Contact Center Search Preferences

This chapter, which is relevant only for the Oracle Forms-based module, describes how to optimize searches in the Contact Center window.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Setting Up Contact Center Search Preferences

You can customize searches in the Contact Center by:

Setting Up Service Key Search Preferences

Agents can display customer information in the Contact Center by entering any one of the following pieces of uniquely-identifying information, called service keys:

Agents can enter the service key either in the Contact Center header or the Customer Search window.

If the implementation includes an IVR system, the service key can also be entered directly by customers themselves.

The application displays customer contact information only for service request numbers. In this case, the contact displayed is the contact associated with the service request. If the contact for the service request is an internal employee, the application displays customer information only.

You can specify:

Limiting Searches to a Specific Country

You can limit all searches to customers in a specific country by setting the system profile Customer Care: Default Country for Filtering Records in the Contact Center to a country of your choice. By default, this profile is null. This means that searches are not restricted by country.

Modifying the List of Service Keys Used for Searches

The following lookup makes it possible for you to modify the values in the Search By drop-down list agents use to select a service key for a search in the Contact Center.

Lookup Type Meaning Lookup Code Meaning Level
CSC_CC_DEFAULT_SERVICE_KEY Customer Care: Default Contact Center Service Key Lookup CONTRACT_NUMBER
Contract Number
Tag Number
Instance Name
Invoice Number
Order Number
RMA Number
Serial Number
Service Request Number

Extending the Service Key Search

You can extend the service key search using user hooks. The following steps provide guidelines to extend the service key search:

To extend the service key search

  1. Before enabling the service key user hook, verify that the CSC_Service_Key_CUHK package body has been created.

    Note: After the Customer User Hook is enabled, the custom code written in CSC_Service_Key_CUHK package body is the only code executed. This means that none of the original product is executed after you enable the service key search customer user hook.

  2. Set the execute_flag column value to Y in the JTF_USER_HOOKS table for the Customer User Hook that should be enabled.

    You can use the following script to enable the Service Key search customer user hook:

        UPDATE jtf_user_hooks SET execute_flag = 'Y'
        WHERE pkg_name = 'CSC_SERVICE_KEY_PVT'
        AND api_name = 'SERVICE_KEY_SEARCH'
        AND processing_type = 'B'
        AND user_hook_type = 'C'

Configuring Customer Search Window Defaults

You can modify the behavior of the Customer Search window in two ways: