
General Setup

Defining Lookup Codes

Use the Lookup Codes window to define lookup codes. Lookup codes are codes that you create and associate with predefined lookup types. The lookup types determine specific transaction elements that run in Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables.

You cannot delete lookup codes once you enter them. Instead, you can inactivate a lookup code by giving it an inactive date. You can also delete the inactive date at a later time to reactivate a lookup code.

Create and maintain as many lookup codes as you need for each lookup type. This table shows lookup types and their meanings.

This lookup type… Has this meaning…
Contributor Type A customer type of tax contribution
Organization Class The company type of tax contribution
Fiscal Classification Item fiscal classes (used by Latin tax windows)
Supplier/Contributor The supplier type for tax contribution
Invoice Class (Payables only) The invoice type
Invoice Series (Payables only) An invoice numbering sequence
Item Fiscal Type The type of item for fiscal purposes
Item Origin The kind of transaction
Item Transaction Nature The transaction nature
Legal Messages Exception Events (Receivables only) Legal exceptions to the basic tax rules
State The name of a state in Brazil
Tributary Federal Situation The tributary federal situation
Tributary State Situation The tributary state situation

To define lookup codes:

  1. Navigate to the Lookup Codes window.

  2. Query the lookup type in the Type field.

  3. Enter the name of the lookup code in the Code field.

  4. Enter the name for the lookup code that is displayed in the list of values in the Meaning field.

  5. Enter a description for the lookup code in the Description field.

  6. You can optionally enter an inactive date for the lookup code in the Effective Dates - To field.

  7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each lookup code that you define.

  8. Save your work.

Defining a Business Day Calendar

The business day calendar defines business days and non-business days for billing purposes. For example, on non-business days, you do not pay or charge interest on invoices. Non-business days include weekends, Brazilian national holidays, and local municipal holidays.

Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables use the business day calendar to flag exceptions to the billing period specified in incoming and outgoing invoices.

The setup procedures for creating a business day calendar are:

Creating a Workday Exception Template

Use the Exception Templates window to create a template for national holidays. The exception template defines exceptions for your workday calendar. For billing purposes, you must define an exception template that includes all Brazilian national holidays.

After you create the exception template, define a standard business day calendar and apply this template to it.

To create a workday exception template:

  1. Navigate to the Exception Templates window.

  2. Enter a name that identifies this template, such as National Hols, in the Template field.

  3. Enter the date for each national holiday in the Date fields. Leave the Days On check boxes set to off.

  4. Save your work.

Creating the Business Day Calendar

Use the Workday Calendar window to define a standard business day calendar. A workday calendar consists of a start date, an end date, and on and off days that follow one or more defined workday patterns.

When you define the business day calendar, you must specify the standard five-day business week of Monday through Friday, with Saturday and Sunday as the two days off. This calendar, along with the national holiday exception template, determines the annual billing pattern.

To create a business day calendar:

  1. Navigate to the Workday Calendar window.

  2. Enter a name that clearly identifies this calendar as the business day calendar in the Name field.

  3. Enter a date range for this calendar in the Calendar Date Range From and To fields.

    The default end date is four years from the start date. Make sure that the start date is a Monday so that the calendar follows the standard business day pattern.

  4. Press the Workday Pattern button.

    The Workday Patterns window appears.

  5. Enter the sequence number 1 in the Seq field to apply this workday pattern to the calendar when it is built.

  6. Enter 5 in the Days On field and 2 in the Days Off field.

    This defines Monday through Friday on and Saturday and Sunday off.

  7. Save your work.

    You can view calendar dates.

  8. Press the Dates button in the Workday Calendar window.

    The Calendar Dates window appears.

  9. Press the Exception List button.

  10. Press the Load button and select Template to apply existing exceptions.

  11. Enter the name of the national holidays template, and press the OK button to load the template.

  12. Save your work.

  13. Choose Build from the Tools menu to build the workday calendar.

Defining Local Holidays

Use the Local Holidays window to define local holidays for the cities that you do business with. The location where the Local Holidays window validates local holidays is defined in the Payment Location profile option. Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables use the local holiday information, along with the business day calendar, to flag exceptions to the billing period specified in incoming and outgoing invoices for these cities.

If you select Company as the payment location in the System Profile Options window, you must enter your company's city in the Payment Location field in the Brazilian Additional Information tabbed region of the Payables Options window. This Payment Location field is used to validate the business day calendar for local holidays.


Before you can use the Local Holidays window, you must:

To define local holidays:

  1. Navigate to the Local Holidays window.

  2. Enter the name of the city in the City field.

  3. Enter the state to which the city belongs in the State field.

  4. Enter a description in the Description field.

  5. Leave the Inactive On field blank.

  6. Assign a payment location.

  7. In the Date fields, enter the date for each local holiday. Leave the Days On check boxes set to off.

  8. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each city that you want to enter local holidays for.

Oracle Payables

Entering and Associating Collection Documents

This section describes how to enter bank collection documents, correct bank information on a collection document, and associate collection documents with trade notes.

Manually Entering Collection Documents

Use the Collection Documents window to enter bank collection documents into Payables and view them. After you enter a new collection document, the collection document is automatically associated with a trade note that is not associated according to the association method defined in the Payables Options window. After the association, the trade note is released to be paid.


Before you can use the Collection Documents window, you must set up procedures using these windows:

To enter collection documents:

  1. Navigate to the Collection Documents window.

  2. Select the applicable operating unit.

  3. Enter bank information in the Bank Name and Bank Number fields. The list of values for these fields displays bank accounts with Brazilian Real as the defined currency.

    The Branch Name and Branch Number fields automatically default with values based on the bank information you entered.

  4. Enter the payment location from the collection document in the Payment Location field.

  5. Enter supplier information in the Supplier, Supplier Number, and Site fields.

    The Inscription Number field automatically defaults with a value based on the Site information. This number is the supplier's taxpayer ID.

  6. Enter other information for collection documents in the Due Date, Document Number, Currency Code, Amount, and Status Lookup Code fields.

    The Payment Number field displays the payment number assigned to the trade note.

Manually Associating Collection Documents

Use the Collection Document Association window to associate an unassociated bank collection document with an unassociated trade note (also known as a payment schedule). The trade note must be unpaid. You can also associate a trade note to a collection document as well as disassociate a collection document associated with a trade note. The manual association does not use the method you defined in the Payables Options window for automatic association. You query invoices in the Find Invoices to Match window.


Before you can use the Collection Document Association window, you must enter invoices and collection documents in the Invoice Workbench and Collection Documents windows.

To manually associate or disassociate collection documents:

  1. Navigate to the Collection Document Association window.

    The Find Invoice to Match window appears.

    Note: The list of values displays invoices with a currency that matches what you defined in the JLBR Bank Transfer Currency profile option.

  2. Enter or query invoices that you want to manually associate or disassociate with collection documents.

  3. Press the Find button.

    The Collection Document Association window appears.

  4. Select the applicable operating unit.

  5. Select an invoice in the Invoice region.

  6. Select a scheduled payment, or trade note, to associate with a collection document in the Scheduled Payments region.

  7. Press the Collection Document button.

    The Collection Document window appears.

  8. Select a collection document.

  9. Press the Associate button to associate the selected collection document with the trade note. Press the Disassociate button to disassociate them.

  10. Press the OK button in the popup window.

Correcting Collection Documents

Use the Imported Collection Documents window to correct collection document information for an operating unit listed in the Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents report. This report is automatically generated after you run the Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents program and shows unvalidated collection documents. For more information about this report, see Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents Report.

When you correct an entry in this window, the entry is validated and inserted into Payables. The validated collection document is automatically associated with a trade note by the association method that you selected in the Payables Options window.


Before you can use the Imported Collection Documents window, you must set up procedures in these windows:

You must also enter company information in the Company window and run the Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents program.

To correct entries in a collection document:

  1. Navigate to the Imported Collection Documents window.

    The File Control window automatically appears.

  2. Select a file that contains collection documents.

  3. Press the OK button.

  4. Correct any entries in the collection document in the Imported Collection Documents window.

  5. Press the Validate button to validate your corrections in Payables.

    The collection document is automatically associated with its matching trade note.

  6. Query another collection document to correct.

Electronic Collection Document

The Authorized Direct Debit (DDA), also known as the Electronic Collection Document, is a service that enables companies to query and perform electronic payments through the bank that owns the Checking Account.

The Electronic Payer can perform Electronic Collection Document payments by using the standard bank channels, such as EFT files, direct debit, Internet banking, phone banking, etc.

Payables Electronic Collection Documents

Oracle Payables supports the Brazilian DDA process and allows customers to enter and process electronic collection documents payments. Oracle Payables enables the following attributes at the Collection Document window and the Import Bank Collection Documents concurrent program:

To use Electronic Collection Documents, navigate the Collection Documents window, select the Electronic Format checkbox, and enter the Collection Document Barcode.

Localizations > Collection Documents > Define

Collection Document Barcode

The Collection Document Barcode is required at the Electronic File Transfer. This is a mandatory record and an important field to speed up the data entry of manual collection documents. This field is also required for the Standard Collection Document.

Electronic Format Checkbox

The Electronic Format checkbox determines whether a respective collection document is electronic or standard. The checkbox must be used in case the EFT format requires a different treatment for standard or electronic collection documents.

These two attributes enable customers to manually enter or load Electronic Collection Documents information in Oracle Payables to process EFT payments using the EFT bank layouts supported by the Regional Field Center.

The EFT bank layouts, or Add-On Localizations, collect new information in order to communicate payment orders. For additional information, please contact the Regional Field Center (Product ID 1671).

Brazilian Payables Import Collection Documents

You must load the attributes of Collection Document Barcode and Electronic Format checkbox into the interface table though the Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents program.

Use the Maintain Interface window to correct the imported collection documents and add these attributes.

Consolidate Billing

Consolidated Billing lets you enter fiscal information in a shipping invoice and then match it with a consolidated invoice for auditing purposes for a given operating unit.

Basic Business Needs

The Consolidated Billing functionality lets you satisfy the Brazilian Consolidated Billing requirements. You can:

Major Features

Shipping Invoice

You can use the shipping invoice for purchasing items and services. To associate a shipping invoice, you need to match it with a consolidated invoice. You can use the standard invoice to enter the shipping invoice information. When you associate shipping invoices with the consolidated invoice, the payment terms of the shipping invoices are updated with the payment terms of the consolidated invoice.

Shipping Invoice Import

You can import shipping invoices from other accounting systems as standard invoices. You follow the same rules for the manually entered standard invoices.

Consolidated Invoice

You use a consolidated invoice to match a shipping invoice you want to pay within the same payment terms. You cannot import a consolidated invoice. You can optionally enter a pay group used in all shipping invoices and group them for payment. Calculate the payment schedule using the business day calendar.

Tax Treatment

You can enter Brazilian tax information for standard invoices (shipping invoices). You can store some taxes parameters at invoice line level. These parameters are used to calculate the tax amount for the invoice.

Interest Parameters

You can see interest information for standard invoices. You can store interest parameters at different levels (supplier, supplier site, payment schedule).

For the standard invoice, you will have default interest information from the supplier site. You can override interest information at the payment schedule level.

Collection Documents

You can pay an invoice by associating a trade note with a collection document.

You can choose to automatically associate a collection document with a trade note. You can also associate them manually.


Payables generates these reports for Brazil:

Brazilian Payables Consolidated Invoice Register - Lists suppliers, amounts, and related shipping invoices for consolidated invoices

Brazilian Payables Cancelled Consolidated Invoices Register - Lists suppliers, amounts, related shipping invoices, and cancellation information for canceled consolidated invoices


Interest Handling lets you define interest parameters at supplier level, supplier site level, or trade note level. When you pay an overdue invoice, Payables automatically creates an interest invoice for the overdue invoice and creates a corresponding payment.

Basic Business Needs

The Interest functionality lets you satisfy the Brazilian Interest requirements. You can:

Major Features

Different Level of Interest Definition

You can define interest parameters at supplier level, supplier site level, or trade note level.

Automatic Interest Calculation

You can pay an overdue invoice with either a payment batch, manual payment, or a QuickCheck. Payables automatically creates an interest invoice for the overdue invoice and creates a corresponding payment when you create your payment batch, manual payment, or QuickCheck payment. If you manually pay an overdue invoice, Payables warns you that the interest is due for the invoice; you should pay the invoice in a payment batch or with a Quick payment.

Payment or Cancel the Calculated Interest Amount

You can pay or cancel the calculated interest amount when you pay the main amount. You can also change the interest invoice amount.

Penalty Fee

You can define a penalty fee and the interest when you pay an overdue invoice.

Interest Calculation Based on Business Day Calendar

Payables calculates interest according to the business day calendar and shows the interest value and number of days a payment is late. If the due date is a weekend or a holiday, Payables lets you anticipate, postpone, or keep the due date for the interest calculation.

Related Topics

Payables Options, Oracle Payables User Guide

Entering Invoices Overview, Oracle Payables User Guide

Brazilian Payables Consolidated Invoice Register Report

Use the Brazilian Payables Consolidated Invoice Register report to review detailed information about consolidated invoices. This report lists consolidated invoice information such as supplier, amount and the related shipping invoices. Information such as accounting, tax, and amount are provided for each shipping invoice.

Oracle Payables sorts the information in the report by consolidated invoice currency. Within each currency section, the report sorts by the supplier name and consolidated invoice number.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Brazilian Payables Consolidated Invoice Register report.

Report Parameters

Entered By

Enter the user's name to list consolidated invoices entered by that user. Leave this field blank to list consolidated invoices entered by all users.

First Entered Date

Enter the beginning date of a range of dates when consolidated invoices were entered. Oracle Payables prints consolidated invoices entered on or after the First Entered Date.

Last Entered Date

Enter the last date of a range of dates when consolidated invoices were entered. Oracle Payables prints consolidated invoices entered on or before the Last Entered Date.

Accounting Period

Enter the name of the accounting period for consolidated invoice information. Oracle Payables lists the consolidated invoices between the First Entered Date and the Last Entered Date in the accounting period you choose.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Payables prints…
<Company Name> The name of the company running the report
Date The date and time that the company ran the report
<Report Title> Consolidated Invoice Register
Entered By The name of the person who entered the consolidated invoices
Start Date The beginning date of the invoice entry date range
Period The accounting period's name for the report
End Date The ending date of the invoice entry date range
Currency The currency for the consolidated invoices

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Payables prints…
Supplier Name The supplier's name for the consolidated invoice.
Consolidated Invoice Num The consolidated invoice number.
Consolidated Invoice Date The consolidated invoice date.
Original Amount The invoice's original amount. Payments are not subtracted from this amount.
Amount Remaining The amount remaining for payment on the consolidated invoice. The amount remaining is equal to the original invoice amount unless you have paid or partially paid the shipping invoice.
Description The consolidated invoice description.
Shipping Invoice The shipping invoice number matched to the consolidated invoice.
Type The distribution line type.
Line The distribution line number.
Expense Accounting Flexfield The accounting flexfield segment values for an invoice distribution line.
Amount The invoice distribution line amount.
Description A partial description of an invoice distribution line.
Accounting Date The accounting date of an invoice distribution line. Oracle Payables uses the accounting date when creating journal entries to transfer to the General Ledger.
Posted Yes if a journal entry was created for posting to the General Ledger; No if a journal entry was not created.
Total for <Supplier Name> The total Original Amount and total Amount Remaining from the consolidated invoices for each supplier.
Total for <Currency> The total Original Amount and total Amount Remaining from the consolidated invoices for each currency.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Brazilian Payables Cancelled Consolidated Invoices Register Report

Use the Brazilian Payables Cancelled Consolidated Invoices Register report to review detailed information about the canceled consolidated invoices. This report lists consolidated invoice information such as supplier, amount and the related shipping invoices, as well as the information about its cancellation.

Oracle Payables sorts the information on the report by consolidated invoice currency. Within each currency section, the report sorts by the supplier name and consolidated invoice number.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Brazilian Payables Cancelled Consolidated Invoices Register report.

Report Parameters

Entered By

Enter the user's name to list consolidated invoices entered by that user. Leave this field blank to list consolidated invoices entered by all users.

First Entered Date

Enter the beginning date of a range of dates when consolidated invoices were entered. Oracle Payables prints consolidated invoices entered on or after the First Entered Date.

Last Entered Date

Enter the last date of a range of dates when consolidated invoices were entered. Oracle Payables prints consolidated invoices entered on or before the Last Entered Date.

Accounting Period

Enter the name of the accounting period for consolidated invoice information. Oracle Payables lists the consolidated invoices between the First Entered Date and the Last Entered Date in the accounting period you choose.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Payables prints…
<Company Name> The name of the company running the report
Date The date and time that the company ran the report
<Report Title> Canceled Consolidated Invoice Register
Page The page number
Entered By The name of the person who entered the consolidated invoices
Start Date The beginning date of the invoice entry date range
Period The name of the accounting period for the report
End Date The ending date of the invoice entry date range
Currency The currency for the consolidated invoices

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Payables prints…
Supplier Name The supplier's name for the consolidated invoice
Consolidated Invoice Number The consolidated invoice number
Consolidated Invoice Date The consolidated invoice date
Canceled Amount The canceled amount of the invoice
Canceled By The username of the person who canceled the consolidated invoice
Canceled Date The date of the consolidated invoice cancellation
Description The consolidated invoice description
Total for <Supplier Name> The total Canceled Amount of the consolidated invoices for each supplier
Total for <Currency> The total Canceled Amount of the consolidated invoices for each currency

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Brazilian Payables Associated Trade Notes and Bank Collection Documents Report

Use the Brazilian Payables Associated Trade Notes and Bank Collection Documents report to list trade notes and associated bank collection documents. The documents can be ordered by invoice number or by supplier name and due date of the invoice.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Brazilian Payables Associated Trade Notes and Bank Collection Documents report.

Report Parameters

Sort By Invoice/Collection Document

Enter the document that will be used in the sort:

Sort Documents By

Enter the sorting method for this report:

Collection Doc Number From

Enter the starting collection document number for a range of bank collection document numbers that are associated with a trade note.

Collection Doc Number To

Enter the ending collection document number for a range of bank collection document numbers that are associated with a trade note.

Collection Doc Begin Due Date

Enter the beginning date for a range of bank collection documents with a due date between the Begin Date and the End Date.

Collection Doc End Due Date

Enter the ending date for a range of bank collection documents with a due date between the Begin Date and the End Date.

Collection Doc Amount From

Enter the starting collection document amount for a range of bank collection documents associated with a trade note.

Collection Doc Amount To

Enter the ending collection document amount for a range of bank collection documents associated with a trade note.

Invoice Number From

Enter the starting invoice number for a range of trade notes associated with a bank collection document.

Invoice Number To

Enter the ending invoice number for a range of trade notes associated with a bank collection document.

Invoice Due Date Range: Begin Date

Enter the starting date for a range of trade notes associated with a bank collection document with a due date between the Begin Date and the End Date.

Invoice Due Date Range: End Date

Enter the ending date for a range of trade notes associated with a bank collection document with a due date between the Begin Date and the End Date.

Invoice Amount Range: From

Enter the starting amount for a range of trade notes associated with a collection document that have amounts between the From: Invoice Amount and the To: Invoice Amount.

Invoice Amount Range: To

Enter the ending amount for a range of trade notes associated with a collection document that have amounts between the From: Invoice Amount and the To: Invoice Amount.

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Payables prints…
Collection Doc Number The collection document number
Invoice Number The invoice number of the trade note
Pay Num The payment number of the trade note
Due Date The due date for collection documents and trade notes
Amount The amount of collection documents and trade notes
Curr The currency of the collection documents and trade notes
Hold? Yes or No to indicate if the trade notes are on hold
Supplier Name The supplier name of the collection documents and trade notes
Bank Name The bank name for the collection documents
Branch Name The branch name for the collection documents

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Brazilian Payables Non-Associated Trade Notes and Bank Collection Documents Report

Use the Brazilian Payables Non-Associated Trade Notes and Bank Collection Documents report to list trade notes that are not associated with collection documents as well as bank collection documents that are not associated with trade notes. The documents can be ordered by document number or by supplier name and due date.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Brazilian Payables Non-Associated Trade Notes and Bank Collection Documents report.

Report Parameters

Sort Documents By

Enter the sorting method for this report:

Collection Document Number Range: From

Enter the starting collection document number for a range of bank collection document numbers that are not associated with a trade note.

Collection Document Number Range: To

Enter the ending collection document number for a range of bank collection document numbers that are not associated with a trade note.

Collection Document Due Date Range: Begin Date

Enter the beginning date for a range of bank collection documents with a due date between the Begin Date and the End Date.

Collection Document Due Date Range: End Date

Enter the ending date for a range of bank collection documents with a due date between the Begin Date and the End Date.

Collection Document Amount Range: From

Enter the starting collection document amount for a range of bank collection documents not associated with a trade note.

Collection Document Amount Range: To

Enter the ending collection document amount for a range of bank collection documents not associated with a trade note.

Invoice Due Date Range: Begin Date

Enter the starting date for a range of trade notes not associated with a bank collection document with a due date between the Begin Date and the End Date.

Invoice Due Date Range: End Date

Enter the ending date for a range of trade notes not associated with a bank collection document with a due date between the Begin Date and the End Date.

Invoice Amount Range: From

Enter the starting amount for a range of trade notes not associated with a collection document with amounts between the From: Invoice Amount and the To: Invoice Amount.

Invoice Amount Range: To

Enter the ending amount for a range of trade notes not associated with a collection document with amounts between the From: Invoice Amount and the To: Invoice Amount.

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Payables prints…
Collection Doc Number The collection document number
Invoice Number The invoice number of the trade note
Pay Num The payment number of the trade note
Due Date The due date of the collection documents and trade notes
Amount The amount of the collection documents and trade notes
Curr The currency for the collection documents and trade notes
Hold? Yes or No to indicate if the collection documents and the trade notes are on hold
Supplier Name The supplier name for the collection documents and trade notes
Bank Name The bank name for the collection documents and trade notes
Branch Name The branch name for the collection documents and trade notes
Account Number The account number for the trade note
Total for Collection Documents The total amount and total number of collection documents
Total for Invoices The total amount and total number of trade notes

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents Report

Use the Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents report to list bank collection documents that are not validated during the import from the collection documents interface table to the system.

The Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents report is automatically submitted after you run the Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents program.

Note: The Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents program populates but cannot validate the values contained in user-defined descriptive flexfield columns.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Brazilian Payables Import Bank Collection Documents program.

Report Parameters

File Control

Used to access the Collection Documents Interface Extension table and the Collection Documents Interface Temporary table.

Association Method

Choose the automatic association method for trade notes and collection documents.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading... Oracle Payables prints...
<Company> The company name
<Report Title> Import Bank Collection Documents Report
Report Date The date and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total page numbers
File Control The file control number of the imported collection documents file
Status The status of the imported collection documents file
Total Collection Documents Imported The total number of imported collection documents
Total Amount Imported The total amount of imported collection documents
Total Collection Documents Validated The total number of validated collection documents
Total Amount Validated The total amount of validated collection documents

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Payables prints…
Seq The sequence number
Collection Doc Number The collection document number
Due Date The due date of collection documents
Amount The amount of collection documents
Transferer Name The supplier name
Exception Reason The reason why a collection document was not created or imported during the Bank Collection Document Import process

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Oracle Receivables


Businesses in Brazil must collect and remit taxes to federal, state, and city governments on most of the goods and services that they buy. Tax Handling helps you to manage tax payments for invoices.

Note: Taxes are not calculated in Oracle Sales and Marketing if you use the Latin tax method to calculate tax. The taxes are shown as zero.

Basic Business Needs

The Tax Handling functionality lets you satisfy all of your tax requirements. You can:

Major Features

Tax Calculation - Entering an Invoice - IPI

Receivables calculates the IPI tax and creates a corresponding tax line in the invoice. The IPI calculation supports a reduced tax base amount. The account that you defined in the Tax Codes and Rates window is used to create the tax accounting.

Tax Calculation - Entering an Invoice - ICMS

Receivables calculates the ICMS tax and creates a corresponding tax line in the invoice. The ICMS calculation supports the IPI included in the tax base amount and a reduced tax base amount. The account that you defined in the Tax Codes and Rates window is used to create the tax accounting.

Tax Calculation - Entering an Invoice - ICMS ST

Receivables calculates the ICMS Tributary Substitution tax and creates a corresponding tax line in the invoice. The account that you specified in the Tax Codes and Rates window is used to create the tax accounting.

Tax Calculation - Entering an Invoice - ISS

Receivables calculates the ISS tax and creates a corresponding tax line in the invoice. The account that you specified in the Tax Codes and Rates window is used to create the tax accounting.

Tax Calculation - Entering an Invoice - IRJ

Receivables calculates the IRJ tax and creates a corresponding tax line in the invoice. The account that you specified in the Tax Codes and Rates window is used to create the tax accounting.

New Tax Definition

You can define a new tax category. Receivables calculates the tax amount with the attributes you define.

Automatic Selection of Taxes to Apply to the Transaction Line

You can define a group of taxes with the Latin tax groups to apply to a transaction.

Modified Tax Base Amount

You can define the base amount rate to increase or reduce the tax base amount.

Flexible Tax Code Defaulting Rules

You can define where you want your tax codes to be defaulted to a transaction line from. Tax codes are defaulted from:

Automatic Selection of Taxes to Apply to the Transaction Line

You can define taxes with the Latin tax groups to apply to a transaction. You can control the effective dates and other attributes related to the tax.

You can define different Latin tax groups with the same tax category.

Bank Transfer

The payment collection process involves a series of transactions between a supplier, customer, and a bank. A supplier starts the payment collection process after the supplier creates an invoice for the customer. The supplier generates collection documents based on the invoice payment terms and sends information about these documents to a collection bank. After the collection bank collects a payment from the customer, the bank transfers the payment information to the supplier to create receipts and apply the information to the customer's balance.

Basic Business Needs

The Bank Transfer functionality lets you manage payment collection. You can:

Major Features

Bank Remittance

You can create a remittance batch to send to your bank for payment collection. You can specify selection criteria to automatically or manually select the payment schedule to include in the remittance batch. A collection document is created in Receivables for each selected payment schedule. After collection documents are created, you can review the collection documents that were selected in the batch and add or delete them in the batch.

You can define limit parameters and default information for document selection, such as maximum quantity of documents per remittance batch, minimum/maximum amount for each document, and minimum/maximum total amount for the remittance batch.

You can assign different remittance formats to your banks when you define the bank accounts. If you have an error the first time you format a remittance batch, you can reformat the batch. You can also cancel a remittance batch, since the bank did not return the documents yet.

Bank Return

You can automatically load a bank return file into Receivables or manually enter the bank return records. In both cases, each record is validated against related collection documents, as well as supplier and customer information. After the automatic validation, you can manually correct the records that have invalid data.

The valid return records generate return occurrences, adjustments for interest and abatements, debit memos for interest not paid, and receipts. Receipts are applied to the original payment schedules selected for bank remittance.

You can define tolerance limits for applying receipts to the invoices, according to interest and abatements paid by the customer.

Interest and Penalty Fees

You can define the parameters for calculating interest for the customer. You can also define the interest account when you define the receipt method.

Receivables calculates the interest and compares it to the interest that the bank received. If the customer pays less interest than the calculated interest, Receivables creates a debit memo for the interest not received. If the customer pays the correct interest amount, Receivables creates an adjustment for the interest received.

Instructions Handling

You send instructions to the bank for a collection document. The most common instructions are:

You can define instruction codes for each of your banks. You can also define the instructions to send to a specific customer profile class.

Occurrences Handling

Although instructions and occurrences give directions to the bank for a collection document, an occurrence is for a collection document that was already sent to the bank. You can automatically or manually add occurrences to a document.

You can define occurrence codes for different banks. Receivables automatically generates an occurrence for each related event.

You can assign different occurrence remittance formats to your banks when you define the remittance banks.


Receivables generates these reports for Brazil:


Companies send a shipping invoice with a product as a customer's bill. Billing lets you enter packaging attributes, freight carrier information, customer information, an operation fiscal code, item information, and legal justification messages in an invoice.

Basic Business Needs

The Billing functionality lets you satisfy the Brazilian Billing requirements. You can:

Produce a shipping invoice with information such as, Brazilian taxes, customer attributes, organization attributes, operation types, legal justification messages, item attributes, freight carrier attributes, packaging attributes, accessory expenses, and the operation fiscal code.

Major Features

Customer Attributes

You can define and print these attributes for your customers:

State Tributary Substitute Inscription

You can define and print the state Tributary Substitute inscription for your organization.

Shipping Date

You can print the date the product is shipped to the customer. This date is optional.

Operation Type

You can define if the invoice is used for a product entry or exit purpose. Suppliers must use the same invoice form to record sales, returned items, and imported items. Sale transactions have an exit operation type. Return-to-supplier transactions and imported item transactions have an entry operation type.

Legal Justification Messages

You can manually enter and print a legal justification message for the invoice when there is a tax base amount reduction, tax exemption, exportation, or tax immunity.

Item Attributes

You can specify these inventory and non-inventory item attributes:

Freight Carrier Attributes and Corresponding License Plate

You can enter a freight carrier and a license plate in the invoice. You are not legally required to validate the license plate number.

You can define these freight carrier attributes for the invoice:

Freight Responsibility

You can define and print the freight responsibility: CIF (customer responsibility) or FOB (remit responsibility).

Packaging Attributes

You can enter and print these packaging attributes in the invoice:

You can define the default value of the brand for your organization.

Accessory Expenses

You can enter and print the freight expense, insurance expense, and other accessory expense amounts in the invoice.

The accessory expenses are not accounted for and do not change the invoice total amount.

Operation Fiscal Code (CFOP)

You can define the operation fiscal code (CFOP) for a transaction to identify the type of operation. You must enter this code for fiscal books.

This table provides examples of some fiscal codes:

Enter this code… For this purpose…
5.10 Sale of products by the supplier or a third party in the same state as the supplier
5.11 Sale of industrial products by the supplier or a third party in the same state as the supplier
5.12 Sale of products received by a third party in the same state as the supplier
5.13 Sale of industrial services by a third party in the same state as the supplier
6.21 Transfer of industrial products by a third party outside the state of the supplier

Identify and Control Canceled Invoices

You can create a credit memo to cancel an invoice. Receivables automatically changes the status of the invoice to void.

Define Subseries

You can define an invoice subseries in Receivables. You can number invoices by subseries. Automatic and manual invoices have the same subseries.

Complementary Invoices

You can create a complementary invoice to correct entries on another previously entered invoice. This new invoice shows the corrected entries without the calculations.


Receivables generates these reports for Brazil:


Interest is calculated for invoice payments. You can choose to calculate interest based on either the total amount of the invoice or a partial payment. Interest Handling lets you pay the interest amount later, cancel the interest, or accept and receive the interest.

Receivables determines the difference between calculated and received interest. If the calculated interest is greater than the received interest, you can either write off the difference or generate a debit memo. If the difference is greater than the received interest and you write off the difference, Receivables uses the write-off tolerances and the Receivables adjustment limits. If the difference exceeds any of these tolerances, the adjustment that you created will have a Waiting for Approval status. If the calculated interest is equal to the received interest, Receivables does not use adjustment limits and write-off tolerances.

Note: For Brazilian Receivables, you must set the Allow Overapplication flag of the transaction type associated with the overdue invoice to Yes in order to calculate interest.

Basic Business Needs

The Interest functionality lets you satisfy Brazilian interest requirements. You can:

Major Features

Different Level of Interest Definition

You can define interest parameters at system option level, customer profile classes, or invoice level.

Automatic Interest Calculation

Receivables calculates interest for an overdue invoice when you enter a receipt and use the Enter Receipt, QuickCash, or Bank Transfer features.

Different Types of Interest Calculation

You can choose to calculate interest either based on the total invoice amount or on a partial payment. Receivables uses a simple or compounded formula to calculate the interest based on the parameters that you set up for the invoice.

Different Treatments for the Calculated Interest Amount

You decide to pay, cancel, or create an Interest Debit memo with the calculated interest amount when you receive the invoice.

Penalty Fee

You can define a penalty fee and interest for overdue invoices.

Interest Calculation Based on Business Day Calendar

Receivables calculates interest according to the business day calendar and shows the interest value and number of days that a payment is late. If the due date is a weekend or a holiday, Receivables lets you anticipate, postpone, or keep the due date for the interest calculation.

Setting up Brazilian Receivables

This section describes the setup procedures for Brazilian Receivables. You must enter the setup information for your company before you create and import invoices and collection documents, enter receipts, or run any of the Receivables reports. Use this checklist to help you complete the appropriate steps in the correct order.

Step Task
1 Defining System Options
2 Defining Customer Profile Classes
3 Entering Customers
4 Defining Receipt Classes
5 Defining Remittance Banks
6 Defining Remit-To Addresses
7 Defining Transaction Types
8 Defining Invoice Sub-Series
9 Defining Locations for an Organization
10 Entering Information for Locations
11 Defining Memo Lines
12 Defining Freight Carriers
13 Defining Tax Codes and Rates
14 Defining Global Receipt Method Accounts
15 Defining Master Items
16 Defining Bank Occurrences
17 Defining Bank Instructions
18 Defining Latin Tax Categories
19 Defining Latin Legal Messages
20 Defining Latin Tax Groups
21 Defining Latin Tax Locations
22 Defining Latin Fiscal Classifications
23 Defining Latin Tax Exceptions by Fiscal Classification
24 Defining Latin Tax Exceptions by Item
25 Defining Latin Tax Rules

Defining System Options

Use the globalization flexfield in the System Options window to define control options and system parameters for bank transfer, interest calculation, billing, and tax calculation. Specify your company information, tax method, customer address validation, shipping invoice printing options, and interest parameters.


Before you can use the System Options window, you must:

To enter bank transfer information:

  1. Navigate to the Define System Options window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. In the Company Name field, enter your company's name. Your company name is used in the header record in the bank remittance batch electronic file. The company name is also used to validate the header record of the bank return file.

  4. Press the OK button.

  1. Navigate to the Define System Options window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. Enter Rate or Amount in the Interest Type field to calculate interest for past due invoices.

  4. Enter either the rate or amount in the Interest Rate/Amount field.

  5. In the Interest Period field, enter the number of days that interest charges are calculated over.

  6. In the Interest Formula field, enter Simple or Compound to indicate the formula used to calculate interest.

  7. In the Grace Days field, enter the number of receipt grace days that customers can be overdue on receipts before you charge interest.

  8. Enter Rate or Amount in the Penalty Type field to calculate how to charge your customers a late payment penalty.

  9. Enter either the rate or amount in the Penalty Rate/Amount field.

  10. In the Interest Batch Source field, enter the transaction source that is used to generate an interest debit memo.

  11. In the Interest Transaction Type field, enter the transaction type that is used to generate an interest debit memo.

  12. In the Interest Receipt Method field, enter the receipt method that is used to generate an interest debit memo.

  13. Press the OK button.

To enter tax information:

  1. Navigate to the Define System Options window.

  2. Navigate to the Tax tabbed region.

  3. In the Tax Method field, select Latin Tax Handling.


  4. Define a sales tax location flexfield structure in the Location Flexfield Structure field.

  5. Check the Inclusive Tax Used check box.

  6. Choose Line in the Calculation Level field.

  7. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  8. In the Tax Location Flexfield Classification field, enter State.

  9. In the Use Legal Messages field, enter if you want default legal messages to appear on your invoices. Enter No if you do not.

  10. In the Transaction Type field, enter the transaction type that you want as the default for your tax rules.

  11. Press the OK button.

To enter billing information:

  1. Navigate to the Define System Options window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. In the Print Invoice Immediately field, enter Yes if you want to print invoices from the Transactions window or Complementary Invoice window. Enter No if you do not.

  4. Press the OK button.

Defining Customer Profile Classes

Use the globalization flexfield in the Customer Profile Classes window to define bank transfer and interest parameters for Oracle Receivables profile classes. You can define whether or not Oracle Receivables sends specific bank instructions to customers in this profile class.

The Customer Profile Classes window also displays interest parameters, if you entered them in the System Options window. You can add or modify this information in the Customer Profile Classes window. For instructions about using the System Options window, see Defining System Options.

To enter bank transfer information:

  1. Navigate to the Customer Profile Classes window.

  2. Enter a profile class.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. In the Remit Protest Instructions field, enter Yes if you want Oracle Receivables to remit protest instructions to the bank related to collection documents that belong to customers of this profile class. Enter No if you do not.

  5. In the Remit Interest Instructions field, enter Yes if you want Oracle Receivables to remit interest instructions to the bank for collection documents that belong to customers of this profile class. Enter No if you do not.

  6. Press the OK button.

To enter interest information:

  1. Navigate to the Customer Profile Classes window.

  2. Query the profile class that you want.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield. If you entered interest parameters in the System Options window, these fields are automatically populated in the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter Rate or Amount in the Interest Type field to calculate the interest on invoices past due.

  5. Enter either the rate or amount in the Interest Rate/Amount field.

  6. In the Interest Period field, enter the number of days that interest charges are calculated over.

  7. Enter Simple or Compound in the Interest Formula field to indicate the formula used to calculate interest.

  8. In the Grace Days field, enter the number of receipt grace days that customers can be overdue on receipts before interest is charged.

  9. Enter Rate or Amount in the Penalty Type field to calculate how to charge customers a late payment penalty.

  10. Enter either the rate or amount in the Penalty Rate/Amount field.

  11. Press the OK button.

Entering Customers

Use the globalization flexfield in the Customers window to enter additional information for your customers related to tax calculation, billing, and bank transfers. After you define standard profile classes, you can assign classes to your customers and addresses.

You can also update specific information for the customer or address, including the bank transfer parameters that you defined in the Customer Profile Class window.


Before you can use the Customers window, you must:

To enter bank transfer information:

  1. Navigate to the Customers window.

  2. Enter a customer.

  3. Navigate to the Document Printing region.

  4. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  5. In the Remittance Protest Instructions field, enter Yes if you want Oracle Receivables to remit protest instructions to the bank for collection documents that belong to the customer. Enter No if you do not.

  6. In the Remittance Interest Instructions field, enter Yes if you want Oracle Receivables to remit interest instructions to the bank for collection documents that belong to the customer. Enter No if you do not.

  7. Press the OK button.

To enter tax information:

  1. Navigate to the Customers window.

  2. Query or enter a customer.

    Note: The application displays the customer details that you have set up in E-Business Tax.

  3. Navigate to the Customer Addresses region.

  4. Press the New button for a new address or the Open button for an existing address.

    The Customer Addresses window appears.

  5. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  6. Enter the contributor class that defines the customer's tax contribution in the Contributor Class field.

  7. Press the OK button.

To enter billing information:

  1. Navigate to the Customers window.

  2. Query or enter a customer.

  3. Navigate to the Addresses region.

  4. Press the New button for a new address or the Open button for an existing address.

  5. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  6. In the Inscription Type field, enter one of these codes:

    • CNPJ- company is a legal entity

    • CPF- company is a person (physical entity)

    • Others- other types of inscription numbers

      If the Inscription Type is CNPJ, enter the company's main inscription number in the Inscription Number field.

  7. Enter the inscription number for a company branch in the Inscription Branch field. If the Inscription Type is CPF, 0000 appears in this field.

  8. In the Inscription Digit field, enter the control digit used to validate CNPJ and CPF types.

  9. In the State Inscription field, enter the company registration number for the state.

  10. In the Municipal Inscription field, enter the company registration number for the city.

  11. Press the OK button.

Defining Receipt Classes

Use the globalization flexfield in the Receipt Classes window to define the collection method for a receipt class.

To enter bank transfer information:

  1. Navigate to the Receipt Classes window.

  2. Enter the receipt class.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter the collection method for this receipt class:

    • Collection Remittance Batch - if you want to use this receipt class for bank collection

    • Factoring Remittance Batch - if you want to use this receipt class for bank factoring

    • Manual Receipt - if you want to use this receipt class for manual receipt collection

  5. Press the OK button.

Defining Remittance Banks

Use the globalization flexfields in the Banks and Bank Accounts windows to define bank transfer information for remittance banks.


Before you can use the Banks and Bank Accounts windows, you must define Automatic Receipt Programs to define the bank transfer reports and files.

To enter bank transfer information:

  1. Navigate to the Banks window.

  2. Enter the bank and branch.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter the maximum number of collection documents for a bank transfer remittance batch for this bank branch.

  5. Press the OK button.

  6. Navigate to the Bank Accounts window by pressing the Accounts button.

  7. Enter the account number.

  8. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  9. Enter the report media (File or Report) and the report name used for your Collection Remittance, Factoring Remittance, and Occurrence Remittance batches for this account.

  10. In the Company Code for Bank field, enter your company code assigned by the bank.

  11. Press the OK button.

Defining Remit-To Addresses

Use the globalization flexfield in the Remit-To Addresses window to enter your company name.

Your company name appears in the transaction records in the bank remittance batch electronic file. The company name is also used to validate the transaction records in the bank return file.


Before you can use the Remit-To Addresses window, you must:

To enter bank transfer information:

  1. Navigate to the Remit-To Addresses window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. Enter your company's name.

  4. Press the OK button.

Defining Transaction Types

Use the globalization flexfield in the Transaction Types window to determine bank transfer, tax, and billing default information for your transaction entries.


Before you can use the Transaction Types window, you must:

To enter bank transfer information:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Types window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. Enter the document type in the Document Type field.

    The document type is one of the required fields to format the bank remittance batch file. Each collection document sent to the bank requires a document type.

  4. Press the OK button.

To enter tax information:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Types window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. Enter the Latin tax group or tax code in the Tax Code field to define the tax categories and tax rates to apply to transactions.

  4. Press the OK button.

To enter billing information:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Types window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. Enter the operation type in the Operation Type field that identifies the purpose of the shipping invoice.

  4. Enter the operation fiscal code in the Operation Fiscal Code field that identifies the operation type.

  5. Press the OK button.

Defining Invoice Sub-Series

Use the globalization flexfield in the Transaction Sources window to define an invoice sub-series for billing purposes. The invoice sub-series lets you apply the same invoice number series to both manual and imported invoices.

Define the invoice sub-series for invoices with a batch source type of . When you assign the sub-series, invoices that are entered manually with this invoice batch source follow the same invoice number sequence as the imported invoice batch source.


Before you can use the Transaction Sources window, you must define an Invoice Batch Source.

To enter billing information:

Use this procedure for manual invoice batch sources only.

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Sources window.

  2. Enter the invoice batch source information.

  3. Enter Manual in the Type field.

  4. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  5. Enter an imported batch source in the Invoice Sub-Series field.

  6. Enter the company's name in the Company Name field.

  7. Press the OK button.

Defining Locations for an Organization

Use the Organization window to define the location for your organization for tax calculation and billing.


