Seeded Display Data

This appendix covers the following topics:

Overview of Seeded Display Data Appendix

This appendix lists the Oracle iStore seeded display templates and media objects.

For an overview of how Oracle iStore uses Display Templates to present the Customer UI, see the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter.

Display Template Categories

Display Templates are categorized by the type of display they enable in a specialty site. The category is known as the Applicable To category. You can search by these categories in the Site Administration UI. Following are the seeded categories:

Catalog Display Templates

The following table lists the seeded Catalog Display Templates. Note that this table does not include the bins listed in the table, "Seeded Bins Display Templates", or the other catalog Display Templates listed in the section, "Service Items Display Templates", in this chapter.

Catalog Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Add Item Bin STORE_CTLG_ADD_ITEM_BIN Product Bin Add Item Bin ibeCCtdAddItemBin.jsp
Related Items STORE_CTLG_RELATED_ITEMS Others Related item template to be used in the item details page and the shopping cart. ibeCCtdRelatedItems.jsp
Catalog section common page STORE_CTLG_SCT_COMMON Section Layout Common display page, with bins, center page, menu, etc. ibeCCtdCmnSt.jsp
Multilevel Subsection List STORE_CTLG_DLDN_SCT_BULLET Section Contains Navigational Subsections Only Parent section short description with all subsections and their child section names. ibeCCtpDdLfStBl.jsp
Subsection List with product detail STORE_CTLG_DRILL_LEAF Section Contains Navigational Subsections Only Parent section name, short description and image, subsection short description, and subsection small image content component, with subsections and their product detail ibeCCtpDrillLeaf.jsp
Subsection List STORE_CTLG_SCT_BULLET_SUBSCT Section Contains Navigational Subsections Only Parent section short and long description plus additional information with Subsection List. ibeCCtpStBlSuSt.jsp
Subsection List with product pull-down list STORE_CTLG_SUBSCT_DPDN_ITEMS Section Contains Navigational Subsections Only All subsection names, short descriptions, images and product pull-down list. ibeCCtpChStDdIts.jsp
Subsection List 2 STORE_CTLG_SCTN_BULLET_SUBSCT Section Contains Navigational Subsections Only Parent section name, short description plus additional information with Subsection List. ibeCCtpStNBlSuSt.jsp
Product detail STORE_CTLG_FSUBSCT Section Contains Featured Subsection Parent section short description, long description and additional information, with products names, images and descriptions. ibeCCtpFSubSct.jsp
Product multi-select STORE_CTLG_FSUBSCT_MULT_2COL Section Contains Featured Subsection Parent section short description, long description and additional information with product multi-select. ibeCCtpFSuStMs2.jsp
Product multi-select with section link STORE_CTLG_FSUBSCT_MULT_3COL Section Contains Featured Subsection Parent section short description, long description and additional information, with product multi-select and section link. ibeCCtpFSuStMs3.jsp
Product detail multi-select STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SCT_ITEMS Section Contains Products Only Section short description with product multi-select. Includes product names, small images and descriptions. ibeCCtpLfStIts.jsp
Product multi-select with drill-down STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SCT_MULTIPLE Section Contains Products Only Section short description, long description and additional information with product multi-select and link to product detail. ibeCCtpLfStMsL.jsp
Product detail STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SCT_SINGLE Section Contains Products Only Section name, short description and image, with product names, small images and descriptions. ibeCCtpLeafSctSs.jsp
Product multi-select STORE_CTLG_LF_SCT_MULT_NOLINKS Section Contains Products Only Section short description, long description and additional information with product multi-select. ibeCCtpLfStMs.jsp
Product pull-down STORE_CTLG_SCT_DTL_DPDN_ITEMS Section Contains Products Only Section name, image, long description and additional information with product pull-down list. ibeCCtpStMmDtIts.jsp
Multilevel subsection list include STORE_SECT_MULTILEVEL_SUBSECT_INCL Component for Sections Contain Navigational Subsections Only Shows list of multilevel subsections associated with generic content and configurable layout, included in another page ibeCCtdStMlSubStI.jsp
Section Detail include STORE_SECT_DETAIL_INCL Component for Sections Containing Products Only Shows section detail with generic content and configurable layout, included in another page ibeCCtdStDetI.jsp
Product basic information STORE_CTLG_ITEM_DESC Product Product name and description. ibeCCtdItemDesc.jsp
Product basic information with image STORE_CTLG_ITEM_DESC_AND_IMG Product Product name, description and large image. ibeCCtdItemDescImg.jsp
Product detail without image STORE_CTLG_ITEM_DETAILS_NO_IMG Product Product name, description, additional information, flexfields and related products. ibeCCtdItemDtlNoImg.jsp
Product detail with image STORE_CTLG_ITEM_DETAILS Product Product name, description, large image, additional information, flexfields and related products. ibeCCtdItemDetail.jsp
Product additional information STORE_CTLG_ITEM_INFO Product Product additional information ibeCCtdItemInfo.jsp
Subsection List (multi-level) include STORE_CTLG_DLDN_SCT_BULLET_INCL Component for Sections Contain Navigational Subsections Only Parent section short description with all subsections and their child section names. ibeCCtdDdLfStBlI.jsp
Subsection List with product detail include STORE_CTLG_DRILL_LEAF_INCL Component for Sections Contain Navigational Subsections Only Parent section name, short description and image, with subsections and their product detail. ibeCCtdDrillLeafI.jsp
Subsection List include STORE_CTLG_SCT_BULLET_SUBSCT_INCL Component for Sections Contain Navigational Subsections Only Parent section short and long description plus additional information with Subsection List. ibeCCtdStBlSuStI.jsp
Subsection List with product pull-down list include STORE_CTLG_SUBSCT_DPDN_ITEMS_INCL Component for Sections Contain Navigational Subsections Only All subsection names, short descriptions, images and product pull-down list. ibeCCtdChStDdItsI.jsp
Subsection List 2 Include STORE_CTLG_SCTN_BULLET_SUBSCT_INCL Component for Sections Contain Navigational Subsections Only Parent section name, short description plus additional information with Subsection List. ibeCCtdStNBlSuStI.jsp
Product detail include STORE_CTLG_FSUBSCT_INCL Component for Sections Containing Featured Subsections Product detail includeSTORE_CTLG_FSUBSCT_INCLParent section short description, long description and additional information, with products names, images and descriptions. ibeCCtdFSubSctI.jsp
Product multi-select include STORE_CTLG_FSUBSCT_MULT_2COL_INCL Component for Sections Containing Featured Subsections Parent section short description, long description and additional information with product multi-select. ibeCCtdFSuStMs2I.jsp
Product multi-select with section link include STORE_CTLG_FSUBSCT_MULT_3COL_INCL Component for Sections Containing Featured Subsections Parent section short description, long description and additional information, with product multi-select and section link. ibeCCtdFSuStMs3I.jsp
Product detail multi-select include STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SCT_ITEMS_INCL Component for Sections Containing Products Only Section short description with product multi-select. Includes product names, small images and descriptions. ibeCCtdLfStItsI.jsp
Product multi-select with drill-down include STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SCT_MULT_INCL Component for Sections Containing Products Only Section short description, long description and additional information with product multi-select and link to product detail. ibeCCtdLfStMsLI.jsp
Product detail include STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SCT_SINGLE_INCL Component for Sections Containing Products Only Section name, short description and image, with product names, small images and descriptions. ibeCCtdLeafSctSsI.jsp
Product multi-select include STORE_CTLG_LF_SCT_MULT_NOLINKS_INCL Component for Sections Containing Products Only Section short description, long description and additional information with product multi-select. ibeCCtdLfStMsI.jsp
Product pull-down include STORE_CTLG_SCT_DTL_DPDN_ITEMS_INCL Component for Sections Containing Products Only Section name, image, long description and additional information with product pull-down list. ibeCCtdStMmDtItsI.jsp
Catalog Section Show Media STORE_CTLG_SHOW_MEDIA Uncategorized section Displays common section layout. In the center of the page, embeds logical media passed in as parameter. ibeCCtpShowMedia.jsp
Catalog Section Forward to Subsection page STORE_CTLG_FSUBSCT_FWD Uncategorized section display templates Display featured sub sections or forward to first navigational child ibeCCtpFwdSubSct.jsp
Catalog Section Show Media Include STORE_CTLG_SHOW_MEDIA_INCL Components for Section Displays common section layout. In the center of the page,embeds logical media passed in as parameter. ibeCCtdShowMediaI.jsp
Store Content Center Page STORE_CTLG_CT_CONTENT Components for Section Store Content Center Page ibeCCtdContentI.jsp
Catalog Section Path STORE_CTLG_SCT_PATH Components for Section Displays path traversed in hierarchy ibeCCtdSctPath.jsp
Store footer generation template STORE_CTLG_BOTTOM_PAGE Common Components Store footer page ibeCCtdBottom.jsp
Menu generation template STORE_CTLG_MENU_PAGE Common Components Store menu page ibeCCtdMenu.jsp
Specialty Store Display Page STORE_CTLG_MSITE_DISPLAY Common Components Specialty Store Display Page ibeCCtdMinisites.jsp
Store display settings STORE_CTLG_TOP_PAGE Common Components Store look and feel display settings page ibeCCtdTop.jsp
Catalog buy routing STORE_CTLG_BUY_PROCESS_ROUTE Catalog Routing Routing page for Add to Cart, Express Checkout, etc. ibeCCtpBuyRoute.jsp
Catalog item route STORE_CTLG_ITM_ROUTE Catalog Routing Item display routing ibeCCtpItmDspRte.jsp
Catalog section display routing STORE_CTLG_SCT_ROUTE Catalog Routing Display routing page ibeCCtpSctDspRte.jsp
Configurable Layout STORE_SCT_CONFIGURABLE_LAYOUT Section Layout Section Layout with Configurable Bins ibeCCtdCmnSctLayout.jsp
Catalog bullet sections STORE_CTLG_BULLET_SCT Others List of sections in 2 columns with bullets ibeCCtdBltSts.jsp
Catalog Item Drop Down URL STORE_CTLG_ITEM_DROP_DOWN_URL Others URL for item drop down header link None
Product name and description Include STORE_CTLG_LEAF_ITEM_INCL Others Product name and description within section page. ibeCCtdLeafItem.jsp
Catalog item route STORE_CTLG_ITEM_ROUTE Catalog Routing Item display routing ibeCCtpItmDspRte.jsp

Seeded Bin Display Templates

The following tables list the seeded bins for the Customer Application. Note that this does not include bins seeded for Oracle iSupport or Oracle Partner Management. See also: "Oracle Partner Management Integration Display Templates" and "Oracle iSupport Integration Display Templates" section.

Site Management Bins
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Store Group Bin STORE_GROUP_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Displays list of sites assigned to Store group ibeCAcdGroupSiteBin.jsp?groupCode=STORE
Support Group Bin SUPPORT_GROUP_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Displays list of sites assigned to Support group ibeCAcdGroupSiteBin.jsp?groupCode=SUPPORT
Partner Group Bin PARTNER_GROUP_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Displays list of sites assigned to Partner group ibeCAcdGroupSiteBin.jsp?groupCode=PARTNER
Quick Links Bin STORE_QUICK_LINKS_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Display responsibility menu links ibeCAcdQuickLinkBin.jsp
Initial Pages Bins
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Account Switcher bin STORE_CTLG_ACCOUNT_SWITCHER_BIN Component for Sections See the "Account Switcher Bin" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter ibeCAcdAcctSwitcher.jsp
Browse Bin STORE_CTLG_SCT_BROWSE Components for Section See the "Browse Bin" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter ibeCCtdSctBrwsBin.jsp
Global Store Bin STORE_GLOBAL_STORE_BIN Components for Section See the "Global Bin" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter ibeCAcdGlobal.jsp
Site Selection Bin Left 1 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_LEFT_1   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Left 2 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_LEFT_2   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Left 3 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_LEFT_3   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Left 4 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_LEFT_4   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Left 5 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_LEFT_5   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Left 6 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_LEFT_6   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Left 7 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_LEFT_7   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Right 1 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_RIGHT_1   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Right 2 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_RIGHT_2   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Right 3 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_RIGHT_3   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Right 4 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_RIGHT_4   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Right 5 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_RIGHT_5   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Right 6 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_RIGHT_6   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Right 7 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_RIGHT_7   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Top SITE_SELECTION_BIN_TOP   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter  
Site Selection Bin Bottom SITE_SELECTION_BIN_BOTTOM   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter  
Site Selection Bin Middle 1 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_MIDDLE_1   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Middle 2 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_MIDDLE_2   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Middle 3 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_MIDDLE_3   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Site Selection Bin Middle 4 SITE_SELECTION_BIN_MIDDLE_4   See the "Site Selection Page" section in the "Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages" chapter None
Section and Item Detail Page Bins
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Section Page Bins        
Bin Left 1 STORE_CTLG_BIN_LEFT_1 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Left 2 STORE_CTLG_BIN_LEFT_2 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Left 3 STORE_CTLG_BIN_LEFT_3 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Left 4 STORE_CTLG_BIN_LEFT_4 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Left 5 STORE_CTLG_BIN_LEFT_5 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Left 6 STORE_CTLG_BIN_LEFT_6 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Left 7 STORE_CTLG_BIN_LEFT_7 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Right 1 STORE_CTLG_BIN_RIGHT_1 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Right 2 STORE_CTLG_BIN_RIGHT_2 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Right 3 STORE_CTLG_BIN_RIGHT_3 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Right 4 STORE_CTLG_BIN_RIGHT_4 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Right 5 STORE_CTLG_BIN_RIGHT_5 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Right 6 STORE_CTLG_BIN_RIGHT_6 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Bin Right 7 STORE_CTLG_BIN_RIGHT_7 Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Section Bin Top STORE_CTLG_SECTION_BIN_TOP Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Section Bin Bottom STORE_CTLG_SECTION_BIN_BOTTOM Components for Section See the "Section Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Detail Page Bins        
Item Bin Top STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_TOP Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Bottom STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_BOTTOM Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Left 1 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_LEFT_1 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Left 2 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_LEFT_2 Product Bin Item Bin Left 2 None
Item Bin Left 3 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_LEFT_3 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Left 4 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_LEFT_4 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Left 5 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_LEFT_5 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Left 6 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_LEFT_6 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Left 7 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_LEFT_7 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Right 1 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_RIGHT_1 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Right 2 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_RIGHT_2 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Right 3 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_RIGHT_3 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Right 4 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_RIGHT_4 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Right 5 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_RIGHT_5 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Right 6 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_RIGHT_6 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Item Bin Right 7 STORE_CTLG_ITEM_BIN_RIGHT_7 Product Bin See the "Item Detail Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Other bins        
Content Bin Error Template STORE_CONTENT_BIN_ERR Common Components Content Bin Error Template None
Marketing Posting Bin STORE_MARKETING_POSTING_BIN Display Templates for section Display marketing postings None
Shopping Cart Bins
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Store Cart Items Bin Bottom STORE_CART_ITEMS_BIN_BOTTOM Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Store Cart Items Bin Top STORE_CART_ITEMS_BIN_TOP Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Left 1 bin on Shopping Cart page STORE_CART_BIN_LEFT1 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Left 2 bin on Shopping Cart page STORE_CART_BIN_LEFT2 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Left 3 bin on Shopping Cart page STORE_CART_BIN_LEFT3 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Left 4 bin on Shopping Cart page STORE_CART_BIN_LEFT4 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Left 5 bin on Shopping Cart page STORE_CART_BIN_LEFT5 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Left 6 bin on Shopping Cart page STORE_CART_BIN_LEFT6 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Left 7 bin on Shopping Cart page STORE_CART_BIN_LEFT7 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Right 1 bin on Shopping Cart page. STORE_CART_BIN_RIGHT1 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Right 2 bin on Shopping Cart page. STORE_CART_BIN_RIGHT2 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Right 3 bin on Shopping Cart page. STORE_CART_BIN_RIGHT3 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Right 4 bin on Shopping Cart page. STORE_CART_BIN_RIGHT4 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Right 5 bin on Shopping Cart page. STORE_CART_BIN_RIGHT5 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Right 6 bin on Shopping Cart page. STORE_CART_BIN_RIGHT6 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Right 7 bin on Shopping Cart page. STORE_CART_BIN_RIGHT7 Shopping Cart Bin See the "Shopping Cart Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Registration Page Bins
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Registration Page 1st Left Bin STORE_REG_LEFT1_D Registration Bin See the "Registration Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Registration Page 2nd Left Bin STORE_REG_LEFT2_D Registration Bin See the "Registration Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Registration Page 3rd Left Bin STORE_REG_LEFT3_D Registration Bin See the "Registration Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Registration Page 1st Right Bin STORE_REG_RIGHT1_D Registration Bin See the "Registration Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Registration Page 2nd Right Bin STORE_REG_RIGHT2_D Registration Bin See the "Registration Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Registration Page 3rd Right Bin STORE_REG_RIGHT3_D Registration Bin See the "Registration Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Registration Page Bottom Bin STORE_REG_BOTTOM_D Registration Bin See the "Registration Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Registration Page Top Bin STORE_REG_TOP_D Registration Bin See the "Registration Page Bins" section in the "Implementing the Catalog" chapter None
Install Base Bins
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Instance Summary : Left Bin 1 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_LEFT_1 Install Base Bins Left Bin 1 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Left Bin 2 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_LEFT_2 Install Base Bins Left Bin 2 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Left Bin 3 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_LEFT_3 Install Base Bins Left Bin 3 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Left Bin 4 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_LEFT_4 Install Base Bins Left Bin 4 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Left Bin 5 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_LEFT_5 Install Base Bins Left Bin 5 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Left Bin 6 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_LEFT_6 Install Base Bins Left Bin 6 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Left Bin 7 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_LEFT_7 Install Base Bins Left Bin 7 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Right Bin 1 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_RIGHT_1 Install Base Bins Right Bin 1 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Right Bin 2 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_RIGHT_2 Install Base Bins Right Bin 2 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Right Bin 3 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_RIGHT_3 Install Base Bins Right Bin 3 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Right Bin 4 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_RIGHT_4 Install Base Bins Right Bin 4 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Right Bin 5 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_RIGHT_5 Install Base Bins Right Bin 5 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Right Bin 6 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_RIGHT_6 Install Base Bins Right Bin 6 in Instance Summary Page None
Instance Summary : Right Bin 7 STORE_PSI_IB_INST_BIN_RIGHT_7 Install Base Bins Right Bin 7 in Instance Summary Page None
Other Bins
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Content Bin Error Template STORE_CONTENT_BIN_ERR Common Components Content Bin Error Template None
Marketing Posting Bin STORE_MARKETING_POSTING_BIN Display Templates for section Display marketing postings None

