Deposit API User Notes


This document outlines the specifications and the methodology for using the various Commitment (Deposit) APIs. These APIs provide an extension to existing functionality of creating and manipulating deposits through the standard Oracle Receivables Transactions workbench.

You can access these APIs:

Basic Business Needs

The Commitment (Deposit) API provides the following basic functionality via different API calls:

API Usage

To create a deposit, you can call the following PL/SQL APIs:


This routine is called to create a deposit for the transactions.

Only one owner can be assigned to a commitment.

This API routine has 8 output and 136 input parameters in total. Of the output parameters, the API returns CUSTOMER_TRX_ID , CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID, and new TRX_NUMBER, if generated during deposit creation.

The following is the breakdown of the parameters:


Standard API parameters: 4

Deposit parameters: 132 + 2 (global descriptive flexfield parameter)


Standard API parameters: 3

Deposit parameters: 5

Parameter Descriptions

The input global descriptive flexfield parameter is a record of type global_attr_rec_type.

TYPE global_attr_rec_type IS RECORD(
     global_attribute_category     VARCHAR2(30) default null,
     global_attribute1             VARCHAR2(150) default NULL,
     global_attribute2             VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute3             VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute4             VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute5             VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute6             VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute7             VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute8             VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute9             VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute10            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute11            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute12            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute13            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute14            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute15            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute16            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute17            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute18            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute19            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute20            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute21            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute22            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute23            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute24            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute25            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute26            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute27            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute28            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute29            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
     global_attribute30            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL);

The following table lists standard API parameters that are common to all the routines in the Commitment (Deposit) API.

Note: If required parameters are not passed in a call to this API, then the call will fail. However, depending on the business scenario, you will have to pass in values for other parameters to successfully create the business object; otherwise, error messages will be reported.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Default Value Description
p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes   Used to compare version numbers of incoming calls to its current version number. Unexpected error is raised if version incompatibility exists. In the current version of the API, you should pass a value of 1.0 for this parameter.
p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2   FND_API.G_FALSE Allows API callers to request that the API does initialization of the message list on their behalf.
p_commit IN VARCHAR2   FND_API.G_FALSE Used by API callers to ask the API to commit on their behalf.
p_validation_level IN NUMBER   FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL Not to be used currently as this is a public API.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2     Represents the API overall return status.
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER     Number of messages in the API message list.
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2     This is the message in encoded format if x_msg_count=1.

The following table lists the parameters that pertain specifically to the deposit.

