
This chapter describes administering classifications, including creating and updating class categories and codes.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Classifications Overview

The TCA Classifications model provides a flexible tool that you can use to categorize entities, which can include parties, projects, tasks, orders, and so on. Classifications can use different paradigms and does not restrict you to a single way to classify an entity. This enables you to classify an entity, such as a party, in a way that the rest of the world sees it, in addition to the way it is referenced within your organization. This is extremely helpful when you map the internal representation of a company's environment to the way that the outside world models it.

The major components of the TCA Classifications model are:

Standard and Custom Classification Schema

A classification schema can be built using standards such as the NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System), NACE (European Union's Statistical Classification of Economic Activity), or SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) classification schema, or on user-defined classifications based on your organization's business needs. For example, you can define a class category to determine if there is a special business consideration, special pricing arrangement, or special term for a customer.

If you use the seeded standard classification schema, then you do not have to set up user-defined categories and codes.

The Oracle Trading Community Classifications model includes the following standard class categories and class codes:

Administering Classifications

Administration for seeded or user-defined classifications includes:

To create your own system of classification for customers, you must design the system first and should have a printout ready before you start this procedure. You should know the parents and children of each classification node in the class code hierarchy before you create them.

You might want to name your class codes in a way that will help you find all of the child nodes for each level of the class code hierarchy. If the names for class codes at the same level share the same characters, then you can find and add them as children all at the same time.

To administer classifications:

  1. Search for class categories to update or to confirm that the class category you want to create does not already exist.

  2. Define class categories, including assigning entities to and creating class codes for the category.

  3. Optionally, define the hierarchy of class codes within a category. Assign the parent codes to the appropriate children codes, for example:

    • Software is the a parent of Applications.

    • Applications is the parent of ERP applications.

Related Topics

Classifications Overview

Searching for an Existing Class Category

Use the Classifications page search for a class category to view and update or to confirm that a class category does not already exist before you create a new category. In the Search region of the Classifications page, you can enter several criteria to search the existing class codes. Your initial search should be broad enough to find class categories that may be similar to the one you plan to create.

Note: You can search for class categories. However, to be able to use a class category and assign it to an entity, the class category must be in the compiled state.

To search for a class category:

  1. Navigate to the Classifications page.

  2. Enter search criteria for the class category or the class code in the appropriate fields of the Search region. You can also select Yes or No in the Compiled poplist to filter the results by whether or not the class category or class code is compiled.

    Note: You must enter at least some of the search criteria to search for the class category.

  3. Click the Go button to start your search.

  4. View the results.

  5. If the appropriate class category is not found, click the Create Class Category button to create a class category. See: Creating a Class Category.

Related Topics

Administering Classifications

Creating a Class Category

Use the Create Class Category page to define class categories. When you create a class category you must provide required information that identifies and describes the class category.

You also assign at least one entity to the class category and create at least one class code for the new category.

To create a class category that is similar to an existing one, you can copy the existing category. See: Copying a Class Category.

To create a class category:

  1. In the Classifications page, make sure that the class category you want to create does not already exist and click the Create Class Category button. See: Searching for an Existing Class Category.

  2. Enter the required information in the appropriate fields.

  3. Select any of the optional attributes for this class category:

    • Allow Multiple Parent Codes: You can select this check box to allow any node in your hierarchy to have more than one parent. Clearing this check box restricts the class category to only one parent.

    • Allow Parent Code Assignment: You can select this check box to allow the assignment of parent nodes in the class code hierarchy. Clearing this check box requires that you must use leaf nodes, nodes that have no children, for the class category.

    • Allow Multiple Class Code Assignments: You can select this check box to allow a user to classify a customer, opportunity, or other entity using more than one class code from this class category. Clearing this check box prevents users from assigning more than one class code to an entity.

  4. In the Assign Entities region, you can assign entities to this class category. Select the appropriate entities identified by the table and column names.

  5. Optionally enter, edit, or delete a condition defined with an SQL Where clause.

  6. Click the Add New Entity Assignment button to add a new entity.

    For more information, see: Assigning Entities to a Class Category.

  7. Click the Apply and Create Class Codes button to apply and create new class codes for this category. See: Creating a Class Code.

To use a class category, you must first compile it. A class category should be complied when it is created and whenever it is updated. Class categories must be compiled before their classification codes can be associated with parties. Only active classification codes can be associated to parties.

To compile class categories:

  1. Navigate to the Classifications page.

  2. Enter the search criteria.

  3. Select No in the Compiled poplist.

  4. Click the Go button to start your search for all uncompiled class categories.

  5. Click the Compile Class Categories button.

Related Topics

Administering Classifications

Assigning Entities to a Class Category

Use the Assign Entities page or Entity Assignment region to assign entities to a class categories. You must assign an entity by entering the name of the table and the column for the appropriate entity. You can also optionally create a condition, using an SQL Where clause, to select a subset of the entities in your database.

To assign an entity to a class category:

  1. Navigate to the Assign Entities page or Entity Assignment region.

    • From the Create Class Category page, click the Add New Entity Assignment button and then enter the entity information in the Assign Entities page. See: Creating a Class Category.

    • If you have created a copy of an existing class category, then in the Create Class Category page enter the entity information in the Entity Assignment region. See: Copying a Class Category.

    • From the Update Class Category page that displays an existing class category, click the Add Another Entity Assignment button and enter the entity information in the Entity Assignment region. See: Updating a Class Category.

  2. Enter the required entity information:

    • Table name, such as HZ_PARTIES

    • Column name, such as PARTY_ID

      You can use the list of values to search for the table and column name.

  3. Enter an optional condition in the Condition field. The condition is expressed as an SQL Where statement, such as:


Related Topics

Administering Classifications

Creating a Class Code

Use the Create Class Codes page to create the appropriate class codes for class categories. When you create the class codes you specify the name of each class code, a meaning, a description, the date when the code becomes active, and an optional date when the code is not active. You can immediately enable a class code or enable it at a later time.

To create a class code:

  1. Click the Apply and Create Class Codes button in the Create Class Category page, after you have created a class category. See: Creating a Class Category.

  2. Enter the characteristics of the class code in the Class Codes region of the Create Class Codes page:

    • Name

    • Meaning

    • Description

    • Start date active

    • End date active

  3. Check the Enabled check box to make the class code effective, or leave the check box clear until you are ready to enable it.

    You can use the Enabled check box, along with the Start and End active dates, to control the availability of a class code. For example, you can create and enable a class code with a start date in the future. On that start date, the class code automatically becomes available for use. You can immediately make an active class code unavailable by clearing the Enable check box. Or you can inactivate a class code by specifying an end date on some day in the future.

  4. Optionally assign a parent class code to at least one of the class codes. See: Assigning Parent Class Codes.

Related Topics

Administering Classifications

Assigning Parent Class Codes

Use the Assign Class Codes page, after you have created a class category and its class codes, to make one class code the parent of another class code in a class code hierarchy. This option structures class categories and class codes in parent-child hierarchal relationships.

The assignment of parent class codes is restricted by the options available for the class category. When you create or update a class category, you can check or clear the Allow Multiple Parent Codes check box, which allows or prevents a class code from having more than one parent class code.

You can update class code definitions, including parent codes, in the Update Class Code page. See: Updating a Class Code.

To assign a parent class code to a new class code:

  1. Create new class codes for a new category. See: Creating a Class Code.

  2. In the Class Codes region, select the child class code of the parent-child relationship that you are creating.

  3. Click the Assign Parent Class Codes button to navigate to the Assign Class Codes page.

  4. Select a parent class code, or one or more if allowed.

    • If the Allow Multiple Parent Codes option is selected, then you can select one or more class codes.

    • If the Allow Multiple Parent Codes option is not selected, then you can only select one class code.

  5. Click the Assign button.

Updating a Class Category

Use the Update Class Category page to update the information associated with an existing class category, such as the meaning, description, delimiter, and entity assignment for a class category.

To update an existing class category:

  1. Search for the class category that you want to update. See: Searching for an Existing Class Category.

  2. In the Results region, click the appropriate class category.

  3. In the Update Class Category page, you can update the information about the class category in the Class Category Details region and the Entity Assignment region. See: Creating a Class Category and Assigning Entities to a Class Category.

  4. Click the Compile button to save your work.

For user-defined class codes, you can navigate to the Update Class codes page from this page to revise information about class codes. For more information, see: Updating a Class Code.

Related Topics

Administering Classifications

Updating a Class Code

Use the Update Class Codes page to update the information associated with existing class codes, such as the meaning, description, parent, end date, and whether the class code is enabled or disabled.

To update an existing class code:

  1. Search for the class category with the class codes that you want to update. See: Searching for an Existing Class Category.

  2. In the Classifications page, click the Update Class Codes icon for the class category with the class codes that you want to update.

  3. In the Update Class Codes page, revise the information about the class codes, as necessary. You can revise the information in the following fields:

    • Meaning

    • Description

    • Parent Class Code

    • End Date Active

    Note: The Start Date Active date cannot be changed.

  4. Check or clear the Enabled check box to enable or disable the class code.

  5. Save your work.

If the class code that you want to update is not found, then you must create the class code. For more information, see: Creating a Class Code.

Related Topics

Administering Classifications

Viewing a Class Code Hierarchy

You can access the class code hierarchy for viewing by clicking the View Class Code Hierarchy button on the Update Class Codes page to bring up the View Class Code Hierarchy page. See: Updating a Class Code.

On the Update Class Category page you can also view the class code hierarchy. See: Updating a Class Category.

For each class code you can view:

To update the class code hierarchy, see: Updating a Class Code.

Related Topics

Administering Classifications

Copying a Class Category

Use the Copy Classification feature on the Classifications page to create similar class categories. You can copy an existing class category and then edit the information about that class category to create similar class categories.

Although class codes are associated with a class category, you cannot edit the class codes for a copy of a class category in the Create Class Category page. You must edit the copy of a class category and then, if necessary, edit the class codes in the Update Class Codes page.

To copy a class category:

  1. Search for the class category that you want to copy. See: Searching for an Existing Class Category.

  2. Click the Copy Classification icon for the class category that you want to copy.

  3. In the Create Class Category copy page, edit the class category details and entity assignments as necessary. See: Creating a Class Category and Assigning Entities to a Class Category.

  4. To update the class codes for the category, see Updating a Class Code.

Related Topics

Administering Classifications

Refresh of Classification Denormalization

Use the Refresh of Classification Denormalization program to perform a data refresh to populate the HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM denormalization table. This table is populated from these source tables:

You should schedule this program to periodically run, but manually run the program under the following circumstances:

Important: In order to see the changes you have made, you must bounce the middle tier.

Program Parameters

Related Topics

Administering Classifications