Payroll Processing and Analysis

Payroll Processing and Analysis Overview

Using Oracle HRMS you can run a payroll, perform post processing on a successful payroll, and also make changes and corrections for a payroll that has not completed successfully.

Payroll Processing and Analysis in Oracle HRMS

You can run your payroll as:

You can perform all the necessary post processing to generate payment for your employees once you are satisfied that your payroll run results are correct:

You can analyze your payroll run results to get early notification of possible discrepancies:

You can use these processes for correcting a payroll run:

You can run these processes to make accurate provision for current payments backdated from a previous pay period, or current payments received in advance for a future pay period:

Key Concepts

To enable you to process and analyze payrolls, you need to understand these concepts:

Reporting on Payroll Processing and Analysis

See Reports and Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Window Navigation and Reports Guide

Payroll Processing and Analysis

The main purpose of the payroll run is to calculate employee pay correctly at regular intervals. In addition you can perform other payroll processes to ensure accuracy and provide flexibility for your organization. For example, you can roll back a payroll run when you want to carry out a test run without keeping any record of it having taken place. You can also run a RetroPay process when you want to make retrospective adjustments to allow for backdated pay awards.

Does Oracle Payroll enable you to run part payrolls?

Yes, Oracle Payroll enables you to run part payrolls. This is useful in each of the following circumstances where you do not want to process a payroll for the entire organization.

Calculating Pay for an Individual Employee or Group of Employees

If an employee leaves the company before the end of a payroll period, you will need to calculate the individual pay entitlement.

You may also want to calculate individual pay to check the details for an employee before starting a payroll run for all employees.

Specifying What Details You Can Include in a Payroll Run

You may want to specify that only particular types of earnings or particular categories of employee should be included in a payroll run.

Can you verify that a payroll run has completed successfully?

On completion of a payroll run you will need to verify that the run completed successfully. You can display run messages and view latest balances and assignment level results. You may also need to have relevant information grouped by topic in report format so that you can review the outcome of processing. Payroll runs can be monitored through the Payroll Progress Monitor, enabling you to view the name of the run and the percentage/time of completion.

Can you make adjustments after a payroll run has completed?

Oracle Payroll enables you to make each of the following types of adjustment when a payroll run has completed.

When you have made these corrections and modifications you can then run the payroll again. However, you do not need to rerun the entire payroll. You need only to perform a retry, and Oracle Payroll will reprocess only those items that were incorrect in the initial run.

Can you produce payment and costing information from a completed payroll run?

Oracle Payroll enables you to use the results of a payroll run to allocate payments to your employees, and to provide costing information.

Ensuring that Employees are Paid by the Correct Payment Method

When a payroll run has completed you need to pay each employee according to the payment methods that you have specified. You may also need to override the predefined payment methods where employees are receiving special payments such as bonuses, which may not be paid by the usual methods of payment. You also have the ability to pay an employee, who has multiple assignments within your organization, a regular single payment.

Ensuring that Costing Information Can be Provided

On completion of a payroll run you may need to distribute the associated costs across particular cost centers. For information on this, see: Cost Analysis Overview, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Can Oracle Payroll run payroll processes throughout a payroll period?

Yes, the continuous calculation process enables you to process static employee data throughout the payroll period, leaving you extra time for validation and correction at the end of the payroll period.

What if you want to know how much gross pay is required to produce a given net amount?

Where employers have agreed to pay tax on a known fixed net payment, Oracle Payroll can calculate the gross amount that employees must receive in order to meet all deductions and still receive the correct net amount. This is referred to as Net-to-Gross processing, and the calculations that derive the correct gross amounts are referred to as Grossups, provided that the feature is enabled in your country.

Note: The entries made in the "Grossup Processing" tab on the earnings form only specify what deductions are to be included when calculating the gross pay. The system looks at the taxability rules to determine what deductions should be taken from an earning and does not take into consideration what is entered on the grossup processing tab. For example, if the gross up processing tab shows that Federal tax is to be the only tax included in the grossup calculation but the element is subject to CPP, EI and Federal tax as per the taxability rules, all three taxes will be deducted.

Can you process external and manual payments

Yes, Oracle Payroll enables you to make external and manual payments.

The Payroll Run

Process Part of a Payroll

Oracle Payroll enables you to run a payroll and conduct post-processing on a payroll that has completed successfully. You can also enter subsequent changes and corrections for a payroll that has not completed successfully.

Oracle Payroll makes use of the following concepts when implementing payroll procedures:

Assignment Sets

Occasions when you need to use assignment sets for the payroll run include:

To fulfil these requirements, you can select from a range of assignments:

Consolidation Sets

A consolidation set is a grouping of payrolls that simplify post-run processing and reporting. It enables you to produce a single set of reports, costing results, and other results for all payrolls in a consolidation set. When you run a payroll, make sure that you have named the consolidation set to which the payroll belongs.

Element and Distribution Sets

With a normal payroll run, you would want to include all elements, but for a long service award bonus you would want to include only the bonus element and the statutory elements. You first calculate gross pay for ascertaining the gross amount to transfer into the payroll account. Then you complete the gross to net calculation.

You can select element sets as follows:

Canada only: When creating a Run set, you need to explicitly add the Canadian Tax recurring element to your element set.

US only: When creating a Run set, you need to explicitly add the VERTEX recurring element to your element set.

The predefined elements for Oracle Payroll are processed for every payroll run in which they have been included. The deductions are recalculated using the period totals, the amount already paid in previous runs is deducted, leaving the remainder as the deduction for the new payroll run.


QuickPay enables you to carry out payroll processing for individual employees. You can use QuickPay to pay employees who are leaving and who require payment immediately. If an employee asks what their net pay will be this month, you can run QuickPay to find the answer, then roll it back to remove all results from the database.

QuickPay: Two Options for PrePayments:

Once the QuickPay run has a status of Complete, you have a choice of two options for post-run processing:

Troubleshooting QuickPay: Concurrent Manager

When you start the QuickPay process, the screen freezes, and you cannot delete or update the QuickPay definition until the process completes.

You may receive one of the following error messages:

Continuous Calculation

Continuous Calculation enables you to distribute your payroll processing throughout a payroll period. You can run processes such as the payroll run, prepayments steps, and costing, which deal with predominantly static employee data, at the start of the payroll period, leaving more time for validation and correction of changed data.

Continuous Calculation works by using triggers. You define triggers and events which inform the system when data has changed. For example, if an employee receives a bonus, the corresponding event is triggered. When you subsequently run the Continuous Calculation process, the system identifies these triggers and marks the corresponding payroll processes (such as the payroll run) to be repeated. The affected processes are repeated in a batch process which can be run as often as required. You define the frequency of the batch process when you run the Continuous Calculation process.

Event Group Qualification

Event Qualification is a system to restrict the type of datetracked-events to be interpreted from the Incident Register. You can qualify the event so only a subset of these event types are actually returned. An event qualifier is a basic definition of events to be monitored for a table to represent additional filtering.

You can form event groups that enable you to construct a grouping of events. A list of events gives you the ability to say “I am interested in this event occurring” and provides a simple solution for most problems. In more complex implementations, you can use Event Qualifiers. If, for example, there are date changes, you can address it to a further level of granularity such as “why the change occurred”. It enables you to specifically control the events creation; for example, “to raise event if the change is from A to B, but do not raise it if it is from A to C. In other words, a specific change qualifies the event.

The Qualifiers button is enabled only when you enter an event with update type “Datetrack Update” using the Event Group window. An event can be qualified if predefined qualifiers exist for that table, and you can enter exact changes that cause the event to be valid or invalid.

If you require qualifiers, you can create a default change with old and new values set to <ANY_VALUE>, such that all changes result in the event being registered. A list of exceptions to this default behavior displays in the Value Change Exception region. You can set some causes of the event and select the Valid check box and if the change occurs, the application fires the event or validates the event. For example, consider 20 possible values for a field but the event is considered important only if value10 is changed to value15. By using the Event Qualifiers, you can add a validation that the application should not process if the fields are changed from and to any other value.

The Event Qualification window enables you to record the name of the qualifier, the table being monitored, the qualifying value and query (the From and To clause for the validation) used to validate comparisons. The table PAY_EVENT_QUALIFIERS holds this information.

Qualifiers are of two types - direct and indirect comparisons. You can use direct comparisons for assignment changes and indirect comparisons for entry value changes. The indirect changes relate to dynamic triggers monitoring one table, but looking for changes in another table. This is particularly relevant to entries, where you can monitor the entries table, then look for changes in the entry value table.

The table PAY_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGES holds information detailing the definitions of the changes that cause the events to be valid or invalid. The table includes the qualifier and name that is to be used, with the values of from and to, the column that triggers the qualification check, with whether it is valid and the type of proration it relates to.

The comparison determines if the event is a valid event and the type of proration that is associated with that event. You can use <ANY_VALUE> and <NULL> to denote the type of change in the comparison.

The Run Proration field is enabled only if the Event Group is Proration and if the legislation has enabled it in PAY_LEGISLATIVE_FIELD_INFO.

For information on how to define event group qualifiers, see: Defining Event Group, Note ID: 971206.1 on MyOracle Support.

Tax Adjustment Run

Employers must compare the actual tax paid by employees against the calculated tax from the statutory yearly tax tables. Any differences arising out of this comparison are withheld from or remitted to the employees. Tax law requires employers perform this payroll run once a year, but running the tax adjustment every quarter will decrease the amount of any possible tax shortfall.

The Tax Adjustment run should be used to reconcile and adjust the annual tax liability for the employee and the employer, taking into account all earnings paid to the employee during the year.

This type of run uses the Annual Tax Adjustment payroll run.

Note: The Payroll Run Types feature identifies and controls the Tax Adjustment Runs. Whenever you run the Annual Tax Adjustment payroll process, the Mexico Tax formula calculates a difference between the year-to-date value of ISR tax withheld so far and ISR calculated from year-to-date income subject to tax. For example, you can mark a regular run as an Annual Tax Adjustment run when submitting the payroll run for processing.

Payroll Run Window

Starting a Payroll Run

You start a payroll run in the Submit Requests window.

To run a payroll

  1. In the Name field, select the name of your payroll run process.

  2. In the Parameters window, which opens automatically, select the payroll.

  3. Select the default consolidation set name for the payroll, then select the current payroll period display.

  4. Select a new consolidation set for the run if required.

    Use the consolidation set to control post-run processing of the results.

  5. Select the payroll period for the run.

  6. Select an element set and assignment set if required.

    US only: Make sure that you have included the VERTEX seeded recurring element in your element set if you are using an element set.

  7. Select a run type.

  8. If your legislation supports Regular and Supplemental runs, then select R for a Regular run or S for a Supplemental run.

    India only: Select "Bonus" run type for paying bonus.

  9. You can optionally enter a message to appear on the statements of earnings for this run if your SOE is designed to support such a message.

  10. Choose Submit.

Starting a Tax Adjustment Run

You start a Tax Adjustment payroll run in the Submit Requests window.

To start a Tax Adjustment payroll run

  1. In the Name field, select Payroll Run.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the payroll.

  3. Select the default consolidation set name for the payroll, then select the current payroll period display.

  4. Select a new consolidation set for the run if required.

    Use the consolidation set to control post-run processing of the results.

  5. Select the payroll period for the run.

  6. Select an element set and assignment set if required.

  7. Specify Tax Adjustment as the run type.

  8. Choose Submit.

Setting Up Continuous Calculation

To set up your system for continuous calculation:

  1. In the Table Event Update window, check that the events are defined for the tables you require for continuous calculation.

  2. If the table has already been defined, but the required event is missing, create either an Update, Delete, or Insert event and enter the table column to which the event refers. Select the change type defined by the event.

  3. If the tables you require for continuous calculation have not been defined in the Table Event Update window, define them now in the Table Event Updates window.

    See: Making Table Event Updates

  4. In the Functional Area Maintenance window, choose the Incident Register functional area. Make sure your triggers are included in this functional area. If your triggers are not included, insert them.

    You can also activate the triggers according to legislation or business group.

    See: Grouping Dynamic Triggers into Legislative Functional Areas

    Note: When you save a single trigger, this has the effect of regenerating all triggers contained in the same package.

  5. Run the Continuous Calculation process from the Submit Reports and Processes window.

    See: Running the Continuous Calculation Process

Running the Continuous Calculation Process

The Continuous Calculation process enables you to process static employee data throughout a payroll period.

You run the Continuous Calculation process from the Submit Requests window.

To run continuous calculation

  1. Enter Continuous Calculation in the Name field of the Submit Requests window.

  2. Select a payroll.

  3. Schedule your process.

    You can choose how often you want to run the continuous calculation process. For example, you can run the process every day, every week, or on specific days.

  4. Choose Submit.

Running QuickPay

You navigate to the QuickPay window from an employee assignment.

To define a QuickPay run for an employee assignment

  1. Set your effective date to the day you want to make the QuickPay payment.

    The Payroll Period displays for the date selected, and the Date Paid and Date Earned for this period also display. Date Paid is the regular payment date for your legislation. You can update the Date Paid field, but only to another period's regular payment date.

    Note: If you select an effective date for which there is no valid payroll period, all three fields remain blank. You cannot select an effective date earlier than the start date of the parent record - the employee assignment.

  2. Select a consolidation set.

    The default is the consolidation set for the assignment's payroll.

    Note: The Number field remains blank and the status field remains set to Unprocessed until the QuickPay run process is completed.

  3. If your legislation makes use of run types, select the run type for this QuickPay.

  4. Enter a pay advice date and message if required. These fields are for information only.

  5. Save your QuickPay definition.

    Note: All assignment processes for the assignment's payroll must have a status of Complete for you to save the definition. If not, you see an assignment interlock failure message. Check the status of the assignment processes in the Assignment Processes window, and delete, roll back or rerun any non-Complete processes.

    If the QuickPay Run itself displays In Error or Marked for Retry, choose the Retry Run button to run the process again.

To execute a QuickPay run for an employee assignment

  1. Choose the Element Selection button if you want to check or verify element entries for the QuickPay run. All the elements for the assignment that exist as of Date Earned are listed in the Element Selection window. Select or clear the Include in Run check box for elements you want to include or exclude from the run.