Parameter Type Data-type Required* Description
p_deposit_number IN VARCHAR2   The deposit number of the deposit to be created.
Default: Null
Validation: If AR_RA_BATCH_AUTO_NUM_FLAG set by batch source is true, then it is derived automatically; else it is required to be present.
p_deposit_date IN DATE   The deposit date of the entered deposit.
Default: System date
Validation: This field is mandatory.
Error: None
p_usr_currency_code IN VARCHAR2   The translated currency code. Used to derive the p_currency_code if it is not entered.
Default: None
Validation: Should be a valid currency, so that the corresponding currency code can be derived.
p_currency_code IN VARCHAR2   The actual currency code that gets stored in AR tables.
Default: Derived from p_usr_currency_code if entered, else defaults to the functional currency code.
Validation: Validated against the currencies in FND_CURRENCIES table.
p_usr_exchange_rate_type IN VARCHAR2   The translated exchange rate type. Used to derive the p_exchange_rate_type if it has not been entered.
Default: None
Validation: Should be a valid rate type.
p_exchange_rate_type IN VARCHAR2   Exchange rate type stored in AR tables.
Default: In case of foreign currency receipt, the value is derived from p_usr_exchange_rate_type. If p_usr_exchange_rate_type is null, then the value defaults from the AR: Default Exchange Rate Type profile option.
Validation: Validated against values in GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES table.
p_exchange_rate IN NUMBER   The exchange rate between the receipt currency and the functional currency.
Default: Derived from the Daily Rates table for rate_type <> User in case of nonfunctional currency. If Journals: Display Inverse Rate profile option = Y, set user-entered value to 1/ p_exchange_rate. The entered value is rounded to a precision of 38.
Validation: In case of nonfunctional currency, the rate should have a positive value for rate type=User For nonfunctional currency and type is <> User, do not specify any value.
p_exchange_rate_date IN DATE   The date on which the exchange rate is valid.
Default: Receipt date
Validation: For a nonfunctional currency and type is <>User, there should be a valid rate existing in the database for this date. This is a cross validation of type, currency, and date.
p_batch_source_id IN NUMBER   Batch source identifier for the commitment.
Default: Same as ar_ra_batch_source profile option.
Validation: It should be a valid batch source and it should exist in the database. This field is mandatory if not defined in profile option.
p_batch_source_name IN VARCHAR2   Batch source name for the commitment.
Default: Same as ar_ra_batch_source_name profile option.
Validation: It should be a valid batch source and it should exist in the database.
p_cust_trx_type_id IN NUMBER   Transaction Type identifier.
Default: Based on the value of batch source
Validation: It should be a valid transaction type. This field is mandatory.
p_cust_trx_type IN VARCHAR2   Transaction Type name.
Default: Based on the value of batch source
Validation: It should be a valid transaction type.
p_class IN VARCHAR2   Constant value = DEP. Keeping as an input for a future enhancement.
p_gl_date IN DATE   Date that this deposit will be posted to the general ledger.
Default: Gets defaulted to the current date if it is a valid gl_date, otherwise:
  • If the most recent open period is prior to the receipt date: last date of that period.

  • If there is a period open after the deposit date: first date of the last open period.

Validation: The gl date is valid if the following conditions are true:
  • The date is in an Open or Future period.

  • The period cannot be an Adjustment period.

p_bill_to_customer_id IN NUMBER   The CUSTOMER_ID for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from customer name/number. If all name, number, and ID are null, then it is same as ship-to CUSTOMER_ID.
Validation: Customer exists and has prospect code = CUSTOMER. Customer has a profile defined at the customer level. Either bill-to or ship-to customer must exist.
p_bill_to_customer_name IN VARCHAR2   The name for the entered customer. Used to default the customer ID if not specified.
Default: None
Validation: None
p_bill_to_customer_number IN VARCHAR2   The number for the entered customer. Used to default the customer ID if not specified.
Default: None
Validation: None
p_bill_to_location IN VARCHAR2   The location for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from the primary bill-to customer location, if defined. Otherwise, null.
Validation: This field is mandatory.
p_bill_to_contact_id IN NUMBER   The contact identifier for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from the bill-to customer site level, then customer level, if defined. Otherwise, null.
Validation: Yes
p_bill_to_contact_first_name IN VARCHAR2   The first name of contact for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from bill-to customer site level, then customer level, if defined. Otherwise, null.
Validation: This field is mandatory.
p_bill_to_contact_last_name IN VARCHAR2   The last name of contact for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from bill-to customer site level, then customer level, if defined. Otherwise, null.
Validation: This field is mandatory.
p_ship_to_customer_id IN NUMBER   The CUSTOMER_ID for the ship-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from customer name/number. Null otherwise.
Validation: Customer exists and has prospect code = CUSTOMER. Customer has a profile defined at the customer level. Either bill-to or ship-to customer must exist.
p_ship_to_customer_name IN VARCHAR2   The name for the entered customer. Used to default the customer ID, if not specified.
Default: None
Validation: None
p_ship_to_customer_number IN VARCHAR2   The number for the entered customer. Used to default the customer ID, if not specified.
Default: None
Validation: None
p_ship_to_location IN VARCHAR2   The location for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from primary bill-to customer location, if defined. Otherwise, null.
Validation: This field is mandatory.
p_ship_to_contact_id IN NUMBER   The contact identifier for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from bill-to customer site level, then from customer level, if it is defined. If not defined, then it is not defaulted.
Validation: Yes
p_ship_to_contact_first_name IN VARCHAR2   The first name of contact for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from bill-to customer site level, then customer level, if defined. Otherwise, null.
Validation: This field is mandatory.
p_ship_to_contact_last_name IN VARCHAR2   The last name of contact for the bill-to customer.
Default: Defaulted from bill-to customer site level, then customer level, if defined. Otherwise, null.
Validation: This field is mandatory.
p_term_id IN NUMBER   Payment terms identifier for the transactions. You can override payment terms.
Default: Following hierarchy is used to default payment terms:
  1. Customer bill-to site level

  2. Customer address level

  3. Customer level transaction type

Validation: It should be a valid payment term.
p_term_name IN VARCHAR2   Payment terms name for the transactions. You can override payment terms.
Default: Following hierarchy is used to default payment terms name:
  1. Customer bill-to site level

  2. Customer address level

  3. Customer level transaction type

Validation: It should be a valid payment term.
p_salesrep_id IN NUMBER   Salesperson identifier for the transactions. You can override salesperson.
Default: Default the primary ID from the bill-to customer. If salescredits are required and no ID is defaulted from the bill-to customer, then p_salesrep_id is set to -3, which means "No sales credit".
Validation: It should be a valid salesperson in the system.
p_salesrep_name IN VARCHAR2   Salesperson name for the transactions. You can override salesperson.
Default: Default the primary from the bill-to customer. If salescredits are required and no salesperson is defaulted from the bill-to customer, then p_salesrep_name is set to -3, which means "No sales credit".
Validation: It should be a valid salesperson in the system.
p_interface_header_context IN VARCHAR2   Interface header context.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_interface_header_attribute1 to p_interface_header_attribute15 IN VARCHAR2   Interface header attribute value
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_attribute_category IN VARCHAR2   Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column.
Default: Null
Validation: It should be a valid structure.
Error: Null
p_attribute1 to p_attribute15 IN VARCHAR2   Descriptive Flexfield segment column.
Default: Null
Validation: It should be a valid segment.
Error: Validate_Desc_Flexfield
p_global_attr_cust_rec IN global_ attr_rec_ type   This is a record type that contains all the 25 global descriptive flexfield segments and one global descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
Default: None
Validation: None
p_document_number IN NUMBER   Value assigned to document receipt.
Default: Null.
Validation: User should not pass the value if the current document sequence is automatic. Document sequence value should not be entered if the Sequential Numbering profile option is set to Not Used.
p_ussgl_transaction_code IN VARCHAR2   Code defined by public sector accounting.
Default: None
Validation: None
Error: None
p_printing_option IN VARCHAR2   Printing option for the invoice.
Default: Default is print option of transaction type.
Validation: Can be 'PRI' or 'NOT'
p_default_tax_exempt_flag IN VARCHAR2   Tax exempt flag. You can enter value for the field only if the TAX: Allow Override of Customer Exception profile option is yes.
Default: 'S' i.e. Standard
Validation: From lookup table for lookup_type = 'TAX_CONTROL_FLAG'
p_status_trx IN VARCHAR2   Status of the transaction. This is a user-maintainable field and it can be defined in lookup table.
Default: OP, can be CL, PEN, VD
Validation: from lookup table for LOOKUP_TYPE = 'INVOICE_TRX_STATUS'
p_financial_charges IN VARCHAR2   Indicates whether financial charges are calculated.
Default: Null
Validation: can be null, Y, N
p_agreement_id IN NUMBER   Agreement associated with transaction for the customer.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_special_instructions IN VARCHAR2   Any special instruction for the transaction, up to 240 characters.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_comments       User's comments.
p_purchase_order IN VARCHAR2   Purchase order number.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_purchase_order_revision IN VARCHAR2   Purchase order revision number.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_purchase_order_date IN DATE   Purchase order date.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_remit_to_address_id IN NUMBER   Remit-to address ID for the customer
Default: Remit_to_address assigned to country, state, and postal code combination for the customer's address.
Validate from the view: AR_ACTIVE_REMIT_TO_ADDRESSES_V
p_sold_to_customer_id IN NUMBER   The customer_id for the sold-to customer.
Default: Bill_to_customer_id
  • Customer exists and has prospect code = CUSTOMER