Shopping Cart Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for the Customer UI Shopping Cart. See the "Implementing Carts and Orders" chapter for more information.

Shopping Cart Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Shopping Carts Total Amounts STORE_SHOP_CART_SUMMARY Shopping Cart This template is used to map cart total amount (tax, S&H, sub-total region) on shopping cart page. To display shipping/handing and tax in the shopping cart, map to: ibeCScdShowCartSummary.jsp (this is the default mapping)
To not display: map to ibeCScdShowShopCartSummary.jsp
Shopping Cart Add Item STORE_CART_ADD_ITEM Shopping Cart Add Item to Cart Page ibeCScpAddItem.jsp
B2B Share Cart - Add recipients display STORE_CART_ADD_RCPT Shopping Cart B2B Share Cart - Add recipients display page ibeCScdAddRecipients.jsp
B2B Share Cart - Add recipients processing STORE_CART_ADD_RCPT_P Shopping Cart B2B Share Cart - Add recipients processing page ibeCScpAddRecipients.jsp
Show Bundle Details STORE_CART_BUNDLE_DETAILS Shopping Cart Displays model bundle details ibeCScdBundDet.jsp
Add Bundle or Education STORE_CART_BUNDL_EDUC_P Shopping Cart Adds Bundle, adds Education, or adds Bundle w/ Education ibeCScpBundEduc.jsp
Configuration Items Details Popup STORE_CART_CFG_ITEMS Shopping Cart Configuration Items Details Popup ibeCScdCfgItemsPopup.jsp
Controller page for My Carts/My Quotes pages STORE_CART_CONTROL Shopping Cart Controller page for My Carts/My Quotes pages ibeCScdListControl.jsp
Shop Cart Create Attachments STORE_CART_CREATE_ATTCH Shopping Cart Shop cart create attachments ibeCScdCreateAttch.jsp
Shop Cart Direct Entry STORE_CART_DIRECT_ENTRY Shopping Cart Enter customers' inventory items to cart - direct entry ibeCScdDirectEntry.jsp
Shop Cart Direct Entry Process STORE_CART_DIRECT_ENTRY_P Shopping Cart Processes direct entries ibeCScpDirectEntry.jsp
View Quote Discount Details Display Page STORE_CART_DISCOUNTS Shopping Cart View Quote Discount Details Display Page ibeCScdDiscounts.jsp
SHOPPING CART GET SHAREE STORE_CART_GET_SHAREE Shopping Cart Retrieve sharee shopping cart ibeCScdSharee.jsp
Included warranties display page STORE_CART_INCSVC_TBL Shopping Cart Included warranties display page ibeCScdIncSvcTbl.jsp
Shopping cart line tax STORE_CART_LINE_TAX Shopping Cart Shopping cart line tax display None
Shop Cart List Agreements STORE_CART_LIST_AGRMNT Shopping Cart Shop cart list agreements ibeCScdListAgrmnt.jsp
Shop Cart List Agreements Process Page STORE_CART_LIST_AGRMNT_P Shopping Cart Shop cart list agreements process page ibeCScpListAgrmnt.jsp
Shop Cart List Attachments STORE_CART_LIST_ATTCH Shopping Cart Shop cart list attachments ibeCScdListAttch.jsp
Store Cart List Include STORE_CART_LIST_INCLUDE Shopping Cart This is a dynamic include page which will be used for both Quotes listing and list of Saved Carts page ibeCScdListInclude.jsp
Share Cart - List recipients STORE_CART_LIST_RCPTS Shopping Cart Share Cart - List recipients include page ibeCScdListRecipients.jsp
Shopping Cart Sub Menu STORE_CART_MENU Shopping Cart Shopping cart sub menu ibeCScdMenu.jsp
Shopping Cart Modify STORE_CART_MODIFY Shopping Cart Modify shopping cart ibeCScdViewA.jsp
Shopping Cart Modify Process STORE_CART_MODIFY_P Shopping Cart Modify shopping cart process page ibeCScpViewA.jsp
Share Cart - Modify recipients STORE_CART_MODIFY_RCPTS Shopping Cart Share Cart - Modify recipients display page ibeCScdModifyRecipients.jsp
Share Cart - Modify recipients Processing STORE_CART_MODIFY_RCPTS_P Shopping Cart Share Cart - Modify recipients Processing page ibeCScpModifyRecipients.jsp
Shopping Cart Save STORE_CART_SAVE Shopping Cart Save shopping cart ibeCScdSave.jsp
Shopping Cart Save Process STORE_CART_SAVE_P Shopping Cart Save shopping cart process page ibeCScpSave.jsp
Save Cart Process STORE_CART_SAVE_CONFIRM Shopping Cart Save Cart Process ibeCScdConfirm.jsp
Save and Confirm STORE_CART_SAVE_CONFIRM_P Shopping Cart Save and Confirm ibeCScpConfirm.jsp
Support Levels STORE_CART_SEL_SUPP Shopping Cart Support Levels ibeCScdSupportLvl.jsp
Service details display page STORE_CART_SERVICE_DETAILS Shopping Cart Service details display page ibeCScdSvcDetails.jsp
Master Control page for b2b and b2c share cart STORE_CART_SHARE Shopping Cart Master control page for both B2B and B2C share cart. ibeCScdShare.jsp
List of all carts/Quotes Shared by cart owner STORE_CART_SHAREBYINCLUDE Shopping Cart List of all carts/Quotes shared by cart owner ibeCScdListSharedByUser.jsp
List of all carts/quotes shared to recipient STORE_CART_SHARETOINCLUDE Shopping Cart List of all carts/quotes shared to recipient ibeCScdListSharedToUser.jsp
B2B Share cart display STORE_CART_SHARE_B2B Shopping Cart B2B Share cart display page ibeCScdBShare.jsp
B2B Share cart processing STORE_CART_SHARE_B2B_P Shopping Cart B2B Share cart processing page ibeCScpBShare.jsp
B2C Share cart display STORE_CART_SHARE_B2C Shopping Cart B2C Share cart display page ibeCScdCShare.jsp
B2C Share cart processing STORE_CART_SHARE_B2C_P Shopping Cart B2C Share cart processing page ibeCScpCShare.jsp
Shared cart retrieval by retrieval number page STORE_CART_SH_RETRIEVE Shopping Cart Shared cart retrieval by retrieval number page ibeCScdShRetrieve.jsp
Shopping Cart View STORE_CART_VIEW Shopping Cart View shopping cart ibeCScdViewS.jsp
Shopping Cart View Process STORE_CART_VIEW_P Shopping Cart View shopping cart process page ibeCScpViewS.jsp
View Shopping Cart Line STORE_CART_VIEW_LINE Shopping Cart View Shopping Cart Line ibeCScdShowCartLines.jsp
Shopping Cart Lists View STORE_CART_VIEW_LIST Shopping Cart View shopping cart lists ibeCScdListS.jsp
Shopping Cart Lists View Process STORE_CART_VIEW_LIST_P Shopping Cart View shopping cart lists process page ibeCScpListS.jsp
Store Cart view Quote STORE_CART_VIEW_QUOTE Shopping Cart Display page for Quote Details ibeCScdViewQ.jsp
Store Cart view Quote Process STORE_CART_VIEW_QUOTE_P Shopping Cart Processing page for displaying Quote Details ibeCScpViewQ.jsp
Shared Cart Details STORE_CART_VIEW_SHARED_CART Shopping Cart Shared Cart details for owner and recipients ibeCScdViewSharedCart.jsp
Shared cart/quotes processing page STORE_CART_VIEW_SHARED_CART_QUOTE_P Shopping Cart Shared cart/quotes processing page ibeCScpViewSharedCartQuote.jsp
Shared Quote Details STORE_CART_VIEW_SHARED_QUOTE Shopping Cart Shared quote details for owner and recipient ibeCScdViewSharedQuote.jsp
View Shopping Cart Sum STORE_CART_VIEW_SUM Shopping Cart View Shopping Cart Sum ibeCScdShowCartSummary.jsp
Shopping Cart Warning Display STORE_CART_WARN Shopping Cart Shopping Cart Warning Display ibeCScdWarn.jsp
Shopping Cart Warning Process STORE_CART_WARN_P Shopping Cart Shopping Cart Warning Process ibeCScpWarn.jsp
Delete cart warning page STORE_CART_WARN_DELETE Shopping Cart Delete cart warning page ibeCScdWarnDelete.jsp
Delete cart warning processing page STORE_CART_WARN_DELETE_P Shopping Cart Delete cart warning processing page ibeCScpWarnDelete.jsp
View current agreement STORE_AGRMNT_VIEW Shopping Cart View current agreement ibeCScdAgrmntDetail.jsp
Agreement detail view processing STORE_AGRMNT_VIEW_P Shopping Cart Processing page for agreement detail view ibeCScpAgrmntDetail.jsp
Attachments create form STORE_ATTCH_CREATE_FORM Shopping Cart Attachments create form ibeCScdCreateAttchForm.jsp
Create attachment process STORE_ATTCH_CREATE_P Shopping Cart Create attachment process ibeCScpCreateAttch.jsp
Attachments list table STORE_ATTCH_LIST Shopping Cart Attachments list table ibeCScdListAttchTable.jsp
List attachments process STORE_ATTCH_P Shopping Cart list attachments process ibeCScpListAttch.jsp
Shop cart direct entry upload STORE_CART_DIRECT_ENTRY_UPLOAD Shopping Cart Upload items to direct entry screen from a .csv file ibeCScdDirectEntryUpload.jsp
Processing page for direct entry upload STORE_CART_DIRECT_ENTRY_UPLOAD_P Shopping Cart Processing page to upload items from a .csv file ibeCScpDirectEntryUpload.jsp
Additional Information page STORE_CART_ADDINFO Shopping Cart Container page for cart and item level Additional Information ibeCScdAdditionalInfo.jsp
Additional Information processing page STORE_CART_ADDINFO_P Shopping Cart Shopping Cart common processing page for cart and Item level Additional Information ibeCScpAdditionalInfo.jsp
Related Items page STORE_CART_RELATED_ITEMS Shopping Cart Related Items display page for Shopping cart ibeCCtdRelatedItems.jsp

Service Items Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates related to service items support in the Customer UI . See the section, "Support for Service Items", in the "Implementing Products" chapter, for more information.

Service Items Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Store Cart Change Service STORE_CART_CHANGE_SVC_P Shopping Cart Store Cart Change Service Processing Page ibeCScpChangeSvc.jsp
Product Detail with Services STORE_CTLG_SVA_SVC_LIST Product Product name, description, image, additional information, flexfields and services ibeCCndSvaSvcList.jsp
Serviceable Product Detail STORE_CTLG_SVA_DETAIL Others Component page to display the detail of the serviceable product ibeCCtdSvaItmDtl.jsp
Service Items List STORE_CTLG_SVC_ITEM_LIST Components for Section Component page to display the list of service items with radio buttons ibeCCtdSvcItmList.jsp
Display Serviceable Config Item STORE_CART_SVA_CFG_ITEM Shopping Cart Display Serviceable Config Item ibeCScdSvaCfgItem.jsp

Descriptive Flexfield Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates related to descriptive flexfield support. See the section, "Descriptive Flexfield Support", in the "Advanced Display" chapter, for more information.

Descriptive Flexfield Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Additional Information Header Display STORE_CART_ADDINFO_HEADER Shopping Cart Addnl Information Header Display ibeCScdHdrAdditionalInfo.jsp
Additional Information Header Process STORE_CART_ADDINFO_HEADER_P Shopping Cart Addnl Information Header processing page ibeCScpHdrAdditionalInfo.jsp
Additional Information Line List Display STORE_CART_ADDINFO_LINE Shopping Cart Addnl Information Line Display ibeCScdLineAdditionalInfo.jsp
Additional Information Line List processing page STORE_CART_ADDINFO_LINE_P Shopping Cart Addnl Information Line processing page ibeCScpLineAdditionalInfo.jsp
Additional Information Line Detail Display STORE_CART_ADDINFO_ LINEDETAIL Shopping Cart Addnl Info Line Detail Display ibeCScdItemFFInfoDetail.jsp
Additional Information Line Detail processing page STORE_CART_ADDINFO_ LINEDETAIL_P Shopping Cart Addnl Info Line Detail processing page ibeCScpItemFFInfoDetail.jsp
Additional Information Header Display STORE_CART_ADDINFO_HEADER Shopping Cart Addnl Information Header Display ibeCScdHdrAdditionalInfo.jsp
Header Level Additional Information in Billing Page STORE_CHKOUT_ADDINFO_HEADER Checkout Header Level Additional Information in Billing Page ibeCCkdHdrBillPayFlex.jsp

Shopping List Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Shopping Lists. See the "Implementing Carts and Orders" chapter for more information.

Shopping List Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
SHOP LIST ADD ITEM STORE_SLIST_ADD_ITEM Shopping List Add items to a list ibeCSldAddItems.jsp
SHOP LIST ADD ITEM PROCESS STORE_SLIST_ADD_ITEM_P Shopping List Processes addition of items to list ibeCSlpAddItems.jsp
SHOP LIST DISPLAY STORE_SLIST_DISPLAY Shopping List Display shopping list ibeCSldListDetail.jsp
SHOP LISTS DISPLAY STORE_SLIST_DISPLAY_LIST Shopping List Displays shopping lists ibeCSldLists.jsp
SHOP LIST PROCESS STORE_SLIST_DISPLAY_LIST_P Shopping List Processes shopping lists ibeCSlpLists.jsp
SHOP LIST PROCESS STORE_SLIST_DISPLAY_P Shopping List Processes shopping list ibeCSlpListDetail.jsp
SHOP LIST SAVE STORE_SLIST_SAVE Shopping List Save a shopping list ibeCSldSave.jsp
SHOP LIST SAVE ACTIVE CART PROCESS STORE_SLIST_SAVE_ACTIVE_CART Shopping List Saving of shopping list to a active cart ibeCSldSaveActive.jsp
ACTIVE CART PROCESS STORE_SLIST_SAVE_ACTIVE_CART_P Shopping List Process saving of shopping list to a active cart ibeCSlpSaveActive.jsp
SHOP LIST SAVE PROCESS STORE_SLIST_SAVE_P Shopping List Process saving of shopping list ibeCSlpSave.jsp
Shopping list warning page STORE_SLIST_WARN Shopping List Warning page for shopping list ibeCSldListWarn.jsp
Shopping list warning processing page STORE_SLIST_WARN_P Shopping List Warning processing page for shopping list ibeCSlpListWarn.jsp

Orders and Checkout Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for checkout functionality in the Customer UI. See the "Implementing Carts and Orders" chapter for more information.

Orders and Checkout Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Order Confirm STORE_ORDER_CONFIRM Others Confirm a order ibeocnfm.jsp
Order Confirmation Process STORE_ORDER_CONFIRM_P Others Processes an order confirmation ibeocnfd.jsp
Order Edit STORE_ORDER_EDIT Others Edit an order ibeoedit.jsp
Order Edit Process STORE_ORDER_EDIT_P Others Edit an order process page ibeoedtd.jsp
Order Invoice Header STORE_ORDER_INVOICE_HEADER Others Displays invoice header ibeobhdr.jsp
Order Invoice Header Process STORE_ORDER_INVOICE_HEADER_P Others Processes invoice header ibeobhdd.jsp
Order Payment Options STORE_ORDER_PAYMENT_OPTS_INCLUDE Others Include page for displaying payment options ibeopmto.jsp
Order Ship Header STORE_ORDER_SHIP_HEADER Others Displays the ship header ibeoshdr.jsp
Order Ship Header Process STORE_ORDER_SHIP_HEADER_P Others Processes a ship header ibeoshdd.jsp
Order Ship Line STORE_ORDER_SHIP_LINE Others Displays order ship line ibeoslne.jsp
Order Ship Line Process STORE_ORDER_SHIP_LINE_P Others Processes a ship line ibeoslnd.jsp
Displays Order Summary STORE_ORDER_SUMMARY Others Displays order summary ibeosumm.jsp
B2B Bill Payment Display Page STORE_CHKOUT_B2B_INVOICE_HEADER Checkout B2B Bill Payment Display Page ibeCCkdBHdrBillPay.jsp
B2B Bill Payment Process Page STORE_CHKOUT_B2B_INVOICE_HEADER_P Checkout B2B Bill Payment Process Page ibeCCkpBHdrBillPay.jsp
Processing Page for Line Billing STORE_CHKOUT_B2B_INVOICE_LINE_P Checkout Processing Page for Line Billing ibeCCkpBHdrBillPay.jsp
B2B Header Shipment Display Page STORE_CHKOUT_B2B_SHIP_HEADER Checkout B2B Header Shipment Display Page ibeCCkdBHdrShip.jsp
B2B Shipment Process Page STORE_CHKOUT_B2B_SHIP_HEADER_P Checkout B2B Shipment Process Page ibeCCkpBHdrShip.jsp
B2C Bill Payment Display Page STORE_CHKOUT_B2C_INVOICE_HEADER Checkout B2C Bill Payment Display Page ibeCCkdCHdrBillPay.jsp
B2C Header Shipment Display Page STORE_CHKOUT_B2C_SHIP_HEADER Checkout B2C Header Shipment Display Page ibeCCkdCHdrShip.jsp
Save Commitments STORE_CHKOUT_COMMITMENT_SAVE Checkout Saves commitment information into the cart ibeCCkpSaveCommitments.jsp
Select Commitment STORE_CHKOUT_COMMITMENT_SELECT Checkout Shows available commitments and lets user select one ibeCCkdSelectCommitment.jsp
Show Commitments STORE_CHKOUT_COMMITMENT_SHOW Checkout Displays and assigns commitments for cart lines ibeCCkdShowCommitments.jsp
Contract Checkout STORE_CHKOUT_CONTRACT Checkout Contract checkout ibeCCkdCntrct.jsp
Contract Process STORE_CHKOUT_CONTRACT_P Checkout Contract checkout process ibeCCkpCntrct.jsp
Contract Change Display STORE_CHKOUT_CONTRACT_ CHANGE Checkout Contract change ibeCCkdCntrctChng.jsp
Contract Change Process STORE_CHKOUT_CONTRACT_ CHANGE_P Checkout Contract change process ibeCCkpCntrctChng.jsp
Change Contract STORE_CHKOUT_CONTRACT_ CHANGE_SENT Checkout Contract change ibeCCkdCntrctSent.jsp
Standard Contract STORE_CHKOUT_CONTRACT_STD Checkout Standard contract None
Contract Text STORE_CHKOUT_CONTRACT_TEXT Checkout Contract text ibeCCkdCntrctText.jsp
Header Display STORE_CHKOUT_HEADER_DISPLAY Checkout Header display ibeCCkdHdrDisplay.jsp
Invoice Header Display STORE_CHKOUT_INVOICE_HEADER Checkout Invoice header display ibeCCkdHdrBillPay.jsp
Invoice Header Process STORE_CHKOUT_INVOICE_HEADER_P Checkout Invoice header process ibeCCkpHdrBillPay.jsp
Create new address STORE_CHKOUT_CREATE_ADDRESS Checkout Create new address ibeCCkdCreateAddr.jsp
Process address creation STORE_CHKOUT_CREATE_ADDRESS_P Checkout Process address creation ibeCCkpCreateAddr.jsp
Create new contact STORE_CHKOUT_CREATE_CONTACT Checkout Create new contact ibeCCkdCreateCntct.jsp
Process contact creation STORE_CHKOUT_CREATE_CONTACT_P Checkout Process contact creation ibeCCkpCreateCntct.jsp
Create new customer STORE_CHKOUT_CREATE_CUSTOMER Checkout Create new customer ibeCCkdCreateCust.jsp
Process customer creation STORE_CHKOUT_CREATE_CUSTOMER_P Checkout Process customer creation ibeCCkpCreateCust.jsp
STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_BILL_DTLS STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_BILL_DTLS Checkout Details Page for Line Billing ibeCCkdLineBillDetails.jsp
STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_BILL_SUMM STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_BILL_SUMM Checkout Summary Page for Line Billing ibeCCkdLineBillSummary.jsp
Line level cart details STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_SHIPBILL_DTLS Checkout Line level shipping & billing details. ibeCCkdLineShipBillDtls.jsp
Line Shipments Details Page STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_SHIP_DTLS Checkout Line Shipments Details Page ibeCCkdLineShipDetails.jsp
Line Shipments Summary Page STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_SHIP_SUMM Checkout Line Shipments Summary Page ibeCCkdLineShipSummary.jsp
STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_SUMM STORE_CHKOUT_LINE_SUMM Checkout Common include Page for displaying the lines for Shipping and Billing ibeCCkdLineSummary.jsp
STORE_CHKOUT_PAYMENT_CHANGE STORE_CHKOUT_PAYMENT_CHANGE Checkout Update payment information ibeCCkdPmtChng.jsp
STORE_CHKOUT_PAYMENT_CHANGE_P STORE_CHKOUT_PAYMENT_CHANGE_P Checkout Update payment information processing page ibeCCkpPmtChng.jsp
Select customer for quote STORE_CHKOUT_QUOTE_CUSTOMER Checkout Select customer for quote ibeCCkdQuoteCust.jsp
Order Review STORE_CHKOUT_REVIEW Checkout Order Review ibeCCkdOrdReview.jsp
Order Review Process STORE_CHKOUT_REVIEW_P Checkout Order Review process page ibeCCkpOrdReview.jsp
Sales Help STORE_CHKOUT_SALES_HELP Checkout Sales Help ibeCCkdSalesHelp.jsp
Sale Help Process STORE_CHKOUT_SALES_HELP_P Checkout Sale Help process page ibeCCkpSalesHelp.jsp
Address search page STORE_CHKOUT_SEARCH_ADDRESS Checkout Address search page ibeCCkdSearchAddr.jsp
Contact search page STORE_CHKOUT_SEARCH_CONTACT Checkout Contact search page ibeCCkdSearchCntct.jsp
Customer search page STORE_CHKOUT_SEARCH_CUSTOMER Checkout Customer search page ibeCCkdSearchCust.jsp
Shipment Methods STORE_CHKOUT_SHIPMENT_METHODS Checkout Shipment Methods ibeCCkdShipMthds.jsp
Ship Header Display STORE_CHKOUT_SHIP_HEADER Checkout Ship Header Display ibeCCkdHdrShip.jsp
Ship Header Process STORE_CHKOUT_SHIP_HEADER_P Checkout Ship Header Process ibeCCkpHdrShip.jsp
Order Summary STORE_CHKOUT_SUMMARY Checkout Order summary page ibeCCkdOrdSummary.jsp
Store Chkout Update Address STORE_CHKOUT_UPDATE_ADDRESS Checkout Update address page ibeCCkdUpdateAddr.jsp
Store Chkout Update Address Process STORE_CHKOUT_UPDATE_ADDRESS_P Checkout Update address process page ibeCCkpUpdateAddr.jsp
Address search results STORE_CHKOUT_VIEW_ADDRESSES Checkout Address search results page ibeCCkdViewAddr.jsp
Process address search STORE_CHKOUT_VIEW_ADDRESSES_P Checkout Address search results process page ibeCCkpViewAddr.jsp
Contact search results page STORE_CHKOUT_VIEW_CONTACTS Checkout Contact search results page ibeCCkdViewCntct.jsp
Process contact search STORE_CHKOUT_VIEW_CONTACTS_P Checkout Process contact search page ibeCCkpViewCntct.jsp
Customer search results page STORE_CHKOUT_VIEW_CUSTOMERS Checkout Customer search results page ibeCCkdViewCust.jsp
Process customer search STORE_CHKOUT_VIEW_CUSTOMERS_P Checkout Process customer search ibeCCkpViewCust.jsp
Modify line level shipping details display page STORE_CART_LINE_SPLIT_DETAILS Checkout Modify line level shipping details display page ibeCCkdLineSplit.jsp
Modify line level shipping details process page STORE_CART_LINE_SPLIT_DETAILS_P Checkout Modify line level shipping details process page ibeCCkpLineSplit.jsp
Contact Search results list page STORE_CHKOUT_SRCH_LIST_CONTACTS Checkout Contact Search results list page ibeCCkdSrchListCntct.jsp
Address Search results list page STORE_CHKOUT_SRCH_LIST_ADDRESSES Checkout Address Search results list page ibeCCkdSrchListAddr.jsp

Express Checkout Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Express Checkout. See the "Implementing Carts and Orders" chapter for more information.

Express Checkout Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
EXPRESS CHK OUT CANCEL STORE_XPR_CANCEL Express Checkout Cancel a express checkout order ibeCXpdShowCancel.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT ERROR STORE_XPR_ERROR Express Checkout Error during express checkout ibeCXpdShowError.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT PROCESS STORE_XPR_PROCESS Express Checkout Processes the express checkout request ibeCXppDoButton.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT SETTINGS DISPLAY STORE_XPR_SETTINGS_DISPLAY Express Checkout Displays express checkout settings ibeCXpdShowSettings.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT SETTINGS SAVE STORE_XPR_SETTINGS_SAVE Express Checkout Save express checkout settings ibeCXppSaveSettings.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT TAG AREA STORE_XPR_TAG_AREA Express Checkout Displays the area around the checkout tag ibeCXpdShowTag.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT VIEW STORE_XPR_VIEW Express Checkout View a express checkout order ibeCXpdViewPending.jsp

Post Sales Display Templates

The following table, lists seeded Display Templates for postsales activity. See the chapter, Implementing Carts and Orders, for more information.

