Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement


Funds disbursement is a payment sent from the first party payer, the deploying company, to the third party payee, such as suppliers. A payment can take an electronic form; such as EFT or wire, or a printed form such as a check.

To use Oracle Payments, you must perform the setup steps indicated in the table below in other E-Business Suite products. For each application installed, consult the guides for that application to determine the sequence of setup steps.

Setup Checklist for E-Business Suite Products
Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application and Applicable Guide
Set up third party payees and suppliers and supplier sites. required iSupplier Portal, Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide. See Supplier Definition and Maintenance and Defining Supplier Sites.
Set up VAT reporting. conditionally required Oracle Financials for countries in the EMEA region, Oracle Financials for Europe User Guide. See Setting Up VAT Reporting.

The Oracle Payments setup checklist for the funds disbursement process is shown in the table below. These setup steps must be performed in Oracle Payments in the sequence indicated.

Funds Disbursement Setup Checklist
Step Number Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application
12. Setting Up Funds Disbursement Payment Methods conditionally required Oracle Payments
13. Setting Up Payment Method Defaulting Rules optional Oracle Payments
14. Setting Up Bank Instruction Codes optional Oracle Payments
15. Setting Up Delivery Channel Codes optional Oracle Payments
16. Setting Up Payment Reason Codes optional Oracle Payments
17. Setting Up Payment Process Profiles required Oracle Payments
18. Setting Up Disbursement System Options required Oracle Payments

Step 12. Setting Up Funds Disbursement Payment Methods

Note: If you intend to use funds capture functionality, you must complete Steps 13 to 18 as described below. If you do not intend to use funds capture functionality, you do not need to perform Steps 13 to 18.

A funds disbursement payment method is a medium by which the first party payer, or deploying company, makes a payment to a third party payee, such as a supplier. You can use a payment method to pay one or more suppliers. Oracle Payments supports several payment methods for funds disbursement, including the following:


The purpose of creating funds disbursement payment methods is to:

Creating Funds Disbursement Payment Methods

Creating a funds disbursement payment method in Oracle Payments is comprised of the following tasks:

Entering General Information--First Node

If, after completing the Create Payment Method: General page, you click the Review button, the system navigates to the Create Payment Method: Review page and skips the remaining tasks in creating a payment method. The system inserts, however, default values for usage rules and payment field validations. No validations are assigned for this payment method. The Create Payment Method: Review page reflects the default information when you navigate to it by clicking the Review button.

Entering Header Information

In the Code field of the Create Payment Method: General page, enter a user-defined code, which represents a shortname for the payment method.

Note: For some formats, the payment method field or equivalent must be populated from a list of possible values, defined by the payment system or country. Those lists may not correspond, one-to-one, with payment methods that are seeded in Oracle Payments, or with new payment methods that you create.

To correctly populate the payment method or equivalent field in the format, enter the value of a newly created payment method, as it should appear in the payment file, in the Format Value Mapping field of the Create Payment Method: General page or the Update Payment Method page.

For example, if a formatting template uses a format value of WIRE, but you want to create several new wire payment methods that each have different validations, you can enter WIRE in the format mapping value for each, and that is the value that will appear in the payment file for all payment instructions that have those payment methods.

In the Anticipated Disbursement Float field, enter a value that represents the number of days after submission of the payment instruction until the funds leave the first party payer's account.

Specifying Bills Payable Payment Methods

Bills payable is a payment method involving the transfer of funds between bank accounts, where one party promises to pay another a specified amount on a specified date. If you wish to create a payment method that is used only for bills payable, you must enter a value in the Maturity Date Calculation field. This value represents the number of days to add to today's date to determine the bills payable due date.

Creating Usage Rules--Second Node

Usage rules specify when a payment method is available for use by source products for documents payable. When you create usage rules, you enable or disable payment methods for each product integrated with Oracle Payments. By defining or not defining conditions for each product with an enabled or disabled payment method, you can effectively provide different usage rules for different source products and change whether and when the payment method is available.

The Availability column on the Create Payment Method: Usage Rules page defaults an availability of Always, which means that the payment method for the applicable product is always available and it also implies that no conditions have been set. The value in the Availability column is read-only and reflects whether conditions have been defined for the applicable product on the Usage Rules: Update Conditions for <product name> page.

The payment method that the source product user sees in the source product, depends on the usage rules specified in the Create Payment Method: Usage Rules page.

The following table shows the relationship between the definition of payment method conditions and the availability of payment methods for source products on the Create Payment Method: Usage Rules page.

Relationship Between the Definition of Payment Method Conditions and the Availability of Payment Methods for Source Products
Availability Column Displays... Conditions for the Payment Method Enabled Check box
Always No Conditions Set Selected
Conditional Conditions Exist Selected
Never No Conditions Set Selected Enabled Check Box is Deselected

In the Usage Rules: Update Conditions for <Product Name> page, the First Party Organization subregion uses access control security so that when you click the Add button, you only see the first party organizations to which you have access. That is, you can only add first party organizations to which you have access.

If, after completing the Create Payment Method: Usage Rules page, you click the Review button, the system navigates to the Create Payment Method: Review page and skips the remaining tasks in creating a payment method. The system inserts, however, default values for payment field validations. No validations are assigned for this payment method. The Create Payment Method: Review page reflects the default information when you navigate to it by clicking the Review button.

Defining Usage Conditions

When the source product user is entering an invoice in Oracle Payables, for example, the source product user enters data for all the variables indicated on the Usage Rules: Update Conditions for <product name> page. This data includes the organization and the legal entity to which the invoice belongs, as well as the payment processing transaction types available for use on the payment method, such as customer refunds, loan funding, payables documents, employee expense reports, bank account transfers, and adhoc payments. All of the data you specify on the Usage Rules: Update Conditions for <product name> page is entered on the invoice in Oracle Payables before the Oracle Payables user selects the payment method.

Assigning Validations--Third Node

Assign the validations you want performed for each document, payment, or payment instruction that uses this payment method. For detailed information on validations, see Document Validation Flow (F5), Oracle Payments User's Guide or Payment Instruction Validation Failure Handling Flow (F9), Oracle Payments User's Guide.

Updating Payment Methods

To update payment methods, you can:

Duplicating Funds Disbursement Payment Methods

To duplicate a payment method, click the applicable Duplicate icon in the Payment Methods page. This action copies the entire original payment method. You can then make changes to the duplicate and save it as a new funds disbursement payment method.

Step 13. Setting Up Payment Method Defaulting Rules

Payment method defaulting rules determine when payment methods default onto a document payable, such as an invoice. Various products are shown in the Payment Method Defaulting Rules page because you can have different defaulting rules for different products. A payment method defaults onto a document payable when all specified conditions are met. That is, values on the document payable, such as legal entity, organization, and payment type, must match the values for the defaulting rules' conditions for the applicable payment method to default onto the document payable.

Oracle Payments applies the rules in the user-specified priority. For example, if the first rule is a match, Oracle Payments stops and defaults that rule's corresponding payment method onto the invoice. Further, suppose you specify that the payment method for all documents processed by Oracle Payables is first, Check and second, EFT. In this case, if the conditions for Payment Method Check match those on the invoice, then Payment Method Check defaults onto the invoice. If the conditions for Payment Method Check do not match those on the invoice, then Oracle Payments determines whether the conditions for Payment Method EFT matches. If the conditions for Payment Method EFT match those on the invoice, then Payment Method EFT defaults onto the invoice.

Generally, the source product allows the user to override the default payment system manually.


The purpose of setting up payment method defaulting rules is to create and maintain defaulting rules for when payment methods are to default on documents to be paid.

Creating Defaulting Rules

If the First Party Legal Entity, the First Party Organization, the Payment Processing Transaction Type, the Currency, and the Payee Location on the defaulting rule all match the same values for those attributes on the invoice, then that payment method defaults onto the invoice.

Specifying First Party Legal Entities

The first party legal entity is the legal entity to which the invoice belongs.

Specifying First Party Organization Entities

The first party organization is the organization to which the invoice belongs.

First party organization uses access control security, so that when you click the Add button, you only see the first party organizations to which you have access. This means that you can only add first party organizations to which you have access.

Specifying Payment Processing Transaction Types

The Payment Processing Transaction Type list of values only displays the payment processing transaction types assigned to the source product for which you are updating or creating a rule. Payment processing transaction types includes the following payment types:

Reordering Defaulting Rules Priority

Typically, defaulting rules are reordered when:

Step 14. Setting Up Bank Instruction Codes

Bank instruction codes are generally country-specific identifiers provided by a country's government or central bank. These codes provide the payment system or bank with additional details about how the country-specific payment is to be processed.


The purpose of entering country-specific bank instruction codes required by a particular country's payment system or bank is to enable you to process payment instructions to the country-specific payment system or bank.

Seeded Bank Instruction Codes

Oracle Payments provides many seeded bank instruction codes. The Author column of the Bank Instruction Codes page displays Oracle Payments for seeded bank instruction codes and the applicable user name for user-defined codes.

Creating Bank Instruction Codes

To create a bank instruction code, enter the following:

Step 15. Setting Up Delivery Channel Codes

Delivery channel codes are generally country-specific identifiers provided by a country's government or central bank. These codes provide the payment system or bank with additional details about how the country-specific payment is to be delivered to a payee.


The purpose of entering country-specific delivery channel codes required by a particular country's payment system or central bank is to enable you to specify how payments are to be delivered to payees by the country-specific payment system or bank.

Seeded Delivery Channel Codes

Oracle Payments provides many seeded delivery channel codes. The Author column of the Delivery Channel Codes page displays Oracle Payments for seeded delivery channel codes and the applicable user name for user-defined codes.

Creating Delivery Channel Codes

To create a delivery channel code, enter the following:

Step 16. Setting Up Payment Reason Codes

Payment reason codes are generally country-specific identifiers provided by a country's government or central bank. These codes provide the payment system or bank with additional details about the reason for the payment for regulatory reporting purposes.


The purpose of entering country-specific payment reason codes required by a particular country's payment system or central bank is to enable you to specify the reason for the payment to the country-specific payment system or bank.

Seeded Payment Reason Codes

Oracle Payments provides many seeded payment reason codes. The Author column of the Payment Reason Codes page displays Oracle Payments for seeded payment reason codes and the applicable user name for user-defined codes.

Creating Payment Reason Codes

To create a payment reason code, enter the following:

Step 17. Setting Up Payment Process Profiles

A payment process profile is a payment attribute assigned to documents payable, which specifies how Oracle Payments performs processing. Payment process profiles are comprised of several types of payment processing information, including specifications for formatting and transmission.


Before you can set up payment process profiles, you must perform the following setup steps:


The purpose of setting up payment process profiles is to specify the details of the payment process. Payment process profiles are blueprints that contain all the rules for creating and disbursing payments.

Creating Payment Process Profiles

The payment process profile provides a number of features that vary in complexity, some of which may not be needed for basic payment processing. Therefore, once you create a payment process profile by entering data in the Create Payment Process Profile page and applying it, you can search for the newly create profile and set up any additional features by using the update functionality.

After you finish entering data in the Create Payment Process Profile page, you can click the Save and Add Details button to navigate to the Update Payment Process Profile page. The initial data entered is saved to the database and the newly created Payment Process Profile is ready for use, if appropriate or you can add additional features later by using the update functionality.

Entering Header Information

Selecting a processing type of Electronic or Printed determines what fields you see in the header of the Create Payment Process Profile page.

The list of values for the Payment System field is based on the value selected from the Payment Instruction Format list of values. If you do not select an option from the Payment Instruction Format list of values, then the list of values for the Payment System field is blank.

If a payment system is not selected from the Payment System list of values, then the list of values for the Transmission Configuration field is empty. When a payment system is selected, the Transmission Configuration list of values displays the configurations that are linked to the payment system.

Specifying the Electronic Processing Type

If you select Electronic from the Processing Type drop-down box in the Create Payment Process Profile page, the following fields display in the header that are pertinent to electronic payment processing:

Specifying the Printed Processing Type

If you select Printed from the Processing Type drop-down box, the following fields display in the header that are pertinent to printed payment processing:

Specifying Payment Process Profile Usage Rules

Payment process profile usage rules determine when payment process profiles can be assigned for use on documents payable. You can select the All radio button to indicate that all payment methods, first party organizations, internal bank accounts, and/or currencies apply to this payment process profile or you can select the Specify radio button to specify specific values for any of these categorizations that apply to this payment process profile.

First Party Organization uses access control security so that when you click the Specify radio button and then click the Add button, you will only see the first party organizations to which you have access. This means you can only add first party organizations for which you have access.

Specifying Payment Instruction Creation Rules

This region enables you to specify how payments are grouped into payment instructions and how those payments are sorted within the payment instructions.

Internal Bank Account and Payment Currency payment grouping options are only displayed under the Payment Instruction Creation Rules region when the Processing Type selected is Electronic.

When the Payment Process Request grouping option is specified, payments that were submitted to Oracle Payments in different payment process requests are not mixed together in the payment instructions. However, there is no assurance that only a single payment instruction is created with payments from within a payment process request because payments within the same payment process request may contain different payment process profiles, and therefore need to be grouped into separate payment instructions.

Specifying Payment Grouping

Descriptions of selected payment grouping options are indicated in the table below.

Descriptions of Payment Grouping Options
Field Feature Description
RFC Identifier check box Identifier of the Regional Finance Center. This is relevant if you are deploying Oracle Payments for use by a United States federal agency.
Payment Function check box Function of the payment, that is, a type of payment. Examples of payment functions are Supplier Payment and Employee Reimbursement.

Specifying Payment Limits

You can specify a maximum payment amount and/or a maximum number of payments for a payment instruction. If you specify a maximum payment amount, you must specify an exchange rate type from the Exchange Rate Type drop-down box. Examples of the exchange rate type options are indicated in the table below.

Descriptions of Exchange Rate Type Options
Field Description
Corporate An exchange rate that is optionally used to perform foreign currency conversion. The corporate exchange rate is usually a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization. This rate is defined in Oracle General Ledger.
Spot A daily exchange rate used to perform foreign currency conversions. The spot exchange rate is usually a quoted market rate that applies to the immediate delivery of one currency for another.
User A user-defined exchange rate.

Specifying Payment Sorting

Oracle Payments applies user-specifed payment grouping rules to a pool of payments, thereby grouping individual payments into various payment instructions. The system then applies user-specified sorts, in sequence, so that payments within a payment instruction are sorted as specified.

Specifying Separate Remittance Advice

Remittance advice is a report sent to a payee that lists the documents payable paid as part of each payment. You can specify the format for the remittance advice document and the delivery method.

When the separate remittance advice Format field is specified, the Condition field under the Separate Remittance Advice region in the Reporting subtab is set to All Payments. You can change this value in the Update Payment Process Profile page if you wish.

If you select the Override Payee Delivery Method Preference check box, you can override the supplier/payee's delivery method preference that was set in the supplier/payee setup.

If the Override Payee Delivery Method Preference check box is deselected, the delivery method preference set at the supplier/payee level is used, overriding the delivery method set in the Create Payment Process Profile page or in the Update Payment Process Profile page.

Adding or Updating Usage Rules

The Usage Rules subtab displays the same regions and fields that appear in the Create Payment Process Profile page.

Adding or Updating the Payment System

The Payment System subtab displays the accounts associated with the payment system. If you wish, you can enable one or more payment system accounts.

Select a payment transmission protocol from the Payment Transmission Protocol drop-down list. The drop-down list displays seeded protocols that are linked to the payment system you selected from the Payment System list of values on the Create Payment Process Profile page.

Specifying the Payment System

The Payment System field is enterable in the Update Payment Process Profile page only if you do not select a payment system from the Payment System list of values on the Create Payment Process Profile page. If you select a payment system from the Payment System list of values in the Create Payment Process Profile page, you cannot update the Payment System field in the Update Payment Process Profile page because it is read-only.

If you select or enter a payment system in the Payment System field of the Update Payment Process Profile page, you must select at least one payment system account by selecting the corresponding Enabled check box.

Enabling Payment System Accounts

Payment system account names are user-defined identifiers that identify the deploying company's accounts with its payment system. All payment system account names are enabled by default and populate the Name field under the Payment System Accounts region when you navigate to the Update Payment Process Profile page for the first time from the Create Payment Process Profile page. The populated payment system account names are the same as the user-defined identifiers originally entered in the Name field of the Update Payment System Accounts page during shared setup for payment systems.

The value in the Account Payment Process Profile Name field defaults the concatenated string of the account payment process profile name and the payment system account name. If you wish, you can change this defaulted account payment process profile name.

The required value in the Account Payment Process Profile Name field is only valid for the account payment process profile names that are enabled. Users typically enable one payment system account name at a time by selecting the corresponding Enabled check box. You can, however, enable more than one payment system account if you want to use the same payment process profile for different payment system accounts.

If you did not navigate directly from the Create Payment Process Profile page, but instead clicked the Update icon on the Payment Process Profiles page, and you deselect the Enabled check box in the Payment System subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile page, the system end dates the payment system account but does not delete it.

Adding or Updating Payment Creation

The information entered in the Payment Creation subtab is used to define payment creation rules for grouping documents payable into payments.

Specifying Document Grouping

Specifying document grouping options defines grouping rules used to group documents payable into payments.

Specifying Document Limits

In this region you can specify a maximum payment detail size limit and a maximum payment amount for payments. The payment detail is built using the Payment Detail Form field. This field should contain a SQL expression written by a database administrator. This SQL expression, which can reference columns of the documents payable table, is used by Oracle Payments to generate payment detail in the form of text that becomes part of the payment. An example of payment detail that would create the payment detail by concatenating the purchase order number and payment date of the documents in the payment might look as follows: PO_NUMBER || PAYMENT_DATE.

In the Maximum Payment Detail Length field you enter the maximum number of characters allowed for payment detail. This limit is imposed by the deploying company's payment system or a regulatory body.

Adding or Updating Payment Instruction Creation

The information entered in the Payment Instruction Creation subtab is used to group payments into payment instructions. The Payment Instruction Creation subtab includes the Bank Instructions region, which does not appear on the Create Payment Process Profile page.

Specifying Payment Grouping

The Internal Bank Account payment grouping option check box is only displayed when the selection for the Processing Type field is Electronic.

Specifying Bank Instructions

In this region, you specify bank instruction codes and other fields of text that are added to all payment instructions that are created using this payment process request. The specified codes and text are usually used to provide additional payment processing instructions for the intended payment system or additional payment information for the intended payee. The table below describes the fields in the Bank Instructions region.

Description of Fields Under the Bank Instructions Region, Payment Instruction Creation Subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Bank Instruction 1 and 2 List of Values Bank Instruction Code. For information on setting up bank instruction codes, see Step 14. Setting Up Bank Instruction Codes.
Bank Instruction Details Enterable Field Text that appears in the electronic payment instruction.
Payment Text Message 1 and 2 Enterable Fields Messages that are added to electronic payment instructions and may be passed to payees by the payment system.

Adding or Updating Payment Instruction Format

The Payment Instruction Format subtab displays information about the format of the payment instruction that is submitted to the payment system or bank, along with the payment.

Specifying Payment File Information

The enterable fields in the Payment File Information region contain user-defined information that is requested by the payment system or bank to submit payment files. The table below describes the payment file information fields.

Description of Fields Under the Payment File Information Region, Payment Instruction Format Subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Outbound Payment File Prefix Enterable field Prefix on the file name that is submitted to the payment system or bank.
Outbound Payment File Extension Enterable field Extension on the file name that is submitted to the payment system or bank
Outbound Payment File Directory Enterable field Location on the deploying company's computer from which the payment file is submitted to the payment system or bank

Entering Sequence Information

Sequences are used in Oracle Payment to number sequential items. An example of a sequence is the sequential numbering of invoices. Database Administrators define sequences in the database. Payment systems or central banks may require that some of these sequences be reset on a periodic basis.

The table below describes the fields under the Periodic Sequences in Format region of the Payment Instruction Format subtab.

Description of Fields under the Periodic Sequences in Format Region, Payment Instruction Format Subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Sequence Name Enterable field Name of a sequence that a Database Administrator defines in the database. This value is linked to an entry in an Oracle XML Publisher template, which you select when you create a format during shared setup.
Payment System Account Name Automatically populated by any enabled payment system accounts Any enabled payment system account is displayed in the Payment System Account Name field.
Reset Sequence Value Enterable field Restarts the sequence at the value specified in the Reset Sequence Value field.
Last Used Number Enterable field A number, after which the sequence restarts.
Set Schedule Icon Opens the Concurrent Request program page, where you need to run the program with name Reset Periodic Sequence Value by specifying when and how frequently you want Oracle Payments to reset the sequence value.

Note: If no payment system is selected or entered for the Payment System field in the Payment System subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile page, then the Periodic Sequences in Format region is not displayed.

The Periodic Sequences in Format region always displays three rows, which enables you to enter up to three sequence names. When you enter a sequence name in the Periodic Sequences in Format region, the Sequence Settings table displays all the payment system account names that were enabled in the Payment System subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile page.

Adding or Updating Payment Reporting

The Reporting subtab displays enterable fields to select options for running various reports.

Specifying Payment Instruction Register Information

A payment instruction register is a report that is created for each payment instruction. The register indicates what payments are contained in that payment instruction.

Specifying Positive Pay Information

A positive pay file is a security measure in the form of a document that the deploying company sends to its payment system or bank to inform it of payments made by check. When you print checks, then you can electronically transmit a list of payments to the bank or payment system that indicates the checks you printed, so the bank or payment system knows what checks to pay. This list prevents the payment system or bank from paying fraudulent checks, since such checks are not listed on the positive pay file.

The table below describes selected fields under the Positive Pay region of the Reporting subtab.

Description of Fields Under the Positive Pay Region, Reporting Subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Outbound Payment File Prefix Enterable field Prefix entered on the file name of a positive pay file.
Outbound Payment File Extension Enterable field Extension entered on the file name of a positive pay file.
Outbound Payment File Directory Enterable field Folder on the deploying company's computer from which the positive pay file is submitted to the payment system or bank.
Automatically Transmit File Check box If selected, Oracle Payments transmits the positive pay file when payments are issued. That is, when checks are printed, then the positive pay file is generated and transmitted.

Specifying Separate Remittance Advice

Separate remittance advice is a document that lists the invoices paid with a particular payment. You can specify the format for the separate remittance advice document and the delivery method.

The table below describes selected fields under the Separate Remittance Advice region of the Reporting subtab.

Description of Fields Under the Separate Remittance Advice Region, Reporting Subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Condition Drop-down list Specifies when or for which payments this remittance advice is generated.
Number of Documents option indicates the number of payments that must be included in a payment instruction for Oracle Payments to generate separate remittance advice for the included payments. The Payment Detail Length option indicates the minimum payment detail length required to generate separate remittance advice for a payment.

Specifying Regulatory Reporting

Regulatory reporting refers to reports required by a regulatory body, such as a level of government, the central bank, or an individual bank.

The fields in the Regulatory Reporting region of the Update Payment Process Profile page enable you to determine the conditions under which regulatory reporting can be generated. In addition to these conditions, you can use a SQL function if you want to implement more complex criteria. This SQL function overrides the fields in the user interface, such as the reporting threshold amount.

To implement this SQL function, you will need to update the following stub SQL function:

IBY_EXTENSIBILITY_CALLOUTS_PUB (ibyextcs/b.pls) with the following signature: 
FUNCTION isCentralBankReportingRequired( 
     p_payment_id             IN NUMBER, 
     x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 

The function accepts one parameter, the Payment ID. This function must return either Y or N.