  • Customer has a profile defined at customer level

  • Either bill-to or ship-to customer must exist

p_sold_to_customer_name IN VARCHAR2   The name for the entered/defaulted sold-to customer.
Default: none
  1. Customer exists and has prospect code = CUSTOMER

  2. Customer has a profile defined at customer level

  3. Either bill-to or ship-to customer must exist

p_sold_to_customer_number IN VARCHAR2   The number for the entered/defaulted sold-to customer.
Default: None
Validation: Customer exists and has prospect code = CUSTOMER. Customer has a profile defined at customer level. Either bill-to or ship-to customer must exist.
p_paying_customer_id       The customer_id associated with the customer bank account assigned to your transaction.
Default: Same as bill-to customer
Validation: Customer exists and has prospect code = CUSTOMER. Customer has a profile defined at customer level. Either bill-to or ship-to customer must exist.
p_paying_customer_name       The name for the entered/defaulted paying customer.
Default: None
Validation: Customer exists and has prospect code = CUSTOMER. Customer has a profile defined at customer level. Either bill-to or ship-to customer must exist.
p_paying_customer_number       The number for the entered/defaulted paying customer.
Default: None
Validation: Customer exists and has prospect code = CUSTOMER. Customer has a profile defined at customer level. Either bill-to or ship-to customer must exist.
p_paying_location       The location for the paying customer.
Default: Null
Validation: This field is mandatory.
p_receipt_method_id IN NUMBER   Identifies the receipt method of the transactions.
Default: From receipt method name.
Validation: Validation detailed in Example.
p_receipt_method_name IN VARCHAR2   The receipt method name of the transactions.
Default: None
Validation: None
p_cust_bank_account_id IN NUMBER   Customer bank account identifier.
Default: None
Validation: From AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS table.
p_cust_bank_account_name IN VARCHAR2   Customer bank account name.
Default: None
Validation: From AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS table.
p_cust_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2   Customer bank account number.
Default: None
Validation: From AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS table.
p_start_date_commitment IN DATE   Start date of commitment.
Default: Sysdate
Validation: Based on end date, etc.
p_end_date_commitment IN DATE   End date of commitment.
Default: Null
Validation: Based on start date, etc.
p_amount IN NUMBER   Deposit amount.
Default: Cannot be negative.
Validation: Based on start date, etc. This field is mandatory.
p_inventory_id IN NUMBER   Item ID of commitment. You can enter memo or item ID.
Default: Null
Validation: Based on MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table.
p_memo_line_id IN NUMBER   Memo line ID. You can enter memo or item ID.
Default: Null
Validation: Based on AR_MEMO_LINES table.
p_memo_line_name IN VARCHAR2   Deposit amount.
Default: Null
Validation: Based on AR_MEMO_LINES table.
p_description IN VARCHAR2   Description of deposit.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_comm_interface_line_ context IN VARCHAR2   Interface line context for deposit.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_comm_interface_line_ attr1 to p_comm_interface_line_ attr15 IN VARCHAR2 NULL Interface line attribute value for deposit.
Default: Null
Validation: Null
Error: Null
p_comm_attr_category IN VARCHAR2 NULL Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column for deposit lines.
Default: Null
Validation: It should be a valid structure.
Error: Null
p_comm_attr1 to p_comm_attr15 IN VARCHAR2 NULL Descriptive Flexfield segment column for deposit lines.
Default: Null
Validation: It should be a valid segment.
Error: Validate_Desc_Flexfield
p_global_attr_cust_lines_ rec IN global_attr_rec_type NULL This is a record type that contains all the 25 global descriptive flexfield segments for deposit lines and one global descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
Default: None
Validation: None
Error: None
p_owner_id IN NUMBER Null ID of the commitment owner.
Default: None
Validation: Yes (same as customer contact).
Error: N/A
p_owners_name IN NUMBER Null Name of the commitment owner.
Default: None
Validation: Yes (same as customer contact)
Error: N/A
X_new_trx_number OUT VARCHAR2   New transaction number, if generated.
X_new_customer_trx_id OUT VARCHAR2   New CUSTOMER_TRX_ID of the deposit created.
X_new_customer_trx_line_ id OUT VARCHAR2   New CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID of the deposit created.
X_new_rowid OUT VARCHAR2   Row ID of the deposit created.
X_new_status OUT VARCHAR2   Status of the deposit created.



To create a deposit using a call to ar_deposit_api_pub.Create_deposit and passing a minimum number of Input parameters.

Entered parameters:

p_api_version       =1.0  ,
p_init_msg_list     ='F'  ,
p_deposit_number    = 'Your Deposit Number'  
p_deposit_date      = sysdate,
p_currency_code     ='USD',
p_batch_source_id   = Choose a Valid Batch source ID
p_cust_trx_type_id  = Choose a Valid Transaction Type ID of class "Deposit'
p_class             ='DEP'  i.e. Depsoit
p_bill_to_customer_number = Choose a Valid Customer Number 
p_start_date_commitment   = sysdate
p_amount            =  Choose deposit Amount
p_description       =  Your  Deposit Description

Before calling the APIs you should set up the application, responsibility and the user in the context of Oracle Applications by calling the following FND API.

fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id =>'Your user id', resp_id => 'Your Responsibility id', resp_appl_id => 'Your Application id');

For example:

fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id => 1318, resp_id => 50559, resp_appl_id => 222);

The API call in this case would be:

l_return_status  VARCHAR2(1);
l_msg_count      NUMBER;
l_msg_data       VARCHAR2(240);
l_count          NUMBER;
l_new_trx_number      ra_customer_trx.trx_number%type;
l_new_customer_trx_id ra_customer_trx.customer_trx_id%type;
l_new_customer_trx_line_id    ra_customer_trx_lines.customer_trx_line_id%type;
l_new_rowid      VARCHAR2(240);
l_new_status      VARCHAR2(240);

fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id => 1318, resp_id => 50559, resp_appl_id => 222);

  1. Standard API parameters.

    p_api_version              => 1.0,
    p_init_msg_list            => FND_API.G_TRUE,
    p_commit                   => FND_API.G_TRUE,
    p_validation_level         => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
    x_return_status            => l_return_status,
    x_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
    x_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
    p_deposit_number           => 'dapi_'||userenv('SESSIONID'),
    p_deposit_date             => sysdate,
    p_currency_code            => 'USD',
    p_batch_source_id  => 'Choose a Valid Batch source ID',
    p_cust_trx_type_id => 'Choose a Valid Transaction Type ID of class Deposit',
    p_class                    => 'DEP' ,
    p_bill_to_customer_number  => 'Choose a Valid Customer Number',
    p_start_date_commitment    => sysdate,
    p_amount                   => 'Choose deposit Amount',
    p_description              => 'Your  Deposit Description',
    X_new_trx_number           =>l_new_trx_number,
    X_new_customer_trx_id      =>l_new_customer_trx_id,
    X_new_customer_trx_line_id =>l_new_customer_trx_line_id,
    X_new_rowid                =>l_new_rowid,
    X_new_status               =>l_new_status ) ;
    IF l_msg_count  = 1 Then
  2. There is one message raised by the API, so it has been sent out.

  3. In the parameter x_msg_data, get it.

                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data '||l_msg_data);
    ELSIF l_msg_count  > 1 Then
  4. The messages on the stack are more than one, so call them in a loop.

  5. And print the messages.

      IF nvl(l_count,0) < l_msg_count THEN
      l_count := nvl(l_count,0) +1 ;
      l_msg_data := FND_MSG_PUB.Get(FND_MSG_PUB.G_NEXT,FND_API.G_FALSE);
                       IF l_count = 1 THEN
                     dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 1 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 2 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 2 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 3 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 3 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 4 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 4 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 5 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 5 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 6 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 6 '||l_msg_data);
                       END IF;
                       dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data '||to_char(l_count)||': '||l_msg_data);
                      END IF;
                   END LOOP;
                 END IF;

Depending on the message level threshold set the profile option FND_API_MSG_LEVEL_THRESHOLD, the messages put on the message stack may contain both the error messages and the warnings.


This routine is called to assign nonrevenue sales credit to salespersons for a deposit. You can create as many of the nonrevenue credit assignments as you need.

This API routine has 4 output and 22 input parameters in total.

The following is the breakdown of the parameters:


Standard API parameters: 4

Owners parameters: 22


Standard API parameters: 3

Owners parameters: 0

Parameter Descriptions

The following table lists the API parameters.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Default Value Description
p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes   Used to compare version numbers of incoming calls to its current version number. Unexpected error is raised if version incompatibility exists. In the current version of the API, you should pass in a value of 1.0 for this parameter.
p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2   FND_API.G_FALSE Allows API callers to request that the API does initialization of the message list on their behalf.
p_commit IN VARCHAR2   FND_API.G_FALSE Used by API callers to ask the API to commit on their behalf.
p_validation_level IN NUMBER   FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL Not to be used currently as this is a public API.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2     Represents the API overall return status.
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER     Number of messages in the API message list.
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2     This is the message in encoded format if x_msg_count=1.

The following table lists the parameters relevant to the deposit.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description
p_deposit_number IN VARCHAR2 Null Deposit number, same as trx_number for the transaction number.
Default: None
Validation: Yes
Error: N/A
p_customer_trx_id IN NUMBER   Customer_trx_id of the deposit created.
Default: None
Validation: Yes
Error: N/A
p_salesrep_number IN NUMBER Null Salesperson number.
Default: None
Validation: Yes (same as customer contact).
Error: N/A
p_salesrep_id IN NUMBER   Salesrep_id of the salesperson.
Default: None
Validation: Yes
Error: N/A
p_non_revenue_amount_split IN NUMBER   Nonrevenue credit amount associated with salesperson.
Default: None
Validation: Yes
Error: N/A
p_non_revenue_percent_split IN NUMBER   Nonrevenue credit percent associated with salesperson.
Default: None
Validation: Yes
Error: N/A
p_attribute_category IN VARCHAR2   Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column.
Default: Null
Validation: It should be a valid structure.
Error: Null
p_attribute1 to p_attribute15 IN VARCHAR2   Descriptive Flexfield segment column.
Default: Null
Validation: It should be a valid segment.
Error: Validate_Desc_Flexfield



To create owner assignment using ar_deposit_api_pub. insert_non_rev_salescredit and passing a minimum number of Input parameters.

Entered parameters:

p_api_version      => 1.0 ,
p_init_msg_list    => 'F',
,p_customer_trx_id => 'Valid Customer Trx ID, Must be a deposit'
,p_salesrep_id     => -3 , means no Sales Rep
p_non_revenue_percent_split => 300

Before calling the APIs you should set up the application, responsibility and the user in the context of Oracle Application by calling the following FND API.

fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id =>'Your user id', resp_id => 'Your Responsibility id', resp_appl_id => 'Your Application id');

For example:

fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id => 1318, resp_id => 50559, resp_appl_id => 222);