Post Sales Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Store Cancel Order STORE_PSI_CANCEL_ORDER_P Post Sales Template for cancel order screen ibeCOtdOrdCancelMain.jsp
Invoice Details Processing Page STORE_PSI_INVOICE_DETAIL_P Post Sales Invoice details processing page ibeCOtdInvDtlMain.jsp
Invoice payment details STORE_PSI_INVOICE_PAYMENT_DETAIL_P Post Sales Invoice payment details ibeCOtdInvPmtMain.jsp
Invoice Summary Processing Page STORE_PSI_INVOICE_SUMMARY_P Post Sales Invoice summary processing page ibeCOtdInvSumMain.jsp
Order Detail Processing Page STORE_PSI_ORDER_DETAIL_P Post Sales Order details processing page ibeCOtdOrdDtlMain.jsp
Walkin Order Search Display Page STORE_PSI_W_ORD_SRCH_D Post Sales Walkin order search display page ibeCOtdWOrdSrch.jsp
Walkin Order Search Processing Page STORE_PSI_W_ORD_SRCH_P Post Sales Walkin order search processing page ibeCOtpWOrdSrch.jsp
Shipping Details Custom Processing STORE_SHIP_DETAIL_CUSTOM_P Post Sales Shipping details custom processing page ibeCOtpShpDtlCustom.jsp
Order Summary Processing Page STORE_PSI_ORDER_SUMMARY_P Post Sales Order summary processing page ibeCOtdOrdSumMain.jsp
Payment Details Processing Page STORE_PSI_PAYMENT_DETAIL_P Post Sales Payment details processing page ibeCOtdPmtDtlMain.jsp
Payment Summary Processing STORE_PSI_PAYMENT_SUMMARY_P Post Sales Payment summary processing page ibeCOtdPmtSumMain.jsp
Shipment Details Processing STORE_PSI_SHIPMENT_DETAIL_P Post Sales Shipment details processing page ibeCOtdShpDtlMain.jsp
Shipment Details for Shipment Number STORE_PSI_DELIVERY_DETAIL_P Post Sales Shipment details for Shipment Number ibeCOtdDlvyDtlMain.jsp
Order Details: Line Billing Details STORE_PSI_LINE_BILL_DTL_P Post Sales Order Details: Line Billing Details ibeCOtdOrdLineBillDtlMain.jsp
Order Details: Line Shipping Details STORE_PSI_LINE_SHIP_DTL_P Post Sales Order Details: Line Shipping Details ibeCOtdOrdLineShipDtlMain.jsp

Installed Base Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Oracle Installed Base functionality in the Customer UI. See the chapter, Implementing Carts and Orders, for more information. Several bins are also seeded for Installed Base pages; see the "Seeded Bin Display Templates" section within this appendix for more information.

Install Base Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
B2C Instances STORE_PSI_IB_B2C_INSTANCE_SUMMARY_D Install Base Display Page to display instances for a B2C User ibeCIbdCInstances.jsp
Install Base : B2B Instances STORE_PSI_IB_B2B_INSTANCE_SUMMARY_D Install Base Display Page to display instances for a B2B User ibeCIbdBInstances.jsp
Install Base : Configuration Details STORE_PSI_IB_B2B_CONFIG_DETAIL_D Install Base Loads the configured item; calls common configuration display page to display the configurable item ibeCIbdBViewConfigDetail.jsp
Install Base : Instance Detail STORE_PSI_IB_INSTANCE_DETAIL_D Install Base Displays the instance details ibeCIbdInstanceDetail.jsp
Install Base : Main Page STORE_PSI_IB_INSTANCE_MAIN_D Install Base Includes the inner pages to display Instances/ Configuration Instances ibeCIbdInstanceMain.jsp
Install Base : Custom Attributes STORE_PSI_IB_INST_DTL_CUSTOM_D Install Base This template allows the implementing company to display Install Base extended attributes. This template will be displayed in the item details templates. Out-of-box, not mapped to any physical JSP file. To implement, include the display template file before the following code in ibeCIbdInstanceDetail.jsp<%@include file="ibeCZzdBottom.jsp" %> String _orddtlmain =

Returns Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Returns functionality in the Customer UI. See the chapter, Implementing Carts and Orders, for more information.

Returns Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Returns: Search & Select item (Multi Order Flow) Page STORE_PSI_RETURN_CREATE_MULTILINE_P Returns Returns: Search & Select item (Multi Order Flow) Page ibeCOtdRetCreMultiLineMain.jsp
Returns: Select Items(Single Order Flow) Page STORE_PSI_RETURN_CREATE_SINGLELINE_P Returns Returns: Select Items(Single Order Flow) Page ibeCOtdRetCreSingleLineMain.jsp
Returns: Confirmation Page STORE_PSI_RETURN_CONFIRM_P Returns Returns: Confirmation Page ibeCOtdRetConfirmMain.jsp
Returns: Review and Submit Page STORE_PSI_RETURN_REVIEW_P Returns Returns: Review and Submit Page ibeCOtdRetReviewMain.jsp
Returns: Summary Page STORE_PSI_RETURN_SUMMARY_P Returns Returns: Summary Page ibeCOtdRetSumMain.jsp
Returns: Details Page STORE_PSI_RETURN_DETAIL_P Returns Returns: Details Page ibeCOtdRetDtlMain.jsp
Returns: Billing Details Page For B2B customer STORE_PSI_BILL_DETAIL_P Returns Returns: Billing Details Page For B2B customer ibeCOtdLineBillMain.jsp

Available to Promise Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Available to Promise (ATP) functionality in the Customer UI. See the "Providing Regular Available to Promise (ATP)" section in the chapter, Implementing Products, for more information.

Available to Promise Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
ATP Component page for Customer STORE_PSI_ATP_C Shopping Cart ATP Component page for Customer and Sales Rep ibeCOtcAtp.jsp
ATP Display Page STORE_PSI_ATP_D Shopping Cart ATP Display Page ibeCOtdAtp.jsp
ATP Processing Page STORE_PSI_ATP_P Shopping Cart ATP Processing Page ibeCOtpAtp.jsp
ATP Container page for Sales Person STORE_PSI_ATP_SP_D Shopping Cart ATP container page for sales person ibeSOtdAtp.jsp

User Management Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for User Management. See the chapter, Implementing User Management, for more information.

User Management Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Role Management Display STORE_UM_ROLE_MGMT_SUMMARY_D User Management Container/Display page for Listing the available Roles ibeCUmdRoleMgmt.jsp
Role Management Processing STORE_UM_ROLE_MGMT_SUMMARY_P User Management Processing page for Listing the available Roles ibeCUmpRoleMgmt.jsp
Roles Edit Display STORE_UM_CREATE_UPDATE_ROLES_D User Management Container/Display page for Create/Update Roles ibeCUmdRoleCrUpd.jsp
Roles Edit Processing STORE_UM_CREATE_UPDATE_ROLES_P User Management Processing page for Create/Update Roles ibeCUmpRoleCrUpd.jsp
Roles Delete Display STORE_UM_REMOVE_ROLES_D User Management Container/Display page for Remove Roles ibeCUmdRoleDel.jsp
Contact Management Display STORE_UM_CONTACT_SUMMARY_D User Management Store contact summary page ibeCUmdContactSummary.jsp
Display Contact details page STORE_UM_CONTACT_DETAILS_D User Management Display Contact details page ibeCUmdContactDetails.jsp
Show Assigned Roles Display STORE_UM_ROLE_SHOW_D User Management Show user roles display page ibeCUmdShowUserRole.jsp
Show Assigned Roles Processing STORE_UM_ROLE_SHOW_P User Management Show user roles processing page ibeCUmpShowUserRole.jsp
Assign Roles Display STORE_UM_ROLE_ASSIGN_D User Management Assign user roles display page ibeCUmdAssignRole.jsp
Assign Roles Processing STORE_UM_ROLE_ASSIGN_P User Management Assign user roles display page ibeCUmpAssignRole.jsp
Assign Accounts Display STORE_UM_ACCOUNT_ASSIGN_D User Management Assign accounts display page ibeCUmdAssignAccount.jsp
Show Assigned Sites Display STORE_UM_SITES_SHOW_D User Management User sites display page ibeCUmdShowUserSites.jsp
Pending Approvals Summary Display STORE_UM_PENDING_APPROVAL_SUMMARY_D User Management Container/Display page for Listing the Pending Approval Requests ibeCUmdPApproval.jsp
Pending Approvals Summary Processing STORE_UM_PENDING_APPROVAL_SUMMARY_P User Management Processing Page for Pending Approvals Listing Page ibeCUmpPApproval.jsp
Approve/Reject Pending Approvals Display STORE_UM_PENDING_APPROVAL_DETAILS_D User Management Container/Display page for Approve/Reject Requests ibeCUmdPAppDet.jsp
Approve/Reject Pending Approvals Processing STORE_UM_PENDING_APPROVAL_DETAILS_P User Management Container/Display page for Approve/Reject Requests ibeCUmpPAppDet.jsp
Assign Sites Display STORE_UM_SITES_ASSIGN_D User Management Assign user sites display page ibeCUmdAssignSites.jsp
Assign Accounts Processing STORE_UM_ACCOUNT_ASSIGN_P User Management Assign user accounts processing page ibeCUmpAssignAccount.jsp
Assign Accounts Display STORE_UM_ACCOUNT_SHOW_D User Management User accounts display page ibeCUmdShowUserAccount.jsp
Remove account warning display STORE_UM_REM_CUSTACCT_WARN_D User Management Remove account warning display page ibeCUmdRemCustAcctWarn.jsp
Revoke account processing STORE_UM_REM_CUSTACCT_WARN_P User Management Revoke account processing page ibeCUmpRemCustAcctWarn.jsp
Container Page for Registration STORE_REG_CONTAINER_D Registration Container page that calls other registration pages based on user type ibeCRgdRegContainer.jsp
Registration Page for Usertypes STORE_REG_REGISTER_D Registration Displays available user types ibeCRgdRegister.jsp
Registration error page STORE_REG_ERROR_D Registration Registration error page used to display error messgage in user registration process ibeCRgdError.jsp
Displays user preferences during registration PARTNER_REG_USER_PREFERENCES_INCL Registration Displays user preferences during registration pvxCRgdUsrPrefIncl.jsp
Individual user creation display page STORE_REG_B2C_CREATE_D Registration Individual user creation display page ibeCRgdIndividualUser.jsp
Individual user creation processing page STORE_REG_B2C_CREATE_P Registration Individual user creation processing page ibeCRgpIndividualUser jsp
Business user creation display page STORE_REG_BUSINESS_CREATE_D Registration Business user registration page ibeCRgdBusinessCreate.jsp
Primary user creation display page STORE_REG_PRI_CREATE_D Registration Primary business user registration page ibeCRgdPrimaryCreate.jsp
Primary user creation processing page STORE_REG_PRI_CREATE_P Registration Primary user creation processing page ibeCRgpPrimaryCreate jsp
User information like First/Last name and email STORE_REG_PERSON_INCL_D Registration User information like First/Last name and email ibeCRgdPersonInfoIncl.jsp
Username and Password include page STORE_REG_USER_PASSWD_D Registration Username and Password include page ibeCRgdUserPasswd.jsp
Individual user partial creation display page STORE_REG_B2C_CREATE_PARTIAL_D Registration Individual user partial creation display page (Online Access to Existing Account) ibeCRgdIndividualCreatePartial.jsp
Individual user partial creation processing page STORE_REG_B2C_CREATE_PARTIAL_P Registration Individual user partial creation processing page (Online Access to Existing Account) ibeCRgpIndividualCreatePartial.jsp
Business user partial creation display page STORE_REG_BUSINESS_CREATE_PARTIAL_D Registration Business user partial creation display page (Online Access to Existing Account) ibeCRgdBusinessCreatePartial.jsp
Business user partial creation processing page STORE_REG_BUSINESS_CREATE_PARTIAL_P Registration Business user partial creation processing page (Online Access to Existing Account) ibeCRgpBusinessCreatePartial.jsp
Displays partner types during registration PARTNER_REG_MEMBER_TYPES_D_INCL Registration Displays partner types during registration pvxCRgdPrtAddnlInfo.jsp
Partner business user creation display page STORE_REG_BUSPARTNER_CREATE_D Registration Partner business user creation display page ibeCRgdPartnerNonPriCreate.jsp
Partner business user creation processing page STORE_REG_BUSPARTNER_CREATE_P Registration Partner business user creation processing page ibeCRgpPartnerNonPriCreate jsp
Partner primary user creation display page STORE_REG_PARTNER_CREATE_D Registration Partner primary user creation display page ibeCRgdPartnerPriCreate.jsp
Partner primary user creation processing page STORE_REG_PARTNER_CREATE_P Registration Partner primary user creation processing page ibeCRgpPartnerPriCreate jsp
Processing page for partner types during registration PARTNER_REG_MEMBER_TYPES_P Registration Processing page for partner types during registration pvxCRgpPrtAddnlInfo.jsp
View Organization Details STORE_ORG_ACC_INFO_D Organization Profile View Organization Details ibeCOadOrgDetail.jsp
Update Organization Details STORE_ORG_ACC_INFO_P Organization Profile Update Organization Details ibeCOapOrgDetail.jsp
View Corporate Address Book STORE_ORG_ACC_ADDR_BOOK_D Organization Profile View Corporate Address Book ibeCOadOrgAddrBook.jsp
View Administrators of the company STORE_ORG_ACC_ADMIN_D Organization Profile View Administrators of the company ibeCOadAdministrators.jsp
Personal Information STORE_CUST_ACC_HOME User Profile Personal Information display for user profile ibeCAcdPersonalInfo.jsp
Login STORE_CUST_ACC_LOGIN User Profile Login display page ibeCAcdLogin.jsp
Account Authorization STORE_CUST_ACC_LOGIN_AUTH User Profile Login authorization page ibeCAcpLogin.jsp
Logout STORE_CUST_ACC_LOGOUT User Profile Logout page ibeCAcpLogout.jsp
Password Change STORE_CUST_ACC_PASSWORD User Profile Password Change page ibeCAcdPassword.jsp
Order preferences STORE_CUST_ACC_PREFS User Profile Order preferences ibeCAcdPreferences.jsp
Password Assistance STORE_CUST_ACC_PWD_RESET User Profile Login and Password Assistance page ibeCAcdPwdAssist.jsp
Password Assistance Processing STORE_CUST_ACC_PWD_RESET_P User Profile Login and Password Assistance processing page ibeCAcpPwdAssist.jsp
Payment Book processing STORE_CUST_PMTBK_DISPLAY User Profile Payment Book page ibeCPmdPmtBook.jsp
Payment Book processing STORE_CUST_PMTBK_SAVE User Profile Payment Book processing ibeCPmpPmtBook.jsp
Payment Options Display STORE_CUST_PMTBK_PAYMENT_OPTIONS User Profile Payment Options Display ibeCPmdPmtOptions.jsp
Primary Account Setting STORE_CUST_PRIM_ACCT User Profile Primary Account Setting ibeCAcdPrimAcct.jsp
Primary Account Setting Processing STORE_CUST_PRIM_ACCT_P User Profile Primary Account Setting Processing ibeCAcpPrimAcct.jsp
Password Expired STORE_CUST_ACC_PWD_EXPIRED User Profile Password Expired ibeCAcdPwdExpired.jsp
Password Expired Processing STORE_CUST_ACC_PWD_EXPIRED_P User Profile Password Expired Processing ibeCAcpPwdExpired.jsp
Support Preferences SUPPORT_CUST_ACC_ESUB User Profile User Profile: Support Preferences ibuCSpdesubMain.jsp
Support Preferences Processing SUPPORT_CUST_ACC_ESUB_P User Profile User Profile: Support Preferences Processing ibuCSppesub.jsp
View User Profile Page PARTNER_CUST_ACC_VIEW_ATTRIBUTES User Profile View user profile pvxCAcdViewAttrMain.jsp
Update User Profile Page PARTNER_CUST_ACC_EDIT_ATTRIBUTES User Profile Update user profile pvxCAcdEditAttrMain.jsp
View Partner Profile PARTNER_ORG_ACC_VIEW_ATTRIBUTES User Profile View Partner Profile pvxCOadViewAttrMain.jsp
Update Partner Profile PARTNER_ORG_ACC_EDIT_ATTRIBUTES User Profile Update Partner Profile pvxCOadEditAttrMain.jsp
View Channel Team for Partner PARTNER_ORG_ACC_CHANNEL_TEAM User Profile View Channel Team for Partner pvxCOadChnlTeamMain.jsp
View Current Partner Memberships PARTNER_ORG_ACC_MEMBERSHIPS User Profile View Current Partner Memberships pvxCOadMmbrshipMain.jsp
Administration: View User Profile PARTNER_UM_VIEW_ATTRIBUTES User Profile User Administration: View User Profile pvxCUmdViewAttrMain.jsp
Administration: Update User Profile PARTNER_UM_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE User Profile User Administration: Update User Profile pvxCUmdEditAttrMain.jsp
User Management: User Preferences PARTNER_UM_USER_PREFERENCES_INCL User Profile Displays partner user preferences pvxCUmdUsrPrefIncl.jsp
User/Organization Contact Information        
View Email Include STORE_CP_VIEW_EMAIL_INC Contact Point View Email Include ibeCCpdViewEmailIncl.jsp
Email Form STORE_CP_EMAIL_FRM_INCL Contact Point Email Form ibeCCpdEmailForm.jsp
Edit Email STORE_CP_EDIT_EMAIL Contact Point Edit Email ibeCCpdEditEmail.jsp
Edit Email Processing Page STORE_CP_EDIT_EMAIL_P Contact Point   ibeCCppEditEmail.jsp
Delete Email Processing Page STORE_CP_DELETE_EMAIL_P Contact Point Delete Email Processing Page ibeCCppDeleteEmail.jsp
View Organization Email STORE_CP_VIEW_ORG_EMAIL Contact Point View Organization Email ibeCCpdViewEmail.jsp
View User Phone STORE_CP_VIEW_CUST_PHONE Contact Point View User Phone ibeCCpdViewPhone.jsp
View Organization Phone STORE_CP_VIEW_ORG_PHONE Contact Point View Organization Phone ibeCCpdViewPhone.jsp
View Phone Include STORE_CP_VIEW_PHONE_INCL Contact Point View Phone Include ibeCCpdViewPhoneIncl.jsp
Phone Form Include STORE_CP_PHONE_FRM_INCL Contact Point Phone Form Include ibeCCpdPhoneForm.jsp
Edit Phone STORE_CP_EDIT_PHONE Contact Point Edit Phone ibeCCpdEditPhone.jsp
Edit Phone Processing Page STORE_CP_EDIT_PHONE_P Contact Point Edit Phone Processing Page ibeCCppEditPhone.jsp
Delete Phone Processing Page STORE_CP_DELETE_PHONE_P Contact Point Delete Phone Processing Page ibeCCppDeletePhone.jsp
View Organization Telex STORE_CP_VIEW_ORG_TELEX Contact Point View Organization Telex ibeCCpdViewTelex.jsp
View Telex Include STORE_CP_VIEW_TELEX_INCL Contact Point View Telex Include ibeCCpdViewTelexIncl.jsp
Telex Form Include STORE_CP_TELEX_FRM_INCL Contact Point Telex Form Include ibeCCpdTelexForm.jsp
Edit Telex STORE_CP_EDIT_TELEX Contact Point Edit Telex ibeCCpdEditTelex.jsp
Edit Telex Processing Page STORE_CP_EDIT_TELEX_P Contact Point Edit Telex Processing Page ibeCCppEditTelex.jsp
Delete Telex Processing Page STORE_CP_DELETE_TELEX_P Contact Point Delete Telex Processing Page ibeCCppDeleteTelex.jsp
STORE_ADDRBK_BOOK STORE_ADDRBK_BOOK Address Book Store Address Book ibeCAddAddrBook.jsp
Store Address Create STORE_ADDRBK_CREATE Address Book Store Address Create ibeCAdpAddrEdit.jsp
Store Address Delete STORE_ADDRBK_DELETE Address Book Store Address Delete ibeCAdpAddrDelete.jsp
Store Address Display STORE_ADDRBK_DISPLAY Address Book Store Address Display ibeCAddAddrDsp1.jsp
Store Address Display Alternate STORE_ADDRBK_DISPLAY_ALT Address Book Store Address Display Alternate ibeCAddAddrDsp2.jsp
Store Address Display Alternate 2 STORE_ADDRBK_DISPLAY_ALT2 Address Book Store Address Display Alternate 2 ibeCAddAddrDsp3.jsp
Store Address Display Form STORE_ADDRBK_DISPLAY_FORM Address Book Store Address Display Form ibeCAddAddrEdit0.jsp
Store Address Edit STORE_ADDRBK_EDIT Address Book Store Address Edit ibeCAddAddrEdit.jsp
Store Address Default Form STORE_ADDRBK_FRM_DEF Address Book Store Address Default Form ibeCAddAddrFrmDef.jsp
Store Address Flexible Address Form STORE_ADDRBK_FRM_FLEX Address Book Store Address Flexible Address Form ibeCAddAddrFrmFlex.jsp
Store Address Select Create STORE_ADDRBK_SEL_CREATE Address Book Store Address Select Create ibeCAddAddrSelCreate.jsp

