Interacting with Customers

This chapter describes how to access information about customers, transactions, delinquencies, payments, aging, and balances.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Interacting with Customers

Collectors need the ability to find historical information about their delinquent customers in order to be prepared to interact with their customers. Once prepared, collectors can more efficiently manage each customer.

Viewing Customer Information

When you talk to a customer you can quickly review information about the customer including transactions, previous call, recent payments, and current balances.

If you want to view customer information:

Select a record from Collector's Work Queue or search for a customer from the Collections window using the following steps:

You can change the operational data level for customer information in the View field.

The Collections header recaps key customer information about delinquencies, including:

Note: Transactions include invoices, credit memos, debit memos, chargebacks, and other receivables instruments.

See: Using the Collections Window for more information about the fields displayed in the Collections header.

You can view customer information in the following ways:

To update and add organization and contact information, navigate to the eBusiness Center by double-clicking the Organization or Contact name in the Collections header. The Collections tab in the eBusiness Center displays information about delinquencies and payments for the selected customer, along with metrics.

If you use Oracle Lease and Finance Management:

Oracle Advanced Collections supports collections activities for invoices coming from Oracle Lease and Finance Management and Oracle Receivables on the same screens. For Leasing invoices, Advanced Collections uses the concept of a case, which is defined as one or more lease contracts for a customer sharing the same parameters, such as the same bill-to address or private label determined by Oracle Lease and Finance Management. Advanced Collections uses those parameters to create cases or to add a contract to an existing case.

If you use Oracle Loans:

Oracle Advanced Collections supports collections activities for invoices originating from Oracle Loans and Oracle Receivables on the same screens. You can view loan information, loan details, and process payments for delinquent or defaulted loans from Oracle Advanced Collections.

Changing the Operational Data Level View

When you go to Advanced Collections from Collector's Work Queue, the information displayed is at the same data level as the node selected in the work queue.

To see a more or less granular view of your customer, you can change the data level by selecting a different view from the drop down list in the View field on the Collections header.

Related Topics

Operational Data Level, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Designating Customer Contacts

For the customer displayed in the Collections header, you can designate two types of contact information.

Note: Both strategies and dunning plans send dunning correspondence, which can be letters, faxes, and e-mails.

To designate a contact type, highlight the contact in the Collections header. Then from the Actions menu, select Collections Contact or Dunning Contact. Whenever that customer appears in the Collections header, the Collections Contact is also automatically displayed.

Related Topics

Customer Contact Information

Using the Profile Tab

The Profile tab provides a snapshot of information about the organization displayed in the Collections header. It displays credit, collector, payment, and promise to pay information; the last customer interaction; and customer metrics, such as weighted average days paid and average days late. Metrics displayed in the Profile tab are configured by the Collections Administrator in the Transaction Setup of the Collections Checklist.

Metrics can be calculated periodically or in real-time mode. Metrics can be calculated to three data levels: customer, account, and bill-to.

Related Topics

Set Up Metrics, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Profile Tab

Preconfigured Metrics, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Viewing History

Use the History tab to view events related to collections activities that have occurred for a customer. You can view All History or filter by history type, such as correspondence or adjustments. Information about payments and promises to pay on leasing contracts is available if you use Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

History types available include:

If you change the operational data view, Advanced Collections filters the items displayed for a history type accordingly. Change the date range on the History tab to see more or fewer records for each history type.

Viewing All History

All History is the default history type and provides a high-level, cumulative view of a customer's history. It lists all collections events in chronological order that have occurred for the date range specified. Select a column heading to sort the information by other criteria, such as transaction or status. The Notes column displays the last note written for the selected record. To view more details for a record, select another history type from the Type list of values.

See also: History Tab.

Note: Later-stage delinquencies are NOT included in All History.

Viewing Adjustment History

Adjustment history provides details about adjustments in progress or already approved.

Collectors can create adjustments against delinquent transactions without approval in Oracle Receivables. Before creating an adjustment, the collector can access a customer's adjustment history. A collector might manage a customer differently, for example, if a customer has a history of frequent adjustment requests. Adjustment history details include amounts, dates, status, reason, adjustment activity name, and activity type.

See also: Adjustment History.

Viewing Correspondence History

Correspondence history, previously called Dunning history, provides a view of all dunning notices and other related collections letters sent to a customer. Dunning notices can be sent as part of dunning plan or collections strategies. It also shows history of letters confirming payments, disputes, adjustments, reversals, and promises.

The Status column shows whether the invoices pertaining to the dunning letter correspondence are still delinquent or not by checking the status of all invoices related to the correspondence. If all invoices pertaining to that correspondence become current, then the correspondence status is set to close, else the status remains open. You can resend the correspondence only when the status is open. A resend option will send the correspondence with current delinquent invoices only and not as a copy of the earlier correspondence.

The Delivery Status column shows whether the delivery of the correspondence has been successful or not.

See also: Correspondence History.

Viewing Dispute History

Dispute history provides a list of all disputes, or credit memo requests, made against a customer's transactions. It includes the status of disputes still under review in Receivables and notes created by a collector for the dispute.

See also: Dispute History.

Viewing Interaction History

Interaction history provides insight into all customer contacts, listing dates and times, the employee resource, the reason for contact, and any outcomes. It also provides, if available, non-contact attempt information such as Ring, No Answers, and Busies and interactions from other business applications such as Oracle TeleSales.

See also: Interaction History.

Viewing Leasing Payment History

If you use Oracle Lease and Finance Management, you can view payments on leasing invoices and lease contracts in Leasing Payment history.

The Payment on Leasing Invoices and Payment on Leasing Contracts options are only available if you use Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Viewing Leasing Promise History

If you use Oracle Lease and Finance Management with Oracle Advanced Collections, you can view promises to pay on leasing invoices and lease contracts in Leasing Promise history.

Viewing Payment History

Payment history pulls information from Oracle Receivables for up-to-date receipts information. It displays all payments received from customers, including credit card refunds, and any notes entered by the collector with a payment.

If you want to see details of a payment, then select a line in the payment history and click Details. The Payment History Details window displays details including information from Oracle Payments.

If you want to reverse a payment, then select Reverse button on the Details window.

See also: Payment History.

Viewing Promise History

Promise history provides a review of all promises to pay that a customer makes and indicates if payment was received and posted to the account or if the promise was broken or cancelled.

See also: Promise History.

Viewing Aging

You can view your customer's outstanding account balances on the Aging tab in Advanced Collections. The Aging tab opens using the default aging bucket defined in the Collections Checklist, but you can view account balances using any aging bucket defined in Oracle Receivables. You can modify your display by specifying an aging bucket or by choosing to summarize open credits.

Advanced Collections calculates and displays the total outstanding amounts for the current data level view, which can be by customer, bill to, or account. Aging per individual delinquency is not available.

Select the Transaction button to view all transactions for an aging bucket line. From there you can select a transaction and view transaction details, process payments, or enter a dispute. See: Processing Payments and Disputing Invoices for more information.

Related Topics

Viewing Open Credits

Viewing Account Information