Implementing and Administering Data Mining

This chapter covers the following topics:

Data Mining Overview

Data Mining is the process of discovering patterns and relationships in large amounts of data. These patterns and behaviors are used to predict the behavior or customers and prospects.

A marketer uses the data by building “models” which act as a set of rules used to predict the value of a specific customer attribute. The prediction is based on the known values of other attributes. Oracle Marketing is integrated out-of-the-box with Oracle10g R2 Data Mining to build predictive models of customer behavior.

After installing Oracle Marketing, several implementation and administrative tasks must be performed to ensure that ODM is configured to fit your business needs.

Implementing Data Mining

A license for Oracle10g Data Mining Release 2 is a prerequisite for using data mining functionality within Oracle Marketing. Upon installation of Oracle Marketing, data mining functionality is automatically implemented. In other words, there are no additional required implementation steps.

The implementation steps listed in this section are optional and only necessary if additional functionality is required by specific business processes. This section assumes that Oracle Marketing and Oracle Data Mining are installed on the same database instance. Additionally, this section assumes the following:

To perform optional implementation steps, see the following sections:

Registering Your ODM Password with Oracle Applications

Registering the Oracle Data Mining (ODM) schema with Applications Foundation allows ODM to programmatically fetch the ODM username and encrypted password, thus avoiding the security risk of maintaining this information in a property file.

During the installation process the ODM schema is registered as an external schema with Oracle Applications and a default database username (ODM) and password is assigned. For security reasons, you should change this password.

To change the password, log in as a user with System Administrator responsibility.

Navigation: Security > ORACLE > Register


Activating the Data Mining Concurrent Manager

A concurrent manager is required exclusively for running data mining concurrent requests in order to avoid deadlock when multiple models or scoring runs are generated in parallel.

To activate the data mining concurrent manager, log in to Oracle Applications as a user with the System Administrator responsibility.

Navigation: Concurrent > Manager > Administer


Setting System Profiles

Set the following data mining system profiles as mandated by your business requirements.

Data Mining System Profiles
Option Required Level Setting Effect/Limitation
AMS : Data Mining ODM Debug Enabled Optional User Default value is No.
If set to Yes - debug is turned on
If set to No - debug is turned off
Enables debugging information to be written in the concurrent request log.
This is optional because turning on debug is optional.
AMS: Default Fixed Cost for Optimal Targeting Required Site 0 Defaults the fixed cost in the Optimal Targeting page.
AMS: Default Margin per Order for Optimal Targeting Required Site 2 This profile enables users to set a default value for the margin per order. The profile value will be used for default calculations. Users can change the values as per their need.
AMS: Default Cost per Contact for Optimal Targeting Required Site 1 This profile enables users to set a default value for the cost per Contact. The profile value will be used for default calculations. Users can change the values as per their needs.
AMS: Default Conversion to Order Percentage for Optimal Targeting Required Site 5 This profile enables users to set a default value for order conversion rate. The profile value will be used for default calculations. Users can change the values as per their needs.

Note: If the application and ODM are in the same database instance, set the profile AMS_ODM_DBLINK as NULL..

Running Data Mining Concurrent Programs

The data mining concurrent programs can be accessed by either logging into applications as System Administrator and navigating to Concurrent > Requests or by logging into Oracle Marketing as the Marketing Super User and navigating to Administration > Marketing > Predictive Analytics > Concurrent Requests.

Use the table below to run concurrent programs as mandated by your business requirements.

Data Mining Concurrent Programs
Concurrent Manager Required Responsibility Description
Workflow Background Process Yes System Administrator Parameters Form:
  • Item Type: AMS Data Mining - Build/Score/Preview

  • Minimum Threshold: Leave blank.

  • Maximum Threshold: Leave blank.

  • Process Deferred: Yes

  • Process Timeout: Yes

  • Process Stuck: Yes

    For the Workflow daemon to monitor data mining workflow requests, a frequency of 30 minutes should be sufficient.

AMS: Expire Data Mining Models Optional Oracle Marketing Administrator Background process monitoring data mining models for expiration. A frequency of once a day should be sufficient.
AMS: Update Data Mining Party Details Optional Oracle Marketing Administrator Updates detail information collected on parties. The frequency should be the same as the Customer Intelligence Model (BIC) Summary Extraction process.

Administering Data Mining Functionality using Predictive Analytics

After implementing data mining, depending on your business requirements, several administrative procedures may need to be performed.

For more information see:

Seeded Model Types

Oracle Marketing ships with seeded models. However, custom models can also be created. See Creating Custom Model Types for more information on custom models. For more information on using the seeded model types, see the Oracle Marketing User Guide.

The following model types are seeded for data mining:

Data Mining Seeded Model Types
Seeded Model Type Purpose
Response Used to predict customers/prospects that are most likely to respond to your e-mail, telemarketing, or direct mail campaign.
Loyalty/Retention Used to predict individuals or businesses that are most likely to defect from your organization. This type of model assists you in converting them to loyal customers.
Custom Used to predict the value of any customer attribute in TCA or in a user-defined data source. For example, you can set up a custom model that predicts financial risk based on a credit score attribute or a custom model to predict likelihood of high credit card balances vs. low balances.
Product Affinity Predicts the likelihood of purchasing a particular product. You can also use this model to predict propensity to buy within a given product category based on an analysis of all products in that category.
Customer Profitability Predicts the likelihood of a customer relationship being profitable.

Creating Custom Model Types

Oracle Marketing uses “predictive models” to predict future customer behavior. They are built using the Naive Bayes algorithm, which can predict binary or multi-class outcomes. Currently in Oracle Marketing, this algorithm is used to predict the binary outcomes of a target field.

For example, you might want to predict which customers are likely to respond to a direct marketing campaign or predict which customers are likely to buy a particular product. The possible values for the target field would be yes or no (i.e., a binary outcome).

A custom model type can be created to predict the value of any customer data attribute in the Oracle TCA customer data model (or in any user-defined data source) for customer information. This feature enables users to model any binary (Yes/No) customer behavior.

For example, marketers can set up a custom model to predict financial risk (based on a credit score attribute or a custom model) to predict likelihood of high credit card balances.

To create custom model types, you need to:

Add New Lookup Code

To create a new lookup code for the custom Model type, log in to Oracle Forms with Oracle Marketing Administrator Responsibility.

Navigation: Setups > Lookups


Restart HTTP Server

Lookup types are cached in the HTTP Server. Therefore, after creating a new lookup type, you must restart the HTTP server to refresh the data. The exact procedures for this step will vary depending on your environment.

Verify New Model Type

In order to begin using a new model type, you will need to setup the target field that the new model type will be predicting.

To verify the new model type, log in to Oracle Marketing as a user with super user responsibilities. Navigate to Administration > Marketing > Analytics > Targets and create a target. The custom model type you created must be visible in the Model Type drop-down list.

Defining Seeded Data Source Attributes

Oracle Marketing ships with seeded data sources that are used by both list generation and data mining functionality. The seeded data sources are editable. By default, all attributes (or columns) associated with the seeded data source are active. As the administrator, you must deactivate fields you wish to exclude for list generation and data mining analysis.

To define the data source attribute details for data mining, you should do the following:

Creating Data Sources

To create a data sources using Predictive Analytics, login as an Oracle Marketing Administrator.

Navigation: Administration > Marketing > Predictive Analytics > Data Sources > Create Data Source

For more information on creating Data Sources, see Creating Data Sources in the Audience Administration Dashboard.

Creating Targets

When marketers create predictive models, they are required to choose the model type and the target. As the administrator, you will need to set up the data sources and targets for the marketer. Terms are defined as follows:

For example, you might define a target called “Laser Printer Indicator”. This target associates a specific model type (say, Product Affinity), a user-defined data source (B2B: Orders Data Mart), and a target field (a column within the corresponding data source). When a marketer chooses the Product Affinity model type and the “Laser Printer Indicator,” they can then build a predictive model to determine who is likely to purchase a laser printer by mining data stored within the corresponding data source (in this case the “B2B: Orders Data Mart”).

Oracle Marketing currently supports binary outcomes for the target field. As such, the possible values for a target field must either be binary or must be mapped to a binary outcome. For example, if you are trying to predict high-income households, then you will set up the “Income” target field such that values greater than 100000 is defined as the positive target (yes) and the other values are non-positive (no).

Navigation: Administration > Marketing > Predictive Analytics > Targets > Create


Seeded Targets

The following targets are seeded for release 12.0: