Vehicle and Mileage Processing

Vehicle and Mileage Processing

Vehicle Repository

In the vehicle repository, you can store details of company vehicles and private vehicles used for business purposes. This information is datetracked so that you can record changes to the vehicle - such as its status (active or inactive) - over time. Storing this data in a repository removes the need for repetitive and error-prone data entry.

Use Oracle SSHR to record vehicle repository information in the Vehicle Repository Page. The vehicle repository information includes:

You can import company vehicle information from a car fleet management system, storing a fleet identifier and date transferred on each vehicle record.

Vehicle Allocation

Use Oracle SSHR to allocate vehicles to your employees so they can be used in employee mileage claims (UK and Poland) or Benefit in Kind processing (Ireland). You can allocate two types of vehicles : company and private.

Business rules are held in the PQP_CONFIGURATION_VALUES table. See: Configuration Settings for Vehicle Repository and Mileage Claims

When you allocate a vehicle, you can override some of the configuration settings for your business group.

You can record a vehicle against a single assignment, or against all of an employee's assignments.

You can allocate vehicles from the Vehicle Repository page.

When you move the mouse over the Users icon, you can view the user details in a pop-up window.

Vehicle Repository Menu and Function Names

The Vehicle and Mileage Processing module enables managers to add vehicles to the repository in Oracle SSHR. You can add details of company and private cars, and allocate vehicles to employees.

UK users can use this module to enter their mileage claims in Oracle SSHR.

Menu and Function Names

You can access this module from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Vehicle Repository Vehicle Repository
Vehicle Mileage Claims Vehicle Mileage Claims


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Private Vehicle Allocation

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Workflow Process Display Name:

Vehicle Mileage Expense

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configuration Settings for Vehicle Repository and Mileage Claims

Global and localized configuration settings provide the appropriate defaults for your business groups. You can add this information using the Configuration Values Page. Select the Vehicle Mileage module and the Configuration Type Vehicle Mileage Generic Information to view, update or delete data for your business group.

Global and Localization Settings

This table displays the localization settings available.

Column Segment Meaning Global UK Ireland
LEGISLATION_CODE Legislation Code - -- GB IE
PCV_INFORMATION1 Calculation Method Proration or Exhaustive--determines how you apply mileage band limits across payroll periods. You can override this default when you allocate vehicles or enter claims. -- Exhaustive Null
PCV_INFORMATION2 Maximum Company Vehicles Allowed Limit on the number of company vehicles that can be allocated to an assignment -- 2 Null
PCV_INFORMATION3 Maximum Private Vehicles Allowed Limit on the number of private vehicles that can be allocated to an assignment -- -- Null
PCV_INFORMATION4 Share Company Vehicle Yes means that the vehicle can be shared by several employees. No means the vehicle cannot be shared. Y N Y
PCV_INFORMATION5 Share Private Vehicle Yes means that the vehicle can be shared by several employees. No means the vehicle cannot be shared. Y Y Y
PCV_INFORMATION6 Previous Tax Year Claim Valid Until All claims for previous tax year must be submitted before the date entered. The year in the date is ignored. -- 5 July Null
PCV_INFORMATION7 Allow Both Company and Private Vehicles Claims No means that you cannot allocate both company and private vehicles to an employee at the same time, nor submit mixed claims. Y N N
PCV_INFORMATION8 Search Criteria for Rates Table The default (%) means that the Rates Table list of values displays all user defined tables. To restrict the list, use a naming convention for mileage rate tables. For example, include the word "car" in all names and enter %car% in this field. % % %
PCV_INFORMATION9 Validate Private Vehicle Claims in Repository Yes means that you can only enter claims against a vehicle already assigned to the employee in the repository. No means that you can enter a claim against a vehicle that is not in the repository. Y N N
PCV_INFORMATION10 Vehicle Claims Correction Period in Days An input of 30 would mean that only those claims that have a claim date within the last 30 days could be corrected. -- -- Null
PCV_INFORMATION11 Use Sliding Rates Yes means you use the sliding rates table for additional passengers. No means you use the rates table instead of the sliding rates table. -- PQP_VEHICLE_MILEAGE --
PCV_INFORMATION12 Combine Taxable and NonTaxable Claims Yes means you combine taxable and non-taxable balances to calculate rates. No means you do not combine taxable and non-taxable balances to calculate rates. -- PQP_VEHICLE_MILEAGE --