Running Reports and Programs

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Running Reports and Concurrent Programs

This group of topics explains the reports available in Oracle Service Contracts.

Oracle Service Contracts provides several reports and concurrent programs designed to help you analyze information and manage the application.

About Reports

This section provides a high-level description of various reports that are available in Oracle Service Contracts and describes the parameters that are available for each. Some parameters are required, while other parameters are optional and can be used to narrow the scope of the information that is included in the report.

Reports also create output information, that can be used to analyze your contracts.

The following reports are listed in the order in which they appear in the Reports list of values (LOV) for the Service Contracts Manager responsibility. The Reports LOV includes reports and concurrent programs. For information on how to submit a report, see Running Reports and Programs.

Contracts QA Report

This report enables you to run a quality assurance (QA) check on multiple contracts. A QA check is particularly useful when run immediately before the billing process to help identify contract issues on before the contracts are submitted to Accounts Receivable.

You can define the following parameters for this report:

The report output includes details of the data checked including whether the checked data had warnings and errors and if so, what results were found.

List of Contracts By Contract Group

This report provides a list of contracts by contract group. You can define the following parameters:

The report output lists the contract number, modifier, short description, date signed currency code, estimated amount and the status. The output is sorted by the contract group and the role, such as customer.

Contracts QA Report for List of Contracts

This report allows you to run a QA check for multiple contracts.

You can enter multiple contract numbers within the Contract IDs separated by comma parameter.

The report output includes details of the data checked including whether the checked data had warnings and errors and, if so, what results were found.

Generate Quote

This report integrates with XML Publisher, to generate a PDF file using the quote template that you specify in the parameters.

You can define the following parameters:

The report output provides a PDF file based on the quote template that you select.

OKS Products Not Renewed Report

This report helps the sales representative identify customer products that have extended warranties in an Expired or Terminated status. The extended warranty must have a valid customer and vendor, and must include a vendor contact role of sales person or support sales. In addition, the product must not have been renewed to any other extended warranty with in a Signed or Active status.

You can define the following parameters:

The report output includes a listing the part number, product description and serial number, along with details of the line amount and the installed base start and end dates.

Service Contract Forecast Management Report

This report allows the sales representative and management to track the anticipated close of contract renewals. It checks service agreements, warranties, or extended warranties in an Entered status with a valid and customer role specified. To be included, contracts must also have a valid vendor contact role of sales person or support sales.

Note: To get results for Booking Forecast, Revenue Recognition Value, and Forecast Value, you must enter values for Revenue Estimation Date and Percentage.

You can define the following parameters:

The report output provides a listing of forecast information by sales representative. This includes customer, contract number, modifier, status, start and end date, forecast percentage, forecast date, last update date, contract value, contract forecast, revenue to be recognized, and currency code.

Service Contracts Bookings Report

This report lists the value of all service agreements, warranties and extended warranties, in an Active, Approved, or Signed status with a valid customer or vendor role specified. To be included, contracts must also have a valid vendor contact role of sales person or support sales.

Contracts are grouped by the sales representative assigned to the contract.

You can define the following parameters:

Service Contracts Detail Report

This report displays key details of the contract headers, contract lines, and covered products for contracts in the warranty and extended warranty categories. The report does not extract all Service Agreement information. The report focuses on covered products.

You can define the following parameters:

The report output provides a listing of:

Service Contracts Forecast Summary Report

This report lists the contracts eligible for renewal for a given period as well as the recognized revenue date. It checks service agreements, warranties and extended warranties in an Entered status with a valid customer and vendor role specified. To be included, contracts must also have a valid vendor contact role of sales person or support sales.

You can define the following parameters:

The report output provides a listing of the following information by status type and status code; currency code, number of contracts, contract value, booking forecast, revenue recognized value, and forecast value.

Note: To get results for Booking Forecast, Revenue Recognition Value, and Forecast Value, you must enter values for Revenue Estimation Date and Percentage.

Service Contracts Summary Report

This report allows the sales representative to track all contracts by customer. It includes service agreements, warranties and extended warranties with a valid customer and vendor role specified. To be included, contracts must also have a valid vendor contact role of sales person or support sales.

You can define the following parameters:

The report output provides a summary listing of contracts for each customer, sorted by sales representative. The report includes customer number, customer name, contract number, modifier, status type, start and end dates, total value, currency code, and when the contract was last updated.

Service Contracts by Status Report

This report allows sales representatives to track contracts by status. It includes service agreements, warranties and extended warranties with a valid customer and vendor role specified. To be included, contracts must also have a valid vendor contact role of sales person or support sales.

You can define the following parameters:

The report output provides a listing of service contracts by status. It is sorted by sales representative and provides status, customer, and start and end dates as well as the contract value, selected status product value, and the annual rate.

About Concurrent Programs

The section provides a high-level description of concurrent programs that are available in Oracle Service Contracts and describes the parameters that are available for each. Some parameters are required, while other parameters can be used to narrow the scope of the information processed. These programs are used to initiate processes that enable particular functionality in the application.

The following programs are listed in the order in which they appear in the Reports LOV for the Service Contracts Manager responsibility. The Reports LOV includes reports and concurrent programs. For information on how to submit a report, see Running Reports and Programs.

Contracts Status Change by Contract

This program enables you to execute contract status change programs for a given contract. This process changes the contract status if the selected contract qualifies for a status change.

You can define the following parameters:

Contracts Status Change by Range

This program enables you to execute contract status change programs for a range of contracts. This process changes the contract status if the selected contracts qualify for a status change.

You can define the following parameters:

AutoInvoice Import Program

This program is owned by Oracle Receivables. It imports the billing transactions from the Service Contracts Main Billing Program into Oracle Receivables.

