XML Gateway APIs

The Oracle XML Gateway provides APIs for use with the Message Designer and for use by the execution engine.

Execution Engine APIs

The following APIs are for use with the execution engine:







PL/SQL Syntax

procedure perform_xslt_transformation
(i_xml_file in out clob,
 i_xslt_file_name in varchar2,
 i_xslt_file_ver in number,
 i_xslt_application_code in varchar2,
 i_dtd_file_name in varchar2 default null,
 i_dtd_root_element in varchar2 default null,
 i_dtd_version in varchar2 default null,
 i_retcode out pls_integer,
 i_retmsg out varchar2);


Used to apply a style sheet to an XML message and return the transformed XML messaged for further processing by the calling environment.

The DTD file name, version, and root element are required input parameters for this API, therefore the associated DTDs must be loaded into the XML Gateway repository. Refer to Loading and Deleting a DTD for details on loading a DTD.

This API is independent of the Message Designer: XSLT Transformation action. This API is not intended for use in a message map.

Note: The profile option ECX_XML_VALIDATE_FLAG must be set to"Y"for this action to be performed. For more information on this profile option, see Define System Profile Options.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_xml_file The XML message to be transformed.
i_xslt_file_name The XSLT style sheet file to be used for the transformation.
i_xslt_file_ver The version of the XSLT style sheet file. The highest version with the same file name and application code is used if no version number is provided.
i_xslt_application_code The name of the subdirectory where the XSLT style sheet is source-controlled (for example: ar/xml/xslt).
i_dtd_file_name The name of the DTD used in the XML message.
i_dtd_root_element The root element of the DTD used in the XML message.
i_dtd_version Version of the DTD used in the XML message.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
i_xml_file The transformed XML message.
i_retcode Return code for the procedure.
i_retmsg Return message for the procedure.



PL/SQL Syntax

procedure external_system
 (i_outmsgid in raw,
  i_status in pls_integer,
  i_errmsg in varchar2 default null,
  i_timestamp in date,
  i_errparams in varchar2,
  o_ret_code out pls_integer,
  o_ret_msg out varchar2);


Used by both Oracle and non-Oracle messaging systems to report delivery status. The status information is written to the XML Gateway log tables to track and report transaction delivery data.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_outmsgid Message ID maintained by the XML Gateway execution engine for the outbound message delivered by the messaging system.
i_status Message delivery status as reported by the messaging system.
i_errmsg Error messages reported by the messaging system.
i_timestamp Time stamp from the messaging system indicating when it processed the outbound message created by XML Gateway.
i_errparams Errors reported by messaging system in multilingual delivery.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
o_ret_code Return code for the procedure
o_ret_msg Return message for the procedure

Message Designer APIs

XML Gateway has provided special purpose procedures and functions for use in the Message Designer to perform the following tasks:

  1. Set event details to raise a business event for inbound transactions

  2. Get event details using the event name maintained by the XML Gateway Execution Engine

  3. Perform string manipulations

  4. Get Trading Partner information using the sender's or receiver's Trading Partner ID maintained by the XML Gateway Execution Engine

  5. Get message envelope data for inbound message

  6. Get delivery data for outbound message

  7. Get document logging information for a business document

  8. Set message delivery status

  9. Get System Administrator e-mail address from ECX: System Administrator Email Address system profile

  10. Get sender logical ID from ECX_OAG_LOGICALID system profile

  11. Set Error Exit

Use the Message Designer, Procedure Call or Function Call actions to initiate the APIs.

Important: With the exception of ECX_ERRORLOG.external_system, the procedures and functions in this appendix are meant for use in the Message Designer only and should not be used in any other context.

Most procedures include input and output arguments. You can map a source or target variable to the input arguments. The output arguments can be used in conjunction with the Send Error Message action for warnings or the ECX_ACTIONS.set_error_exit_program API for serious errors to send a notification. The notification may be sent to the Trading Partner contact, the system administrator (identified in the ECX: System Administrator Email Address system profile), or both.

If the successful completion of an API is critical to the success of your transaction, you may wish to use the Exit Program action to terminate the transaction if the API fails to process completely.

The following APIs are described in this section:

































PL/SQL Syntax

procedure setEventDetails
(eventname in varchar2,
 eventkey in varchar2,
 parameter1 in varchar2,
 parameter2 in varchar2,
 parameter3 in varchar2,
 parameter4 in varchar2,
 parameter5 in varchar2,
 parameter6 in varchar2,
 parameter7 in varchar2,
 parameter8 in varchar2,
 parameter9 in varchar2,
 parameter10 in varchar2,
 retcode out pls_integer,
 retmsg out varchar2);


Sets event details to raise a business event for inbound transactions.

This is defined at the root level as a post-process action to indicate that an inbound message has been processed. Any event subscription defined in the Oracle e-Business Suite interested in this inbound message will proceed to consume it.

This procedure must be used for all inbound transactions. The argument values vary by transaction with the exception of the confirmation message where the argument values are specific. See How to Implement an OAG Confirmation BoD to see how the event details are defined.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
eventname Unique identifier for the business event associated with the inbound message. The event name consists of the following components:
COMPONENT is based on the internal transaction type entered using the Define Transactions window. It represents the product short code.
TASK is based on the internal transaction subtype entered using the Define Transactions window. It represents a description of the object.
EVENT is a literal that describes the business function of the message.
Following is an example of an Event Name that identifies a confirmation event associated with an outbound purchase order ORACLE.APPS.PO.POO.CONFIRM
eventkey Unique identifier for the business document from the Oracle e-Business Suite associated with the business event.
parameter1 through parameter10 User-defined parameters to pass data of interest to the event subscription defined in the Oracle e-Business Suite for the inbound business document.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
retcode Return code for the procedure.
retmsg Return message for the procedure.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure getEventDetails
(eventname out varchar2,
 eventkey out varchar2,
 itemtype out varchar2,
 itemkey out varchar2,
 parentitemtype out varchar2,
 parentitemkey out varchar2,
 retcode out pls_integer,
 retmsg out varchar2);


Gets event details using the event name maintained by the XML Gateway Execution Engine.

Arguments (input)


Arguments (output)

Variable Description
eventname Event name passed internally to the procedure. It is a unique identifier for the business event associated with the transaction.
eventkey Event key associated with the event name passed.
itemtype Unique identifier for a group of objects that share the same set of item attributes (also known as variables).
Item types are created using the Workflow Builder and are used by Oracle e-Business Suite application modules to group related functions.
itemkey Unique identifier for an item in an item type
parentitemtype Parent item type for the item type
parentitemkey Parent item key for the item key
retcode Return code for the procedure
retmsg Return message for the procedure


PL/SQL Syntax

(from_agent out varchar2,
 to_agent out varchar2,
 from_system out varchar2,
 to_system out varchar2,
 retcode out pls_integer,
 retmsg out varchar2);


Gets event details related to the system and agent using the event name maintained by the XML Gateway Execution Engine.

The procedure is context-sensitive, so you will receive return values relevant to the context. The "from" parameters are for inbound transactions. The "to" parameters are for outbound transactions.

Arguments (input)


Arguments (output)

Variable Description
from_agent Workflow agent (queue) the inbound message is dequeued from.
to_agent Workflow agent (queue) the outbound message is enqueued to.
from_system System processing the inbound message
to_system System processing the outbound message
retcode Return code for the procedure
retmsg Return code for the message


PL/SQL Syntax

function getReferenceID
return varchar2;


Returns the value associated with the REFERENCEID element of the OAG CONTROLAREA. The field contains a concatenated value consisting of system name, event name, and event key delimited by ":". This function is used for message maps in which the OAG standard is not used.

For message maps created using the OAG standard, the ECX_OAG_CONTROLAREA_TP_V view is used to retrieve the reference_id identified by the business event. This value is used to map to the OAG CNTROLAREA, REFERENCEID element.

