PAYMETHOD maps to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.PAYMENT_METHOD_LOOKUP_CODE. The invoice header element PARTNER contains the element EMAIL that maps to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.VENDOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS. The invoice header element PYMTTERM contains the element DESCRIPTN that maps to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.TERM_NAME.

Text Description of the Invoice Charge Table

The INVCHARGE table describes how DTD data elements in Invoice Charge map to open interface tables. The invoice charge header element (%AMOUNT.EXTENDED.T;) contains the elements VALUE, NUMOFDEC, SIGN, CURRENCY, and DRCR that map to AP_INVOICES_LINES_INTERFACE.AMOUNT. The invoice charge header element CHARGETYPE maps to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE. The invoice charge header element LINENUM maps to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.LINE_NUMBER.

Text Description of the Invoice Line Table

The INVLINE table describes how DTD data elements in Invoice Line map to open interface tables. The invoice line header element (%AMOUNT.TOTAL.T;) contains the elements VALUE, NUMOFDEC, SIGN, CURRENCY, and DRCR that map to AP_INVOICES_LINES_INTERFACE.AMOUNT. The invoice header line element (%OPERAMT.UNIT.T;) contains the elements VALUE, NUMOFDEC, SIGN, CURRENCY, UOMVALUE, UOMNUMDEC, and UOM that map to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.UNIT_PRICE. The invoice header line element (%QUANTITY.ITEM;) contains the elements VALUE, NUMOFDEC, SIGN, and UOM that map to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.QUANTITY_INVOICED. The invoice header line element LINENUM maps to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.LINE_NUMBER. The invoice header line element DESCRIPTN maps to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.ITEM_DESCRIPTION. The invoice header line element ITEM maps to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.VENDOR_ITEM_NUMBER. The invoice header line element DOCUMNTREF contains the following four elements that are mapped to separate interface tables:





Text Description of the Invoice Tax Table

The INVTAX table describes how DTD data elements in Invoice Tax map to open interface tables. The invoice tax header element (%AMOUNT.EXTENDED.T;) contains the elements VALUE, NUMOFDEC, SIGN, CURRENCY, and DRCR that map to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.AMOUNT. The invoice tax header element TAXCODE maps to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.TAX_CODE. The invoice tax header element LINENUM maps to AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.LINE_NUMBER.

Text Description of the Payment Term Table

The PYMTTERM table describes how DTD data elements in Payment Term map to open interface tables. The payment term header element DESCRIPTN maps to AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.TERM_NAME.