Before you can use the Organization window, you must define locations in the Location window.

To enter a location for your organization:

  1. Navigate to the Organization window.

  2. Enter the location in the first region.

  3. Save your work.

Entering Information for Locations

Use the globalization flexfield in the Location window to enter information used to calculate tax for the ship from location. You specify the ship from address in the Location window.


Before you can use the Location window, you must:

To enter fiscal information:

  1. Navigate to the Location window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. In the Organization Tax Class field, enter the company fiscal definition for this organization.

  4. Enter the Latin tax group or tax code in the Tax Code field to define the tax categories and tax rates to apply to transactions with this organization.

  5. Save your work.

To enter billing information:

  1. Navigate to the Location window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. Enter the product brand name that will be printed in the shipping invoice.

  4. Save your work.

Defining Memo Lines

Use the Standard Memo Lines window to enter billing and tax information for each standard memo line.


Before you can use the Standard Memo Lines window, you must:

To enter tax information:

  1. Navigate to the Standard Memo Lines window.

  2. Query the memo line that you want.

  3. In the Tax Product Category field, enter the fiscal classification code to be applied to transactions using this memo line.

  4. Press the OK button.

To enter billing information:

  1. Navigate to the Standard Memo Lines window.

  2. Query the memo line that you want.

  3. Enter the values that are used by the fiscal books in the corresponding fields:

    • A federal tributary situation, such as IPI exempt or taxable national product

    • A state tributary situation, such as ICMS exempt or ICMS taxation deferred

    • Item origin

    • Item fiscal type

Defining Freight Carriers

Use the globalization flexfield in the Freight Carrier window to define information for your freight carriers. This information is printed on shipping invoices.


Before you can use the Freight Carrier window, you must define lookup codes.

To enter billing information:

  1. Navigate to the Freight Carrier window.

  2. Enter or query the freight carrier you want.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter the freight carrier's address in the Address field.

  5. Enter the freight carrier's city in the City field.

  6. Enter the freight carrier's state in the State field.

  7. In the Inscription Type field, enter one of these codes:

    • CNPJ - freight carrier is a legal entity

    • CPF - freight carrier is a person (physical entity)

    • Others - other types of inscription numbers

      If the Inscription Type is CNPJ, enter the freight carrier's main inscription number in the Inscription Number field.

  8. Enter the inscription number for a branch of the freight carrier in the Inscription Branch field. If the Inscription Type is CPF, 0000 appears in this field.

  9. In the Inscription Digit field, enter the control digit that validate CNPJ and CPF types.

  10. In the Inscription Number field, enter the freight carrier's federal registration number.

  11. In the State Inscription field, enter the freight carrier's state inscription number.

  12. Press the OK button.

Defining Tax Codes and Rates

Use the globalization flexfield in the Tax Codes and Rates window to add tax categories to your tax codes and associated rates, and also to define printing options for each tax code.


Before you can use the Tax Codes and Rates window, you must define Latin tax categories.

To enter tax and rate information:

  1. Navigate to the Tax Codes and Rates window.

  2. Query the tax code that you want.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter the Latin tax category in the Tax Category field to associate with this tax code.

  5. Inclusive Tax information is defaulted from the Latin tax category. You cannot change this information at this level. The Allow Inclusive Override check box is always unchecked and cannot be changed.

  6. In the Print Tax Line field, enter Yes if you want the designated tax line with this tax code to appear on your invoices. Enter No if you do not.

  7. In the Legal Message Exception Event field, enter the legal message exception event to use with this tax code.

  8. Press the OK button.

Defining Global Receipt Method Accounts

Use the Global Receipt Method Accounts window to define additional accounting parameters. You define these parameters for receipt entries and receipt applications for payment methods and remittance bank accounts that are used in the bank collection process.


Before you can use the Global Receipt Method Accounts window, you must:

To define global receipt method accounts:

  1. Navigate to the Global Receipt Method Accounts window.

  2. Select the applicable operating unit.

  3. Enter a payment method in the Payment Method field. The Receipt Class and Collection Method fields are populated according to the payment method.

  4. Enter the name of the bank in the Bank Name field.

  5. Enter the account number in the Account Number field.

  6. Enter the account number for bank charges in the Bank Charges field.

  7. Enter the endorsement account number in the Collection Endorsement field.

  8. Enter the Bills under Collection account number in the Bills under Collection field.

  9. If the collection method is factoring remittance batch, enter the account numbers of factoring documents in the Factoring Documents field and the factoring interest in the Factoring Interest field.

  10. Navigate to the Additional Accounts tabbed region to update additional accounts for this payment method and account.

  11. In the Adjustment Activity column, enter the adjustment activity for each of the additional accounts.

    Oracle Receivables displays the default account number in the Account column. You can change the account number if you want.

  12. Navigate to the Business Rules tabbed region to define rules for this payment method and account.

  13. Enter the portfolio code assigned by the bank in the Portfolio Code field.

  14. Enter the appropriate ranges for this payment method and account:

    • Enter the range of collection document amounts in the Document Amounts fields

    • Enter the range of totals for bank transfer remittance batches in the Remittance Amounts fields

      These ranges are used as default values when bank transfer remittance batches are created.

  15. In the Instruction Code fields, enter the default bank instruction codes that are sent to the bank with each collection document using this payment method and account.

  16. Enter the default bank charge per collection document in the Bank Charges Amount field.

  17. If the collection method is factoring remittance batch, enter the discounted rate of sale to the bank. Enter a percentage in the Factoring Rate field and the number of days for which this percentage is defined in the Factoring Period field.

  18. Enter the receipt batch source in the Batch Source field.

  19. If the collection method is collection remittance batch or manual receipt collection, enter the write-off tolerance. Enter either a percentage in the Write-off % field or an amount in the Write-off Amt field.

    Oracle Receivables uses the Write-off % and Write-off Amt fields to determine the difference between calculated and received interest. If the difference exceeds the limit that you enter, the interest adjustment needs further approval.

  20. Enter the deposit date in the GL Date for Bank Return field, if the deposit is not going to be made in your company's account on the receipt date.

    The value in the Bank Floating field represents the number of days after the receipt day when the calculated amount is deposited in your company's account.

  21. Navigate to the Others tabbed region and record applicable information.

Defining Master Items

Use the globalization flexfield in the Master Item window to enter tax and billing information.


Before you can use the Master Item window, you must:

To enter tax information :

  1. Navigate to the Master Item window.

  2. Query the item that you want.

  3. Click in the flexfield and select the applicable item category to apply to transactions using this item.

  4. Press the OK button.

To enter billing information:

  1. Navigate to the Master Item window.

  2. Query the item that you want.

  3. Enter values used by the fiscal books in the corresponding fields:

    • A federal tributary situation, such as IPI exempt or taxable national product

    • A state tributary situation, such as ICMS exempt or ICMS taxation deferred

    • Item origin

    • Item fiscal type

  4. Press the OK button.

Defining Bank Occurrences

Use the Bank Occurrence Codes window to define occurrence codes for remittance banks and associate these codes with the Oracle Receivables pre-defined occurrence codes.


Before you can use the Bank Occurrence Codes window, you must define bank branches.

To define a bank occurrence code for a remittance bank:

  1. Navigate to the Trade Notes window.

  2. Query the bank that you want to define occurrences for in the Find Trade Notes window. Press the Occurrences button.

    The Bank Occurrence Codes window appears.

  3. Enter Remittance or Return in the Type field.

  4. Enter the new occurrence code in the Code field.

  5. Enter a description of the occurrence code in the Description field.

  6. Enter the pre-defined occurrence code to associate with this occurrence code in the Standard Occurrence field.

  7. Enter File or Report in the Media field to indicate the format for sending reports to the bank (electronic file or paper report). Use this field only if the entry in the Type field is Remittance.

  8. In the Limit Days field, enter a number that defines the limit of the difference between the collection document due date and the occurrence remittance date.

    When an occurrence remittance batch is formatted, Oracle Receivables compares the difference between the due date and the remittance date. If this difference is less than the Limit Days, a paper report is generated.

  9. Save your work.

Defining Bank Instructions

Use the Bank Instruction Codes window to define instruction codes for remittance banks and associate these codes with the Oracle Receivables pre-defined bank instruction codes.


Before you can use the Bank Instruction Codes window, you must define bank branches.

To define a bank instruction code for a remittance bank:

  1. Navigate to the Bank Instruction Codes window.

  2. Query the bank that you want to define instructions for in the Find Bank window.

  3. Enter the new instruction code in the Code field.

  4. Enter a description of the instruction code in the Description field.

  5. Enter the pre-defined bank instruction code in the Type field to associate with this instruction code.

  6. In the Number of Days to Protest/Write-Off field, enter the number of days that are allowed to protest/write-off for this instruction code. Use this field only if the entry in the Type field is Protest After Due Date or Write Off After Due Date.

  7. Save your work.

Defining Latin Tax Categories

Use the Latin Tax Categories window to create Latin tax categories that define specific characteristics of each tax calculated by the Latin Tax Group.


Before you can use the Latin Tax Categories window, you must define tax codes.

To define a Latin tax category:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Categories window.

  2. Enter a tax category in the Category field.

  3. Enter the effective dates for this tax category. The tax category is effective within the range that you specify.

  4. In the Threshold Check Level field, enter one of the following:

    • Line – Consider the current invoice line for threshold checking.

    • Document – Consider the current invoice for threshold checking.

    • Operation – Consider the current invoice and its related debit memos, credit memos, and related invoices for threshold checking.

  5. In the Grouping Condition Type field, enter one of the following:

    • Line – Use the current invoice line amount as the base amount for threshold checking.

    • Document – Use the sum of all amounts of relevant lines as the base amount for threshold checking. For use with the values Document or Operation in the Threshold Check Level field.

    • Transaction Condition – Use the sum of all amounts of relevant lines as the base amount for threshold checking. For use with the values Document or Operation in the Threshold Check Level field.

  6. If you entered Transaction Condition in the Grouping Condition Type field, enter the transaction condition to group by in the Grouping Condition field.

  7. Select a tax code in the Tax Code field after you define tax codes and rates from a list of values, if you want to use a default tax code for this tax category.

    Note: You only perform this step after you define tax codes and rates. See: Defining Tax Codes and Rates for more information. You must also define a tax rule that looks for the tax code in the tax category. See: Defining Latin Tax Rules for more information.

  8. In the Min Amount, Min Taxable Basis, and Minimum % fields, enter the appropriate values to use with this tax.

    This table shows how Receivables uses the values in these fields:

    Field Name Tax Does Not Apply If...
    Min Amount Tax calculated is less than this value
    Min Taxable Basis Taxable base is less than this value
    Minimum % Tax rate is less than this value
  9. Check the Inclusive Tax check box if you want tax included in the price at invoice line level. Leave the check box unchecked if you do not.

    Note: You cannot change the Inclusive Tax setting after you associate the tax category with a tax code or a tax group.

  10. Check the Mandatory in Class check box if you want the tax category to appear in every tax condition class.

  11. Check the Tributary Substitution check box if you want to define this tax category for Tributary Substitution. Leave the check box unchecked if you do not. If you check the check box, you must enter a Latin tax category in the Tax Category to Compound Base field.

  12. Enter a Latin tax category in the Tax Category to Compound Base field, if you want another tax category to compound the tax base amount.

  13. Check the Print check box if you want the tax line printed. Leave the check box unchecked if you do not.

  14. Save your work.

Defining Latin Legal Messages

Use the Associate Latin Tax Legal Messages window or Legal Messages window to associate legal messages with Latin tax rules. You associate a legal message, which you created in the Standard Messages window, with a combination of tax rule, tax exception, and rule data.

Legal messages are fiscal messages on invoices that explain the reason why a lower tax rate is applied to an invoice line for various exceptions.

Defining Latin Tax Groups

Use the Latin Tax Groups window to associate tax categories to a tax group. A Latin tax group lets you apply a group of taxes to transactions, when the taxable amounts are known.

A Latin tax group shows the taxes that are included in a specific group, the order of application of each of the taxes, particular attributes related to the specific group, and attributes that help define how many taxes of the group to apply.

You can use a Latin tax group as a tax code in these windows: System Options, Customers, Item, Organizations, and Memo Lines.


Before you can use the Latin Tax Groups window, you must:

To define a Latin tax group:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Groups window.

  2. Enter the code for this Latin tax group in the Tax Group field.

  3. Enter a description of this tax group in the Description field.

  4. Enter a tax category to associate with this tax group in the Tax Category field.

    The tax category you enter populates the record with default information. You can change the information in these fields.

  5. Enter a contributor type to associate with this tax group in the Contributor Type field.

  6. Enter the transaction nature to apply to this tax group in the Transaction Nature field.

  7. Enter the effective dates for this tax group. For a given combination, the default start date is the current date, and the default end date is 31 December 4712.

    To prevent overlapping effective dates, when you enter a new end date, the next start date defaults to the following day. You cannot change the next start date to an earlier date than the previous end date. In addition, you cannot change the start and end dates of existing records, except for the last record for a given combination.

  8. Use the Tax Code field to enter an optional tax code, if you want to use a tax code as the default for this tax category.

  9. Check the Tributary Substitution check box if you want to define this tax group for Tributary Substitution. Leave the check box unchecked if you do not. If you check the check box, you must enter a value in the Tax Category to Compound Base field.

  10. Enter the Latin tax category in the Tax Category to Compound Base field that you want to use to compound the base tax rate.

  11. In the Minimum Amount field, enter the minimum tax amount to apply to the tax.

  12. In the Minimum Percent field, enter the minimum tax percentage used to calculate tax.

Defining Latin Tax Locations

Use the Latin Locations window to associate tax categories with specific shipment combinations and to assign tax codes to the combination. You can define the tributary substitution state inscription for specific ship from and ship to combinations.


Before you can use the Latin Locations window, you must:

To define a Latin tax location:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Locations window.

  2. In the Ship From Code field, enter the state where the item or service is sold.

  3. In the Ship To Code field, enter the destination state.

  4. Enter the tax category to associate with this shipping combination in the Tax Category field.

  5. Enter the effective dates for this combination. For a given combination, the default start date is the current date, and the default end date is 31 Dec 4712.

    To prevent overlapping effective dates, when you enter a new end date, the next start date defaults to the following day. You cannot change the next start date to an earlier date than the previous end date. In addition, you cannot change the start and end dates of existing records, except for the last record for a given combination.

  6. In the Tax Code field, enter the tax code that you want to use to define the tax rate for this combination.

  7. If the tax category you chose was Tributary Substitution State Inscription, enter your Tributary Substitution State Inscription number in the appropriate field. You must have previously defined a specific tax code for this tax category.

  8. Save your work.

Defining Latin Fiscal Classifications

Use the Latin Fiscal Classifications window to define fiscal classifications for specific items and associate them with tax categories. Each item that you enter on an invoice requires a fiscal classification.


Before you can use the Latin Fiscal Classifications window, you must:

To define a Latin fiscal classification code:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Fiscal Classifications window.

  2. In the Fiscal Classifications Code field, enter the code for this fiscal classification.

  3. In the Displayed Value field, enter the way you want this fiscal classification to be displayed in the list of values.

  4. Enter a description of this fiscal classification in the Description field.

  5. Enter the tax category to associate with this fiscal classification in the Tax Category field.

  6. Enter the effective dates for this fiscal classification. For a given combination, the default start date is the current date, and the default end date is 31 Dec 4712.

    To prevent overlapping effective dates, when you enter a new end date, the next start date defaults to the following day. You cannot change the next start date to an earlier date than the previous end date. In addition, you cannot change the start and end dates of existing records, except for the last record for a given combination.

  7. In the Tax Code field, enter the tax code that you want to use to define the tax rate for this fiscal classification and tax category combination.

  8. In the Base Rate field, enter the rate amount that is used to modify the base amount. You can enter negative amounts.

  9. Save your work.

Defining Latin Tax Exceptions by Fiscal Classification

Use the Latin Tax Exceptions By Fiscal Classification window to define tax exceptions for shipment location combinations by fiscal classification code.


Before you can use the Latin Tax Exceptions By Fiscal Classification window, you must:

To define a Latin tax exception for a fiscal classification code:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Exceptions By Fiscal Classification window.

  2. In the Shipment Locations From field, enter the state where the item or service is sold.

  3. In the Shipment Locations To field, enter the destination state.

  4. Enter the fiscal classification code to apply to this exception in the Fiscal Classification Code field.

  5. Enter the tax category to associate with this exception in the Tax Category field.

  6. In the Base Rate field, enter the rate amount that is used to modify the base amount. You can enter a negative amount.

  7. Enter the effective dates for this exception. For a given combination, the default start date is the current date, and the default end date is 31 Dec 4712.

    To prevent overlapping effective dates, when you enter a new end date, the next start date defaults to the following day. You cannot change the next start date to an earlier date than the previous end date. In addition, you cannot change the start and end dates of existing records, except for the last record for a given combination.

  8. In the Tax Code field, enter the tax code that you want to use to define the tax rate for this exception.

  9. Save your work.

Defining Latin Tax Exceptions by Item

Use the Latin Tax Exceptions by Items window to define tax exceptions for specific items in a specific shipment location combination.


Before you can use the Latin Tax Exceptions by Items window, you must:

To define a Latin tax exception for an item:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Exceptions by Items window.

  2. In the Ship Location From field, enter the state where the item or service is sold.

  3. In the Ship Location To field, enter the destination state.

  4. In the Warehouse field, select the warehouse that you want to associate with the item for this exception.

  5. In the Item Description field, enter the item that you want to apply an exception to.

  6. Enter the Latin tax category to apply to this exception in the Tax Category field.

  7. In the Base Rate field, enter the rate amount that is used to modify the base amount. You can enter a negative amount.

  8. Enter the effective dates for this exception. For a given combination, the default start date is the current date, and the default end date is 31 D 4712.

    To prevent overlapping effective dates, when you enter a new end date, the next start date defaults to the following day. You cannot change the next start date to an earlier date than the previous end date. In addition, you cannot change the start and end dates of existing records, except for the last record for a given combination.

  9. In the Tax Code field, enter the tax code that you want to use to define the tax rate for this exception.

  10. Save your work.

Defining Latin Tax Rules

Use the Tax Rules window to define the hierarchy for applying tax codes to a transaction line. When searching to apply a tax to a transaction line, Oracle Receivables looks at the first rule in the hierarchy for the particular combination of tax category, contributor type, and transaction type. If this rule does not apply, Oracle Receivables looks at the second rule, and so on until it finds the correct rule to apply.

You can define two types of hierarchy:

You can define as many rules as you want for the tax.


Before you can use the Tax Rules window, you must:

To define Latin tax rules:

  1. Navigate to the Tax Rules window.

  2. Enter a tax category in the Category field.

  3. Enter the contributor type to use with this tax category in the Contributor Type field.

  4. Enter the transaction type to use with this tax category in the Transaction Type field.

  5. In the Rule Level field, enter Base or Rate to define whether this rule applies to the base or rate amount.

  6. In the Priority field, enter the that this rule is applied. The default order is sequential.

  7. Enter the name of the rule in the Rule field. Oracle Receivables looks at this rule to apply tax to transactions that have this combination of tax category, transaction type, and contributor type.

  8. Save your work.

    Note: You can define default hierarchies independent of tax categories if you enter DEFAULT in the Contributor Type field and enter the same transaction type that is in the System Options window in the Transaction Type field. If you do not define specific rules for finding the tax rates, Receivables uses the hierarchy for tax rules.

Managing Invoices

This section describes how to enter interest, tax, billing, and bank transfer information for invoices by using globalization flexfields in the Transaction window and Transaction Summary window. This section also explains how to correct and cancel existing invoices.

Entering Invoice Information

Use the globalization flexfield in the Transactions window to enter additional invoice information. You can enter interest, tax, bank transfer, and billing information for the invoices. You can also use the globalization flexfield for invoice installments to enter bank transfer information.


Before you can use the Transaction window, you must:

Related Topics

Entering Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Entering Interest for Invoices

To enter interest information:

  1. Navigate to the Transactions window.

  2. Enter a bill to customer in the Bill To region.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

    Note: The interest default parameters for a customer that you defined in the Customer Profile Classes window appear in the globalization flexfield.

  4. In the Interest Type field, enter or modify an interest type (Rate or Amount) for calculating the interest amount.

  5. In the Interest Rate/Amount field, enter or modify a rate or amount.

  6. In the Interest Period field, enter or modify the number of days in the period for the interest charge.

  7. In the Interest Formula field, enter or modify a Simple or Compound interest formula.

  8. In the Grace Days field, enter or modify the number of days that customers can be overdue before interest is charged.

  9. In the Penalty Type field, enter or modify a penalty type (Rate or Amount) if you want to charge a penalty amount to your customers.

  10. In the Penalty Rate/Amount field, enter or modify a penalty rate or amount.

  11. Press the OK button.

Entering Tax for Invoices

To enter tax information:

  1. Navigate to the Transactions window.

  2. Enter or query invoices.

  3. Press the Line Items button.

    The Lines window appears.

  4. Enter an item, a description, or both in the Item and Description fields.

  5. Choose the More tabbed region.

  6. If the invoice line is an item line, enter the warehouse name in the Warehouse Name field to define an item validation organization for your ship from location.

    Note: If you selected Latin Tax Handling as your tax method in the System Options window, the Warehouse Name field is mandatory only if the invoice line is an item line.

  7. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

    When you open the globalization flexfield, the Latin Tax Engine populates the fields with the default fiscal classification code and transaction condition class. These attributes are defaulted from the master inventory organization's item definition. You define the master inventory organization in the Order Management Parameters window.

    For more information about entering fiscal information for inventory items, see Defining Master Items

    You can accept the default fiscal classification code and transaction condition class for the invoice line by pressing the OK button, or you can replace the defaults with other valid values.

    You can also accept the default values that appear in the Operation Fiscal Code, Item Origin, Item Fiscal Type, Federal Tributary Situation, and State Tributary Situation fields. Or, after entering the global flexfield, you can replace the defaults with other valid values.

    Note: Do not enter information in the remaining fields.

  8. Press the OK button.

  9. Press the Tax button in the Lines window.

    The Tax window appears.

  10. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  11. Enter legal justification messages for taxes in the Legal Justification Messages fields.

  12. Enter a tax base amount in the Tax Base Amount field.

  13. Enter a tax base rate in the Tax Base Rate field.

  14. Press the OK button.

    Note: When entering credit transactions, setting up recurring invoices, or using the Copy and Void Invoices process, the Warehouse Name field on the original invoice lines is mandatory only if the invoice line is an item line and you selected Latin Tax Handling as your tax method in the System Options window.

Related Topics

Defining Order Management System Parameters, Oracle Order Management Implementation Guide

Entering Billing Information for Invoices

To enter billing information:

  1. Navigate to the Transactions window.

  2. Enter or query invoices.

  3. Press the Freight button.

    The Freight window appears.

  4. Enter the freight name in the Carrier field.

  5. Enter a freight responsibility (CIF/FOB) in the FOB field.

  6. Close the window.

  7. In the Transactions window, navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  8. In the Freight Accessory Expenses, Insurance Accessory Expenses, and Other Accessory Expenses fields, enter amounts for freight, insurance, and other expenses.

  9. In the License Plate field, enter a license plate number for the freight carrier.

  10. In the Volume Quantity, Volume Type, and Volume Number fields, enter volume information for the invoice item.

  11. In the Total Gross Weight and Total Net Weight fields, enter weight information for the invoice item.

  12. Press the OK button.

  13. Press the Line Items button in the Transactions window.

    The Lines window appears.

  14. Enter an item, description, or a standard memo line.

  15. Choose the More tabbed region.

  16. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

    Note: The parameters for a standard memo line that you have defined in the Standard Memo Lines window and the parameters for an item that you have defined in the Master Items window default to the globalization flexfield.

  17. In the Item Origin and Item Fiscal Type fields, enter or modify the origin and fiscal type for an item.

  18. In the Federal Tributary Situation and State Tributary Situation fields, enter or modify the tributary situations.

  19. Enter or modify the operation fiscal code in the Operation Fiscal Code field.

  20. Press the OK button.

  21. Save your work.

  22. Check the Complete check box in the header of the Transactions window after you enter an invoice. After you check the Complete check box, these actions occur:

    • A new number overrides your temporary invoice number that you entered in the Transactions window. This number is the next number in the subseries sequence that is assigned to the invoice's batch source.

    • The invoice automatically prints if the value in the Print Immediately field in the System Options window is Yes.

Entering Bank Transfer Information for Invoices

To enter bank transfer information:

  1. Navigate to the Transactions Summary window.

  2. Query or enter invoices.

  3. Press the Installments button.

    The Installments window appears. Installments are created only for completed invoices.

  4. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

    You can optionally change the default value in the Payment Method field. The payment method defaults from the payment method for the transaction. The bearer of the trade note defaults to Manual Receipt the first time that you enter an invoice. After you have entered the invoice and saved it, you can change the bearer of the trade note to Registry or Legal Department. The value, Manual Receipt, is automatically changed to Bank when you send a collection document to the bank.

    These fields are display only. You cannot change them.

    • Document Status

    • Bank Transfer Batch Number

    • Selection Number of Bank Transfer Batch

  5. Press the OK button.

Correcting Invoices

Use the Complementary Invoices window to correct some fields in an existing invoice for billing purposes. You enter the correct information in a new invoice.

To correct invoices:

  1. Navigate to the Complementary Invoices window.

  2. Enter the number, date, or due date of an existing invoice in the header region to query an invoice.

  3. Choose the Complementary Invoice and More tabbed regions to correct any fields that are in the header region of an invoice.

  4. Choose the Line tabbed region to correct any fields that are in the lines region of an invoice. You must enter a line number in the Line Number field.

  5. Save your work. The invoice automatically prints if the value in the Print Immediately field in the System Options window is Yes.

    Note: The transaction number for the complementary invoice is defined only when the invoice prints.

Canceling Invoices

Use the Credit Memo window to cancel an existing invoice. You create credit memos in the Credit Memo window to credit invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.


Before you can use the Credit Memo window, you must:

To cancel invoices:

  1. Navigate to the Credit Memo window.

  2. Enter the number for the invoice you want to cancel in the Number field in the Credited Transaction region.

  3. Enter credit information in the Credit Memo region. You must enter the previously defined transaction type for your credit memo in the Type field.

Related Topics

Accounting for Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Entering Bank Collection Information

This section describes how to automatically and manually create and format remittance batches with trade notes and occurrences, how to enter bank occurrences, as well as how to enter, import, and correct bank return information into Receivables. You can post bank returns in Receivables and transfer journal entries to General Ledger.

Creating Bank Transfer Remittance Batches

Use the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window to automatically create remittance batches with trade notes for bank collection. You can also manually create remittance batches with trade notes for bank collection or factoring. You can modify both types of batches after you save them.


Before you can use the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window, you must:

Automatically Creating Bank Transfer Remittance Batches

To automatically create bank transfer remittance batches:

  1. Navigate to the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window.

  2. Select the applicable operating unit.

  3. Enter a batch name in the Name field.

    A remittance batch number automatically appears in the Number field after you complete all steps and save.

  4. Change the date in the Date field if you want to assign a different date to the remittance batch.

  5. Choose Automatic in the Type field.

  6. Enter a payment method from the Global Receipt Method Accounts window in the Payment Method field.

  7. Enter the attributes for the trade notes that you want to include in the remittance batch, or leave the fields blank for all. You enter ranges in the Due Date, Transaction Date, Transaction Number, and Customer Number fields. Enter a transaction type in the Transaction Type field.

  8. Check the Break by Due Date check box if you want trade notes with the same due date in a remittance batch.

  9. Press the Bank Distributions button.

    The Bank Account Distributions window appears.

  10. Enter account information in the Bank Number, Bank Name, Branch Number, Branch Name, and Account Number fields. You can change the General Ledger date (accounting date) and portfolio code that automatically displays.

    Note: You must enter a branch number to enter an account number.

  11. Choose the Distribution Rules tabbed region.

  12. Enter a percentage of the total dollar amount of the trade notes that you want in the batches for a bank account in the Percent (%) field, or enter a range of trade note amounts, remittance batch amounts, or both, in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

  13. Choose the More tabbed region to enter a bank charge amount, bank instructions, and a remittance batch source for a bank account.

  14. Save your work.

  15. Select a bank account.

  16. Press the Remittance Batches button to view all remittance batches and trade notes in each batch. They appear in the Bank Remittance Batches window after the Create Collection Remittance Batch program is done.

  17. Choose the Trade Note, Payment Method, and More tabbed regions to view information about the trade notes.

Use the Format Remittance Batches window to format and send the remittance batches to the bank.

Status Field Table

The Status Field table shows the meaning of statuses in the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches and Bank Remittance Batches windows.

In this window… This status… Has this meaning…
Bank Transfer Remittance Batches Selected The selection is created
Bank Transfer Remittance Batches Formatted One or more remittance batches in the selection are formatted
Bank Transfer Remittance Batches Canceled All remittance batches in the selection are canceled
Bank Transfer Remittance Batches Confirmed The bank confirmed one or more trade notes in the selection
Bank Remittance Batches (Header) Selected Trade notes are selected to create this remittance batch
Bank Remittance Batches (Header) Formatted The remittance batch is formatted
Bank Remittance Batches (Header) Canceled The remittance batch is canceled
Bank Remittance Batches (Header) Confirmed The bank confirmed one or more documents in the remittance batch
Bank Remittance Batches (Header) Write-off The bank wrote-off all documents that are not refused in this remittance batch
Bank Remittance Batches (Header) Refused The bank refused all documents in the batch
Bank Remittance Batches (Header) Partially Received One or more documents in the remittance batch are partially paid
Bank Remittance Batches (Header) Totally Received All documents in the remittance batch that are not refused, not canceled, and not written-off are fully paid
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Selected The trade note is selected for a remittance batch
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Formatted The trade note is formatted
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Canceled The trade note is canceled
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Confirmed The bank confirmed the document
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Refused The bank refused the document
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Written-off The bank wrote off the document
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Protested The document is protested
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Partially Received The document is partially paid
Bank Remittance Batches (Trade Notes region) Totally Received The document is fully paid

Manually Creating Bank Transfer Remittance Batches

To manually create bank transfer remittance batches:

  1. Navigate to the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window.

  2. Enter a batch name in the Name field.

    A remittance batch number automatically appears in the Number field after you complete all the steps and save.

  3. Change the date in the Date field if you want to assign a different date to the remittance batch. See the Status Field Table for possible statuses in the Status field.

  4. Choose Manual in the Type field.

  5. Enter either Collection or Factoring in the Remittance Batch Type field to create collection or factoring batches.

  6. Enter the attributes for the trade notes that you want to include in the remittance batch, or leave them blank for all. You enter ranges in the Due Date, Transaction Date, Transaction Number, Customer Number, and Transaction Amount fields. Enter a transaction type in the Transaction Type fields.

  7. Press the Bank Distributions button.

    The Bank Account Distributions window appears.

  8. Enter the account information in the Bank Number, Bank Name, Branch Number, Branch Name, and Account Number fields. You can change the General Ledger date (accounting date) that automatically displays.

    Note: You must enter a branch number to enter an account number.

  9. Select a bank account.

  10. Press the Remittance Batches button.

    The Bank Remittance Batches window appears.

  11. Enter a trade note number in the Trade Note Number field.

    The amount, due date, transaction number, and status display.

  12. Choose the Payment Method tabbed region.

  13. Enter a payment method in the Payment Method field.

    The batch source displays. You can change the portfolio code that displays for a collection remittance batch. You can enter a portfolio code for a factoring remittance batch.

  14. Choose the More tabbed region if you are creating a collection remittance batch. You can change any bank instructions that display.

  15. You can optionally enter a bank charge amount in the Bank Charge Amount field.

  16. Choose the Factoring tabbed region if you are creating a factoring remittance batch. Enter a factoring rate, period of days for the rate, and a factoring date.

  17. Save your work.

Use the Format Remittance Batches window to format and send remittance batches to the banks.

Modifying Bank Transfer Remittance Batches

To modify remittance batches:

  1. Navigate to the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window. You cannot make any changes in this window.

  2. Press the Bank Distributions button.

    The Bank Account Distributions window appears.

    You can change only the General Ledger date (the accounting date) if the selection type is Automatic and the status in the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window is Selected. You can change the General Ledger date and add bank accounts to create more remittance batches if the selection type is Manual and the status in the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window is Selected.

  3. Select a bank account.

  4. Press the Remittance Batches button to modify remittance batches.

    The Bank Remittance Batches window appears.

  5. Uncheck the Selected check box next to a trade note to remove it from the batch.

  6. Enter a trade note number and its attributes in the tabbed regions to add a trade note to the batch. The batch must be unformatted (status in header region is Selected).

  7. You can change this information for any unformatted trade notes in a remittance batch:

    • The portfolio code, bank charge amount, and bank instructions for a trade note in a collection remittance batch

    • The portfolio code, factoring rate, factoring date, and period of days for a trade note in a factoring remittance batch

    • The payment method for a trade note in a manually created remittance batch, if the selection type in the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window is Manual

Formatting Remittance Batches

Use the Format Remittance Batches window to format bank transfer or occurrence remittance batches to send to the bank. Trade notes that were selected for the remittance batch in the Bank Transfer Remittance Batches window are considered collection documents after they are formatted. You query the remittance batches in the Find Remittance Batches window. You can also cancel or unformat bank transfer remittance batches.


Before you can use the Format Remittance Batches window, you must:

To format a remittance batch:

  1. Navigate to the Format Remittance Batches window.

    The Find Remittance Batches window appears.

  2. Select a batch name and press the OK button.

    The Format Remittance Batches window appears with the remittance batches for the operating unit. The sequence number of the batch displays in the Sequence Number field. The type of documents in the batch, either collection, factoring, or occurrence, displays in the Type field. The status of the batch, either Selected or Formatted, displays in the status field. See the Status Field Table for possible statuses in the Status field.

  3. Choose the Accounts tabbed region to see the account number, request ID, and remittance media (file or report) for each batch.

  4. Choose the Banks tabbed region to see the bank number, bank name, branch number, or branch name.

  5. Choose the More tabbed region to see the formatting date, total number of trade notes in each batch, and total amount of the trade notes.

  6. Select any batch and press the Format button.

    The batch is formatted in either a file or a report. The batch status is Formatted after you format a batch with Selected status. You can reformat a batch with Formatted status.

    Note: The Format button is disabled if there is no trade note in a remittance batch.

  7. Select any bank transfer remittance batch Remittance Batches window, of type collection or factoring, and press the Void button to cancel it.

    The canceled batch is removed from the window. You can add the trade notes that were in the batch to a new batch or to an unformatted batch in the Bank Transfer

    Note: All occurrences for a canceled bank transfer batch with Formatted status are also canceled.

  8. Select any formatted bank transfer remittance batch and press the Reverse button to unformat it. The status changes to Selected. The occurrences for the reversed batch are canceled.

Entering Bank Occurrences

Use the Trade Notes window to select trade notes and associated collection documents that you want to create occurrences for. You enter occurrences for collection documents. You query the trade notes in the Find Trade Notes window.


Before you can use the Trade Notes window, you must format bank collection remittance batches of type Collection in the Format Remittance Batches window.

To enter bank occurrences:

  1. Navigate to the Trade Notes window.

    The Find Trade Notes window appears.

  2. Enter search criteria in any of the fields, or leave them blank for all trade notes.

    Note: You must enter a branch number to enter an account number.

  3. Press the Find button.

    The Trade Notes window appears with the operating unit, trade notes, and their attributes, such as the trade note number, transaction number, due date, and whether the trade note is in the collection process.

  4. Select a trade note. The collection document's attributes for the selected trade note display in the bottom of the window in the tabbed regions.

  5. Press the Occurrences button.

    The Bank Occurrence Codes window appears. All occurrences for the selected collection document are displayed.

  6. Enter a predefined occurrence code in the Code field. Remittance displays in the Type field. A description of the occurrence displays in the Description field.

    Note: You can only enter an occurrence code for a formatted or protested collection document. The status for the selected collection document displays in the Collection Documents region in the Trade Notes window.

  7. Enter the bank's charge in the Bank Charges field if the occurrence type is a write-off requisition.

  8. Enter a General Ledger date in the GL Date field if the occurrence type is a write-off requisition. The General Ledger date is the date when the write-off requisition is accounted.

  9. Choose the Main tabbed region to see additional information about the occurrence, such as the type, description, and date the occurrence was created.

  10. Choose the More tabbed region to see additional information about the occurrence, such as the due date, remittance date, document amount, abatement amount, interest percent, and occurrence status.

  11. Save your work.

Creating Occurrence Remittance Batches

Use the Occurrences Remittance Batches window to create remittance batches for occurrences.


Before you can use the Occurrences Remittance Batches window, you must enter bank occurrences for collection documents in the Bank Occurrence Codes window.

To create an occurrence remittance batch:

  1. Navigate to the Occurrences Remittance Batches window.

  2. Select the applicable operating unit.

  3. Enter a batch name in the Batch Name field.

    A batch number and request number display in the Batch Number and Request Number fields after you complete all the steps and save.

  4. Enter a due date range for the collection documents with occurrences in the Due Dates fields, or leave the fields blank for all collection documents with occurrences.

  5. You can optionally enter the number of the bank and branch you are creating the remittance batch for in the Bank Number and Branch Number field.

    The name of the bank and branch automatically appears in this field.

  6. Enter an account number in the Account Number field if you want to create a batch for a specific account. If you leave this field blank, a batch is created for each account of the bank branch that you entered.

    Note: You must enter a bank and branch number to enter an account number.

  7. Enter a GL Date for the batch occurrences, or bank or bank account occurrences. The default is the system date.

  8. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each bank or bank account that you want.

  9. Save your work. The media for the occurrence remittance batch is in report format for these instances:

    • The occurrence codes are defined in the Bank Occurrence Codes window with the Report media type

    • The occurrence codeFiles are defined in the Bank Occurrence Codes window with the media type and are related to bank transfer remittance batches that are sent as reports to the bank

    • The occurrence codeFiles are defined in the Bank Occurrence Codes window with the media type, but the remittance date is in the limit that is defined for these occurrence codes

Use the Format Remittance Batches window to send the batch to the bank. See Formatting Remittance Batches for more information.

Entering Bank Return Occurrences

Use the Bank Returns window to enter bank return occurrences from a bank return report. You can also update bank return occurrences from a bank return file that has entries that were successfully validated by the import bank return validation process.


Before you can use the Bank Returns window, you must:

To enter bank return occurrences:

  1. Navigate to the Bank Returns window.

  2. Select the applicable operating unit.

  3. Enter a file control number for the bank return report in the File Control field. This number can be alphanumeric. This number must be the same for all the return occurrences you enter from a bank return report.

  4. Enter the date that the bank generated the bank return report/file in the Generation Date field.

  5. Enter a bank number and customer name in the Bank Number and Customer Name fields.

  6. Enter a trade note number in the Trade Note Number field.

  7. Enter occurrence information in the Occurrence Code and Occurrence Date fields.

  8. Enter the date that the bank return report or file was entered or imported into Receivables in the Processing Date field.

    Note: The Credit Amount field is display only if you enter a full settlement occurrence.

  9. Save your work. The bank return information is saved in Receivables.

To update bank return occurrences:

  1. Navigate to the Bank Returns window.

  2. Query the bank returns.

  3. Update the occurrence date in the Occurrence Date field.

  4. Update the bank's trade note ID in the Our Number field.

  5. Update the collector bank number and collector branch number in the Collector Bank Number and Collector Branch Number fields.

  6. Update bank information in the Bank Use, Note, and Bank Charges fields.

  7. Update the amounts in the Interest Amount Received, Abatement Amount, Discount Amount, and Credit Amount fields.

  8. Save your work. The bank return occurrences are saved in Receivables.

Correcting Bank Return Occurrences

Use the Correct Bank Returns window to correct imported bank return occurrences that were rejected during the validation process. You can see all rejected bank return occurrences in the Brazilian Receivables Bank Return Import report. You first select the bank returns in the Find Bank Returns window.


Before you can use the Correct Bank Returns window, you must:

To correct bank return occurrence:

  1. Navigate to the Correct Bank Returns window.

    The Find Bank Returns window appears.

  2. Enter search criteria in any of the fields, or leave them blank for all bank return occurrences. You must enter a bank number to enter a bank occurrence code.

  3. Press the Find button.

    The Correct Bank Returns window appears with the bank return occurrences for the operating unit to correct.

  4. Choose the Company tabbed region to correct the company code in the Code field.

  5. Choose the Banks tabbed region to correct the bank occurrence code in the Code field.

  6. Choose the Trade Notes tabbed region to correct the trade note amount in the Amount field and to enter a document number in the Document Number field.

  7. Choose the More tabbed region to correct the customer's name in the Customer Name field.

  8. You can optionally select a return occurrence instead of choosing the tabbed regions, and press the Open button. The same bank return occurrence with all its fields appear in one window.

  9. Change the remittance code in the Correct Bank Returns window to a 2 if it is not already set to 2. All bank return occurrences must have a remittance code of 2.

  10. Check the Cancel check box if you want to cancel a bank return occurrence. After an occurrence is canceled, it does not appear in this window when you query this window again.

  11. Save your work. Bank return occurrences are deleted from this window and appear in the Bank Returns window if they do not have validation errors.

Importing Bank Return Occurrences

Run the Import Bank Return request set to import and validate bank return occurrences. The bank return occurrences that are rejected by this process display in the Correct Bank Returns window and are shown in the Brazilian Receivables Bank Return Import report. For more information about this report, see Brazilian Receivables Bank Return Import Report. The bank return occurrences that are not rejected appear in the Bank Returns window. You can change occurrence information in both of these windows.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Brazilian Receivables Import of Bank Return program.


Before you can use this window, you must:

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Posting Bank Returns

Use the Post Bank Returns window to submit the Brazilian Receivables Post Bank Return program, the Brazilian Receivables Post Bank Return report, and the Post QuickCash concurrent program for a bank return file or report:


Before you can use the Post Bank Returns window, you must:

To post bank returns:

  1. Navigate to the Post Bank Returns window.

  2. Enter a file control number in the File Control field.

    The bank return file or report information displays in the Bank Number, Bank Name, Generation Date, Processing Date, and Operating Unit fields. The request ID of the master concurrent program displays in the Post Bank Return Request ID field.

  3. Press the OK button.

Related Topics

Post QuickCash, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Running the GL Interface Program

Use the Run General Ledger Interface window to run the GL Interface program. This program transfers the journal entries that are generated in the Bank Transfer process to General Ledger. The journal entries are for receipts as well as accountable remittance and return occurrences.

The GL Interface program transfers all Receivables transactions to your General Ledger accounts and creates journal batches.


Run the Create Accounting program in the Submit Request window for the Receivables application to create account data in Subledger Accounting. When running the program, ensure that you enter the following:

To run the GL Interface program:

  1. Navigate to the Run General Ledger Interface window.

  2. Choose a posting detail (Detail or Summary).

  3. Enter a General Ledger posted date in the GL Posted Date field.

  4. Enter a range of General Ledger dates in the GL Dates fields.

  5. Choose Yes to import your transactions into General Ledger or No to import them into the journal import interface.

  6. Save your work. The request ID number for your concurrent process displays in the Request ID field.

Related Topics

Running General Ledger Interface, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Managing Receipts

This section explains how to manage receipts for Brazilian Oracle Receivables. In Brazil, interest is calculated on receipts for overdue invoices. If the receipt amount is a partial amount, interest is calculated on either the amount received or the total invoice amount.

Oracle Receivables automatically calculates interest based on the business day calendar. You can apply total or partial receipt amounts and generate interest debit memos on interest due.

Entering Receipts

Use the globalization flexfield in the Receipts window to calculate interest on receipts for overdue invoices. You can receive interest, create an Interest Debit Memo for interest due, or write off the due amount.

You can manually apply interest to one or more transactions, or you can automatically apply interest to several transactions.


Before you can use the Receipts window, you must:

To manually calculate interest for a receipt:

  1. Navigate to the Receipts window.

  2. Query or enter the receipt to apply.

  3. Enter the name or number of the customer who owns this receipt in the Customer Name or Number field if the receipt is unidentified.

  4. Press the Applications button.

  5. Enter the transaction to apply this receipt to in the Transaction Number field. The Amount Applied field displays the balance due for the transaction.

  6. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  7. The Main Amount Received field displays the amount displayed in the Amount Applied field. Change this amount to a partial amount if you want to calculate interest on a partial amount only.

  8. Enter Total in the Base Interest Calculation field if you want to calculate interest based on the total invoice amount. Enter Partial if you want to calculate interest based on the amount entered in the Main Amount Received field, if this amount is less than the total invoice amount.

    If you enter Partial, press the OK button to generate the interest calculation. The flexfield reopens automatically.

  9. The Calculated Interest field displays the total interest due for the invoice.

    The Received Interest field displays the amount of interest received for this transaction. You can change the amount of interest received for this transaction.

  10. If the received interest amount is less than the calculated interest amount, use the Interest Difference Action field to decide whether to write off the difference or generate an Interest Debit Memo.

  11. If you enter Write-off, enter an explanation in the Write Off Reason field. If you enter Generate_IDM, Oracle Receivables automatically generates an Interest Debit Memo for the interest due.

  12. Press the OK button.

  13. If you press the Adjustments button, Oracle Receivables shows the adjustment with the calculated and received interest. The adjustment reflects if the customer paid more than the interest that is due.

To automatically calculate interest for several receipts:

  1. Navigate to the Receipts window.

  2. Query or enter the receipt to apply.

  3. Enter the name or number of the customer who owns this receipt in the Customer Name or Number field if the receipt is unidentified.

  4. Press the Mass Apply button.

  5. Enter the transactions that you want to apply this receipt to and prepare them according to the criteria that you want.

  6. Press the Preview or Apply button. Oracle Receivables calculates the total interest that is due and the interest that has been received for each transaction.

    If you press the Preview button, use the flexfield to view and modify the interest calculation for each transaction. Check the Apply check box to select the transaction for the application.

    If you press the Apply button, you can either accept how Receivables has calculated interest for each transaction or use the flexfield to view and modify the interest calculation.

  7. Navigate to the globalization flexfield for each transaction.

  8. Enter the amount in the Received Interest field if you want to change the interest amount received.

  9. If the received interest amount is less than the calculated interest amount, use the Interest Difference Action field to decide whether to write off the difference or generate an Interest Debit Memo.

  10. Enter an explanation in the Write Off Reason field if you enter Write-off. If you enter Generate_IDM, Receivables generates an Interest Debit Memo for the interest due.

  11. Press the OK button.

  12. Repeat steps 7 to 11 for each transaction.

Entering QuickCash Receipts

Use the globalization flexfield in the Receipt Batches window to view and modify the received interest amount for QuickCash transactions for overdue invoices. Receivables only applies interest to QuickCash transactions when the application type is Multiple.

For QuickCash receipts, if the received interest amount is less than the calculated interest amount, Receivables calculates whether to write off the outstanding interest or generate an Interest Debit Memo. This calculation is based on the parameters that you enter in the Global Receipt Method Accounts window.


Before you can use the Receipt Batches window, you must:

To calculate interest on QuickCash receipts:

  1. Navigate to the Receipt Batches window.

  2. Query a QuickCash batch, or enter Manual-Quick in the Batch Type field and enter a batch name.

  3. Press the Receipts button.

  4. Query or enter the Quick receipts to apply, and choose an application type of Multiple.

  5. Press the Multiple button.

  6. For each transaction, navigate to the globalization flexfield. If the globalization flexfield is not in the window, choose Folder > Show Field from the Toolbar menu bar. Choose the field ( ) in the Show Field window and press the OK button.

  7. The Main Amount Received field displays the amount displayed in the Amount Applied field. Change this amount to a partial amount if you want to calculate interest for a partial amount.

  8. Enter Total in the Base Interest Calculation field if you want to calculate interest based on the total invoice amount. Enter Partial if you want to calculate interest based on the amount entered in the Main Amount Received field if it is less than the total invoice amount.

    If you enter Partial, press the OK button to generate the interest calculation. The flexfield reopens automatically.

  9. The Calculated Interest field displays the total interest due for the invoice. The Received Interest field displays the amount of interest received for this transaction. You can change the amount of interest received for this transaction.

    If the received interest amount is less than the calculated interest amount, Receivables automatically generates an Interest Debit Memo or writes off the outstanding interest.

  10. Press the OK button.

  11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for each transaction.

  12. Save your work.

  13. When you are ready to post the batch to Oracle Receivables, press the Post QuickCash button.

Merging Customers

The customer merge process in Oracle Receivables merges standard as well as country-specific information. Receivables automatically associates all transaction activity from the old customer or site with the new customer or site. Receivables also removes the setup information of merged customers or customer sites.

These features support customer merge:

Related Topics

Merging Customers, Oracle Receivables User Guide


This section provides overviews and detailed descriptions of these reports:

Brazilian Receivables Invoice Print

Use the Brazilian Receivables Print Invoice in AutoInvoice, the Brazilian Receivables Invoice Print Invoice in Batch, or the Brazilian Receivables Print Invoice in Batch Immediately to print a completed payable invoice for shipment with goods. Use the Brazilian Receivables Re-Print Specific Invoice to reprint a specific invoice. This report is printed on preprinted paper.

You can continue to update the original invoice from the Transactions window for invoices entered manually until the invoice is completed. The invoice contents are frozen once the invoice is completed.

There are four ways to print invoices:

Report Parameters

In the Brazilian AutoInvoice request set:

Invoice Print Submission Type

Enter Print Invoice Generated by AutoInvoice.

In the Brazilian Print Invoice in Batch request set:

Invoice Print Submission Type

Enter Print Invoice Batch.

Issue Date High

Enter the highest invoice date to print.

Transaction Number High

Enter the highest form to print.

Column Headings


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Exit/Entry (Operation Type) The operation type
Transaction Number The transaction number
Sub-Series The sub-series of the invoice
Operation Nature The operation nature of the invoice
Operation Fiscal Code The operation fiscal code
State Inscription for Tributary Substitution The state inscription for tributary substitution of the invoice


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Ship to Customer Name The customer name
Inscription Number The invoice inscription number
Issue Date The issue date of the invoice
Address The shipping address
District The district of the shipping address
Postal Code The postal code of the shipping address
Shipping Date The shipping date
City The city of the shipping address
State The state of the shipping address
State Inscription Number The state inscription number


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Amount Due Remaining The amount that is due remaining in each installment
Trade Note Number The trade note number in each installment
Due Date The due date of each installment
Bill to Address The bill to address for each installment


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Item Code The item code for the invoice line
Item Description The item description
Item Fiscal Classification The invoice line number. The corresponding item fiscal classification for the invoice line is printed in the Additional Information region in this report.
Federal Tributary Situation The federal tributary situation of the invoice line
UOM The unit of measure for the invoice line
Quantity The quantity for the invoice line
Unit Amount The unit amount for the invoice line
Total Amount The total amount for the invoice line
ICMS Tax Rate The ICMS tax rate for the invoice line
IPI Tax Rate The IPI tax rate for the invoice line
IPI Tax Amount The IPI tax amount for the invoice line
Legal Messages Three concatenated legal messages for the invoice line


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Description The description for the service line
ISS Tax Amount The ISS tax amount for the service line
Total Amount The total amount for the service line


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
ICMS Tax Base Amount The ICMS tax base amount
ICMS Tax Amount The ICMS tax amount
ICMS-ST Tax Base Amount The ICMS-ST tax base amount
ICMS-ST Tax Amount The ICMS-ST tax amount
Item Total Amount The item total amount
Freight Carrier Expense Amount The freight carrier expense amount
Insurance Expense Amount The insurance expense amount
Other Expense Amount The amount of any other expenses
IPI Tax Total Amount The IPI tax total amount
Invoice Total Amount The total invoice amount


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Freight Carrier Name The freight carrier name
Freight Responsibility 1 - Seller or 2 - Buyer
License Plate The freight carrier's license plate
Inscription Number The freight inscription number
Address The freight carrier's address
City The city of the freight carrier's address
State The state of the freight carrier's address
State Inscription Number The freight state inscription number
Volume Quantity The volume quantity
Volume Type The volume type
Brand The brand
Volume Number The volume number
Total Gross Weight The total gross weight
Total Net Weight The total net weight


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Complementary Information Any complementary information. If invoice is canceled, then VOID is printed.
Fiscal Classification Codes Fiscal classification codes with the corresponding invoice line number


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Transaction Number The transaction number

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission

Brazilian Receivables Complementary Invoices

You can modify the original invoice from the Complementary Invoice window for invoices that are completed. The complementary invoice contents are frozen once the complementary invoice is printed. This report is printed on preprinted paper.

There are two ways to print complementary invoices:

Report Parameters

In the Brazilian Print Invoice in Batch request set:

Invoice Print Submission Type

Enter Print Invoice Batch.

Issue Date High

Enter the highest invoice date to print.

Transaction Number High

Enter the highest form to print.

Column Headings


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Exit/Entry (Operation Type) The operation type
Transaction Number The transaction number
Sub-Series The sub-series of the invoice
Operation Nature The operation nature of the invoice
Operation Fiscal Code The operation fiscal code
State Inscription for Tributary Substitution The state inscription for tributary substitution of the invoice


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Ship to Customer Name The customer name
Inscription Number The invoice inscription number
Issue Date The issue date of the invoice
Address The shipping address
District The district of the shipping address
Postal Code The postal code of the shipping address
Shipping Date The shipping date
City The city of the shipping address
State The state of the shipping address
State Inscription Number The state inscription number


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Amount Due Remaining The amount that is due remaining for each installment
Trade Note Number The trade note number for each installment
Due Date The due date of each installment
Bill to Address The bill to address for each installment


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Item Code The item code for the invoice line
Item Description The item description
Item Fiscal Classification The invoice line number. The corresponding item fiscal classification for the invoice line is printed in the Additional Information region in this report.
Federal Tributary Situation The federal tributary situation of the invoice line
UOM The unit of measure for the invoice line
Quantity The quantity for the invoice line
Unit Amount The unit amount for the invoice line
Total Amount The total amount for the invoice line
ICMS Tax Rate The ICMS tax rate for the invoice line
IPI Tax Rate The IPI tax rate for the invoice line
IPI Tax Amount The IPI tax amount for the invoice line
Legal Messages Three concatenated legal messages for the invoice line


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Description The description for the service line
ISS Tax Amount The ISS tax amount for the service line
Total Amount The total amount for the service line


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
ICMS Tax Base Amount The ICMS tax base amount
ICMS Tax Amount The ICMS tax amount
ICMS-ST Tax Base Amount The ICMS-ST tax base amount
ICMS-ST Tax Amount The ICMS-ST tax amount
Item Total Amount The item total amount
Freight Carrier Expense Amount The freight carrier expense amount
Insurance Expense Amount The insurance expense amount
Other Expense Amount The amount of any other expenses
IPI Tax Total Amount The IPI tax total amount
Invoice Total Amount The total invoice amount


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Freight Carrier Name The freight carrier name
Freight Responsibility 1 - Seller or 2 - Buyer
License Plate The freight carrier's license plate
Inscription Number The freight inscription number
Address The freight carrier's address
City The city of the freight carrier's address
State The state of the freight carrier's address
State Inscription Number The freight state inscription number
Volume Quantity The volume quantity
Volume Type The volume type
Brand The brand
Volume Number The volume number
Total Gross Weight The total gross weight
Total Net Weight The total net weight


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Complementary Information Any complementary information. If the invoice is canceled, then Void is printed.
Fiscal Classification Codes Fiscal classification codes with the corresponding invoice line number


This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Transaction Number The transaction number

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission

Brazilian Receivables Customer Interface Error Report

The Customer Interface Error report contains customer information invalidated by the Customer Interface program. Use this report to update invalid customer information in the Customers window.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Customer Interface Error report.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission

Brazilian Receivables Customer Account Detail Report

Use the Brazilian Receivables Customer Account Detail report to review customer accounts for interest and bank transfer activity. For each customer listed in the report, Oracle Receivables prints all open transactions and total balance due in the ledger currency.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Brazilian Receivables Customer Account Detail report.

Report Parameters

Invoice Number From

Enter the first invoice number for the report.

Invoice Number To

Enter the last invoice number for the report.

Customer Number From

Enter the first customer number for the report.

Customer Number To

Enter the last customer number for the report.

Customer Name From

Enter the first customer name for the report.

Customer Name To

Enter the last customer name for the report.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Receivables prints…
Customer Name The customer name
Customer Number The customer number

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Transaction Number The invoice number for each transaction in the report
Transaction Status The status of each transaction
Transaction Date The transaction date for invoice, debit memo, credit memo
Transaction Due Date The due date for each transaction
Transaction Days Late Number of days past due, or the number of days until the due date
Original Amount The original amount of each transaction
Interest Due The calculated interest amount for each transaction
Balance Due The amount due for each transaction
Transaction Type The transaction type
Transaction Class The transaction class of the transaction
Bank Transfer Batch Number The number for the bank transfer remittance batch when the transaction was selected
Selection Number The number when the bank transfer batch was selected
Bearer of Trade Note The invoice bearer of trade note
Document Status The document status
Total Balance Due The balance due sum for the selected transactions
Total Interest Due The interest calculation for each transaction

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission

Brazilian Receivables Collection Remittance Batch Report

Use the Brazilian Receivables Collection Remittance Batch report to submit formatted collection document information to remittance banks. This report is a listing of collection documents administered by the remittance bank.

