Using the Declarative Components Subtab

Using Declarative Components

The Declarative Components framework enables you to quickly develop bins, graphs, reports, graph/report combinations, and LOVs that can be personalized by end users. Key features of the Declarative Components framework include the uniform look and feel of all UI components, compatibility with multiple data sources, and built in security.

You can perform the following tasks from the Declarative Components subtab:

Managing Components

The main page for Declarative Components is the starting point for viewing, creating, modifying, and previewing bins, graphs, reports, graph/report combinations, and LOVs. Use this procedure to manage Declarative Components. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components.

  2. If you want to change the contents of the table, then:

    1. To filter the table by application, choose an application from the Application drop-down list at the top of the page.

    2. To filter the table by component type, then choose All or a component type from the drop-down list at the top of the page.

    3. If you want to search by component code, then type the component code into the text entry field and click Go.

    4. Click First, Previous, Next, and Last to navigate within the table.

  3. If you want to create a component, then click Create. This opens the page where you register a new component.

  4. If you want to preview a component, then click Preview. This opens the page where you preview a component.

  5. If you want to update or modify a component, then click its component code in the table. This opens the page where you update the registration of a component.

  6. If you want to set the status of a component, then:

    1. In the Action column, choose Remove, Enabled, or Disabled.

      Removing a component deletes it. You cannot delete a LOV component if it is being used by other components. Enabling a component makes it available for display. Disabling a component makes it unavailable for display or for selection from the homepage.

    2. Click Update to save.

Related Topics

Previewing Components

Registering Components

Using Declarative Components

Previewing Components

Use this procedure to preview a declarative component. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components, then click Preview.

  2. View the preview.

    In the case of a LOV component, the Preview does not have validations.

  3. When you are finished, click OK to return to the main components page.

Related Topics

Managing Components

Registering Components

Using Declarative Components

Registering Components

Use this procedure to edit the registration details of a new or existing component. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components, then either click Create or click a component code in the table.

  2. If you are creating a new component, then choose an application from the Application drop-down list at the top of the page. If you are updating an existing component, this field is not editable.

  3. If you are creating a new component, then choose Bin, Report, Graph, Graph Report, or LOV from the Component Type drop-down list. If you are updating an existing component, this field is not editable.

  4. If you are creating a new component, then type a component code into the Component Code field. If you are updating an existing component, this field is not editable.

    The maximum length of a component code is 26 characters. A component code must be unique and it cannot contain any spaces or nonalphanumeric characters except underscore (_). It is recommended to prefix the component code with the application short name. For example, JTF_component_code.

  5. Type a descriptive component name into the Component Name field.

  6. Optionally, type a description into the Description field.

    If you want to enable the component, then select the Enable check box. If you want to disable the component, then deselect the Enable check box. Enabling a component makes it available for display. Disabling a component makes it unavailable for display or for selection from the homepage.

  7. If you want to allow the component to be a candidate for display as a Portlet in Oracle Portal, then select the Show as Portlet check box. If you deselect this check box, then the component will not be shown in the list of available components for Portlet enabling.

  8. Optionally, type an image filename into the Image Filename field.

    If defined, this image is displayed with the Bin Title. The image that you specify must exist in the image file location (/OA_MEDIA/).

  9. Ignore the Metadata Source area. The only choice for the Type field is AK. The Declarative Components framework uses the AK Runtime Dictionary to store metadata.

  10. Optionally, click Restore to restore the fields to their original settings.

  11. Click Update to save.

  12. Click Next. This opens the page where you can begin editing the metadata associated with this component.

Related Topics

Managing Components

Editing Component Metadata

Using Declarative Components

Editing Component Metadata

Use this procedure to edit the Pre-Process type, Data Source, Title, and other general settings (such as headers and footers) of a new or existing Declarative Component. This procedure takes place after you have completed the Registering Components procedure. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. Edit the Pre-Process area:

    1. If you want to execute a PL/SQL procedure or Java method before the Declarative Components framework extracts the data content for this component, then choose Java Class Name or PL/SQL Procedure from the Type drop-down list.

      If you do not require a preprocessing event, then leave this field blank and skip to step 2.

    2. Type the preprocessing PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Name field. The procedure name should be of the format procedure_name.package_name, where the package name is the fully qualified package name.

  2. Edit the Data Source Provider area:

    1. If you are editing a Bin, Report, Graph, or Graph Report, then choose HTML, Class Name, or SQL Query from the Type drop-down list.

      If you are editing a LOV component, then choose Class Name or SQL Query from the drop-down list, as the valid data source types for LOV components are Java and SQL.

    2. Type HTML code, a SQL query, or the name of a Java class that implements the DataSource interface into the Name field. If you use a SQL query, then the SELECT statement must not end with a semicolon (;).

  3. If you are editing a Bin, Report, Graph, or Graph Report, then edit the Custom Edit Link area. This feature is not available for LOVs.

    1. If you do not want a Custom Edit Link, then leave this section blank and skip to step 4. This generates the default Edit link that navigates you to the Personalization and Runtime Parameter section.

    2. If you want the Custom Edit Link to have a constant value, then choose Constant from the Type drop-down list.

      If you want the Custom Edit Link to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Type drop-down list.

    3. If the Custom Edit Link is constant, then type the name of the JSP file into the Name field. If the Custom Edit Link is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL package.procedure or Java Class.method into the Name field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must take in a single DEFAULT NULL VARCHAR2 argument and return a VARCHAR2. The Java method should take in a ParameterList and return a String.

    4. If you do not want the Edit link to be generated, then choose Constant from in the Type drop-down list and leave the Name field blank.

  4. Edit the Title area:

    1. If you want the component title to have a constant value, then choose Constant from the Type drop-down list.

      If you want the component title to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Type drop-down list.

    2. If the component title is constant, then type the title text into the Name field. If the component title is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Name field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2.

    3. Choose Left, Right, or Center from the Alignment drop-down list to set how the component title is aligned.

    4. If you are editing a Bin, Report, Graph, or Graph Report and want to allow the end user to personalize the component title, then select the check box labeled Personalizable.

  5. If you are editing a Bin, Report, Graph, or Graph Report, then edit the Header area. This feature is not available for LOVs.

    1. If you want the header to have a constant value, then choose Constant from the Type drop-down list.

      If you want the header to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Type drop-down list.

    2. If the header is constant, then type the text into the Name field. If the header is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Name field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2.

    3. Choose Left, Right, or Center from the Alignment drop-down list to set how the header is aligned.

    4. If you want to allow the end user to personalize the header, then select the check box labeled Personalizable.

  6. If you are editing a Bin, Report, Graph, or Graph Report, then edit the Footer area. This feature is not available for LOVs:

    1. If you want the footer to have a constant value, then choose Constant from the Type drop-down list.

      If you want the footer to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Type drop-down list.

    2. If the footer is constant, then type the text into the Name field. If the footer is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Name field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2.

    3. Choose Left, Right, or Center from the Alignment drop-down list to set how the footer is aligned.

    4. If you want to allow the end user to personalize the footer, then select the check box labeled Personalizable.

  7. Click Update to save.

  8. Optionally, click Next to save and move on to screens where you can further define the columns and settings of the component.

Related Topics

Defining Bin or Report Columns

Managing LOV Columns

Defining Graph Metadata

Using Declarative Components

Defining Bin or Report Columns

Use this procedure to manage the columns in a new or existing bin or report component. This does not apply to components with a HTML Data Source Type. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. To navigate to this page:

    1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components.

    2. Locate your desired bin or report in the table. Click its component code in the table.

    3. Click the Next button, once on the Component Registration page and again on the Component Metadata page to open the Component Columns page.

  2. Select or deselect the check box labeled Number Of Rows to enable or disable allowing the end user to personalize the number of rows displayed.

  3. Select or deselect the check box labeled Number Of Columns to enable or disable allowing the end user to personalize the number of columns displayed.

  4. If you want to set the status of a column, then choose Enabled or Disabled from the Action column. Enabling a component makes it available for display. Disabling a component makes it unavailable for display.

  5. Type integers into the Display Order column to set the display order (from left to right) of the columns in the Bin or Report. Make sure that the values of this field are sequential.

  6. Click Update to save.

  7. Optionally, click Next. This opens the page where you manage the parameters of the component.

  8. If you want to edit the details of a column, then click its name in the table. This opens the page where you edit the details of a column.

Related Topics

Managing Parameters

Using Declarative Components

Editing Bin or Report Column Details

Use this procedure to edit the details of columns in bin or report components. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. To navigate to this page:

    1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components.

    2. Locate your desired bin or report in the table. Click its component code in the table.

    3. Click the Next button, once on the Component Registration page and again on the Component Metadata page to open the Component Columns page.

    4. Click a column name in the table to open the column details page.

  2. Optionally, type a brief description of the column into the Description field.

  3. Type an integer into the Display Order field to set the display order of the column.

  4. Edit the Label area:

    1. If you want the column label to have a constant value, then choose Constant from the Type drop-down list.

      If you want the column label to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Type drop-down list.

    2. If the column label is constant, then type the text into the Method field. If the column label is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Method field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2. The Java method must be of the format ClassName.MethodName.

    3. Choose Left, Right, or Center from the Horizontal Alignment drop-down list to set how the column label is aligned.

    4. Select the check box labeled Raw Column if you want to display the column as a raw column.

    5. If you selected the Raw Column check box, then type the appropriate URL into the URL field.

    6. Choose the name of the ID column associated with the hyperlink from the ID column drop-down list.

    7. Type a value into the Low Watermark field. When the component is displayed, any values below the Low Watermark value will display in a negative color.

    8. Type a value into the High Watermark field. When the component is displayed, any values above the High Watermark value will display in a positive color.

  5. Click Update to save.

  6. Click Component Columns to return to the page that lists the component's columns.

Related Topics

Defining Bin or Report Columns

Using Declarative Components

Managing LOV Columns

Use this procedure to manage the columns in a new or existing LOV component. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.

The LOVs that you create can be used across applications. LOV means "list of values." It is a UI component that facilitates the completion of a text entry field when there are numerous values that may be assigned. LOVs are a useful alternative to drop-down lists, particularly in cases where displaying a long list of selections in a drop-down list would require excessive scrolling.

In short, when using a LOV to complete a text entry field, you type a query into the field and then click a button labeled Go. This opens a screen where you view a list of values that match the query you submitted. You can then select the value that you desire and return to the original screen, where what you selected will populate the original text entry field.


  1. To navigate to this page:

    1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components.

    2. Locate your desired LOV in the table. Click its component code in the table.

    3. Click the Next button, once on the Component Registration page and again on the Component Metadata page to open the LOV Columns List page.

  2. Choose a radio button in the Select column of the table to specify that column as searchable.

  3. Choose Enabled or Disabled from the Action column in the table to make the column available or unavailable for display.

  4. Type an integer into the Display Order field to set the display order of the column. Make sure that the values of this field are sequential.

  5. Click Update to save. Note that you do not define parameters for LOV components.

  6. If you want to edit the details of a column, then click its name in the table. This opens the page where you edit the details of a column.

Related Topics

Editing LOV Column Details

Using Declarative Components

Editing LOV Column Details

Use this procedure to edit the details of columns in a new or existing LOV component. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.

The LOVs that you create can be used across applications. LOV means "list of values." It is a UI component that facilitates the completion of a text entry field when there are numerous values that may be assigned. LOVs are a useful alternative to drop-down lists, particularly in cases where displaying a long list of selections in a drop-down list would require excessive scrolling.

In short, when using a LOV to complete a text entry field, you type a query into the field and then click a button labeled "Go." This opens a screen where you view a list of values that match the query you submitted. You can then select the value that you desire and return to the original screen, where what you selected will populate the original text entry field.


  1. To navigate to this page:

    1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components.

    2. Locate your desired LOV in the table. Click its component code in the table.

    3. Click the Next button, once on the Component Registration page and again on the Component Metadata page to open the LOV Columns List page.

    4. Click a column name in the table to open the column details page.

  2. Optionally, type a brief description of the column into the Description field.

  3. Type an integer into the Display Order field to set the display order of the column.

  4. Choose a column type of Date, Number, or Varchar2 from the Column Type drop-down list.

  5. If the column is searchable on the main LOV columns page, then the check box fields for Display and Carry Over are automatically selected and cannot be deselected. If the column is not searchable on the main LOV columns page, then you can select or deselect these two check boxes.

  6. Edit the Label area:

    1. If you want the column label to have a constant value, then choose Constant from the Type drop-down list.

      If you want the column label to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Type drop-down list.

    2. If the column label is constant, then type the text into the Method field. If the column label is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Method field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2. The Java method must be of the format ClassName.MethodName.

  7. If the column is searchable on the main LOV columns page, then you will see a section for Validation Rules. If the column is not searchable on the main LOV columns page, then this feature is not available.

