PO History Feed File

This appendix contains detailed information about the PO reconciliation history feed file.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Format and Data Elements of PO History Feed

After the appropriate purchase orders have been extracted using the selection criteria, the data elements for the purchase orders are compiled in the correct format and included in the output PO History Feed file. The PO History Feed file structure contains the following levels of information, called records:

The following sections describe the data elements that are included in each of the records in the PO History Feed file.

Control Record

The following table shows the data elements that are the Control Record:

Control Record Layout
Field Required Length Starting Position Data Type Action
1 - Record Type Indicator Yes 1 1 Alpha C (for Control)
2 - Creation Date Prefix Yes 15 2 Alpha Creation Date
3 - File Creation Date Yes 8 17 Numeric YYYYMMDD - File Creation Date (system date when the PO History Feed request was completed)
4 - Total File Amount Prefix Yes 19 25 Alpha Total File Amount
5 - Sum of All PO Amounts Yes 15 (12.2) 44 Numeric Total Sum of all PO Amounts in file in functional currency of operating unit. Format for Number is 12.2.
Send first 15 characters only and truncate if necessary.
Should include purchase orders with all statuses (ON, CN, OH) for calculation.
For more information, see the following business rules.
6 - Credit/Debit Indicator Yes 1 59 Alpha D for Debit, C for Credit
7 - Header Record Prefix Yes 14 60 Alpha Total Header
8 - Total Header Records Yes 5 74 Numeric Total Number of Header Records in file.
Should include purchase orders with all statuses (ON, CN, OH) for calculation.
For more information, see the following business rules.
9 - Detail Record Prefix Yes 14 79 Alpha Total Detail
10 - Total Detail Records Yes 5 93 Numeric Total Number of Detail Records in file. Since canceled distributions on the PO are not included in the Detail Record, only non-canceled distributions should be counted during calculation.
For more information, see the following business rules.
11 - Start Date Prefix Yes 12 98 Alpha Start Date
12 - Transaction Start Date Yes 8 110 Numeric YYYYMMDD - Earliest last_update_date among all purchase orders in the file.
Should include purchase orders with all statuses (ON, CN, OH) for calculation.
For more information, see the following business rules.
13 - End Date Prefix Yes 10 118 Alpha End Date
14 - Transaction End Date   8 128 Numeric YYYYMMDD - Latest last_update_date among all purchase orders in the file.
Should include purchase orders with all statuses (ON, CN, OH) for calculation.
For more information, see the following business rules.

Business Rules for Data Elements in the Control Record

The following apply to the data elements in the Control Record:

Header Record

The following table describes the data elements that are the Header Record:

PO History Feed Header Record
Field Required Length Starting Position Data Type Rules
1 - Record Type Indicator Yes 1 1 Alpha H (for Header)
2 - CM Ref #
PO Number
Only purchase orders with numbers up to 15 characters in length are sent. Purchase orders with numbers greater than 15 characters in length are not included and a warning is generated.
For more information, see the business rules.
3 - Card Number Yes 16 19 Alpha Number of P-Card being charged.
Numeric only. Non-numeric characters from the P-Card number are removed before sending.
Only purchase orders with P-Card numbers up to 16 characters in length are sent. Purchase orders with P-Card numbers greater than 16 characters are not included and a warning is generated.
See the business rules that follow this table.
4 - Cardmember Name Yes 35 35 Alpha In case of employee P-Cards: Card Member Name.
In case of supplier P-Cards: Supplier Name.
For both, only first 35 characters are included.
5 - Requestor Name No 25 70 Alpha In case of supplier P-Cards: send blank. In case of employee P-Cards: Card Member Name. Only first 25 characters are included.
6 - Requestor ID No 10 95 Alpha Employee ID for requester.
Only first 10 characters are included.
7 - Payment Type Indicator Yes 1 105 Alpha P for Employee P-Card.
O for Supplier P-Card.
8 - Supplier Name Yes 100 106 Alpha Field that sends both Supplier Name and Supplier Site Name.
Format of the field is Supplier Name-Supplier Site Name.
Only first 100 characters are included.
9 - Client Supplier Number 1 No 30 206 Alpha Vendor ID (po_headers.vendor_id)
Only first 30 characters are included.
10 - Client Supplier Number 2 No 25 236 Alpha Vendor Site ID (po_headers.vendor_site_id)
Only first 25 characters are included.
11 - Order Date Yes 8 261 Numeric last_update_date from PO Header in YYYYMMDD format.
12 - Order Status No 2 269 Alpha Two-letter codes (ON, CN, OH).
13 - Total Lines in PO Yes 4 271 Numeric Total number of details records included.
Since canceled distributions on the purchase order are not included as Detail Records, only non-canceled distributions are accounted for.
If purchase order has a control status of Canceled or Finally Closed, no distributions are included as detail records. See the business rules that follow this table.
14 - PO Amount Yes 15 (12.2) 275 Numeric Total Amount of purchase order in functional currency for operating unit. Even for purchase orders created in a currency different from functional currency for operating unit, the field is calculated in the functional currency.
See the business rules that follow this table.
Only first 15 characters are included.
15 - Credit/Debit Indicator Yes 1 290 Alpha D for Debit, C for Credit.
16 - PO Currency Yes 3 291 Alpha Always functional currency for operating unit.
Uses three-letter ISO acronym.
17 - Local Currency Amount Yes 15 (12.2) 294 Numeric Purchase order amount in PO Header Currency.
Only first 15 characters are included.
18 - Local Currency Code Yes 3 309 Alpha Currency in which purchase order is created (po_headers_all.currency.code)·
Uses three-letter ISO acronym.
19 - Header Miscellaneous No 40 312 Alpha Field not used.