  2. You can choose the Entry Values button to view entry values for each element.

    Note: You cannot create, update or delete entries or entry values in the Element Selection and Entry Values windows. You can only select or clear the Include check box for entries.

  3. Choose Start Run to run the QuickPay process.

    You run QuickPay from the QuickPay window, not from the Submit Requests window. You can view the status of the run in the View Requests window. If necessary, you can then mark it for retry or roll it back either from the QuickPay window or the Payroll Processes window.

    When the run is processed, the Status and Number fields in the QuickPay Run block display values for the run as follows:

    • Number: Numbering is consecutive, starting from 1, for each QuickPay run in a payroll period. There is a separate series for each separate payroll. The numbering restarts from 1 for each successive period.

    • Status: Values displayed for processed QuickPay runs are Complete, In Error, Mark for Retry. You cannot enter or update values directly in this field. Choose Retry Run to rerun the QuickPay process for runs with the status In Error or Marked for Retry.

For information about running PrePayments, see: Running Post-Run Processes for QuickPay

To archive QuickPay run

You can archive payroll information after running the QuickPay process and QuickPay prepayment process successfully. The Start Archive button on the QuickPay window allows you to start the archive process. The Start Archive button gets enabled only when the QuickPay process and QuickPay prepayment process are completed for an assignment. Use the View Requests window to view the QuickPay archiver process details. The QuickPay archiver process is displayed in the window as the "Retry Payroll Process". Navigate to the Payroll Process Results or Assignment Process Results window to review the Quick Pay Archiver results.

The following rules apply to the Start Archive process:

Note: The Start Archive button is not available by default for all legislations.

US Payroll Only: In addition to the general post archive processes, QuickPay archives data for the NACHA, Online Payslip (US), and Deposit Advice processes.

Mexico Payroll Only: In addition to the general post archive processes, QuickPay archives data for the CFDI Payslip process. The Payroll Archiver process or the Quickpay Archiver process archive data used by Cheque Writer (Mexico), Direct Deposit, and CFDI Payslip processes. Format 37 and DIM reports do not use the Payroll Archiver data, they instead use the data archived by the Year End Archiver process. You can roll back the QuickPay archiver results using the Rollback MX Payroll Process concurrent program. See: Correction of Run Results: Rollbacks

Running the Generate Run Balances Process

Run this process when you want to recalculate run level balance values that may have become invalid, such as through changes to historical data.

You run this process in the Submit Requests window.

To run the Generate Run Balances process

  1. In the Name field, select Generate Run Balances.

  2. Select the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  3. In the Parameters window, enter a start date from when you want run balances recalculated.

  4. Select a mode to determine which balances to include. There is no specific time required to run these, such as once a month. All Invalid Balances is likely to be run most often, with Single Balances and All Balances run as required. You can choose from the following:

    • A Single Balance - If you select Single Balance mode, then the Defined Balance field becomes active.

    • All Invalid Balances

    • All Balances

    Important: The profile option PAY: Allow All Balances for Assignment Level controls running the process for all balances at the assignment level. The profile option is set to No by default. Set this option to Yes if you want to run the process at the assignment level and for All Balances mode.

    If the profile option is set to NULL or No and you select the mode as All Balances, then you can select Group at the balance level. When you select the mode as All Invalid Balances, you can run for both Assignment and Group levels.

  5. Select the option that shows the route for retrieving balance values, even if its status is Invalid.

  6. Select a balance level to determine which balances are to be recalculated, depending if enabled for your localization:

    • Assignment

    • Group

    • Assignment and Group

  7. Click OK and then Submit.

Post Processing for a Payroll

Post-Processing for a Payroll

The following table illustrates the payroll production cycle:

Stage Result
Payroll Run Computes payroll gross-to-net.
See: Starting a Payroll Run
PrePayments Distribution of employee pay and payment methods.
See: Running the PrePayments Process
Payroll Archiver Stores earnings, deductions, and other payroll data. Serves as the data source for the Payslip.
See: Managing the Payroll Archiver
Cheque Writer (Mexico) Produces cheques, payslip, and online payslip data.
See: Running the Cheque/Check Writer Process
Pay Advice Produces Payroll Receipts for employees, reporting all earnings received during that pay period.
See: Generating Pay Advice
Direct Deposit (Mexico) Produces files for electronic submission to banks for direct deposit payments.
See: Defining a Payment Method
External/Manual Payments Records cash or cheque payments to employees from external sources or petty cash.

PrePayments Process

Within Oracle Payroll the PrePayments process enables you to select a payment method to pay your employees. You can distribute employee pay over more than one method using either a percentage or monetary split.

You can override the PrePayments process. For example, suppose you have run the normal payroll run and made payments via one payment method. You then have to run supplementary payments for some employees and pay them by a different payment method. The PrePayments process, having distributed the regular payments over the payment methods entered, allocates the supplementary payments to the override method.

Payroll Archiver

The Payroll Archiver stores each payroll period's earnings, deductions, tax calculation details, taxes withheld, and accruals, as well as each employee's name and address, employer information, and assignment details.

The Payroll Archiver process archives the data for employees with zero gross earnings, so that the CFDI Payroll Payslip XML Extract process will generate the payslip for these employees with Zero Earnings. This feature enables employees to view the Online Payslip even though the earnings are zero.

Cheque Writer Process

Run the Cheque Writer process to determine the generation of cheques for a specified payroll and consolidation set over a specified time period.

You can generate contiguous serial numbers for cheque printing, and you can use this feature to account for cheque stationery used during the cheque printing process. If you do this, you also need to take into account the cheques you use to carry out the alignment of your printer.

Oracle Payroll provides automatic cheque numbering for the Check Writer process. You can keep track of cheque numbers when you process multiple cheques per day.

Note: Your System Administrator can enable the HR: Default Cheque Number Method profile which enables you to use the automatic cheque numbering process.

See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Pay Advice Process

The Pay Advice (Mexico) process produces Payroll Receipts for submission to all employees. These receipts report all earnings an employee has received across the pay period.

See: Generating Pay Advice

Void Cheque Payments Process

Run the Void Cheque Payments process when you want to void cheques you have issued using Oracle Cheque Writer. You may want to do this if there is a printing error or if the cheques you print are afterwards lost. The process cancels the cheques issued, records details of the cancellation, and enables you to give a reason for cancelling.

Direct Deposit

Produces files for electronic submission to banks for direct deposit payments. You can define multiple payment methods for the same type.

Oracle supports the direct deposit formats for the following banks:

You define direct deposit as a payment method during payroll definition.

See: Setting up Direct Deposit

External/Manual Payments Process

Use the External/Manual Payments window to record cash or cheque payments to employees from external sources or petty cash. The window enables you to record details of each payment.

Data Locks for Payroll Processes

Data locking is a mechanism that enables you to protect your data from unwanted updates. For example: If you are running a monthly report at the end of each month, the data contained in the report has to remain unchanged for as long as the report exists. If you want to change this data, you must first rollback the report.

Data Locks: Automatic or User Selectable


Some payroll processes automatically lock your data and you do not need to take any additional action to apply a lock. For example, whenever you run the prepayments process, your data is automatically locked against update while the prepayments process completes.

User Selectable

Some payroll processes do not apply a lock automatically, but do provide you with the option of selecting a process to apply a lock. Where this is the case, the lock process can usually be selected from the Submit Requests window for your legislation.

For example, if you are using Oracle Payroll for Ireland you can select the P30 Data Lock process which specifies a date at which you want to lock the P30 monthly report before generating the report output. By applying the data lock you also maintains the lock date as a historical record so that you can be confident that subsequent monthly reports start from the correct point.

Data Locks: Rollbacks Can Override Them

You should also be aware that some payroll post-processes can override any data locks that you have established. Oracle Payroll does not provide validation to prevent this, since it is a legitimate action that you may need to perform. For this reason we recommend that you should always refer to the individual topics in Oracle Applications Help before attempting to work with user selectable data locks.

Payroll Archiver

Run the Payroll Archiver after the pre-payments process and before the payments process (Cheque Writer). It stores each payroll period's earnings, deductions, tax calculation details, taxes withheld, and accruals, as well as each employee's name and address, employer information, and assignment details.

After running the Payroll Archiver, you can use the Payroll Actions Not Processed report to see if any eligible employees (and their corresponding payroll processes) were not archived.

See: Managing the Payroll Archiver

You can generate the payslip from the employee's assignment after running the Payroll Archiver and the appropriate payments process has completed

See: Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips

Online Payslips

Oracle Payroll generates the online payslip from the employee's assignment after it completes the Pay Slip Archiver Process . In addition to the External Process Archiver (Payroll Archiver), it must also complete the Cheque Writer and Direct Deposit processes. The Pay Slip is available for viewing by the manager and employee only at the end of the payroll cycle. Viewers have the ability to look at the current or previous pay periods.

Note: If a termination check was issued to an employee, that employee cannot see the results of the termination check.

A payslip is not available for reversals or voided cheques.

Employees can view their payslips using SSHR. After logging in, they can select the pay period they want to view.

The online payslip displays an employee's primary assignment first for the last pay period. Employees can then select the pay period from the list of values, which displays the pay dates. The dates in the list of values are defined in View Payslip from Date, which is set by the customer with profile options. Oracle HRMS sorts this list of values in descending order, which means the last pay date displays at the top of the list.

Payroll managers can view the payslips of all employees.

Running the Payroll Register (Mexico) Report

Running the Payroll Register (Mexico) Report

The Payroll Register (Mexico) report is a consolidated report in a PDF format of all payroll runs within a specified payroll period. Use the Payroll Register report to get a consolidated overview of different payroll components such as earnings, deductions, tax balances, and net pay for all employees in a GRE. This report helps in identifying the discrepancy in earnings or deductions in the payroll run. This report provides GRE level consolidated total of earnings and deductions.

You run the report from the Submit Request window.

To run the Payroll Register (Mexico) report

  1. In the Name field, select Payroll Register (Mexico) Report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Enter the start date of the period for which the report is run.

  3. Enter the end date of the period for which the report is run.

  4. Select the payroll for which to run the report.

  5. Select the consolidation set for which to run the report.

  6. Select the legal employer for which to run the report.

  7. Select the GRE for which to run the report.

  8. Select the assignment set for which to run the report.

  9. Select the balance dimensions to be reported. You can select from the following:

    • Current: Current run level balance values will be reported.

    • Current & Monthly: The current run level and month level balances will be reported.

    • Current & YTD: The current run level and year to date level balances will be reported.

  10. Select the sort option for the report output:

    • Employee Name: Results are sorted based on the Name of an employee.

    • Payroll: Results are sorted based on the Payroll name.

  11. Click OK and then Submit.

  12. Navigate to the View Requests window to view the report.

The Mexico Payroll Register PDF displays the following information:

The consolidated tax balances at the Legal Employer level is also displayed at the end of the report. The consolidated tax balances at Legal Employer level is the cumulative of all the GREs coming under the Legal employer, which is the sum of all the GRE level balances displayed earlier.

Running Post-Run Processes for QuickPay

To run PrePayments and other processes from the QuickPay window

  1. Choose the Start PrePayments button. If required, you can override the default payment method for the assignment. You have a choice of Cash or Cheque/Check for prepayments run from the QuickPay window.

    The status for the completed process displays in the Status field in the QuickPay PrePayment block.

  2. When a status of Complete displays, do one of the following:

    • Choose the External Payment button to make payment by cash or cheque/check from the External/Manual Payments window.

    • Leave the payment to be made by a batch Cash or Cheque/Check Writer process for the consolidation set.

    Note: If you have already included the QuickPay run in the default consolidation set for the assignment payroll, it can take part in the batch PrePayment process for the payroll without further action on your part.

Viewing Payroll Process Results

To view, retry or roll back payroll processes

  1. Select the name, period dates and action type of the payroll you want to view results for.

    If you leave the Period To field blank, the end date in the Period From field becomes the end date for the query. If you run the query directly without entering payroll or period details, the window displays all payroll process results for all payrolls in the Business Group.

  2. Choose Find.

    The window displays details of all payroll processes for the payroll and period selected. See below for further display details.

  3. To mark a payroll process for retrial, select the Retry check box for the record. You can then run the Retry process from the Submit Requests window.

  4. To monitor the progress of a payroll run, select the record and choose the Process Info button. This activates the Payroll Progress Monitor, allowing you to view the name of the run currently processing and the percentage/time of completion. You can update these details through the Refresh button or check the Automatic Refresh box to enable changes to display as they occur.

  5. To roll back a payroll process, select the record and choose the Delete Record icon. This deletes the process from the database and returns all values to their former state.

    Note: Use the Payroll Processes window to roll back small processes only. It is better to roll back large processes such as payroll runs from the Submit Requests window. This runs the process under concurrent manager control, freeing you to carry out other tasks during processing and handling the process more quickly. You can also run processes for assignment sets in Submit Requests.

  6. To see further information about the assignments making up the payroll process, select the record and choose from the buttons at the bottom of the window. Information then displays for the records you select.

    • Assignment Process: Lists details of the assignment processes making up the payroll process.

    • Message: Displays any system messages relating to the payroll process.

    • Process Info: Summarizes processing status information for the assignment processes.

    • Conc Manager: Enables you to query details of the run to view log file details.

    • Breakdown: Summarizes costing process information as follows:

      • Costings that were correctly costed (Normal Number)

      • Costings posted to the suspense account

      Note: Costings can be posted to the suspense account if costing codes are wrong or, for example, values missing for distributed costing. Such costings still have a status of Complete. For costing processes to be given a status of Error there must be a serious breakdown at system or process level.

    • Output: This button enables you to view and download magnetic media, audit and other output files from the View Payroll Process Results page after running the Federal/State/Local W-2 magnetic media processes, State Quarter Wage Listings (SQWL's), and TIAA CREF interface. If the Output button is inaccessible (greyed out), this may indicate you are attempting to view output from a process other than the processes listed above, such as the pdf output from the Employee W2 PDF process.

    • Reconciliation Details Allows you to see whether a specific payment has been cleared by the system. One of the following statuses will be displayed:

      • Cleared

      • Uncleared

      • In error

    You can also see the messages produced by the reconciliation process.

Printing the Payslip

You can generate your payslips to be printed and distributed to your employees using a report that picks up the payroll information you extracted previously through the payslip archive process, and converts it into a formatted file ready for printing. The payslip consists of a header and a body section, with the information you enter in the Parameters window appearing on the header page and the payslip figures in the main body.

You run the payslip report from the Submit Request window.

To run the payslip report

  1. Select your country's payslip report in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter the start and end dates for the period of time you want the report to cover. You run the report for the same period as the payslip information extracted by the payslip archiver.

  3. In the Parameters window, select a payroll, consolidation set and assignment set. This selects the employees for whom you want to run the report. Selecting a payroll overrides the consolidation set and processes the report only for the selected payroll. You can opt to select just a consolidation set, but cannot do the same with the assignment set.

  4. The Sort Order fields that appear on the header section of the payslip enable you to divide the payslips into areas of your choice. For example, the current defaults divide the payslips into Person Info 1(Employer), Organization and Full Name areas. You can change the default values that appear by selecting another item from the list of values, selecting information about Additional Employee Details, Address Details, Payroll Information and Employee Details.

  5. Choose the Submit button.

  6. Choose the View Output button to view or print the payslip report file.

Running the Employee Assignments Without Payroll Report

Use the Employee Assignments without Payroll report to identify any employee assignments that do not have a payroll.

To run the Employee Assignments without Payroll report

  1. Enter the beginning date. This is the date from which you want to begin identifying assignments without a payroll.

  2. Enter the end date. This is the date at which you want your report to conclude.

  3. If you are running the PDF version of this report, select a template for your PDF template.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Submit.

Running the Payroll Actions Not Processed Report

Use the Payroll Actions Not Processed report to identify all payroll actions not yet processed.

You run the Payroll Actions Not Processed report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Payroll Actions Not Processed Report

  1. Enter a start date for the report to begin from.

  2. Enter an end date to indicate the end of the reporting period.

  3. Enter further identifying information to make your report as specific as possible. For example, you can enter payroll name, consolidation set name, and Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

  4. Select the mode, for example, Costing, Payroll Archive and so on.

  5. If you are running the PDF version of this report, select a template for your PDF template.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Submit.

Running the Employee Assignments Not Processed Report

Use the Employee Assignments Not Processed report to produce a list of all unprocessed employee assignments and decide on sort criteria for the list.

You run the Employee Assignments Not Processed report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Employee Assignments Not Processed report

  1. Enter a beginning date for the start of your reporting period.

  2. Enter an end date to specify the end of your reporting period.

  3. Enter further identifying information to make your report as specific as possible. For example, you can enter payroll name, default consolidation set name, Government Reporting Entity (GRE), and location.

  4. Enter the sort options for your report.

  5. If you are running the PDF version of this report, select a template for your PDF output.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Submit.

Running the Element Register Report

Use the Element Register report after a payroll or QuickPay run to display a listing of the elements and pay values for each employee. You can specify selection criteria to determine what the report includes. For example, you can select elements by element set, element classification or by individual element name. You can also specify a report output type for browser display, or for export to an editable spreadsheet.

You run the Element Register report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the element register report

  1. Enter the Beginning Date Paid and the Ending Date Paid to specify your reporting period.

  2. Select the criterion for determining which elements appear in your report. You can select one of the following:

    • Element set - your report includes all elements in an element set

    • Element classification - your report includes all elements belonging to a classification.

    • Element Name - your report only includes a single element

      When you have selected the criterion, enter a name to identify the particular element set, element classification or element for reporting. For example, if your criterion is element set, you enter the name of the particular element set that you want to report on.

  3. Select the Payroll, or Consolidation Set for your report. If you select a payroll, the consolidation set appears by default. You must select either a payroll, or a consolidation set.

  4. If you want to report on a single GRE, select the GRE name. If you do not make a selection, your report contains information for all valid GREs.

  5. If you want to report on a single organization, select the Organization name. If you do not make a selection, your report contains information for all valid organizations.

  6. If you want to report on a single location, select the Location name. If you do not make a selection, your report contains information for all valid locations.

  7. If you want to report on an individual employee select Employee name. If you do not make a selection, your report contains information for all valid employees.

  8. Select an assignment set if you want to report on all assignments in a particular assignment set. You can only select a static assignment set. Dynamic, or formula-based assignment sets do not appear in the list of values.

  9. Select an Output File Type:

    • HTML - this file type produces an output file that you can view in your browser.

    • Comma Delimited - this file type produces a comma delimited file that you can view in a browser. Additionally, you can save the comma delimited file as csv or txt so that you can open it for editing in a spreadsheet.

Managing the Payroll Archiver

The Payroll Archiver preserves payroll run information, so you can use it for accurate payroll reporting or third-party tax filing. This is a mandatory part of payroll processing if you are using the Online Payslip functionality included with Oracle Self-Service HRMS. This process logs:

You must run the Payroll Archiver after you have run Payroll and Pre-Payments but before running the Cheque Writer process. You run the Payroll Archiver from the submit requests window.

The Payroll Archiver management process involves:

Archiving Data for the CFDI Payslip

The Payroll Archiver archives the following data to report in the CFDI payslip:

The Payroll Archiver process uses Unit of Measure and Update (UMA) as the index to check and limit the Integrated Daily Wage (IDW), which is used in reporting in the CFDI Payslip.

To run the Payroll Archiver

  1. Select Payroll Archiver in the Name field.

  2. If the parameters window does not open automatically, click in the Parameters field to open it.

  3. Enter a Start Date and End Date. Oracle Payroll archives information for payroll runs that occurred in the date range you specify.

  4. Select the Payroll or Consolidation Set that you want to archive data for. If you select a payroll, the Consolidation Set automatically defaults.

  5. Select OK, and then Submit.

  6. After running the Payroll Archiver, use the Payroll Actions Not Processed report to see any employees (and corresponding payroll processes) that were not archived but fell within the report's parameters.

To view Archiver Values by payroll

  1. Navigate to the Payroll Process Results window (View | Payroll Process Results).

  2. Specify the name, pay period, and action type of the payroll you want to query.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select the date you want to view, and click Assignment Process.

  5. Select the name of the employee you want to view, and click View Results.

    The View Archive Values for the assignment appears.

  6. Select any of the "Details" to view them.

To view Archiver Values by assignment

  1. Navigate to the Assignment Process Results window (View | Assignment Process Results).

  2. Specify the name and pay period for the employee you want to query.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select "Magnetic Report" type, and click View Results.

  5. In the Line Level Archiver section of the View Archive Values window, you can select any of the "Details" to view them.

To rollback or reverse a Pre-Pay Process archive for a specific employee

Perform these steps if you want to rollback or reverse a Pre-Pay Process that has already been locked and archived by the Payroll Archiver process.

  1. Open the Employee Assignment Processes window (View | Assignment Process Results).

  2. Specify the employee name.

  3. Specify the pay period.

  4. Click Find.

  5. Locate the desired Payroll Archive.

    Its Type will include "Magnetic Report".

  6. To retry this archive, click Retry.

    To reverse this archive, select the row and click Delete.

  7. Save your work.

  8. Locate the Pre Pay Process in your query results.

  9. To retry this archive, click Retry.

    To reverse this archive, select the row and click Delete.

To rollback or reverse a Pre-Pay Process archive if you don't know the employee's name

Perform these steps if you want to rollback or reverse a Pre Pay Process that has already been locked and archived by the Payroll Archiver process.

  1. Open the Payroll Processes window (View | Payroll Process Results).

  2. Specify the payroll name.

  3. Specify the pay period.

  4. Specify "Magnetic Report" as the type.

  5. Click Find.

  6. Locate your Payroll Archiver process from the returned list, and select its row.

  7. Click Assignment Process.

    The Assignment Processes window opens, listing all actions according to employee name.

  8. Select the desired row.

  9. To retry this archive, click Retry.

    To reverse this archive, select the row and click Delete.

Direct Deposit (Mexico)

The Direct Deposit (Mexico) process produces files that you transfer to your financial institution for direct deposit payments. This process must be run prior to the Deposit Advice process.

To run the Direct Deposit process

  1. In the Name field, select Direct Deposit (Mexico).

  2. Click in the Parameters field if the Parameters window does not open automatically.

  3. Select the name of the payroll or consolidation set to run the process for.

    When you select a payroll name, its default consolidation set displays.

  4. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the processing to cover. For some financial institutions, this should be within 30 days of the effective date.

  5. Select the name of a payment method to use for all the payments resulting from this process run.

    The payment method defaults to Direct Deposit.

  6. If required, enter an override deposit date to use for all the payments resulting from this process run.

  7. Choose OK and then Submit.

    Direct Deposit (Mexico) generates an XML file with the payment details.

    You cannot submit this file to any bank in its current format, but you can use it to generate any submission reports.

  8. From the Submit Requests window, select XML Report Publisher.

  9. Click in the Parameters field if the Parameters window does not open automatically.

  10. Specify the request ID of the Direct Deposit (Mexico) process you ran.

  11. Select the appropriate direct deposit template and its locale.

  12. Select eText as the output value.

  13. Click OK and Submit.

You can view the generated interface file by clicking View Output. Use this file to transmit payment details to the bank.

Running the PrePayments Process

Run this process when you want to do one of the following:

Note: The Net Pay from each assignment is deposited into the payment method account for the primary assignment unless the primary assignment is not processed. If it is not processed and the secondary assignment does not have a personal payment method, the employee receives a cheque.

Additional Information: You cannot delete personal payment methods if a PrePayment process is run.

Canada only: The PrePayments process creates different results depending on the setting of the Payroll Archiver Level option, which is set at the business group level. If you set it to "Tax Group," PrePayments consolidates the payment for all GREs of an assignment (which must belong to the same tax group), and Cheque Writer/Deposit Advice generates only one cheque or deposit (this can happen only at the beginning of the year, after running the last payroll for the previous year and before running the first payroll of the current year). If you set it to "GRE," PrePayments creates separate payments for each GRE, and Cheque Writer/Deposit Advice generates a cheque or deposit advice for each GRE.

See: Entering Payroll Archiver Level Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the PrePayments process

  1. In the Name field, select PrePayments.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the name of the payroll or consolidation set to run the process for.

    When you select a payroll, the default consolidation set is displayed.

  3. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the prepayments processing to cover.

    Note: If you specify the end date and not a start date, the process automatically uses the start date of the period for the end date you specified.

  4. If required, enter an override payment method. The method you select overrides all other payment methods for this processing.

  5. Choose OK.

  6. Choose Submit

Cheque Writer Windows

Creating a Cheque Report for the Cheque Writer Process

You can add your own cheque report to the Cheque Writer (Mexico) process by generating it and placing it in the $PAY_TOP/srw directory.

Choosing a cheque report

  1. Generate your new cheque report and place it in the $PAY_TOP/srw directory.

  2. Add the cheque report's details to the HR_LOOKUPS table.

    The supplied sample report includes the following definition in this table:

    Column Name Value
  3. Select your report in the Cheque Writer (Mexico) prameters window.

Running the Cheque/Check Writer Process

You run the Cheque/Check Writer process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Cheque/Check Writer process

  1. In the Name field, select the appropriate process.

    Irish Payroll: Select IE Cheque Writer

    Mexican Payroll: Select Cheque Writer (Mexico).

    US Payroll: Select Check Writer.

    All others: Select Cheque Writer.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the name of a payroll or consolidation set. When you select a payroll, the default consolidation set is displayed.

  3. Enter the start and end dates for the process.

  4. Enter your cheques/checks payment method.

  5. Enter the sort sequence for the cheques/checks This defaults to Organization, then to Person.

  6. Enter your cheque/check style.

    If you enter Default, this selects the PAYRPCHQ sample cheque/check report.

  7. Enter the first cheque/check number of your cheque/check sequence in the Start Cheque/Check field. If required, you can enter the last cheque/check number in the End Cheque/Check Number field.

    Note: If your system administrator has enabled the automatic cheque/check numbering process, Oracle Payroll automatically provides the cheque/check number. (US and Canadian payroll only).

    See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  8. Choose Submit.

Running the Void Cheque/Check Payments Process

Void Check/Cheque Payments is a payroll process, and for every check/cheque that is voided, Oracle Payroll creates a corresponding assignment process.

You run the Void Check/Cheque Payments process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Void Cheque/Check Payments process

  1. In the Name field, select Void Check/Cheque Payments.

    South African Payroll: Select Void Cheque Payments (South Africa).

  2. In the Parameters window, select the payment run for the Cheque/Check Writer that you want to void.

  3. Enter the date on which you want to void the cheques/checks. The default is your system date.

  4. Enter, optionally, a reason for voiding the cheque/check issue.

  5. Enter start and end numbers of the cheque/check sequence you are voiding. For single cheques/checks, enter the cheque/check number in both fields.

Reissuing a Voided Cheque/Check

If you void a cheque/check you reissue either with the same amount, or with a different amount. You can also reissue the cheque/check with a different date from the original check date.

See:Reissuing Voided Cheques/Checks with a Different Check Date, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

To reissue a voided cheque/check with the same amount

  1. To verify that the void has been processed, select the employee in the Employee Assignment Processes window. For the process that originally produced the cheque, VOID will appear in the Status Column.

  2. Run the Cheque/Check Writer process again. A new cheque/check will be produced with a new number.

  3. If you want to verify the process, select the employee in the Employee Assignment Processes window. The number of the original prepayment will be in the Applied Column of the latest process.

  4. Run the Void Payments Report any time after the void has been processed. See: Running the Void Payments Report

To reissue a voided cheque/check with a different amount

  1. Reverse the cheque/check that you have voided in the Reverse Payroll Run window. See: Correcting Run Results: Reversals

  2. Enter the new amounts to be paid in the Salary Administration, or Element Entries window as appropriate.

  3. Run QuickPay for the new amounts that is to be paid to the employee. See: Running QuickPay

  4. Run the PrePayments process. See: Running Post-Run Processes for QuickPay

  5. You can now do one of the following:

  6. If you want to verify the process, select the employee in the Employee Assignment Processes window. The number of the original prepayment will be in the Applied Column of the latest process.

  7. Run the Void Payments Report any time after the void has been processed. See: Running the Void Payments Report

Running the Cheque Listing Report

The Cheque Listing report shows the details of the cheque numbers issued and enables employees to sign for their cheques.