    1. If you want to choose a Javascript Validation Type, then select Error or Warning from the drop-down list. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

    2. In the Min. Characters field, type an integer representing the minimum number of characters the user is required to submit when using the LOV component.

    3. In the Min. Characters before % field, type an integer representing the minimum number of characters the user is required to submit before the wildcard character (%) when using the LOV component.

    4. Select or deselect the Auto Append % check box to choose whether or not to automatically append any queries submitted by the user with the wildcard character (%).

    5. If you want to specify the case of the value when it populates the original text entry field, then choose Lowercase or Uppercase from the Change Case drop-down list.

  8. Click Update to save. Note that you do not define parameters for LOV components.

  9. Optionally, click LOV Column List to return to the page that lists the component's columns.

Related Topics

Managing LOV Columns

Using Declarative Components

Defining Graph Metadata

Use this procedure to edit the X-axis, Y-axis, and other basic settings of a new or existing graph component. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. To navigate to this page:

    1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components.

    2. Locate your desired graph or graph-report in the table. Click its component code in the table.

    3. Click the Next button, once on the Component Registration page and again on the Component Metadata page to open the Graph Metadata page.

  2. Optionally, type a description of the graph into the Description field.

  3. If you want the graph title to have a constant value, then choose Constant from the Type drop-down list.

    If you want the graph title to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Type drop-down list.

  4. If the graph title is constant, then type the text into the Method field. If the column label is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Method field.

    The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2. The Java method must be of the format ClassName.MethodName.

  5. Choose a graph type from the Graph Type drop-down list.

  6. If you want to allow the end user to personalize the graph type, then select the check box labeled Allow Personalization?

  7. If you want the graph to display in 2D, then select the check box labeled Display in 2-D?

  8. If you want to display or not display a grid, then choose an option from the Display Grid drop-down list.

  9. To set how the graph legend displays, choose an option from the Graph Legend drop-down list. Set the position of the graph legend in the Legend Position drop-down list.

  10. Type pixel values into the Graph Height and Graph Width fields.

  11. Type a number into the Graph Color field to set the graph color.

  12. Edit the X-axis section:

    1. If you want the X-axis label to have a constant value, then choose Constant Value from the Label Type drop-down list.

      If you want the X-axis label to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Label Type drop-down list.

    2. If the X-axis label is constant, then type the text into the Method field. If the X-axis label is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Method field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2. The Java method must be of the format ClassName.MethodName.

    3. Choose Vertical, Horizontal or Slanting from the Tick Label Orientation drop-down list.

      Vertical orientation tilts the tick label 90 degrees. Horizontal orientation tilts the tick label 180 degrees. Slanted orientation tilts the tick label 270 degrees.

    4. Choose the amount of tick labels you want to display in the Tick Label Interval drop-down list.

  13. Edit the Y-axis section:

    1. If you want the Y-axis label to have a constant value, then choose Constant Value from the Label Type drop-down list.

      If you want the Y-axis label to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Label Type drop-down list.

    2. If the Y-axis label is constant, then type the text into the Method field. If the Y-axis label is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Method field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2. Java method must be of the format ClassName.MethodName.

    3. Choose Vertical, Horizontal or Slanting from the Tick Label Orientation drop-down list.

      Vertical orientation tilts the tick label 90 degrees. Horizontal orientation tilts the tick label 180 degrees. Slanted orientation tilts the tick label 270 degrees.

    4. To display the Y-axis as currency, select the Display Currency? check box.

    5. Choose Yes or No from the Auto Scaling drop-down list.

      If you choose Yes, then the minimum and maximum values displayed on the Y-axis are determined by BI Beans, depending on the graph data. If you choose No, then the minimum and maximum values displayed on the Y-axis are specified manually.

    6. If you chose No in the previous step, then type an integer into the Tick Interval field to specify the interval on the Y-axis scale.

    7. If you chose No in the previous step, then enter integers into the Minimum Value and Maximum Value fields.

  14. Click Update to save.

  15. Click Next to open the page where you manage the columns of the graph component.

Related Topics

Managing Graph Columns

Editing Graph Column Details

Using Declarative Components

Managing Graph Columns

Use this procedure to view, update, and remove columns in a graph component. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. To navigate to this page:

    1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components.

    2. Locate your desired graph or graph-report in the table. Click its component code in the table.

    3. Click the Next button, once on the Component Registration page and again on the Component Metadata page to open the Graph Metadata page.

    4. Click Next a third time to open the Graph Columns page.

  2. If you want to set the status of a column, then choose Enabled or Disabled from the Action column.

    Enabling a component makes it available for display. Disabling a component makes it unavailable for display.

  3. For each column, choose X-axis, Y-axis, or SubX-axis from the Axis drop-down list.

  4. Type integers into the Sequence fields to set the sequence of the columns.

  5. Click Update to save.

  6. Optionally, click Next.

    This opens the page where you manage the parameters of the component.

  7. If you want to edit the details of a column, then click its name in the table.

    This opens the page where you edit the details of a column.

Related Topics

Managing Parameters

Editing Graph Column Details

Using Declarative Components

Editing Graph Column Details

Use this procedure to edit the details of new or existing columns in graph components. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. To navigate to this page:

    1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Components.

    2. Locate your desired graph or graph-report in the table. Click its component code in the table.

    3. Click the Next button, once on the Component Registration page and again on the Component Metadata page to open the Graph Metadata page.

    4. Click Next a third time to open the Graph Columns page.

    5. Click a column name in the table.

  2. Optionally, type a description into the Description field.

  3. Edit the Label section:

    1. If you want the column label to have a constant value, then choose Constant Value from the Type drop-down list.

      If you want the column label to be dynamically generated by a PL/SQL procedure or Java method, then choose PL/SQL or Java from the Type drop-down list.

    2. If the column label is constant, then type the text into the Method field. If the column label is dynamically generated, then type the name of the PL/SQL procedure or Java method into the Method field.

      The PL/SQL procedure must return a value of the type VARCHAR2. The Java method must be of the format ClassName.MethodName.

  4. Edit the Axis section:

    1. Choose X-axis, Y-axis, or SubX-axis from the Plot drop-down list.

    2. Type the appropriate integer into the Sequence field.

      The sequence number is with respect to axis information. It is the indexing information for columns mapped on the same axis. For example, if COL1 and COL3 are plotted on the Y-axis, then they should have the sequence numbers 1 and 2, respectively. COL2 plotted on the X-axis should have the sequence number 1.

  5. Click Update to save.

  6. Click Graph Columns to return to the page that lists the component's columns.

Related Topics

Managing Graph Columns

Using Declarative Components

Managing Parameters

Use this procedure to create, update, and remove component parameters. You can define date pickers (calendars), text input fields, drop-down lists, multi-select lists, and hidden fields. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. You reach this page by clicking Next from the column summary page of a component. Please see Defining Bin or Report Columns and Managing Graph Columns.

  2. If you want to create a parameter, then click Create Parameter.

    This opens the page where you edit the details of a new parameter.

  3. If you want to delete a parameter, then select the appropriate check box in the Remove column of the table.

  4. Type integers into the Sequence fields to set the order in which the parameters will be rendered. This order is also used in parameter value resolution.

  5. Click Update to save.

  6. If you want to edit the details of a parameter, then click its name in the table.

    This opens the page where you edit the details of an existing parameter.

Related Topics

Using Declarative Components

Editing Parameter Metadata

Use this procedure to edit the details of a new or existing component parameter. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. You reach this page from the Component Parameters page: Click either a parameter name or the Create Parameters button.

  2. Type a unique parameter name into the Parameter Name field (this field is not editable if you are working with a parameter that already has been defined).

  3. Type a label for the parameter in to the Label field.

  4. Select the Enable? check box if you want to enable the parameter.

  5. Optionally, type a brief description into the Description field.

  6. If you want the parameter to be rendered on the parameter page, then select the check box labeled Enable.

  7. If you want to allow the end user to personalize the parameter, then select the check box labeled Personalizable.

  8. Choose VARCHAR2, Number, or Date from the Parameter Data Type drop-down list.

  9. Choose Calendar, Drop Down, Hidden, LOV, Multiselect, or Text from the Item Style drop-down list.

    For drop-down lists, you are responsible for writing a well-tuned query that will return the number of rows as recommended by the UI team. For hidden fields, the end user will not see the parameter, but you can use the value as needed (for example, passing ID columns).

  10. If you chose the Item Style Drop Down in step 6, then type the appropriate source SQL query into the SQL for Dropdown field.

  11. If you chose the Item Style LOV in step 6, then the screen refreshes to display a section about LOV details. This section includes fields for LOV App Id, LOV Component Code, and Mapped LOV Column:

    1. Choose an LOV App Id from the drop-down list. This is the application that owns the LOV component. When you have chosen the application, the screen refreshes to display a list of LOV components specific to that application.

    2. Choose a LOV component from the list of available choices. The screen refreshes to display the list of searchable columns that can be mapped to the current parameter.

    3. Choose the Searchable LOV column and map it to this parameter.

    4. You may need to create additional parameters if you want to carry over ID Columns.

  12. If you chose the Item Style LOV in step 6 and there is a LOV parameter already defined for this component, then the screen refreshes to display a drop-down list called Related LOV Parameter. The drop-down list contains all the LOV parameters that have been defined for this component:

    1. Choose a LOV parameter as the Related LOV parameter. The screen refreshes to display a list of the Carried Over Column(s) of the chosen LOV parameter.

    2. The Mapped LOV Column drop-down list displays the LOV Columns that have been defined to be carried over. Therefore, you can use the value of this Mapped LOV Column, for example, in a Data Source Query.

  13. If available, edit the Default Value Setting section:

    1. Choose Constant, PL/SQL, or Java from the Type drop-down list.

    2. If you chose Constant in step a, then type the text of the default value into the Name field.

      If you chose PL/SQL in step a, then type the complete signature of a PL/SQL function, including any package name, into the Name field. This function must return a Varchar2. For example, My_Package.Get_Default_Value(?P_Context). Optionally, the function can take a p_context as an argument.

      If you chose Java in step a, then type the signature of a Java method into the Name field, in the format package_name.function_name. This method must return a string.

  14. Click Update to save.

  15. Optionally, click Component Parameter to return to the page that lists the component's parameters.

Related Topics

Managing Parameters

Using Declarative Components

Managing Component Security

Use this procedure to manage component security assignments. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Component Security.

  2. Choose a radio button, Component to Responsibilities or Responsibility to Components.

  3. Click Next.

    This opens the page where you choose either the component that you will be mapping to responsibilities or the responsibility that you will be assigning to components.

Related Topics

Assigning a Component to Responsibilities

Assigning a Responsibility to Components

Using Declarative Components

Assigning a Component to Responsibilities

Use this procedure to assign a component to one or more responsibilities. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Component Security, then select the radio button labeled Component to Responsibilities.

  2. Choose an application from the Application Code drop-down list.

  3. Choose a component code from the Component Code drop-down list.

  4. Click Next to continue.

Related Topics

Selecting Responsibilities

Managing Component Security

Using Declarative Components

Selecting Responsibilities

Use this procedure to select which responsibilities will apply to the component that you have chosen. This procedure takes place after you have completed the Assigning a Component to Responsibilities procedure. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. Choose the name of a responsibility in one list and click > or < to move it to the other list.

  2. Repeat step 1 as desired.

  3. If you want to move all Available Responsibilities to the Selected Responsibilities list, then click>>.

  4. If you want to move all Selected Responsibilities to the Available Responsibilities list, then click <<.

  5. Optionally, choose an application from the Responsibility App Code drop-down list.

  6. Optionally, click Restore to reset the fields to their original settings.

  7. Click Update to save.

Related Topics

Managing Component Security

Using Declarative Components

Assigning a Responsibility to Components

Use this procedure to assign a responsibility to one or more components. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. In the Design tab, navigate to Declarative Components > Component Security, then select the radio button labeled Responsibility to Components.

  2. Choose an application from the Responsibility App Code drop-down list.

  3. Choose a responsibility from the Responsibility drop-down list.

  4. Click Next to continue.

Related Topics

Selecting Components

Managing Component Security

Using Declarative Components

Selecting Components

Use this procedure to select which components will apply to the responsibility that you have chosen. This procedure takes place after you have completed the procedure Assigning a Responsibility to Components. For an introduction to Declarative Components concepts, please see the topic Understanding Declarative Components.


  1. Choose the name of a component in one list and click > or < to move it to the other list.

  2. Repeat step 1 as desired.

  3. If you want to move all Available Components to the Selected Components list, then click >>.

  4. If you want to move all Selected Components to the Available Components list, then click <<.

  5. Optionally, choose an application from the Component App Code drop-down list.

  6. Optionally, click Restore to reset the fields to their original settings.

  7. Click Update to save.

Related Topics

Managing Component Security

Using Declarative Components