You can define the following parameters:

For more information about this program, refer to the Oracle Receivables User Guide.

OKS Update Sales Group

This program updates a sales group for a particular contract. You run this program before any updates to the sales group can be performed.

You can define the following parameters:

Service Contracts AutoReminder Program

This program automates the process of reminding customers to renew their contracts by sending a notification for both manual and online renewals.

For online renewals the program sends reminders for all contracts for which a quote has been published online.

For manual renewals the program sends reminders for all contracts that have the contract status specified in the parameters when you run the program. After the reminder is sent, the program marks the contract with a flag indicating that a reminder has been sent. Subsequent runs of the program will look at this flag to determine whether to send a reminder.


The following scenario helps describe which contracts are selected when you run the Service Contracts AutoReminder Program.

Contract Type Contract Status Negotiation Status
Contract X Manual Quote Sent Draft
Contract Y Manual Entered Draft
Contract Z Online Entered Quote Published

Based on the preceding table, if you set the Service Contracts AutoReminder Program to select all contracts where the contract status is to Quote Sent, then reminders are sent for Contracts X and Z.

The following prerequisite steps must be performed before scheduling auto reminder notices:

You can define the Contract Status parameter.

Note: You can set up statuses from the Duration field of the Template Set form. When you add reminder notices to a template set, you can indicate how many days lead time the application uses for reminder notices. For example, if you have a reminder notice set at -90, the concurrent program finds eligible contracts and sends out a 90 day notice reminder for any contract with a start date 90 days in the future.

Service Contracts Concurrent Program for Reassigning Resources

This program ensures that contract assignments are correct and that no contract is assigned to an inactive contact.

Service contracts are generally assigned to a resource who is responsible for following through on inquiries from the customer through the life of the contract, from the initial sale through the renewal process. If that person moves to another department or leaves the company, the contract may not receive appropriate level of attention.

This concurrent process can be scheduled to run as often as necessary, for example, nightly. The process will check all contracts in an Entered status type. It will compare the Vendor Contact resource who is assigned to the contract with the resource assigned to the territory that the contract maps to in JTF territory management. If the resources are different, the resource associated to the territory will overwrite the resource who was assigned to the contract. The resource to which the contract is being assigned will receive a workflow notification.

The following prerequisites are required to run this program:

You can define the following parameters:

Service Contracts Fetch Receivables Info for Billing

This program fetches the invoice number and tax from Oracle Receivables and updates the contract billing history. There are no parameters to define for this report.

Service Contracts Instance Relationship Program

This program associates the parent instance created for a subscription line with any child instances that are created when a tangible subscription ships.

You can define the Contract Number parameter.

Service Contracts Main Billing

This program generates a log file of the total value processed, total value successful, and total value rejected for billing. For all unsuccessful transactions, further contract information appears and you can pinpoint the contract, the line, or the contract and line, that caused the issue.

You can define the following parameters:

Service Contracts Order Processing Program

This program processes order lines from Oracle Order Management and creates contracts in Oracle Service Contracts.

When ordering a serviceable product in Oracle Order Management, if an application has an associated warranty, the application automatically creates a contract when the product ships. When a serviceable product is placed on a sales order, associated services may also be sold; these pass to Oracle Service Contracts as extended warranties.

You can define the followings parameters:

Service Contracts Program to Process Suppress Credits

This program sends credits to Oracle Receivables if the suppress credit check box was selected during termination.

You can define the following parameters:

Service Contracts Usage Averaging

This program calculates usage averaging based upon the averaging interval defined for each usage line in a contract.

Usage averaging allows you to give price benefits to customers for higher consumption, by allowing you to average invoices over multiple periods. Usage averaging ensures that consumption is evenly distributed, which allows customers to take advantage of price breaks.

See Charging for Reported or Estimated Usage Per Period.

You can define the Contract Number parameter.

Service Contracts Usage Settlement

This program calculates usage settlement based upon the settlement frequency defined for each usage line in a contract. It calculates the settlement of any customer undercharges or overcharges using the value defined in the Settlement Interval LOV.

Usage settlement reconciles discrepancies between actual consumption and estimated billed quantity. Discrepancies may arise if consumption is not captured before you run the Service Contracts Main Billing program. When the consumption is not captured before the billing program runs, the billing program estimates the consumption for the period. Because the consumption captured for the billing period after running the billing program may be greater than or less than the actual billed quantity, you can use this program to settle the discrepancies.

Your administrator should determine how frequently to run this program: monthly, quarterly, or at the end of the contract.

See Charging for Reported or Estimated Usage Per Period.

You can define the Contract Number parameter.

Service Contracts Import

This program imports records from Service Contracts interface tables and creates contracts in Oracle Service Contracts.

You can define the following parameters for this program:

Service Contracts Import Purge

This program purges the records corresponding to the successfully imported contracts from the interface tables.

You can define the following parameters for this program:

Running Reports and Programs

To run reports and programs

  1. From the View menu, select Requests.

    The Find Request window appears.

  2. Select Submit a New Request.

    The Submit a New Request window appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select the Single Request option and click OK.

    The Submit Request window appears.

  4. From the Name LOV, select the report you want to submit, for example (Contracts QA Report) and click OK.

    The parameters window appears.

  5. Define all mandatory parameters.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Click OK.

    The Submit Request window appears with a concatenated listing of the parameters.

  7. Select Submit.

    A Decision window appears with the request id. You should make a note of this id. The application asks if you want to submit another request.

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. Click No.

    The Find Request window appears. You can use this window to track your request.

  9. Verify that the View All My Request option is selected, and click Find.

    The Request window appears.