Run this report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Cheque Listing report

  1. Select Cheque Listing in the Name field.

    Irish Payroll: select IE Cheque Listing

  2. Select the payment run for which you want to show cheque details in the Parameters window.

  3. Select the sort order for this report.

  4. Choose Submit.

Running the Void Payments Report

Run the Void Payments report when you want to show the details of cancelled cheque/check payments.

Run this report in the Submit Requests window.

To run the Void Payments report

  1. In the Name field, select Void Payments Report

    Irish Payroll: Select IE Void Payments Listing

  2. In the Parameters window, enter a start date and an end date for the report.

  3. Select a payroll and/or consolidation set if you want to restrict your information by these parameters.

    US Payroll: You can optionally select a GRE.

    If you leave these fields blank, the report returns information on all payrolls for the period chosen.

  4. Click OK and then Submit.

Running the Payroll Cheque/Check Payment Report

Use this report to view void and reversal information for a cheque/check. Select your parameters in the parameter wizard to determine the period and payment method for your report.

To run the Payroll Cheque/Check Payment report

  1. Enter the Process Start Date.

  2. Enter the Process End Date.

  3. Select a Payment Method.

  4. Click Finish.

Voiding Magnetic Tape Payments

Run the Void Magnetic Tape Payments process when you want to cancel an EFT payment (NACHA or Direct Deposit for example) made by magnetic tape. The Void Magnetic Tape Payments process enters a record of the reversal into Oracle Payroll. Note, however, that the Void Magnetic Tape Payments process does not create a new magnetic tape for onward submission to the bank. You must contact the bank to request a manual reversal of the amount that you have voided. Remember that individual banks have different procedures for requesting a manual reversal. Before you request a reversal from your bank, always verify:

You run the Void Magnetic Payments process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Void Magnetic Payments process

  1. Select the payment run that you want to void.

  2. Enter the effective date for the void process.

  3. Enter a reason for voiding the payment.

  4. Select the employee who received the payment that you want to void.

  5. Select the payment that you want to void.

  6. Click Submit

Generating Payroll Receipts

The Pay Advice (Mexico) process produces Payroll Receipts for distribution to your employees. These receipts report all earnings each employee has received across the pay period.

This process generates XML output, which you can convert into a PDF file using XML Publisher.

Run the Pay Advice (Mexico) process from the Submit Request window.

To generate Payroll Receipts for your employees

  1. In the Name field, select Pay Advice (Mexico).

  2. In the Parameters window, specify the date range for this report.

    This process includes all payments earned during the range you choose.

  3. Select either a payroll or consolidation set.

    If you choose a payroll, Oracle Payroll automatically populates the consolidation set.

  4. Click OK and then Submit.

Making External/Manual Payments

You can use the External/Manual Payments window to:

You distinguish between each of these three uses by selecting one of three methods of handling the external/manual payment. Your selection of the handling method determines which type of external/manual payment you can make:

Method Effect of Selecting this Method
Check Payment from Same Bank Account Your check/cheque for the manual payment is drawn on the same bank account that you used for the original payment.
Other Form of Payment Your manual payment is not made by a check/cheque drawn on the same bank account that you used for the original payment.
Always select this method when you make manual payments in cash.
Cancel Payment Your payment cannot be reissued.
Always select this method when you want to identify cancelled payments so that you can exclude them from reconciliation.

You access the External/Manual Payments window from either the Assignment window or the QuickPay window. However:

Note: External/manual payments for child assignment actions are not visible when you first open the QuickPay window. For example, if you attempt to view existing external/manual payments for a supplemental run, it initially appears that no external manual payments exist. However, the external payments are held as a child assignment action. To view such payments in the QuickPay window, the full sequence is:

  1. From the assignment, navigate to the QuickPay window..

  2. Select the run date.

  3. Navigate to the QuickPay Pre-payments field.

  4. In the empty field, click the down arrow.

  5. Click External Payments. You can now see any external/manual payrments for the child assignment action.

To make a cheque/check payment to an employee

  1. Query the Payment Method field to see a list of any unpaid cash or cheque/check payments for the current assignment.

  2. Check the Pay check box for the payment methods you intend to pay manually. Enter the value of the payment and the cheque/check number.

  3. Supply a Reason for requesting manual payment. We recommend that you record your reason in the field provided rather than appending it to the cheque/check number details.

  4. Select Check Payment from the Same Bank Account as the Method. This selection ensures that your External/Manual payment is from the same bank account as the original payment method. Also, if you intend to reconcile this payment in Oracle Cash Management, you must select Check Payment from the Same Bank Account.

  5. Save your entry.

To make a cash payment to an employee

  1. Query the Payment Method to see a list of any unpaid cash, cheque or EFT payments for the current assignment.

  2. Check the Pay check box for the payment methods you intend to pay manually. Enter the value of the payment, and the cheque/check number for check/payments. However for all other types of payment, leave the cheque/check number blank.

  3. Supply a Reason for requesting manual payment. We recommend that you record your reason in the field provided rather than appending it to the cheque/check number details.

  4. Select Other Form of Payment as the Method. You must use this method for cash payments and for cheques/checks that do not originate from the same bank account as the initial payment method.

  5. Save your entry.

To prevent a voided payment from being reissued

  1. Query the Payment Method to see a list of any unpaid cash, cheque or EFT payments for the current assignment.

  2. Check the Pay check box for the payment methods you intend to pay manually. Enter the value of the payment.

  3. Supply a Reason for requesting manual payment. We recommend that you record your reason in the field provided rather than appending it to the cheque/check number details.

  4. Select Cancel Payment as the Method. The external payment prevents the payment from being reissued. You should then reverse the payroll run to complete the voiding of the payment.

  5. Save your entry.

RetroPay Processing

Overview of RetroPay Processing

Purpose of the RetroPay Process

Run the RetroPay process to ensure that your payroll run for the current period reflects any backdated payments or deductions. Backdated adjustments can occur when:

the picture is described in the document text

For example, at the start of the current pay period, this employee has a pay award backdated to pay period 1. The employee has not yet received any payments for this award. In the current pay period the employee is entitled to payments that represent the backdated amounts for:

You run your RetroPay process to ensure that the employee receives correct payment when you next run the payroll.

Period Earned is Distinct from Period Paid

the picture is described in the document text

When backdated payments occur, the accuracy of your subsequent payroll processing depends on distinguishing between:

the picture is described in the document text

For example, the taxation implications are different for:

The RetroPay Process Does Not Overwrite Your Historical Payment Records

the picture is described in the document text

You never overwrite historical payroll data when you run RetroPay. Although you recalculate all periods that have retroactive changes whenever you run a RetroPay, you never modify the stored results for these periods. Instead, you create one or more RetroPay entries to receive the process results.

Think of the RetroPay process as a calculator holding results in memory so that it can process a final set of results. The RetroPay process uses your historical results to calculate the changes for the current period. The results for your current period change, but your historical records remain unchanged.

Process RetroPay with Overlapping Periods

The RetroPay process recalculates payroll runs, balance adjustments and reversals from a particular date onwards, the start date of the recalculations. When you have retroactive changes overlapping another retroactive change, the application resets the start date to the earliest start date of the RetroPay processes and recalculates.

For example, you perform a RetroPay (RetroPay 1)for an assignment in period 3, with Payroll Runs being recalculated from a start date of period 1. In period 5, you perform another RetroPay (RetroPay 2) for the assignment with a start date of Period 3. The second RetroPay detects an overlap of RetroPays and sets the start date to the earliest start date.

In this case, the application sets the start date as Period 1. An overlapping override occurs to ensure that the balances are correct for the RetroPay process.

The processing of overlapping RetroPay results in an overall increase in time to process the RetroPay. If there are multiple overlaps, the increase in time is excessive.

the picture is described in the document text

RetroPay Processes Available in Oracle Payroll

Oracle Payroll provides several versions of RetroPay, for example Enhanced RetroPay, RetroPay by Element, and so on. However, in most situations, you only have access to a single version of RetroPay.

How To Identify Your Version of RetroPay

Navigate to the Submit Requests window, and search for RetroPay. Your search returns the name of the single version of RetroPay enabled for your use, for example, Enhanced RetroPay.

An exception occurs in transitional situations. If you are replacing RetroPay by Element with Enhanced RetroPay, the Submit Requests window enables you to select each version of RetroPay so that you can complete the transition.

Summary of Available RetroPay Processes

We recommend Enhanced RetroPay as the standard version of RetroPay for new customers to adopt. Older RetroPay versions do exist, and this table exists as reference so that you can distinguish between each version. In practice however, your System Administrator determines which version of RetroPay you can use, and you are unlikely to see any reference to RetroPay versions that are unavailable to you .

RetroPay Process Distinguishing Features
Enhanced RetroPay Enables you to
  • Identify the reasons for backdated changes to individual elements,

  • Reprocess an assignment from the exact point at which a change occurred rather than reprocessing the entire pay period because it contains a backdated change.

RetroPay by Element Enables you to identify the value of backdated changes for individual elements
RetroPay by Run Only for use with Oracle HRMS (Japan)
RetroPay (by Aggregate) Does not differentiate backdated payments at element entry level.
Produces a single aggregated RetroPay This is the original version of RetroPay. You can continue to use RetroPay (by Aggregate) but we recommend that new customers should implement Enhanced RetroPay rather than RetroPay (by Aggregate)

Implications of Migrating Between RetroPay Processes

You cannot run one category of RetroPay with data that you have already run on a different category of RetroPay. For example, if your localization has moved from RetroPay by Run to Enhanced RetroPay, you cannot use Enhanced RetroPay on data previously processed in RetroPay by Run.

When to Run the RetroPay Process

The RetroPay Process and the Payroll Cycle

the picture is described in the document text

It is important to run your RetroPay process at the correct point in the payroll cycle. Always run RetroPay immediately before you run a payroll, and, for greatest accuracy, as close to the cut-off date as possible. The cut-off date is the point at which all data entry for the payroll is complete.

The RetroPay Process Always Precedes a Payroll Run

the picture is described in the document text

The RetroPay process cannot occur after your payroll run. If you run your payroll and then discover further backdated adjustments you must hold them over until a later payroll period and run the RetroPay process in that subsequent payroll period.

Backdated Adjustments Are Always Paid in the First Open Payroll Period

the picture is described in the document text

When you run a RetroPay process in your current payroll period, any backdated adjustments are always paid in your current payroll period. So, a RetroPay process in period 5 calculates any backdated adjustments from periods 1 to 4, and marks them for payment in period 5.

You cannot stipulate that a RetroPay process in period 5 should withhold any resulting payments until a future pay period. For example, you cannot stipulate that a RetroPay run in period 5 should withhold payments until period 8.

If you want to use a future payroll period such as period 8 to make payments of backdated amounts for periods 1 to 4, then you must wait until period 8 before you run your RetroPay process.

Troubleshooting RetroPay

The most common RetroPay problems occur when the RetroPay process completes, but produces unexpected results.

Consult these tables for quick reference on common RetroPay difficulties and their solutions. The problem description links or refers to extra information where you need more details to solve a problem.

Troubleshooting Enhanced RetroPay and Retro-Notification

Problem Description What to Do
Enhanced RetroPay is not available when you expected it to be, or you do not have the Retro Components button on the Recalculation tab of the Elements window. This is a single problem - your localization has not implemented the legislation rule ADVANCED_RETRO.
View RetroPay Status does not display some of my expected choices Contact your System Administrator. The configuration of View RetroPay Status is determined at setup.
If the legislation rule RETRO_STATUS_USER_UPD is set to Y, then you have a choice when you view RetroPay status. You can either exclude the assignment from RetroPay processing (you select Deferred), or include it (you select Confirmed Awaiting Processing).
However, if RETRO_STATUS_USER_UPD is set to N, then the assignment is automatically included in the next RetroPay run (it displays in View RetroPay Status as Included Awaiting Processing).
After setting up Enhanced RetroPay for the United States, the Enhanced RetroPay run does not produce any results.
Also: the Retro-Notification report (Enhanced) for the United States does not record a salary change for an employee unless you add the changed details from View RetroPay Status.
In both cases:
Navigate to the Element window and ensure that the Default Component check box is checked.
The United States has one component only (RetroPay) and one reprocess type (Reprocess) - you must check the Default Component check box for the element.
RetroPay Element field is missing when Enhanced RetroPay is enabled. This is intended behavior.
The RetroPay Element field is hidden when Enhanced RetroPay is enabled.
You now add your RetroPay elements from the Retro Components button available from the Recalculation tab of the Elements window.
How do I know whether Enhanced RetroPay is enabled for my legislation? System Administrators can run the following SQL code to determine whether Enhanced RetroPay is enabled.
select * from pay_legislation_rules
where rule_type like '%ADVANCED%RETRO%'
and legislation_code = 'xx';
(Where "xx" is your legislation code).
If the SQL query returns a rule mode of Y, then Enhanced RetroPay is enabled for your legislation.

Troubleshooting Earlier Versions of RetroPay

Problem Description What To Do
RetroPay process element entry not generated for one or more assignments. Check that the element links exist, then check your RetroPay setup.
Unexpected value returned. Check your RetroPay setup.
Start and end times ignored. Check for a previous RetroPay run that overlaps with your current run. If there is an overlap, rerun a new RetroPay with dates that fully include the period processed by the earlier RetroPay.
RetroPay Warning: Process Log shows zero employees in error - did not create element entries for processed employees. Check that you are using the correct balance in the RetroPay set. If you are processing RetroPay within a single calendar year, choose a balance that represents gross pay for year to date. If your RetroPay spans two years, do not select a balance with the _YTD dimension.
Cannot use the Element Entries window to delete RetroPay generated elements. Roll back the RetroPay process, remove the unwanted assignments from the assignment set and then rerun RetroPay.

Note: The RetroPay process does not permit use of the Element Entries window to make these changes. This is expected behavior rather than an error.

RetroPay Error: APP-6370 Cannot create an entry past the termination rule date. The setup of your RetroPay element (specifically, the termination rule) does not enable you to process terminated employees. Remove the assignments of terminated employees from your assignment set and then rerun RetroPay.

Detailed Problem Resolutions

This section provides step-by-step solutions for more complex problems.

Check that the Element Links Exist, and then Check Your RetroPay Setup

If the RetroPay process does not generate a RetroPay element for one or more assignments, follow this sequence to correct the problem,:

  1. Check that there is a valid, current element link for each assignment in the RetroPay set. If the links do not exist, the RetroPay process can still calculate a retro-payment but cannot attribute the calculation results to an assignment.

  2. Check that RetroPay entries exist for this assignment. Do this by inspecting the log file for the HR_HRPROC_EE_NOT_CRE message and searching for the text Warning RetroPay has detected no change. This text indicates that RetroPay entries do not exist. There are no differences between the original payroll run and the RetroPay run.

  3. Check that your RetroPay setup correctly defines all the required balances. The RetroPay process always uses a balance to track the difference between an original entry and a retro entry. If retro-payments do not specifically feed your RetroPay balances, then the RetroPay process cannot identify that a retro-payment has occurred.

    Example (from U.K. Payroll)

    If you specify an NI balance in your RetroPay setup and then make changes to element entries that are not subject to tax or NI, your run results will be different when you compare the original run and the retro-paid run. However, the RetroPay element does not include these changes because it can only report on those differences that affect the NI balance.

  4. Confirm that your RetroPay element has a classification of Earnings. The Earnings classification ensures that you can pay the amounts identified by the RetroPay process. Other classifications, such as Information, do not allow you to make payments.

  5. Find out whether your RetroPay definition includes any Year to Date (_YTD) balances. If you run a RetroPay process that spans the end of year, you could see unexpected results if you are using _YTD balances. Errors occur because the payroll run clears the_YTD balance at the end of year in preparation for the next year.

  6. Check that there is a correct end date for the payment of RetroPay entries. Do this by View | Lists | Employees by Element to see whether the entry was created for an unexpected period. If this is the case, set the end date to the first date of the payroll period in which the RetroPay entry should be paid. For example, if you run RetroPay for June to September 2004 to pay back pay in October 2004, your start date should be 01-JUN-2005 and your end date 01-OCT-2005.

Check Your RetroPay Setup

If the RetroPay process returns an unexpected value follow this sequence to correct the problem,:

  1. Check the logic of the RetroPay setup to determine that you are feeding the correct balance and confirm that you are not feeding the correct balance more than once.

  2. Find out whether your RetroPay definition includes any Year to Date (_YTD) balances. If you run a RetroPay process that spans the end of year, you may see unexpected results if you are using _YTD balances. Errors occur because the payroll run clears the_YTD balance at the end of year in preparation for the next year.

  3. Establish whether there are changes elsewhere in the application that might impact the value of a balance. This can be a difficult area to identify because anything that feeds the balance specified in the RetroPay definition can potentially affect the RetroPay.

    In particular:

    • Balances like Gross Pay can reflect multiple changes to an assignment. These changes can affect the recalculated value of that assignment.

    • Generic changes such as updates to a formula can affects the results of associated elements, and introduce balance value changes that subsequently affect RetroPay values.

Setting Up Retro-Notification and RetroPay

Follow this process to set up the Retro-Notifications report, and the correct RetroPay process for your payroll.

    Set Up the RetroPay Component

  1. The RetroPay component determines the default style of RetroPay processing for your localization. For example, you can specify that your default style is Tax When Paid, rather than Tax When Earned .

    Note: The Tax When Paid Retro Style is available for China localization users only.

    You can use either of the following methods to set up your RetroPay component:

    Method How To Advantages
    Set Up the Organization DFF From the Additional Organizational Information window:
    1. Select Retro Component Usages.

    2. Select the Tax Area.

    3. Enter a Retro Style, for example, Tax When Paid.

    4. Enter an Effective Start Date.

    5. Enter an Effective Date.

    6. Choose OK to confirm your choices.

    Processing the retrospective payments for all employees in the same style is a faster alternative than setting up details at the element level for each assignment.
    This method does not prevent you from making changes for individual assignments when you view RetroPay status.
    Set Up Retro Components and Spans at Element Level From the Element window:
    1. Query the element.

    2. Choose the Recalculation tab.

      South African users: Select the predefined ZA Statutory Updates event group from the list of values in the Recalculation Events field. Alternatively, you can create and attach an event group of your choice.

    3. Choose the Retro Components button.

      Important: Do not enable the Retro Component of the elements that are themselves being used to process retropay for another element.

    4. Select a Recalculation Reason.

    5. Select a Reprocess Type.

    6. Select an Element Span to indicate the start date and end date on which you want to report.

    You can modify entries at element level to make exceptions for particular assignments.

    Note: Your localization may advocate one of these as the preferred method.

  2. Set Up the Retro-Notifications Report

  3. Determine whether a retrospective change in Oracle Payroll will appear in the Retro-Notifications report. Set up an event group to contain all the retrospective change events that you want to record.

    See: Setting Up the Retro-Notifications Report

  4. Set Up Your RetroPay Process

  5. Although Enhanced RetroPay is the recommended RetroPay process for most localizations, your System Administrator can also set up these earlier versions of RetroPay.

    See: Setting Up RetroPay by Element

    See: Setting Up RetroPay by Run and RetroPay (by Aggregate)

Setting Up the Retro-Notifications Report

You use the Retro-Notifications report to identify any changes that have a retrospective effect for payrolls that you have already run. You can define the relevant types of change by setting up an event group to specify the changes. Follow these steps to set up the Retro-Notifications report:

To enable dynamic triggers

  1. Navigate to the Dynamic Triggers window.

  2. Enable any dynamic triggers that the application generates. It is important to enable these triggers to ensure your payroll processing updates each database table correctly. The recommended minimum list of triggers to enable for the Retro-Notifications report is as follows:

    Table Name Trigger Type

To define an event group

  1. Navigate to the Table Event Group window.

  2. Enter a name for your Event Group, for example, Retro-Notification Events.

  3. Select Retro as your event groups type.

  4. Save your entries.

  5. Select the events that will produce notification if retrospective changes occur. Specify the following information to identify the type of update and the database table to which it applies:

    • Update Type

    • Base Table Name

    • Column Name

    For example:

    Update Type Table Column Name
    DateTrack End Date PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F  
    DateTrack Insert PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F  
    DateTrack Delete PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F  

To enable the Incident Register

  1. Navigate to the Functional Area Maintenance window.

  2. Query the Incident Register and ensure that you have triggers defined.

  3. Decide whether to capture the triggers by legislation, business group, or payroll. Navigate to each tab to make your selection.

Setting Up RetroPay by Element

RetroPay by Element is the recommended RetroPay process for most localizations, and is required if you use Enhanced RetroPay.

To set up RetroPay by Element:

  1. Create the retroactive element. The recommended settings are:

    • Non-recurring

    • Multiple entries allowed

    View this element in the RetroPay field of the Element Description window. By default, retroactive elements use the same name as the element that they represent, but you can change this name for user-defined elements.

  2. Enter retroactive changes using DateTrack.

  3. Create assignment and element sets including the assignments and elements for retroactive processing. The element set type is Run Set.

    Note: North American HRMS: For earnings elements defined as Reduce Regular, include the Special Features element in the element set.

    Use one of two methods to create your assignment set:

    • Use the Assignment Set window. This method is useful when you have a few employees to include in a RetroPay run and you are confident that you can identify all the employees that you want to include.

    See: Creating an Assignment Set

    • Run the Retro-Notifications report to automatically generate an assignment set of all employees with retrospective changes.. This method is useful if you want to be certain that your assignment set includes all potential changes. You can edit this assignment set to add and remove assignments.

    See: Running the Retro-Notifications Report

Setting Up RetroPay by Run and RetroPay (by Aggregate)

You should consider setting up Enhanced RetroPay in preference to RetroPay by Run or RetroPay (by Aggregate). However, we include setup information on these older types of RetroPay as reference.

To set up the RetroPay process for RetroPay (by Aggregate) and RetroPay by Run

Each step applies to both RetroPay (by Aggregate) and RetroPay by Run unless explicitly indicated otherwise.

  1. Create an assignment set to define the set of employee assignments that you want to change. There are two methods of doing this:

    • Use the Assignment Set window. This method is useful when you have a few employees to include in a RetroPay run and you are confident that you can identify all the employees that you want to include.

    See: Assignment Sets

    • Run the Retro-Notifications report to automatically generate an assignment set of all employees with retrospective changes. This method is useful if you want to be certain that your assignment set includes all potential changes. You can edit this assignment set to add and remove assignments.

    See: Running the Retro-Notifications Report

  2. In the Element Entries window, make the necessary date effective updates to element entry values for each employee assignment in the set.

    See: Making Manual Element Entries, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  3. Make other changes if necessary to salary information or to other database values relevant to the backdated changes.

  4. In the Element window, define the RetroPay elements you require to receive entries of the retroactive adjustments. Your definition must include the following:

    • An appropriate element classification such as Earnings or Voluntary Deduction (not Information)

    • The processing type Nonrecurring

    • The rule Multiple Entries Allowed

    • Input values with these names:

      • Pay value

      • Start date (not necessary for RetroPay by Run)

      • End date (not necessary for RetroPay by Run)

    See: Defining an Element (Payroll Users), Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  5. In the Element Link window, link the element to define your eligibility criteria.

    See: Defining Element Links, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

To create a RetroPay set

  1. In the RetroPay Set window, enter a name and a description for the RetroPay set you are creating. Save this information before moving to the next block.

  2. Select the balance in which the RetroPay process will create new values, such as Gross Pay to Date. You can select more than one balance. However, for RetroPay by Run the balance dimension must always be ASG_RETRO_RUN.

    For RetroPay (by Aggregate), if you plan to run the process over several past payroll periods, check that you are not going through an end of year or similar period where the application resets balance totals to zero. If necessary, adjust the balance dimension span to ITD.

  3. Select the RetroPay element you have defined to receive the values of the updated balance.

  4. Select an input value for the element. Normally this value is Pay Value, but you can also calculate RetroPay hours by including an Hours input value.

Setting Up Enhanced RetroPay with Component Usages and Element Time Spans

Enhanced RetroPay is the default RetroPay processing method for Mexico, and it uses the Full RetroPay component. Enhanced RetroPay enables you to deal with any earnings changes made in the previous or current year. To carry out RetroPay processing, for every earnings element defined, you must create a RetroPay element and set it up to process once per period. You set up RetroPay component usages to define how RetroPay processes the component. For each of these components, you define an element time span to specify the start and end dates of the retro processing.

Defining RetroPay Earnings Elements

You enter element information in the Element Design Wizard.

  1. Define your salary element with the primary classification of Earnings.

  2. Click Balance Feed Control.

  3. In the Balance Feed Control region, select the appropriate element classifications from the list of values.

  4. Save your changes and close the Balance Feed Control window.

  5. In the Element Design window, choose Balance Feeds to view the resulting balances feeding the element.

  6. Define the RetroPay element.

  7. Click Balance Feeds to view the resulting balances feeding the element.

  8. Save your work.

    You can now set up your RetroPay components and element span usages.

Setting Up RetroPay Component Usages

RetroPay component usages assign the components to the salary elements you created, ensuring all the elements recalculate with the latest values.

  1. Query your defined salary element, in the Element window.

  2. Select the Recalculation tab, and click Retro Components.

    The RetroPay Elements window opens.

  3. In the Retro Component region, choose the component field and an appropriate component from the list of values.

  4. Select the Reprocess Type. You have two options:

    • Static: RetroPay does not process any changes to the element when running the relevant component.

    • Reprocess: RetroPay always processes the element changes.

  5. Save your work.

    You can now enter the element time spans.

    Example of a full RetroPay component set up for an Earnings element
    Element Component Name Reprocess Type Comments
    User Defined Element Standard Reprocess Retro Earnings
    Example of a replacement RetroPay component set up for an Earnings element
    Element Component Name Reprocess Type Replace Run Use Override Dates
    User Defined Element Replacement Reprocess Yes Yes

Setting Up Element Span Usages for Earnings Elements

The element time span usages defines the start and end dates for RetroPay processing. Most elements have the standard time span of Start of Current Year to End of Time already assigned, to cover any changes made in the current year. For each Earnings element with a defined RetroPay component usage, you must define element span usages. These element span usages define not only how far back processing should cover, but also up to where a particular RetroPay element carries forward the retro changes. You must define your RetroPay elements and components before defining the element time spans.

Set up the Element Span Usages in the Retropay Elements window.

  1. Query your defined salary element in the Element window.

  2. Select the Recalculation tab, and click Retro Components.

  3. In the RetroPay Elements region, to define the time period the RetroPay element is covering, select the appropriate time spans from the From and To fields.

  4. Save your work.

    Example of Earnings element span definitions for both standard and replacement components
    Element Component Span From Span To RetroPay Element
    User Defined Element Standard Start of Time End of Previous Year Retro Earnings Previous Year
    User Defined Element Standard Start of Current Year End of Time Retro Earnings Current Year
    User Defined Element Replacement Start of Current Year End of Time Retro Earnings Current Year
    User Defined Element Replacement Start of Time End of Previous Year Retro Earnings Previous Year

Understanding the Sequence of Your RetroPay Activities

the picture is described in the document text

Follow this sequence to:

  1. Identify outstanding backdated adjustments

  2. Monitor and control the processing of backdated adjustments

  3. Include backdated adjustments in your next payroll run.

You can only run the Retro-Notifications report and view RetroPay status if you are using RetroPay by Element, or the version of RetroPay by Element sometimes referred to as Advanced or Enhanced RetroPay.

This sequence does not apply to RetroPay by Run and RetroPay (by Aggregate)

    Run the Retro-Notifications Report

  1. Run the Retro-Notifications report to identify any backdated changes that have not been included in a payroll run.

    You can save your summary of backdated changes into either an assignment set or an event group.

    Once you have identified the retrospective changes, you can then decide whether to include them in your RetroPay process.

    The Enhanced Retro-Notifications report uses the Payroll Events Model to identify what changes have occurred to your underlying data. If these changes correspond to the retrospective types of change that you want to be notified about, then these changes appear on the Retro-Notifications report.

    See: Setting Up Retro-Notification and RetroPay

    See: Running the Retro-Notifications Report

  2. View RetroPay Status and History

  3. Once you have identified unprocessed retrospective payments, you can determine how you want to process these changes.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Retro-Notifications report identifies the assignments with backdated adjustments. If you defer, then the assignment is not included when you next run RetroPay.

    You can also include additional assignments that the Retro-Notifications report did not identify. This typically occurs when you discover additional backdated adjustments that were not known about when you ran the Retro-Notifications report.

    The following diagram shows the sequence of statuses for each RetroPay status:

    the picture is described in the document text

    Once RetroPay processing begins, the initial status changes to an intermediate status of Processing.

    You can query all retro assignments that are at the initial (outstanding) status, and all retro assignments at the final (completed) status.

    The following diagram shows what statuses are included when your query All Outstanding, and All Completed:

    the picture is described in the document text

    See: Viewing RetroPay Status and History

  4. Run the RetroPay Process

  5. You enable Oracle Payroll to make retrospective adjustments for the combination of changes identified on the Retro-Notifications report, and subsequently modified when viewing RetroPay status.

    See: Running Enhanced RetroPay

    See: Running RetroPay by Element

    RetroPay by Element already enables you to distribute retrospective payments across individual elements.

    If you have Enhanced RetroPay you can decide whether each retrospective payment requires:

    • A full reprocessing in which you recalculate all amounts for the current payroll. This option is typical when you are processing backdated payments, or when you want to deduct tax for backdated amounts in the period when it was earned, rather than in the current payroll period.

    • A limited reprocessing in which you recalculate only some of the amounts for the current payroll. This option is typical when you are processing corrections, or when you want to deduct tax for retrospective changes in the current payroll period rather than in the period when it was earned.

    Components for RetroPay

    Oracle Payroll describes each different type of Enhanced RetroPay run as a component. For example, you could set up a component Earnings Correction for the element Basic Salary. A component always has:

    • A name (for example, Earnings Correction)

    • A reprocess type (Static, Partial, Reprocess) to determine how to process the component

    Element Spans for RetroPay

    You can also attach element spans to your selected element. An element span provides a start and end date for retrospective processing.

    See Setting Up Retro-Notification and RetroPay

  6. Verify Your RetroPay Results

  7. When you have run the RetroPay process, verify your results and correct any errors.

  8. Run Your Payroll

  9. Finally, run your payroll to reflect the adjustments that you have made for the retrospective payments.

Viewing RetroPay Status and History

You use the RetroPay Status window to control how you want to process changes that have a retrospective impact. You typically find outstanding retrospective changes where changes are entered in Self-Service HRMS independently of Oracle Payroll.

Use the RetroPay Status window to:

You can still use the Retro-Notifications report to identify all outstanding retrospective changes that have not been applied, and group them into an assignment set ready for processing.

See: Running the Retro-Notifications Report

However, the advantage of using the RetroPay Status window is that you can identify what you want to process, or exclude from processing, and then mark your selections for completion.

To search for assignments that have retrospective changes

  1. Select the search criteria for assignments that you want to view. If you do not select any criteria, then your search returns all assignments that have retrospective changes. You can search for any of these criteria:

    Name: Specify a name, or search for all names.

    Assignment Number: Specify an assignment or search for all assignments.

    Recalculation Date: Use this start date and end date to determine the period for retrospective changes.

    Status: Select the status that you want to identify.

    • All Completed. This status displays all assignments with retrospective implications that are already processed.

    • All Outstanding. This status displays all assignments with retrospective implications that are not yet processed.

    • Awaiting Processing. This status indicates that this assignment has cleared for processing and that the processing will occur in the next payroll run.

    • Completed. This status indicates that this assignment has now been processed.

    • Completed – Deferred Forever. This status indicates that the retro assignments created by the system are deferred forever. The action of the retro assignment (RETRO_ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID) is to changed to –1. The retro assignments are not processed in the future nor reported with the new status.

    • Deferred. This status indicates that an assignment was scheduled for processing, but that the processing was deferred and will not occur until you change the status.

    • Processing. This status indicates that an assignment is being processed.

    Recalculation Reason: This criterion indicates why retrospective processing is necessary and enables you to search particular categories of retrospective change to process them independently of other retrospective changes.

  2. Click Go when you have selected all your search criteria.

To change the status of an assignment

You typically change the status of an assignment when you want to defer processing that was previously scheduled, or to indicate that you have already processed this change even though it was automatically scheduled.

  1. Select the assignment that you want to change.

  2. Select the new status for the assignment from the Change Status list of values.

  3. Click Change Status.

To view the elements included on each assignment

  1. Select the assignment name in the Name column.

  2. View the elements for this assignment, and the Recalculation Reason for each element.

To update or delete elements for each assignment

  1. Select the assignment name.

  2. Click Update to add an element to the assignment.

  3. Click Delete to remove an element from the assignment.

To confirm that your specified requests have been processed

  1. Query the individual assignment, but leave the status field blank.

  2. Alternatively, query all assignments with a status of All Completed or All Outstanding and check the details for your individual assignment.

Running the Retro-Notifications Report

Use the Retro-Notifications report to

Retro-Notification information is particularly useful when changes with retrospective impact are entered in Self Service HRMS independently of the Payroll department.

The Retro-Notifications report does not perform any RetroPay processing. It only identifies element entries that have changed. You must still run your RetroPay process separately to process these changes. When you produce the assignment set, or event group, you can decide whether to:

You can use the RetroPay Status window to schedule automatic processing.

You run the Retro-Notifications report from the Submit Processes and Reports window.

To run the Retro-Notifications report

  1. Select Retro-Notifications report in the Name field. If the parameters window does not open automatically, click in the Parameters field to open it.

  2. Select the payroll. You can only run this report for a single payroll.

  3. Select the last Report Period that you want to run the report for. The List of Values contains all periods for your selected payroll. The report runs for all periods up to and including the one you select.

  4. Select an Event Group for the report to use. You can only run this report for a single event group. A default event group captures changes made at element level, but you can override the default, if, for example, you are testing your initial setup.

  5. Enter the name of the Assignment Set that you want the report to generate. You can use this assignment set as a starting point for further processing of the assignments identified in the report.

    Note: The assignment set name generated by the report will include what you enter in the Generated Assignment Set field followed by the Report ID.

  6. If you want to produce this report in Portable Document Format, (PDF), select a template.

  7. Select OK and Submit.

    When you have generated the assignment set remember to run your RetroPay process for those retrospective changes that you want to process. You can either run your RetroPay process directly or, if your RetroPay process is RetroPay by Element, or Enhanced RetroPay you can use the RetroPay Status window to schedule your processing.

Running the Retro-Notifications Report (Enhanced and Enhanced PDF)

Use this report to

This information is particularly useful when changes with retrospective impact are entered in Self Service HRMS independently of the Payroll department.

The Retro-Notifications report does not perform any RetroPay processing. It only identifies element entries that have changed. You must still run your RetroPay process separately to process these changes. When you produce the assignment set, or event group, you can decide whether to:

You can use the RetroPay Status window to schedule automatic processing.

You run the Retro-Notifications (Enhanced) report from the Submit Processes and Reports window.

To run the Retro-Notifications (Enhanced) report

  1. Select the payroll. You can only run this report for a single payroll

  2. If you want to see the retro-notifications for a particular event group, select an overriding event group.

  3. If you are running the PDF-enabled version of this report, select a template for your PDF output.

  4. Select OK, and submit.

Running Enhanced RetroPay

Use the Enhanced RetroPay process to distribute backdated amounts or corrections that you have identified from the Retro-Notifications report.

You run the Enhanced RetroPay process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Enhanced RetroPay process

  1. Enter an effective date to indicate the date from which you want to create the retrospective elements for Enhanced RetroPay process.

  2. Select the payroll.

  3. If you want to create retrospective entries in a different pay period other than effective date, enter an entry creation date. The application creates retrospective entries in the pay period in which the Entry Creation Date occurs.

    If you leave this field blank, the application creates the default retrospective entries as of Effective Date.

  4. Click Submit

Running RetroPay by Element

Use the RetroPay by Element process to distribute backdated amounts or corrections that you have identified from the Retro-Notifications report.

You run the RetroPay by Element process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the RetroPay by Element process

  1. Select an assignment set.

  2. Select an element set.

  3. Select a start date and end date.

    The end date must be within the current payroll period and must have a date after the latest effective check/cheque date.

  4. Click Submit

    Oracle Payroll temporarily rolls back and reprocesses all the payrolls for all assignments included in the assignment set from the start date specified. The application compares the old balance values with the new ones, and creates entry values for the RetroPay elements based on the difference.

    These entries are processed for the assignments in the subsequent payroll run for your current period.

    There are no changes to your audited payroll data.

Running RetroPay by Run or by Aggregate

You run the RetroPay processes in the Submit Requests window.

To run the RetroPay processes

  1. In the Name field, select your RetroPay process.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the assignment set.

  3. Select the RetroPay set.

  4. Enter the start date and end date for the recalculation. The default end date is the current date. The application will create the RetroPay element in the payroll period that includes the current date.

    The end date must be within the current payroll period and must have a date after the latest effective check/cheque date. If you already processed a run for the pay period, for example, because of an earlier supplemental run, you cannot include the RetroPay elements for the current regular payroll run. To process these RetroPay elements you must include them in the subsequent run.

  5. Click Submit.

    Oracle Payroll temporarily rolls back and reprocesses all the payrolls for all assignments included in the assignment set from the start date specified. The application compares the old balance values with the new ones and creates entry values for the RetroPay elements based on the difference.

    These entries are processed for the assignments in the subsequent payroll run for your current period.

    There are no changes to your audited payroll data.

Advance Pay

Advance Pay Process

The Advance Pay process enables you to pay employees in advance for holidays or other events. The process performs payroll runs for the periods to be advanced, using all date effective information in place, and stores the final net figure as the amount to be advanced.

You can always represent Advance Pay as a single consolidated amount. However, if your legislation has the Advance Pay by Element process enabled, then you can also calculate and display the total amount of Advance Pay for constituent elements in the overall total.

Note: If you do have the choice of using both the Advance Pay process and the Advance Pay by Element process you should note that these processes cannot be overlapped, That is you cannot:

The advance pay period is the period of the holiday or event for which the advance payment is being made. More accurately, it is the total number of payroll periods covering the event. Regular payroll processing continues for the employee during the advance pay period. The amount advanced is progressively recovered in each regular payroll run, and the following actions are also carried out as appropriate:

You can make advance payments for any pay period types, but the most likely ones are weekly or biweekly. You set the maximum number of periods that can be advanced when you define the payroll.

Setting Up Advance Pay for Individual Assignments

To set up advance pay for single assignments

  1. Select the assignment to receive the payment and navigate to the Advance Pay window.

    The arrears check box appears checked if the assignment is linked to an arrears payroll.

  2. In the From field, select the start date of the holiday or other event for which you are making the advance payment. Oracle Payroll replaces the date you enter by the first date of the pay period in which it falls.

    At the same time the Payment Date field displays the date for making the advance payment to the employee. This date defaults to the last day of the pay period immediately preceding the start of the advance pay period. You can manually alter this date to the last day of the preceding pay period if you require.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • In the Periods field, enter the number of pay periods covering the advance pay period.

    • In the To field, select the end date of the advance. The system automatically replaces the date you enter by the last date of the pay period in which it falls.

  4. Check the Defer check box if you want any net payment amounts to be deferred to the pay period following the recovery of the advance. If you do not check Defer, such payments will be made in the pay period they are earned according to the normal payment method for the assignment.

  5. Save the entries you have made.

    The Advance region now displays the period for which the Advance Payment element is entered for the assignment. For arrears payrolls this is one period later than the event period. For other payrolls this period is the same as the event period.

Setting Up Advance Pay for Batch Assignments

To set up advance pay for batch assignments

  1. In the Name field select Advance Pay Batch Setup. Then enter the parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  2. Select the payroll for which you want to run the process, then the advance start period, then the advance end period. These are the first and last pay periods of the advance pay period.

    The advance end period list displays the maximum number of pay periods that can be advanced for the payroll you select.

  3. Select Yes or No to flag whether you want to defer any net payments that accrue during the advance pay period.

  4. Select the assignment set for which you want to run the process.

  5. Select the payment date for the advance. This date defaults to the last day of the pay period immediately preceding the start of the advance pay period. You can move this date back by one pay period if required.

  6. Select Yes for BEE transfer if you want the batches that the process creates to be transferred to the database automatically. Select No if you want to transfer the batches manually.

  7. Enter a unique header name for your batch process. This name is used as a base header name for each BEE batch created. For each batch, the system appends an underscore and an incrementing number, for example, _1, _2.

    This is a mandatory field whether you select Yes or No in the BEE Transfer field.

  8. Save your entries.

Running the Advance Pay Listing Report

This report gives information about the advance pay periods for employees due to receive advance pay. The report can be used to detect whether there are assignments with Advance Pay entries during a particular payroll period.

The report lists the following information:

You run this report in the Submit Requests window.

To run the Advance Pay Listing

  1. In the Name field select Advance Pay. Then enter the parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  2. In the Summary Version field select No for the full version of the listing, or Yes for the summary version only.

  3. Enter a date range for the period in which you want to see information.

  4. You can restrict the information to a particular payroll by entering the payroll name. If you leave the Payroll field blank, the report shows information for the whole Business Group.

  5. If you want to produce this report in Portable Document Format (PDF), select a template.

  6. Choose the Submit button.

Running Advance Pay

Use the Advance Pay process window to run the Advance Pay process.

To run the Advance Pay process

  1. In the Name field select Advance Pay. Then enter the parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  2. Select the payroll for whose assignments you are running the process.

  3. Enter the effective date of the process. This should be the date on which you intend to pay the advance.

  4. Select an element set if you want to exclude items from the calculation. For example, you may want to exclude some pay elements, such as expenses, from the Advance Pay run.

  5. Choose the Submit button.

Running the Advance Pay Process

Use the Advance Pay process to pay employees in advance for holidays or other events.

You may need to do each of the following to run the Advance Pay process.

  1. Set Up Advance Pay for Individual Assignments (if applicable).

  2. Set Up Advance Pay for Batch Assignments (if applicable).

  3. Run the Advance Pay Listing Report

  4. Run the Advance Pay Process

  5. View the results of the Advance Pay process

Running Advance Pay by Element

You run the Advance Pay by Element process from the Submit Requests window. This process may not be available for all legislations.

