Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide


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Introduction to Oracle Approvals Management

Overview of Oracle Approvals Management
Oracle Approvals Management
Approval Process
What Happens at Run Time
Approval Process Execution

Implementing Oracle Approvals Management

Planning your Organization's Approval Processes
Parallel Approval Process
How to Parallelize an Approval Process
AME Roles and Responsibilities
Implementing Oracle Approvals Management
Implementing the Transaction Type
Running the Approvals Deviation Report
Purging Transaction Data
Running the Approvals Deviation Data Purge Process
Running the Approvals Management Post Upgrade Process


Attribute Properties
Attribute Types
Using Attributes
Attribute Classifications
How does AME use Attributes?
Deciding Whether to Create or Edit Attributes
Viewing Attributes
Creating Attributes
Editing Attributes
Deleting Attributes
Copying Attributes


Condition Types
Condition Scope and Availability
Viewing Conditions
Creating an Ordinary or Exception Condition
Creating a List-Modification Condition
Editing Conditions
Deleting Conditions


Action Type Properties
Required Attributes For Action Types
Action Properties
Predefined Action Types
Choosing an Action
Creating an Action Type
Editing an Action Type
Deleting an Action Type
Using an Existing Action Type
Creating an Action
Editing an Action
Deleting an Action

Approver Groups

Deciding When to Use an Approver Group
Approver Group Properties
Creating an Approver Group
Editing an Approver Group
Deleting an Approver Group


Rule Types
Rule Properties
Rule Priorities
Using Rules
How AME Handles Multiple Requirements for an Approver
Example of Setting Up an Exception Rule
Creating a Rule
Creating a Rule Use
Editing a Rule and its Use
Deleting a Rule and its Use
Reinstating an Inactive Rule


Overview of Testing


Transaction Type
Configuration Variables
Item Classes
Using Item Classes
What Causes Runtime Exceptions in AME?
Creating a Transaction Type
Updating a Transaction Type
Deleting a Transaction Type
Setting Default Values for Configuration Variables
Setting the Transaction Type's Configuration Variables' Values
Viewing a Specific Transaction's Exception Log
Running the Setup Report
How Should an Administrator Respond to an AME Exception?

AME Glossary