Business Rules for Data Elements in the Header Record

The following business rules apply to the data elements in the Header Record:

Detail Record

The following table describes the data elements that are the Detail record.

PO History Feed Detail Record
Field Required Length Starting Position Data Type Rules
1 - Record Type Indicator Yes 1 1 Alpha D (for Detail)
2 - CM Ref # Yes 2 2 Alpha AX
PO Number Yes 15 4 Alpha Only purchase orders with numbers up to 15 characters in length are sent. Purchase orders with numbers greater than 15 characters in length are not included and a warning is generated.
3 - PO Line Number Yes 4 19 Numeric Contains the PO Line Distribution Number.
Since canceled distributions on the purchase order are not included as Detail Records, only non-canceled distributions are accounted for.
If purchase order has a control status of Canceled or Finally Closed, no distributions are included as detail records, and this value be 0.
For more information, see the business rules.
4 - Quantity No 10 (7.2) 23 Numeric Quantity of items ordered.
Only first 10 characters are included.
5 - Unit of Measure No 25 33 Alpha Unit of Measure for ordered items (po_lines.unit_meas_lookup_code).
Only first 25 characters are included.
6 - Unit Price No 10 58 Numeric Price for each item ordered.
Only first 10 characters are included.
For more information, see the business rules.
7 - Item Description No 40 68 Alpha Description of item ordered (mtl_system_items_kfv.description).
Only first 40 characters are included.
8 - Accounting Code Yes 180 108 Alpha Charge Account for distribution (po_distributions.code_combination_id).
A semicolon separates each accounting segment.
Only first 180 characters are included. Semicolons are included in the field length count.
9 - Client Inventory Number No 40 288 Alpha Client Inventory Number (mtl_system_items_kfv.item_number).
In case of non-catalog requests, field is blank.
Only first 40 characters are included.
10 - UN/SPSC Code No 16 328 Alpha Field not used
11 - Receipt Indicator No 1 344 Alpha Field not used
12 - Line Detail Miscellaneous No 40 345 Alpha Field not used
13 - Credit/Debit Indicator Yes 1 385 Alpha D for Debit, C for Credit.
For more information, see the business rules.
14 - Vendor Part Number No 50 386 Alpha Field Not used

Business Rules for Data Elements in the Detail Record

The following rules apply to the data elements in the detail record:

Sample PO History Feed File

CCreation Date: 20020416Total File Amount: 000000000480.00DTotal Header: 00002Total Detail: 00007Start Date: 20020416End Date: 20020416

HAX4426-15 478904789047890 Andrew Smith Andrew Smith 0000005841PEPC TEST1 Supplier-SITE 1 000000000000000000000000001466000000000000000000000245020020416ON0002000000000060.00DUSL000000000060.00USL

DAX4426-15 00010000001.00Each 0000010.00SL Test Expense Item 1 01;510;7530;0000;000 SL Test Expense Item 1 D

DAX4426-15 00020000001.00Each 0000010.00SL Test Expense Item 1 01;740;7330;0000;000 SL Test Expense Item 1 D

HAX4680 849748497484974 SPC TEST1 Supplier 0000000000OSPC TEST1 Supplier-SITE 1 000000000000000000000000001511000000000000000000000249620020416ON0005000000000420.00DUSL000000000420.00USL

DAX4680 00010000001.00Each 0000040.00SL Test Expense Item 4 01;510;7530;0000;000 SL Test Expense Item 4 D

DAX4680 00020000001.00Each 0000040.00SL Test Expense Item 4 01;510;7530;0000;000 SL Test Expense Item 4 D

DAX4680 00030000001.00Each 0000050.00SL Test Expense Item 5 01;510;7530;0000;000 SL Test Expense Item 5 D

DAX4680 00040000001.00Each 0000050.00SL Test Expense Item 5 01;510;7530;0000;000 SL Test Expense Item 5 D

DAX4680 00050000001.00Each 0000050.00SL Test Expense Item 5 01;520;5360;0000;000 SL Test Expense Item 5 D