FACTS II Processing

Generating the FACTS II Bulk File

Use the FACTS II Submission window to generate the FACTS II bulk file. You submit a FACTS II bulk file both monthly and annually for all applicable US SGL accounts, account balances, and attributes.

You first generate FACTS II data using the FACTS II Submission procedure for the treasury symbols that you want to report. The FACTS II generation process creates two reports that you can use as reconciliation tools:

After you reconcile any errors and exceptions, you can generate the FACTS II bulk file and submit the file to the Department of Treasury.

You submit the FACTS II bulk file using the Department of Treasury FMS FACTS II On-line System. Once you submit the bulk file, you cannot make any changes to the account data.


Before you can process FACTS II data and generate the FACTS II bulk file, you must:

FACTS II Exception Report

FACTS II Edit Check Report

To generate FACTS II data, navigate to the FACTS II Submission window.

The following table describes selected fields on the FACTS II Submission window, Report Parameters tab.

FACTS II Submission Window Description, Report Parameters Tab
Field Name Description
Select Indicates the treasury symbol to be included in FACTS II process.

Note: To initiate the FACTS II Submission procedure, select this and the Submit button

ATB No Adjusted trial balance sequence number; increments when user selects Supplemental run mode and the bulk file is produced.
Run Mode Run type: original or supplemental. Treasury symbols can be included for bulk file processing with both original and supplemental run types.
Currency Indicates currency code for reporting data.
Bulk File Indicates that FACTS II bulk file to be generated for this treasury symbol. The bulk file can be generated when the Status in the Submission Info tab is Completed or Optional Edits Failed.

Note: To initiate the Bulk File procedure, select this and the Bulk File button

Retain Balances Indicates that balances will be retained. These balances will be compared to the beginning balances according to the Closing Group setup as part of edit 13 in the next fiscal year.
Footnotes Opens Footnotes window; activated if there is a footnote edit failure in the bulk file process.
Submit Initiates the FACTS II submission process for selected treasury symbol.

The following table describes selected fields on the FACTS II Submission window, Contacts tab.

FACTS II Submission Window Description, Contacts Tab
Field Name Description
Treasury Symbol Treasury symbol for which the preparer and certifier are assigned to; value entered in the Define Appropriation Parameters window.
ATB No Adjusted trial balance sequence number.
Bulk File Indicates that FACTS II bulk file to be generated for this treasury symbol.

The following table describes selected fields on the FACTS II Submission window, Submission Info tab.

FACTS II Submission Window Description, Submission Info Tab
Field Name Description
Treasury Symbol Treasury symbol; value entered in Define Appropriation Parameters window.
ATB No Adjusted trial balance sequence number.

The following table describes selected fields on the Footnotes window.

Footnotes Window Description
Field Name Description
ATB No Adjusted trial balance sequence number.
Period Report fiscal period.
Footnote Sequence Footnote sequence number.

Generating FACTS II Submission Procedure

To generate the FACTS II Submission procedure, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the FACTS II Submission window.

  2. Enter required parameters.

  3. Select the treasury symbols to be included in the FACTS II Bulk File layouts by selecting the Select box and clicking Select.

The following processes occur during the FACTS II submission procedure and are described in subsequent sections:

Related Topics

FACTS II Edit Check Report

FACTS II Exception Report

FACTS II Bulk File Layout

FACTS II Edit Check Report

Use the FACTS II Edit Check Report to verify your FACTS II data submission. The FACTS II Edit Check Report performs these tasks:

The following table describes the edit checks that are performed during the edit check process.

FACTS II Edit Check Process Description
Edit Check Description Periods
Treasury Symbol Authority
Use of certain US SGL accounts is permitted only if treasury appropriation or fund symbol has that authority. All
Edit 1
Total ending budgetary debits must equal total ending budgetary credits, such as the 4000 series of accounts. All
Edit 2
Resources vs. Status of Resources
Total budgetary resources must equal total status of resources as reported on SF 133. That is, Line 7 must equal Line 11. All
Edit 3
Beginning Balance
Beginning budgetary resources minus beginning obligated balances must equal beginning unobligated balances. That is, beginning budgetary debits must equal beginning budgetary credits. All
Edit 4
Zero Balance Accounts
Certain US SGL accounts should have no balance for fourth quarter reporting, such as anticipated amounts for US SGL Account 4060 Anticipated Collections from Non-federal Sources. Fourth quarter
Edit 5
Resource vs. Equity
US SGL account balances that correspond to fund resources on the FMS 2108 must equal US SGL account balances that correspond to fund equities on FMS 2108. Fund resources include:
  • Postclosing Unexpended Balance, Column 5.

  • Other Authorizations, Column 6.

  • Receivables, Columns 7 and 8.

Fund equities include:
  • Undelivered Orders and Contracts, Column 9.

  • Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities, Column 10.

  • Unobligated Balances, Column 11.

Fourth quarter
Edit 6
Treasury Fund Balance - Other Authorizations
US SGL account balances for contract and borrowing authority, securities, and imprest funds reported on FMS 2108 must equal Preclosing Unexpended Balance, Column 2, that Department of Treasury maintains in its books. Fourth quarter
Edit 7
Treasury Fund Balance
US SGL account balances that correspond to undisbursed fund balances reported on FMS 2108, US SGL Account 1010 in Column 5 plus or minus US SGL Accounts 4350 Canceled Authority, and 4391 Adjustments to Indefinite No-Year Authority, in Column 4, must equal Pre-closing Unexpended Balance, Column 2, that Department of Treasury maintains in its books. Fourth quarter
Edit 8
SF133 Outlays
US SGL account balances that correspond to Obligations Incurred, spending from Offsetting Collections, PYA, Obligations as of 10/1, Obligations - Transferred, and Obligations - Period End. All
Edit 10
Appropriation Cancellations Zero Balance Check
The sum of US SGL account balances that correspond to columns 7 through 11 on the FMS Form 2108 Year End Closing statement must have a zero balance. Fourth quarter
Edit 11
A footnote is required for treasury appropriation fund symbols with any of the following characteristics:
  • Negative receivables.

  • Negative payables.

  • Negative balances in US SGL Accounts 4221 Unfilled Customer Orders without Advance or 4133 Actual Adjustments to Contract Authority.

  • Non-zero balances in any of the following US SGL accounts: 4131, Current-Year Contract Authority Realized - Definite; 4132 Current-Year Contract Authority Realized - Indefinite; 4135 Contract Authority Liquidated; 4141 Current-Year Borrowing Authority Realized - Definite; 4392 Rescissions-Current Year; and 4393 Rescissions - Prior-Year.

Fourth quarter
Edit 12
Net outlays reported in FACTS II Trial Balance are compared to net outlays reported through daily or monthly central accounting reports, such as FMS Form 224. All
Edit 13
Closing Validation
The beginning balances for the Closing Account in FACTS II Trial Balance are compared to the ending balances for the previous fiscal year for the accounts assigned to the same closing group. All
Edit 14
4123 Reclassification
Control account 4123 reported in FACTS II Trial Balance are compared to Summation accounts 4357, 4382, and 4383 to verify the control account is equal to or less than the Summation accounts. Period defined on Federal Options

FACTS II Exception Report

Use the FACTS II Exception Report to review exception errors that occurred during the processing of FACTS II data for selected treasury symbol records. There are two kinds of exception errors: SGL Account exceptions and Missing Attribute exceptions.

Report Headings

The following table describes the heading section of the FACTS II Exception report.

Heading Description
Treasury Symbol The treasury symbol record
Reporting Year The reporting year
Reporting Period The reporting period
Page The page number of the report

Column Headings

The following table describes the FACTS II Exception report, SGL Account Exceptions.

FACTS II Exception Report Description, SGL Account Exceptions
Heading Description
Budgetary Account not defined on FACTS Attributes Exception: Neither the account nor the US SGL account is defined in the Define FACTS Attributes window and is not reported in FACTS II.
Solution: Either the account or the US SGL account must be defined in the Define FACTS Attributes window to be reported in FACTS II.
Not a Valid US SGL Account Exception: The account is not defined in the Define US SGL Accounts window and is not reported in FACTS II.
Solution: Either the account or the parent of the account must be defined in the Define US SGL Accounts window to be reported in FACTS II.
Disabled US SGL Account Exception: The account or parent account was disabled in the Define US SGL Accounts window and is not reported in FACTS II.
Solution: Enable the account in the Define US SGL Account window or record the amount in a different account
Multiple US SGL Account Parents defined Exception: The account has multiple US SGL parents defined in General Ledger and is not reported on FACTS II.
Solution: The account must only have one US SGL parent defined in General Ledger to be reported on FACTS II.

The following table describes the FACTS II Exception report, SGL Missing Attribute Exceptions.

FACTS II Exception Report Description, Missing Attribute Exceptions
Heading Description
Public Law Code not found Exception: The public law code is not found for the account.
Solution: Assign the correct Public Law Code.
Definite/Indefinite indicator not found Exception: The definite/indefinite indicator is not found for this account.
Solution: The correct value must be defined in the Define Appropriation Parameters window.
BEA Category not found Exception: The BEA category is not found for the account.
Solution: The correct value must be defined in the Define Budget Account Codes window.
Borrowing Source not found Exception: The borrowing source was not found for the account.
Solution: The correct value must be defined in the Define Budget Account Codes window.
Function Exception: The Function was not found for the account.
Solution: The correct value must be defined in the Define Budget Account Codes window.
Segment Value used as Category Code since mapping not found Exception: The Use Reporting Code Mapping check box is selected, and neither the segment value nor the value All is in the Reporting Code Mapping region of the Reporting Codes window, and the value is a three digit numeric value.
Solution: The segment value will be reported as the Reporting Code. Otherwise, the correct value must be entered in the Reporting Code window.
Valid Category Code not found Exception: Two conditions cause this exception.
  1. The Use Reporting Code Mapping check box is deselected and the segment value is not a three digit numeric value.

  2. The Use Reporting Code Mapping check box is selected, and neither the segment value nor the value All is in the Reporting Code Mapping region of the Reporting Codes window, and the segment value is not a three digit numeric value.

Solution: The correct value must be defined in the Reporting Codes window.
Multiple Category Descriptions for one Category Code Exception: Within the treasury symbol being reported, there are multiple reporting code descriptions for the same reporting code.
Solution: The Reporting Code will be reported with multiple descriptions. Otherwise, the correct value must be defined in the Reporting Codes window.

FACTS II Adjusted Trial Balance Report Procedure

The FACTS II Adjusted Trial Balance Report is printed automatically upon completion of the FACTS II submission procedure. This report provides users with the US SGL account, account balances and attributes that are captured in the FACTS II Bulk File layout.

Generating FACTS II Bulk File Procedure

To generate the FACTS II Bulk File, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the FACTS II Submission window.

  2. Enter required parameters.

  3. To generate a bulk file, select the treasury symbols to be included in the FACTS II Bulk File layouts by selecting the Bulk File box and clicking Bulk File.

    A treasury symbol can be selected for bulk file generation after all required edits are successful.

The FACTS II Bulk File Layout Description process occurs during the FACTS II Bulk File procedure.

FACTS II Bulk File Layout

The FACTS II Bulk File layout is generated in the format described in the table below.

FACTS II Bulk File Layout Description
Record Name Description
US SGL Account Detail Treasury account fund symbol; Preparer ID; Certifier ID; Reporting fiscal year; Reporting fiscal month; US SGL account number and all applicable attributes.
Bulk file US SGL footnote detail Footnote information as it relates to US SGL accounts.
Bulk file SGL trailer detail Count of total number of detail and footnote records.