To run the Advance Pay by Element process

  1. In the Name field, select Advance Pay by Element. The Parameters window displays automatically and you can provide details as follows:

    • Select the Payroll for which you want to run Advance Pay by Element.

    • Enter the Effective Date of the payroll.

    • Enter the Advance End Date - this is the date at which you want the Advance Pay processing to terminate.

    • Select the Assignment Set to which the Advance Pay by Element calculation applies.

    • Select an Element Set Name if you want to specify that Advance Pay processing should only apply to some elements on this assignment. Otherwise, leave this entry blank if you want to process all the elements for this assignment.

  2. Choose the Submit button

Viewing the Results of the Advance Pay Process

You can view the results of the Advance Pay in the Advance Pay window.

To view the results of the Advance Pay process

Exception Reporting

Payroll Exception Reporting: Overview

You run exception reports immediately after the payroll run to identify potential overpayments or underpayments. This helps you to avoid corrections when you accidentally make an incorrect payment. For ease of use, you can do each of the following to control the output and definition of your exception reports:

Examples of Exception Reporting Criteria

You must always select a balance and a balance dimension for exception reporting. This table lists additional criteria that you must define, explains what each one means, and gives an example to illustrate how you use them:

Exception Criterion What it Identifies Example
Comparison Type The period against which you want to compare when determining whether an exception has occurred Average in Months
Comparison Value This is a numerical value to determine how averages are calculated when you are using an average as your basis for comparison If you select 3 as the comparison value for a comparison type of Average in Months, then you are comparing the current month with the average of the previous 3 months.
Variance Type The category of variance that you want to report on. Either Percentage or Amount
Variance Value The magnitude of overpayment or underpayment that you want to report on. Variance Value of 500 If Amount is your variance type, and you are reporting on a total amount of 5000, then a variance value of 500 means that amounts greater than 5500 are regarded as overpayments and amounts less than 4500 are regarded as underpayments.
Variance Operator The precise range of variance that you want to report on. You can use variance operators to specify that you are only interested in a particular section of the range defined by the variance value. Greater than, Less than, Equal

These are only examples. There is an extensive list of comparison types and variance operators enabling you to set the required degree of precision for your own reports.

See Comparison Types for Exception Reporting

See Variance Operators and How You Can Use Them

Exception reporting activities are as follows:

Setting Up Exception Reports

Running Exception Reports

Examples of Exception Report Setup

This topic explains what values to include if you want to:

Setting Up an Exception Report to Show Net Pay Amounts Greater Than 5000

To show Net Pay Amounts greater than 5000, set up your report with these values:

Exception Criterion Values
Balance Net
Dimension Assignment Period-to-date
Comparison Type Current Period
Comparison Value 0
Variance Type Amount
Variance Operator Greater Than
Variance Value 5000
Output Format Spreadsheet (CSV)

Derive the Total Payments For Your Employee Population

To derive the total payments for your organization, make these entries to produce a spreadsheet listing all assignments and then sum them to derive the total payments for your employee population

Exception Criterion Values
Balance Net
Dimension Assignment Period-to-date
Comparison Type Current Period
Comparison Value 0
Variance Type Amount
Variance Operator Equal
Variance Value 0
Output Format Spreadsheet (CSV)

Running the Payroll Message Report

You run the report in the Submit Requests window.

To run the Payroll Message Report

  1. In the Name field, select the report name. Then enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  2. Select the name of the payroll for which you want to see messages.

    This is the only required field. If you leave the next three fields blank the system brings back all messages for all processes connected to this payroll in all periods.

  3. Select a payroll period for which to view messages.

    This restricts payroll messages to the period you select.

  4. Select a payroll process type.

    This restricts payroll messages to the payroll process type you select. All messages for all runs of this process during the period selected are returned.

  5. Select a payroll process.

    This restricts payroll messages to one instance of the payroll process type selected. If you leave the Process Type field blank you can choose one instance of any payroll process for the period selected.

  6. Select a message severity level for the messages in the report, or leave the field blank to see messages of all levels of severity.

  7. Select assignment number or employee name as sort criteria for the report. The default is employee name.

  8. If you want to produce this report in Portable Document Format, (PDF), select a template.

  9. Choose the Submit button.

Reconciling Payments

You can use Oracle Payroll in combination with Oracle Cash Management to verify that payments have been processed. The process is:

  1. Import the bank statement. You do this in Oracle Cash Management.

  2. Run the automatic reconciliations process. You do this from Oracle Cash Management.

  3. View the results of the reconciliation process. You can do this either through Oracle Payroll, or Oracle Cash Management.

    Note: For US only: For EFT or NACHA payments to be reconciled in Oracle Cash Management, the following 3 pieces of data are checked: amount, transaction date and batch name (file ID + company ID). Manual reconciliation will check amount and transaction date only.

    To do this in Oracle Payroll, see Viewing Payroll Process Results

    In Oracle Cash Management, you can view the following reports:

    • Available Transactions report

    • AutoReconciliation Execution report

  4. Identify any payments that are marked in error, and reconcile them manually.

    Note: If you are using Oracle Payroll with Oracle Cash Management for the reconciliation of payments then you will need to set up accounting reference data when you are setting up Oracle Cash Management

    See Accounting Reference Information for Cash Management Integration, Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide

Setting Up Exception Reports

You use exception reports to identify potential overpayments or underpayments before they occur. You can specify the amount, or percentage that will cause an exception to be noted. If you run your exception reports immediately after the payroll run you can identify discrepancies and avoid the retrospective corrections necessary when a wrong payment has already been made.

To create an exception report

Use the Exception Reports window to create an exception report.

  1. Select Add Another Row

  2. Enter the report name. You can enter any name that meets your reporting requirements - there is no standard format.

  3. Select the balance that you want to report on. You can enter a predefined, or user-defined balance.

  4. Select the balance dimension that you want to report on. Some dimensions apply only to particular localizations. There are some dimensions that you must select when you choose a particular comparison type:

    Balance Dimension When to Select these Dimensions
    _ASG_MONTH, _PER_MONTH You must select one of these dimensions if you want to use the Average in Months comparison type. These dimensions are not available for Japanese and Australian Payroll.
    _PER_QTD, _ASG_QTD You must select one of these dimensions if you want to use the Average in Quarters comparison type. These dimensions are not available for Japanese Payroll. The _PER_QTD dimension is not available for Australian Payroll.
    _PTD You must select this dimension for the comparison types Average of Previous Periods, Average of Previous Paid Periods, Average of Total Periods in Days, and Average of Paid Periods in Days. This dimension is not available for Japanese Payroll.
    _ASG_MTD_JP You must select this dimension if you want to use the Average in Months comparison type. This dimension is available for Japanese Payroll only.
    _ASG_QTD_JP You must select this dimension if you want to use the Average in Quarters comparison type. This dimension is available for Japanese Payroll only.
    ASG_PROC_PTD You must select this dimension for the comparison types Average of Previous Periods, Average of Previous Paid Periods, Average of Total Periods in Days, and Average of Paid Periods in Days. This dimension is available for Japanese Payroll only.
    _ASG_MTD You must select this dimension if you want to use the Average in Months comparison type. This dimension is available for Australian Payroll only.
    _ASG_PTD You must select this dimension for the comparison types Average of Previous Periods, Average of Previous Paid Periods, Average of Total Periods in Days, and Average of Paid Periods in Days. This dimension is available for Australian Payroll only.
    _ASG_YTD You must select this dimension if you want to use the Current Year or Previous Year comparison type. This dimension is available for Australian Payroll only.
    _ASG_LE_MTD You must select this dimension if you want to use the Average in Months comparison type for a legal employer. This dimension is available for Australian Payroll only.
    _ASG_LE_PTD You must select this dimension for the comparison types Average of Previous Periods, Average of Previous Paid Periods, Average of Total Periods in Days, and Average of Paid Periods in Days for a legal employer. This dimension is available for Australian Payroll only.
    _ASG_LE_QTD You must select this dimension if you want to use the Average in Quarters comparison type for a legal employer. This dimension is available for Australian Payroll only.
    _ASG_LE_YTD You must select this dimension if you want to use the Current Year or Previous Year comparison type for a legal employer. This dimension is available for Australian Payroll only.
  5. Select the comparison type.

Comparison Types for Exception Reporting

This table lists each comparison type that you can select and explains how it operates as a basis of comparison:

Comparison Type How it Operates as a Basis of Comparison
Current Period Identifies any exceptions within the current payroll period. Does not use any previous period as a basis for comparison.
Previous Period Uses the previous period as a basis of comparison.
Previous Month Uses the previous month as a basis of comparison.
Previous Quarter Uses the previous quarter as a basis of comparison.
Previous Year Uses the previous year as a basis of comparison.
Average in Months Compares the current month-to-date with the average of previous months-to-date. Only available if you have the balance dimensions ASG_MONTH or _PER_MONTH.
Average in Quarters Compares the current quarter-to-date with the average of previous quarters-to-date. Only available if you have the balance dimensions _PER_QTD or _ASG_QTD.
Average of Paid Periods in Days Compares the current period with the number of previous pay period included within the specified number of days. However, only includes those pay periods in which an employee actually received payment. Only available for _PTD dimensions.
Average of Previous Paid Periods Compares the current period with the number of previous periods in which the employee actually received payment for _PTD dimensions only.
Average of Previous Periods Compares the current period with previous periods for _PTD dimensions only.
Average of Total Periods in Days Compares the current period with the number of previous pay periods included within the specified number of days. Only available for _PTD dimensions.
  1. Enter your comparison value. For example, if you select 3, when your comparison type is Average in Quarters, this means that your current quarter is compared to the average of the previous three quarters.

    Some comparison values are preset and you cannot change them:

    • Current period always has a comparison value of 0.

    • Previous Period, Previous Month, Previous Quarter and Previous Year all have a comparison value of 1.

  2. Select your variance type. This must be either percentage or amount.

  3. Enter a variance operator.

Variance Operators and How You Can Use Them

You can choose one of the following variance operators. The Exception Reporting Output column indicates the effect of selecting each variance operator assuming that:

Variance Operator Exception Report Output
Variance (+/-) All assignments that either exceed or are less than the previous period amount by the amount or percentage stated in the variance value. Therefore, Variance Value (+/-) returns all assignments having a value between 9000 and 11000.
Less than All assignments that are less than the previous period amount by the amount or percentage stated in the variance value. Therefore, Less than returns all assignments having a value of less than 9000.
Less than or equal All assignments with a current value either equal to or less than the previous period amount by the amount or percentage stated in the variance value. Therefore,Less than or equal returns all assignments having a value of 9000 or less.
Equal All values that are exactly equal to the higher limit or the lower limit of the variance value. Therefore, Equal returns all assignments having a current value equal to 9000 or 11000.
Greater than All assignments that are greater than the previous period amount by the amount or percentage stated in the variance value. Therefore, Greater than returns all assignments having a value of more than 11000.
Greater than or equal All assignments with a current value either equal to or greater than the previous period amount by the amount or percentage stated in the variance value. Therefore, Greater than or equal returns all assignments having a value of 11000 or more.
  1. Enter a variance value, unless your comparison type is previous payroll period.

    For all other comparison types you can specify the exact percentage, or the numerical value depending on which variance type you choose. In subsequent exception reports you can change your variance values in the SRS window when you are running the report.

    For examples of how to set exception reporting to identify particular exceptions, see Examples of Exception Report Setup.

Grouping Exception Reports

Use the Exception Report window to group together a selection of exception reports so that they can be run in a single operation. You can include the same exception report in multiple exception groups.

To group exception reports

  1. Check the Select check box for each of the reports that you want to include in your report group.

  2. Choose the Create Group button.

  3. Enter the group name.

  4. Select a consolidation set for this reporting group.

  5. Select a payroll for this reporting group.

  6. Select your output format.

  7. Choose the Apply button to create your group.

Running an Exception Report, or Exception Report Group

Use the Exception Report Window to run exception reports singularly, or as a group. You can also override the variance type or variance for a single run of the report.

To run an exception report

Use the Submit Requests window to run the exception report:

  1. Check that your effective date is compatible with the date for which you want the report to run.

  2. Select Exception Report as the report type.

  3. If you want to run a single exception report, enter the name of the report. You do not need to enter the Exception Group name if you are running a single report.

  4. If you want to run a group of exception reports, then enter an Exception Group name, but do not provide an Exception Report Name.

    Exception reports are identified either by the report name, or by a group name. When you are running the report you must supply either the report name or the group name, but you never have to supply both.

  5. Select the payroll that you are reporting on. The consolidation set is the default selection.

  6. Override the variance type and variance value if you want to specify particular values for a single run of this report. This does not change your underlying report.

  7. For Australian, India users only: Select the legal entity for the report. If you do not specify the legal entity in case of a LE dimension, the report does not return a result.

    India users only: Select the component name for the report. If you do not specify the component name in case of a Component Balance dimension, the report does not return a result.

  8. Save your work.

  9. Click Submit.

To view an exception report

Use the View Requests window to view an exception report:

  1. Choose the Find button and select the report that you want to view.

  2. Choose the View Output button.

Retries, Reversals and Rollbacks

Correction of Run Results: Rollbacks

Use run rollbacks when you have no need to keep any record that a run occurred. When you roll the run back, the process removes all the assignments and the run results.

For example, if an employee should never have been processed in a run, you can roll back the run for that employee. A rollback completely removes an employee from a run, as if the processing had never occurred.

You cannot roll back payroll processing for individuals or payrolls if post-run processing has already occurred.

US and Canadian Payroll Only: If you are using Net-to-Gross payroll processing then each assignment action for a run type can also generate additional actions derived from the parent action. These additional actions are known as child actions.

Mexico Payroll Only: HRMS Payroll for Mexico provides the Rollback MX Payroll Process concurrent program for rollback purposes. This process enforces Mexico-specific business rules for handling payroll processes.

You can mark a parent assignment action for rollback, but you cannot roll back a child assignment action independently of its parent. You can roll back the QuickPay archiver results using the Rollback MX Payroll Process concurrent program. See: Running QuickPay

Uses of Rollbacks

Suppose that just after a payroll run, you receive notification that three employees have been transferred to a different payroll. This means you should not have processed them in the run just completed.

In this case you can roll back the processing for the three individuals. This action completely removes them from the run.

If the whole set of employees a run processes is the wrong set, you can roll back the entire run.

Rollbacks can also be useful if you want to do a run for testing purposes only, examine the results, and then remove all traces of it.

Important: If a recurring element has an end date that coincides with the end of the pay period, then the element end date will be removed by the rollback.

Correction of Run Results: Retries

Retrying Employee Assignments

You use retries for correcting mistakes shortly after a payroll run finishes. For example, you receive late entries of hours worked for some employees after a run starts, and you must enter these late details for some assignments.

Provided there has been no post-run processing for these assignments, you can mark them for retry. After you have corrected the element entry information for the marked employees, you submit the Retry Payroll Process. The new run processes only those employees marked for retry.

When you mark employee Assignments for retry, the run's status is Incomplete. This protects you from forgetting to correct and rerun an assignment marked for retry.

US and Canadian Payroll Only

If you are using Net-to-Gross payroll processing then each assignment action for a run type can also generate additional actions derived from the parent action. These additional actions are known as child actions.

You can mark a parent assignment action for retry, but you cannot retry a child assignment action independently of its parent.

Automatic Retries

Any assignments having a status of Error after a payroll run are automatically retried when you run the payroll again. You do not have to mark these assignments for retry and cannot unmark them. The recommended procedure for dealing with retries, therefore, is as follows:

Retries and Post-run Processing

You cannot run the payroll retry process if you have already started off another post-run process, such as PrePayments. In such a case, to start the payroll run retry process you must first roll back the other process. This deletes all element entries for the process and enables you to run the retry of the payroll.

The payroll run's status remains at Incomplete as long as some employees remain marked for retry.

Retrying Runs

In another situation, you may realize after a run that results for a sizeable number of employees may be incorrect. This could happen, for example, when you neglected to modify a formula for an earnings or deduction before starting the run.

In this case you can make the necessary changes and retry the entire run. The new run ignores employees whose processing is unaffected by the corrections you have made. It reprocesses only those whose original results are incorrect in view of the corrections entered.

Correction of Run Results: Reversals

You can retry an employee or a run only when no post-run processing has occurred. You use reversals when you need to correct run results for a single assignment after post-run actions have already occurred.

In other words, reversals are useful when you need to correct run results some time after the run has occurred.

Restarting Earnings or Deductions after Reversals

You may reverse a run for a past period during or after which stop dates exist for earnings or deductions. When this happens, Oracle Payroll issues a warning. This tells you to check whether you should restart any of the stopped earnings or deductions.

For example, the reversal may have cancelled out a deduction that was an employee's final payment toward an outstanding loan. In this case, the warning alerts you to the need to restart the deduction.

Reprocessing Nonrecurring and Additional Entries after Reversals

Reversals of payroll runs with nonrecurring and additional element entries provide an exception to the 'once only' rule for processing nonrecurring elements.

Normally, nonrecurring element entries can be given only once to an employee. Additional entries for recurring elements can be given only once in each pay period.

The effect of this rule on payroll run reversals is that nonrecurring and additional entries do not get reprocessed in subsequent runs following a reversal. As a consequence, the results of subsequent runs will not be identical to the original run results.

To prevent this, Oracle Payroll allows nonrecurring and additional entries to be reactivated and reprocessed in subsequent runs following payroll run reversals. This makes it possible for the run results of subsequent runs to be identical to the original results.

Warning: You cannot roll back a reversal if there are subsequent payroll runs. This is to prevent nonrecurring and additional entries being given twice - in the reversed run and in the subsequent run.

Performing a Batch Reversal

You use batch reversal when you need to correct run results for a batch or multiple assignments after post-run actions have already occurred.

Marking and Retrying Payroll Runs and Other Processes

To mark a small payroll process for retry

To mark a large payroll process for retry

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Mark Payroll Run for Retry in the Name field if you are retrying a payroll run. Otherwise select Mark Process for Retry. These processes have the same parameters, Payroll Process and Assignment Set.

  2. Select the process you are marking for retry.

  3. Leave the Assignment Set field blank.

  4. Choose Submit.

To mark an individual employee assignment for retry

Marking a Group of Employee Assignments for Retry

To mark a group of employee assignments for retry

  1. Place the group of employee assignments in an assignment set.

    See: Assignment Sets

  2. In the Submit Requests window, select Mark Payroll Run for Retry in the Name field if you are retrying a payroll run. Otherwise select Mark Process for Retry. These processes have the same parameters, Payroll Process and Assignment Set.

  3. Select the process you are marking for retry.

  4. Select the assignment set name.

  5. Choose Submit.

Correcting Run Results: Reversals

You reverse pay runs in the Reverse Payroll Run window for the employee assignment.

To reverse a payroll run or QuickPay for an assignment

  1. Select the run you want to reverse.

    All the payroll runs for the assignment are displayed when you open the window.

  2. Select the Reverse check box for the run you want to reverse.

    The consolidation set for the run automatically displays as the consolidation set for the reversal.

  3. Select a different consolidation set if you want to process the reversal in a different set to the original run set.

Running the Batch Reversals Process

Use the Batch Reversals process to perform quicker reversals of payroll and QuickPay runs. A batch reversal enables you to reverse your payroll calculations for an entire assignment set rather than for a single assignment. You run the Batch Reversals process from the Submit Requests window

To run the batch reversals process

  1. Select the Payroll Action ID.

  2. Select the Assignment Set that you want to reverse.

  3. Select the Reversal Date to specify the date from which you want to reverse your payroll or QuickPay run.

  4. Click OK to confirm your choices.

  5. Click Submit.

Retrying a Payroll Run or Other Payroll Process

To retry a payroll run or other payroll process

  1. Mark the entire process, individual employee assignments, or a group (assignment set) of assignments for retry.

  2. In the Submit Requests window, select Retry Payroll Run in the Name field to retry a run. Otherwise select Retry Payroll Process to retry another process.

    If the Parameters box does not automatically appear, click in the Parameters field.

  3. In the Payroll Process field of the Parameters box, select the process to retry.

  4. Choose Submit.

Rolling Back Payroll Runs and Other Processes

You can roll back a process in one of several ways depending on the extent of the rollback.

If you want to ... Then refer to...
Roll back processes for a few individuals Rolling Back a Process from the Payroll Processes Window
Roll back processes for many employees (defined as an assignment set) Rolling Back a Process from the Submit Requests Window
Roll back an assignment process for an individual employee Rolling Back a Process from the Assignment Processes Window

Rolling Back a Process from the Payroll Processes Window

Use the Payroll Processes window when you want to roll back a process for a few individuals.

To roll back a process from the Payroll Processes window

  1. Select the process record.

  2. Select Delete Record from the Edit menu.

Rolling Back a Process from the Submit Requests Window

Use the Submit Requests window when you want to roll back a process for many employees. If you do not want to roll back the process for all employees originally processed, you must create an assignment set. See: Creating an Assignment Set.

To roll back a process from the Submit Requests window

  1. In the Name field, do one of the following:

    • Select Rollback to roll back all processes except a payroll run.

    • Select Rollback Run to roll back a payroll run.

    • Mexico only: Select Rollback MX Payroll Process.

  2. If the Parameters box does not appear, click in the Parameters field.

  3. Select the process to roll back. The list for Rollback displays processing dates with the corresponding process types, payrolls, and consolidation sets. The list for Rollback Run displays process run dates with the corresponding period dates and payrolls.

  4. To roll back processing for an assignment set, select the set name.

  5. Choose Submit.

Rolling Back a Process from the Assignment Processes Window

Use the Assignment Processes window when you want to roll back a process for an individual employee assignment.

To roll back an assignment process

  1. Select the record for the assignment process.

  2. Choose Delete Record from the Edit menu.

Payroll Purge

Setting Up the Payroll Purge Process

The Purge process deletes data from a list of payroll tables to maintain data integrity and also rolls up balances to maintain the value of important balances.

Before you run the Payroll Purge process, you must do the following:

  1. Run the Upgrade Action Context process to determine the assignments for upgrade.

    See: Running the Upgrade Action Context process

  2. Optionally, create a balance set containing a list of balances required for roll-up. This ensures that the process will roll-up only the balances in the default list and those in the balance set. You can define the balance sets using the Payroll > Balance Set window. The application uses this balance set during the Purge Preparation Process.

  3. Run the Purge Preparation Phase. Check and ensure that all the balances are correct. If any balance is incorrect, you can rollback the Purge Preparation Phase. You must complete the rollback at this point, because you cannot roll back later.

    See: Running the Purge Preparation Phase

  4. Run the Purge Deletion Phase if all the balances in Preparation Phase are correct.

    See: Running the Purge Deletion Phase

Running the Upgrade Action Contexts Process

You run the Upgrade Action Contexts concurrent manager process for a business group to determine the time period for performing an upgrade.

You run the Upgrade Action Contexts process using the Submit Request window.

To run the Upgrade Action Contexts process

  1. In the Name field, select Upgrade Action Contexts.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter the start and end date to perform an upgrade for a business group.

    Note: .If you have not enabled Action Context functionality prior to running this process, then you must enter the End Date as the current day. For purge to run successfully you should also enter a start date as early as necessary, for example Start of Time.

Running the Purge Preparation Phase

You must run the Purge Preparation Phase to determine the data you want to purge from the application database. The preparation phase decides which assignments to purge and the values of any balances that subsequently require rolling up.

This phase enables you to produce a consolidated total of balances from an assignment and balance set before you purge it.

Important: You must run the Purge Preparation Phase prior to running the Purge Deletion Phase.

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Purge Preparation Phase process

  1. Query Purge Preparation Phase in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the balance set that includes the balances that you want to roll up.

  3. Select the assignment set to include all the assignments for which you want to run the purge process.

  4. Enter an effective date to determine from when you want to roll up the balances.

  5. Click OK and then Submit.

Running the Purge Deletion Phase

Purging unwanted data helps in improving application performance. You run the Purge Deletion Phase process to delete unnecessary data from the database. Remember to backup important data before you run the deletion process as you cannot roll it back and the changes are irreversible.

Important: Run the deletion process only after you have successfully completed the Purge Preparation Phase process.

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Purge Deletion Process

  1. Query Purge Preparation Phase Deletion process in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the payroll action of the associated Purge Preparation Phase process.

  3. Click OK and then Submit.

Running the Purge Process Events Process

Run the Purge Process Events process when you want to purge the details of the pay process events table and archive this data prior to a particular date. The application purges and archives this data into a shadow table as a backup. You can use this process to enhance the performance of processes accessing the table pay process events.

Run this process in the Submit Requests window.

To run the Purge Process Events process

  1. In the Name field, select Purge Process Events process.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter a date to purge data from the pay process events table prior to this date and the recorded date (if it exists) from pay recorded requests table.

    Additional Information: The application collects data in chunks for a complete delete from pay process events table and inserts into pay process events shadow table. The PPE_bulk_limit value is defaulted to 10,000. You can change this parameter to fine tune the performance of process.

  3. Click OK and then Submit.

Workforce Intelligence (HRMS) for Payroll Processing and Analysis

Costing Detail Workbook

The Costing Detail workbook enables you to review cost allocations for an element, element set, or a particular element classification.

Business Questions

Are my costs assigned to the correct cost center?

What are my cost totals for an element, element set, or element classification?


Costing Detail worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Use the following optional parameters to further restrict the values in the workbook:

Costing Summary Workbook

The Costing Summary workbook enables you to view total costing details for a payroll, consolidation set, or organization name.

Business Questions

What are my overall debits and credits for a particular costing period?


Costing Summary worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Use the following optional parameters to further restrict the values in the workbook:

Element Detail Workbook

The Element Detail workbook enables you to select an element effective date and element classification and then view further details for all elements within these reporting criteria.

Business Questions

What are the attributes for each element within a particular element classification?

Do any of my selected elements belong to a proration group or recalculation group, and if so, which group?

Are any of my selected elements paid separately or processed separately?


Element Detail worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Use the following optional parameters to further restrict the values in the workbook:

Element Link Detail Workbook

The Element Link Detail workbook enables you to select a group of elements by effective date and classification. You refine your selection by specifying whether you want view elements that are available to all payrolls, or those elements that only available to some payrolls. When you have defined your subset of elements, you can see link details for each of them.

Business Questions

What are the costable types and costing codes for a group or elements?

Do these elements belong to a distribution set?

Are there any service criteria or age criteria for these elements?


Element Link Detail worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Use the following optional parameters to further restrict the values in the workbook:

Employee Assignments Without Payroll Workbook

The employee assignments without payroll workbook enables you to identify those assignments that do not belong to a payroll. You can also view assignment status.

Business Questions

Is there a valid reason for these assignments not to belong to a payroll, or is there an error requiring correction?


Assignments Without Payroll worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Employee Assignments Not Processed Workbook

The employee assignments not processed workbook enables you to identify all assignments excluded from processing and view further detail such as employee name, assignment number and payroll.

Business Questions

Is there a valid reason for excluding these assignments from processing, or is there an error requiring correction?


Assignments not Processed worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Use the following optional parameters to further restrict the values in the workbook:

Employee Payment Methods Workbook

The employee payment methods workbook enables you to view payment method totals and run type totals from an effective date that you select.

Business Questions

Are the employee totals for this payment method as expected for the given period?

Did each run type produce the expected totals for this payment method, or is there a discrepancy requiring correction?


Employee Payment Methods worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Use the following optional parameters to further restrict the values in the workbook:

Organization Payment Methods Workbook

The organization payment methods workbook enables you to see summary information for each payment method from an effective date that you select. You can view third party details and source bank details.

Business Questions

Were payments correctly allocated for the duration of the reporting period?

What were the total payments for each payment type for the duration of the reporting period?


Organization Payment Methods worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Use the following optional parameters to further restrict the values in the workbook:

Payroll Message Workbook

The Payroll Message workbook enables you to view the total number of messages for each payroll process, payroll, and pay period.

Business Questions

Was there an unusual number of messages for any particular process, payroll or pay period?

Were messages of the greatest severity level concentrated in any particular process, payroll or pay period?


Payroll Message worksheet.


You need to specify values for the following parameters:

Use the following optional parameters to further restrict the values in the workbook: