Reporting and Transferring Cases to External Parties

This chapter discusses how to report Oracle Lease and Finance Management cases to a credit bureau and how to transfer cases to an external agency.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Reporting to a Credit Bureau

When a case in Oracle Lease and Finance Management reaches a certain stage of delinquency, you may decide to report the customer to a credit bureau. The procedure of reporting to a credit bureau generally consists of two stages:

  1. Notification: To allow for legal requirements in some countries, you may notify the customer of your intention to report the customer to a credit bureau. Generally, when you notify the customer, you specify a grace period of several days.

  2. Reporting: At the end of the grace period, if no further progress has been made on clearing the delinquency, you make the data available to a credit bureau.

You can use three ways to implement the complete Report to Credit Bureau procedure:

  1. Strategy method: The notification and reporting stages are incorporated in the strategy that is associated with the case.

  2. Manual method: You manually perform the two operations of notification and reporting.

  3. Universal report method: You report all contracts, regardless of delinquency, with no pre-notification.

The Strategy method is largely automatic; you must set up a strategy that incorporates two work items, one that triggers the notification stage, and one that triggers the reporting stage.

The Manual method requires you log in to a Collections window and trigger the stages of notification and reporting from there.

To trigger the Universal report method, you must schedule a specific concurrent program that reports all the contracts.

To complete all the methods, you must run a number of background concurrent programs. Generally, you group your concurrent program requests into request sets, and schedule them to run daily; you may alter the scheduling and timing to suit the requirements of your organization.

The Collections Leasing Agent and Collections Leasing Administrator responsibilities are added in Oracle Advanced Collections, which are used to manage and use the Report to Credit Bureau functionality from Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Related Topics

Using a Strategy to Notify and Report to a Credit Bureau

Using a Strategy to Notify and Report to a Credit Bureau

You must either create a new strategy, or update an existing strategy, to incorporate two work items:

These work items each call a workflow. You may customize these workflows, for example, to add any steps that call for approval. The names of the work items and their corresponding workflow names are shown in the following table:

Report to Credit Bureau - Work Items and Workflows
Work Item Name Workflow Name
Notify of Intent to Report IEX: Notify of Intent to Report
Report to Credit Bureau IEX: Report to Credit Bureau

To allow for a wait period between the notification and the reporting, you must build the wait period into your strategy, either by a specific intermediate work item or by specifying pre-execution or post-execution times on your Notify of Intent to Report or Report to Credit Bureau work items.

To fulfill and complement the steps in the strategy, the IEX: Process Pending and IEX: Notify Customer concurrent programs must be scheduled to run as required (for example, once a day).

For information about running these concurrent programs and their parameters, see: Concurrent Programs for Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

The IEX: CB Notification Grace Days profile option is not used in the Strategy method.

Note: At the end of the reporting stage, the data is available to the credit bureau in the interface tables. Additional software is required to validate and transfer the data from the interface tables for use by the credit bureau.

Related Topics

Manually Notifying Customers of Impending Report to Credit Bureau

Manually Reporting a Customer to a Credit Bureau

Reporting All Customers

Overview of Transferring to an External Agency

At a certain stage of delinquency, you may decide to transfer one or more cases to an external agency, with the expectation that the external agency will have some success in dealing with the delinquencies. If, after a specified time interval, you determine that the transfer has not been as successful as desired, you can recall the cases from the external agency.

You can transfer cases to an external agency only if your Advanced Collections environment is integrated with Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

The Collections Leasing Agent and Collections Leasing Administrator responsibilities are added in Oracle Advanced Collections, which are used to manage and use the Transferring to an External Agency functionality from Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

The procedure of transferring to an external agency generally consists of three main stages:

  1. Transfer: You make the data available to the external agency for a certain period of time.

  2. Review: At the end of the time that the data has been available to the external agency, you review the cases. At this stage, if there has been insufficient progress by the external agency on the clearing of the delinquencies, you can notify the external agency of your intent to recall an individual case or all cases.

  3. Recall: You can recall cases either immediately at review time, or you can specify that another time period should pass before recall.

There are two ways to implement the complete Transfer to External Agency procedure:

  1. Strategy method: The transfer, review and recall stages are incorporated in the strategy that is associated with the case.

  2. Manual method: You manually perform the three operations of transfer, review and recall. As you review the case or cases, you can decide to recall them immediately or later.

The Strategy method is largely automatic; you must set up a strategy that incorporates a work item for each stage that you wish to include in your strategy. Typically, you set up the strategy with a work item for each of the three main stages. However, this is not mandatory; for example, you can have a strategy that includes work items for just the transfer and recall stages.

The Manual method requires you to log in to a Collections window and trigger the stages you wish to implement from there (the respective buttons for each of the stages are Transfer, Recall Notice - for the review stage - and Recall).

To complete all the methods, you must run a number of background concurrent programs. Generally, you group your concurrent program requests into request sets, and schedule them to run daily; you may alter the scheduling and timing to suit the requirements of your organization.

Related Topics

Using a Strategy to Transfer to an External Agency

Manually Transferring Cases to an External Agency

Manually Reviewing Transferred Cases

Manually Recalling Transferred Cases

Using a Strategy to Transfer to an External Agency

You must either create a new strategy, or update an existing strategy, to incorporate one or more of the following work items:

These work items each call a workflow. You may customize the workflows, for example, to add any steps that call for approval. The names of the work items and their corresponding workflow names are shown in the following table.

Transfer to External Agency - Work Items and Workflows
Work Item Name Workflow Name
Transfer to External Agency IEX: Transfer to External Agency
Notify of Intent to Recall IEX: Notify of Intent to Recall
Recall Case IEX: Recall Case

For more information about these workflows, see: Details of Transfer to External Agency Workflows.

To allow for wait periods between each of the work items, you must build the wait periods into your strategy, either by specific intermediate work items or by specifying pre- or post-execution times on your work items.

The seeded work items do not send out any specific notifications. However, they each write out "Notification Pending" records to interface tables, which you can use if you customize the strategy to include your own notifications.

To fulfill and complement the steps in the strategy, the IEX: Process Pending concurrent program must be scheduled to run as required (for example, once a day).

The general purpose of IEX: Process Pending is to write data to the interface tables and to update the status of the transfer. In addition, when it is run after the Transfer to External Agency work item has been processed, it also scores the cases and assigns an external agency to the case based on the score.

For information about running these concurrent programs and their parameters, see: Concurrent Programs for Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Note: At the end of the transfer stage, the data is available to the external agency in the interface tables. Additional software is required to validate and transfer the data from the interface tables for use by the external agency.

Related Topics

Overview of Reporting to a Credit Bureau

Details of Transfer to External Agency Workflows

IEX: Transfer to External Agency

This workflow changes the status of the cases being transferred to Processed.

This workflow also writes "Notification Pending" records to the OKL_OPEN_INT and IEX_OPEN_INT_HST open interface tables.

IEX: Notify of Intent to Recall

The main objectives of this workflow, which is the main process in the review stage, are:

This workflow re-scores all the transferred cases due for review, using the scoring engine identified by the IEX: EA Score Engine ID profile option.

The external agency is expected to "improve" a case's score by a certain amount. This amount is specified by the value of the IEX: EA Score Diff For Recall profile option. If the difference between the new and old scores is less than the value of the profile option, the case is flagged for recall. The status is changed to Notified.

(For example, the score for a case just before transfer is 40, and the score for the same case is 60 at the end of the transfer time. If the value of IEX: EA Score Diff For Recall is 30, then this case will be flagged for recall.)

This workflow also writes "Notification Pending" records to the OKL_OPEN_INT and IEX_OPEN_INT_HST open interface tables.

IEX: Recall Case

This workflow changes the status of the cases being recalled to Recalled.

This workflow also writes "Notification Pending" records to the OKL_OPEN_INT and IEX_OPEN_INT_HST open interface tables.