Product Search Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Customer UI Product Search. This functionality is described in the chapter, Implementing Products.

Product Search Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Item Search Menu Display Page STORE_SEARCH_MENU Product Search Item Search Menu Display Page ibeCSrdSrchMenu.jsp
Advanced Search Form STORE_SEARCH_REFINE Product Search Advanced Search Form ibeCSrdSrchAdvForm.jsp
SEARCH RESULT STORE_SEARCH_RESULT Product Search Shows search results ibeCSrdSrchResults.jsp

Catalog Punchout Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Customer UI Supplier-Hosted Catalog Punchout. This functionality is described in the chapter, Implementing the Catalog.

Supplier-Hosted Catalog Punchout Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Punchout Login Page STORE_PO_LOGIN_P   Punchout: Login page ibeCPopLoginB.jsp
Punchout Logout STORE_PO_LOGOUT_P   Punchout: Back to Procurement page ibeCPopLogout.jsp
Punchout Page STORE_PO_CHECKOUT_P   Punchout: Checkout page ibeCPopPunchout.jsp

Other Display Templates

The following table lists other miscellaneous seeded Customer UI Display Templates.

Other Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
About Us STORE_SP_ABOUT_US Others About Us None
Contact Us STORE_SP_CONTACT_US Others Contact Us None
Frequently Asked Question STORE_SP_FAQ Others Frequently Asked Questions None
Partner STORE_SP_PARTNER Others Partner None
Return Warranty STORE_SP_RETURN_WARRANTY Others Return Warranty None
Store Welcome STORE_SP_WELCOME Others Store Welcome None
JTF Style Sheet JTF_STYLE_SHEET Others Oracle CRM Technology Foundation Style Sheet jtfucss.css
Store Style Sheet STORE_STYLE_SHEET Others Oracle iStore Cascading Style Sheet jtfucss.css
Store Help Page STORE_HELP_PAGE Others Help page None
Live Help Bin Template STORE_LIVE_HELP_BIN Others Store Help Page ibeCAcdLiveHelpBin.jsp
Live Help Error Page Template STORE_LIVE_HELP_ERR_PAGE Others Live Help Bin Template ibeCLhdErrPage.jsp
Live Help PopUp Page Template STORE_LIVE_HELP_POPUP Others Live Help Error Page Template ibeCLhdPopUp.jsp
Live Help Process Page Template STORE_LIVE_HELP_PROCESS Others Live Help PopUp Page Template ibeCLhpProcess.jsp
Live Help Wait Page Template STORE_LIVE_HELP_WAIT_PAGE Others Live Help Process Page Template ibeCLhdWaitPage.jsp
Standard Trailer for all pages STORE_CUSTOM_BOTTOM Others Live Help Wait Page Template None
Store custom help STORE_CUSTOM_HELP Others Store custom help None
Content Callback Error Template STORE_CONTENT_CALL_BACK_ERR Others Content Callback Error Template None
Store Error Message Include Page STORE_ERR_MSG_INCL Others Store Error Message Include Page ibeCZzdStatus.jsp
Handler for iStore events STORE_EVENT_HANDLER Others Handler for iStore events None
Table navigation page STORE_CMN_TABLE_NAVIGATOR Others Generic included display page for table navigation ibeCZzdNavigator.jsp
Generic Message Page STORE_GENERIC_MESSAGE Others Generic Message Page ibeCZzdMsgBox.jsp
Store generic user fields STORE_USERINFO_DISPLAY_FORM Others Store common user information page ibeCAcdRegistrationI.jsp
Descriptive FlexField Generic Display STORE_DESC_FLEXFIELD_DISP Others Descriptive FlexField Generic Display ibeCZzdDFlex.jsp
Descriptive FlexField Generic Processing STORE_DESC_FLEXFIELD_P Others Descriptive FlexField Generic Processing ibeCZzpDFlex.jsp

Oracle Configurator and BOM Integration Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for the Oracle Configurator and Oracle Bills of Material (BOM) integration in the Customer UI.

Oracle Configurator and BOM Integration Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Branch or route upon return from Configurator STORE_CFG_BRANCH Configurator Main logic page to route the return to iStore from Configurator ibeCFgpBranch.jsp
Display Configured item STORE_CFG_DISPLAY Configurator Display a Configured item in an HTML table cell ibeCFgdDisplay.jsp
Set outer frame set to run Configurator STORE_CFG_FRAME_SRCS Configurator Establishes the outer frame set for Configurator DHTML UI to run in. ibeCFgdFrameSources.jsp
Starts the launching of the Configurator from iStore STORE_CFG_LAUNCH Configurator Prepares parameters to launch the Configurator from iStore. ibeCFgpLaunch.jsp
Return page for Configurator to post to STORE_CFG_REDIRECT Configurator Initial page for Configurator servlet to post to in returning to iStore and regaining iStore context. ibeCFgpRedirect.jsp
Display Model Item Detail in Popup STORE_CART_CFG_ITEMS_ACTUAL Shopping Cart Display Model Item Detail in Popup ibeCScdMdlItemPopup.jsp
Display Model Item Lines STORE_CART_MDL_ITEM_LINES Shopping Cart Display Model Item Lines ibeCScdMdlItemLines.jsp
Display Model Item Detail STORE_CART_MDL_ITEM_DETAIL Shopping Cart Display Model Item Detail ibeCScdMdlItemDetail.jsp
Model Item Detail Processing Page STORE_CART_MDL_ITEM_DETAIL_P Shopping Cart Model Item Detail Processing Page ibeCScpMdlItemDetail.jsp

Oracle iSupport Integration Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Oracle iSupport integration. See the chapter, Integrating Oracle iStore with Oracle iSupport, for more information.

Oracle iSupport Integration Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Alerts Bin SUPPORT_ALERTS_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Display alert messages to users ibuCSpdAlertsBin.jsp
Ask Support Bin SUPPORT_ASK_SUPPORT_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Provide call agent functionality to get support ibuCSpdCallMeBin.jsp
Search Solution Bin SUPPORT_SEARCH_SOLUTION_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Search for a solution ibuCSpdSolveProbBin.jsp
Technical Library Bin SUPPORT_TECH_LIB_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Publish documents to user from MES ibuCSpdTechLibBin.jsp

Oracle Partner Management Integration Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates for Oracle Partner Relationship Management integration. See the chapter, Integrating Oracle iStore with Oracle Partner Management, for more information.