The output for the Brazilian Receivables Collection Remittance Batch report is either a paper report or an electronic file in standard CNAB format. The Brazilian Receivables Collection Remittance Batch electronic file contains three records: Header Record, Transaction Record, and Trailer Record.

For more information about file content, see Brazilian Receivables Collection Remittance Batch File Content.

Run the Brazilian Receivables Collection Remittance Batch report from the Format Remittance Batches window. For instructions about using this window, see Formatting Remittance Batches.

Report Parameters

The Brazilian Receivables Collection Remittance Batch report is automatically submitted from the Format Remittance Batches window as a concurrent request. There are no parameters to enter.

The Output Media field indicates whether the output is a paper report (Report) or an electronic file (File).

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Receivables prints…
Bank Number The remittance bank number
Bank Name The bank name
Branch Number The bank branch number
Branch Name The branch name
Account Number The company account number at the bank
Company Code The bank's company ID
Company Name The company name
Selection Number The selection number assigned to the bank transfer remittance batch
Selection Name The selection name assigned to this remittance batch
Generation Date The generation date for the bank transfer remittance batch
Remittance Date The remittance date for the bank transfer remittance batch
Batch Sequence Number The sequential batch number for the bank transfer remittance batch

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Your Number The trade note number for the collection document
Drawee Name The customer name
Drawee Inscription Number The inscription number of the customer site
Drawee Address The customer site address
District The district of the customer site address
City The city of the customer site address
State The state of the customer site address
Postal Code The postal code for the customer site address
Company Inscription Number Your company's inscription number
Portfolio Number The portfolio number
Company Use The collection document number
Collection Document Type The collection document type
Due Date The collection document due date
Amount The amount of the collection document
Issue Date The transaction date for the transaction associated with the collection document
Interest Per Day The interest amount per day
Discount Date The discount date on the collection document
Discount Amount The discount amount
Bank Instruction 1 The first bank instruction code and its description
Bank Instruction 2 The second bank instruction code and its description
Bank Transfer Batch Total The total document amount for all collection documents listed in the report
Number of Documents The number of documents listed in the report
Bank Transfer Batch Total The total document amount for all collection documents listed in the report

Brazilian Receivables Occurrences Remittance Batch Report

Use the Brazilian Receivables Occurrences Remittance Batch report to submit formatted occurrence information to banks. The report is a listing of occurrences that contain updates to collection documents.

The output for the Brazilian Receivables Occurrences Remittance Batch report is either a paper report or an electronic file in standard CNAB format. The Brazilian Receivables Occurrences Remittance Batch electronic file contains three records: Header Record, Transaction Record, and Trailer Record.

For more information about file content, see Brazilian Receivables Occurrences Remittance Batch File Content.

Run the Brazilian Receivables Occurrences Remittance Batch report from the Format Remittance Batches window. For instructions about using this window, see Formatting Remittance Batches.

Report Parameters

The Brazilian Receivables Occurrences Remittance Batch report is automatically submitted from the Format Remittance Batches window as a concurrent request. There are no parameters to enter.

The Output Media field indicates whether the output is a paper report (Report) or an electronic file (File).

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Receivables prints…
Company Code The bank's company ID
Company Name The company name
Bank Number The bank number
Bank Name The bank name

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Your Number The trade note number for the collection document associated with the occurrence
Bank Occurrence Code The bank occurrence code
Description Bank occurrence code description
Company Use The collection document number
Our Number The collection document bank ID
Portfolio Number The collection document portfolio number
Due Date The occurrence due date
Issue Date The transaction date of the transaction associated with the occurrence
Trade Note Amount The face amount or nominal value of the trade note
Drawee Name The customer name of the collection document associated with the occurrence
Interest Per Day The interest amount per day
Interest Date The beginning interest date
Discount Date The discount date of the collection document associated with the occurrence
Discount Amount The discount amount
Abatement Amount The abatement amount of the collection document associated with the occurrence
Days to Protest/Write-Off The number of days to protest or write off

Brazilian Receivables Factoring Remittance Batch Report

Use the Brazilian Receivables Factoring Remittance Batch report to submit formatted factoring remittance information to remittance banks. This report is a listing of collection documents traded to a remittance bank.

The output for the Brazilian Receivables Factoring Remittance Batch report is either a paper report or an electronic file in standard CNAB format. The Brazilian Receivables Factoring Remittance Batch electronic file contains three records: Header Record, Transaction Record, and Trailer Record.

Run the Brazilian Receivables Factoring Remittance Batch report from the Format Remittance Batches window. For instructions about using this window, see Formatting Remittance Batches.

Report Parameters

The Brazilian Receivables Factoring Remittance Batch report is automatically submitted from the Format Remittance Batches window as a concurrent request. There are no parameters to enter.

The Output Media field indicates whether the output is a paper report (Report) or an electronic file (File).

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Receivables prints…
Bank Number The remittance bank number
Bank Name The bank name
Branch Number The bank branch number
Branch Name The branch name
Account Number The bank account number
Company Code The bank's company ID
Company Name The company name
Selection Number The selection number assigned to this remittance batch
Selection Name The selection name assigned to this remittance batch
Generation Date The generation date of the bank transfer remittance batch
Remittance Date The remittance date of the bank transfer remittance batch
Batch Sequence Number The sequential batch number of the bank transfer remittance batch

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Your Number The trade note number
Drawee Name The name of the customer
Drawee Inscription Number The customer site inscription number
Drawee Address The customer site address
District The district of the customer site address
City The city of the customer site address
State The state of the customer site address
Postal Code The postal code of the customer site address
Company Inscription Number Your company's inscription number
Company Use The collection document
Collection Document Type The collection document type
Due Date The collection document due date
Amount The amount of the collection document
Issue Date The transaction date of the transaction associated with the collection document
Factoring Rate The factoring rate
Factoring Period The factoring period
Factoring Date The factoring date
Factoring Amount The factoring amount
In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Credit Amount The credit amount. The credit amount is the document amount less the factoring amount.
Number of Documents The count of documents listed in the report
Bank Transfer Batch Totals The three totals of document amount, factoring amount, and credit amount of all collection documents listed in the report

Brazilian Receivables Bank Return Import Report

The Brazilian Receivables Bank Return Import report is an error report that lists bank return occurrences that were rejected by the validation process in the Import Bank Return program. The Import Bank Return program validates return occurrences in the electronic file received from the remittance bank.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Brazilian Receivables Bank Return Import report.

Report Parameters

File Control

Enter the assigned batch ID number for the batch received from the remittance bank.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Receivables prints…
File Control The assigned batch ID number for the batch received from the remittance bank

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Sequential Number The invalid occurrence sequential number in the bank return's file
Bank Number The bank number
Your Number The document number of the collection document associated with the invalid occurrence
Bank Occurrence Code The bank occurrence code of the invalid occurrence
Occurrence Date The occurrence date of the invalid occurrence
Generation Date The generation date of the invalid occurrence
Trade Note Amount The document amount of the collection document associated with the invalid occurrence
Due Date The due date of the collection document associated with the invalid occurrence
Processing Date The processing date of the invalid occurrence
Error Description The error description of the invalid occurrence

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission

Brazilian Receivables Post Bank Return Report

The Brazilian Receivables Post Bank Return report summarizes the receipts, adjustments, interest, monetary corrections, and discounts for receipts for return occurrences in the bank return file. The records are validated by the Import Bank Return program. The report also includes the number of occurrences for each bank and each bank occurrence code within a bank in the bank return batch.

Run the Brazilian Receivables Post Bank Return report and the Brazilian Receivables Post Bank Return program from the Post Bank Returns window. For instructions about the Post Bank Returns window, see Posting Bank Returns.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Receivables prints…
Batch Source Name The ID name for the batch source holding accounting information associated with the payment batch
Batch Name The payment batch name
Batch Date The payment batch date
Bank Name The name of the bank that sent the bank remittance batch
Deposit Date The deposit date for the payment batch
Currency Code The currency code
Period The General Ledger period
GL Date The accounting date for the payment batch
Comments Description of the received batch

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Number of Receipts The receipt count of the items in the bank return batch
Total Receipts Amount The total receipts amount of the bank return batch
Number of Abatements The number of abatements in the bank return batch
Calculated Abatements Total The calculated total amount of abatements
Received Abatements Total The total amount of abatements received
Abatements Adjustments Total The total amount of adjustments created for abatements
Number of Interest The number of interest in the bank return batch
Calculated Interest Total The calculated total amount of interest
Received Interest Total The total interest amount received
Interests Adjustments Total The total amount of adjustment created for interest
Interest Debit Memos Total The total amount of interest debit memos created
Number of Discounts The number of discounts in the bank return batch
Calculated Discounts Total The calculated total amount of discounts
Received Discounts Total The total amount of discounts received
Bank Number The bank numbers of each bank associated with return occurrences
Bank Occurrence Code The bank occurrence codes for the return occurrences
Description A description of the bank occurrence codes
Total Occurrences The count of occurrences for each bank and each bank occurrence code within a bank in the bank return batch

Brazilian Receivables Bank Collection GL Interface Report

The Brazilian Receivables Bank Collection GL Interface report summarizes the journal entries generated by the Bank Transfer function.

Run the Brazilian Receivables Bank Collection GL Interface report from the General Ledger Interface window.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Receivables prints…
Posting Control ID The ID for this posting
Start Date The report start date
End Date The report end date
Period Name The accounting period name

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Receivables prints…
Currency Code The currency code for each currency in the posting table
Category The accounting entry type for each currency code
Entered Debits The entered debits for a currency and accounting entry type
Entered Credits The entered credits for a currency and accounting entry type
Accounted Debits The accounted debits for a currency and accounting entry type
Accounted Credits The accounted credits for a currency and accounting entry type
Currency Totals The totals for entered debits, entered credits, accounted debits, and accounted credits for each currency
Report Totals The totals for entered debits, entered credits, accounted debits and accounted credits at report level

Oracle Order Management

Entering Order Management Information

In Brazil, you must enter additional information for your sales orders, such as the operation fiscal code, accessory expenses, fiscal classification code, and transaction condition class. You must also enter additional volume information for your deliveries.

After you enter your order information, the Invoicing workflow activity transfers shipped item information to Oracle Receivables. When the Invoicing workflow activity is finished, you can submit AutoInvoice from Oracle Receivables to import invoice and credit data into Oracle Receivables, which processes the invoices and accounts for revenue.

Related Topics

Invoicing Activity, Oracle Order Management User Guide

Entering Sales Order Information

Use the globalization flexfield in the Order Organizer window to enter or view additional information about your sales orders and returns.

To enter additional sales order information for a new order:

  1. Navigate to the Order Organizer window.

    The Find Orders window appears.

  2. In the Find Orders window, press the New Order button.

    The Sales Orders window appears.

  3. In the Sales Orders window, enter your new order information.

  4. Navigate to the Line Items alternate name region.

  5. Navigate to the Shipping alternate name region

  6. In the Warehouse field, enter a warehouse name.

    Note: If you selected Latin Tax Handling as your tax method in the System Options window, this field is mandatory and tax is calculated based on the warehouse that you enter for the order line.

  7. Navigate to the Others alternate name region and move your cursor to the Project Number field.

  8. From the Special menu, choose Folders > Show Field.

  9. From the list of values, choose ( ) and press OK.

    The Additional Information for Brazil flexfield appears. You can enter or view additional information for your selected item, such as the operation fiscal code, expenses for freight and insurance, and the fiscal classification code and transaction condition class.

  10. Press the OK button.

To enter additional sales order information for a previously entered order:

  1. Navigate to the Order Organizer window.

    The Find Orders window appears.

  2. In the Find Orders window, enter an order or order lines to query, or leave the fields blank for all.

  3. Press the Find button.

    The Order Organizer window appears.

  4. Select an order and press the Open Order button.

    The Sales Orders window appears.

  5. Navigate to the Line Items alternate name region.

  6. Navigate to the Shipping alternate name region

  7. In the Warehouse field, enter a warehouse name.

    Note: If you selected Latin Tax Handling as your tax method in the System Options window, this field is mandatory and tax is calculated based on the warehouse that you enter for the order line.

  8. Navigate to the Others alternate name region and move your cursor to the Project Number field.

  9. From the Special menu, choose Folders > Show Field.

  10. From the list of values, choose ( ) and press OK.

    The Additional Information for Brazil flexfield appears. You can enter or view additional information for your selected item, such as the operation fiscal code, expenses for freight and insurance, and the fiscal classification code and transaction condition class.

  11. Press the OK button.

Related Topics

Overview of Order Organizer, Oracle Order Management User Guide

Entering Delivery Information

Use the globalization flexfield in the Delivery window to enter information about the volume of delivered items.

You can choose to create your delivery first and then add delivery lines to your delivery or you can automatically create deliveries for delivery lines that are not yet assigned to a delivery. You can also choose to automatically create a delivery at pick release by checking the Autocreate Deliveries check box in the Shipping Parameters window.

To enter the volume of delivered items:

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Transactions window.

  2. In the Navigator Tree window, select Data Entry > Delivery Data Entry.

    The Delivery window appears.

  3. Enter information for a new delivery, or query an existing delivery.

  4. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

    The Additional Information for Brazil flexfield appears.

  5. Enter volume information for the delivery in the Volume Type, Volume Number, and Volume Quantity fields. This information is printed on the invoice after the Invoicing workflow activity transfers shipping information to Receivables.

  6. Press the OK button.

  7. Save your work.

Related Topics

Creating a Delivery, Oracle Shipping Execution User Guide

Marking Tax Categories

Use the Latin Tax Groups window to mark tax categories that you want Oracle Order Management to consider for tax calculations.

To mark tax categories for Order Management consideration:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Groups window.

  2. In the Tax Group field, query a tax group.

  3. Navigate to the Tax Group Details region.

  4. Select a tax category that you want Oracle Order Management to consider for tax calculations.

  5. Check the Calculate in OM check box.

  6. Save your work.