Arguments (input)


Arguments (output)




PL/SQL Syntax

procedure get_devlivery_attribs
(transaction_type in varchar2,
 transaction_subtype in varchar2,
 party_id in varchar2,
 party_site_id in varchar2,
 party_type in/out varchar2,
 standard_type out varchar2,
 standard_code out varchar2,
 ext_type out varchar2,
 ext_subtype out varchar2,
 source_code out varchar2,
 destination_code out varchar2,
 destination_type out varchar2,
 destination_address out varchar2,
 username out varchar2,
 password out varchar2,
 map_code out varchar2,
 queue_name out varchar2,
 tp_header_id out pls_integer,
 retcode out pls_integer,
 retmsg out vachar2);


Gets setup data using the internal transaction type, subtype, party id, party_type, and party site id. The data is required to process an outbound transaction.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
transaction_type Internal transaction type passed to the procedure. The internal transaction type is entered using the Define Transactions window.
transaction_subtype Internal transaction subtype passed to the procedure. The internal transaction subtype is entered using the Define Transactions window.
party_id Trading partner ID passed to the procedure. Party site ID will be used if Party ID is null. The trading partner ID is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
party_site_id Trading partner site ID passed to the procedure. The trading partner site ID is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
party_type Party type associated with the trading partner and trading partner site passed to the procedure. Party type is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
party_type Party type associated with the trading partner and trading partner site passed to the procedure. Party type is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
standard_type The XML standard type associated with the transaction passed to the procedure. Standard type is entered using the Define XML Standards window.
standard_code The standard code (for example, OAG) associated with the transaction passed to the procedure. Standard code is entered using the Define XML Standards window.
ext_type External transaction type associated with the internal transaction type passed to the procedure. External transaction type is entered using the Define Transactions window.
ext_subtype External transaction subtype associated with the internal transaction subtype passed to the procedure. External transaction subtype is entered using the Define Transactions window.
source_code Source location code associated with the trading partner and trading partner site passed to the procedure. Source location code is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
destination_code Destination location code associated with the trading partner and trading partner site passed to the procedure. Destination location code is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
destination_type Destination location type associated with the trading partner and trading partner site passed to the procedure. Destination location type is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
destination_address Destination address associated with the trading partner and trading partner site passed to the procedure. Destination address is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
username Username associated with the trading partner and trading partner site passed to the procedure. Username is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
password Password associated with the username for the trading partner and trading partner site passed to the procedure. The password is returned in encrypted format. Password is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
map_code Message map associated with the trading partner and transaction passed to the procedure. The map code is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
queue_name Queue name associated with the transaction passed to the procedure. The queue name is entered using the Define Transactions window.
tp_header_id System-generated identifier for the trading partner passed to the procedure, entered using the Define Trading Partners window
retcode Return code for the procedure
retmsg Return message for the procedure



PL/SQL Syntax

procedure getLengthForString
(i_string in varchar2);
 i_length out pls_integer);


Determines the length of the string passed to it. This procedure may be used in conjunction with the getPositionInString procedure or the Perform Substring action.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_string The input string.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
i_length The length of the input string.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure getPositionInString
(i_string in varchar2,
 i_search_string in varchar2,
 i_start_position in pls_integer, default null,
 i_occurrence in pls_integer, default null,
 i_position out pls_integer);


Parses a concatenated string with delimiters into its individual components. The i_search_string parameter identifies the delimiter. The i_occurrence parameter identifies which occurrence of the delimiter to check for. The return value of the procedure is the position of the first character of the portion of the string you are interested in.

This procedure can be used in conjunction with the getLengthForString procedure or the Perform Substring action.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_string The input string.
i_search_string The delimiter used in the concatenated string.
i_start_position The character position to begin parsing from.
i_occurrence The occurrence of the delimiter to search for.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
i_position The character position of the first character of the portion of the input string you are interested in.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure getSubString
(i_string in varchar2,
 i_start_position in pls_integer, default 0,
 i_length in pls_integer, default 0,
 i_substr out varchar2);


Parses a string passed to it given the start position and the length of the substring.

This procedure is used when the length of the substring is maintained in a variable whereas the Perform Substring action is used if the length of the string is a literal value.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_string The input string.
i_start_position The character position to begin parsing from.
i_length Length from start position of input string to include in resulting substring.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
i_substr The substring.



PL/SQL Syntax

procedure get_receivers_tp_info
(p_party_id out number,
 p_party_site_id out number,
 p_org_id out pls_integer,
 p_admin_email out varchar2,
 retcode out pls_integer,
 retmsg out varchar2);


Gets Trading Partner data using the receiver's trading partner ID maintained by the XML Gateway Execution Engine. The Trading Partner data is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.

Arguments (input)


Arguments (output)

Variable Description
p_party_id Trading Partner ID
p_party_site_id Site associated with the Trading Partner.
p_org_id Organization associated with the Trading Partner site.
p_admin_email E-mail address associated with the Trading Partner contact.
retcode Return code for the procedure
retmsg Return message for the procedure


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure get_senders_tp_info
(p_party_id out number,
 p_party_site_id out number,
 p_org_id out pls_integer,
 p_admin_email out varchar2,
 retcode out pls_integer,
 retmsg out varchar2);


Gets Trading Partner data using the sender's trading partner ID maintained by the XML Gateway Execution Engine. The Trading Partner data is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.

Arguments (input)


Arguments (output)

Variable Description
p_party_id Trading Partner ID
p_party_site_id Site associated with the Trading Partner.
p_org_id Organization associated with the Trading Partner site.
p_admin_email E-mail address associated with the Trading Partner contact.
retcode Return code for the procedure
retmsg Return message for the procedure


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure get_sysadmin_email
(email_address out varchar2,
 retcode out pls_integer,
 errmsg out varchar2);


Gets the system administrator e-mail address defined for the ECX: System Administrator Email Address profile option.

This procedure is not required if your are using the Send Error Message action to send notifications to the system administrator. The address for the system administrator is derived.

Arguments (input)


Arguments (output)

Variable Description
email_address E-mail address identified in the ECX: System Administrator Email Address system profile.
retcode Return code for the procedure
errmsg Return message for the procedure


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure getEnvelopeInformation
(i_internal_control_number in pls_integer,
 i_message_type out varchar2,
 i_message_standard out varchar2,
 i_transaction_type out varchar2,
 i_transaction_subtype out varchar2,
 i_document_number out varchar2,
 i_party_id out varchar2,
 i_party_site_id out varchar2,
 i_protocol_type out varchar2,
 i_protocol_address out varchar2,
 i_username out varchar2,
 i_password out varchar2,
 i_attribute1 out varchar2,
 i_attribute2 out varchar2,
 i_attribute3 out varchar2,
 i_attribute4 out varchar2,
 i_attribute5 out varchar2,
 retcode out pls_integer,
 retmsg out varchar2);


Retrieves message envelope data using the internal control number maintained by the XML Gateway Execution Engine.

See XML Gateway Envelope for information regarding the message envelope.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_internal_control_number Internal control number maintained by the XML Gateway execution engine associated with the inbound message.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
i_message_type The message type is defaulted to "XML"
i_message_standard The XML standard used for the business document received from the Trading Partner.
The XML standard is entered using the Define XML Standards window and used in the Define Transactions window.
i_transaction_type External transaction type associated with the business document received from the Trading Partner.
The external transaction type is entered using the Define Transactions window and is used in the Define Trading Partners window.
i_transaction_ subtype External transaction subtype associated with the business document received from the Trading Partner.
The external transaction subtype is entered using the Define Transactions window and is used in the Define Trading Partners window.
i_document_ number Unique identifier for the business document received from the Trading Partner. This field is not used by XML Gateway but is available for the Oracle e-Business Suite receiving application module.
i_party_id Not Used.
i_party_site_id The source Trading Partner Location Code entered using the Define Trading Partners window if no data is found in the Destination Trading Partner Location Code.
i_protocol_type The transmission method entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_protocol_address The address/URL associated with the transmission method. It is entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_username The username entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_password The password associated with the username. Entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_attribute1 User-defined field to pass data.
i_attribute2 User-defined field to pass data.
i_attribute3 Data in this field will trigger the creation of another XML message that is sent to the Trading Partner identified in the Destination Trading Partner Location Code field entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_attribute4 User-defined field to pass data.
i_attribute5 User-defined field to pass data.
retcode Return code for the procedure
retmsg Return message for the procedure


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure getOAGLOGICALID
return varchar2;


Gets the sender's logical ID defined for the ECX_OAG_LOGICALID system profile.

The value defined in the ECX_OAG_LOGICALID system profile is retrieved by the ECX_OAG_CONTROLAREA_TP_V view. The value is used to map to the OAG CNTROLAREA, LOGICALID element.

This function is not required if you are using the ECX_OAG_CONTROLAREA_TP_V view.

Arguments (input)


Arguments (output)




PL/SQL Syntax

procedure getDoclogDetails
(i_msgid in raw,
 i_message_type out varchar2,
 i_message_standard out varchar2,
 i_transaction_type out varchar2,
 i_transaction_subtype out varchar2,
 i_document_number out varchar2,
 i_party_id out varchar2,
 i_party_site_id out varchar2,
 i_protocol_type out varchar2,
 i_protocol_address out varchar2,
 i_username out varchar2,
 i_password out varchar2,
 i_attribute1 out varchar2,
 i_attribute2 out varchar2,
 i_attribute3 out varchar2,
 i_attribute4 out varchar2,
 i_attribute5 out varchar2,
 i_logfile out varchar2,
 i_internal_control_number out number,
 i_status out varchar2,
 i_time_stamp out date,
 i_direction out varchar2,
 o_retcode out pls_integer,
 o_retmsg out varchar2);


Gets information about transactions processed by XML Gateway. An entry is written to the ECX_DOCLOGS table for each outbound message created by XML Gateway and each inbound message processed by XML Gateway.

Error recovery is performed using the stored copy of a message. For details regarding error recovery, see XML Gateway Error Processing Item Type.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_msgid Message identifier provided by the XML Gateway execution engine for each message processed.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
i_message_type The message type is defaulted to "XML"
i_message_standard The XML standard associated with the business document as entered using the Define XML Standards window and used by the Define Trading Partners window.
i_transaction_type External transaction type associated with the business document as entered using the Define Transactions window and used by the Define Trading Partners window.
i_transaction_ subtype External transaction subtype associated with the business document as entered using the Define Transactions window and used by the Define Trading Partners window.
i_document_ number Unique identifier from the Oracle e-Business Suite for the outbound business document.
Unique identifier for an inbound business document received from the Trading Partner.
i_party_id Trading Partner identifier associated with the business document as entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_party_site_id Trading Partner site identifier associated with the business document as entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_protocol_type Communication method associated with the business document as entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_protocol_address Address/URL associated with the communication method as entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_username The username associated with the Trading Partner as entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_password The password associated with the username as entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_attribute1 User-defined field to pass data.
i_attribute2 User-defined field to pass data.
i_attribute3 The Destination Trading Partner Location Code as entered using the Define Trading Partners window.
i_attribute4 User-defined field to pass data.
i_attribute5 User-defined field to pass data.
i_logfile Identifies the name of the log file created by the XML Gateway execution engine for the business document processed. The log files are written to the directory identified in the ECX: Log File Path system profile.
i_internal_control_number The unique identifier as defined by the XML Gateway execution engine for each business document processed.
i_status The status of the business document processed.
i_time_stamp Time stamp from the XML Gateway execution engine representing when the outbound business document was created or when the inbound business document was processed.
i_direction Identifies whether the business document was outbound from the Oracle e-Business Suite or inbound into the Oracle e-Business Suite.
o_retcode Return code for the procedure.
o_retmsg Return message for the procedure.