Adding or Updating Additional Information

This subtab enables you to define descriptive flexfields, if applicable.

Step 18. Setting Up Disbursement System Options

Disbursement system options are system-wide payment options that control disbursements made by the first party payer to suppliers. Oracle Payments provides two levels of system options; enterprise-level system options and organization-level system options, by operating unit or legal entity.


The first party payer, or deploying company, that disburses payments, can set system options for payment features. Oracle Payments seeds one enterprise-level system option on the Disbursement System Options page. When you access this page, you can view the default system options for the entire enterprise. Enterprise-level system options are updateable if you have been assigned security update permission.

You can also view the system options for each organization to which you have access in your security profile. This means that you can only view and update those organizations to which you have security access. For information on security access for multiple organizations, see Define Multiple Organization Security Profile, Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide.

Upon initial implementation, the enterprise-level settings display the seeded settings for enterprise-wide options, which are used for the enterprise and all organizations within the enterprise. Once you change a value on the Update Disbursement System Options: Enterprise-wide page, the user interface displays the existing values in the database. If you have update access, you can change the system options at the enterprise-level or the organization-level. Making a change at an organization level creates a record for the organization. After that, any changes made to the enterprise-level do not update the organization-level.

Note: Only some system options, such as default payment method, can be set at the organization- level.

Note: The Disbursement System Options are treated as defaults. Source products can override these settings when a payment process request is submitted.


The purpose of setting up disbursement system options is to specify how the payment process runs at the enterprise and organization-levels.

Updating Default Payment Method System Options

The table below describes the default payment method system options.

Description of Default Payment Method System Options
Default Payment Method Region Features Description
Based Only on Payment Method Defaulting Rules Setup. Radio button This option uses the payment method defaulting rules set up in Step 12 in Oracle Payments.
Override Defaulting Rules when Default Method Set for Payee. Radio button This option uses the default payment method set for each supplier, or payee, in iSupplier Portal.

Updating Payment Processing System Options

The table below describes selected payment processing system options.

Selected Payment Processing System Options
Region/Field Name Features Description
Validation Failure Results Region    
Document Drop-down list These options either direct Oracle Payments to stop payment processing for review of the applicable documents if validation failures occur or to reject some or all of the documents.
Payment Drop-down list These options either direct Oracle Payments to stop payment processing for review of the applicable payments if validation failures occur or to reject some or all of the payments.
Proposed Payments Region    
Review Proposed Payments after Creation Drop-down list This field determines whether the payment process is stopped after payments are created and validated, to give the Payment Administrator the ability to review and potentially remove payments.
Allow Payee Bank Account Override on Proposed Payments Check box If the check box is selected, you can change the bank account to which you are making a payment on the Review Proposed Payments page. If Review Proposed Payments after Creation is set to No, this field is not used.
If the check box is deselected, you cannot change the bank account to which you are making a payment.
Payment Process Request Status Report Region    
Format List of values Oracle Payments seeds one Status report format, which you can select from the list of values. You can also create your own Status report formats. If you create your own Status report formats, they are available as options from the list of values.
Automatically Submit at Payment Process Request Completion Check box If the check box is selected, Oracle Payments automatically runs the Status report after the Build Payments program completes.
If the check box is deselected, Oracle Payments does not run the Status report after the Build Payments Program completes.
Payment Instructions Region    
Save Formatted Payment File in Database Check box If the check box is selected, the formatted payment file created from the payment instruction is stored in the database.

Updating Default Payment Specifications for Payee System Options

The table below describes the default payment specifications for payee system options.

Default Payment Specifications for Payee System Options
Field Name Features Description
Bank Charge Bearer Drop-down list When funds are sent by EFT, the bank that does the processing charges a fee. By selecting an option from the Bank Charge Bearer drop-down list, you can indicate the party who is responsible for paying the EFT fee. This field may not be used by all banks in all countries.
Pay Each Document Alone Check box If the check box is selected, each document payable submitted to Oracle Payments is built into its own payment. That is, documents payable are not combined with others to create payments.