Seeded Lookup Types

This appendix covers the following topics:

Oracle Quoting Lookup Types

If lookups have System level access, you can modify the meaning and description.

If lookups have User level access, you can:

Note: Addition of new lookup codes is not supported under any circumstances, unless otherwise specified. If a lookup type is preceded by an asterisk, you can add new lookup codes to the lookup type or disable lookup codes if at the User level.

Table Oracle Quoting Lookup Types lists descriptions and access levels for seeded Oracle Quoting Lookup Types (QuickCodes).

Oracle Quoting Lookup Types
Lookup Type
Access Level
ASO_ACCOUNT_CREATION Lookup for profile option ASO: Auto Account Creation. System
ASO_APPROVAL_INSTANCE_STATUS Status of an approval instance System
ASO_APPROVER_STATUS Status of an approver response System
ASO_BATCH_PROCESSING_PHASES Lists the batch processing phases. System
ASO_CONFIGURATION_STATUS Lists the product configuration statuses. System
ASO_CUSTOMER_TYPE Defines customer type for sold-to, bill-to, and ship-to customers System
ASO_DEFAULT_ORDER_STATE Default order state when quote passes to Oracle Order Management. Seeded values are Entered and Booked. Each triggers different Oracle Order Management validation. System
ASO_DISCOUNTING_PRIVILEGE Discounting privilege for manual discounting System
ASO_ER_REFRESH_MODE Quoting mode in which fact tables are refreshed System
ASO_FORMS_ACTION Lists the values for the Actions LOV in the Quoting form. System
ASO_GSA_PRICING Determines level of error message for GSA violation System
ASO_IB_ACTION_TYPES Types of actions that appear on the Search and Select: Installed Base Product page of the HTML UI. User
ASO_IB_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES Types of relationships that appear on the Installed Base Relationships page of the HTML UI. User
ASO_ITEM_TYPE Item types for items which are added to the quote System
ASO_LINE_ACTION Type of line actions that appear on the Lines page of the HTML UI. User
ASO_LINE_ITEM_ACTIONS Type of actions available in the Actions menu on the Lines page. HTML UI User
ASO_MODIFY_SALES_CREDITS Provides values for the profile option ASO: Modify Sales Credits. System
ASO_OM_ACCESS_PRIVILEGE Determines mode of access to the Oracle Order Management form via the Customer History form System
ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_CRM_APPS CRM applications registered for order feedback. All applications listed are informed of any changes to an order in Oracle Order Management. User
ASO_PAYMENT_TYPE Payment types available to users System
ASO_PQUOTE_OUTPUT_FMT List of report formats in which a quote can be printed. User
ASO_PQUOTE_TEMPLATES List of report templates to print a report. User
ASO_PQUOTE_XSL_FMT List of XML Publisher formats in which a quote can be printed. This lookup is valid only if ASO: Default Print Method is set to XML Publisher. System
ASO_PRICE_TAX_COMPUTE_OPTIONS Lists the pricing and tax computation options. System
ASO_PRICE_TAX_STATUS_INDICATOR Lists the pricing and tax status indicators. System
ASO_PRODUCT_SOURCE Types of product sources available on the Search and Select Product page (HTML UI). User
ASO_QUOTE_ACTION Types of actions available on the Overview page of HTML UI.
For example, Change Customer, Create Template.
ASO_QUOTE_SECURITY Provides values for the profile ASO: New Quote Security. The lookup codes here should not be changed. System
ASO_QUOTE_SOURCE Quote source System
ASO_RESERVATION_TYPE Determines values for level at which Reservation needs to be done System
ASO_SAVED_SEARCH Lists the saved searches in the HTML UI. System
ASO_SECURITY_MGR_ROLE_ACCESS Values for security profile ASO: Manager Role Access System
ASO_SERVICE_TYPE Service reference type code. A service must always be linked to an inventory item or an item in the customer install base. This list of values specifies where the item is. Seeded values include: Quote, Order, and Customer Product. System
ASO_SERVICE_VALIDATION_TYPE Validation used for ordering services on a quote. System
ASO_SUP_COMPONENT_TYPE Sales supplement data component type System
ASO_SUP_PRESENTATION_STYLE Sales supplement data presentation style System
ASO_SUP_RESPONSE_TYPE Sales supplement response type System
ASO_SUP_SECTION_COMPONENT_TYPE Sales supplement section component type System
ASO_SUP_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT Sales supplement application values. Extensible
ASO_TEAM_ASSIGN Provides list of values for the profile option ASO: Automatic Sales Team Assignment System
ASO_TSN_TYPE Determines whether the TSN type is ship method, payment term or freight term. System
ASO_VIEW_SALES_CREDITS Provides the values for the profile option ASO: View Sales Credits. System
ASO_PREVIEW_CONTRACT_OPTIONS Provides configurable options to preview contracts from Oracle Quoting User
CHANGE_CODE Provides the change reason when you change the price in a quote without providing a change reason. Extensible

The following table lists the obsolete Oracle Quoting Lookup Types.

Obsolete Oracle Quoting Lookup Types
Lookup Type
ASO_CONTACT_PROFILE_TYPE Profile type of a customer contact
ASO_ORDER_LINE_STATUESES Status of an order line
ASO_PARTY_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE Type of party relationship
ASO_NON_DEFAULT_CONTRACT Approval level for non-default contract options
ASO_QUOTE_RELATED_OBJECTS Seeded lookup data required for data migration in Sales
ASO_RETURN_FOR Reasons for returns
ASO_UNIVERSAL_SEARCH Types of universal search