Automating Closure of Service Requests with Tasks

This chapter explains how you can automate the closure of service requests with related tasks. The first topic explains closure. The second provides the procedure for setting it up.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Understanding Closure Automation for Service Requests with Tasks

Service requests can have multiple associated tasks that have a completion status independent of the service request itself. If you do not implement closure automation, the closure of each task is independent of the closure of the service request. This means that agents must remember to close all tasks when they close a service request and remember to close the service request after all tasks are completed.

You can automate closure by one or both of the following methods:

Downward Propagation

If an agent wishes to close the service request, you can have the application check if the service request is ready to be closed and then automatically close all of the related tasks.

The application prevents agents from closing the service request for any of the following reasons:

The application does not check for open Oracle Enterprise Asset Management work orders, Oracle Depot Repair repair orders, and maintenance requirements. This means that the service request and associated tasks can be closed even with work orders or repair orders in progress.

You can enable downward propagation by setting the system profile Service: Validate and Auto Close on Service Request Closure to "Yes". The system profile Service: Task Auto Close Status determines the status of the closed tasks.

Oracle Complex Maintenance Repair, and Overhaul closes its own maintenance requirements.

The closure of associated tasks is immediate. As soon as the agent closes the request, all of the tasks are closed as well. If any of the rules are violated, the application warns the agent with an error message.

Upward Propagation

If all service request tasks have been closed or all charges have been submitted, you can have the application check if the service request is ready to be closed and then close it.

The application prevents the service request from being closed if:

You can turn upward propagation on by setting the system profile Service: Auto Closure of Service Request to "Yes". You specify the status you wish to apply to the service request in Service: Service Request Auto Close Status.

The speed with which the service request is closed depends on your implementation of the Oracle Workflow Event Manager.

This module has seeded event subscriptions for the following two business events:

For information on business events and the manager, see the Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

Which Method to Choose

Your organization can take advantage of either or both of these methods of automating closure. Most organizations will want to turn on at least the downward propagation because it prevents agents from accidentally closing service requests that have tasks still being worked on.

If your organization delivers field service, you will also benefit from enabling upward closure. If your organization does not perform manual wrap-up of service requests after the engineers enter debrief information in the field, you can have the service requests set to a final status.

Or you can have all service requests set to a special wrap-up status that tells agents which service requests need to be wrapped up.

Setting Up Automatic Closure for Service Requests

Use this procedure to set up automatic closure of service requests and associated tasks.

To set up automatic closure for service requests and tasks

  1. Under the Service responsibility, navigate to Setup, Others, Profile System Values.

  2. To turn on downward propagation, set the following two system profiles:

    • Set Service: Validate and Auto Close on Service Request Closure to "Yes" at the site level to turn on downward propagation. By default this profile is set to "No".

    • Set Service: Task Auto Close Status to the status you wish to use for all tasks closed automatically. By default, this profile option is not set to any status.

  3. To turn on upward propagation, set the following two system profiles:

    • Set Service: Auto Closure of Service Request to "Yes" at the site level to turn on upward propagation. By default this profile is set to "No".

    • Set Service: Service Request Auto Close Status to the status you wish to use for a service request that has been closed automatically. By default, this profile option is not set to any status.