PL/SQL Syntax

procedure set_error_exit_program
(i_err_type in pls_integer,
 i_err_code in pls_integer,
 i_err_msg in varchar2);


Sets the error code and message so that a notification can be sent to either the Trading Partner contact, the System Administrator (identified in the ECX: System Administrator Email Address system profile), or both.

The Send Error Message action is used for warnings that do not require the process to be terminated. This procedure is used for serious errors where you intend to terminate the process.

For more details regarding the Send Error Message action, see Map Action Editor - Return Error Message: Send Error Message.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_err_type A code to identify the intended recipient of the error notification. The valid values are as follows:
10 = Reporting error, do not send notification
20 = Send notification to the Trading Partner contact containing the error code and message
25 = Send notification to both the Trading Partner and System Administrator contact containing the error code and message
30 = Send notification to the System Administrator contact containing the error code and message
i_err_code Code for error detected
i_err_msg Message string for errors detected. Multiple messages may be concatenated into this variable and sent in the notification.

Arguments (output)




PL/SQL Syntax

procedure register_attachment
(i_entity_name in varchar2,
 i_pk1_value in varchar2,
 i_pk2_value in varchar2,
 i_pk3_value in varchar2,
 i_pk4_value in varchar2,
 i_pk5_value in varchar2,
 i_file_id in number,
 i_data_type in number,
 x_cid out varchar2);


Called by message maps for outbound documents to register the correlation of attachment(s) to an outbound business document.

This API assumes the attachment has been defined in the Oracle Foundation module. The required input to the API are values returned when the attachment was deposited in FND.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_entity_name Entity name from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk1_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk2_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk3_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk4_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk5_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_file_id File identifier from the FND_LOBS table used to determine the file_name value from the FND_LOBS table. The file_name is used to compose the x_cid value.
i_data_type Identifies the data type of the attachment file. The valid value is BLOB. Currently, only the ecx_attachment.embedded_lob_data_type value is supported (only

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
x_cid A unique identifier for the attachment within a given outbound document provided by FND when the attachment was deposited. The value is constructed using the formulate_content_id API by concatenating i_entity_name, i_pk1_value, i_pk2_value, i_pk3_value, i_pk4_value, i_pk5_value (which are provided as input to this API), and then adding the file_name (based on the file_id) from the FND_LOBS table.

Note: register_attachment is an overloaded API. The second signature is documented below. The difference between the two APIs is that the first uses the key values from the FND_LOBS table to uniquely identify the attachment; and the second uses a user-defined identifier.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure register_attachment
(i_cid in varchar2,
 i_file_id in number,
 i_data_type in number);

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_cid A unique identifier for the attachment provided by the user when the attachment was defined in FND.
i_file_id File identifier from the FND_LOBS table.
i_data_type Identifies the data type of the attachment file. The valid value is BLOB. The list of valid values is maintained in ecx_attachment.embedded_lob_data_type API.

Arguments (output)



PL/SQL Syntax

procedure retrieve_attachment
(i_msgid in raw,
 x_cid in varchar2,
 x_file_name out varchar2,
 x_file_content_type out varchar2,
 x_file_data out nocopy blob,
 x_ora_charset out varchar2,
 x_file_format out varchar2);


Called by message maps for inbound documents to retrieve an attachment deposited by Oracle Transport Agent (OTA) when the inbound document was received.

Not all attachments deposited by OTA are of interest to the receiving application. Only the attachments identified by the i_msgid and x_cid parameters are retrieved using this API.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_msgid The message ID associated with the attachment deposited by OTA into the FND repository.
x_cid A unique identifier for the attachment provided in the inbound XML document. With OAG, this would be provided in the ATTCHREF data type, FILENAME element. The exact location of the unique identifier in the XML document will vary by standard.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
x_file_name Name of the attachment file from the FND_LOBS table.
x_file_content_type Content type specified during the attachment uploading process. Information from the FND_LOBS table.
x_file_data The uploaded attachment stored as a binary LOB from the FND_LOBS table.
x_ora_charset Oracle character set from the FND_LOBS table.
x_file_format File format ("text" or "binary") from the FND_LOBS table.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure reconfig_attachment
(i_msgid in raw,
 i_cid in varchar2,
 i_entity_name in varchar2,
 i_pk1_value in varchar2,
 i_pk2_value in varchar2,
 i_pk3_value in varchar2,
 i_pk4_value in varchar2,
 i_pk5_value in varchar2,
 i_program_app_id in number,
 i_program_id in number,
 i_request_id in number,
 x_document_id out number);


Called by message maps for inbound documents to reset FND attributes for a previously retrieved attachment deposited by OTA when the inbound document was received.

Not all attachments retrieved using the retrieve_attachment API must be reconfigured. Use the reconfig_attachment API only if you want to update the FND attributes. Use the standard Oracle Foundation module to create a new copy of the attachment if necessary.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_msgid The message ID associated with the attachment deposited by OTA into the FND repository.
i_cid A unique identifier for the attachment. This is the same value provided to the retrieve_attachment API that was based on the value in the inbound XML document.
i_entity_name Entity name from the FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.
i_pk1_value Key value from the FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.
i_pk2_value Key value from the FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.
i_pk3_value Key value from the FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.
i_pk4_value Key value from the FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.
i_pk5_value Key value from the FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.
i_program_app_id Standard extended who column from FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.
i_program_id Standard extended who column from FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.
i_request_id Standard extended who column from FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
x_document_id Unique identifier for the reconfigured attachment.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure formulate_content_id
(i_file_id in number,
 i_entity_name in varchar2,
 i_pk1_value in varchar2,
 i_pk2_value in varchar2,
 i_pk3_value in varchar2,
 i_pk4_value in varchar2,
 i_pk5_value in varchar2,
 x_cid out varchar2);


Called by register_attachment API to determine the unique CID for an attachment deposited into FND. This API is exposed for use outside of the register_attachment API context.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
i_file_id File identifier from the FND_LOBS table used to determine the file_name value from the FND_LOBS table. The file_name is used to compose the x_cid value.
i_entity_name Entity name from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk1_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk2_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk3_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk4_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.
i_pk5_value Key value from the FND_LOBS table used to compose the x_cid value.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
x_cid A unique identifier for the attachment based on the concatenation of i_entity_name, i_pk1_value, i_pk2_value, i_pk3_value, i_pk4_value, i_pk5_value (which are provided as input to this API), and then adding the file_name value (based n the file_id) from the FND_LOBS table.



PL/SQL Syntax

procedure convert_to_cxml_date
(p_ora_date in date,
 x_cxml_date out varchar2);


Converts Oracle date to cXML date in ISO 8601 format. The time element is not included.

If both date and time are required, use convert_to_cxml_datetime procedure.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
p_ora_date The Oracle date.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
x_cxml_date The cXML date converted from the Oracle date.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure convert_to_cxml_datetime
(p_ora_date in date,
 x_cxml_date out varchar2);


Converts Oracle date and time to cXML date and time in ISO 8601 format.

If only the date is required, use convert_to_cxml_date procedure.

Important: Be sure to set the profile option ECX: Server Time Zone. If you do not set this profile option, the time zone defaults to GMT. See Define System Profile Options.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
p_ora_date The Oracle date and time.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
x_cxml_date The cXML date and time converted from the Oracle date and time.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure convert_from_cxml_datetime
(p_cxml date in varchar2,
 x_ora_date out date);


Converts cXML date and time to Oracle date and time.

Important: Be sure to set the profile option ECX: Server Time Zone. If you do not set this profile option, the time zone defaults to GMT. See Define System Profile Options.

Arguments (input)

Variable Description
p_cxml_date The cXML date and time on an incoming document.

Arguments (output)

Variable Description
x_ora_date The Oracle date and time converted from the cXML date and time.