The API call in this case would be:

l_return_status  VARCHAR2(1);
l_msg_count      NUMBER;
l_msg_data       VARCHAR2(240);
l_count          NUMBER;

fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id => 1318, resp_id => 50559, resp_appl_id => 222);
  1. Standard API parameters.

                     p_api_version      => 1.0,
                     p_init_msg_list    => FND_API.G_TRUE,
                     p_commit           => FND_API.G_TRUE,
                     p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
                     x_return_status    => l_return_status,
                     x_msg_count        => l_msg_count,
                     x_msg_data         => l_msg_data,
                     p_customer_trx_id  =>  ' Valid Customer Trx ID , Must be a deposit',
                     p_salesrep_id      =>  -3,
                     p_non_revenue_amount_split  =>  300);
              dbms_output.put_line('return status '||l_return_status);
              dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_count '||to_char(l_msg_count));
    IF l_msg_count  = 1 Then
  2. There is one message raised by the API, so it has been sent out.

  3. In the parameter x_msg_data, get it.

                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data '||l_msg_data);
    ELSIF l_msg_count  > 1 Then
  4. The messages on the stack are more than one, so call them in a loop.

  5. And print the messages.

      IF nvl(l_count,0) < l_msg_count THEN
      l_count := nvl(l_count,0) +1 ;
      l_msg_data := FND_MSG_PUB.Get(FND_MSG_PUB.G_NEXT,FND_API.G_FALSE);
                       IF l_count = 1 THEN
                     dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 1 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 2 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 2 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 3 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 3 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 4 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 4 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 5 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 5 '||l_msg_data);
                       ELSIF l_count = 6 THEN
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data 6 '||l_msg_data);
                       END IF;
                    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data '||to_char(l_count)||': '||l_msg_data);
                      END IF;
                   END LOOP;
                 END IF;

Depending on the message level threshold set the profile option FND_API_MSG_LEVEL_THRESHOLD, the messages put on the message stack may contain both the error messages and the warnings.


Messages play an important role in the effectiveness of your API calls. The right message is raised at the right point to convey to you the exact error that has occurred or any warnings that have been raised.

In the Commitment (Deposit) API, all error messages and warnings raised during the execution are put on the message stack and can be retrieved by the user as described in Exception Handling and Result Messages.


The following table contains the list of all the error messages raised by the Commitment (Deposit) API.

Message Number Message Code Message Text Type
294849 AR_DAPI_COMM_AMOUNT_NULL The commitment amount requires a value. E
294850 AR_DAPI_CUS_LOC_INVALID The customer location is invalid. E
294851 AR_DAPI_CUS_SITE_DFT_INVALID The customer site use ID could not be defaulted. E
294852 AR_DAPI_CUS_CONTACT_INVALID The customer contact is invalid. E
294853 AR_DAPI_CUST_NULL A value for the customer ID, name, or number is required. E
294854 AR_DAPI_COMM_BATCH_INVALID The batch name or ID is invalid. E
294855 AR_DAPI_TRANS_TYPE_ID_INVALID The transaction type ID is invalid. E
294856 AR_DAPI_TRANS_TYPE_INVALID The transaction type is invalid. E
294857 AR_DAPI_TERM_NAME_INVALID The term name is invalid. E
294858 AR_DAPI_TERM_ID_INVALID The term ID is invalid. E
294859 AR_DAPI_SALESREP_NAME_INVALID The sales representative name is invalid. E
294860 AR_DAPI_SALESREP_ID_INVALID The sales representative ID is invalid. E
294861 AR_DAPI_BS_NAME_INVALID The batch source name is invalid. E
294862 AR_DAPI_BS_ID_INVALID The batch source ID is invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_BS_NAME_IGN The batch source name has been ignored. W
294863 AR_DAPI_SOLD_CUST_NAME_INVALID The sold-to customer name is invalid. E
294864 AR_DAPI_SOLD_CUST_COM_INVALID The combination of sold-to customer name and number must be valid. E
294865 AR_DAPI_PAY_CUST_NAME_INVALID The paying customer name is invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_SOLD_CUST_DFT The sold-to customer defaulted to the bill-to customer. W
294866 AR_DAPI_PAY_CUST_COM_INVALID The combination of paying customer name and number must be valid. E
294867 AR_DAPI_PAY_CUST_NUM_INVALID The paying customer number is invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_CUS_NAME_NUM_IGN The paying customer name and number have been ignored. W
294868 AR_DAPI_PAY_CUST_ID_INVALID The paying customer ID is invalid. E
294869 AR_DAPI_SOLD_CUST_ID_INVALID The sold-to customer ID is invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_SOLD_CUS_IGN The sold-to customer name and number have been ignored. W
  AR_DAPI_PO_INVALID The printing option is invalid. E
294871 AR_DAPI_STATUS_TRX_INVALID The transaction status is invalid. E
294872 AR_DAPI_TAX_FLAG_INVALID The default tax flag is invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_NO_BATCH A batch or a batch in the profile is required. E
294874 AR_DAPI_MEMO_NAME_INVALID The memo name is invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_MEMO_WRG The memo ID, not the provided memo name, has been used. W
  AR_DAPI_TRANS_TYPE_IGN The type ID, not the provided type, has been used. W
  AR_DAPI_INV_ID_INVALID The inventory item ID is invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_INV_MEMO_COM Enter either a memo or inventory item ID. E
294877 AR_DAPI_BILL_OR_SHIP_CUST_REQ A bill-to or ship-to customer is required. E
294878 AR_DAPI_BILL_CONTACT_NAME_INV Both a first and last name are required for the bill-to contact. E
294879 AR_DAPI_SHIP_CONTACT_NAME_INV Both a first and last name are required for the ship-to contact. E
  AR_DAPI_DEPOSIT_NO_NULL A deposit number is required. E
294881 AR_DAPI_FC_INVALID The finance charges are invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_LOC_SITE_NUM_IGN The location site number has been ignored. W
294882 AR_DAPI_REMIT_ADDR_ID_INVD The remit-to address ID is invalid. E
294883 AR_DAPI_CUST_LOC_SITE_NUM_INV The customer location site number is invalid. E
294884 AR_DAPI_REMIT_ADDRESS_DFT_ERR The remit-to address did not successfully default. E
294885 AR_DAPI_TRANS_TYPE_NULL A value for either the transaction type or ID is required. E
294886 AR_DAPI_BIll_CONTACT_COM_INV The combination of the bill-to contact's first and last name must be valid. E
294887 AR_DAPI_SHIP_CONTACT_COM_INV The combination of the ship-to contact's first and last name must be valid. E
294888 AR_DAPI_POST_COMMIT_ST The deposit did not successfully post. E
294889 AR_DAPI_INSERT_HEADER_ST The header was not successfully inserted for the deposit. E
  AR_DAPI_BILL_VAL_SHIP_IGN The bill-to customer was defaulted from the ship-to customer because a value for the bill-to customer did not exist. W
294890 AR_DAPI_LOC_INV The location is invalid. E
294891 AR_DAPI_SALESREP_ST The salesperson was not successfully inserted for the deposit. E
294892 AR_DAPI_SALESREP_NO_ID_NAME The salesperson ID and name are required. E
294893 AR_DAPI_NON_REV_AMT_PCT A percentage or amount of nonrevenue sales credit is required. E
294894 AR_DAPI_DEP_NO_ID_REQ A deposit number or customer transaction ID is required.  
  AR_DAPI_DEP_NO_ING The deposit number has been ignored. W
294895 AR_DAPI_DEP_ID_INVALID The customer transaction ID is invalid. E
294896 AR_DAPI_DEP_NO_INVALID The deposit number is invalid. E
  AR_DAPI_REV_AMT_IGN The nonrevenue sales credit amount has been ignored. W