Oracle Partner Management Integration Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Enroll Programs Bin PARTNER_ENROLL_PRGMS_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Display list of programs available for enrollment pvxCPvdPrgmNewBin.jsp
Enrollment Left 1 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_LEFT_1 Display Templates for section This bin is displayed at the top on the left hand side None
Enrollment Left 2 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_LEFT_2 Display Templates for section This bin is displayed on the left hand side None
Enrollment Left 3 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_LEFT_3 Display Templates for section This bin is displayed on the left hand side None
Enrollment Left 4 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_LEFT_4 Display Templates for section This bin is displayed at the bottom on the left hand side None
Enrollment Right 1 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_RIGHT_1 Display Templates for section This bin is displayed at the top on the right hand side None
Enrollment Right 2 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_RIGHT_2 Display Templates for section This bin is displayed on the right hand side None
Enrollment Right 3 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_RIGHT_3 Display Templates for section This bin is displayed on the right hand side None
Enrollment Right 4 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_RIGHT_4 Display Templates for section This bin is displayed at the bottom on the right hand side None
Manage My Partners Bin PARTNER_MANAGE_PARTNERS_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Allow VADs to manage partners pvxCPvdMngPrtnrBin.jsp
New Offered Opportunities Bin PARTNER_OFFERED_OPTN_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Display list of new offered opportunities to partners pvxCPvdMyOffrdOppBin.jsp
Renew Programs Bin PARTNER_RENEW_PRGMS_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Display list of programs available for renewals pvxCPvdPrgmRenewBin.jsp
Upgrade Programs Bin PARTNER_UPGRADE_PRGMS_BIN_IBEWC Display Templates for section Display list of programs available for upgrade pvxCPvdPrgmUpgradeBin.jsp
Program Overview Page PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_OVERVIEW Others Displays the partner program overview page pvxCPvpPrgmDescMain.jsp
Program Questionnaire Page PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_QSNR Others Displays the partner program questionnaire page pvxCPvpEnrlQsnrMain.jsp
Program Questionnaire Summary Page PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_QSNR_SUMMARY Others Displays the partner program questionnaire summary page pvxCPvpEnrlQSmryMain.jsp
Program Contract Page PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_CONTRACT Others Displays the partner program contract page pvxCPvpEnrlCntrtMain.jsp
Program Billing Information Page PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_PMNT_BILLING Others Displays the partner program billing information Page pvxCPvpEnrlPBillMain.jsp
Program Payment Inforamtion Page PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_PMNT_INFO Others Displays the partner program payment information page pvxCPvpEnrlPInfoMain.jsp
Program Payment Confirmation Page PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_PMNT_CONFIRM Others Displays the partner program payment confirmation page pvxCPvpEnrlPCnfmMain.jsp
Program Enrollment Confirmation Page PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_THANKYOU Others Displays the partner program enrollment confirmation page pvxCPvpEnrlThankMain.jsp
Partner Program Enrollment Common Layout PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_COMMON_LAYOUT Others Partner Program Enrollment Common Layout pvxCPvdEnrlCmnDpMain.jsp
Program Overview Include PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_OVERVIEW_INCL Others Include page to display program overview pvxCPvdPrgmDescIncl.jsp
Program Questionnaire Include PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_QSNR_INCL Others Include page to display program questionnaire pvxCPvdEnrlQsnrIncl.jsp
Program Questionnaire Summary Include PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_QSNR_SUMMARY_INCL Others Include page to display program questionnaire summary pvxCPvdEnrlQSmryIncl.jsp
Program Contracts Include PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_CONTRACT_INCL Others Include page to display program contracts pvxCPvdEnrlCntrtIncl.jsp
Program Payment Billing Information Include PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_PMNT_BILLING_INCL Others Include page to display billing information pvxCPvdEnrlCntrtIncl.jsp
Program Payment Information Include PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_PMNT_INFO_INCL Others Include page to display program payment information pvxCPvdEnrlPBillIncl.jsp
Program Payment Confirmation Include PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_PMNT_CONFIRM_INCL Others Include page to display program payment confirmation pvxCPvdEnrlPInfoIncl.jsp
Program Enrollment Confirmation Include PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_THANKYOU_INCL Others Include page to display program enrollment confirmation pvxCPvdEnrlThankIncl.jsp
Enrollment Left 1 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_LEFT_1 Others This bin is displayed at the top on the left hand side None
Enrollment Left 2 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_LEFT_2 Others This bin is displayed on the left hand side None
Enrollment Left 3 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_LEFT_3 Others This bin is displayed on the left hand side None
Enrollment Left 4 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_LEFT_4 Others This bin is displayed at the bottom on the left hand side None
Enrollment Center 1 PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_CENTER_1 Others This bin is displayed at the top in the center of the page None
Enrollment Center 2 PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_CENTER_2 Others This bin is displayed in the center of the page None
Enrollment Center 4 PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_CENTER_4 Others This bin is displayed at the bottom in the center of the page None
Enrollment Right 1 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_RIGHT_1 Others This bin is displayed at the top on the right hand side None
Enrollment Right 2 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_RIGHT_2 Others This bin is displayed on the right hand side None
Enrollment Right 3 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_RIGHT_3 Others This bin is displayed on the right hand side None
Enrollment Right 4 Bin PARTNER_PRGM_ENRL_BIN_RIGHT_4 Others This bin is displayed at the bottom on the right hand side None
Partner Organization Additional Information Page PARTNER_REG_MEMBER_TYPES_D_INCL Others Used to capture additional Partner-related information; displays just after the Partner registration page is submitted; only shown for the Register as a partner user type ibeCRgpPartnerPriCreate.jsp

Oracle Quoting Integration Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Display Templates related to Customer UI Quotes. See the following chapters for more information on this functionality: Implementing Carts and Orders, and Integrating Oracle iStore with Oracle Quoting.

Oracle Quoting Integration Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
SalesRep Add Item Process Page STORE_QUOTE_ADD_ITEM Others SalesRep Add Item Process Page ibeSQtpAddItem.jsp
Add services to a quote display page STORE_QUOTE_ADD_SERVICES Others Add services to a quote display page ibeSQtdAddServices.jsp
Add services to a quote component page STORE_QUOTE_ADD_SERVICES_C Others Add services to a quote component page ibeSQtcAddServices.jsp
Add services to a quote process page STORE_QUOTE_ADD_SERVICES_P Others Add services to a quote process page ibeSQtpAddServices.jsp
Advanced Search component page for quoting STORE_QUOTE_ADV_SRCH_C Others Advanced Search component page for quoting ibeSQtcAdvItemSrch.jsp
Advanced Search display page for quoting STORE_QUOTE_ADV_SRCH_D Others Advanced Search display page for quoting ibeSQtdAdvItemSrch.jsp
Append Quote Display Page STORE_QUOTE_APPEND Others Append Quote Display Page ibeSQtdAppend.jsp
Append Quote Component Page STORE_QUOTE_APPEND_C Others Append Quote Component Page ibeSQtcAppend.jsp
List More Versions for Appending Display Page STORE_QUOTE_APPEND_MORE Others List More Versions for Appending Display Page ibeSQtdApndMore.jsp
List More Versions for Appending Component Page STORE_QUOTE_APPEND_MORE_C Others List More Versions for Appending Component Page ibeSQtcApndMore.jsp
List More Versions for Appending Process Page STORE_QUOTE_APPEND_MORE_P Others List More Versions for Appending Process Page ibeSQtpApndMore.jsp
Append Quote Process Page STORE_QUOTE_APPEND_P Others Append Quote Process Page ibeSQtpAppend.jsp
Add services to a configuration display page STORE_QUOTE_CFG_ADD_SVC Others Add services to a configuration display page ibeSQtdCfgAddSvc.jsp
Add services to a configuration component page STORE_QUOTE_CFG_ADD_SVC_C Others Add services to a configuration component page ibeSQtcCfgAddSvc.jsp
Add services to a configuration process page STORE_QUOTE_CFG_ADD_SVC_P Others Add services to a configuration process page ibeSQtpCfgAddSvc.jsp
Copy Quote Display Page STORE_QUOTE_COPY Others Copy Quote Display Page ibeSQtdCopy.jsp
Copy Quote Component Page STORE_QUOTE_COPY_C Others Copy Quote Component Page ibeSQtcCopy.jsp
Copy Quote Options Display Page STORE_QUOTE_COPY_OPT Others Copy Quote Options Display Page ibeSQtdCopyOpt.jsp
Copy Quote Options Component Page STORE_QUOTE_COPY_OPT_C Others Copy Quote Options Component Page ibeSQtcCopyOpt.jsp
Copy Quote Process Page STORE_QUOTE_COPY_P Others Copy Quote Process Page ibeSQtpCopy.jsp
Create Quote Display Page STORE_QUOTE_CREATE Others Create Quote Display Page ibeSQtdCreate.jsp
Quote Create Attachments STORE_QUOTE_CREATE_ATTCH Others Quote Create Attachments ibeSQtdCreateAttch.jsp
Quote Create Attachment Component Page STORE_QUOTE_CREATE_ATTCH_C Others Quote Create Attachment Component Page ibeSQtcCreateAttch.jsp
Create Quote Process Page STORE_QUOTE_CREATE_P Others Create Quote Process Page ibeSQtpCreate.jsp
Enter Promotion Code Display Page STORE_QUOTE_ENTER_PROMO Others Enter Promotion Code Display Page ibeSQtdEnterPromo.jsp
Enter Promotion Code Component Page STORE_QUOTE_ENTER_PROMO_C Others Enter Promotion Code Component Page ibeSQtcEnterPromo.jsp
View Quote Header Details Display Page STORE_QUOTE_HEADER Others View Quote Header Details Display Page ibeSQtdHeader.jsp
Increase Quote Version Display Page STORE_QUOTE_INC_VER Others Increase Quote Version Display Page ibeSQtdIncVer.jsp
Increase Quote Version Component Page STORE_QUOTE_INC_VER_C Others Increase Quote Version Component Page ibeSQtcIncVer.jsp
View Quote Item Details Display Page STORE_QUOTE_ITEMS Others View Quote Item Details Display Page ibeSQtdItems.jsp
Quote Line Details Component Page STORE_QUOTE_ITEMS_C Others Quote Line Details Component Page ibeSQtcItems.jsp
View Quote Item Details Process Page STORE_QUOTE_ITEMS_P Others View Quote Item Details Process Page ibeSQtpItems.jsp
Quote Item Search Display Page STORE_QUOTE_ITEM_SRCH Others Quote Item Search Display Page ibeSQtdItemSrch.jsp
Quote Item Search Component Page STORE_QUOTE_ITEM_SRCH_C Others Quote Item Search Component Page ibeSQtcItemSrch.jsp
List Quotes Display Page STORE_QUOTE_LIST Others List Quotes Display Page ibeSQtdList.jsp
Quote List Agreements STORE_QUOTE_LIST_AGRMNT Others Quote List Agreements ibeSQtdListAgrmnt.jsp
Quote List Agreements Component Page STORE_QUOTE_LIST_AGRMNT_C Others Quote List Agreements Component Page ibeSQtcListAgrmnt.jsp
Quote List Attachments STORE_QUOTE_LIST_ATTCH Others Quote List Attachments ibeSQtdListAttch.jsp
Quote List Attachments Component Page STORE_QUOTE_LIST_ATTCH_C Others Quote List Attachments Component Page ibeSQtcListAttch.jsp
List Quotes Component Page STORE_QUOTE_LIST_C Others List Quotes Component Page ibeSQtcList.jsp
List More Versions Display Page STORE_QUOTE_LIST_MORE Others List More Versions Display Page ibeSQtdListMore.jsp
List More Versions Component Page STORE_QUOTE_LIST_MORE_C Others List More Versions Component Page ibeSQtcListMore.jsp
List More Versions Process Page STORE_QUOTE_LIST_MORE_P Others List More Versions Process Page ibeSQtpListMore.jsp
List Quotes Process Page STORE_QUOTE_LIST_P Others List Quotes Process Page ibeSQtpList.jsp
Quote Detail Main Display Page STORE_QUOTE_MAIN Others Quote Detail Main Display Page ibeSQtdMain.jsp
Quote Detail Main Component Page STORE_QUOTE_MAIN_C Others Quote Detail Main Component Page ibeSQtcMain.jsp
Quote Detail Main Process Page STORE_QUOTE_MAIN_P Others Quote Detail Main Process Page ibeSQtpMain.jsp
Quoting Submenu Display Page STORE_QUOTE_MENU Others Quoting Submenu Display Page ibeSQtdMenu.jsp
Quote header info for listMore display page STORE_QUOTE_MORE_HEADER Others Quote header info for listMore display page ibeSQtdMoreHdr.jsp
Search parameters for listMore display page STORE_QUOTE_MORE_SRCH Others Search parameters for listMore display page ibeSQtdMoreSrch.jsp
Quote Note Container Page STORE_QUOTE_NOTES Others Quote Note Container Page ibeSQtdNotes.jsp
Quote Detail Print Display Page STORE_QUOTE_PRINT Others Quote Detail Print Display Page ibeSQtdPrint.jsp
Quote Sales Credits Container Page STORE_QUOTE_SALES_CREDITS Others Quote Sales Credits Container Page ibeSQtdSalesCredits.jsp
Quote Sales Credits Component Page STORE_QUOTE_SALES_CREDITS_C Others Quote Sales Credits Component Page ibeSQtcSalesCredits.jsp
View Quote Shipment Display Page STORE_QUOTE_SHIP_HEADER Others View Quote Shipment Display Page ibeSQtdHdrShip.jsp
View Quote Shipment Process Page STORE_QUOTE_SHIP_HEADER_P Others View Quote Shipment Process Page ibeSQtpHdrShip.jsp
Sales Credits Table Display Page STORE_QUOTE_SLS_CREDITS_TBL Others Sales Credits Table Display Page ibeSQtdSlsCrTable.jsp
Sales Credits Table Processing Page STORE_QUOTE_SLS_CREDITS_TBL_P Others Sales Credits Table Processing Page ibeSQtpSlsCrTable.jsp
Enter Search Parameters Display Page STORE_QUOTE_SRCH Others Enter Search Parameters Display Page ibeSQtdSrch.jsp
Salesrep Search Page STORE_QUOTE_SRP_SEARCH Others Salesrep Search Page ibeSQtdSrpSearch.jsp
Salesrep Search Results Container Page STORE_QUOTE_SRP_SEARCH_RSLTS Others Salesrep Search Results Container Page ibeSQtdSrpSrchRslts.jsp
Salesrep Search Results Component Page STORE_QUOTE_SRP_SEARCH_RSLTS_C Others Salesrep Search Results Component Page ibeSQtcSrpSrchRslts.jsp
Salesrep Search Results Processing Page STORE_QUOTE_SRP_SEARCH_RSLTS_P Others Salesrep Search Results Processing Page ibeSQtpSrpSrchRslts.jsp
Quote Task Container Page STORE_QUOTE_TASKS Others Quote Task Container Page ibeSQtdTasks.jsp
Table of Quotes Display Page STORE_QUOTE_TBL Others Table of Quotes Display Page ibeSQtdTbl.jsp
View Quote Version History Display Page STORE_QUOTE_VERSIONS Others View Quote Version History Display Page ibeSQtdVersions.jsp
Quote Version History Component Page STORE_QUOTE_VERSIONS_C Others Quote Version History Component Page ibeSQtcVersions.jsp
View Quote Version History Process Page STORE_QUOTE_VERSIONS_P Others View Quote Version History Process Page ibeSQtpVersions.jsp
Table of Quote Versions Dispaly Page STORE_QUOTE_VER_TBL Others Table of Quote Versions Dispaly Page ibeSQtdVerTbl.jsp
Review Promotion Code Display Page STORE_QUOTE_VIEW_PROMO Others Review Promotion Code Display Page ibeSQtdViewPromo.jsp
Review Promotion Code Component Page STORE_QUOTE_VIEW_PROMO_C Others Review Promotion Code Component Page ibeSQtcViewPromo.jsp
STORE_CART_LIST_QUOTES STORE_CART_LIST_QUOTES Others This is a container page to display Quotes listing ibeCScdListQ.jsp
STORE_CART_LIST_QUOTES_P STORE_CART_LIST_QUOTES_P Others Processing page for ‘Quote Listing' ibeCScpListQ.jsp

Non-Current Display Templates

The following table lists seeded Customer UI Display Templates from previous releases. These templates are not currently used, but are preserved for backward-compatibility purposes.

Non-Current Display Templates
Name Prog. Access Name Category Description Source File
Catalog Browse STORE_CTLG_BROWSE Others Catalog - Hierarchy Browse - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecbrws.jsp
Catalog Buy Routing STORE_CTLG_BUY_ROUTE Others Catalog - Buy Routing - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecbrte.jsp
Catalog Display Routing STORE_CTLG_DISPLAY_ROUTE Others Catalog Display Routing - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecdrte.jsp
Catalog Display Routing Included STORE_CTLG_DISPLAY_ROUTE_INCLUDED Others Catalog - display routing page included within another page - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecdrti.jsp
Catalog Drill Down Leaf Section STORE_CTLG_DRILL_DOWN_LEAF Others Catalog - drill down to the leaf sections - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecddlf.jsp
Catalog Drill Down Leaf Section Included STORE_CTLG_DRILL_DOWN_LEAF_INCLUDED Others Catalog - drill down to the leaf sections included in another page - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecdlfi.jsp
Catalog Featured Product STORE_CTLG_FEATURED_ITEM Others Catalog - featured product - 11.5.5 Maintenance Pack ibecfitm.jsp
Catalog Featured Section STORE_CTLG_FEATURED_SECTION Others Catalog - featured section - 11.5.3 Maintenance Pack ibecfsct.jsp
Catalog Featured Section Included STORE_CTLG_FEATURED_SECTION_INCLUDED Others Catalog - featured section included within another page - 11.5.5 Maintenance Pack ibecfsti.jsp
Catalog Product Detail STORE_CTLG_ITEM_DETAIL Others Catalog - product detail - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecitmd.jsp
Catalog Item Relationship STORE_CTLG_ITEM_RELATION Others Catalog - Item Relationship - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecirel.jsp
Catalog Item Routing STORE_CTLG_ITEM_ROUTE Others Catalog - Item Routing - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecirte.jsp
Catalog Leaf Product Single STORE_CTLG_LEAF_ITEM Others Catalog - leaf product allowing to add single product to the shopping cart - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibeclitm.jsp
Catalog Path STORE_CTLG_PATH Others Catalog - Path - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecpath.jsp
Catalog Leaf Section Multiple STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SECTION_MULTIPLE Others Catalog - leaf section allowing to add multiple products to the shopping cart - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibeclfsm.jsp
Catalog Leaf Section Single STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SECTION_SINGLE Others Catalog - leaf section allowing to add single product to the shopping cart - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibeclfss.jsp
Catalog Leaf Section Multiple Included STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SECT_MULTIPLE_INCLUDED Others Catalog - leaf section allowing to add multiple products to the shopping cart included in another page - 11.5.5 Maintenance Pack ibeclsmi.jsp
Catalog Leaf Section Single Included STORE_CTLG_LEAF_SECT_SINGLE_INCLUDED Others Catalog - leaf section allowing to add single product to the shopping cart included in another page - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibeclssi.jsp
SHOP LIST ADD ITEM STORE_SHLIST_ADD_ITEM Others Add items to a list - pre-R11.5.4 ibeslald.jsp
SHOP LIST ADD ITEM PROCESS STORE_SHLIST_ADD_ITEM_P Others Processes addition of items to list - pre-R11.5.4 ibeslalp.jsp
SHOP LIST DISPLAY STORE_SHLIST_DISPLAY Others Display shopping list - pre-R11.5.4 ibesldld.jsp
SHOP LISTS DISPLAY STORE_SHLIST_DISPLAY_LIST Others Displays shopping lists - pre-R11.5.4 ibesldlh.jsp
SHOP LIST PROCESS STORE_SHLIST_DISPLAY_LIST_P Others Processes shopping lists - pre-R11.5.4 ibesldhp.jsp
SHOP LIST PROCESS STORE_SHLIST_DISPLAY_P Others Processes shopping list - pre-R11.5.4 ibesldlp.jsp
SHOP LIST ERROR STORE_SHLIST_ERROR Others Shows shopping list errors - pre-R11.5.4 ibeslwar.jsp
SHOP LIST SAVE STORE_SHLIST_SAVE Others Save a shopping list - pre-R11.5.4 ibeslcla.jsp
SHOP LIST SAVE PROCESS STORE_SHLIST_SAVE_P Others Process saving of shopping list - pre-R11.5.4 ibeslclp.jsp
POST SALES ADDRESS DISPLAY STORE_PSI_ADDRESS_DISPLAY Others Address display page - pre R11.5.4 ibeiaddr.jsp
INVOICE DETAIL STORE_PSI_INVOICE_DETAIL Others Invoice details - pre R11.5.4 ibeiinvd.jsp
INVOICE PAYMENT DETAIL STORE_PSI_INVOICE_PAYMENT_DETAIL Others Invoice payment details - pre R11.5.4 ibeiivpd.jsp
INVOICE SUMMARY STORE_PSI_INVOICE_SUMMARY Others Invoice summary - pre R11.5.4 ibeiinvh.jsp
SHOW ORDER DETAIL STORE_PSI_ORDER_DETAIL Others Shows order detail - pre R11.5.4 ibeiodtl.jsp
SHOW SEARCH HEADERS STORE_PSI_ORDER_SUMMARY Others Order search results page - pre R11.5.4 ibeiohdr.jsp
PAYMENT DETAIL STORE_PSI_PAYMENT_DETAIL Others Payment details - pre R11.5.4 ibeipmtd.jsp
PAYMENT SUMMARY STORE_PSI_PAYMENT_SUMMARY Others Payment summary - pre R11.5.4 ibeipmth.jsp
SHIPMENT STORE_PSI_SHIPMENT_DETAIL Others Shipment details - pre R11.5.4 ibeiship.jsp
POST SALES NAVIGATION BAR STORE_PSI_SIDE_NAVBAR Others Post sales navigation bar - pre R11.5.4 ibeiside.jsp
ATP HEADER STORE_PSI_ATP_HEADER Others Display ATP headers - pre-R11.5.4 ibeiatph.jsp
ATP REDIRECT STORE_PSI_ATP_REDIRECT Others ATP Redirect page - pre-R11.5.4 ibeiatpr.jsp
ATP RESULTS STORE_PSI_ITEM_AVAILABILITY Others Item availability report - pre-R11.5.4 ibeicatp.jsp
CONFIGURATOR BRANCH STORE_CONFIG_BRANCH Others Processes a configurator request - pre-R11.5.4 ibefbrch.jsp
CONFIGURED ITEM DISPLAY STORE_CONFIG_DISPLAY Others Include page to display a configured item - pre-R11.5.4 ibefdisp.jsp
CONFIGURATOR FRAME STORE_CONFIG_FRAME_SRCS Others Provides frame specification to the configurator - pre-R11.5.4 ibeffrms.jsp
CONFIGURATOR LAUNCH STORE_CONFIG_LAUNCH Others Launches the configurator - pre-R11.5.4 ibefcnfg.jsp
CONFIGURATOR REDIRECT STORE_CONFIG_REDIRECT Others Redirects request to the configurator - pre-R11.5.4 ibefredr.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT CANCEL STORE_ORDER_XPR_CANCEL Others Cancel a express chk out order - pre-R11.5.4 ibeo1ccl.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT ERROR STORE_ORDER_XPR_ERROR Others Error during express chk out - pre-R11.5.4 ibeo1err.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT PROCESS STORE_ORDER_XPR_PROCESS Others Processes the express chk out request - pre-R11.5.4 ibeo1dob.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT SETTINGS DISPLAY STORE_ORDER_XPR_SETTINGS_DISPLAY Others Displays express chk out settings - pre-R11.5.4 ibeo1set.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT SETTINGS SAVE STORE_ORDER_XPR_SETTINGS_SAVE Others Save express chk out settings - pre-R11.5.4 ibeo1sav.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT TAG AREA STORE_ORDER_XPR_TAG_AREA Others Displays the area around the chk out tag - pre-R11.5.4 ibeo1tag.jsp
EXPRESS CHK OUT VIEW STORE_ORDER_XPR_VIEW Others View a express chk out order - pre-R11.5.4 ibeo1vew.jsp
Account Select Display STORE_CUST_ACC_SELECT Others Account Select Display - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCAcdChooseAcct.jsp
Account Select Processing STORE_CUST_ACC_SELECTED Others Account Select Processing - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCAcpChooseAcct.jsp
My account menu STORE_CUST_ACC_SUBMENU Others My account menu - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCAcdMenu.jsp
User profile STORE_CUST_PROFILE Others User profile - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCAcpProfile.jsp
USER ACCOUNT LOGIN STORE_USR_ACC_LOGIN Others User account login - pre-R11.5.4 ibealgn1.jsp
USER ACCOUNT AUTHENTICATION STORE_USR_ACC_LOGIN_AUTH Others User account authentication - pre-R11.5.4 ibealgn2.jsp
USER ACCOUNT CREATION STORE_USR_ACC_CREATE Others User account creation - pre-R11.5.4 ibebcrac.jsp
USER ACCOUNT EDIT STORE_USR_ACC_EDIT Others User account edit - pre-R11.5.4 ibebmoac.jsp
USER ACCOUNT HOME STORE_USR_ACC_HOME Others User account home - pre-R11.5.4 ibeahome.jsp
USER ACCOUNT LOGOUT STORE_USR_ACC_LOGOUT Others User account logout - pre-R11.5.4 ibealgot.jsp
User Password STORE_USR_ACC_PASSWORD Others User Password - pre-R11.5.4 ibeapwd.jsp
USER ACCOUNT SELECTION STORE_USR_ACC_SELECT Others User account selection - pre-R11.5.4 ibealgn3.jsp
USER ACCOUNT SELECTED STORE_USR_ACC_SELECTED Others User account selected - pre-R11.5.4 ibealgn4.jsp
USER ACCOUNT SUBMENU STORE_USR_ACC_SUBMENU Others User account submenu - pre-R11.5.4 ibeamenu.jsp
User Welcome Bin STORE_USR_ACC_WELCOME Others User welcome bin - pre-R11.5.4 ibeawlcm.jsp
USER CREATION STORE_USR_CREATE Others User creation - pre-R11.5.4 ibebcrus.jsp
USER EDIT STORE_USR_EDIT Others User edit - pre-R11.5.4 ibebmous.jsp
Store User Signin STORE_USR_SIGNIN Others Store User Signin - pre-R11.5.4 ibeasgnn.jsp
SHOPPING CART ADD ITEM STORE_SCART_ADD_ITEM Others Add Item to Cart Page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescalh.jsp
SHOPPING CART ADD ONE ITEM STORE_SCART_ADD_ONE_ITEM Others Add Item to Cart Page for one item - pre-R11.5.4 ibescabh.jsp
SHOPPING CART BLURB STORE_SCART_BLURB Others Shopping cart blurb - pre-R11.5.4 ibesciah.jsp
SHOP CART DIRECT ENTRY STORE_SCART_DIRECT_ENTRY Others Enter customers inv items to cart - direct entry - pre-R11.5.4 ibescedh.jsp
SHOP CART DIRECT ENTRY PROCESS STORE_SCART_DIRECT_ENTRY_P Others Processes direct entries - pre-R11.5.4 ibescedp.jsp
SHOPPING CART GET SHAREE STORE_SCART_GET_SHAREE Others Retrieve sharee shopping cart - pre-R11.5.4 ibescrsh.jsp
SHOPPING CART GET SHAREE PROCESS STORE_SCART_GET_SHAREE_P Others Retrieve sharee shopping cart process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescrsr.jsp
SHOPPING CART LIST1 STORE_SCART_LIST1 Others Convert Cart to List 1 - pre-R11.5.4 ibesccar.jsp
SHOPPING CART LIST1 ROUTE STORE_SCART_LIST1_P Others Convert Cart to List 1 Process Page - pre-R11.5.4 ibesccbr.jsp
SHOPPING CART LIST2 STORE_SCART_LIST2 Others Convert Cart to List 2 - pre-R11.5.4 ibesccla.jsp
SHOPPING CART LIST2 PROCESS STORE_SCART_LIST2_P Others Convert cart to list 2 process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescclb.jsp
SHOPPING CART MODIFY STORE_SCART_MODIFY Others Modify shopping cart - pre-R11.5.4 ibescdch.jsp
SHOPPING CART MODIFY PROCESS STORE_SCART_MODIFY_P Others Modify shopping cart process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescdcr.jsp
SHOPPING CART SAVE STORE_SCART_SAVE Others Save shopping cart - pre-R11.5.4 ibescsch.jsp
SHOPPING CART SAVE PROCESS STORE_SCART_SAVE_P Others Save shopping cart process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescscr.jsp
SHOPPING CART SAVE ACTIVE CART STORE_SCART_SAVE_ACTIVE_CART Others Saves active cart - pre-R11.5.4 ibescsap.jsp
SHOP CART SAVE ACTIVE CART PROCESS STORE_SCART_SAVE_ACTIVE_CART_P Others Save active cart process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescsar.jsp
SHOPPING CART SAVE SHAREE STORE_SCART_SAVE_SHAREE Others Save sharee shopping cart - pre-R11.5.4 ibescssh.jsp
SHOPPING CART SAVE SHAREE PROCESS STORE_SCART_SAVE_SHAREE_P Others Save sharee shopping cart process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescssr.jsp
SHOPPING CART SHARE MERCHANT STORE_SCART_SHARE_MERCHANT Others Share cart with merchant - pre-R11.5.4 ibescsmh.jsp
SHOPPING CART SHARE MERCHANT PROCESS STORE_SCART_SHARE_MERCHANT_P Others Share cart with merchant process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescsmr.jsp
SHOPPING CART VIEW STORE_SCART_VIEW Others View shopping cart - pre-R11.5.4 ibescvch.jsp
SHOPPING CART VIEW PROCESS STORE_SCART_VIEW_P Others View shopping cart process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescvcr.jsp
SHOPPING CART VIEW DISCOUNT STORE_SCART_VIEW_DISCOUNT Others View shopping cart discount - pre-R11.5.4 ibescpch.jsp
SHOPPING CART LISTS VIEW STORE_SCART_VIEW_LIST Others View shopping cart lists - pre-R11.5.4 ibescdlh.jsp
SHOPPING CART LISTS VIEW PROCESS STORE_SCART_VIEW_LIST_P Others View shopping cart lists process page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescdlr.jsp
SHOPPING CART WARN 1 STORE_SCART_WARN1 Others Shopping cart warning page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescwha.jsp
SHOPPING CART WARN 2 STORE_SCART_WARN2 Others Shopping cart warning page - pre-R11.5.4 ibescwhb.jsp
REGISTER USER STORE_REGISTER_USER Others Register new user - pre-R11.5.4 ibescuih.jsp
User Account Management STORE_USR_MGMT_ACC_W Others User Account Management - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCUmpAcctWrap.jsp
Add User Account STORE_USR_MGMT_ADD_ACC_W Others Add User Account - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCUmpAddAcctWrap.jsp
Permission Management STORE_USR_MGMT_PERM_W Others Permission Management - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCUmpPermWrap.jsp
Role Management STORE_USR_MGMT_ROLE_W Others Role Management - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCUmpRoleWrap.jsp
User Management STORE_USR_MGMT_USER_W Others User Management - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCUmpUserWrap.jsp
Role Delete STORE_USR_ROLE_DELETE Others Role Delete - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCUmdRoleDelCfm.jsp
Role processing STORE_USR_ROLE_PROCESS Others Role processing - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCUmpRole.jsp
Role creation STORE_USR_ROLE_CREATE Others Role creation - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCUmdRoleCreate.jsp
Business User registration display STORE_CUST_BUSINESS_REGISTRATION Others Business User registration display - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCAcdBizUserReg.jsp
Registration processing STORE_CUST_REGISTRATION Others Registration processing - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCAcpRegistration.jsp
End User registration display STORE_CUST_SIGNIN Others End User registration display - not used post R11.5.9 ibeCAcdEndUserReg.jsp
User Account Management STORE_USR_ADMIN_ACC Others User Account Management - pre-R11.5.4 ibebusac.jsp
User Account Management STORE_USR_ADMIN_ACC_W Others User Account Management - pre-R11.5.4 ibebwusa.jsp
Add User Account STORE_USR_ADMIN_ADD_ACC Others Add User Account - pre-R11.5.4 ibebadac.jsp
Add User Account STORE_USR_ADMIN_ADD_ACC_W Others Add User Account - pre-R11.5.4 ibebwada.jsp
Permission Management STORE_USR_ADMIN_PERM Others Permission Management - pre-R11.5.4 ibebperm.jsp
Permission Management STORE_USR_ADMIN_PERM_W Others Permission Management - pre-R11.5.4 ibebwprm.jsp
Role Management STORE_USR_ADMIN_ROLE Others Role Management - pre-R11.5.4 ibebrole.jsp
Role Management STORE_USR_ADMIN_ROLE_W Others Role Management - pre-R11.5.4 ibebwrol.jsp
User Management STORE_USR_ADMIN_USER Others User Management - pre-R11.5.4 ibebuser.jsp
User Management STORE_USR_ADMIN_USER_W Others User Management - pre-R11.5.4 ibebwusr.jsp
USER CREDIT CARD CREATION STORE_USR_CC_CREATE Others User credit card creation - pre-R11.5.4 ibeacccr.jsp
USER CREDIT CARD DELETION STORE_USR_CC_DELETE Others User credit card deletion - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaccdl.jsp
USER CREDIT CARD DISPLAY STORE_USR_CC_DISPLAY Others User credit card display - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaccv1.jsp
USER CREDIT CARD EDIT STORE_USR_CC_EDIT Others User credit card edit - pre-R11.5.4 ibeacced.jsp
USER CREDIT CARD EXPIRATION STORE_USR_CC_EXPIRATION Others User credit card expiration - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaccex.jsp
USER CREDIT CARD PRIMARY STORE_USR_CC_PRIMARY Others User credit card primary - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaccpr.jsp
USER PAYMENT BOOKS DISPLAY STORE_USR_PMTBK_DISPLAY Others Displays an user payment books - pre-R11.5.4 ibeapmtb.jsp
USER PAYMENT BOOKS SAVE STORE_USR_PMTBK_SAVE Others Saves an user payment books - pre-R11.5.4 ibeapbsv.jsp
ADDRESS BOOK STORE_ADDR_BOOK Others Shows address book entries - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaadbk.jsp
ADDRESS CREATE STORE_ADDR_CREATE Others Create address book entry - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaadcr.jsp
ADDRESS DELETE STORE_ADDR_DELETE Others Deletes an address book entry - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaaddl.jsp
ADDRESS DISPLAY STORE_ADDR_DISPLAY Others Displays the address book - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaadv1.jsp
ADDRESS DISPLAY ALTERNATIVE STORE_ADDR_DISPLAY_ALT Others Displays the address book - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaadv2.jsp
ADDRESS EDIT STORE_ADDR_EDIT Others Edit an address book entry - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaaded.jsp
ADDRESS PRIMARY STORE_ADDR_PRIMARY Others Displays the primary address of the customer - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaadpr.jsp
ADDRESS SELECT STORE_ADDR_SLECT Others Select a particular address - pre-R11.5.4 ibeaads1.jsp
SEARCH REFINE STORE_SRCH_REFINE Others Refine search criteria - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecskrf.jsp
SEARCH RESULT STORE_SRCH_RESULT Others Shows search results - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibecskr3.jsp
Store Help STORE_HELP   Store Help - 11.5.5 Maintenance Pack ibeahelp.jsp
Store Home STORE_HOME   Store home page - 11.5.4 Maintenance Pack ibezhome.jsp
Enter Promotion Code STORE_CART_ENTER_PROMO Shopping Cart Enter Promotion Code page ibeCScdEnterPromo.jsp
Enter Promotion Code STORE_CART_ENTER_PROMO_P Shopping Cart Enter Promotion Code process page ibeCScpEnterPromo.jsp
Table of Read-ony Promotion Code Display Page STORE_CART_PROMO_ROTBL Shopping Cart Table of Read-ony Promotion Code Display Page ibeCScdPromoROTbl.jsp
Table of Promotion Code Display Page STORE_CART_PROMO_TBL Shopping Cart Table of Promotion Code Display Page ibeCScdPromoTbl.jsp
View Promotion Code STORE_CART_VIEW_PROMO Shopping Cart View promotion code page ibeCScdViewPromo.jsp
View Promotion Code STORE_CART_VIEW_PROMO_P Shopping Cart View promotion process code page ibeCScpViewPromo.jsp

Media Objects

The following table lists seeded media objects. Source files are stored in the OA_MEDIA directory.

For a list of the language image media objects, see the section, "Language Images", in the chapter, Implementing Initial Customer Application Pages.

For a list of messages which also are seeded as media objects, see the section, "Using Media Objects to Present Message Text" in the chapter, Implementing Content.

For a list of content components, see the section, "Seeded Content Components" in the chapter, Implementing Content.

Media Objects
Name Programmatic Access Name Source File Usage Suggestion
Store section small image STORE_CTLG_SECTION_SMALL_IMAGE None Use to display section small images
Store item small image STORE_CTLG_PRODUCT_SMALL_IMAGE None Use to display product small images
Store item large image STORE_CTLG_PRODUCT_LARGE_IMAGE None Use to display product large images
Calalogue Item Dropdown Image STORE_CTLG_ITEM_DROP_DOWN_IMAGE None Use to display product drop-down images
Catalogue Section Link image STORE_CTLG_SCT_LINK_IMAGE None Use to display product images in multiple select templates
Tab Deselected Close Image STORE_TAB_DESEL_CLOSE ibeEOStltr5_default.gif Use to display right corner of deselected tab in menu bar
My Account STORE_TAB_LINK_ACCT ibeTabLinkAcct.gif Profile button at top right of screen
Shopping Cart STORE_TAB_LINK_CART ibeTabLinkCart.gif Cart button at top right of screen
Help STORE_TAB_LINK_HELP ibeTabLinkHelp.gif Help button at top right of screen
Order Tracker STORE_TAB_LINK_ORDER ibeTabLinkOrder.gif Order button at top right of screen
Store Logo STORE_TAB_LOGO None Logo displayed at the top left of the catalog pages
Store Logo STORE_LOGO None  
Store Main Logo STORE_LOGO_MAIN ibeTabLogo.gif Logo that displays at the top left of the Site Selection Page
Specialty Site Logo Image STORE_LOGO_SPECIALTY None The small images displayed in front of the specialty sites in site selection page
Tab Selected Close Image STORE_TAB_SEL_CLOSE ibeEOStltr6_default.gif Use to display right corner of selected tab in menu bar
Bin Open Image STORE_BIN_OPEN_IMAGE ibeEOSutl02_default.gif Use to display left corner of bin
Bin Close Image STORE_BIN_CLOSE_IMAGE ibeEOSutr02_default.gif Use to display right corner of bin
Selected Cart Image STORE_SEL_CART_IMAGE ibeTabLinkCartS.gif Use to display the selected cart icon
Deselected Cart Image STORE_DESEL_CART_IMAGE ibeTabLinkCart.gif Use to display the deselected cart icon
Selected Account Image STORE_SEL_ACCOUNT_IMAGE ibeEOSuspr1_default.gif Use to display the selected account icon
Deselected Account Image STORE_DESEL_ACCOUNT_IMAGE ibeEOSuspr0_default.gif Use to display the deselected account icon
Selected Order Image STORE_SEL_ORDER_IMAGE ibeTabLinkOrderS.gif Use to display the selected order icon
Deselected Order Image STORE_DESEL_ORDER_IMAGE ibeTabLinkOrder.gif Use to display the deselected order icon
Selected Help Image STORE_SEL_HELP_IMAGE ibeTabLinkHelpS.gif Use to display the selected help icon
Deselected Help Image STORE_DESEL_HELP_IMAGE ibeTabLinkHelp.gif Use to display the deselected help icon
Transparent Image STORE_TRANSPARENT_IMAGE ibeEOSutrpx_default.gif  
Subtab Top Image STORE_SUBTAB_TOP ibeEOSunvbf_default.gif Use to display the top image of subtab bar
Subtab Separator Image STORE_SUBTAB_SEPARATOR ibeEOSussep_default.gif Use to display the image of subtab separator
Tab Deselected Open Image STORE_TAB_DESEL_OPEN ibeEOStltr0_default.gif Use to display left corner of deselected tab in menu bar
Tab Selected Open Image STORE_TAB_SEL_OPEN ibeEOStltr1_default.gif Use to display left corner of selected tab in menu bar
Tab Deselected Close Selected Open Image STORE_TAB_DESEL_CLOSE_DESEL_OPEN ibeEOStltr2_default.gif Use to display the image between two deselected tabs in menu bar
Tab Deselected Close Selected Open Image STORE_TAB_DESEL_CLOSE_SEL_OPEN ibeEOStltr3_default.gif Use to display the image between a deselected tab and a selected tab in menu bar
Tab Selected Close Deselected Open Image STORE_TAB_SEL_CLOSE_DESEL_OPEN ibeEOStltr4_default.gif Use to display the image between a selected tab and a deselected tab in menu bar
Tab Bottom Image STORE_TAB_BOTTOM ibeEOSsltr1_default.gif Use to display the bottom of tab in menu bar
Subtab Curve Top Image STORE_SUBTAB_CURVE_TOP ibeEOSsltr2_default.gif Use to display the image of curve top in subtab bar
Subtab Curve Bottom Image STORE_SUBTAB_CURVE_BOTTOM ibeEOSsltr3_default.gif Use to display the image of curve bottom in subtab bar
Menu Right Edge Top Image STORE_MENU_RIGHT_EDGE_TOP ibeEOSsltr4_default.gif Use to display the image of right edge of menu bar
Subtab Bottom Image STORE_SUBTAB_BOTTOM ibeEOSsltr5_default.gif Use to display the bottom of subtab in subtab bar
Menu Left Edge Image STORE_MENU_LEFT_EDGE ibeEOSsltr6_default.gif Use to display the left edge of menu bar
Menu Right Edge Bottom Image STORE_MENU_RIGHT_EDGE_BOTTOM ibeEOSsltr7_default.gif Use to display the bottom of right edge of menu bar
Sign In Image STORE_SIGN_IN_IMAGE ibeEOSusin_default.gif Use to display the sign in icon
Sign Out Image STORE_SIGN_OUT_IMAGE ibeEOSusout_default.gif Use to display the sign off icon
Store Bar Top Image STORE_BAR_TOP ibeEOSwltr1_default.gif Use to display the bar top image
Store Bar Bottom Image STORE_BAR_BOTTOM ibeEOSwltr5_default.gif Use to display the bar bottom image
Store Bar Top Curve Image STORE_BAR_CURVE_TOP ibeEOSwltr2_default.gif Use to display the top of bar curve image
Store Bar Bottom Curve Image STORE_BAR_CURVE_BOTTOM ibeEOSwltr3_default.gif Use to display the bottom of bar curve image
Store Bar Tail Curve Image STORE_BAR_CURVE_TAIL ibeEOSbtail_default.gif Use to display the tail of bar curve image
Selected Sites image STORE_SEL_STORE_IMAGE ibeTabLinkStoresS.gif Use to display the selected site icon
Deselected Sites image STORE_DESEL_STORE_IMAGE ibeTabLinkStores.gif Use to display the deselected site icon
Store copyright text STORE_BOTTOM_CUST_COPYRIGHT None Use to display copyright statement at the bottom of Customer UI
Store privacy link STORE_BOTTOM_CUST_PRIVACY None Use to display privacy link (HTML link) at the bottom of Customer UI
Store Privacy Statement STORE_PRIVACY_STATEMENT None Use to display HTML file that states merchant's privacy policy

Language Images Seeded Values

The table below lists the seeded languages for the Language List, along with their language codes and physical media files for the "selected" language images. Note: The physical media files for the "deselected" language images are identical to the "selected" language media files, except for the final S on the end of the file name. For example, the physical media file mapped to the Arabic "deselected" language image is ibeLangAR.gif, while the "selected" physical file is ibeLangARS.gif.

For more information on the Language List in the Customer Application, see the chapter, Implementing Customer Application Initial Pages.

Oracle iStore Seeded Language Images
Language Language Code Mapped Physical Media for "Selected" Language Images
Arabic AR /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangARS.gif
Chinese, Simplified ZHS /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangZHSS.gif
Chinese, Traditional ZHT /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangZHTS.gif
Danish DK /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangDKS.gif
Dutch NL /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangNLS.gif
English, U.S. US /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangUS.gif
Finnish SF /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangSFS.gif
French, Canadian FRC /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangFRCS.gif
French, European F /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangFS.gif
German D /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangDS.gif
Greek EL /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangELS.gif
Hebrew IW /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangIWS.gif
Italian I /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangIS.gif
Japanese JA /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangJAS.gif
Korean KO /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangKOS.gif
Norwegian N /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangNS.gif
Portuguese, Brazilian NL /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangNLS.gif
Portuguese, European PT /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangPTS.gif
Russian RU /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangRUS.gif
Spanish, Latin American ESA /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangESAS.gif
Spanish, European E /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangES.gif
Swedish S /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangSS.gif
Thai TH /OA_MEDIA/ibeLangTHS.gif

Other seeded media objects for the Language List are:

Other seeded media objects for the Language List are: